How to Make 100k in Roofing Sales: A Comprehensive Guide

9 Min Read

Last Updated: March 7, 2024
Blue print for how to make 100k in roofing sales

The roofing sector is teeming with opportunities, offering a landscape rich in potential for growth and profitability.

It’s an exciting field, but let’s be real—it’s not suited for everyone.

You must be at the top of your game to excel in selling roofing services. You’re stepping into a competitive arena, so bringing your best is non-negotiable.

You might wonder, “Is it doable to hit $100,000 yearly in roofing sales?”

The answer is a clear YES, but you need a well-thought-out strategy.

To help you navigate this path, we’ve meticulously gathered and analyzed extensive industry data, integrated proven best practices, and research-backed insights.

Think of it as a comprehensive blueprint designed to guide you toward how to make 100k in roofing sales.

More specifically:

  • How much do roof sellers make


  • How to set and chase your sales goals


  • How to build and manage your sales pipeline


  • How to master the art of cold calling


  • How to leverage technology and tools to boost your sales performance


  • How to provide excellent customer service and generate referrals


How much do roof sellers make?

If you play your cards right, you can comfortably make as low as $80,000 and as much as $100,000/year

Set and Chase Your Sales Goals

Consider the following goals if you want to make 100k in roofing sales

  • Your income goal

How much money do you want to make in roofing sales? This will determine how many roofs you need to sell and at what price.

  • Market size

How big is your area’s potential market for roofing services? Identifying this will tell you how many leads you need to generate and the level of competition to expect.

  • Closing rate

How many leads do you convert into customers? This will determine how many appointments you need to book and how effective your roofing sales script is.

  • Average job value

How much do you charge for each roof installation or repair? This will determine the profitability of your roofing sales and the commission you earn.

Once you have decided on the factors, you can calculate your sales goals with this formula:

Sales Goal = Income Goal / (Average Job Value x Closing Rate)

If you want to make $100,000, your average job value is $10,000, and your closing rate is 50%.

Sales Goal = $100,000 / ($10,000 x 0.5) = 20 roofs

You need to sell 20 roofs worth $10,000 each at a 50% closing rate to close at $100,000.

Break the bigger goal into smaller, manageable targets you can track and measure. Monthly, weekly, and daily goals are based on the number of leads, appointments, proposals, and contracts you need to generate.

Hitting the target of 20 roofs in a year boils down to a simple monthly goal: securing two sales. Aim for at least four new leads weekly, maintaining a closing rate of at least 50%.

Monthly Goal = 4 leads x 4 weeks x 0.5 closing rate = 8 roofs

Your weekly goal is:

Weekly Goal = 4 leads x 0.5 closing rate = 2 roofs

Your daily goal is: 4 leads / 5 days = 1 lead

Pro Tip: Use a spreadsheet or CRM software (such as JobNimbus) to track your progress and performance against your goals. You can also visualize your data using a dashboard or a scoreboard (such as Roofing Sales Success Formula).

Build and Manage Your Sales Pipeline

The second step is to build and manage your sales pipeline. 

A sales pipeline visually represents your leads’ stages before they become customers. It helps you organize leads, prioritize tasks, and optimize your sales process.

Sales Pipeline Management Best Practices: A Guide For Beginners

 Source: ActiveCampaign

A typical sales pipeline for roofing sales consists of the following stages:

  • Lead generation

This is where you find and attract potential customers interested in roofing services. Door-knocking, referrals, online marketing, and networking are excellent lead-generation methods.

  • Appointment setting

This is where you contact your leads and schedule an appointment with them. You can use phone calls, emails, or texts to reach out to your leads and convince them to meet with you.

  • Roof Inspection

This is the stage where you visit your leads and inspect their roofs. You can use tools such as drones, satellite images, or roof measurement software to assess the condition of their roofs and identify their needs and pain points.

  • Proposal presentation

This is the stage where you present your proposal to your leads and show them how you can solve their problems and add value. You can use digital contracts, financing options, or testimonials to demonstrate your credibility and professionalism.

You need to have a system to track and measure your pipeline metrics, such as:

  • The number of leads in each stage
  • The conversion rate from one stage to the next
  • The average time spent in each stage
  • The value of each stage

A simple Google spreadsheet or CRM software such as JobNimbus can help manage your sales pipeline and monitor pipeline metrics.

Still not sure how to go about it?

Our Business Bootcamp equips sales leaders with hands-on training to master these skills. 

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Become An Expert Cold Caller

What is the third key to unlocking that 100k in roofing sales? Perfect your cold-calling skills.

Cold calling is all about reaching out to potential clients who haven’t shown any prior interest in your services and offering solutions before they realize they need them. It’s a game of thorough preparation, insightful research, and a well-thought-out strategy.

The Door to Door University offers specialized training modules that focus on mastering cold-calling techniques in the roofing sector. Learn from industry experts, get hands-on experience, and unlock advanced sales strategies and insights Increase your roofing sales with your roofing sales script

Discover D2DU: Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Craft Your Roofing Sales Script

Your roofing sales script acts as a guiding framework for your conversation.

Structure it in a way that covers all critical elements. Start with an introduction to establish rapport and an engaging hook to capture interest. Mention the value you offer and ask questions to qualify the lead. 

Try to hit all the key points: An introduction, a compelling hook, a clear value proposition, qualifying questions, a decisive call to action, and responses to potential objections. 

Tools like the D2DU, which hosts plenty of materials and interactive lessons for roofing sellers, can help you shape the perfect script.

Know Your Prospects

Before dialing that number, take a moment to understand who’s on the other end. Utilize platforms like Google Maps, Zillow, or even Facebook to gather details like their name, address, contact, type of roof, age, condition, or any damages. 

This helps tailor your door knocking scripts for roofing and establishes a connection with your potential client.

Learn to Tackle Common Objections

Objection  Sales Tip Response
“I’m not interested” Don’t take it personally. This objection often means the prospect doesn’t see the value yet. “I understand, and I appreciate your honesty. Most of our satisfied clients felt the same way initially. However, they found value after understanding how our roofing solutions could benefit them in the long run. May I share a quick insight that might interest you?”
“I’m busy right now.” Respect their time and try to secure a commitment for a future conversation. “I completely understand, and I value your time. Would it be okay if we scheduled a brief chat at a more convenient time for you? It might be worth exploring how our roofing solutions could benefit you.”
“I already have a roofer.” Position yourself as an alternative or a second opinion, not necessarily a replacement. “That’s great to hear you have someone you trust. Many homeowners find it beneficial to get a second opinion just to ensure they’re getting the best value and service. Would you be open to a no-obligation assessment from us, just for your peace of mind?”
“I don’t have any roof problems.” Emphasize the importance of preventative maintenance and regular check-ups. “I’m glad your roof is in good shape. However, just like regular health check-ups, it’s beneficial to have periodic roof inspections to catch potential issues before they become costly problems. We offer complimentary assessments; would you be interested in scheduling one?”
“I can’t afford it.” Highlight financing options, long-term savings, and the cost of potential future repairs. “I completely understand budget constraints. That’s why we offer flexible financing options to make it more manageable. Plus, investing in quality roofing now can save you significant costs in the long run by avoiding major repairs. Would you like to hear more about our affordable solutions?”

Want to go into greater detail on how to deal with sales objections?

Read More:

How to Tackle Sales Objections You Find Selling Roofing Services

How to Overcome Common Sales Objections

How to Leverage Technology To Boost Your Roofings Sales Performance

Still stuck with your old roofing sales techniques

Start looking into integrating technology and tools into your roofing sales techniques. Leveraging the right tech can streamline your operations and give you a significant edge over competitors still clinging to older methods.

Here’s a breakdown of some game-changing tools and technologies that can supercharge your roofing sales:

1. CRM Software

CRM software like JobNimbus can help you manage everything from contacts, leads, and appointments to proposals and payments. A good CRM tool offers insights into your roofing sales metrics, helping you stay on track with your goals and pinpoint areas for improvement.

2. Roofing Estimation Software

Tools like RoofSnap can help provide accurate roofing measurements, craft professional proposals, and ensure your quotes are spot-on. By minimizing human error, they save costs and enhance your professional image.

3. Drone Inspections

Services like Loveland Innovations are revolutionizing roof assessments. They capture detailed images and videos of roofs with drones and can generate comprehensive reports on the roof’s condition with AI. This saves time, reduces risks, and adds a ‘wow’ factor for your clients.

4. Financing Options

Offering flexible payment plans can be a game-changer. Services like Hearth allow you to provide customers with easy and affordable payment options. This not only makes your services more accessible but can also lead to quicker decision-making by potential clients.

D2DCon is the only major sales event where you can network with industry leaders and learn how they integrate technology to optimize their sales processes. 

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Provide Excellent Customer Service and Generate Referrals

The fifth and final step is, well, a no-brainer. 

It is the key to retaining customers, generating referrals, and building a reputation. 

You must provide quality workmanship, timely communication, transparent pricing, and a professional attitude.

1. Active Listening

 Pay close attention to what the customer says. Understand their needs, concerns, and desires. This helps provide a solution tailored to them and makes the customer feel valued and heard.

2. Clear Communication

Always keep the lines of communication open. Whether it’s updating the client about the progress of a job, explaining the intricacies of a roofing solution, or addressing concerns, clear and transparent communication builds trust.

3. After-Sales Support

The relationship shouldn’t end once the sale is made. Offering after-sales support, whether through maintenance tips, periodic check-ins, or addressing post-installation queries, can make a difference.

4. Ask for Feedback

Constructive feedback is a goldmine. It helps you improve and shows customers that you value their opinions. Use tools like surveys or feedback forms to gather insights.

5. Encourage Referrals

A satisfied customer is your best advocate. Please encourage them to refer your services to friends and family. Consider setting up a referral program with incentives to make it more appealing.

6. Go the Extra Mile

Sometimes, the little things leave the most significant impact. Whether accommodating a last-minute schedule change, offering a discount, or simply sending a thank-you note post-service, these gestures can turn a satisfied customer into a loyal one.

Prioritizing after-sales services doesn’t just help retain clients but incentivizes them to become brand ambassadors. And in an industry where word-of-mouth can make or break a business, this is invaluable. Remember, a happy customer doesn’t just bring repeat business; they bring new customers.

Best Materials For Roofing Sales

Let’s chat about the roofing game’s go-to materials that protect and sell.

Asphalt Shingles: These bad boys are the bread and butter of roofing in the USA. Why? Because they’re budget-friendly and a breeze to slap on. Perfect for both the homes we live in and the places we work. They’re the hotcakes of roofing materials—everyone wants them. Though they’re not marathon runners of roofing materials, their maintenance is a walk in the park, and they laugh in the face of most weather tantrums.

Metal Roofing: Talk about the Iron Man of roofing materials! These are tough as nails, with a lifespan that makes turtles jealous—think 40 to 70 years. They’re the heroes when it comes to fire resistance and standing up to Mother Nature’s mood swings. Bonus: they’re as light as a feather, making them a dream for contractors to transport.

Clay Tiles: These are the sunbathers of roofing materials, thriving in the heat and staying cool under pressure. They’re in it for the long haul, boasting a century of life expectancy without cracking under seasonal mood swings. They’re a bit on the heavier side and will cost a pretty penny for installation, but they sell like hotcakes in warmer climates.

Slate: Last but not least, the knight in shining armor—slate. Fireproof, weather-resistant, and virtually maintenance-free, slate brings a lifetime of up to 100 years. It’s on the pricier side but sells itself to those looking for that classic, natural vibe.

There you have it, the lineup of materials that are not just covering houses but are hot sellers in the roofing world. Whether you’re in the heat or bracing for snow, there’s something for every project and pocketbook.

Not a Walk in the Park, But Not the “Mission Impossible” Either!

Making 100k in roofing sales is within reach with the right approach.

It’s all about setting ambitious sales targets, nurturing your sales pipeline, honing your cold-calling skills, tapping into the latest tech tools, and delivering top-notch customer service.

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Sam Taggart

I knocked doors since I was 11! Never bought into the whole hourly normal job, and used direct sales to be the vehicle to create MASSIVE success. I Started the Direct Sales division for Solcius as their VP building it up to have 70+ sales reps nation wide. In 2018 I left to pursue a greater mission to unify and uplevel the Door to Door industry and founded the D2D Experts.

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