How To Build Trust With Customers
I was knocking last week and solar and roofing and satellite. And like, I, I do it all now. It’s weird. You know, things that are going to help instigate better consumer trust are, are more and more important. You’ve got a lot of DYI competition out there, and it’s kinda like being able to build value in the fact that you have somebody servicing, monitoring, you know, that the whole element of, you know, cameras, the recording, the clouds, the, you know, what is the value really there?
Show Company Validity
Last time I did alarms was 2015 and then I’ve done alarms training. So I like spot like a week here, a day here and, you know, here and there. Right. And it’s so interesting, but I’m still out there knocking, like I was knocking last week and solar and roofing and satellite. And like, I, I do it all now. It’s weird. Um, but I, uh, the customers are just getting more access to more information. So it’s easier for them to pull out their phone and look up a next door app or look up, you know, Facebook or look up, you know, a BBB, those things are just becoming more normal where, because the past, like, for example, a lot of older people just weren’t super tech savvy didn’t have smart phones, you know, it’s like, if you don’t have a smartphone today, it’s like wild. Where, when I started in 2008, it was kinda like the younger generations of more hip, you know, they had a smartphone. I didn’t even have a smartphone. One of the things that I’m seeing is a huge shift in how people research, how people fact check, how people look at pricing and their perspective to buying and they’re buying threshold.
You being able to, as a salesman, guide them through making them feel as if they’ve done their research and they’ve validated you as a company or you as a sales individual. It’s very important. So we, for example, we started the D2D sales certification through the nonprofit, this association. The reason being is because we said, how do we, third party validate an in-home sales rep, right? One more tool they can have on their tool belt that says, Hey, you know, customer’s gonna say, how do I know you’re legit. Anybody can go make a website. Anybody can go make a badge that has a number on it. And so, if we could have some real organization, third party validate a company or a sales individual, that is another way to increase trust. So, it’s like a sales certification we just launched like last month. Things like that, that are going to help instigate better consumer trust are, are more and more important.
Build Value
Also you’ve got virtual selling. That’s a very common thing, getting on a zoom face to face like this. It’s like way more common now, because COVID. Where I’ve seen a lot of companies being able to set appointments and then just finish it up over zoom. Or, they go tee it up and they just do virtual selling. I’ve seen a lot of people use the customization of smart homes. That has changed a lot. So, taking alarm specific, it’s kind of like, you’ve got a lot of DYI comp competition out there, and it’s kinda like being able to build value in the fact that you have somebody servicing monitoring, you know, that the whole element of, you know, cameras, the recording, the clouds, the, you know, what is the value really there? And then, you know, what’s funny is some people forget. I’ve watched salespeople almost lose the real heart of what they are selling and loose a sale, because there’s still an emotional attachment to protecting my home and family. And so, some people get so caught up in the gizmos gadgets that they take away. The emotional selling and sales is a, is a transfer of emotion, enthusiasm.
Find The Emotion In The Sale
Right. And so, you know what, everybody asks me like, what’s your favorite thing to sell? And I still would probably say alarms. The reason being is it has the most fun sale to it. You get to play with people’s emotions and pinpoint exactly what they need to help them feel safe. You get to say, here’s my here’s my menu, let’s really figure out what you want to order. Where, with everything else, there’s one thing on the menu, pest control. There’s one thing on the menu. It’s like, we’re going to spray. Roofing it’s, we’re gonna change your roof. Like, that’s it. Do you want a brown or a light brown shingle, or a gray one? You know, but it’s still your roof.
Like, that is what’s so beautiful about the alarm. So you have, okay. Are they more conscious of invasions and people coming in when they’re asleep? Are they more focused on, I wanna know who’s at my door through a doorbell camera when I’m out at work. Is it more, I wanna have a touch to my kids when they get home from school. You know what I mean? There’s story after story, after story, after story, that you’re just taking scenario and story and applying it to customer. You’re saying, okay. Um, Ooh, you remind me a lot of my grandma or this lady, Betty Sue, that we helped out that she was stubborn. She’s like, I’m not going to nursing home and I’m gonna die in this home. And you’re just like, you know what I mean? And you’re like, you’re one of the cool ones, let’s cater this to you where solar it’s like it is solar power, electricity. Cool. There’s not much anything else to it.You know what I mean? So I, I actually think the alarm sale in comparison to everything else out there that’s selling, it’s so much more versatile in the sense of customization story, selling emotional selling, which to me is the funnest. Like, I’m an emotional type sales guy. Um, I’m not a super, like, let’s look at the fact and figures. I mean, you know what I mean? I like to connect and I like to, um, anyway, so that those are, those are, I guess a few, I mean, there’s a lot that we could talk on, but.