Sam Taggart – The 4 Stages of Development

17 Min Read

Last Updated: June 24, 2020

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Sam Taggart 00:38

Hey everybody. This is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast. And I’m just doing this one freestyle solo myself, I wanted to do a couple updates. Before I dive in. Today, I’m going to be talking about the four stages development and I’m going to be stuck, I’m going to be talking about how sales people salespeople become top performers.

And then why some salespeople have a good 2345 year sprint, and then they kind of phase out like what what’s the psychology there. And if you’re that rep, that maybe you’re like, this is my last year, I don’t know if I can, you know, do this much longer than this might be, you know, a great podcast for you. If you have reps that are kind of getting burnt out.

Or maybe in a sales slump, this might be a great podcast for you. So before I before I dive into that, I want to go over a couple of big announcements. So first off, door to door con is January 7, eighth, and ninth. So the seventh is going to be a mastermind day. And also new thing we’re adding to the seventh is a three on three basketball tournament. So we’re going to be basically taking a bracket where teams can buy into these, the tournament, and it’s going to be where we can kind of put on the boxing gloves.

I know this is a competitive industry. So I figured why not give an opportunity to compete. And so that’s kind of a new thing. We’re adding to door to door con this year. Super, super excited for that. And then another thing is, we’re going to be adding new awards. So there’s a lot of awards at door to door con obviously of each industry has a golden door. So those that are new, obviously have never been to door to door con. The golden door is kind of the main award that we give out every year. And it’s something that a lot of reps are chasing for this year. So if you’re on track, hit me up, let me know if you have a big week a big day, I’ll give you a big shout out on the Instagram. Those that follow D to D experts just had a guy hit 31 alarms last week and give him a shout out a good friend of mine. So that’s a big week.

So anyway, so for me going door is kind of the main, obviously staple award that we’ve given out every year. So if you’re doing solar, it’s 100 installs, these got to be installed deals or a megawatt. If you’re in pest control, it’s 1000 Pest Control service, or 550,000. In contract value, if you’re in roofs, it’s 200 residential or 2.5 million in residential. And not you know, we have to exclude all your commercial builds, if you’re in alarms, it’s 400. If you’re in phones, it’s 1000. If you’re in satellite, it’s 600. If you’re in a couple other industries I’m missing anyway, so other industries have their own thing, if there’s an industry out there, so 1000 for internet, internet, it’s 1000, if there’s an industry that I’m missing, and you’re like, Hey, there needs to be this, let me know, there’s a few people this year that are on track for double golden doors, and multiservices. So they’re doing like alarms and solar, or roofs and solar. And so I’m actually excited to see, you know, a few different people kind of setting new records this year, we have a couple of people on track to break industry records. So I think this is just an opportunity for everybody kind of level up.

But on top of that we’re adding a new awards, and these are the People’s Choice Awards. So there’ll be you’ll have to go get nominated. And you also have to kind of promote, whether you think you’re the best manager, best company’s best leadership growth, just some kind of unique awards like that. So I’ll be announcing those kind of here in the fall, and how you can win those and how, you know, I want to make sure that the right people do but obviously, it’s gonna be super controversial based on, you know, industry based on team based on whatever.

But I think that it’ll be kind of cool to start highlighting the leaders. We’re also going to be putting out a Hall of Fame this year. So the Hall of Fame, we’re going to be basically nominated individuals that have been in the industry for 10 years plus, that have been staples icons in big companies, little companies, and it made a big difference to 1000s of reps. There’s a lot of, you know, icon people that kind of pioneered the door to door space, you know, if built big companies and then a lot of little companies maybe have stem from that but have had a big impact on you know, our industry and so we want to recognize those kind of people and what we’re going to be calling like the Hall of Fame.

So that’s that’s super exciting this year. Anyway, speakers still gonna keep that a secret until we kind of nail down a few of them. But we’re definitely taking recommendations, there’s a few that I was kind of bummed that they weren’t available. like David Goggins can do it this year. But we haven’t, we have a couple of cool people in the pipe. So anyway, so I just want to give a big update on door door con vendor opportunities. So Tickets are on sale right now, early bird ticket prices have gone up this year, we just figured, hey, if it’s something that means something to you come, if it’s something that doesn’t mean something to you, and you’re going to complain about a ticket price, and you can’t afford 250 bucks, then great, don’t go like for us, we add an extreme amount of value all year.

And for us, we know that the event reciprocates a ton of value for everybody that’s gone every year, and probably can attest to that. If this is your first year. It’s the feedback I get. They’re like, why aren’t you charging $1,000 for the ticket. For me, I want to make it a resource for any first year rep second year, you know, guys that aren’t crushing to be able to still attend. And for managers to be able to buy a bundle of five or a bundle of 10 tickets for their team. So now you can buy bundles, there’s discount pricing, if you want to buy a bundle of five or a bundle of 10, you can get your tickets a little cheaper. And so let’s dive into the podcast. I don’t want to promote DD con too much. But I do want to do want to put there we are having it live. It’s not a virtual event. So hopefully the salt person shut us down. But right now it’s good. It’s booked and January 7 to the eighth or eighth and ninth if you’re just coming to general admission.

So anyway, today I’m going to be talking on something really cool. So I’m reading a book called the fearless mind. By a buddy of mine, Craig Manning, he spoke two years ago at door to door con and he is a personal or sports psychologist and he coaches, Olympic athletes. He’s He’s coached a lot of people. So he’s coming to our mastermind event in July, and Zion we’re rappelling with him and stuff like that. So anyway, we figured we’d make that the book of the month for the mastermind group that we run the circle. And anyway, so there’s a part in there we talks about the four stages or three stages of development, then he kind of adds a fourth and I wanted to speak to that but make it sales rep related and and put it in terms of like us as salespeople. So a lot of times, people in sales, the first phase of development is the growth phase.

And there’s two types of people in any success. And there’s task, there’s task oriented people, and there’s ego oriented people. And so the ego oriented people are ones that focus on outcomes, they focus on the external recognition that comes from what they’re doing. Right. So it’s like the accolades, the prizes, the the numbers, boards, and, you know, I think a lot of people in sales are very ego oriented. They’re very competitive. They’re very, you know, what’s that guy doing in comparison to me, and the task oriented person, as somebody that’s a lot more involved in what are they doing consistently to, to get better to develop and they’re much more all about the consistency, they’re all about, you know, how he kind of puts it out kind of read a book a few times.

So if you’re, you’re listening attacks to task oriented people have a have approach tendencies they played a when they play because competition is fun and enjoyable. They enjoy seeing what they can do under pressure. They seem to stay very focused on the present, hence the experience fewer signs of fear. whatever’s in the past has already been done. I’m trying to do the best where I can, where I can’t hear a noun. If I start thinking what I’ve done in the past, I’ll forget about hitting a nice high shape to iron. You know, that was a quote from Tiger Woods. So a task oriented person they want to win, but they’re, they’re super in the present. They’re not in the accolades of last year. You know, a lot of people in door sales, right? Yeah, I had a killer year. Last year, I was a top rep one year. And then the next year they suck or the next year, they’re not doing that. Great. So Tim Grover talks about the difference between closers and cleaners. And he’s like, yeah, closer wins a championship a cleaner wins championships every year. And so it’s interesting the difference between this task and ego so and the phase one, it’s all about kind of more so task focus, where it’s like, I want to win, I’m competing. I’m it’s a big growth phase, like I’m learning a new skill. So a lot of people they’re like, this is the first year it’s mid June. And they’re they’re kind of getting their stride. They’re like, okay, I figured out sales I think I you know, I’m not gonna quit and I’m gonna go home, this is my job. And they they get into this rhythm. And they seen a big growth maybe from when they first started where they had no idea about sales or they, you know, they were making no money doing it. Now they’re finally starting to make some money. And then what happens is they move into phase two, where it’s more so the outcome phase it’s it’s really geared around. How do we compare in comparison to others appears in our office and it sells individuals.

You know, a lot of times I got a DM and this is where this podcast really stems from. So I can’t remember who sent it to him, I get hit up on Instagram quite a bit where people are like, Hey, I’m dealing with anxiety, or I’m dealing with this. And one of the things was he was really struggling with a lot of the reps in his office were performing more than him. And he’s somebody that had been doing this longer. And he said first year reps passing him up, and it was seeming to bug him quite a bit. And so if that’s if you’re that veteran that’s getting kind of thrown down on by the new guys, this is this is for you. So you know, and I kind of responded to him. I was like, why, like, why is it bugging you? Like why is it bugging you, and it has to do back with his ego or oriented kind of individual.

So a rep that’s looking at this, like, okay, I am only playing the game to compare myself to those around me, whether they’re first years or veterans, you know, I had a girl call me, I stay on my buddy. So frozen, this shout out. So he hits me up on Facebook Messenger two days ago, and he’s with one of his reps. And she it’s, it’s her first year. And he’s like, I’m sitting here with one of my reps. And, you know, he’s like, what, what, what, what’s one piece of advice you’d give her? And I asked her, I was like, Is it your first year?

And she’s like, Yeah, and I said, My one piece of advice is, just because it’s your first year doesn’t mean you should size up against all the other first year, reps, size up against the top reps, the the veteran reps, and it goes back to this whole ego oriented, it’s like, you’re just trying to do your best in comparison to everyone else, that’s first year reps, or a veteran, you’re doing your best in comparison to the other veterans in your office. And it’s all ego based.

And it’s Can I win, or can I not win. And so this this stage, this growth stage, or that the growth stage, it’s not so much growth, but it’s more like just playing to win, but for the accolades. And did I win the competitions, I’ve I’ve been top of the numbers board, whatever that looks like. And what happens though, is just like in a race, so if I were to, like, let’s say, Go run a marathon, I just got into running, right. And, you know, I’m learning running like it’s new and exciting. For me, I’m learning biking right now, it’s new and exciting for me. But if I were to go keep racing in competitions, and keep coming up 20th 70th 100 and 50th, out of 300, what happens is I become more accustomed to losing. Because if you were to look, one out of 300 actually wins.

So it’s more common that we’re losing in this job than winning. There’s only one top rep in your office, there’s only one top rep at your company. And so often we you know, maybe we beat him one day, but most days, we’re not winning, in comparison. So what happens is, we start to lose that hunger, we start to lose that drive, we start to say, okay, I’ve obviously hit this growth phase, I’ve obviously learned sales. Now I’m not winning. So maybe it’s not for me. And so a part in here that I really liked that he said, so I’m just going to kind of read this, as he says, you know it. I mean, I’m just going to take some stuff as book because it really hits me. So it he says, look, during third stage of development, growth is stopped completely.

At this stage, individuals become so frustrated with their perceived lack of success, that they quit, as quitting isn’t usually a dramatic event. And this is the part that I that I want to forewarn everybody right now. So this is June, this is maybe your first 10th summer, it doesn’t matter. I want to ask yourself this question right now. So he says, it’s not necessarily a dramatic event, although it can be it usually takes a form of subtle choices and actions to not pursue dreams anymore. At times, we may continue on the same path we have been on not wanting to admit to others, or even ourselves that we have lost hope, going through the motions without original enthusiasm, and commitment. And I have been there I’m I remember, it was my third summer. And I was like, This is terrible. I don’t love this job. I hate the doors. I hate the heat I hate, you know, missing all my family reunions, I hate not having to go, you know, my friends are all going to Lake Powell and I’m here just not a day off. And, you know, I gotten this mindset of I kind of lost the enthusiasm and I was finishing, you know, I was finishing the top 10 in the company. It’s not that wasn’t bad.

It was I just I wasn’t the best and it was eating at me. And, you know, it took a lot of like, soul work in mental work to overcome this whole like, almost pushing myself to quit, and the next year actually made less money. So then it was like a double whammy. So in this job a lot of times we get in this mindset of if I made less money than I did the year before. I should quit I’m not winning. I’m, I’m I’m fading out. I’m not good at this, but it’s like, you know, I let’s just use simple math. If you make, let’s say 200,000 and you’re a 21 year old kid and the next year you made 170,000 and you’re a 22 year old kid.

The problem is, is that kid goes out there and he’s like, Oh, just, you know, I don’t have it. And I’m like, Okay, let’s say you’re a 23 year old kid, now go get a job, we’re gonna make 160,000, which is less, right. And I think even even though you’re can make great money, and even though you’re succeeding in this job, you can get into this ego oriented mode, and you can start to get frustrated with your result. And that’s where you’ll kind of check out and then there’s that individual that may be checked out three years ago, and I don’t want to do this job, I hit this job. And still three years in, they’re still doing it. And I look at professionals in a lot of different industries.

And I’m not saying quit door to door, I’m just saying, I find a lot of people have already quit in their mind. And then the results are gonna start to follow and their heart isn’t there. And they’ve lost that enthusiasm. And and this is what is the biggest impediment to success. And this is what creates sell slumps. This is what creates this frustration. So I, I get a lot of times where people like man, I just lost my mojo, I can’t, I can’t seem to perform. And I go. I think the problem is, is you need to resell yourself on the job.

And they go What do you mean, I was like, you got to resell yourself on why you’re doing this job? Why do you think of a T shirt at door to door con every year where I’m literally like pounding our chests. I’m saying I knock doors, it’s I’m trying to reinforce this behavior of like, This job is awesome, you should be proud of this job. This is like take some some pride in what you do. And realize every job has its challenges. Every job is gonna suck. I don’t care if you’re flipping burgers, you’re still in the hot frickin grill flipping burgers and people are looking at you weird, even though you’re you know, it’s it’s cushy, you know, certain hours, you get paid a certain hourly, this job, you never know what you’re gonna get paid, right.

And so I think a lot of people, they start to look at the negative of the job instead of look at the positive, where I don’t know any other careers where you could literally travel for a month, you go to ball, you can make $5,000 in a day 10,000 $20,000 in a day, I had a guy hit me up on Instagram today, he goes, Hey, I used to be in door to door, where’s the place, I could go in four weeks and make the most amount of money I go, you realize that he could make more money in four weeks. And he’s probably making now and his full time career. And he’s knows that and so he’s like, hey, I’ve got a four week stint, can I go make? Where can I go make the most money in four weeks. And it’s like school teachers. It’s like they make 40 grand a year, they could go out in summer and double their incomes like where else could you go do that. And what’s interesting is I think a lot of people really fade out of this job because of the frustration of maybe some of the results. So the last stage, and I’m going to kind of move into this because this is the part that is kind of the answer is he calls it the correct path. The correct path is where you can focus on task oriented things. And it’s basically a stage of development.

Okay, so I’m just gonna read it, the researchers that coined the development stages didn’t give the stage name, I can’t call it the fourth stage, because it’s, it’s a divergent path. It doesn’t fall from the stage third stage in any way. If I had to say when this stage starts, I’d say it begins somewhere after the first stage and before the second stage. So it’s the it’s the path where you’re in this development mode, and you Don’t peek out and stop development, you keep this development mode going. But you switch the you switch the switch to where you’re like, Oh, I am committed to a journey of mastery.

So he says this stage of development, where the correct path is rooted in what researchers contend, is where only a few of us improve for years, even decades and go on to greatness. It’s the path chosen by those who stay focused on task oriented objection, objectives, and who never become corrupted by the expectations and static surroundings surrounding them. This path has no finish line, the focus is always on the journey and perpetual learning from each situation.

And it’s so funny. So I have an online university where, you know, 1000s, and 1000s of people have been through that. And a lot of people, they say, okay, cool, I’m gonna do it once. And then they never log in again, I get to literally see when people log in. And when they don’t know how much they’re engaging, it has all the analytics, and the differences, hey, I check, I completed it, I went through the university, versus those that are really succeeding with it are saying, check. I went through the university every day for 20 minutes.

And it’s not a destination. It’s like I didn’t complete it. It’s like, what am I reading? Like, certain people read a book and they go, what am I read the book and I go, Well, what do you learn? And they’re like, why don’t I just read the book? And I’m like, well, that what was the point of reading the book? When I read a book, I’m very meticulous about note taking, I’m saying, How can I take this principle I read today and apply it to, like something I’m going to teach in a meeting or something. I’m in teaching and training or speech or something like that, and I’m going to, I’m going to actually consume and become a student of continual learning.

And so for me, it’s all About how do I get on this path to mastery and indoor sales? A lot of people, they think I’m just doing this for two, three years through school. So why would I become the master? I’m just gonna do this one more year. So why would I become the master and that becomes your impediment to actual greatness, if you just whether you did this forever or not, if you stayed on this path of, I’m still journey to mastery. And I could have been doing this 10 years, 15 years, every four months, and you don’t get into the stride of I learned it, now I’m gonna keep going. And that’s where this is going to cause a massive burnout is because you’re going to get frustrated with your growth stopping, and you’re going to hit your stride. But that stride is gonna get ugly in a minute. And you’re going to eventually fade out and burn out. Like, not dive, you know, obviously not going to the ground, but like die in this industry.

And I think, you know, if you disagree or whatever, I want to hear people’s thoughts, so maybe comment. But, you know, they say something at the very end that I that hits me really hard. It says in contrast, ego oriented behavior, attribute success and failure to self worth. When ego oriented individuals when they think more of themselves, when they lose, they think less of themselves, self worth becomes very fragile, and is dependent on outcome when the outcome is often not within the direct control of the individual. Therefore, one self worth is contingent on variables outside one’s immediate control, resulting in a significant rise in anxiety. Simply put, ego oriented individuals put their happiness in the hands of others, resulting in unstable frames of mind, and ups and downs and performance.

And so if you look at sales, and you just say, Hey, I’m gonna win the day and hit my goal, well, maybe you consistently don’t your goal, so then you start to lose this self worth, right? And you start getting this office culture like beating down on you, and then it only becomes worse, and then you get more anxiety, and then you get more beat up. And then you’re, you know, you’re in this downward spiral, because you’re so dependent on the love and appreciation and, and worth of others, right and then giving it to you.

And so my invitation would be to check yourself and say, What am I What am I gaining all of this recognition from? What am I, what am I learning? What am I? What’s my goal from this job? Is it just to, you know, go perform is is equivalent to everybody else? Is it to outperform everybody, is it? Does it care? Do I care what everybody is doing? Is it to do my very best is it to figure out what my journey of salesmanship is, is it to figure out what my true potential is in this industry. And it doesn’t really matter what everybody’s doing.

And I’m going to focus on the things that I can control the hours I work, the attitude, I have the amount of the amount of time and energy I study, the practice, I do the time on and off the doors, the mentor, the minute like the self care, the physical work, all those things, and you you treat it like a sport, you suddenly become a professional at this and get obsessed. And it’s not because I want to be on the numbers board. But it’s because I chose to do this job, I committed to this job. And if I commit to something, my eyes will be damn good at it.

And that would be my advice. And you know, from a few people reaching out this last week, it stemmed this whole podcast and so I wanted to share these things with you guys. And I hope everybody’s out there crushing. I hope everybody’s, you know, got their head held high, you know, proud of what they’re doing doing it with honor and integrity. And you know, I love hearing these stories. So keep it up. A couple other things. I got a bootcamp coming up July 24 and 25th for any business owners that need some help with recruiting and mastermind like mastermind kind of how to structure their sales teams and things like that. So that’s kind of our next event coming up July 24 and 25th. We have another one in August. So just hit me up about that. And much love. Appreciate you guys listening. Please share this or leave a review. We really appreciate the reviews. It helps us get some feedback. So thanks, guys. See it.

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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