Ben Price – How to bring up a goal out of an individual


16 Min Read

Last Updated: March 17, 2020

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Sam Taggart 00:26
Alright, everybody, I am here in North Carolina, we’re in Greensboro. We are in Burlington,, just outside of Greensboro, North Carolina. And I am with Ben price, who is the founder and owner of Carolina Connections on the satellite TV, but they are into innovative solar solutions, you know. They are kind of multi service they so satellite TV, alarms, and now really moving into solar. So a lot of people are kind of trying to figure out this whole multi service game, and how to add different products verticals to their business, like man, I got a sales army. Yeah. And you know, one thing that we’re going to dive into today, as we do this podcast is really understanding how to bring out the gold out of an individual and finding the right players, putting them on the right seats on the bus, and then also figuring out how to bring the best out of them. And that’s kind of the thread if you’re listening to this. Also, if you’re listening we have a sales summit coming up March 26 through the 28th this is we’ve got about 30 tickets as we’re filming this are now to kind of mid February, but um check out DDD sales summit on our website, the experts calm, but uh, yeah, let’s, uh, let’s dive into this. So super excited. We just got done here. The great thing? Absolutely. You know, like, tell us about the day first. I mean, how do you feel about the day we just

Ben Price 01:40
Yeah, it was it was phenomenal. You guys came in really helped us add some pieces to our program that they’re gonna take us to a whole new level, and gave some phenomenal, just practical stuff and some some kind of sales Mojo to our crew. I mean, I think it’s going to pay off 100 times over.

Sam Taggart 01:59
No doubt. For me, it’s a millimeter difference a lot of times, you know, when we go consult, we’re like, hey, if we can give you one nugget that you implement, it could make you a million dollars, because you’ve been doing it one way, the wrong way. And you’re the meat on the bone.

Ben Price 02:13
Oh, yeah. You said you said one statement where you’re talking about the the shovel, inception, shovel or whatever, where you’re helping the client dig their own hole. Soon as you said it, and I watched you go through the process. I thought that just paid for the whole program for us, period, because that that alone is gonna make us 1000s

Sam Taggart 02:31
Oh, yeah. A little shift. Yeah, I took a lady out in Illinois. And I watched I went in the home with her. And I said, Let me see your sales presentation. And I go, you aren’t holding the show. You were holding the shuffle hold time. And she was good. She did 200 roofs. So she’s in a roofing space. And literally, I said, let me show you how to use this Inception shovel. It’s the sales technique that I’ve kind of developed, right? Yeah. And I got a call from her like three weeks later, and she goes over the last three weeks I’ve ever to 70% closing ratios. Wow, she went from 20% to 70%. Wow. And I said you’re doing the same amount of work in the same amount of homes. And you’re making three times the money girl. Yeah, you know what I mean? I’m just like, absolutely. What like, just like that a little change, a little tool can go a long way. So I hope that obviously you guys all recorded this. And it’s gonna be all those goals there forever. So let’s dive in. Like how long you’ve been in door to door. I mean, it was cool. Just interviewing you and doing this whole discovery with the consulting because you believe door to door, which is really cool. I think a lot of times I go to businesses and they’re like, well, I want to get out of door to door I’m, you know, I don’t want to knock you’re like, No, you don’t knock and you don’t you don’t fit our culture. And I think that that I admire that. So like, yeah, big thing for me is you know,

Ben Price 03:43
I’m second gen business owner, my father opened the business in 91. I took over about eight years ago. And we started daughter, I remember, you know, being a teenager and my dad, we’re going out in the country, you know, selling these massive mega dishes for three to $4,000 a click. And, you know, I’m nervous. I’m a kid, you know, I’m trying to be cool. And then we’re knocking on random doors like this is not cool at all. I’m a teenager. But that’s just the culture we’re raised in. My dad just did that. And the thing that I love about door to door, and it doesn’t matter what programs are out there, what Legion programs come out. I know today, I can lace my shoes up and go make money. I don’t know that your lead program is going to work. I don’t know that the online marketing is gonna work. I don’t know that the store is going to work any of that. I know that if it is to be it’s up to me. I can put my shoes on and I’m going to make money. And as long as I have that edge, I’m in a job rest of my life. That’s it. Like there’s no one like me. There. I’m in the 1% because 1% won’t do it. So I’m like hey, if I can be the 1% and it just becomes a lifestyle for me. I’m guaranteed to be successful because no one else is going to go here and push this product. Like we’ve been doing door to door sales. Since you know they’re selling silk on the Silk Road. I mean, door door has been a part of every culture for years, maybe just be a tent, a tent back in the day, you know, it’s just, it’s still the same. It’s coming to the client with the product. And I love it. I love it. It’s the most challenging sales position. And it’s just I fell in love with it 10 years ago. And, you know, I don’t I don’t want anything else. That’s awesome, because I like to be in the driver’s seat. I love it. I’ve been in so many programs where I’ve had marketing and I’m waiting for the call to come in. And I’m just sitting there killing myself. Like, why am I waiting for the call to come in? Like, I’m out? I’m leaving the office. I gotta go. That’s right. I gotta go hot, boo boo, click off of five cow. All right, we got worker by go back to work. Like, I don’t want to wait for the phone to ring anymore. You know, when we do all that stuff, but it’s like, I don’t want to be dependent on that. Yeah, that’s, that’s kind of the crux of the matter for me. Love it.

Sam Taggart 05:48
So when obviously over the last 10 years, you’ve developed the skill to bring out the gold in somebody. Yeah. So when you say that, like First off, what does that even mean? Perfect? No. So

Ben Price 05:59
You know, there’s a really good proverb. It says, it says counsel was in the heart of a man is like deep water. But a man of understanding draws it out. And, you know, for me, transitioning from just, you know, being my own rep, I started as brands in my father’s store or company in California was living there. My wife, I was young, was just me my truck, we ran the whole thing out of my garage, you know, and I’m just grinding, I’m actually doing TV at the time, I’m selling TV accounts installed on the same day, just running the whole shop. And from going there to beginning to build teams, right? What I notice is that if I could get people to believe that was their biggest hurdle, you know, some people believe enough in something they’re gonna put action behind it. Yeah. And so what I found people I would find people these incredible skill sets, but they would have doubts, fears, all these things. And as a leader, my job is say, No, there’s something in here. You’re missing it. Maybe they see, I suck at talking. You know, they see these different weaknesses that they have. One of my old mentor said doesn’t take an expert to find dirt when you’re looking for gold. But you don’t get a Congratulations. You found some crap on me. Yeah, all of us got crap on us. It takes an expert or like the Bible says, A wise man. I can see beyond what you’re doing. You think about the thing about God. He sees something in us many times that we don’t see in ourselves. Amen. Right. So he’s seeing value where you’re like, I don’t see this value, because he seen three was a thing. He says in one Samuel was going to anoint David’s brother versus David. He says, Hey, I don’t look like man looks. man looks to the outside. Look at the heart. He sees the the the value in the possibility. And so that’s where I’m thinking, Okay, I got this young Rep. He’s 19. He doesn’t have a clue how to make $100,000. He’s probably went through school and had teacher or coders in tons of different people. bombard him with limitations. Yeah, my job is saying no, those are lies. Those are limiting beliefs. This is actually who you are. This is what you’re capable of. And I begin to draw that out. And so instead of creating a culture where it’s criticism and things like that, it’s pulling things out. I’ve had people I’ve had reps come weeping in tears at Christmas parties. I mean, seriously, this happened last year, me and my wife we’re headed to are headed to our car Christmas parties over young man has no father just became a top performer. He comes he says been I’ve never had a person treat me like you had retreated me. 20 year old guy. And he’s in tears. He says, I just cannot thank you enough. My entire life has been changed. And you’re like, Okay, all I did was told them what was really in there. The world was telling him so many lies, right? And when I brought that out, he began to his actions begin to live up to that. You see what I’m saying? Oh, yeah. And and it’s not easy. Sometimes you just want to you want to just kind of get slapped them over their heads, like what are you acting like this for? But the Wise Man’s gonna say that this is your man. This is who you are, you are. So when I bring that out and say this is who you are, then your actions have to begin to line up with that or you don’t believe it. But the moment you believe it, if I believe that this is who I am, I believe that I should be successful. Use a word today. It’s my time, right? Or I’m worth it. When I begin to believe these things know I’m worth $100,000 I’m worth a million dollars. All of a sudden, I believe that my actions come into line with that of the right because you can’t you can’t says that you can’t lie to yourself. So if I’m saying no, I suck, I’m terrible. I’m horrible. I have all this insecurity that’s putting me down then my actions are gonna fall in line with that, but once I I read a book, Grant Cardone Book of the millionaire booklet Have you seen this? It’s Yeah, it’s a 5050 pager. It’s a small book. And I read it maybe three years ago, and he’s going through this. And he’s basically saying you should be a millionaire. That’s it. That’s the whole premise of the whole book, you should be a millionaire. And I had to take a step back halfway through the book, I said, Oh, my gosh, I totally bought in that I shouldn’t be a millionaire. Like, somehow, in my mind, I had bought into a belief system. That accepted lack. Yeah, the moment that shifted, it was amazing. I still work the same hours, I still gave the same effort, everything. My income doubled every year. Because I believe I deserve that. Yes. You

Sam Taggart 10:42
see what I’m saying? Yeah, it’s it’s a it’s a simple accepting success. Yeah, leaving success, embodying success. Yeah. And I think sales reps, business owners, leaders, we accept what people tell us to be as of success. And we somehow don’t have this ability to think for ourselves in the sense of, no, I am worthy. I am capable of a million dollar earner I am. You don’t I mean, it’s like, we limit our own cells were there I said it today. And the training is I was just like, we’re self sabotaging our own selves. We’re our worst enemy. So when you when you work with, like, let’s say, you know, you’ve obviously trained and worked with a lot of reps over the years. You have an awesome team, by the way, it’s super fun to work with them get to know them, other than the kid had to throw the marker at. marker to get three times today. Yeah, that guy, you’re going to bed at 4am. You know, my God, I’m sorry, dude. But I call him out. I was perfect, but need to be gone now. So. So my question is, is when you have these reps, do you have a certain system like a, I asked these questions, or I say these things? Have you found any, like specific word track or specific, you know, training that you’ve done? That has helped you identify who they really are, like, speak to their soul versus their show?

Ben Price 12:09
Yeah. So you know, the first thing I’m going to do is, is really develop what I would call passion points. Okay, we got to find out what makes you click

Sam Taggart 12:17
Hmm, passion points,

Ben Price 12:18
What’s getting you what’s getting you what’s going to get you excited? You know, for one person that may be income, maybe they were raised in poverty and incomes a really big priority, then some others and maybe recognition. So I’m finding these passion points and saying, Okay, this is what makes you tick. This is what’s inside. So then what, why is that making you tick? Huh. Let’s dig a little deeper. Why is that making me tick? In unveiling that. So asking a lot of why questions? Well, I’m working with reps. When I onboard them, obviously, we go through an onboarding process. But once they’re on the team, I’m going to begin to attack limiting belief systems. And some may have different limiting belief systems out there. Some maybe have limits based upon their their upbringing, their race, their sex, whatever it may be, that may be their limiting belief systems that have to be targeted, and really address that’s it. Wait a minute, you just said you couldn’t sell so and so because they were a certain age? What? Why? Why can’t you? Why can’t a 19 year old sell $50,000 solar system to a six year old? What’s the why it’s somewhere you believe the lie? Yeah, what lie Did you buy into that? You’re not educated enough? You’re not smart enough. You know, whatever, and then bring in this process. And so I began to do that. We will call Caroline leaf turn your brain on PC, but you’re lonely. And so she basically you can recreate thought patterns in 21 days asking these why questions I have to ask a why question. Why do I believe Why did I believe I couldn’t be a millionaire? Yeah, that I had to come to the conclusion. When I was raised. I would hear my family talk about people like it like doctors and made six figures. Yeah, my father never really made it to that level. And so for me, that was kind of like the ceiling. Right? six figures was the ceiling, not a million. So the ceiling in my own mind was given to me and I had to ask why. Why am I into this? Yeah. bought into it. Because that’s what I was told. Like, this was success. Then someone else comes says no, this is actually success. I think in this book, Chris Hogan read right now. It’s everyday millionaires. And he interview something like 10,000 millionaires in America. And it’s like, once you’re through the book, you’re like, why am I not? 10,000? In 1000

Sam Taggart 14:33
of these dudes? Yeah, it’s like every year they just keep growing like,

Ben Price 14:40
I shouldn’t be in there. No, but there’s no reason why number and then you got to dive in. Why did I buy into this? Ah, because success in my parents eyes was this. Yes. Doctors. Only doctors make six figures only doctors Really? Well, so then. I’m not good enough to make six figures. That’s the lie. I began to believe. Yes, I began to doubt who I am? And said, No, I’m well worth six figures. Yeah. And I’m good enough. And I had the skill sets and I have the knowledge and I had the the action, I had the motivation. It’s just why questions, I’m gonna find passion points and I’m gonna dig and ask as Why Why?

Sam Taggart 15:14
Yeah, I always like to say, Okay, one more why one more? Why one more why, like, why do you want to make like today? I kind of asked that, right. Yeah. I said, What do you want them? Why do you want it absent? Like one of the guys in there’s $100,000 income a month coming in? And I said, from investments, and I said, is that net? Or is that gross? Like, what’s the difference? And I go, there’s our problem. You’ll never get 100 grand a month if you don’t even know the difference between that and gross. And then I said, but why let’s Okay, let’s say it’s net is and I was like, why do you want that? Well, to give back to get back to who I just want to serve, well, who do you want to serve? Totally. But why do you want to serve on? Well, you know what I mean? And I kept digging, and I was like, but why is it important to serve? Like, what is it? If you only made $50,000 a month? Could you not serve them? So cool. Yeah, like okay, then why is it 100 versus 50? Absolutely. And all sudden, it just kept digging, and all sudden it came back to? You need to go make your first 100 grand in a year. Yeah. Before you pay attention to $100,000. To give back to everybody going into shit together yourself. Yeah. Yeah. And I think a lot of people, they, they kid themselves, and don’t know really what they want and why they want it to have a coach and somebody like you to say, hey, let’s look and see what you truly are capable, because I think you are capable. And let’s help you get that.

Ben Price 16:31
Yeah. Yeah, we use the phrase, you know, “we believe in you”. The real question is, are you gonna believe in you? Yeah. So like, once you click over to non bought in, you know, we talked about themselves, you got to be sold yourself. Really, when you it’s not just sold on the product is sold on the opportunity? Yeah. Is it real? Can I do this? Because once I mean, it doesn’t matter. If you I can go out and show you how to make $50,000 in a month, and you can walk behind me and see tons of closes. But in the back of your head, you think I can’t do what he did. We’re done. There’s nothing I can do. Yeah. Because when you’re alone, that thoughts gonna dominate you. Right? And until you realize, no, I can do it. And I deserve that. Love that belief. All said, Then once belief changes, action changes, because I’m going to all I mean, all my actions are going to line up with what my belief system is. You said that today, if you don’t need that, or think you’re worthy of that. There’s no way you’re going to fall in love. If I really only need $25,000 a year. I don’t want to keep slipping down the mountain to 25,000. You know, but if I’m like, No, I need half a million dollars this year, or else

Sam Taggart 17:38
yeah, it’s a must verse.

Ben Price 17:40
I wish I got to have it. And I believe I can’t. I’m like, I’m killing it. Right. And that’s really the big system for us is as a coach bringing that into Okay, that’s what’s inside of you. You haven’t seen this before? I’m gonna reach into Okay, you didn’t know that was in there. Did you know Okay, this is who you are. You should live like that. Yeah, all this other junk that’s been coming against you. Those wise, this is the truth.

Sam Taggart 18:03
Love the case. So we got to kind of wrap up. And honestly, I want to appreciate you for having me out here. This was fun. I mean, this is fun to work with you. And I’m excited to continue to build out due to the you and your platform and obviously work with you over the next year you have come out of the boot camp and stuff. But I guess if I was asked this one last question. If you could give our industry one piece of advice, and you could direct it to a CEO down to his first year rep like you pick right. What advice would you give

Ben Price 18:37
Okay, to support door to door industry? Yeah, so I would I would find something bigger than money.

Sam Taggart 18:47
Love that.

Ben Price 18:49
Yeah. If at the end of the day, and I know I got plenty of people, me included. I’m not struggling at all. But once I met my status, I have to have something bigger than money. If I don’t have something bigger than money this waking me up getting me excited. Because

Sam Taggart 19:04
once you have money, whatever is a little more than what your comfortability is. You’ll stop exactly it starts becoming the motivator because money’s Cush

Ben Price 19:14
Yeah, I’ll give you 20 seconds you know, three years ago me my wife made a dream board. It had our farm had a dream house it had

Sam Taggart 19:22
you’re gonna invite me when you get it. Already got it, bro. Oh, I ruined the man. That’s all good.

Ben Price 19:29
I have this dream board out and we sat on it for five years. You know, we’re praying where you were pursuing this thing. And this this dream of ours. It really is. It is real. And down to the type of land we have a land on a river all of it came comes true. We were everything on this board is done. And I’m sitting here this is three, two and a half years ago now. And I’m sitting here I’m like, Well, what now? Because so much of my passion was in material. Yeah. And then I had to reinvent myself and say wait a minute. I Have something bigger than money here? Like what? You know, what’s the next step that now make 10 million? And so then I finally what happens? I make 10 million?

Sam Taggart 20:07
Yeah, it’s it’s not it’s not gonna be enough. It’s always chase a number, but it’s not like the number has, like, I felt that same way. It’s like I made my first six figures. And then you’re like, Well good that went down and went up it went whatever like Yeah. And so I love that make it it’s gotta be something bigger than money. Yeah. And I think that more people as they get clarity around what that is for them like for me it’s this nonprofit it’s the door Association, it’s starting this association and making an impact in all of the industry worldwide. Yeah, we’ll help me. I mean, it’s like a passion. It’s fun. I’m doing a documentary. I’m doing this and that. And like, I was just like, we just moved in our dream home. Yes, months ago. Yeah. And I’m like, it’s so fun. It’s fulfilling, but now. It’s losing its excitement. Oh, yeah. You know, I still get excited. I wake up and I’m like, Oh, I love my steam shower. Oh, I love my core. But it’s not like that still fresh car smell. Yeah. Oh, no. And, you know, I think that many people feel like they should. They’re chasing a material thing. But if they put something past that the material things will come and go, yet something that’s a greater purpose.

Ben Price 21:20
Yeah, I love Zig’s quote, and you know, this is us a lot in our industry, but you can have anything in life you want as long as you help others get what they for sure. And yeah, same for me. You know, I have a ministry of other things. I pursue this job for me. It empowers me to do other things I want to do. I’m freed up to do ministry, I have a group of disciples that I help and I mentor, I get to go on different trips that I want to go on a lot of ministry related to help others. But this industry has allowed me to do that. Where financially wouldn’t have been possible. So then I can dig deep, so then making half a million dollars, it’s not just the material it means if I make that much money, then I don’t have to work 75 hours a week, I can work 20 or 30 and give another 20 to the things that I’m deeply passionate about that get me out of bed and so this is a means to an end. Yeah. Yeah, I might my soul I mean to tell our team do I am I in love with TV and my love of soul or my love of security? No, none of that makes me get out of bed. I’m in love with other things. But this is a means it’s a tool that helps me fulfill my dreams. I’m in love with my dream. So loved on something bigger than money.

Sam Taggart 22:29
Okay, well, I appreciate being on the show, man. This is awesome. And again, thanks for having me out here, man. Yeah, thank you.

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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