Will Zapata: Amazing D2D Sales Circle Experience in Guatemala

23 Min Read

Last Updated: November 22, 2021
Will Zapata: D2D Sales Circle Experience in Guatemala

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Sam Taggart 00:19

What’s up, everybody, this podcast is going to be quite unique. And so don’t judge me. If you’re like all the audio this the audio that I’m going to be like, get it, let me tell you the backstory. So I took a bunch of CEOs to our mastermind retreat in Guatemala. And this has been one of the most epic epic experiences of my life. And this podcast is going to be a recap, with a guy named Will supporta, who’s in our mastermind group who owns Apollo energy. And what end up happening is we do a lot of different events and retreats. And we have these this mastermind, and I asked him, I was like, Hey, could you tell me what you thought you signed up for? And now we’re at the end of the week, what you actually got, and how that impacted your life. And he sat down, he’s like, do this going to TEDx my business, and you’ll hear how we know that this is going to not only Texas business, but it’s going to Texas life, it’s going to create infinex possibilities. And so if you’re listening to this, and you’re like, gonna judge the way this podcast go down, just turn off now. But if you’re really in for a ride, how we did this, as I just started recording, it wasn’t a podcast, it was really meant for just my purpose. I said, Hey, can I record this so I get good feedback. And I can use this to grow and learn. We’re 12 minutes in, and then I realized, oh, this would make a great podcast. Alright, let’s just make this a podcast and there was no intent for it to be a podcast. And so as you’re, as you’re listening, there’s some real good nuggets at the end. It’s very adlet very raw, we’re in the streets of Guatemalan Penikett shell on Lake artic lon and you’re going to hear the tuk tuk driving by you’re going to you’re literally in my pocket as we’re walking home to the hotel. And it just turned out to be a podcast. And hopefully we can edit it out a little bit to make it better for you. But anyway, welcome to D to D podcast. If you haven’t got your ticket to DD con, go get it. We’re going to sell out this year again, like we did last year, so just don’t drag your feet. I hate turning people away at the end that said, but you guys are awesome. Let’s enjoy this one. Here we go.

Yeah, no, dude, it was amazing. Yeah. Like it was small, bro. like, Yo, that was just so dope man. And like, little moments of every time we got back to the trip, like I’m the whole, like, that would be my moment of like this to think and like, I just thought of, like, so many things that I had learned and like, the way it has changed me and I just literally feel like I’m just like, so open to the messages of the universe and like, you know, not even judge it. And just give it a moment to understand it.

Yeah, man, I know. Some people was like, I wish I had more time to decompress and stuff. I’m like, you may have missed a point of like, you didn’t you kind of think about it your whole entire time. At least for me, it

was like, I’m like a sauna dude.

But, like, for the whole time, I was the compressor dude. Like, if I had just been worried about working shit, man, I would have been thinking about going back. And I haven’t thought about it once.

It’s interesting. It’s interesting that you say that because you’re like, Whoa, because when I designed the week, right, I think of myself as like art. And design the space. Okay, and the messages. Like, Oh, I definitely potentially had to kind of decompress. Yeah, wisdom, enjoyment, and of course, Bob. Or I said,

Hey, we’re gonna go on a hike. And for me, hiking is my biggest pet peeve. I guess.

“there were many times when I was afraid”

Yeah. And I love that you did things that make you feel good, because love that, right? Because the people that are gonna are supposed to be in your circle, they’re gonna enjoy that with you, or they’re gonna try it even if they don’t want to, right like, I like there were many times when I was afraid, like many times to like so many times, but it was just like, well, you know, this is like, the next step. Yeah, it was like, imagine what you’re going to be able to do once you do this. And I was like, Yeah, dude, you’re right. Like, it was just like, Look, I just kept saying that to myself. And even from my wanting to come here, like I was so afraid, you know, so many excuses, and then none of it mattered. Yeah, I guess funny. Like I saw people checking their Wi Fi usually So my password was like, you know, like, this is my moment. I didn’t even have my phone. Yeah, dude, I had to like take pictures, but that’s it. That’s a very fuel. Man.

I I love my phone service. I tried to not take it out. Yeah.

I took pictures. I didn’t post anything onto like, social media maybe like once we were here some other than that, like, I turned to like once a day. Yeah, it was again and I have never felt more connected. Because the people that were here, man so amazing job. I can’t

do selfies somehow. Explain that to the world? Do just let me know man. My problem is just like, how do I come? Here? How do I how do I explain somebody? Cuz I know the Yeah, what you just said

I wish I could tell them this. This is a podcast. Are we still recording? Yes. We’re in a podcast right now. Well,

welcome to the DDD podcast. Did you know that 15 minutes of this was already the the podcast? Yes. But it’s again, I’m just having a conversation. We’re on the podcast.

Will Zapata: D2D Sales Circle Experience in Guatemala

Hey, sorry for the audio sucking. Yeah. We’re into my pocket. My phone and it wasn’t intended to be but I guess I just like you know, I’m going to record it because I really asked for my understanding. And we just now turned this into a podcast. Let’s do it. Like it’s pretty well so far. Doo doo doo. Okay, so owner of hollow energy

Paulo energy. Sir servant of my team, servant of humanity, and just a guy trying to make it through life and you know, reach the highest level of himself, and his most simplest form. And ultimately to it, yeah, like, I just want to be the best version of myself and I want to make an impact. Like, there’s really nothing more to like. Yeah, you know, so like, it’s funny, because when you said how do you explain what happened here? I feel like, I would just tell you, like, if I can imagine it, like a physical sensation. It’s like, just come on. Yeah, like, just come on. Like, that’s it. Like, I’m saying, like, you can explain it like, you know, I can put you I can, you know, put put your hand on my heart and you can see it, I could be around you so you can feel my energy, but like, you won’t really understand it unless you were there. You know, because, like, how can you put like, maybe I can put How can you put into exact words. When you see how important it was for somebody to have seconds.

Oh my gosh, like you’re gonna say on gets up there. And he’s era when he tells the story of that and then we meet this is him.

And okay, so that. Yeah, just like, dude, he went he.

And then dude, I felt so bad. Trying to ask for seconds. I asked for seconds. Yeah, when we went and had lunch there. And I was like, I’m still hungry after having the chicken. Yeah. And I was like,

I don’t mean to come off rude. But I’m still hungry. Yeah, to put it put things into perspective on all new level. I’m like, How often do I ask for seconds? Yeah, all the time, all the time. Oh, my God,

“I didn’t know I was internally poor. Until I had that conversation.”

dude, I didn’t know I was internally poor. Until I had that conversation. And I got up there. And that’s why like, I’m like, like, it’s funny. I was climbing up the mountain and Clark says, yeah, man, you know, like, you know, Greg told me that you don’t need it or whatever. And I’m like, bro, I feel bad that it wasn’t more. Because the experience that I got the lesson that they taught me like, I couldn’t put a price on it, you know, like to again, and I just I didn’t know how low on the totem pole I was with eternal poverty. You know, and I’m like, I’m always in my head or I have this sense of hopelessness. I try to have control over things that don’t need to be controlled because I’m worried about XY and Z and then I’m like, This guy celebrated that he had seconds

trying to size up yeah, what am I chasing? Yeah, what are you chasing? What am I chasing? I was I was chasing the ego. You know, I was chasing what I false society wanted owes me right I was chasing what I thought would make me happy. And being here I realize that none of the things that I’ve been chasing is what makes me happy, except for you know, good company. And then just having access to like knowledge, right? Whether that comes from an elderly Mayan lady

blessed nailing and giving the offering to the fire. I like, it was insane. That was like the coolest part ever pours like this alcohol Romo thing on us. And I’m just like, sitting there. I’m like, What are you doing? And I’m just like, I’m gonna send it I’m in a minute. Yeah. And just having her and then I was, like, Here, here’s my offer here.

Like, like, it’s like, it’s the offering was like, for me, it was like, here’s my doubts, here’s my insecurities. You know, here’s my closed mindedness. Like, I put that in a fire so you can reborn into openness into you know, a form of confidence with who you are. You know, and like, that’s what I felt like I was getting back on then. Like, we were all chanting like, like, again, it’s hard to describe in words, but I’m like, How do I tell you that the reason why I was able to stand that song was because of you guys. Because when we all started chanting, like, it’s literally like, I felt the energy.

Will Zapata: D2D Sales Circle Experience in Guatemala

Dude. It was I held hands. I grabbed I

don’t know, did you hold hands? No, I wasn’t the as your eyes. Yeah,

I grabbed Anthony and Alex. And I just was like communal lands. And like, you know, being naked in the sauna. And then that random chick. I’m like, What about someone’s naked man? Yeah. And then but but luckily, it was dark. Like it was just like, oh, okay, it’s dark in here. We can do this. And like, but just offering like prayer to? Oh my gosh,

yeah. Yeah, dude, it was. It was so impactful. I’m like, it’s hard for me to put it in words like you kind of like you have to like, Come and be there. And like, for me, it was so impactful. Like every every day that we did something I battled, not battled, because I don’t have that kind of relationship with fear. But I had a conversation with fear. And it was like, there was moments where he was in the sauna. I was like, Yeah, I’ll do it as hot bowl law. And then everybody started chanting, and I’m like, I’ve never felt so calm in my life.

You would even think about this. You weren’t even thinking about the heat. You’re in the frickin bombs.

In it almost present.

“you can’t put a price on it, man.”

And like, bro, when I tell you like, I don’t think that there’s this entire European present. And it’s all thanks to you, man. Like, like, again, this is me. I was fighting like, close. I’m like off, there’s no downtime, and like, oh my god, what am I gonna do this and like, by the time I got back, it was Lee. I’m like, I don’t even want to talk to nobody right now. And I don’t care about the numbers in the scores, the team’s gonna be fine. Like, whatever, you know, like, and I was like, wow, I get to actually enjoy this. Like, I get to actually do this shit. Like, excuse my French like, I get to actually enjoy it. I’m like, I can’t be here. Like I couldn’t be at work. I couldn’t worry about what cuz I didn’t have access to so come here. And it was just like, bro like, back gift man. Like, you can’t put a price on it, man. Blow. Yeah,

it’s almost like it’s like think of plug in the middle. You get to unplug, but you plugged in? Yeah. plugged in.

Yeah, it was like a receptor went up. Yeah, I unplugged. But then the energy from the Universe Pilates came in. And I was like, Oh, my gosh. Yeah. And it was crazy. Because like, all right. No, I guess all the nourishment that I needed. I got it from the team. Yeah. It’s not even being corny. Like, like little things like, oh, wonder the gym with you, bro. And like the last me so much because I got to incorporate my routine into this. No, me too. Yeah. So I’m like, Oh, this is cool. I can do this. Right? And then it was like, Oh, we are going to lunch together. Yeah, I could do that. And we’re all going to do them together. And then we’ll do it. It was just like all the things that companionship community, you know, like, dependence on your brothers. Like, I had that on here. So like, there was no part of me where I was like, Oh, my God. I was like, this could be home. I’m like, this is a big deal. And what was cool about it the most like I did not have to be anybody else. Like the first day that you set the bar that way and you opened it up. And I intentionally did that. Dude, that was amazing. Because I was like, wow, I never get to tell anyone this and tell their

deepest, darkest one Hey, want to get to know you again?

Yeah. Perfect. Because like our I love the way that you like you when we had it. And you made the comment, like, Well, does it show swimlane that was like, it was like perfect, because like somehow like, it was funny. Like, the ghosts don’t get mad at me. But no, there were like totally accepting of me. Yeah, totally. Okay. I was like, like, it was like the coolest thing ever. Because you because this is me.

Yeah, like hiding from you. hiding from you. Yeah, man, it was just like, super, super awesome. And like super super.

So when you said it, I think you said on the first time you’re like the people that were supposed to be here are here like, you hit it right on the head, like right on the head. And like, I think that I could have been, I could have brought somebody I wish him on and like, I don’t know if they would have been ready. Oh, when it calls it calls. Yeah. And here’s the problem is you probably would have had a different energy show up. Yeah. Because the reason there’s a reason no offense rates if you’re listening. Yeah, no, I did. There’s a reason right? Because like, again, like opening up on a spiritual level.

Hey, guys, welcome to the DDD podcast. In this we’re, yeah, we’re gonna jump in. Are you gonna jump out? Yeah, good. Good. I love you can see when we see so for you

keep going. Um, but yeah, no, yeah, just like for me, I just, you know, again, you have to be open for the messages you receive her right. Like, and again, I’ll just tell you like, with my business partner was like, yeah, man, you know, and I’m like, Dude, this would have been great to calm like, the team would have been totally fine. If you like, yeah, man. But like, I remember he said, like, Yeah, but hitting 110 Feels good. And I was like, that’s one way of looking at it. But like, I would not have had the response. I wasn’t here. I would have like, it’s just simple. Yeah, but it was like this. It was like, that’s one way to look at it. Yeah, I was like, okay, cool. Is that Yeah. Is it that what’s the what feels better doing zero or 110? Depends on where you’re at? Depends on where you’re at. Because like, I didn’t care about production. I can’t say that I cared about it. It’s gonna sound messed up. I like all business. Irrelevant. I get to be me. I get to be me. Because how often do we unplug and get to plug into me to you right? And like, and we can associate things. We associate our business numbers to me Yeah, we associate or Instagram to me, yes, we associate our phone conversation or an associate everything that’s in this is poverty, right. So we associate everything that’s external to me. So when I say get to unplug, but you get to plug into you? Yeah. Yeah. And that’s one of the things that like, looking back at it, when we was in the sauna, I wish I would have asked for forgiveness for myself. Beautiful for like, one not being okay with who I am. Right. And like having the conversations with Christian and getting along the team and like, understanding the different levels of yourself. I’m like, man, well, I can be pretty harsh on you, dude. Like, I’m like it and ask for forgiveness for myself for not just for just not for not being okay with myself. And like, again, thanks to you. And like that, just having no choice. But to basically being the moment I got to realize that.

Yeah, yeah.

Will Zapata: D2D Sales Circle Experience in Guatemala

Like it was just, and again, it helped that I was in this journey with other group of people. And then they acknowledged that as well. Like, it was so cool and baggy left. Like, it’s funny. Can we do dance? Right? And I remember you said, Think of somebody. There was one moment like, when we did the zipline, he was like, think about the person that you connect the most with that maybe you didn’t think and I’m paraphrasing and I thought about Maggie interested cuz like, for whatever reason. And it might be because she’s a mom, no matter what we did. I feel like because Maggie was there everything was gonna be fine. So that motherly? Yeah, and you know, yeah, and then I remember when when you do when we did the yoga experience. Like if you asked, he said something, and I saw Megan, I said, Maggie, can you be my mom? And she was like, sure, like, and it just represented like security and acceptance. You know, like my mom has always been accepting of like, what I do you know, even though I scared her sometimes even though sometimes I scare her but she’s always given me the courage to like try it if I fail or like whatever No biggie. Yeah, do so it was like it was just so many different connections man like along the way. You know, so yeah, I just can’t thank you enough for that. Thank you. Yeah, no, seriously from like, the bottom in the top of my heart entirely like, thank you because I promise you like, you made me a better, I want to say a better man and maybe a better person through this experience. Thank you. So, so it’s interesting

dumbed down internal poverty, just like anybody, you know, you come up with father’s country, I think it’s like the sixth

highest. Like you said, you’re like, wow, who would have thought one of all I could have thought about your own internal bargaining, talked to me about where poverty shows up for you. And poverty shows up for for others. I mean, for me, the biggest part that poverty shows up is love. The word is hopelessness, right. But like, I sometimes feel that like, if I’m not, like, on it all the time, like in business, and I’m not trying to make more money, and I’m not trying to grow the business, that somehow like I’m gonna lose all that and then I’m gonna fall short of who I think I should be. Right? So that’s why I until now, I’ve never been able to live in in the present moment. Because I’m thinking like, if I’m away, let’s say, er, I’m like, oh my god, I’m not doing my business gonna crumble. What are people gonna say about me? Like, who am I going to be? And I think that the issue is, is that I’ve tied my identity to my business. Because I went through life a lot failing Ray and I see that in a good way because I would have not gotten here if it wasn’t for all those failures or lessons. But I just I tied my business to me and then when I was here really gave it like a ball my business like, like asking questions, of course, because we’re all business owners. Like nobody gave a damn nobody was like, how much are you making? How many people do you work with and it’s impoverished mine. Yeah, nobody said that. Like, I felt like when you asked me questions about Tesla when I had questions, I had conversations with Anthony like you guys wanted to know who will was like you didn’t care that I was like well like one of the owners of Apollo energy and what my team did like you know, and I think that like me if I had to explain it with like other people that suffer with you know, most of the internal poverty where we come from right because let’s be honest, you know, we have probably everything that we could want if we really look down if we really look into it, but I think it just comes from a denial of the self Yeah, you know, and like when you don’t acknowledge who you are, you know, good and bad you know, light and dark and you don’t have these conversations with yourself and you don’t accept yourself for being who you are. You try to have all these other things that mascot whether that be material whether it be through some kind of false acknowledgement and that’s where I think like people suffer the most I remember I got this from one gentleman like ego he said you know ego eg Oh is like edging God out. Right so good. You know what I’m saying bro? Good when I start to think about it you’re like I don’t want to accept me the way that I am like technically he or they or whatever it is that your background like God has to gotta has to accept because he made you like you were made in His image damage whatever you want to call it but like he would accept you the way that you are and when you have that ego when you try to be somebody that you’re not you’re just like you’re missing now or you’re creating blocks from receiving the message from God you know, so yeah, that’s the way that I would describe it nor both for myself and people if I had to guess

edging God out right that

yeah, I can even take credit from I got it from I’m gonna butcher his name was like, deep Bach to pour

sounds about right sounds of course like that. Yeah. You know, those wise people as

people Yeah. Listen to his mantras and stuff. And then when he said that, I was like, one of the things that clicked like, bam, like, I need a new name. Yeah. I need a wise man. Yeah.

Yes. I take me way more serious if it was like Java. Yeah. Good mantras. Yeah. Sam says like something eliquid Yeah, and it’s like, you know, like Sam cool. You probably stolen from to troll.

“Sam has shown me man that you could really have the things you want in life.”

Exactly. It’s funny dude. It’s funny because I’m glad that I had the chance to have this conversation yesterday I didn’t the only time I did work yesterday was when I was reading the chapter to continue with my book club with my team but it was about level five leaders and I thought about you the whole time. Because it’s an honor Yeah, no dude in like I said, like when you’re a level five leader do to impact people outside of your industry. You know, but like, like, now that I’ve gotten a chance to know you people gonna be like, saved the person door to door I’m like, that’s like that’s probably like the surface level you have no idea that rail Sam when he is a nature loving like yoga dancing, exploratory mother flood poker, like you, you this is just the surface one night. I’m like, Yeah, dude, like, you know, like you don’t know. But that’s what you take. If that’s the only thing you have to say that he’s the best in door to door that you must not know him. You maybe follow him. But you don’t know him. And yet, the whole time I just I was like literally thinking about you. And it was motivation for me. Because I’m like, Pam, Sam has shown me man that you could really have the things you want in life. You know, and you were like, yeah, what if I remember you were talking to my cousin? Yeah, I was thinking about it. And what if I just did cool stuff that I wanted to do, but I included people in it. Now remember, you said this other part where you were like, yeah, that’s my job. My job is to do cool stuff, like or something like that was like, yeah, that’s my job. I just do stuff like this. And I’m like, you know, and it was like, I just to me, it was like, that’s somebody that’s in tune with, like the universe, and somebody that knows who they are. And he’s just trying to bring people in his circle. And I’m like, if he can do it, why can’t you know? So like, you’ve given me like, an immense amount of courage. Like, again, to accept who I am. And then to water myself. You know? Yeah, dude, like, so again, I just can’t thank you enough, man. Because, like, that’s why I say it’s like, it’s hard for me to put into words like what this experience was like. Dude, thank you, man. Like, seriously, like, you’re doing great things, and you’re making a great impact. And I promise you, like, I promise you, I’m going to take this back with my team. Like, so it’s going to help me business wise, but I’m glad that that was not the intention. I am so glad that it was now because I know, with the information that you have given me, it’s gonna, it’s gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna be nice by saying it’s going to attend X my business. You know,

if it doesn’t?

Now, here’s the thing.

And if it doesn’t, what did it do? Who cares?

Who cares for you?

What did you do? Well,

what did you do? To me? That’s what I’m saying. So it’s funny. That’s why

I say, don’t be attached. Yeah. And

you’re right, because I sent it to business. And what I should have said is going to 10x my relationship with my team, or 10x your perspective or turn X my perspective, you’re 100% Correct. Because now I’m like, because again, I realized I was reading like, the levels of leadership that like leadership and empowerment comes from empowering other people. And that’s what speaks to my heart that I like to be a servant to people. You know, so I’m like, Oh, my God, like, it’s gonna, it’s gonna 10x Again, my perspective is going to 10x Will, it’s going to 10x Like, my team and the byproducts, whatever, like a false one that whatever, like, who cares? But it’s, um, it’s just one of those things where doesn’t matter. Like I feel like I’m going to be a better person because of this. Thank you. Yeah, nah, dude. It’s like you can’t put a price you can’t put a status on like making better humans do like that kind of currency. You can go trade that for anything. Yeah, my tenant your business if we attach it to that. Yeah. We’re missing it. Yeah. Missing. Yeah, no, you’re writing thank you so much for like letting me know that because it’s true. Like, like,

we don’t stop attaching. It’s gonna connect will Yeah. Is attachment to will.

FinEx it’s gonna infinite x y 10 y 10 y 10 y times y limited to y limited to time the name infinex Already in the thing with love that. We’re coming in with the Phoenix infinite Phoenix that was like in the basketball game when they pass it to you and there’s like point half a second left in New Jersey. Yeah, she just comes in from just she just dropped in just for our lesson for everyone that’s listening. Welcome your Phoenix to podcast podcast.

She popped in in the hallway. No, no, just kidding. Welcome. Yeah, we’re wrapping it up. So you got some value out of this. Interesting dynamic podcasts get through the podcast started in my pocket in the pocket on accident. Yeah. Oh my gosh. 12 minutes in. Yeah, we just were like, we’re like, Well, now it’s a podcast. Yeah.

Will Zapata: D2D Sales Circle Experience in Guatemala

I couldn’t turn some podcasts. By far the best. Yeah. Like, listen to this, by far the best his daughter. And I thought I was like saying bye to you. And like, you got it. I’ll be there in a minute. I thought I was seeing biting you. And it was like, oh, man, like it just turned into this. Again, the whole thing with like, the experience what has been like, I was like, nothing has been what I thought it was. Like nothing.

That’s what I said. infinex into your perspective. Yeah.

Screwed dT dx. It’s infinite. Because Dude, can I be honest with you? Yeah, it’s been my journey for the last four or five months was, I’ve known that Divi experts is going through this Phoenix transformation. So if you’re listening to this, welcome, and you didn’t make it 35 minutes into the podcast? That person does. Yeah, it the person that’s supposed to be listening to this is the one that’s supposed to be listening to this.

So I’m, for five months, I’m just racking my head. I’m like God will deliver when it’s right to make this reframe. And maybe it’s not even now maybe it’s in a year from now. But maybe you come. I’d like to just tell me. Because like you said, ddd is a band aid. How do you explain? Like, I’m like, How do I put in? That’s what started this whole thing. I’m like, Okay, you’re expecting X. And I’m like, I don’t teach sales. I don’t take business. I teach life. And I say, Guess what that’s gonna translate down into your business, which is a reflection of your life. And I drink my own damn medicine to like, I have my own business shit that I have to deal with ups and downs and failures and financing this and that. But it’s like, for four months, I’ve just been like, rebirth reap no longer than I’m like, eight months. And I’m like, It’s not DDD experts. That’s not what Sam’s meant to be. It’s, and I’ve been like, God, just tell me what it is. And I was like, I don’t know how to put it into words, but infinex Almost puts

“I would love to have more people get involved.”

this word. Yeah, bro. Like, you’ve transcended like, when I met you? And again, I probably didn’t know at the time, like, Yeah, you were like door to door expert. Now you’re like, Sam is like a great guide to like, your spiritual self. You know, like, there’s so many levels of this that you implemented, that it’s designed to get you to a higher consciousness. Like, I think, like I said, You’re the door to door expert, like I wouldn’t be doing you wouldn’t be doing justice. Or it’s very surface level. Or it’s attached to like a business or something. But like, bro, I’m telling you, you’re more than that man. And whatever it is, even if you don’t mean it to be this, because it’s harder to explain what this is. But I would just double the triple down, bro. Thanks. Yeah, man, cuz I know for me, I would love to have more people get involved. Yeah, more people. Here’s the thing that people that are called to be part of something like this. No, they’re called. And for me is not about the money. Like I could care less. It’s so much more than Yeah, I’m like, You’re doing the money for you. It’s the it’s, I’m letting go of my attachment to the 3050 whatever I am doing. And I’m like, for me, it’s just like, honestly, like charity work. Like I’m doing it. I’m just trying to be a guide to help you find you which isn’t going to translate into sales and business. Relationships. Do we have people here? Like think of like Amy and just a lot of people just going through relationships and they bonded and like Josh and Anna I talked to and she was like, Dude, I it finally unlocked three years at this like blockage that we’ve had and she goes this trans sended our relationship. Shay broke down. In tears to me going, I have not been able to express and feel safe to Trump like the trauma that’s built into me. So that’s why I’m like, how do you I just want to be a guide and host experiences and create a space for people to me. Yeah, bro. Like, that’s why I’m telling you like yesterday when I was leaving level five leadership, like I literally thought about you the whole time, the whole time. And again, it might be just me putting it out into the universe one what I admire and what I aspire to be. But it’s also probably like me just sending you that energy in those vibes your way because I’m telling you, I would not have enjoyed this, if you would have given me 10 years of business like experiencing something, I would have not enjoyed it right now. Because then, you know, again, you would have not allowed me to discover me, and you would have not given me their permission to love me for who I am. You would have not given me the environment where I could look at people differently. You know, and try to understand where they’re coming from. Like, bro, that’s all thanks to you, man, I still would have been like, oh, yeah, attached to what my business does. And that defines the kind of life that I live in. Whether I’m happy or not. Thanks to its people like you that

are ready to be in a community like this. You don’t think about it. There’s a lot of people that are judging still, that are not getting it. And this is why I called offense to rich. I’m not there yet. And then it’ll come Yeah. But it’s interesting. Yeah, this is what I needed. Thank you.

No, bro. Thank you, man. Like and like I said, like, whatever it is that you need, you know, anything, anything at all, because like I told you, I just feel empowered man. And I feel like, again, you gave me permission to be who I am. And I’m somebody that loves to genuinely serve people. And like I just can’t thank you enough. Thank you. Thank you so much.

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