From Door to Door to Industry Leader & Top Sales Guru: Sam Taggart Reflects On His Direct Sales Evolution

6 Min Read

Last Updated: August 21, 2024
A person with long blonde hair and a beard is smiling against a red background. Text on the image reads "Sam Taggart, Direct Sales Evolution: Transforming D2D Sales Training.

Hey there, sales warriors! Itโ€™s Sam Taggart here, the guy whoโ€™s been knocking on doors since I was barely tall enough to reach the doorbell and has spent the better part of two decades living and breathing the art of direct sales. Over the years, Iโ€™ve sold everything from security systems to solar panels and built a seven-figure consulting business from scratch.

If you’ve ever hustled in sales or dreamt of taking your business to the next level by becoming a D2D Millionaire, this blog is for you. Today, I’m talking about D2D Experts’ ongoing direct sales evolution. It follows my journey as a door-to-door sales rep to founding D2D Expertsโ€”a company helping thousands of sales professionals boost their game.

This isn’t just about my story; it’s about actionable steps you can take to scale your success.

Letโ€™s go FULL SEND on this journey through the evolution of direct sales and uncover the strategies that will keep you at the top of your game. Buckle up because weโ€™re about to break down everything you need to know to stay competitive and thrive in the modern sales landscape.

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The Early Days: Starting in Door-to-Door Sales

My journey in sales began when I was just 11 years old, knocking on doors to sell coupon books and paint addresses on curbs. It wasnโ€™t glamorous, but it was the beginning of a career that would teach me more about persistence, resilience, and the art of selling than any classroom ever could.

Fast-forward to 2008, I worked with Vivint in the alarm sales industry.

Thatโ€™s when things started to take off. After years of grinding and learning the ropes, I finished #1 at Vivint in 2014, selling over 400 personal alarm accounts in one summer. But it wasnโ€™t just about the sales; it was about understanding what makes people tick and how to leverage that effectively.

Why should you stick around? Because the tips and strategies Iโ€™m about to lay out could be the difference between just getting by and crushing it in the D2D world. Whether youโ€™re a seasoned pro or just starting, thereโ€™s something here for everyone. By the end of this blog, youโ€™ll have actionable insights you can implement immediately to see results.

Weโ€™ll cover much ground today, from understanding the nuances of the D2D sales process to mastering the art of overcoming objections and closing the deal. But first, let me take you on a quick journey through my experiencesโ€”experiences that have shaped my career and the success of countless others Iโ€™ve had the pleasure of coaching.

The Birth of D2D Experts: A Vision for the Industry

The idea for D2D Experts didnโ€™t come overnight. It resulted from years of frustration seeing talented reps struggle, high turnover rates, and managers who were great at selling but lacked the skills to train and retain their teams. I knew there had to be a better way.

I first created a Facebook group called “Can’t Knock This,” where I shared tips and tricks for door-to-door sales. It quickly grew into a community, but I had to shut it down due to corporate compliance issues. That didnโ€™t stop me. I knew there was a need for a platform where reps could learn, grow, and share their experiences without the red tape.

I had a vision while sitting on a rock in the desert during a mastermind retreat. I saw the potential for a conference to bring the door-to-door sales community togetherโ€”something that had never been done before. Thatโ€™s how D2DCon was born, and from there, D2D Experts grew into a full-fledged training and consulting company.

Building D2D University: The Need for Better Training

One of the biggest challenges in the door-to-door industry is training. Too often, reps are thrown into the field with little more than a script and a pat on the back. Thatโ€™s not how you build a sustainable, successful team. I realized that if I wanted to change the industry, I needed to provide high-quality, accessible training.

Thatโ€™s when I launched D2D University, an online platform with video courses, training modules, and resources designed to help reps at every career stage. Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned manager, D2D University has something to offer.

And itโ€™s not just about sales techniques. We cover everything from mindset and motivation to leadership and recruiting. Itโ€™s a comprehensive resource thatโ€™s helped thousands of sales professionals improve their performance and grow their businesses.

The Power of Community: Why D2DCon Matters

D2DCon isnโ€™t just another sales conference; itโ€™s a movement. When I first floated the idea, people thought I was crazy. A convention for door-to-door sales? Would anyone even show up? But I believed in the power of bringing people together, and the response was overwhelming.

The first D2DCon had about 800 attendees, and itโ€™s grown exponentially every year since. In January 2024, weโ€™re expecting close to 3,000 people! What makes D2DCon unique is the community. Itโ€™s not just about the speakers or the workshops; itโ€™s about the connections you make and the inspiration you get from being surrounded by like-minded professionals.

One of the highlights for me has been the Golden Door Awards. These are given to the top-performing sales reps in various categories, and itโ€™s been incredible to see how this recognition has motivated reps to push themselves even harder.

Scaling the Business: From Sales Rep to CEO

Transitioning from a top-performing sales rep to running a company wasnโ€™t easy. There were moments of doubt, especially when I left my secure job as VP of Sales at Solcius to go all-in with D2D Experts. But I knew that if I wanted to make a real impact, I had to take the leap.

One of the toughest decisions was giving up the steady paychecks and venturing into the unknown. But my passion for helping others succeed was stronger than my fear of failure. And let me tell you, it was worth it. Today, D2D Experts has helped over 750 companies build and scale their sales teams, and weโ€™re just getting started.

The Importance of Masterminds and Continuous Learning

If thereโ€™s one thing Iโ€™ve learned over the years, you should never stop learning. After I finished #1 at Vivint, some people thought I didnโ€™t need any more training. But I knew better. Thatโ€™s why I joined Masterminds and sought out mentors who could help me grow.

Masterminds have been a game-changer for me, and thatโ€™s why weโ€™ve made them a core part of what we offer at D2D Experts. Our masterminds bring together business owners, sales reps, and managers committed to leveling up. Itโ€™s a place to share your challenges, get feedback, and learn from others on the same journey.

And itโ€™s not just about business. We focus on personal development, tooโ€”everything from fitness and health to relationships and mindset. Because at the end of the day, success isnโ€™t just about making money; itโ€™s about living a fulfilling life.

Success Stories: The Impact of D2D Experts

Over the years, weโ€™ve seen incredible success stories from our clients. One of my favorites is a roofing company from Maryland that came to us with about $5 million in revenue. After attending our business bootcamp and implementing the strategies we taught, they grew to $50 million in just two years!

Another great example is a small pest control company that didnโ€™t even know what the Golden Door Awards were. After working with us, they had two reps hit the Golden Door threshold in their first year. Thatโ€™s the kind of transformation weโ€™re all about.

These success stories arenโ€™t just flukes. They’re a product of hard work, dedication, and following the systems weโ€™ve developed at D2D Experts. And if they can do it, so can you.

The Future of D2D Experts: Whatโ€™s Next?

Weโ€™re always looking for ways to innovate and provide even more value to our community. One of the things Iโ€™m most excited about is the expansion of our training programs. Weโ€™re constantly updating D2D University with new content and launching specialized courses for different industries, from solar and roofing to pest control and HVAC.

Weโ€™re also expanding our events. In addition to D2DCon, weโ€™re hosting more bootcamps, summits, and masterminds than ever. And weโ€™re taking our consulting services to the next level, helping businesses survive and thrive in todayโ€™s competitive market.

But the mission remains the same: to unify, uplevel, and bring honor and integrity to the door-to-door sales industry.

Final Thoughts: Taking Action

If thereโ€™s one thing I want you to take away from this blog, itโ€™s that success in sales and life doesnโ€™t happen by accident. It takes vision, hard work, and a willingness to invest in yourself and your team.

Whether you want to improve your sales skills, grow your business, or get inspired, D2D Experts is here to help. Check out D2D University, join us at D2DCon, or sign up for one of our bootcamps. And if youโ€™re ready to take things to the next level, consider joining one of our masterminds or booking a consulting session.

Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself. So go out there, take action, and make this the year you crush your goals.

Thank you for sticking with me through this journey. I hope my story and the lessons I’ve shared have inspired you to push harder, dream bigger, and never settle for anything less than excellence. The door-to-door sales industry is tough, but with the right mindset, tools, and community, thereโ€™s no limit to what you can achieve.

Sam Taggart

I knocked doors since I was 11! Never bought into the whole hourly normal job, and used direct sales to be the vehicle to create MASSIVE success. I Started the Direct Sales division for Solcius as their VP building it up to have 70+ sales reps nation wide. In 2018 I left to pursue a greater mission to unify and uplevel the Door to Door industry and founded the D2D Experts.

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