Tim Storey – The Comeback King

25 Min Read

Last Updated: November 24, 2020

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Sam Taggart 01:15
Alright everybody, this is Sam Taggart, the D2D podcast and I have the Tim Storey who’s coming in January 8, the ninth to door to door con, and we have got a little podcast a treat for you guys. So he is the combat coach he has trained and worked with and spoken to 1000s and 1000s of people and change the lives of many. He’s been featured on many of the podcasts, he’s been spoken many of the big events, if you haven’t heard of Tim story, you’ve kind of had your head in the stand. So good friend, Tim, appreciate you having been on the show man and playing ball with the tribe.

Tim Storey 01:50
We are friends, and I’m so excited to come to your conference. And, man, they’re coming from all over the world to this amazing conference. And I will tell you this last year, I saw your lineup, and I thought, Oh my gosh, I would like to speak there. And it was such a privilege when you invited me. So you know if if something great is happening, I want to be in the middle of it. So I cannot wait to be with you at your conference in January.

Sam Taggart 02:23
Thank you for that. And what would you say to anybody? Like obviously, you’ve spoken know a lot of the people that are speaking like john Maxwell and David Goggins and Bradley and I know you’ve shared the stage with a few of those people and how l rod and what what would you say to somebody that ticket prices a lot more this year? I think a lot of people are kind of odd. When they say last year, it might have been 250 300 bucks a ticket this year, it’s 2000 bucks a ticket. So I think a lot of people have been like, oh, shoot, I don’t know, if I want to spend that much money. You’ve obviously been in spoken, attended a lot of conferences. What do you what do you say about people attending conferences and dropping some money on that and investing in themselves? Sure. You have to sense there?

Tim Storey 03:02
Yeah. 100%. I think that here’s the deal, you learn three primary ways, education, observation, what you see, and conversation, how you dialogue, and a conference like you’re putting together? Could you imagine that a person can come to the conference one way and leave the conference another way? Come to the conference less than leave the conference more than like that. So I guarantee you just for my session alone. I’m gonna take you there, boy,

Sam Taggart 03:41
have you have you had people paid just 2000 bucks just to come to you alone, let alone all of these people have 18 workshops, five big keynote speakers

Tim Storey 03:49
more like $50,000 for one day, just to dialogue? Yes, of course.

Sam Taggart 03:55
And I think that’s where a lot of people

Tim Storey 03:57
and the reason they do it is because here’s the deal, is that one conversation can change your world. One message can trigger something in you and touch you. And I mean, in the midst of everything, you got to understand how many invitations we all get. There’s only 52 weeks in the year, and most of us don’t want to like travel every day. So to get the lineup that you got, number one, Holy schmoly guacamole, not easy, trust me, because we have to say no to most conferences, just so you know. And you look at a Goggins or Maxwell. I mean, Bradley, these guys are all super Uber busy people. So we must have felt some kind of connection to you. For me, it was my assistant, who instantly just jumped on it. He’s like, Oh, I like this guy. So you know it’s worth the money, guys, because you are valuable. So treat yourself like you’re valuable, and invest in yourself. So the monies that you pay for this conference, you are going to get it back in money, or what money can I buy? Now this is this is a, this is a life changing conference, no doubt.

Sam Taggart 05:23
Love that. Let’s dive into it. Um, I have a lot of questions I want to ask you. And I feel like I could, I don’t know how we topic all these things in 30 minutes. And anyway, so I’ll dive in. So you, you, I’m going to get vulnerable on this. And I don’t even know how I’m supposed to give vulnerable on this. But I might save that for the second half, I have a couple of quotes that I’ve heard you say, just in different podcasts and things like that, that I kind of want to dive on that I thought were pretty interesting. One of the one of the principles You talk a lot about obviously, you’re a preacher, Christian man, and you teach a lot about the law of the harvest. And I feel like in door to door sales, it there is no other industry, in my opinion, as gritty and more applicable to the law of the harvest. Because most people are on 1099. Most people are kind of own entrepreneurs not paid a W two. So it is very, very much so applicable in our in our industry and our jobs and our lives. kind of talk to us about your principle of, you know, work your land and the law, the hardware.

Tim Storey 06:30
Okay, so great question. So number one, people are looking for results, or we talk a lot about results. We think a lot about results. But the beautiful thing is to really enjoy the results to really benefit from the results. And for the results to last, you have to go through what I call the law of the harvest. And the law of the harvest is this you got to plow the ground. And then you have to plant the right seed. Then you water the seed, which is repetition, and then you will reap the harvest. Okay, so let’s talk about Magic Johnson for a second. So people see him as a great basketball player of the past. But he talks about growing up in Michigan that sometimes it was so cold, that he would be out there in the snow outside playing basketball in the snow. Because he knew somebody in the sun in Florida or California was practicing. So he couldn’t say it’s snowing in Michigan, I can’t practice. So he would practice in the snow. So that’s plowing, planting the right seed, watering the seed, and then you get the harvest. So it actually comes from a proverb in the Bible that says he who works his land shall have abundance, but whoever chases fantasies lacks wisdom. So I don’t want to chase fantasies and think it’s all gonna happen overnight. No, I’m going to plow the ground, plant the right seed, water the seed every day, and then get the harvest that’s happened to Magic Johnson. That’s what happened to you.

Sam Taggart 08:18
Love that. And so you you know, there’s a part in a podcast I heard where you talked about, you know, there’s favor in the person. And then there’s favor in the path. And I really thought this was interesting, because some people are plowing in the wrong fields, I feel like and a lot of times people chase greener grass, and they, they they’re like, I’m going to do door to door sales, or I’m going to do this for a couple years or I’m going to you know, and and then I’m going to go get a real job. Or I’m gonna go, you know, and I’m like, what do you what do you mean a real job and I feel like a lot of times, people lose faith in the in the path or they may get distracted from the path. Talk to us a little bit about kind of your, your concept of that.

Tim Storey 09:01
My concept is it’s not as difficult as we’re making it. Okay, so I don’t know this. Do you have children?

Sam Taggart 09:08
Yeah, three little girls.

Tim Storey 09:10
Okay. So as a father, you want your three children, your three daughters to do well, right? Yeah. Okay. So, God the Father, he wants his children to do well. So God gets more glory out of you being in success and out of you being a failure. That’s a Tim story, quote. from way back, don’t forget that God gets more success out of you, being a success, and you’ve been a failure, so he wants you to be successful. So here’s the deal is that all of us have the right path that we can follow. So the Bible says Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. So there is a path that is already there, I call it the favorite path. So favor is on your person. But favor watch is also on your path. So I always say this, just because you’re pretty doesn’t mean you ought to be a model. Just because you can sing doesn’t mean you should be a professional singer. So you got to say favors on my person, because I’m a child of God. But now where’s my favorite path, I’ll quickly tell you how to find it. You have to stop, you have to look. And then you have to listen. I like that. When you stop, and you look and you listen, you’re going to hear the voice. And the voice is going to lead you to the right path. It could be things like people hurting, maybe a humanitarian, you see a creative person, hey, I want to be a creative person. Or you see someone in a certain business and you decide you want to be in that business. So favors on your person and favors on your path, we can help you find your favorite path.

Sam Taggart 11:08
So they call you the comeback coach. Because you’ve helped a lot of people that have kind of gone on a wayward path. Come back, right, you know, you think of like the prodigal son, right. And you, you know, you probably have 1000s of stories of where you’ve helped either professional actors, athletes, things like that. Um, one of the things you said was just never waste your failures and and the mess equals the message, right? And like, when you have somebody that you know, has maybe gone off onto the wrong path and is kind of in their own little like, slump in life. What are some things you’ve done or seen that is best to pull them out? Maybe it’s a friend or family member? how can how as a coach, have you been able to bring people back onto the right path?

Tim Storey 12:01
Okay, so so number one. So my doctorates in world religion, so I’ll reference a lot of things but right now, I’m gonna reference the Bible again. So the Bible says, the god knows the end from the beginning and he knows what is yet to unfold. So you in your life right now, you’re good snowboarder skied since you’re a kid, you’re a great business person. Sure, a great husband. Great father. So I’m very proud of you. Okay. But you are still unfolding. So you are unfolding. Now. What happens in life is we have what I call life interruptions. It could be an illness could be COVID-19 hits the whole world, it’s called a pandemic, a life interruption will hit. And when a life interruption hits, most people stop. They go through a bad breakup, a divorce, something happens. And they, they have a setback, a life interruption, and they sit in that setback, and they settle in the setback. But I like to say this way, don’t fold. While you’re still unfolding. Don’t fold your cards while you’re still unfolding. So there’s a lot of people watching right now, where you’ve had a difficult last three years, maybe you’ve battled depression, not your doggone fault. Most likely it’s hereditary. I did addiction. Most likely already. Terry. There’s a lot of things that we battle that we did not order from life Steiner just showed up on our plate. And so maybe for three years, your life is really been difficult. But don’t fold your cards like in poker, when you fold your cards that says, I don’t believe in my hand. I give up. I don’t believe in my hand. I give up. Yeah, don’t fold while you’re still unfolding. And so that is a beautiful message to you today.

Sam Taggart 14:12
I love that I literally just got done eating lunch with one of my childhood best friends. He had a skateboarding accident about three weeks ago where he had brain trauma. And he’s about to lose his job. He’s about to you know, his marriage is in the crapper. And I just sat there and he’s like, honestly, if he’s like, honestly, if I died right now, I might be okay. Like, you know, it was it was crazy. It was like suicidal thoughts. And I’m sitting there as is like, best bud at lunch with him. Luckily, I’m probably there because he’s very lonely. Kind of antisocial. It’s, and I was like, man, how do I help this guy? Like I? I was sitting there like, man, I need Tim’s story right now. But I love that I wish I’m gonna text him like dude don’t fold right now man like, things are still so

Tim Storey 14:58
So do me a favor because you’re connected to our team, we will send you the comeback and beyond book and have him read it. Okay. And then if he needs to get on a call with me, so me, you and him can three way call, have him read the book, and then say Tim wants to talk to you, just because He cares. and me, you and him will three way in about a week. Okay. That’d be awesome. Yeah. Because truly all it is, is that, hey, he didn’t like order all this silliness from life’s diner, even if, even if he did some things wrong. Welcome to the human race. We’re all growing. So don’t fold while you’re still unfolding. But so I will say first of all, I don’t blame him for thinking those thoughts. Because he does not see that just around the corner, something beautiful can happen. So those of us that are not going to what he’s going through have to be be his his eyes and say, Hey, man, I saw what’s ahead of you, we can make it through. And that’s what I became very well known for, with helping the biggest entertainers in our world to see the light and not stay folded.

Sam Taggart 16:15
I love that. I haven’t told anybody this. So this is me getting raw with you. And I figure Hey, if I get if I get to do a podcast with Tim, I might as well get some coaching myself. Me and you have something in common? You went through a divorce when you were, you know, in the past, and I’m actually going through one right now. And not many people know that. So if you’re listening to this, it’s, it’s kind of fresh. Um, you said something, though, how? You had a lot of social pressure, right? There was a lot of like, man, I this is not in the cards for me, like I want to make it work and I want to be a good husband and I want to be a good person. And yeah, I don’t know. I just, I think like when you look at past and you look at people is like you just said things unfold. Like I’m very optimistic. I’m very like, Hey, I’m excited. Like, I’m, it’s a new chapter in my life. But it’s interesting. For the first time in my life, I felt like something didn’t go my way. And if somebody else out there is dealing and I’m sharing this not not asking for sympathy, I feel like now I can empathize on a deeper level with a lot of people. When it comes to relationships, we struggled. We were married about eight years. And we struggle for seven.

Tim Storey 17:42
Don’t just just leave just leave it at that. I think that if I can say this, number one. I think emotion is good. That you feel emotion, could you feel a loss? So I’m going to break it into categories. Okay. Anytime you have a partnership, partnership and business, partnership, in dating, partnership and marriage partnership as just best friends. When you have a divorce, what it means watch my hands It means divided force. Yeah. Divided force de force de force forced, okay. So there’s a tearing. So I counsel a lot of people, in a lot of people that don’t even like each other, they get divorced. They feel the ripping and tearing, there’s a tearing and ripping, but it can happen in a friendship. It could happen between a mother and a daughter, a father and a son. It can happen in many ways, but in the area of marriage. Okay, we’ll take it off you. But thank you to for all of us, you know, for you being so vulnerable and sharing. But to take it off you for a minute. isn’t anything any time that you go through divorce? What happens is that those things that knock on your door, shame knocks on your door, guilt knocks on your door, okay? And a lot of that is because of the expectation that we have of what the relationship should have been like, because you have a wedding and you have these expectations. And we feel like we did not meet those now. So in every case of people that I counsel, which is I counsel people every day, is that you never know what’s going on in that house. And so that’s why it’s so important for us not to judge, anybody that’s going through, whether it be addiction problems, or going through marital problems. And so what I would say to you, as a older mentor is that I believe that you did what you could to make it work because you’re that kind of guy. And that you will always be a great father. And that marriage is one thing, and family can also be another thing. And that you can still have an amazing family, even though you’re not married to the person that used to be married to. And I help a lot of people with that. And I see a lot of women who have a lot of guilt. But yet they’re helping to co parent their children. But their children turn out great. Yeah. are men the opposite way now? Will they feel some things? Yes, the reality is yes. But grace fills in the gaps. Wherever there are gaps, and wherever his pain, Grace fills in the gaps. So I was talking to a guy in an airplane, this will just take a minute. And I said to him, Are you single? Are you married? He goes, I’m divorced. I said, No, there’s two categories. Are you single? Are you married? He goes, I’m divorced. I got no, there’s two categories. He started laughing. I said, How long are you divorced? He said 17 years ago. And then he got emotional. I said, Isn’t it amazing? This was a man that was like powerful, but 67 years of age, he told me. He said, I said, Isn’t it amazing that you’re holding on to the divorce of all those years ago? Because of the shame and the guilt. When I asked you, if you’re single or married, you keep saying you’re divorced. So you labeled yourself. So no matter what anybody is going through this watching right now, we refuse to label ourselves because of any setback in our life. Yeah, whether it be alcoholism, whether it be how we were raised, whether you were molested, whatever, we’re not victims, we’re victors. And God’s grace is sufficient. No doubt about it.

Sam Taggart 22:09
I love that. Thank you so much for that share. By the way, like I said it, I’m only bringing this up. So I, I see, you’ve probably coached a lot of really successful people. And it’s probably not the first time that you’ve seen, you know, when there’s a lot of fame, or competition or stress or anything. I mean, people are people, right, like, and I don’t care who you are, if you’re Michael Jordan, or if you’re a nobody, like a dude that nobody knows, right? Like, and I find whether you’re in door to door sales, or entrepreneurship, or whatever, whoever’s listening to this, sometimes it’s it’s how you deal with the setbacks. And that’s why that’s why I wanted to bring this up is

Tim Storey 22:53
Well, you probably have said, on this podcast, one of the best things you ever said. And you’ll see that by the ratings of this watch. Because what’s the reality is, is that a lot of times people watch people, and those, see them on Instagram, or Facebook or somewhere. And it just looks like they’re just thriving living this amazing life. What I what I get to do is I get to get beyond the curtain of the Wizard of Oz, because I work with the biggest stars in the world. And I see that some of their kids are rebellious, but that rebellious and can’t stand them. I see that they have marital problems. I see that they got other problems. They’ve got worries, they got fears are afraid of COVID-19. Listen, we’re all human beings. And we’re all working through something. And again, so let’s not fold while we’re still unfolding. So for me looking at you, I mean, you’re brilliant, you’re bright, you’re brilliant. And you’re going to live a bright and brilliant life and you’re going to honor the mother of your children are not a matter of who’s right or wrong. You’re going to honor the mother of your children. And and then the rest is your guys business is none of ours. It’s none of our business. It’s it’s your business. And grace fills in the gaps. And we just keep flowing and growing and getting better. I

Sam Taggart 24:27
love that. I appreciate that mindset too. So let’s kind of shift gears a little bit. If you you know, when you look at coaching so a lot of these guys that are listening, they manage sales teams, right? They’re they’re either recruiting, selling, managing, trying to help motivate and door to door is not an easy job, right? Like it’s very much so the grind. You’re getting your face kicked in, day in and day out. people yelling, spitting pulling guns throwing you in jail and how do you motivate. I’m sure you’ve had to kind of pull somebody out of their victim mindset of like I’m demotivated, I just don’t want to go out today I’m struggling, what are some good techniques that you could maybe speak to the leadership of this industry to help keep somebody motivated and keep them going on a consistent grind?

Tim Storey 25:17
Like is there any tips you’d help? 100%. So if you guys can write this down, write it down. So number one, you have the site to great life, the site is the vision. And then you have the right to a great life. So no matter what country you live in, even if you have oppression in that country, you have the sight and then you have the right. Okay. But the third thing is, is that you have to develop the might. The might, is the inner strength. The might is the faith, the might is the courage, the might is resilience, and that’s what a lot of people don’t have, they have the site. Okay, so the read the book, like the secret, or Rich Dad, Poor Dad, or the rich, the read is different books thinking Grow Rich, and they see a gap. Tim, I got the site. I got the right. Okay, but you have to have the mic. And so that’s one reason I also want you to come to the conference in January, because we’re going to teach you about how to have the mic how to strengthen your mic, how to strengthen the inside of you. Because when you strengthen your mind is so powerful. You’re going to be like that person that gets hit and bounces back, gets hit and bounces back. Hit gets hit and bounces back now. I studied the palm tree so palm trees. If there’s a big hurricane like in Florida, they could be like this. And 150 mile an hour winds can hit a palm tree. And it’ll Ben Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, stay there to the wind done and bounce back. Other trees are just uprooted. So I studied it. And I found that the palm trees go about 25 feet deep into the ground. But also they have elasticity in them. And so all through the trunk is elasticity like rubber. So here is what happens is a Ben Ben Ben Ben, and they bounce back. So when you have the sight and you have the right and when you get the might you Ben Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. And don’t break you Ben. Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. And don’t fly away. You Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. And you bounce back. So when I am live coaching the biggest stars in the world. I teach them the might. And so when you have the might, okay. When you have the might. Big winds can hit you. And I say it this way you hit the flow come back FOMO hit the flow. Come back. FOMO hit the flow come back from mo so that’s why you keep coming back young man. Cuz you get the flow. Come back for mo cuz you got the might love that. I got the mic. Yo. I made the flow. But I’m gonna come back from mo

Sam Taggart 28:15
I love that. That’s such a good. I’m gonna I’m gonna steal that I will tag Tim story everyday I am stealing that hit the flow come back. That’s hot. That’s that’s fresh off the press right there. So one thing that you I like that you said that I you know, the other day. I was really like, I have like a weird week of sequential like events like it was like bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. And I still was like, so happy. And everybody’s like, Sam Why? Like, how are you still functioning right now? And I was like, honestly, I just think it goes back to that Mike, it goes back to I can just come back to the I want more like I bounce back so much faster than I think most average people. And it’s not that it was funny because I did an Instagram story. And I said it’s the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people simply is those that are unsuccessful. They don’t they break they don’t they fly away. They don’t bounce back. Right. What you’re saying is it’s like almost like they all have five flat tires every year. Well, maybe the successful person still had five flat tower tires every year. You just didn’t hear about it. And they just kept moving. Like they just were like, Oh darn, a flat tire. The unsuccessful person is like, Oh, my life is over. I’m going to get fired for my job. And they talk about it all day. And it’s like, No, I’m like, well, dude, just you had a flat tire. Like, that’s life, like, move on like, and and it was so interesting, because I’m like, I don’t I think bad things like hurricanes happen to everyone. And that’s what I’m trying to get out on this podcast is it’s like, you’ve had your own hurricanes. I’ve had my own hurricanes. It’s the ability to bounce back and that Ls desity which I I love this analogy. And it’s hurricanes happen to everybody.

Yeah. And just own it for yourself because I think it’s part of your message. Like that’s why Tom Brady Tom Brady can go to the Patriots and have a show so season. So he knew he had a soso season last year he knew it. But he’s used to winning the Super Bowl. So then he goes down south to Tampa Bay people like, when’s he gonna do? The guy is exploding. He’s acting and playing like he’s 35 years of age and he’s in his 40s. Okay. Why? Because he has the sight. He has the right, but he has the might. So you saw that when Tom got hit by the winds of life. When he was with New England, they did not go so far in the playoffs. He didn’t quick complain, given fold. As we said earlier, he hit the flow came back for mo hitting the flow. So that’s why I wanted to help your friend with when we get on the phone. Hit the flow. Come back from Oh, come on. We’re not a bunch of quitters. I love that. Um,

Sam Taggart 31:00
so what what have you ever done door to door? I’m curious, like, have you ever been inside? I’m sure you’ve been in?

Tim Storey 31:04
Yeah, no, no, I have done door to door in the area of evangelism. So let me tell you about this. Yeah, is that when I was coming up? As a young minister, we had this program where you would go evangelize. And so we would knock on the doors. And I’d say Hi, my name is Tim story. And I’m from First Family Church was was the name of our church. And we just want to tell you that we have all kinds of great programs of the church. Next Door next door. Hi, my name is Tim story, I’ll happy. And there’s a church down the street called First Family Church. And it’s a great church with 1200 members. We have something anywhere from Little kids to seniors. without even saying anything, just slam slam slam. And I thought maybe the Jehovah Witnesses beat me there. And the Mormons. Okay, so that’s funny, right? So the thing is, I’m really not exaggerating. Like nine out of 10 were like, Hey, little charismatic chocolate man, you’re not you’re not facing me. So later in life, I become one of Oprah’s best friends, right? And I live this posh life, life coach to the stars 75 countries of the world. But back then they were slamming doors in my face. But I already had that swag, that I would hit the flow, come back for it to flow come back. Then it may be that ninth door. And I talked to someone they go, Oh my god, this is weird. I’m not religious. But I’ve been looking for a sense of community. And I’d say Wow, well, I’m telling you, we really have a good church and we have some for people your age. And do you have children? Yes, we do. And this is my husband and he’s like, come on in. And so I just kept knocking kept knocking kept knocking kept knocking kept knocking. And so it was that one breakthrough of a change life. That made it worth it.

Sam Taggart 33:19
Love it. Love it. I can relate. I lived in Argentina for two years knocking so I mean, it was a lot of except except in Argentina. you clap like they don’t not like they clap outside. They’re like, Oh, and you’re you’re out there just yelling at people from outside. I

Tim Storey 33:38
I get where you’re coming from? Because I think you served as a missionary at that time. Yeah, so yes, so you know what it’s like, because of you know, of either religious people that would knock or door to door salesmen or somebody selling beef. But the reality is you have to believe in what you are delivering. And I believed in that message, I was delivering the message of hope through God. And now you guys are selling other things. But you have to believe in the message that you’re selling and delivering. And you got to just keep on knocking. And never take it personally. I mean, they weren’t trying to close the door on Oprah’s friend. They didn’t know I was gonna be open for and I was only 19

Sam Taggart 34:24
so what do you what what do you find has been some of the big breakthroughs for you that has helped slingshot your career. You know, a lot of people obviously look at you and they go wow, how do you meet people like Oprah and how do you become a coach of the celebrities and write these books and XYZ like what things cattle like what were the catalysts to kind of your success like what what was the pivotal moments the recipe for that?

Tim Storey 34:50
I think that um, well we call success depends on what somebody wants, I think to be on Mother, and you have two children, and you’re a stay at home mom, and your kids are doing well and prospering that success if you’re a welder, and that’s your trade, and you’re really good to your family, that success, if you are a person who’s a humanitarian, and you’re going helping people in third world, nations that success, if you’re Richard Branson, and if he’s happy, then that’s success. So to me, the fact that I get to live a life that people think is pretty cool, you know, cover of magazines, I have a new book, coming out with HarperCollins in March, and I get to do all these projects, I got a new project with AMC theaters coming out next year on Tim story. So yeah, that’s cool. But this is what I’m supposed to do. So I think that it was never one lucky break, it was back to the beginning, plow the ground plant to see why did the seed, reap the harvest, and the harvest is about 100 times bigger than I ever thought it would be. I will say that.

Sam Taggart 36:16
That’s awesome. I had a huge breakthrough. The other week, I went on this hike. And I was just kind of like really trying to connect with God and just being like, Hey, what’s my, what’s my mission? You know, and I felt, I felt like oftentimes we judge or we, we, you know, obsess over somebody else’s purpose, right? And we don’t look inward and say, What was my purpose? And what’s the site that I need to have? And, and, and I think like, I love how you said, if you if you’re a single mom of two kids, and you’re a great mom, and that’s your version of success, and awesome. And I think a lot of people, they get super imposed through society and other people to push them in a direction where they’re just not looking at God and themselves and saying, What’s my mission on this earth and in my journey, that I’m supposed to be here and fulfill its purpose and, and success, you’re

Tim Storey 37:07
saying that perfectly. And that’s one thing we’ll be dealing with guys, when we come to the conference in January. So once again, tell him the dates,

Sam Taggart 37:16
January 8, and ninth,

Tim Storey 37:18
Eighth, and ninth. And so as a person that has been speaking, since I was 20, and I am, I am now 60. So I’ve been speaking for 40 years, in 75 countries of the world, as high as 85,000 people at a time, I will say to you come to this conference, invest in yourself. Because we’re going to be breaking this stuff down, it’s not going to just be a lot of like inspiration, it’s going to be step by step on how to prosper in your business, how to prosper in your personal life, and how to turn setbacks into comebacks, and I want to get a chance to meet you personally. So I really challenge you and beseech you to come in January, it’s gonna be awesome. And Come on, guys, let’s heal this world, the world is looking for us. Let’s heal the world.

Sam Taggart 38:10
I love that. And I appreciate that. And let’s kind of conclude there because to be honest, like that’s one of the reasons I got you to come speak and push for you is I really liked your message is very pure. It’s about inspiring others to just really kind of make the world a better place. And I and it’s almost embarrassing to watch the political fights and the the religious fights in today’s society. And it’s like, Guys, come on, like, God, we’re all God’s children. We all want to love each other. Like, why are we trying to be right? Why are we trying to force people to believe certain things like, everybody has their mission, everybody has their purpose. And I think if we just align with that, and really focus in and hone in on our contribution to society, and how we can make a difference. And I really do I really do resonate with your, what you’re pushing and how you’re inspiring the world and your humanitarian and your religious views. And, you know, I really do appreciate you coming to this conference and being on this podcast and just being raw,

Tim Storey 39:06
and it’s a privilege, can I tell them about the new thing we’re doing? It won’t take me literally a minute and a half. So for many, many years, people have been asking me to have a Tim story, certified life coaching program. So now we’ve created it, it comes out November the 15th. And I’ve worked three years on this three years on this, but it took me 30 years to get to this point of being this type of life coach. But it’s a it’s a seven week program that you take online. Okay. But the beauty is, is that after you take the course, for two years, you get me as your life coach helping you to coach other people. That’s unheard of. Usually you come you get the information, maybe you go to one or two events. I’m with you for the next two years. on a quarterly basis, helping you to coach So, Tim story life coaching certification, and this is for fathers, mothers, literally coaches, teachers, entrepreneurs, anybody that’s leading one person, you should take this course and this is a must course. In fact, I was on a call recently and there was 114 people and 81 people said I’m interested 114 81 said I’m interested Why? Because this is a rarity. It’s like Michael Jordan showing you his inside moves. So I’m going to teach you step by step how I became the life coach that I’m that I am today a lot of q&a It’s fantastic. For more information you just go to Tim story COMM And I’m sure you’ll put everything there. Tim story.com become a certified life coach.

Sam Taggart 41:02
Yeah guys go check that out. I mean, the reality is is in what we do is the money’s made on helping others get what they want because most of the time we’re building sales organizations and we’re we’re trying to inspire and change people’s lives and you know, take them out of society’s drift the nine to five and coach them into a different mindset of you can make what you’re what you’re worth, like you get to write the ticket like there is no limit and I found that many people end up being good salespeople in this business but few end up being phenomenal coaches and leaders in this business and you know, I I’m on a mission to help unify uplevel and bring honor and integrity to the space and just bring it new light and and tools and people and networks and and so I i love that so any anytime we get opportunity like this, I’m gonna tell some of my coaches to go off on and myself So Tim story calm guys, go check that out and follow Tim on Instagram. Also is there you know what, out of all the books you’ve written and things like that, what would be the number one you recommend?

I’m excited by this new one. So the new one they can pre order now they go to Tim story.com not easy to get a book deal nowadays guys, Harper Collins, not bad America mentality. jollity that’s coming out the end of February of next year, but you can pre order it. We just did a big party and had 10s of 1000s of people on it. And you can pre order that book, The Miracle mentality. Let’s say it’s your VIP pass to anywhere. Well, I teach you how to get it and how to keep it. So it’s a Tim story calm.

Sam Taggart 42:41
Love that. Well, thank you so much for your time, Tim, and super excited to continue to get to know you over the next few months and see you and see you in January in person. What a privilege guy thanks so much.

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