Sam Taggart 00:03
What’s up everybody? This is Sam Taggart and I’ve got Greg with me
Greg Walker 00:07
Sam Taggart 00:07
And we are we are going to be jamming on just some of the up and coming some of the new new systems that we’ve implemented design events.
Greg Walker 00:16
we got a monthly update that’s what we want to call this a monthly update
Sam Taggart 00:19
the monthly the DDD monthly update. So Greg is my marketing guy, and he’s been with me for almost a year now.
Greg Walker 00:25
That’s a year yeah, I came from Fluent. So big shout out hi to people at fluent. And then like, I know a handful people in other industries, like, say hi to Mckaela from Aptiv and whatnot. And yes, a lot of solar people as well. But I’m happy to be here because we have a lot of good things to go and show off that we’ve been doing.
Sam Taggart 00:43
Greg has been a massive asset to our team, a lot of you guys are byproducts are getting the byproduct of a lot of Greg’s work, you know, design and websites and videos that we put out and so we’ve got an awesome team. So anyway, he’s gonna kind of show us a little bit of like some of the stuff like DDD con and and some of the experts website we’ve actually gone through like a whole rebrand. And anyway, it was kind of a scary thing where we were nervous to switch from our D to D logo, he comes over here is like, Dude, this thing looks like crap. Like, and we needed something new. Yeah, we need the reset. If we all like the the house logo from DDD con. And we were like, why do we have two separate brands? So then we just kind of merged everything
Greg Walker 01:23
We put them together and stuff. So yeah, um, so eight, let’s actually get right into it. So the first things first, if anybody has gone to the website, they’ve seen we’ve refreshed the website altogether, the DDD experts all together. So we just have a nicer, cleaner look where you’re able to find everything now, right? Something that a lot of people weren’t able to find where your books and your planners, it was kind of hidden in the corner. But now you can actually see it here. We have a big ramp, a ramp revamp of DTU, which we’re going to get to in one second here. But we also have a new store that we have called suit up. You made the name so you can take credit for it.
Sam Taggart 01:58
Suda. What Why? Why did I call it suit up? Because you wanted them to suit up? That’s the best explanation I can give you for that. Right? Well think of think of it as like a sales performance swag, you know, where you wear this jersey, you’re putting on like your uniform, you’re, you’re a soldier, you’re an athlete, you’re a sales professional, you’re suiting up for the game. And I want you guys to feel like you can wear that with honor. So.
Greg Walker 02:24
So yeah, like, so we have this sites where you can just go and get all the different clothes that we have now. But everything’s a lot easier to find here on the site, as well as this big calendar event because you got a lot of emails and stuff like when things are happening when things are going and stuff like that. So instead of you replying to all these emails or telling us to reply to these emails, we have them all on our website now. So you can just go actually look on the site and see what is going on when our national sales call when our elite things are happening all together, right. But the main thing I think I wanted to go over with you was our data do you platform,
Sam Taggart 02:58
yes, big changes here.
Greg Walker 03:00
Biig, big changes all together. So like, let’s just go to the website right now. So if you were to look here, this is what the site used to look like, right?
Sam Taggart 03:09
We’ve got 1000s of people on this,
Greg Walker 03:11
we have 1000s of people on here, a lot from solar with like the solar has been the biggest industry this summer, and from roofing and pest and alarms and stuff. But it needed a little bit of a better refresh in terms of navigation, how it looks and just how the way that things feel. So what we want to show you here is this is what our new platform looks like all together. So you come here, everything is just so much easier to look and find right now. So we come here, here’s our training center where you can go right in, we’ll get to that in a second. Our suit up here, which we have one more time. And this is the easiest way to navigate it, which is our d to d u d to d u TV. So we started doing a lot more creative content. We’re trying to be like Netflix, right? Yeah, you explain it. You give the elevator pitch.
Sam Taggart 03:53
Yeah, so do you TV. It’s basically we have different shows that we have. We have a sales show called The DDD critic. We have a leadership show called The DDD apprentice. We have the podcast, we have different, you know, DDD con, where we film all the workshops, and that’s for those with live. So we have just different shows like the DD critic, for example, people send in their door approaches where they film hidden camera live. Sometimes it’s nice to actually see real live sales, not just like roleplay and us in a freaking control.
Greg Walker 04:25
They’re really good. Like, there were, I thought there was a lot of funny ones, especially when the people like get rejected. They’re just trying to push and push and you’re telling them No, that’s not what you do. It’s like hop doing that. That’s the worst thing to do. So I really like those those all together. But as of right now, just so everybody’s aware. So we’ve only uploaded the solar one. So what we’ve done in terms of our content is we have reshuffled, we’ve shuffled all of the solar stuff, so it’s just a lot easier for people to go into. So if we look into the site right here, when you get into the training, this is what everybody gets right now so they’ll get all of our deities stuff here, then they’re gonna get All of the solar stuff that’s going to be completely divided here. And then we have our leadership and recruiting our national sales call and our D2D TV stuff here to just a lot more organized. So people can find it a lot more simpler. I think that’s just really the best part of it. The second best part of it is if we go to the website itself, you can just now pay from it from our site. So if you go to solar DTU, calm, and you see all the information here, just right now you can instantly get in like within two minutes, you just put in your information, you just pay for it here, it shows you all the courses there, you’re going to instantly be right into it for a single user. Now, the great thing that we have here is everybody that’s already in solar, their names and logins have already been ported over to the new DDD you. So if you’re already part of the solar, you’re gonna instantly be here in lightspeed. It’s not an extra fee. Everything’s reset for you guys. It’s good. Our corporate people, Bretton Braden, they’re working on our solar corporate sides. So that is being ported over the next following month,
Sam Taggart 05:57
we’ve got about what 10 or so companies that we ported over, and they’ve really liked it so far. Yeah, no, so what’s cool, so just so everybody knows, one of the big core competencies of our business is helping companies build out their training platforms. And, you know, it’s something I felt like was such a missed missed opportunity in our space, you know, you’d spend all this time and all this money recruiting, and then you’d watch them, plug them into a broken system. And then they blame the reps know, everybody sucks at this, nobody seems to be able to want to work and nobody’s selling. And you’re like, what training? Did you give them in there? Well, you know, he knocked with me for a day. And then now that doesn’t help.
Greg Walker 06:37
It’s just not It’s not like that there. But this way, I think it’s gonna be a lot easier. It’s a lot easier. And it’s a lot simpler. And I think one thing I do like to promote about the solar ddu site is like, it’s a lot of hours of content stuff like anybody in the solar space should know who Michael Donnelly is and whatnot. He should be the Blake, his two hour training, which is Yeah, two hours of training alone is good, especially yours with Chris Adams, and then yours just by yourself. So like, for for the price of what you’re getting this for, like, if you’re trying to get into solar, I feel that’s a no brainer.
Sam Taggart 07:09
No, it’s if we can help you get a half of a sale. It’s worth it is half, it helps you get a half better at one sale, let alone it could get you 2050 100 more sales over the course of the year. It’s like,
Greg Walker 07:23
exactly, why would you not do it? Exactly, exactly. and stuff. So I think just to wrap most of this up altogether, the sell comm we’re going to be porting over roofing next, that’s going to be our next one, then it’s going to be past then it’s going to be alarms, but you know, we’re we’re taking our time over here in the back ends, we’re actually working and taking our time making sure that everything is clean, organized, and up to date. So like you’re gonna be recording a handful of new stuff, just like how you did with solar. So you’re gonna be getting updated information and stuff. That is going to be the good thing about
Sam Taggart 07:52
we’re always putting in new content, refreshing the new shows episodes are dropping each week. Yeah. Like the DD apprentice, for example. It’s a leadership problem, right? Like, how do I deal with the senator closer program? How do I deal with lead babies and get them motivated? And, and what we do is at our boot camps, where we do these once a month, we actually film other business owners co sharing what they think they would do, and we’re critiquing, it’s actually it’s actually really cool format.
Greg Walker 08:16
It’s like a professional American Idol. Yes, not nearly as much more like a professional one like that. I really like that. So in a nutshell, that’s a lot of the design stuff that we have that’s going on here. In our DDD section. You have some updates.
Sam Taggart 08:32
Yeah. So about what three months ago, we added unfair advantage. And it’s a program where it’s like a six month consulting program, where we literally send six of our employees you to senior expert, like a big recruiting expert, you get a bomb squad member, so somebody get in the field and actually train with you on a consistent basis. You get what else you get a whole, like training development person, you get recruiting, like support. So like we actually send you 10 to 15 candidates every month. I think a lot of people’s problem is they’re like you teach us how to recruit, but we’re still not getting recruited. So I’m like, that’s because you’re not doing the work. So what if we just did the work for you? What if we just spoon fed you new
Greg Walker 09:09
Literal hand-holding and stuff where you can call it that’s why it’s called the Unfair Advantage against everybody and stuff. And like so how many people do we actually have on board right now?
Sam Taggart 09:20
There’s about 10 clients that are full time unfair. You know, we only have certain amount of spots like obviously, I’ve Brandon Hall is an expert, Alex Hogan and Steven Pritchard, they’ve all read, you know, we’ve got a certain amount of experts that we can handle and then a certain amount of recruiters that we can actually do that. So it’s been a really cool program. So if you’re like, wanting to know how do we get deeper with the bomb squad members to come out to our team or, you know, their consultants and like just how to structure our company pay scales, and I literally, I just checked my watch while we’re watching this at a guy Hey, should I do a set or closure model? Should I just do self Jen? I’m like, that’s why you would need the unfair advantage. Like, I get text every every minute and I’m like dude, like for us. Just to Sit here and try to take every dm every phone call, like we just want to pour the money, our time and energy into those that are like wanting to invest in themselves, you know,
Greg Walker 10:07
And theycan find that information on our site. Yep, website
Sam Taggart 10:10
Greg Walker 10:13
Yes, so they can find that there. I did see some stats like I guess some people like simple solar and JK roofing they’ve almost like doubled and tripled in their cells, stuff like that, which is exceptional.
Sam Taggart 10:24
Yeah, JKR is funny, like, last year, I think they did 1.5 mil this year, they’re on track to do 10 since they’ve hired us simple solar, they were doing about 2030 a month. They did 116 in a month and they’ve been.
Greg Walker 10:37
been bought in like oh and his shout out to him and his crew. Because I saw him once at our boot camp. And then at the reason boot camp, and then he’s a part of like, all your other programs and stuff. So it’s great. We actually see companies really, by like everybody around us,
Sam Taggart 10:55
I just say drink the Kool Aid like no, yes. She’s doing keg stands with like, that’s what he is literally. Yeah, no, but the reality is, there’s something about when you invest in yourself and you commit to a program and you commit to doing something different you’re gonna get different results and I think they’ve done to people are just like too afraid to actually send it like full sent and
Greg Walker 11:17
anyway these times I think that’s what you kind of got to do because you’ve been saying that at the beginning of the year like the biggest people that have prospected are during like hard times. Yeah, like during these hard times. Jkr and simple have been doing exceptionally well. So yeah, shout out to them.
Sam Taggart 11:30
To them. Hey, Christian Brothers, little teeny robbing company in Atlanta. 1.5 mil. Last year, they already just cracked the three mil mark. Right. Yeah, I mean, just like even like small little guys that we’ve just been like, hey, all we need to do is send you four or five new people came up like get out there helps restructure the pay. They’re doing it they’re doing it really well. Dude, it’s like I can list off a lot of companies we’ve like really dug in deep with and said hey, how do we how do we help you to add a new level.
Greg Walker 11:55
So we’re just gonna push that a lot more than so I think that’s good that.
Sam Taggart 11:58
Yeah, and the last thing I want talking about recruiting some and DDD con our next event Yes, yeah, these one recruiting summit sold out. It starts tomorrow.
Greg Walker 12:06
It starts tomorrow.
Sam Taggart 12:06
We literally sold it out. It’s so fun when you’re like hey, we got 100 tickets. Hey, we’re sold out so it has to be you don’t be like to last minute
Greg Walker 12:12
And so like the last one was in Vegas. Now one was sold out. That was sold out and this one is sold out too. We’re also giving away these nice shirts to the elite people.
Sam Taggart 12:21
Oh, yeah. Sell everyone. Elite baby. What’s the reference from?
Greg Walker 12:25
It’s a wrestling reference? Yeah, I’m big into wrestling. When I saw this it was supposed to sit it’s wrestling reference. If you people know me, they know everything is from there. Like that’s what I love. So like, that one’s good. This one’s gonna be in Bear Lake. Is there anything big and special that people should be excited for?
Sam Taggart 12:40
We have a thing called the Recruiting Olympics. Okay. And then we’re doing a recruiting challenge. Okay. And you know, like our events, they’re pretty unconventional. They’re not like sit in a room and just learn all day, like it is very hands on. So we’ll probably end up naked in a lake, we’ll probably end.
Greg Walker 12:55
All right, you know.
Sam Taggart 12:56
Like, I mean, who does every event we’ve just tried to really one of our core values is experience. So it’s like how do we create the ultimate experience for somebody and not just like, sit there in a classroom? I mean, we’re the door to door experts not like the financial experts. I can’t imagine going to one of their conferences All right, let’s go versus Excel. Yeah. We’re people and yeah, we need to get add out so and then DDD con. I mean, obviously the big.
Greg Walker 13:26
Well, the biggest thing is that we had david Goggins coming Yeah, did a handful of people from like yeah, fluent and app to saying, Hey, can I get in? Can I get like cheaper tickets? And I’m like, No, I can’t give you they’re cheap.
Sam Taggart 13:36
We if we can sell out a recruiting summit without like, only me speaking and Brandon. Yeah. And 100 people imagine this is our fourth year doing a D2D con, that we have David Goggins, John Maxwell,
Greg Walker 13:47
And he’s a big deal.
Sam Taggart 13:48
Bradley Tim’s story, how Elrod who wrote the Miracle Morning. I mean, not just David Goggins, we spent meaningful money this year.
Greg Walker 13:57
That is why the price is so high, but like, everybody knows they’re gonna get what they pay for. And like it’s already selling exceptionally well. Yeah. So I don’t think we don’t have to be worried about that. But like, I think getting those people to be talking during these times. I think that’s a big big win for us. They can find that at You have a contest You didn’t tell me about?
Sam Taggart 14:15
Dude, the shirt!
Greg Walker 14:16
Do you didn’t even tell me about it.I’m supposed to be. And you didn’t even tell me. So I’m looking at your Facebook and I’m like, “oh, Sam’s doing contest and designing without me. Okay”
Sam Taggart 14:24
so you saw some of the designs.
Greg Walker 14:27
I got upset. But you know, Joe to yes, no, I know Jensen shout out Joe, you probably sent in the design.
Sam Taggart 14:34
Here’s how you get a free ticket all designers shine the shirt to you.
Greg Walker 14:38
So for the people that didn’t see this once you just like explain it really quickly again.
Sam Taggart 14:42
So until October 19. It’s if you send that design that we choose to actually going to print for DDD con, it’s an I knock door shirt. Every year we give out a swag at our event. We’ll give you a free ticket for your design being chosen. So it’s a 2000. I mean yeah. $2,000 I mean, it’s like, takes you 20 minutes. an hour to design a shirt. Yeah, like, yeah,
Greg Walker 15:05
So that’s, that’s good. And that ends October 19, October 19. So who gets to be a judge?
Sam Taggart 15:10
Me and you.
Greg Walker 15:11
Okay, fine. Yeah.
Sam Taggart 15:13
Hey, two cents for vert. If it has to do with wrestling or flowers or rainbow prints then Greg. Greg. I’m constantly giving it Yes. Yeah. And instant when there’s an instant win hint to those. Yeah.
Greg Walker 15:26
So that’s good. That’s good. I’m looking forward to this.
Sam Taggart 15:29
So did get your tickets D2D conference calm or
Greg Walker 15:33
And keep up with our Instagram. Keep up with our facebook
Sam Taggart 15:36
Oh, yeah, subscribe.
Greg Walker 15:37
We’ve been doing a lot more. We’ve been pushing hard with a lot more business related things life related things all together. Do you want to tell anybody about something that you’re writing? That may be coming out at the end of the year?
Sam Taggart 15:48
Achievement Formula?
Greg Walker 15:48
Yeah, I was trying to be sly about.
Sam Taggart 15:52
I’m scared to talk about because it’s like a work in progress is working. I’m 80 pages and it’s okay to this new book achievement formula. And if you’ve been listening to the podcast as people show, yeah, it’s I’ve done a few chapters. I’ve kind of conceptualized a few of chapters, and then I turn that into actual writing. And then, you know, so we, I’d love your guys’s feedback. So if you think that, you know, like, here’s the way to achieve, and this is like some good practices, whether it’s habits or discipline, or, you know, crafting out action plans, like whatever that is. Send them to me. I mean, maybe I’ll quote you in my book. I don’t know.
Greg Walker 16:27
We’ll do a bigger promotion once it’s closer towards like the time where it’s time for print. But I know you’ve been doing this Gosh, since about March or so when you first show me and and stuff like that. So it is good stuff. I think it’ll sell out well, because your your ABC is still selling out Really? Well. Yeah. Oh, since July 450 of those books have been sold.
Sam Taggart 16:46
That’s crazy. Yeah. I’m shocked to like, so shout out to our marketing teamin the corner in there that’s been pushing that so I think that’s really good. But I think that’s it for us for the first time about what’s going on here. Yeah, no, it was pretty well, I did too much love. If you guys love the tribe and want to like learn more about what we’re doing. Hit us up, around. We’re here to we’re here to support I gotta go golfing. Okay, yeah, you’re gonna send this guy. We’ll see you guys later.