Shift your energy, Shift your results: Doug Cartwright

22 Min Read

Last Updated: January 28, 2020

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Sam Taggart 00:21

Hey everybody, this is Sam Taggart. I’m here with Doug Cartwright. He used to label himself as the King.

Dough Cartwright

Oh, yeah. DVC Doug Vivint Cartwright.

Sam Taggart

Doug Vivint Cartwright

Doug Cartwright

Yes, control for that.

Sam Taggart

And anyway, so Doug has been an icon in the space for a long time and trainer at Vivint. We go way back. We were longtime rivals, and had a lot of good competitive battles and friends and done trips together. And this is fun. This will be like a reminisce down memory lane. It also now is the founder of an app called the daily shift. And as created this whole mindset, mental soul body type of goal setting and daily kind of getting yourself centered daily shifts daily shifts. Yeah, and it’s super exciting. You launched about three, three months ago and already has over 5000 Yeah,

Dough Cartwright 01:12

It’s crazy. It’s it’s really been really fun to process because it’s interesting, because a lot of the content from the daily shifts are things I learned in the digital world, right? Because when you especially when you come in the dododo world, in the sales world, it’s like there’s a lot of leadership training and a lot of mindset training. And so that’s when I was learning a lot of like, how to set intentional goals and why I should wake up and work out before I, you know, hit the doors, and you know, and getting really super clear on what I wanted. And I brought a lot of that door to door mindset into the app.

Sam Taggart 01:41
Yeah, and I think that that’s what makes it cool. So your story, I’m gonna I’m going to tell Doug story because, well, yes, Doug was the macho one track mind. I’m like the cool shit in town, man, and good looking baller and then all of a sudden what you did like, what, seven eight years at Vivint and then all sudden you went on this like mental hiatus. You’re talking like, doing crazy. Bali trips and crazy mental like, yeah, meditation, your legs could spread flat. No man should be able to do yoga fast. Yeah, so tell us Okay, so you went on this whole? You were macho? Because there’s no company like Vivint in the sense of shore masculinity competitive, right? All about winning, right? And it almost you just flipped and went polar, like full 184 181 80? What was that? Like?

Dough Cartwright 02:34

Why all the sudden, so how to. So being at Vivint It was very macho, very like I love First of all, I’d love viven. Like, I learned so much about my best friends, you know, helped me through there. But I like had the Mercedes like dating the pretty girls. I was going to all the sporting events and one of the World Series definition of masculinity. toxic masculinity, yeah, define it as toxic masculinity. And I didn’t find my fulfillment through it. I was like, there was like, this hole missing deep in my soul. And I was in like this stuck place of like, I don’t think more money is the answer. Because like, I’m doing very well for myself as a single, single 20 year old, I don’t own a house, like I’m not paying a mortgage, like I have a lot of extra cash. And till I keep thinking that more money was the answer was kind of like, I’m not sure. And so I was in this like, really weird phase. And I actually stumbled upon a psychic. I had a psychedelic experience with psychedelic substances. And I’m not encouraging. I’m not promoting science anymore. But anyways, it really opened up my mind to this other world of like spirituality, and peace and fulfillment. And so that led me on this road of like, Okay, I’m going to go check out yoga, I’m going to go check out meditation. I’m going to go to Bali and do the meditation retreat. I’m going to go to Burning Man, like, what is this other world that I wasn’t a part of at all? Canada does not promote that at all right? No, I

Sam Taggart 03:59
trust me once I lifted it. I got a lot more. Yeah. I was like, oh, there’s a whole other side of it. I have a meditation room upstairs. Right. I saw

Dough Cartwright 04:06
it was beautiful. I walked in, I’m like, wow, Sam. like can I can let’s see our podcast. It’s amazing. And so I was exposed to a whole new life. And I realized there’s a lot of valuable content in that too. And so it’s like, oh my gosh, I have this vital skill set I learned in the door to door viven world. And I found this valuable content and spirituality. A lot of it’s crazy. Like there’s a lot of stuff I don’t subscribe to in that space. That’s like, woo woo, like, yeah, there was just kind of like, I remember there was a moment a little little riding the unicorn over the rainbow for me, you know, and so there was actually a moment when I was at Burning Man. And I wasn’t sober. Hence, but like there’s a moment I’m like, Oh shit, I’ve gone too far. Like, I gotta like, do deep down the rabbit hole. It’s like backpedaling a little bit and so now I feel like a much more grounded now. But it’s like the the pieces I’m taking with me like the connection to mind body. So like the meditation piece, like, I’m sure you can go, it’s real, like meditation. Like if you can develop a deep meditation practice, it will change your life regardless of who you are what you’re doing, and anyone can do it. When especially for the dog

Sam Taggart 05:15
sales world, because we won most of us have add in our minds don’t stop, we’re in constant restlessness. Yeah, just all the time always trying to accomplish always trying to do and so being able to practice slowing your mind down thinking of nothing, just dropping in, is been one just a clarification of vision, like understanding a lot. And yeah, I just didn’t experience that until I really started in practice. It

Dough Cartwright 05:44

Was funny because you said the word dropping in and you hear that a lot of meditation, I was like, what’s dropping in and then you like, start a meditation practice. And then you drop in and you’re like

Sam Taggart

Oh, I get it. Like, you’ll

Dough Cartwright 05:55

know when you’re dropped in, like, Okay, this is a space. And once you get to that space, it’s beautiful. Because like, your thoughts are a lot clearer. You have clear direction where you want to go in life and like your whole world, just you slows down and you become proactive in your life versus reactive. Yes. And it’s like absolute game changer. And so that’s kind of the foundation of you know, and part of app two is that meditation pieces. So

Sam Taggart 06:20
So how did this whole idea of an app come about? Like, where did this be like, I want to make a tech

Dough Cartwright 06:25
Yeah, so it’s, it’s it’s like so cliche, but what happened was I initially was going to create like a morning journal. So I was doing like, all the happiness journals, Five Minute Journal and Brendon Burchard Mayer, morning miracle and all of those, like, I had, like six journals I was using before every morning. Yeah, next next journal. That’s nice, right? I’m like, I’m just gonna create my own, like, I’m gonna take my favorite pieces are the ones I like with the planner, right? Yeah, I was like, I used all these planners. And I was like, I’m like the DDD planner, right? They’ve kind of said, exact same concept. So I’m in like this process of like, Okay, I’m going to create this story, or this mindfulness planner journey, for example. And then I’m literally asleep. And I’m like, and I lean up, and I’m like, Oh, it’s an app. I need to build an app. And it like, came to me in a dream. That is awesome. And so I’m like, Okay, I’m gonna build this app. And so you knew nothing about I knew, I still don’t know anything about app building. So you hire tech team, I hired a tech team ended up buying the company, that we’re building my app. Let’s do so now. I own an app development company. And we’re building multiple apps for multiple people right now. That’s cool. And it’s insane. How like, it’s just like, I’m sort of you’re the alchemist. I have not got any that happen. Oh, actually, I think I asked you about that, I guess Saturday. So there’s a quote in the alchemist. It’s a beautiful story about this guy’s this boy’s journey of being human, for example, and there’s a quote that’s really stuck with me It says when you make up your mind to do something, the whole universe will conspire to help you may think of where you are now. Oh, I versus your when you first have the thought of door to door Khan.

Sam Taggart 07:55
Scary his balls. And now it’s like, the world is behind us. Yeah.

Dough Cartwright 07:57
And you have the support of the universe and yet people coming in. So the same thing with me where I was like, Okay, I’m going to build this app. And just like crazy things, wrapping the right people are showing up at the right time with the right resources. So if you were to say, hey, do you have an idea for an app, you’re gonna end up buying an app development company, it’s going to turn into this and online course and you’re gonna be have personal clients. I’ve been like, Whoa, like, I didn’t see it then. But just continuing to move in the right direction towards your goals. Like it’ll unfold bigger and more beautiful than you could ever imagine. I think about door door doors con is right now. Yeah, like, love it. Insane.

Sam Taggart 08:33
So true. Yeah, very similar experience. I was on a meditation retreat. Three days fasting and South desert. Yeah. And this is where door to door con birth. Yeah. Very, very similar. On psychedelics. Yeah. But you know, sure, just similar. There’s a similar thing that happens when you’re fasting. Totally full in silence. So yeah. Anyway, so we let’s let’s kind of fast for a little bit. So you have this app helps with daily shows. But let’s talk about door to door people. And why that’s important.

Dough Cartwright 09:04
Like, why is it important to have I mean, anyone watching this or listening to this, like knows what happens to mentally in the summer? Yeah, like you’re on another level, the stress level is through the roof. The anxiety is through the roof. The the expectation to perform is so immense, like, you see people break in the summer. You’ve seen it, you see, like, you know, what am I

Sam Taggart 09:26
the year that we’re competing with each other? Yeah, yeah, I remember it was it was 298 sales, and I broke Yeah, I could not do two more. Yeah, yeah. Like if I have to knock another door. I can’t. Yeah, I literally felt like my legs chopped off.

Dough Cartwright 09:42
Yeah, guys. Like, anyway, is one of my favorite quotes from Casey bio, who says like, people go crazy in August. Yeah. And we’ve been managing teams. You see people literally go crazy. Yeah, right. Just make do outrageous things. And so the mental part of the summer is so key because if you can maintain a healthy relationship with your mind, the sales come so much easier. Yeah, you know what I mean? And so this app is developed for people in the door to door game in a sense. It’s like if you can take care of your mind, you can take care of your body, you can take care of your personal relationship to whatever this is to God, universal, divine, I don’t care how you define it. And you use all three of those things like you drop into this universal flow that’s happening on the planet. And once you drop into that flow, think about when you’re in flow state, think about your best day ever. Yeah, it was like nine or 10, or something a crazy I never did as mind to Dang, we tied, like, screw it. But how easy were those eight. Like, it’s like, just flowing, you know. And so that’s something you can tap into every day. But you have to take care of those things. And so this app is designed to help you. It gives you accountability, and it’s intentional for you to track these things. And once you do the daily shifts over time, once you get out of the doors, it’s easy, because you’re just flowing.

Sam Taggart 11:00
Yeah, that I mean, so we often talk about the preparation, the war is one in the general exactly the the like, what you’re doing off the doors is super reflective of what your doors more important than the doors. Yeah,

Dough Cartwright 11:13
what you do out the doors is more important than being on the doors. And so after we talk just about what are you reading, right? What are you like, what book are you reading? Sure.

Sam Taggart 11:21
And I found, and correct me if I’m wrong, so many people focus so much on trying to consume education, where some of the education is already birthed within, it’s just finding it from inside? Yes. And so so when meditating, let’s just talk about the actual practice, because we use the term meditation all the time, or ponder or pray or whatever that is to you. What are some practices sales guys or sales leaders can do on a regular? what is meditation? Like? Describe that for maybe the novice? Yeah. What is it

Dough Cartwright 11:51
like? So meditation is really simple. So many people, overcomplicate it, but meditation is just being alone with your thoughts. To doll that’s all it really is. The way I practice is I sit upright, spine straight, get comfortable, if people think you have to like fold your knees and your arms and do this, like no like, cuz if you’re uncomfortable, what are you thinking about when you’re meditating? You’re like my legs or my legs, or that’s everything. So, so get really comfortable. I’ll sometimes just sit in a normal chair. And then it’s being alone in silence, or you can use music. I use binary beats on my app. I’ve got my meditation pieces amazing in my app.

Sam Taggart 12:28
Yeah. In Spotify, there’s binary. Yeah. Yeah, you can literally type in any kind of binary. Yeah, binary beats or rain forest or Yeah, yeah, like rain forest. There’s

Dough Cartwright 12:39
like natural. So I have all of those music selections within that day. Oh, that’s awesome. So you just and then you just sit and you allow whatever thoughts to come and go. And my advice to people with meditation is, don’t judge your meditation practice. I have moments particular were so like, I couldn’t silence my mind to think of nothing. Well, it’s actually impossible to think of nothing. Right? You can’t. It’s allowing the thoughts that come in, to come in without any judgment, and allow them to go. And they call that noting, right, right. Yeah. And just allow it to come and go. And so if you sit down to meditate, and you think about that time, you were six years old, hanging out McDonald’s play place, and you’re like, why the hell am I thinking about this? Just allow it to be income. And what’s cool is you have so many thoughts, because initially, when you sit down to meditate, you’re gonna think about, okay, I stopped to do this today, like the to do list the to do list and then that kind of goes away. And then like, the noise kind of starts to go disappear. And if you sit in meditation long enough, then you drop in. Yeah. Right. And you have to kind of let the dust settle. And then when you drop in, it is insane. What happens with your intuition. It’s very similar to I use the analogy of like running. It’s like the first mile seems to be the hardest, right? The mile two and three seem to get your body’s just yeah, oh,

Sam Taggart 13:54
yeah, I’m running now. You know, you’re just in the flow. You’re in the flow now. Right? And so you know, as you practice running, it’s the same thing as meditation. It’s like your, your mind is going to have to take a minute to actually drop in a lot of times, we don’t do it long enough, or we aren’t intentional enough. And we meditate but we ended up still just in that surface level. Thinking about our two dues. Well, interesting. As you see, a lot of people are have this expectation. Yeah. Like, I

Dough Cartwright 14:19
need the my meditation because then I’ll feel more calm. So I’m meditating. I’m training. I need to feel calm, I need to feel and then it’s like, you’re it’s counterintuitive. Yeah, you’re being counterintuitive. It’s just go sit and allow whatever happens to happen. Yeah. And it’ll happen naturally.

Sam Taggart 14:31
So the difference between guided meditation and non guided, what do you recommend? I think

Dough Cartwright 14:36
if you’re just starting guidance, a really simple way to get in the habit of meditating. Yeah. Because my first time I started meditating, like two minutes was hard for me because my brain was like, I have to go do this. And this we’re like in task mode. And I like for the first month, me ever meditating. Two minutes was like, that was max. And even still, to this day, like I’ve had meditations where I sit down I feel like it’s five minutes, and everyone hasn’t been up for 45 minutes. And then I also have meditations where it’s 20 minutes and it feels like an hour, you know, he’s got to fight through it. But either one, I would just walk away with him. Like that wasn’t a meditation practice today, it was perfect. But when you’re first getting started, guided meditations, is a really easy way to build the habit of meditation. I don’t use guided meditations anymore. But I’m not opposed to him by any means. I have guided meditations on my app. Because I know people do appreciate those.

Sam Taggart 15:26
Yeah. So what other things because it’s not just meditation that creates a shift, right? So when we talk about shift, let’s describe what is a shift, right? So like, Why call it the daily shift? Or in your definition, a shift would be what?

Dough Cartwright 15:41
So it’s just becoming a better version of yourself, right. And a lot of these shifts are done consistently over time. And the three things that I found are very basic, they can help anyone is gratitude, breath, and meditation. So we just talked about the meditation piece having coming from a sense of gratitude. It’s scientifically proven that gratitude rewires your brain to feel happier,

Sam Taggart 16:04
because you’re always thinking of it always couldn’t be worse. Yeah, you’re looking at it from a lens of I have enough. Yeah, I am enough.

Dough Cartwright 16:12
Gratitude changes from happy When most people think happy when I’ll be happy you when I get this when I have the relationship, the house, the car, the money, that’s most people. And I was that way for a long time. I still am, of course, right? It’s hard. You can’t fully conquer this, I feel like but meditation and gratitude and breath, bring you especially gratitude brings you to happy now. So it’s happy now versus happy when I can be happy in this moment right now. And we think about there’s so many things to be grateful for that we’re just so accustomed to. Right? Think of our great grandparents, all of a sudden, got in a time machine and dropped into today’s moment, they would be blown, they would lose their minds. Like you have a phone you could call people you have this device in your pocket that can access any information you ever wanted. You can see anyone anytime, like, Are you kidding me? Right? They’d be blown away. We just take it for granted. Right? And so living with a true sense of gratitude to me is really appreciating the things that would be so annoying if you didn’t have. So think of something that would be really annoying, right? For example, shoe laces. Yeah. be super annoying to have shoelaces. Like, I’m so thankful for that. I’m thankful for the water pressure in my shower. You

Sam Taggart 17:31
know, as one said, Black Friday, I’m on this whole gratitude thankfulness thing, right? And I go by these bags are running shoes. And then there’s basketball shoes. And I asked the same question of both. And it was like, hey, like, how long does it take to break these in? You know, like, they go if a shoe needs to get broken into these days, yeah. You’re not buying the right shoe, right? Oh, really? Yeah, I was like, man, used to have to break shoes. I was like, Oh, I’m grateful that I don’t have to break. Right, you should just be able to run in these like, fine right now. Put them on. Like, I’m grateful for 2018. This is amazing.

Dough Cartwright 18:10
And an actual shift happens. When you come from that place. Like literally, it’s like the lights turn on. And all of your interactions with other people are more meaningful and deeper. And you have a deeper sense of empathy and connection. Because the reality is, I think, tell me if it’s different, but truly if you felt enthusiastic, joyful, happy, loving all the time. Would it even matter what’s going on in your external world? No, you would

Sam Taggart 18:38
write so much thing would just things that were good or bad can come and pass and it won’t affect like, I’m happy either

Dough Cartwright 18:46
way. Because if you truly think about us, as human beings, we’re not chasing the thing. We’re not chasing the car, we’re not chasing the house. We’re not chasing the relationship. We chase the thing. We chase the feeling, we think the thing will bring right? Right? We want the house because then we will feel like we are accomplished or successful or we want the recognition the recognition that comes you don’t care about the house. Right? You care about the feeling you think the house will bring and so if you can feel aligned, happy enthusiastic joy appreciative and grateful. You don’t aren’t going to grasp at all these things externally

Sam Taggart 19:24
is interesting. On Thanksgiving, an old friend West and I don’t know if you know, Western believe but he’s been living in a van for the last two years. And he went van life moved to San Diego rolling around was like, interesting. You’re still living out of this van. Yeah. And I’m like, tell me about it. Like it was interesting. Like I was like, that is so cool. no judgment. Like he’s doing it intentionally. Yeah. And I think it’s just he came to that realization of like, I don’t have to be chasing all this stuff. If I’m already satisfied, then Apple always grateful from within and he’s like, it has been a very Kind of a cool life experience to just minimalize everything and stop always chasing more. Because what you find is a lot of people, I’m sure you’ve seen this or realize this is, the more they have doesn’t necessarily mean the happy they are, you know, it’s they just are chasing something without the the actual

Dough Cartwright 20:19
inner can we both know people who have enough money for the rest of their lives and their families lives who are miserable. Oh, right. I’ve been there, right. 100%? And we know that’s not the answer. And so what you’re seeking is true alignment and clarity and peace within because when you’re fully aligned internally, it doesn’t matter what happens externally. And that’s the intention of shift is to get so aligned internally, that no matter what happens in your external world,

Sam Taggart 20:47
it doesn’t affect you. I love that. And I’ve so knowing Doug, we’ve worked a lot together, I can truly say like, you were 100% different person. And five years ago. Thank you. I wanted such a compliment. Yeah, like you more enjoy the talk to like, it’s not this competitive, like, hey, I want to measure up against the dog. It’s like, hey, like, we’re just

Dough Cartwright 21:10
we just are, you know, like being obese. And I hope to change again. Right? Yeah. I hope I continue to keep changing. Now, because I think that’s the cost and part of life is evolution.

Sam Taggart 21:20
Yeah, it’s leveling up. Love that. And I think it comes back to. So if you’re listening to this, I would say there’s that that growth mindset of that level of like, I’m looking to grow. And I think we, in this podcast, we have spent so much time and energy talking about what’s the mechanics, what’s the technique? What’s the nugget? You need to learn from a, you know, leadership principle sales principle? You know what I mean, all the technique? Sure, where I think we have failed to introduce and in my sales summits and stuff like that, like I’m very passionate about this, and you just made me realize we need to spend more time on this. What’s your level up from a mental soul? interconnection spiritual? aspect?

Dough Cartwright 22:03
No. So everything you’re seeking is within you already have a he’s got to go find it.

Sam Taggart 22:08
I love that, though. So let’s kind of shift gears a little bit. So you shift Pun intended goal. So if your guys download the app, how do you find it? Daily shifts? shifts, it’s only an apple. I’m an Android user. So it’s coming soon. Coming soon, coming soon. So let’s talk door to door now a little bit. What are some of the crazy things that have maybe happened to you over the last nine years of doing Yeah, or and you’ve obviously managed teams sold a lot.

Dough Cartwright 22:37
What do you think of like the craziest story, the craziest story on the doors was? manner? So you see, I mean, it’s just the whole different planet. When you’re on the doors, you’re in a different planet. Yes. And some of the stuff you see. I was in a house one time, like closing the deal with it like it was done deal. It’s like I need your voided check. Mom walks in with like two year old drops, two year old on the counter slaps her face, blood is gushing out of her face. husband gets up, falls on the table falls on top of the dog dog starts barking at jumps off hits a base that shatters and I’m just like this within like two seconds. And I was just like, Is it a movie? Yeah, is in a movie. And so I just sat there and I didn’t move. I was like, gonna get up and help. He’s like, no, I got it. And this girl is just covered in blood. And the vase is broken, and the dogs freaking out and barking and the guy is going like that. And I remember I just stayed calm. I just breathe. And I waited maybe 15 minutes for it to settle. And then we still same data.

Sam Taggart 23:44
Yeah, no, it’s so funny. But it goes back to being present. Yeah, like, I was just like, like, hey, I want to come back. And, you know, I just it kind of follows their anxiety. I

Dough Cartwright 23:53
just didn’t move. I was just like, Oh my gosh, but um, I never saw anything too wild. Like I had, you know, there was a couple times where I felt like maybe a single lady was trying to make a move romantically on me. But I was just like, when you’re in vivid mode. I’d rather have a sale. I will sell you I would rather have the sale than the hookup you know, so I never I never entertained any of those. I only got bit by a dog once.

Sam Taggart 24:20
I’ve only been one Chihuahua. It was a two hour Yeah. No, this is like, more scary on my ankle. Like where what city? It was in Dallas. Yeah. And ever since then, I had an anxiety of Chihuahuas. Like, I literally like PTSD. little dogs. aren’t that bad, but I swear, I was out jogging in South Dakota. Just consulting and little dogs are chasing me and I almost freaked out. Like I was like, What am I doing? I’m just joking. It’s a chihuahua like but it like brought this PTSD thing back. Anyway,

Dough Cartwright 24:53
I got bitten Virginia. I have a scar right here. Like pierced my skin. Yeah.

Sam Taggart 24:57
Yeah, my mind is blood. Like a teeny bit. Yeah, score. So what about case? So what advice obviously you’ve done a lot of sales training, you’ve been a top performer. You know, a lot of people are listening to this kind of trying to have that level up. What things Oh, we got like top reps here. Tyler number one rep and his company and pass Ryan just broke the record and caliber prop shout out to you guys for for hustling this year. Way to go for those who are watching this. But what what advice would you give somebody that maybe feels like they’re plateauing? And, you know, you’re like, Hey, this is a quick hack. There’s some advice that I I would recommend to kind of have that level up.

Dough Cartwright 25:39
Yeah, it goes back to and this is we can go down a rabbit hole here, but we won’t for the sake. But we’ve heard this for sales is a transfer of energy. Right? And if you’re plateaued, that usually relates to a mediocre or dull energy within, right, so then I think about, okay, how do you increase your personal energy, and it’s doing things that you love that make you feel alive? So if you’re having a hard part or hard time selling, it’s not more sales books, it’s not the secret nugget? It’s not the secret clothes? No, it’s people love being around happy people and competent people and enthusiastic people. So what makes you happy, confident, there’s yaczik could be music, art going to the gym, you know, whatever your creative outlet is, it’s so important that you take care of yourself. Because if you can vibrate at such a high energetic level, people will literally gravitate towards you. So oftentimes, we think the answer is more sales, more training, when really it’s like go internal, and take care of you first, right? So you can be the best version of yourself. So you can show up as your best version on the door, and you can transfer that energy. Yeah, then then you transfer that energy to your customers.

Sam Taggart 26:45
Now I get No for real though, like I always say, you know, sales guys get stuck in these ruts. And then you go shadow them and you’re like you’re saying all the

Dough Cartwright 26:54
right things. But the no way you’re saying energy energy the tunnel? Boring? Yeah, it’s just like, dead be I’m not gonna buy from you like you’re a robot. Yeah,

Sam Taggart 27:04
make it Joe glad. Get off the script, do Yeah. You know, engage, engage with connection. And I think oftentimes, leaders fail to give that advice. They’re like, Oh, your pitches this or say this?

Dough Cartwright 27:18
I’ll try this one. If you’ve sold an account, you know, the pitch. Yeah. You know what to say you’ve done it. You’ve, you’ve gone through the closing price. We’ve gone through the closing cycle, you know how to onboard a customer. majority of the time, it’s an internal, you’re not aligned internally. Love that. Okay, so

Sam Taggart 27:33
we’re in the heart of last thing, and then we got to kind of wrap up so we’re in the heart of recruiting season, you are now not in it, so you’re not in there. So yeah, can’t work for me. You can’t work for actually I’m looking for like a territory or tactical Partner Manager, which is a customer service person. Jordan Binney. What’s up, man? I love JB. JB is a freaking homie. Yeah. baller.

Dough Cartwright 27:56
I love JB JB. He’s one of my favorite people in the industry.

Sam Taggart 27:59
We shout out to JB big shout out, but uh, no. So check this last question recruiting. You’ve recruited a lot of people over the years. What is your number one advice when it comes to being a top recruiter,

Dough Cartwright 28:12
be authentic. Because if you put on the recruiting hat, and it’s like, this is how great I am people that goes back to energy like people can feel if you’re not being true to yourself. And so being authentic to who you are being authentic to the culture you’ve created in your office to your brand, and sharing that people want to be a part of that people want to be a part of something bigger want to be a part of the camaraderie and if you aren’t authentic and talking real with these people, they’re going to they’re going to ship through your BS. And so the number one self is just be yourself. Don’t be scared to be yourself.

Sam Taggart 28:46
I think a lot of people are afraid to even tell them like real numbers. Yeah, real income. Yeah, real challenges. Yeah, that go on in the summer. Like we always try to paint it to be like, Dude, it’s gonna be like paradise out there

in the doors in Midland, Texas. It’s gonna be an absolute paradise. And our wives Jesus gonna love sitting in the apartment for 10 hours yourself. It’s gonna be there’s one movie theater. It’s 10 miles away. We can paint Cadillac stuck in the dirt. Yeah. Anyway,

Dough Cartwright 29:22
so a prime to store with that is like, I was kind of a I was a free agent in 2017. So I wasn’t managing anymore. And I was kind of looking and I could have basically worked for any you could have worked I remember sitting down with Jordan Bennett, you know, and and it was kind of saying where I was going to land and what sold me was Brad Rossiter is one of the most authentic dudes on the planet love bread, shout out to Brad. And he has an amazing network and amazing friends. And it was like, I was sold on and his mind. He didn’t have a better market. I didn’t have like, the greatest tax or whatever it may be. But like, he was authentic with me, and he’s like, hey, like, it’s a lot of friends and we’re gonna have a fun time. I was sold on that because I knew he was being honest with me. And I knew that his team was authentic love and so people like I said, people want to be a part of something bigger. So if you can be authentic with your, the way you present that and not fluff your numbers or lie about this and that because every team is the best team, right? Yeah. But like, what can you really provide on a different level? Everyone else has this as being a true self.

Sam Taggart 30:20
I love that. Okay, let’s end on that note. So no, thanks for being on the show. Thanks for having me. I’m excited to start jamming and learning about your meditation practice, app, things like that. Once it comes out on Android, I know I’m the only sales dude in the entire America I

really think you’re the only person in the green text came in SAM. I’m like this spam. Text by

Sam Taggart 30:51
fun story about Doug and I before we hop off we went My dad was mission president out in New Jersey, and he was like, hey, come to a training and I don’t know why were you was going to the All Star game. Oh, awesome. Yeah. So Doug is happens to be out there in Jersey? Yeah. And I’m like, come to the training. So we, Doug and I have been co trainers for a bunch of trained a lot of people. We have helped a lot of different people together. Doug’s man So download his app, check him out. Go follow him on Instagram.

Also, on Instagram, Doug underscore card, I answer every one of my DMS that won’t be long because he’s going to be famous one of the days. He’s the next Tim Ferriss.

Sam Taggart 31:29
He’s gonna take everybody on psychedelic trips are gonna be freaking out insane. Anyway. Okay, love you. This is awesome. Much love. Much love. Thanks for tuning in. See you guys.

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