Sam Taggart – What’s your Potential?


13 Min Read

Last Updated: May 18, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:40
for you. Hi, everybody, this is Sam Taggart with the D to D podcast. And if you have not shared this podcast, go and share this podcast I get hit up from dm to dm about how this podcast has changed their summer, how to change their season has changed their life. And if you’re new to listening to this podcast, go back and listen to the ones even in the early days back like two three years ago, there are some gold nuggets, these aren’t aged with just like, oh, only this year in 2021. It’s like we’ve been doing some awesome content, awesome podcast, awesome guests. For the last three, four years. We’ve been consistent for every week. And I hope that you guys get a lot of value out of this. It’s something that I’m passionate about. My mission is to unify uplevel and bring honor and integrity to the door to door space.

And this podcast I’m just doing on my own. So anybody that’s been following, I’ve been working on a book called the achievement framework. And I might call it the knock life who knows. But anyway, it’s been a project for over a year now. And today we’re gonna be talking about a chapter called potential. And just really understanding your potential it comes from, you know, knowing your path. And past stands for potential actions, team and habits. And so we’re going to dive into like, do you actually have the potential today? And what’s beautiful about door to door?

You know, if somebody is like, I’m gonna make a million dollars this year, I wouldn’t sit there and be like, Oh, you can’t. But if somebody like Starbucks is like, I want to make a million dollars this year, I’d be like, good luck. Good luck with that. You’re just on the wrong path, you’re on the wrong potential you don’t have you don’t have that potential unless you own a bunch of franchises. And, you know, for a lot of people, they dream real high, but they’re never willing to change their path are never willing to change the comfy, you know, I work this I do this. And you know, the they’re not taking any leaps. They’re not taking any plunges. And I’m sitting there going like, Well, do you have the potential? Why do I preach and evangelize door to door sales is just simply because there’s so much thinking potential. I know many, many millionaires that have been made from door to door sales have been able to take their money invested into other things like real estate or crypto or whatever they want. And live phenomenal lives. Go travel have a bunch of free time. And you know, there’s some of you guys are probably just starting out. And I’m, you know, speaking to those guys, it’s like, you might not see the potential in this job. Maybe because of the current environment that you’re in the people you’re surrounding yourself with. They’re only making 30,000 bucks knocking on doors. But I’m here to here to shout it from a mountain listen to this podcast.

This job has so much potential, you know your company, I promise I don’t care if you’re selling freakin vacuums, to Windows to pest control to alarms. Every single one of these industries I’ve lift up the hood I’ve worked with have done this not only nationally, but internationally. And I found you know, there’s a guy that in Germany that hits me up literally like this week and was like, Hey, I’m making like 10 grand a week or a month or something. And in Germany Is that good? Like, can you make that kind of money and you and the United States and door to door and I’m like, yeah, that’s just this is doors. If you go sell and you go become a professional, then you’re you’re gonna make a lot of money. And we don’t limit that I don’t think any profession out there. I don’t think any business out there is gonna look at you when you’re working in this job and be like, well, you’re making too much money I stopped paying you and if they did, then I’d be like, Oh crap, Ron, because there’s a lot of people that will give you an endless opportunity here.

And the beauty about sales and business is you have the highest paid people in the world and the lowest people. Two thirds of businesses fail. Most people get hired and sales fizzle out because the grind it takes don’t subject yourself to these statistics don’t like Don’t be that guy that’s like you know, you’re not gonna make it. I remember I’ve had so many reps that their parents tell Like, Oh, well seen a couple weeks unit couple months, you know, we’re just not born sales people, you know, we’re just sales isn’t cut out for us. It’s just not in our blood. And I’m like, That’s such bull crap. That’s such something that like people superimpose on each other due to an insecurity, or lack of effort, or an ability to go, just say, I want to put my head down and learn something. That’s the same as me saying, I’m not a swimmer.

And literally today, I swim over a mile, no doubt swim over two miles. And it’s like me saying, I’m not a runner, and I ran a marathon. It’s like me saying that I don’t know how to learn Spanish, I learned Spanish. It’s like me saying I couldn’t dunk a basketball because I’m 510. And I’m white. And I’m, and I’m 30. And I lost my hops. And it’s like, okay, I learned how to dunk a basketball, like you can learn this. The potential is there. Stop trying to put this in, say, in this in this industry in this opportunity, the potential isn’t there. Question is, can you put your head down, and and see that. So the first thing is self potential that I want to talk about. So it’s like we’ve grown up labeling ourselves. I’m a Republican, I’m fat, I’m scared. I am a salesman. I’m wealthy, I’m strong. I’m fit, I’m whatever. But it’s like, these don’t define you.

And I think that we don’t know we get stuck, like I am broke is probably one of the most common, like, I’m not good with money, or I’m not. And I’m like, no, it’s don’t label be very, very, very careful with your word choices. Because those are just, they’re subjective. They’re not like definitive. And a lot of people are like, I make 100. I’m $100,000 year guy. And it’s like, why wouldn’t you be? I’m a millionaire. Why don’t Why? Why? Why do you? Why do you limit through labels, and it’s like, the potentials already in you.

God gave us freely. We’re blessed with so many talents, and some maybe come off more natural. But at the end of the day, it’s like, if we want to go get something, we want to go get it? And, you know, I, I’ve found that over time, people really actually forget that potential lives inside themselves. Opportunity potential, you know, it’s like, are you working the right land? Now I’m not here to say like, thought it or your job or your company’s the right land. I it’s not my place to say that. But it’s like too often, we don’t realize that we’re trying to plant fruit trees in the desert. A lot of people are misplaced. You could have all the ambition in the world in the best business entrepreneur, but you may be way better off teaming up with somebody. And being the best second in command. Like I have consulted so many companies. And today I was with, I actually have a consultant and finance because it’s not my strong suit. So I pay coach. And he’s literally like, I feel like I’m basically just SOS with everybody. I’m like, sift our shit. That’s what he’s like. He’s like sifting. He’s like, I’m, I’m a shift sifter, and are a shit sifter. I was like, That’s funny. I feel like that when I go to businesses a lot of times is I sift through people and their businesses. And I look at like, what they’re strong at what they’re good at. And I’m like, dude, you would do so much better if you just teamed up with somebody that was really good at this. And you’re really good at this. And I know another guy that just good at this. And now you got perfect. Problem is his ego gets in the way. And we fail to realize that we’re really good at certain things. And it, it would it’s an uphill battle and other things and I just say go like go with what’s like path of least resistance. And you know, maybe tema maybe dropped the ego a little bit and or maybe double down on learning. Maxwell said the right thought plus the right people in the right environment at the right time for the right reason, equals the right result. And there’s a human profile test that I always tell my people that takes called the wealth dynamics test by Roger Hamilton and use the code wealth 50 it’s a little hack. I don’t make money on this.

To get you 50% off, and it basically tells you your genius and for example, I’m a star, and there’s like a lord, there’s a mechanic, there’s a accumulator, a trader, a supporter. And, you know, there’s all these different profiles. And, you know, I believe that everybody has a genius and different strengths and weaknesses. And I don’t think that there’s certain sales profiles that necessarily mean more door to door sales or not, but I do believe that when it comes to running businesses and things like that. A lot of people are trying to run a sales organ to sales business. And I just watched certain profiles go, I can’t ever recruit, I can’t remember a team. And it’s like, well, great, you can always be like, operator. But until you go get somebody that knows how to recruit and grow a team, they’re always going to remain small. And maybe that’s what you want. But sometimes I’m like, you got to find the right people and the right, the right complements to your, your business. So when I go hire people, I literally look at the spectrum. And I say, I’ve got a lot of creative, I need some more, you know, pencil, paper, bean counters, I need people that are willing to get in the data and do the implementation. And so I look at it like this formula. I said, Okay, you got the path. And then you bring clarity to that, then you align, and then you focus down. And the more the path is clear, the E and the more you’re aligned with that path, it’s it makes it a lot easier to focus. And it makes it a lot harder to clear it everything is and you’re like, man, I don’t have the right people. I don’t really know how I’m supposed to do this. And then it’s like really hard to run, it’s really hard to be like, Alright, let me just run down this path and the fog and the, in the dark. It’s like, you know, and I watched people in training, for example, it’s like, they have all the potential, they are hungry, they’re talented, and they don’t have any training on how to.

And so it’s like, well, crap, what about how do I how do I how do I do this, and it’s like, super unclear, super foggy, because their company doesn’t provide them training, it doesn’t provide them resources. So that’s why we’ve sought out to be like, we’re gonna give the best training for all the industries very specific with edu, and we’re gonna do events that are super rad, because we know that there’s a lot of business owners that struggle, it’s finding the time and energy and focus to, to really give the training. So we’ve honed in on that. And there’s so many other people out there honing in on other niches for that. And for us, it’s like, Okay, how do we how do we make this past so clear how to optimize your potential, because we just watched like this, you know, they always say the richest place in the world is the graveyard. And it’s just because of all the people that didn’t ever tap into their full potential and died. It’s like, the saddest thing. It’s like, if you go to heaven, and you meet this stranger, and like, Who are you? It’s like, Well, you know, I’m the version of yourself that I was you’re supposed to be, and you’re like, what, if that person is a stranger to you, versus like, Oh, I know him very well. And I’m, I was on that path to be the ultimate version of me.

Because I tapped into my full potential, it’s like, that’s rad. So it’s like, find that potential, it’s aligned with your genius that God gave you. And then don’t force it flow. I think there’s too many people operate from, from a position of force versus power. And there’s a great book I’m reading it’s called power versus force, or force versus power. It’s, it’s called that and it talks about the collective conscious energy that is existence in the world. And there’s frequencies and they literally rate them between zero and 1000. You know, and then 1000 in total enlightenment, and you have peace, they have love and it just kind of goes down from there. And the body of shame, has, you know, regret fear, guilt, anger, all these different feelings at the bottom. And what’s interesting is in a lower frequency you’ll feel a lot of forest fulfill like man, What the freak like, why is this so unnatural? Why is this so hard? versus if you can get into flow state you can be in a higher energetic come from humility and love and excitement and in doing things for the right reasons with integrity, and like, if you can operate in this high energy frequency in this sales and business world, what’s beautiful is it just creates this natural flow of success and we you know, we apply this law of reciprocation the law of you know, the law of attraction you apply the law of you know, I just want I’m thinking of you’ve got like laws of the universe, where oh law of karma it’s like if you just do well by others, like God will then find other ways and it’s not like some like tic for tack. It’s like something it’s so irrelevant, but it’s like the energetic thing you put out there is going to create a reflection of what it’s going to send back to you and a lot of people think like you got to be shady to be a salesman you got to be take advantage of customers. It’s like no go create Win Win situations. I promise you’ll feel so much better about what you’re doing and you’ll you operate and flow.

A lot of people think you have to lie to be good, pleased change that change that. The next one is expand your genius thing of it is like, you know, the universe is expanded about 300 million miles. I think it’s like a day or a minute, I don’t know exactly. So think of it as like a balloon. It’s it’s constant expansion. And the problem is, are we expanding with that? Are we growing in our genius? You know, is interesting. When I was training for my marathon last year, it, it was cool, because every Saturday, you’d run like, you know, 10 miles, then you’d run 11 miles, then you run 13 miles, and you’re at 14 miles.

And every Saturday, you’re breaking your personal record. So it was like, such a simple way to watch yourself get better instantly. And in sales, a lot of times we kept ourselves we say, Okay, I’m a 10 account, a guy a week or a month for account a month guy, or whatever that number is for you. And I’m like, whoa, whoa, why are you labeling yourself again. And, you know, I love the podcast, there were Josh sutherlin. Back in, maybe a year ago, last summer, he went out, he’s like, I’m gonna just shatter my my best week. And I think it’s best week was 31, or something like that prior, he’s still one of the best guys. I mean, my best week ever was 29. So 31, it’s like, really, really good top point 01 percent in the industry. And, you know, we’re in alarms, most people do maybe three or four a week. And maybe 4050, and a summers, like the average. And so to go to 100 hours a week is what he wanted to do. So we mapped out a small, small town, he got his Tech’s in place, he got his logistics in place. And he ends up doing 118 deals, averaging a little over 19 and a half deals a day. And so he went and broke this like barrier, this mental like sprint, so a lot of people asked, like, how do I expand my genius? How do I expand my sales numbers? How do I take myself to another level, like, He manifested this powerful week, you like, super planted out, he did an intense sprint, like all day seven is 711 at night, and, you know, shattered like every industry record I could think of. And I said, What’s it like to go back and do three or four a day like you’re used to. And he’s like, I didn’t even feel like I worked in that day in comparison.

Like, it’s like, I can’t mentally, once you go somewhere, it’s such a height, it’s hard to recede back to just average or, or wherever you were complacent. And, you know, it’s that satisfaction level. And it’s it’s super imperative that if you’re listening to this, you do some kind of activity on a regular six month, quarterly, yearly basis, to challenge where your waterline is, like really challenge. Have you? Have you accepted certain water lines in your sales performance in your business performance, or whatever that is? And, you know, nailed down the inefficiencies nailed down the, the the timeline instead of taking 45 minutes to so maybe you take 20 minutes to sell, and don’t accept, oh, that’s impossible. Don’t be like, Oh, you know, I can’t do that. I hate when people are like, you can’t sell that fast and ethically explain it to him, or you can’t knock that many doors or you can’t. And I’m just like, no, no that that, like, I’ve seen a debunked way too many times for people that sit here and tell me, you can’t. So the reality is, we have so much potential, it’s unlimited. Can we spend conscious time unlocking that, pulling that potential out of our opportunities. And, you know, my mission on this world is to help people understand that gift that God gave them be a beacon, be a light, be an inspiration. And I hope that you guys have seen that, like I’m committed, I’m not perfect, but like, that’s what I do what I do, like, I love what I do, because I literally get to help people, and literally get to like dive into either individually as a group as a conference as an event. And if you’ve been to any more events, if you’ve done any of our online stuff, or in person stuff, I hope that you’ve gotten some serious value and felt that love for you. Appreciate you guys hope you got some out of this. And I hope you guys come to the tour. I mean, the tours coming up in a couple of weeks. Tickets are selling out super fast. And you know, we’re stopping in LA, we’re stopping in Phoenix and Dallas. And so even if you’re in like Houston, or if you’re selling in Austin, it’s like, come in the night before and spend half the day with us. And you know, we do have some onsite opportunities just because throughout the tour, we want to go and talk with guys and we want to get out there and film and we want to get out there and highlight some companies and so hit me up and

I know we have some spots left. There’s quite a few states that have been taken which hit me up and we’d love to come and consult company train your guys and really make this a fun adventure. And also like if you’re like hey, let’s play we play morning, volleyball stop in, stop in or something or basketball or let’s go on a run or workout like I just want connect with people and so it’s it’s one of my favorite things is to go find the random all stars, the random companies that you never think about and really find, learn from them and help them. So here to serve. And like I said, share this like this. We love reviews. Thank you so much for the reviews last three, four weeks we’ve been in the top 100 podcasts and entrepreneurship and it’s always such a fun feeling to know that like there’s a lot of people listen to this and it keeps me motivated. Keep putting out good content. So thank you guys. And hope you got something out of this episode. We’ll see

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