Sam Taggart – What do you Want?

17 Min Read

Last Updated: May 11, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:45
Good morning, welcome to another episode of D2D podcast. This one I’m on my own. Now, if you are listening, you make sure you go to the D2D Tour, may 17. through June 18. We will be traveling across the country and tickets are selling out fast, giving a half day sales training in the morning to fire up you and your team. So come as a team, learn as a team leave as a tribe. And I really do appreciate you guys listen to these podcasts and Instagram videos and YouTube videos. It’s so fun to see people really consume and get value out of the content. And we appreciate anybody that shares it leaves reviews. We love your guys’s inputs and feedback. So feel free to DM me on Instagram at the Sam Taggart if you have an idea for a podcast, you need help with specific things. And I definitely will try to weave that into the video in the future future content, we do have access to a lot of our content in D2DU and check us out at D2D experts comm we have tons of videos on Pest Control training and solar training and roofing training and alarm training and so and so much more recruiting, training and leadership training and how to how to run sales meetings. And really, there’s a whole slew of content that’s very more specific on how to so go get a demo add to you, we do corporate accounts, we do single users. And we felt like 1000s and 1000s of people really gain and gain a lot of value from that. So today we’re going to ask about we’re going to dive into ask. So the chapter in achievement framework that I’m working on, is you know, there’s a principle of the first one is ask What do you want? And so often we don’t know what we want. So it’s it’s it’s the very first step. So if you look at the formula, it’s asking you shall receive not or seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you. And that’s where I’m kind of toying, toying with this new hashtag, the knock life. And a lot of this all starts from what do you want? You know, like Simon Sinek says, Hey, start with why and I go, No, no, no, no, you got to start with what? Like, you? How do you know why you want what you want, when you don’t know what is? So it’s like, you still have to know what and you know, then you can go into why and then how and who and all the other things. So what do you want? And the The hard part is, most people never really asked themselves that. And you know, there’s an exercise I always do and you know, and a lot of our events and it’s just you’ll have somebody yell at you. What do you want? What do you want? What do you want? What do you want? What do you want? And you just kind of like whittled down to like you just want peace you want enlightenment you want happiness you want love? You know a lot of times when you whittle down back the true wants you want freedom. You want expansion you want growth.

So many people are like I want $100,000 I want to know a boat, I want to a nice car, I want to Xyz and it’s like, well, yeah, that’s those are cool things. But those are masking things that you really want and you want a nice car so that you feel good and you want validation. Maybe it’s like okay, is that? Is it healthy validation is unhealthy? Are you coping with an insecurity like, What? What is that? So I challenge people, and that’s the next segment of the book. So keep listening to other chapters and podcasts and stuff like that. But it’s like, the reality is like, what do you really want? And here’s a quote that says, Think for yourself to decide one, what do you want to what is true? And three, what you should do to achieve one in two or one in light of two, and do with humility and open mind so you consider the best thinkable thinking available to you.

Ray Dalio love that quote. There’s another Like example that I always use, it’s or take this quote from proverbs Where there is no vision, the people perish. And I use the example of an ocean, you get dropped off in the middle of the ocean, and you’re asked to swim, you’re like, Okay, we all go swim. survive. Good luck. Which way do you swim? Like, where do you Where do you go? And a lot of people are go, I just swim north, or I just swim towards the sun. It’s like, Okay, and then what? And it’s funny, like a lot of people, they go swim, and then they get exhausted, and then they die, because it’s switch directions. And I eventually just give up and float on your back and hope that a boat comes by, you know what I mean? And that’s kind of the average person in life in business is they’re just drifting. And they’re kind of like a piece of driftwood. And they kind of turn over and just say, well, life takes me. But if you saw an island, I bet your butt that you’d swim in that direction. I guarantee you, you’d swim faster. You’d, you know, there’d be no deviation, it would be go that way.

And the question is, what is your island you’re swimming to is in health and finance and spirituality, relationships, education, I think there’s so many times we just drift and we’re like, my islands, not very clear. And so one of the things that I do is, it’s called an exercise called the top 10. And every week, I’ve been really super, like diligent with this. And it’s crazy for the last like, six, seven, now, probably nine years, I’ve done this exercise called the top 10. And what it is, is where you write down your top 10 things you want, in past tense, like I wrote a book by December 31 2021. Or I ran a marathon by March 1 2021, whatever the thing is, and you you write it in past tense, and you’re very specific. And I promise you that if you do this every day, or every week, and you’re frequent with it, you’ll start to manifest a lot of these things.

So really, you have to do it, though, under a minute. So the exercise is, what do you want, write it down in past tense, and then do it within under a minute. And I promise you, if you get if you have to do it within under a minute, right, 10 things, you’re gonna be challenged, you’re gonna be like, oh, shoot, I got through 123. When I challenge people like this, it’s like, oh, I don’t know if they really know what they want. So the next thing is, like, Be specific. And what do you really want, like an in detail it out? You know, it’s like, I remember, I built my dream home. And I wrote down to like, the concept of each room, the skeet the color schemes, and it was, I visualized this thing, color, size, what it had everything. And then it came to fruition A few years later, it’s like, the more specific you are, the more clarity it is has. And so after consulting, sales and business for years now, I’ve asked this question, every time I train, it’s like, what do you what do you want to get out of this business or sale? Like I, most of the time, the answers like, Well, you know, just make some money or make six figures or want to be a millionaire. And it’s like, not really thought out. And, you know, every time I asked sales reps, especially that just gets into door to door and they say, Well, I want to I want to make 100 grand.

And so if it was into this and your numbers 100 grand, I want to like reach through this and Slavia because it’s kind of a dumb number, it’s a societal number that makes you feel it’s like saying, Okay, you’ve made it. And maybe once you get to 100 grand, you’re like, it’s 500 grand, it’s like now you’ve made it once you could do a million it’s like now you made it, but But the problem is, like, if you’re really thinking about it 100 grand doesn’t make any sense. That would mean you get an exact dollar amount per sale. Let’s say that the average sale you make 659 bucks, and you have a goal to sell 150 units, because you should have a you should have $1 amount goal but you should also have a sales number a goal. I want to sell 100 on a sell 300 I want to sell 1000 whatever the number is, and it’s like that usually is more driving having like a game out of this make it more of a sport. And so you sell 100 or you sell 150 it’s 659 on a commission you’d make $90,850 so that should be your goal not 100,000 that like that. It means you actually thought out Okay, I know exactly if I sell 150 and I averaged make this. This is my number, even though I’m only like 1200 bucks off from $100,000 The guy that knew how to think through and put 990,850, in my opinion is way more likely to go accomplish that, because he knew exactly what he wanted.

Number three, think bigger. Most people overestimate what they can do in one year, an estimate, underestimate what they can do in 10. Bill Gates, it’s so hard to think past like three to six months, like I’m gonna be honest, like, I’m just a road warrior, fly by the seat of my pants kind of guy. And so it’s so easy for me just to be like, Alright, whatever floats and comes past, you know, I’ll shift there. And I’ll do that. And I feel like a lot of people with a DD and, you know, in sales and business, they just, they’re all over the place. They can’t think farther, like, wow, you’re gonna make me think 510 years. And it’s like, I have no idea how I’m still alive. So write out what you want in five years, what you want in 10 years, and then write out what your eulogy is, you know, they would make base jumpers go literally write their eulogy. before they’d go BASE jump. And it’s like, Whoa, that’s, it’s kind of crazy. But it’s like, yeah, there’s a high chance of death. So write your eulogy, do it before, like, do you really want to go out this way? And are you really sure about this, and I think it’s an interesting practice in life is to go write out your own eulogy and say, at the end of the day, if I were to look at things from a coffin perspective, meaning, you know, the problems I have today, the things I’m dealing with today, and I’m laying in a coffin, my arms folded and I’m like, do they really matter? Think goals and expect little achievements Think big goals and win big success? Remember this?

Two big ideas and big plans are often easier, certainly no more difficult than small ideas and small plans. David Schwartz, what do you think, you know, it is or what you think, you know, is just a fiction of what you know at the at that the moment once you start your pursuit, you will learn a lot, especially if you triangulate with others, paths you never saw before will emerge, Ray Dalio. And it’s like, a lot of times, we underestimate like thinking big. And it’s scary, because you’re like, man, if I think too big, then I’m gonna come off, like cocky, am I gonna come off? You know, like, I don’t, like I’m just trying to, like, be money driven, or I just want super too much in life. And then you get all the friends and family. Oh, you’re just trying to be an overachiever?

It’s like, No, I’m just trying to like dream big. I’m just trying to think, past this week’s paycheck. And don’t feel the scrutiny of others, limiting you. And I do another chapter called imposters once right after this. But it’s like, for me, it’s really get clear think big. And it was interesting. I went to consulted a pest control company out in Texas. And they were thinking just year to year to year and they’ve been in they’ve been in business for seven years. And they didn’t have the systems organization foresight to grow as fast as they were capable of. We threw out a big number out five years down the road. And we’re like, let’s reverse engineer this. We said how do we make you the number top 20 in the in the country? And then I was like, no, no. 20 is lame. Let’s do 19 number 19 in the country. And we said, okay, how much revenue would you need to be doing and when he counts XYZ, and we just reverse engineering, and we said, okay, you need to do X amount a year, you’re 1x money, or 234, and five, and this would be how many reps you’d need. And, and this is really all take, and they’re like, oh, because at first the the CEO that has to manage all the operations. He’s like, I’m drowning with the current revenue, the current accounts that we have. And I was like, he’s like, the fact that we want to grow and be that big like that.

That’s crazy. And I was like, Well, how hard Do you think really, it would be? And he’s like, no, I like the impossible. And once we reverse engineered it, all of a sudden, the CEO got on board, and he’s like, Oh, yeah, that’s just opening up a couple other trucks a year. And I could do that. And once it became real clear, it was so easy for them to be like, yeah, that’s what we want. Another story is a company a window company, Jkr that, that a came to me in January. And it was 20. Night note, January 2020, at door to door con. And he’s like, Did 1 million in June and 2019 or 1.5. And he comes to me, and he’s like, I’m gonna do 3 million. And I was like, Okay. I think you do more. And there was only two window companies a door to door con. And this other window company was a client of mine. And he’s like, Yeah, we did about 2 million and we’re gonna do 10 million this year. And he was like, No, you’re not like, so they start talking. And he’s like, dude, if that guy can do 10 million, I’m gonna do 10 million. And I was like, What? Like, this isn’t like a pissing match of who can have a bigger goal like, Okay, do whatever you choose to do like Don’t you want? And so Jefferson comes up to me and he’s like, All right, we’re gonna do 10 million, and I’m gonna hire you to consult. I was like, so you’re gonna go from 1.5 to 10 million, that’s almost 10x. And he’s like, yeah, I want to do it. And I was like, Okay, I’m not going to limit what you think. Because I think that’s very doable. Here’s how many guys you need, here’s how much you need to be selling every month. And we just mapped it out. And so he hired us to consult. And, you know, despite he was scared out of his mind, he didn’t have the money to pay us really, he was like, Dude, this is gonna be a lot to try to fund you and your program and still try to go do this. And, you know, he didn’t even tell us, you know, the money. And it was like, Alright, to fit in, let’s do this.

And Jefferson’s the type like, super amazing dude, and go check out his podcast. And it’s just so fun to see him grow over the last couple years. And he joins the circle, and he does consulting. And he just dives to fit in all of us guys, whatever, one of our events, and they’re on our calls. And it was just like, he just drank the Kool Aid. And he did over $10 million in 2020. And he’ll do His goal is 20 million in 2021. And I really think he’s doing it, he’s on track to hit it. And it’s so I’m so proud of people, they can dream bigger. Because I even in my head, I was like, No, you’re not gonna do you know, anytime I get $1 for every time somebody tells me how they’re going to 10x. And you know, and I’m just like, here’s the roadmap, here’s what you need to do, and it can take sacrifice, these guys did it. And so high performers, there’s always another level to allow yourself to believe we’ve arrived is a sure sign that we’ve lost you that we’ve lost our focus. And I love that because it’s so easy for him to be like, Oh my gosh, was 10x to be like, okay, like, I’m gonna, like stabilize out. And he’s like, No, I’m a 20 to 20 million. And it’s interesting, we call you we always say the term hindsight is 2020. And progression is like we looking we’re looking at a wall, right? Like we can always see, as far as we can see, like, I’m only this good. And this is how this is how much I feel even comfortable asking for what I want. And what happens is, once we hit that, and we overcome this wall, we can turn around, and we’re on top of the wall, like we get on top of this wall, we turn around, there’s no walls behind us. But now we see another big wall. And now we escalate and we overcome that wall, and we jump over it. And now so we see a bigger wall, and we look backwards, but it’s not like we’re inhibiting our, our view from the wall behind us because we’ve already climbed and escalated to a higher level in life. And so when we look backwards, things all seem doable.

When we look forward, things seem undoable, or like very not doable. And it’s like, Okay, how would I ever do that? There’s a huge wall in front of me, and I can’t see farther than it. And that’s what’s the problem on this path. So as we think of the term hindsight, is 2020. Just thinking, Okay, once I overcome this wall, things are gonna look so much easier behind me. It’s okay, how do I just keep pressing forward and thinking beyond the wall, because the walls will continue, continue forever, forever. That is life. Most men die at an age at at the age of 25. But we just don’t get around to bring them until they’re 75. Benjamin Franklin, and I think it’s so funny, like, they stop jumping over these walls around 25. Because we’ve cemented in, oh, this is my identity. I graduated, I got a job. And this is kind of my path for the next while and it’s it’s crazy. Now you have the next section, which are an exercise that I’d have you do.

So it’s like, if you evaluated your business, wealth, your personal wealth. And you really said okay, what do I really want out of this? I promise you all sudden, you’re going to be like, hmm, am I in the same industry? Am I selling the same stuff? Am I making even close to what I’m making? What’s my profits? What’s my net worth? Where’s my investments? What’s my prestige authority figure in social media? Do you go that route? Is there any passive income? Is there interest? There’s, like, Am I diversified? And really just start to like, ask yourself those questions. And that’s just from a wealth standpoint, then you could go into spirituality, and you can go to family, you can go to fitness, you can go to other categories in your life. Principle number four, focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. And there’s a podcast I did with Craig Manning, and he’s, he’s spoken in a couple of events and he’s a sports psychologist and he coached he was a trainer or psychologist of the Cavs back in 2016, when they played the Warriors, and this was the year if you don’t remember where LeBron James you know, and what’s his name, Kyrie Irving was vers Steph Curry Klay Thompson, all those guys right? And the Cavs were down three games to none. And never in history, had anybody won. Like had a comeback in the finals, already losing it a three game deficit. And what happened is it goes into the locker room. And Craig Manning was like, how do you beat? The how do you how do we win? And everybody’s saying, you know, we got to shut down Steph Curry, we got to step down, we got to shut down Steph Curry. And he’s like, No, you don’t win by shutting down Steph Curry, you win by scoring more points than the other team. And it was an interesting point, because so often we focus on what we don’t want. We don’t want Steph Curry to score. So it’s like, yeah, we’ll get that. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re going to score more points than the other team. So it’s making sure you focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want.

There’s another podcast I did with Tim story. Become back coach is what he kind of goes by and he’s like, come back is not a go back. I can’t go back and fix things. I love that. And it’s like, you focus on so much of going backwards, and it just bogs you down a comeback is saying, Okay, what are we going to be doing moving forward. And I talked a lot in this book about identities, you know, labels of past, you know, I’m fat, so I will come back would be I’m going to get fit. And I’m going to change that identity, to where I’m not fat doesn’t dictate your future. The average human looks without seeing, listens without hearing touches without feeling eats without tasting moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odor or fragrance and talks without thinking. Leonardo da Vinci. It’s so interesting how we just drift. And we say, Hmm, how do I move forward instead of just drift? So here’s the Maxwell quote that I said in the last podcast or a different one. But I really think it’s cool. It’s like the right thought, plus the right people. And the right environment, the right time, for the right reason, equals the right result. But it starts with the right thought. There’s an invisible universe and a physical universe, like a visible universe.

And then visible universe is everything is created in the mind. Everything is created in concept before it’s created an actuality. So it’s having that right thought is step one, to then bring things into fruition. or natural Prager drive is to move towards things we want focus on your obsession becomes your possession had my love. And he talks about Ed my lead in a podcast, which I really liked this particular activating system, in your reticular, your ticular activating system in your brain. relays info related to places and people relays info related to goals and dreams. It relays info related to our beliefs. So we’ve all heard the example of, you know, hey, do you see many blue Honda, you know, Odysseys driving around and people are like, no, but once you say blue Honda Odyssey and say, well maybe do I don’t know. All of a sudden, you start seeing more blue Honda Odysseys. We start to see and visual like, like things come to more fresh, and the more that we put our attention on on it. And so the reticular activating system doesn’t attract the things you need. Everything you need has already been there. You just didn’t see them, because you were not deemed significant enough at the time. So you didn’t see the Honda Civics you didn’t. You know, he didn’t see it because it wasn’t significant. Once you focus on a goal, your obsession and reticular activating system. It’s heightened, like like, it expands and you filter all in all the elements that support your goal. And you begin to see, hear and feel things that always existed but never noticed before. The reticular as they are as is what it is, is the greatest tool and magnet for success in the world.

It’s God given survival tool that we all possess, but rarely utilize. Lower performers in business and sales tend to be ones that someone have five flat tires a month, they always had their grandma dying, they always, you know, they’re, they’re always cursed as what we call it. And it’s because they’re always focusing on the things that will curse them. Always the bad people, the bad scenarios, the bad things that shoot at them. Like I get stuff that hits me all the time guys, like, I mean, I just went through a divorce. I’ve had to lay off a bunch of people in our business because I’m shifting things. I’ve had to, you know, fire friends, like that’s a hard thing when it’s like man, I love you but If I focused on men, I’m losing this friend or I’m having to, like, I just look at, like, life happens. And if I’m sitting, you’re focusing on all the bad things that could be happening, then I’m filtering out all the good things that are right in front of my face. And so, you know, it’s interesting, like in sales environment or a business environment, how often we do that.

And, you know, I neighborhoods are probably the best example you go knocking neighborhood. And, you know, you focus on all the bad people, and you’re like, everyone in those neighborhoods a dick. And you’re just like, Well, no, not everyone in the neighborhoods, a dick. Like, you’re just focusing on the one or two decks that you had in that neighborhood. And you’re like, I’m labeling the rest of the whole town. It’s so common. And it’s like, that’s just a perfect example of the RS being heightened and the wrong way. So, if you have a goal, and you’re trying to pursue something, real question is, how often are you putting that in front of your face, your obsession becomes your possession. So if you start putting it on your your screen saver, if you start putting it in your journal every day, you start putting on the things that you want and talking about it. This is the fastest way to get it. It’s what’s created, always was created invisibly, meaning it’s in concept well before, it’s an actuality. And this is like, the biggest principle is, Do you even know what you’re creating. And it goes back to the da Vinci quote, it’s kind of like most people look without seeing listen without hearing, because they’re not aware. I just listened to my favorite book. Now. It’s my new favorite book in history. And it’s basically, it’s called awareness by Anthony de Mello. And he’s just like, the whole world is just asleep. And it’s like, wake up, wake up and pay attention to life, and how much it’s created by your design, and you control it. But so many people are like, it’s out of my control.

So I hope you guys got a ton out of this. And you got some great nuggets, because it starts with knowing what you want. being real clear, don’t put a goal that people just, you want to sound cool, because you put the goal, really put intent to like what you want, and be very, very sacred with that because you’d be surprised how much more powerful than you are. So be cautious on your word choice. Be cautious on your thoughts. Be cautious on your, you know your associations and relationships because you want to make sure that you stay protected and staying on true paths success, and whatever that success looks like for you. And we’d love the shares and the reviews and the feedback on these. So appreciate you guys listening, appreciate you guys supporting and coming to our events and the D2D Association stuff. We have the new certification that’s now out. But thank you guys so much. And we’ll see you guys on the next episode.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

Ultimate Business Experience and Training

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Abr: always be recruiting - the proactive motto for relentless talent acquisition.

Always Be Recruiting

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A stylized icon of a house with a line through it, set against a dark red background, with the words "sales planner" written above. it appears to be a graphic related to planning or management in the context of real estate or housing sales.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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