Sam Taggart – Know Your Why

25 Min Read

Last Updated: April 13, 2021

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Hey, this is Mike at We’ve got four great new product coming out: Movers, Weather, Data Grid AI, and Digital Contracts. These things are going to change the face of the field sales industry come visit us at to learn more.

Sam Taggart 00:20

Hey everybody, this is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast. And this episode, I am just doing this one solo. So a couple cool updates. We have the D2D Tour coming up, may 17. We’re starting in Los Angeles, California, then we’re going to Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, Orlando, Charlotte, Newark, New Jersey. So we’re on the East Coast people, and you got Chicago, Denver. And so check out the website for the dates, we’re finished up in June 18, in Salt Lake City, Utah hometown. And these are just little half day events where we’re going to be training on sales, recruiting, how to overcome objections, just the time to really fire up your sales team during peak season, and then send them out on the doors right after. So it’s only 40 bucks a ticket. So I’d recommend just bringing the whole team. And yeah, we have some other cool stuff, the golf tournament coming up with the DDD Association. So just hit me up.

That’s in September. But yeah, today I’m going to be diving in on another chapter of my book. So for those that have not heard, I’ve been working on a book called the achievement framework and actually made change it to be the knock life haven’t decided yet. And the first principle the book is ask, and it’s ask, What do you want? This all comes from the chapter in Matthew seven, seven, where it’s asking you shall receive knock, and it shall be open, or seek and you shall find knock, and it shall be opened unto you. And in between, ask and seek. I believe when you figure out what you want, you then have to figure out why you want it. So I would say okay, seek the how asked, What do you want, but in between there you got a challenge, like, is that really what you want?

And this whole chapter is gonna be about challenging it. So if you don’t have strong conviction or an argument, and you can’t get in, like a good debate on explaining your what meaning like, I want a new yacht, and I’m like, Okay, why do you want a new yacht? They’re like, Well, you know, because it looks like on Instagram, like you’re never gonna get a yacht facts. And I found a lot of people they don’t have true wants, they don’t have true what’s and and as I filter through, and I really start asking why, then they they really don’t know. So I was out training a roofing company in Chicago on Saturday. And I challenged the guy said, so what do you want?

He’s like, well, I want 20 airbnbs. And I was like, by when he’s like, Well, on the next five years, I was like, so why do you Why do you want 20 music? sounded good. And I go, Okay, so have you put any thought into this? He’s like, now sounds like okay, how much money do you need next five years to have 20 airbnbs. We did the math. It was like 2.5 million bucks or something. I was like, Okay, how much money have you ever made in one year? It’s like, well, 50 grand, I was like, okay, so I started like really picking this apart? And I go, Oh, so you’re really gonna get this? And I was like, do you really want that? And I’m not stopping you. I’m just saying, like, Why? Why do you want 20? Why not? Five?

Why not? Two? Why not? 50? I don’t know. And it really made me start to think. And so one thing that I always I’m gonna go I’m gonna go into like seven basically principles and this podcast. And the first one is why seven layers deep, then we go into task oriented versus ego oriented. Don’t always assume things are the way they are. Align what you want with what you need, though, than the one thing Don’t kid yourself, look in the mirror and adaptability. These are the principles of this chapter. So the first thing is why seven layers deep? and Dean graziosi said, you know, he talks about this whole principle of ask yourself, why seven times? So for example, if somebody is like, hey, I want to start an online business, I’m going to be like, so why, like well, so I can be financially free and I it’s passive income. Why do you want to be financially free so I don’t have to worry about more money. Why does it matter?

You don’t have to worry about money. So I focus on family and travel and like well, why do you want to focus on traveling family? Well, because at the end of the day, that’s all it really matters is experience and relationships like well, why do you say that? Well, because you can’t take any material things with after you die it’s like well, why can’t you have good relationships of members without being financially free? And so on and all of a sudden they sit there and like freak like and I’m like well how much money so then I can I can even go even deeper and then maybe don’t even have to do with why? And I’m like you said financially free and I’m like well what amount of money does it look like to be financially free? What kind of lifestyle Are you living with financial free? What amount of money are you investing in while living financially free like are you are you putting money aside for other things are by when are you financially free, as financially free even an accomplishable thing? Like does your living expenses go up down whatever?

Can you be financially free without changing some of your spending habits like or can You can you be financially free today with the current income, are you gonna regret not spending more time and creating memories with your meaningful relationships now versus waiting till one day when you’re financially free, and I could go on and on and on and start to really challenge you. And so most people in life, but the problem is they don’t have a spotter, to ask them these hard questions on the coach, they don’t have a somebody sit there and pick them apart and be like, Okay, well, why. And really, what it comes down to, in my opinion is they’re afraid to even ask themselves those hard questions because they don’t like to get uncomfortable and actually, like, have to prove why. So there’s no concreteness to their decision to there, what’s, and so that’s why they fizzle out, you don’t accomplish much, hence the book achievement formula, or achievement framework. So it was interesting, I was researching these caterpillars. And in the West desert, you’d see 1000s if not millions of caterpillars cross these, the street.

And, you know, you wonder like, why are they crossing the street and risking getting fried ran over, a lot of them are dead. And just to find out when they make it over to the other side that the real estate didn’t change, there’s still desert be dry, and Sandy. And a lot of times when we were crossing roads, and we’re asking what we want, and we look at shiny opportunities, the greener grass, we switch companies, industries, whatever that is for you. And we ended up currently doing the same thing. And nothing really changed. No better outcome and nothing was different. The landscape was the same. And oftentimes, in the book, the one thing and talked about, you know, entrepreneurs, they go two to three years tends to be kind of a mental gap where we go hard and grind. And we do things from really one to three years, where we lay foundations to a company, we’re growing roots, we’re, we’re getting stabilized, we’re figuring out an industry, whatever that is. And then we just get bored. And we switch gears and we want to mix things up when we can’t handle the mundane. And then we get what we call death by constant road crossing. And I’ve watched people, especially in our industry go from one thing to another thing to another thing. And I I’m like, dude, just plant your feet.

Because I look at the people that have made the most amount of money in this industry. It’s the people that have been with the same company for 10 1520 years. Despite the turmoil despite all the sexy shining offers from other competitors posing them, it’s they found a good route to keep planting. And they just said let’s, let’s let’s like dive in right here. And so a tip on really anchoring in your why and creating reminders for your WHY? And when you figure out like Okay, why do I want this and what do I really want is I build a system to remember it, tell your close friends and family about it plastered on your walls, your background, like the backdrops in your phone, music, writing your conversations and more. You know, whether that’s painting pictures, things like that, come up with the actions or mantras that cement into why. And so you can like really remember it like whether you did like a hand motion or you have like an affirmation statement, manifest it and friend of mine says manifest it. So like manifest while meditating and visualize it. So there’s a lot of cool, like things you can do to really anchor in your why. And once you’ve really identified that. So let’s get into like the task oriented versus ego oriented. Craig Manning is a mental performance coach, he’s he spoke at door to door con, he’s been on my podcast, spoke at one of our circle mastermind events. And one of the one of my favorite things he talks about in his book is kind of the difference between, you know, once you figured out your what you can filter things through these kind of two focuses, one is task oriented, one’s ego oriented and task oriented individuals, they play to win. They play because they liked the competitions. They liked the game. Tiger Woods once said, What’s it whatever is in the past has already been done. I’m trying to do my best I can. I can in here now. And if I started thinking about what I’ve done in the past, I’ll forget about hitting a nice high shaping to iron up there. And you look at like, where a lot of times in sales.

We’re, you know, surrounded by a culture we’re surrounded by, you know, sales environment where people are yelling like, yeah, good job, or you suck, you haven’t sold in a week or whatever that is for you right now or wherever you’re at in your sales career. And we shift things a little bit more to ego oriented. And it becomes a lot more about the fame, about the recognition about the accolades. And really these guys are playing not to lose and they’re playing to avoid embarrassment they’re playing and avoid. They’re these people haven’t voidance tendencies. And they came, they care more about the photos after the game and what others made people think or what the Instagram posts would be, instead of what they think of themselves. And the problem with these types of goals is they’re fueled by insecurity and self worth. And or lack of, and they’re fueled by imposters, wants imposters wants. I talked about it in different chapter, but it’s basically things that come and go, depending on your environments.

And a lot of times we’re not even in the right environments to even really want imposters wants. And so one of the biggest things that I found is a hack in this industry is taking things from a sales job to a sales sport. And it’s like, do you think Tiger Woods played golf for the money at a certain point, like he could probably retire and ever play golf again, and live a fantastic life. Now he plays for the game he plays for the chase, he plays for the green jackets. If you do this in sales in business, just because it’s a job, you’ll fail fast, you know, you’ll have tons of time to go find something with a deeper passion or deeper love. And it’s, it’s it’s vital that you come up with a way to convince yourself and to create sales and make it much more like a game where you enjoy playing the game. Find ways to compete against other people on your team or other companies in your market. Oftentimes, we can create competitions against ourselves, it’s like beat yourself for a winning streak or some kind of prize that you get to create, once you do XYZ. And, you know, there’s a grind that comes with cold calling and knocking. And there’s a roller coaster of income and you fight you have your ups and downs and you you you know it’s a competitive market out there, you might run into competition still in your people or your accounts or whatever that is. But at some point, when you start making really good money in this industry, because you figured it out, money stops motivating. And, you know, I invite you to guys to ask yourself these 10 questions. Who are you competing against? Who are you keeping score? or How are you keeping score? What is the season of the game? The timeline? What are the rules you play with? What is the scoreboard? How is this publicized? Is this private? Who knows about the game? And how public? Is it?

What is the prize for winning? What is the punishment for losing? How are you getting updates and news on the game? Is there any kind of stats or? Or kind of announcements or whatever you playing out? Are you planning out your next game? well in advance to create anticipation? Do you know kind of like Okay, once this game ends, is there, is it just over and you know, are there are there other types of games that you can play. So, the third principle is don’t assume things are what they are. And this is like one of the Four Agreements talks about Never assume anything. Because we’ve all heard the statement, it makes an ass out of you and me, right. And we’ve all heard the phrase, give a man a fish and feed him for a day teach a man a fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. But I would challenge the belief system that you maybe you’ve heard your whole life, it’s kind of like we’ve just accepted this phrase, give a man a fish and, you know, feed him for a day teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime?

Like, wait a minute, what if the person doesn’t like fishing? What if you could teach him how to like you could teach somebody else that he recruits how to fish. And he just manages the fishing company because he never really wanted to learn how to fish but he was more of a business person. And what if you didn’t even like fish? What if you wanted to hunt? And what if there was a better hunting market? And what if, you know, like, there’s so many other ways that we can look at this to help this guy, live and eat for a lifetime? And it’s just challenging. Certain mantras are certain beliefs or certain statements that we’ve heard our whole lives. It says our ancestors who are not curious Bill Nye the Science Guy said this is where’s our ancestors who were not curious, who did not go looking over the hill to see what was on the other side disappeared? See your beliefs and old grid of behaviors from from a different angle, start to poke holes at the status quo in order to be extraordinary. You can’t be ordinary little kids get punished for being that annoying. One is always asking why and they’re curious. I welcome people like that because it shows that they’re the most hungry for answers. And they don’t just follow orders.

They don’t accept things for what they are. And they’re able to think for themselves. You know in the outwitting the devil by Napoleon Hill, that’s like the biggest piece is the devil has grasp on today’s society because he takes away their ability to think for themselves. I want to know why the sky is blue. Just as much as I want to know the details of why my what Ray Dalio financial mogul and the book principles he gives four principles to filter your what he says seek out the smartest people who disagree with you, so you can understand their reasoning, know when to not have an opinion, develop, test and customize timeless and universal principles, which I love that test the timeless universal principles. Balance risk in what in ways that keep the big upside while reducing the damage. Outside the stupidity of people comes from having the an answer for everything. The wisdom of the novel comes from having the question for everything. Milan Kundera point of view. I like these same principles when we’re really trying to challenge any idea. Think of it as if you’re in a virtual reality goggles and a simulation, you see things from my point of view, right? You have your goggles on, and you’re out there, maybe playing a video game, whatever. And what if you were to happen to pause the game, and somehow you just put on another player’s goggles. And now they’re looking at your character, they’re looking at things from a different angle, where you would just been looking at the building from your dimension. And if you were to be able to pause and look and put on the goggles of each person in that game, and maybe even the bad guys that are now coming at you, or the zombies or whatever game you’re playing, you’re like, wow, I’m seeing this from a completely different point of view it completely different lens, the biggest advice that I would give it most people end up getting stuck is because they have the inability to bring awareness, to see things from multiple points of view, from a third party from an outside in. And it’s because their own ego won’t allow them to accept the fact that there are other points of view, they won’t allow them to accept that people believe and think and operate differently than they were raised. And so be cautious when you don’t allow yourself to see things from different points of view. So I did a podcast with Tim story back in the day. And he talked about the law of the harvest. And he says something was kind of interesting is sometimes you’re working the wrong land. favor is in your person. But favor is not in your path. And sometimes we think, Oh, it’s me, it’s like why me, I’m not the one that gets blessed. That guy’s always doing so awesome. Like I’ve been trying to frickin harvest in this garden for so long.

But I can’t be seeming to get veggie fruits or vegetables not producing once like maybe you’re maybe you’re planting in the wrong land, maybe you’re looking at this thing the wrong way, maybe you’re putting in the wrong seeds. So aligned with what you want, or align with what you want with what you need. just reading a book called green lights by Matthew McConaughey, and it talks about heaven on earth. What we want is what we need. And what we need is what we want. That equals heaven on earth. Do what you choose to do so you can do what you love to do. And when work and fun seems to be the same thing, then is that is when you know, you have made it. Aaron Wagner buddy of mine said that and I swear he lives in having fun, he drives a private jet around and he always playing golf and makes millions of dollars. And, you know, you ask yourself and you’re like, Can I align my what was really what I want to be doing and living the life that I want to be living? How do you make sales fun? How do you make business fun, choose to love it, and choose to do the things that you do love. I know, I’m really passionate about music and passion about the guitar. But I know that I don’t have a voice like john mayer, and I probably never gonna make the money I want to make playing music. And so I’ve realized that and so I decided I’m like, wait, I can still rock out and still probably make music. I can record albums for myself. And maybe one day they do hit and do business sales and other things. Most people don’t even grasp mentally what they’re trying to embody physically. If you have a goal to like, you know, do something crazy, like I’m going to be a pop star, whatever. And, you know, or like, I’m gonna buy a 10 million Yup, $10 million yacht? Let’s use that one. The problem is, is mentally it’s hard to grasp even what it would take to get a $10 million yacht and then the upkeep and the spend and the, you know, like it’s like, Okay, what would you even do with the $10 million yacht? Like you’re gonna live on it for like, the whole year? Are you gonna like rent it out? Are you gonna charter it? You’re gonna have a full time chef, a full time Captain a part time Captain a dock fee? What’s that cost? Are you gonna go there four times a year? Are you gonna use it as a retreat center for your mastermind? Are your guys like, like, what’s the point of it? And then they’re like, Oh, I don’t know. And so, for me, I like to look into Okay, if what I need is a yacht because I do business. And it’s, it’s a recruiting tool, or it’s a leadership retreat center. And it’s XYZ, like, I’m, I’m gonna get value from it versus just a cool Instagram picture, I might ask myself, maybe I’ll just take it off the list. And I’ll rent a yacht for a week. Or maybe I just want to go charter a yacht. Like, there’s other ways to really write the script. If you just change your point of view. It’s interesting also, to keep the end in mind, you know, it’s like, okay, you get this shot.

And then what do you sell it in two years, five years? 10 years? How long do you have it like what woody woody Woody, is it just for a period and based on They actually make them write their eulogy before you can BASE jump. And I think it’s just because they want to realize the fact that there’s such a high fatality rate, and the risk of a one minute thrill jumping off a cliff, is it worth it? Sometimes we lose sight of the big picture. And if we’re asked to write our eulogy right now, would you be able to shop call what it could say? What are you doing today to make the actions and lifestyle you live aligned, align with those that that will end up writing it? Are you living a life where people are like, dang, like, this person. So for some guy like, or this person literally was so giving and, and thriving and loving and service and whatever things that you want in that and stop procrastinating. And the best way to get there is the one thing, we often get so excited about all these different opportunities to get, like, thrown at us, you know, especially in sales or business, especially when you actually start being successful, the more successful you are, the more opportunities to get tossed to you whether it’s investment opportunities, business ventures, side hustles, whatever it is, and there’s endless directions we could go But what I found interviewing super successful people as they found a niche, and they went in depth into it versus so vertical like horizontally where they just have, you know, they’re kind of the jack of all trades, master of none. And you have to give 1000 little knows to have the energy to say that one big F

Yes. One Yes. Must one yes. Must be defended over time by 1000s of noes. One half of knowing what you want is knowing you must give up before you get it. Or what you must give up before you get it Sydney Howard. So often. The more things we do, the less successful we are any of them. And we’ve got to decide like okay, like, what is it that I’m going to be good at? What is it I’m going to say yes to or after time, it will inadvertently turn into what you intended to say no to. And we end up trapping ourselves. And I call it death by little jackets. The other day, I came home I was renting a rental car and I pull in and I was singing this awesome song just belting it at the top of my lungs and pulling to the rental return and there was this little yellow jacket like people, they’re banging on my window, they’re like, are you gonna get out? Are you gonna get out? And I was like, No, I’m seeing my freaking sock. And I decided I’m like, wow, like, I’m in control. But so often we just have 1000 little yellow jackets thing in us. And we literally can’t put our heads up to breathe, because we have so much on our plate. Gary Keller, the author of The one thing said, What’s the one thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary? What is the one thing that creates the most amount of profits? What’s the one area in sales you thrive that what’s the home like? And really hone in on that? What are the areas I remember the year I finished number one?

The difference between 304 100 accounts I you know, I tried to like backtrack like what was it? And a big one was a knock the neighborhood’s I knew I really liked to knock instead of trying to prove to everybody like Oh, I know how to knock this type of neighborhood or this type of neighborhood. I was like, why don’t I just knock in the stuff I’m really really good at all the time. And you know what I preferred, and I was the sales manager in the area. So okay, I’m gonna do that. And it wasn’t that I was just robbing from other people. I said, if you guys want to knock that type of neighborhood, there’s plenty of stuff to go around. You guys go knock it and I found that other people had different preferences on what they like to knock. And so I decided to hone in on that. And I really enjoyed it. I felt like I got momentum, my pitch got more and more refined. And I figured out what I was good at bullseye. The more you narrow down the target, the more concise and accurate accurate you are going to get and more precise knacker you are going to get closer groupings. If you have a wide target with a big old circle, you start shooting and you’re like, yeah, I hit the middle, hit the middle hit the middle. But when you have to really hone in on a small little target, that’s when you start to get good at things.

That’s when you become a marksman essentialism. Eliminate the unnecessary. only do the things that matter. Find all the wants you have and whittle it down to 123. Too many people think they have they think they have to clutter their vision boards with more, but more often less creates more happiness and less stress. Bigger houses mean more yard or toilets to clean or more money to spend on vacuuming or time or cleaning or whatever that is. Boat means insurance for maintenance, you know, XYZ like there’s so many things we think by just like stacking and stacking and putting more and more things on our vision boards. That’s gonna somehow like fill our tank. But over time when you start to get those Things you start to realize, man, I’m just like more busy. I’ve got four insurance things I gotta pay every month and I got this and this and this. Greg McCown. In his book essentialism talks about essential intent, which are things that are concrete and inspirational, nothing left for vague interpretation, their decisions in life that eliminate 1000. Other later decisions, if we can get really intentional about concrete, inspirational ideas that really are going to solve bigger problems, and just focus in on those that actually just little things just kind of slough off. And I started to really manifest and create that, to where I’m not as worried about the little teeny email or the one conversation I didn’t have, right or whatever.

Like I’m on a mission, I’m on a mission. And that’s what I’m focusing on. outcome or the journey is this one thing going to be a vehicle, a pathway you’re on or a destination, oftentimes the vehicle turns into a path. And once we achieve certain things, their destinations, but they turn into checkpoints, only to come find out. They’re on a way much bigger journey than our minds could even fathom. Kevin Trudeau said in a book, he said, go as far as you can see, when you get there, you’ll see farther. Some people don’t see sales as a means to an end. Some people do it as a means to an end. Others live for it. Some are, some end have grown out of it. Some people were like, Oh my gosh, I’m born salespeople, some people never thought they do and they fell into it. Some people come back to realizing it’s a skill set, they can forever be developed and use more often than you realize. Many business leaders have said that sales is the most powerful tool anyone can develop in business, because it’s so lubricant of the economy. If you have the confidence that you can create money, by creating value in the marketplace, you can live a much more stress free life, you won’t end up you know, don’t ever depend on somebody’s judgment on whether to hire you or not. You You’re not limited to the marketplace standards or education or credentials, you just go. So I think a lot of people undervalue that skill set, they never really created enough time in their life, to get real good at it. And actually understand beyond the pitch. So often, people are just stucked and stymied in the pitch that they’ve been given. And they don’t understand the psychology of the human, like decision making processes to actually go transition these skill sets that you’re learning and sales into life. Number six, don’t kid yourself, look in the mirror. The ultimate human predicament, check this up, the nose is located one inch from your mouth. Suppose you don’t brush your teeth for three days, the whole room will know you didn’t brush your teeth. But you still won’t even have even know having your nose so close to your mouth. This is the human predicament. It’s very easy to see what’s wrong with this guy or that guy or her or whatever. But it takes a lot of observation to see what’s wrong with yourself. That level of keenness and observation is missing in most people, the people in your life that are willing to give you honest feedback. I talked about this a little earlier in the podcast. And so often, we don’t perceive or earn the space or we’re safe to receive honest feedback from those that are closest to us. I remember a lot of people are like what do you bring along here, Sam back and I’ve actually even contemplated bringing long hair Sam back. I used to have actually man been when I first started DDD and the very first door kind of fall on ponytail. And a lot of people are like, why did you cut your hair?

And I was like, honestly, I came home one day, and my dad was like, Can I be real with you? And my dad was always the type Hey, be clean cut. My mom was the reason I grew it out. A lot of people don’t know this, like, why do you have long hair and I go, I’m on hold my my whole life, I’d look good with a ponytail. And she was gone for three years in New Jersey. And when she came back and hadn’t seen her in a long time, I said I’m gonna have a ponytail for and surprise her. So I got she gets home. She’s like, Oh my gosh, it looks so good with this ponytail. And I rocked it for a while and my dad was like, Sam, would you tell the entire door to door space to knock with long hair like that? And you’re the one setting the example Do you think everybody who could sell just like you could sell with a ponytail? And I had to ask myself like, honestly, I said, No, I don’t. And I would tell them not to have long hair like this because they need every chance they can get to be successful. You know, I would tell them to look as professional as they can put their best foot forward. And he goes well what statement are you making? By having long hair? And come to find out there were a lot of people that first year dork on they’re like, this is the guy who’s the guy that Monday’s kind of kind of seems like an immature kind of a young buck like is he even got credentials, and they wouldn’t take me serious and as much as I didn’t think they judge the judge. And I’m just like, Man, that’s kind of sad. But it’s the truth. And it wasn’t until my dad somebody that I respected said it. And I was like Dang, thanks for hitting me with the truth. And the last principle is adaptability. I went mountain biking with a buddy of mine, Steven. He works He’s one of the experts. He’s the man in case you have met Stephen. But he was coming in from Ohio and I asked him, I was like, hey, Steven, you can bike right? He’s like, of course, no bike my whole life. I was like, okay, so we go start going mountain biking, but I didn’t say let’s shuttle up to the top. I’m like, Let’s ride up, and then we’re right back down. So like five minutes in, I’m like, where the frick is Steven? Like, he’s really that far behind. We just started. So I’m like waiting and waiting. And then he pulls up 15 minutes later, and I was like, Where are where were you is like, dude, I was vomiting. I was like, What are you okay? He’s like, Dude, this is so hard. And I was like, No, like, we just started we, I mean, like, the hard part is like, no way, how much farther to have to go and like another like hour and a half? And he’s like,

No, I was like, no flow. And, and then I look at his bike. And he didn’t shift. And I was like, What? You hadn’t shifted? You’re literally in the lowest gear. And he’s like, no way. I didn’t realize I could shift. And I was like, what kind of bikes Did you ride in Ohio? Of course, you got to put it on the different gear. And anyway, it was kind of a epiphany to me. I was like, I wonder how many people are going uphill in their journey of sales or their business. And it’s like, not the momentum is in their favor, like they are literally grinding pedaling hard. But they’re not. They’re not willing to shift gears. They’re not adaptable. They’re not willing to pivot. They’re like stuck in this fixed mindset. I always make the joke about Charles Barkley playing golf. I mean, he’s golf for 25 years. And he’s always had the same swing, and it’s hideous, and you think people would be like, hey, Charles, let’s change your golf swing. So you end up hitting the ball straight more. But just because you play golf for 25 years doesn’t make you know how to swing a golf club. And I’ve worked with, I mean, I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners now. I mean, I’ve run a boot camp with over 40 people for the last two years in it every single month, I’ve done consulting over 150 companies that were I’ve actually gone to their offices. And last week, I’ve been a full word.

I mean, it’s, every day, I’m talking to different business owners and I, it blows my mind to meet salespeople and business owners that are literally stuck in terrible habits. And they’re selling the wrong way. They just have sold always that way. And so I’ll even do a presentation, I’ll be like, Alright, let’s practice the pitch. Let’s do it this way. And again, we roleplay. And then I get up, they get up on stage and they go right back to what they were doing. It sucked and I go, are you are you kidding me? Like we just learned a new pitch? Like, Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. It’s because they’ve been ingrained subconsciously into the wrong way of doing things. And they think that somehow that’s going to give them new results. Then I was at a roofing convention. And this guy comes up to me, he’s like, yeah, you know, I’ve been in business for 20 years. And we’ve been doing about five to 8 million for the last 20 years and can’t seem to get over this hump, and I go, Okay, we have a program to get you over the hump. And I told him this story and this story and this story, and this story of this client and this client in their market. Like, this is a company about your size, and we just took them to 20 million, they’re like, no way, like, and this is a company about your size. And we did this and doubled them and No. And I was like, okay, so it’s gonna cost you a couple grand come to our boot camp, and then we can see what we can do to work with you.

But I mean, I’m not cheap. But um, I get results. I mean, that’s what matters, right? Because if I could take it 10 million, I mean, that’s worth something. If I could take it to 20, then that’s even better, right? And so how would I know? I don’t know. Because every single company we’ve worked with is at a massive increase. So I mean, you can call them like, what do you want from me? And he’s like, well, I don’t know. I don’t know. And I looked at him. And I was like, you know, the salesman in me comes out. And I was like, dude, the problem is, you’re gonna walk away from here, you’re gonna do nothing. And you’re gonna go another 20 years, doing 580 million. And how much is it costing you? Because it seems like you haven’t been able to get past that. So what’s the constant denominator here? It’s you did. And he was like, Whoa, that’s kind of harsh to it. And it kind of took him off guard. And I was like,

I’m just giving you the feedback. The constant denominator is you haven’t done anything different. So you’re gonna get the same results. And you walked away and I was like, okay, but there have been many companies and people that I’ve worked with that I’m like, Okay, let’s change and they’re humble and they’re hungry, and they’re willing to adapt. And they’re like, okay, Sam, if you say change this, I’ll change it. I’m like, I’m coming from a good perspective with lots of different opinions. And I’m saying these are laws and principles and door door that are going to work. And you got to realize, like marketing changes, social settings, change, social media, trends, change algorithms change. Like we’re always in a constantly changing environment. And if we have a growth mindset, that’s the only guarantee that we can do to comp conquer this adapting marketplace and workforce that we’re dealing with today. I hear it all the time with like millennials. Oh, Millennials can’t sell millennials and Gen Z they don’t have good work ethics, am I good bullcrap. You just have an adapter. to their generation of how they work, because somehow we seem to be one of the biggest and best economies with one of the New unworking class of generation and I go, seems backwards. And so what I would say is be willing to adapt to just be open to feedback, and challenge what you want. I think so often people aren’t challenging their lats, and they just put them on the frickin vision board. And they’re like, yep, that’s what I want. I’m like, Really? Why? Ask yourself why, more, more, more times than you would think. Hope you guys enjoyed this podcast I look forward to when his books done. It’s been a two year project. And we’re still got many sections left. But yeah, this is just part of the stories. I just like to have the majors talking about it. And if you got something out of this, we’d love a review. You know, to help us out I mean, there’s a lot of people listen to this we get 1000s and 1000s of listens every week. A lot of times we’re in the top 100 of entrepreneurs. Actually I was like in the top 20 in Sweden the other day is really cool. So all my Sweden people listening to this shout out Australia we’re gonna talk quite a bit but anyway, we’d love to shares we’d love the the comments we love the feedback and then let me know DM me on Instagram or something be like I said do a podcast on this. We’re going to be this guy really heard he was awesome.

We’re always looking for cool people to interview we’re always looking to give you guys the best love the best content out there. Because I care every one of us I care about all you guys and my mission is to unify uplevel and bring honor and integrity the door to our space and this is one of the biggest ways I can do to give back so love you guys.

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