Sam Taggart – How to build and optimize your path

13 Min Read

Last Updated: May 25, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:20

Hey everybody, this is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast. And again, coming at you with just myself today, I am working on this book, the achievement framework. And this is a section in it. And hopefully you got a lot of value out of it. And if you hear this, we’re on tour, and may 17 through June 18. So go check out our website, TheD2DExperts look for the tour under events, and make sure to come out we’re going to 10 different states in 10 different locations. And we’re going to be knocking with people we’re going to be doing a half day sales training on, you know, sales skills, motivation, you know, to bring your whole team no recruiting, so don’t come with any swag or outs with duct tape yet the door. And yeah, so I’d love to see you guys out. So here here. In this chapter, I’m kind of introducing what we call the path. And you know, a lot of people, they know what they want, they know why they want it. But then they’re like, how do I get it? And, you know, who do you need? If anybody what’s the roadmap? What’s the plan? What’s the strategy, that will be the fastest, most cost effective, most enjoyable, you know, you don’t want to waste time, you don’t want to go down the wrong path and have to pivot. So a lot of times people have this, you know, over analyze, or they’re scared to really pick a path or decide how, because they’re nervous. If they do it the wrong way, then how do they look? And maybe I’ll look bad.

And so, you know, it’s interesting. Everybody gets into sales or business, because they want to make more money, right? They’re like, okay, I want to live a better lifestyle, maybe want to make make more money than the average nine to five job and training a lot of salespeople and speaking to a lot. It’s interesting, because they all have high ambitions in life. And usually one of them is financial freedom. And they all say I want to get into real estate, create passive income. And I’ve always been really passionate about real estate. I don’t talk about it a lot. But I know a lot of people are like, come to me, and they’re like, Sam, how do I get into real estate. And I’m like, you just call a realtor, you get lending and you buy a house, or you buy a four Plex you buy whatever. And usually, when people ask me, How do I get into real estate? I say how many? How many units do you want? Or what’s the goal there? How much do you want to make a month by when? And you know, and then they’re like, Oh, I don’t know, I just heard I got to get in real estate. I’m like, Well, do you want to get mobile home parks? Or do you want to get, you know, four Plex, or two Plex or single family or an apartment or syndicator? Do you want to tackle it all yourself? And all sudden they’re like, shoot, I don’t know. And so I’m like, wait a minute. Here’s the problem. It’s so general. So know, what do you want to buy? When? How much are you planning on spending per unit? Do you qualify for the financing? A lot of people don’t realize that you need two years of tax returns as a 1099. Rep. In order to actually show you have enough income to qualify for real estate. So have you been in sales for more than two years? Where do you want to buy?

Are you looking to a value add? Do you want to? Do you have like a crew that you can use to do the improvements already? Or do you know anybody that could do that? Do you know the cost of that? Who’s gonna manage them? Are you gonna manage them? Do you want to property management group to have a relative to how much money do you have now? How much money will you need? And so I start really asking these questions, and most people freeze and they can’t ask answer, like even to have the 20 questions. And then I say how likely is it that you accomplish this? When you haven’t even sought these answers out? And until you get some of these answered out, it’s just kind of a dream in the sky. It’s like you’re just throwing it out there. But how much more likely would it be if you had a clear path?

And you knew how to attack this and you knew all the answers to those questions are kind of like, okay, I just don’t need to start chipping away. And so it’s like, okay, I want 10 by when in five years. Okay, so two properties a year. So how much are you planning on spending per unit? 350? grand? Okay, so that’s 3.5 million. And in real estate, how much money do you need down? Okay, and the 20% down, so it’d be a total of 700 grand. So it’s $140,000 a year after tax dollars to invest in properties. So what’s your living expenses and then how disciplined are you? shuffling this money 240 grand to put into real estate a year? And how do you, you know, how do you get a loan? How much money do you need to get show on your taxes to get the financing to do that? Where do you want to buy? You know, what type of property can you get for 350? grant?

Are you making any improvements? Do you need an improvement budget? And then I you know, how long do you keep the property will forever? Who’s going to manage them? It’s a 9% fee? Or can you get it to 8%? The realtor? Yeah, have you done one? As a realtor that’s done investments before? Are they just like a normal homebuyer relative to the no investment properties? How much money do you need now? And so I keep going through? And if I can simply help answer the questions of how for the sales rep or the ambitious real estate investor? Or you could apply this principle to losing 30 pounds, okay, by when? How are you going to do it? What’s your diet? Now? You know, are you disciplined to sticking to the diet? How many calories? How what’s your body type? What’s your body fat percentage? Does that play into factor? What’s your metabolism? Like? How much cardio versus weights? Like, you know, and I could dive into the same thing and we map out a plan? So path stands for p potential? Are you in the current vehicle? That’s gonna get you what you want? actions? What are the actions? A is for actions? What are the actions you must take to get there? T is for team, who do you need in your corner to help you achieve your goal? H is for habits. What habits must I formed to achieve my goal? When you can simply answer these questions, it makes it so much easier to really run. Because, for example, on habits, if you can use a thing like habit mapping than habit tracking than habit doing, it’s more measure first, then cut.

And too often people just send it they’re just like, Yay. And I’m that type like most salespeople are like, by sure will enforce in in excitement, I’m going to go get what I want. And then they find themselves a year down the path. And they’re like, oh, shoot, I didn’t really think this through I don’t know what I want. So I’m going to go through a couple sections in this in this podcast. The first one is, don’t get too attached to the path, aka what how. So often, we get so much depression or anxiety in life when we’re so in need to be in control. And things don’t go as they planned. And so when we cling to these outcomes in these formulas, and we’re so attached, that’s when we create disappointment. So if we can just trust God, and act with faith, we can accomplish anything. But it just might not be how we drew it up. Or it may be that we have a good idea, but it’s not a god idea. And there’s a difference between the two. And we always believe in our own ideas. But did it align? And is there a greater picture that maybe we’re not seeing, that’s a lot longer term, because oftentimes, we can only think so near sighted where God sees things so much greater sided. And that’s what causes this frustration is we are so attached to our good ideas, instead of the god ideas and favors in the person that favors not in your path. Tim’s story and I jammed on this where the favor and the person and the favor and the path, they’re mutually exclusive meaning they don’t necessarily mean they have to be one of the same. So you’re gonna have failure in the person but not favoring the path, you get a favor in the path but not favoring the person.

And when you can create synergy, that’s what creates the ultimate success. So don’t leave your path. If the favors on us stick to the your right path too many people leave the path too soon, and never see it through to the end of the harvest. And it’s it’s interesting, you know, that Tim talked about the story of Dorothy getting off the yellow brick road, you know, 10 man takes her off the path and the lion takes a path and the witches and those monkey things and, and all she needs to do is just follow the yellow brick road. And often time people you know, usually there’s there’s a book that talks about entrepreneurs in their in their in the one thing by Greg or something that he talks about how business owners they get distracted with the mundane or the in the in the mundane. So usually the go to three years, because they’ve innovated they’ve created and now they’re starting to stabilize things. Well, this is where it kind of gets boring because you’re like there’s no new excitement, innovation and there’s no new things and I’m just having to hit the metronome clunk away at the same thing. And what ends up happening is they get distracted they go recreate something start a new and then ever give their path full opportunity to mature and really get their gains. For the work that they put in another example would be you’re trying to lose weight. So you’re working out way harder. But then every time you see sugar, you’re like, oh, but I worked out super hard to damage can eat. So you eat away your gains. And you never see the full transformation of what it could be, if you just stuck to that path a lot longer. You know, so the next the next section, it’s be vs do.

And we often were, way too often we’re focusing on copy paste of successful people in front of us. And we’re trying to emulate the behaviors of other but business juggernauts and successful sales people. And we’re saying the same things, we’re doing the same schedule. But be off be very, very cautious to not get caught in the past of others. And focus on your path, meaning everybody in this earth is put for their potential, like they’re their gifts that they get to give to the world. And just because one person did a certain way doesn’t mean you have to follow and do that exact same way. There’s obviously common principles have copied and done and emulated, you’re going to be successful. But I think a lot of people, they neglect that skill, that innate, natural God given talent that lives inside of them, and really manifesting that on a continual basis. And they think about doing the things that everybody else is doing, but they forget the being the person that they need to be. And then the how usually falls into place. Because, you know, in the book awareness by Anthony de Mello, he says, when a monkey plays a saxophone, it doesn’t make him a musician. You can’t imitate Christ by imitating his external behavior, you have to be Christ. At this point, you’ll know exactly what to say where to go, who to serve, allowing the divine to guide you stop trying to control the path and fake it focus on controlling the person, which is you.

And, you know, he talks about Christ in this situation. But if you’re trying to emulate a top sales rep, or you’re trying to emulate a, you know, a top business owner, whatever that is, you could use the same principle it’s like just because music plays a saxophone doesn’t make him a musician, you’ve got to become the musician. sustain your path in paragliding. You know, I had a buddy that did a lot of paragliding. And they use what they call thermal lifts to propel them farther, and sustain them in the air much longer. And so it’s cool, Utah actually has one of the best lifts in the world, right at Thanksgiving point or are right at the point of the mountain. There’s just the way that the atmosphere and the wind and the change of heat, I don’t know how it all works. But when you have certain hot air that’s rising, and it hits this mountain, and it shoots everything up so people can sustain in the air for just hours. And they just stay there. And it’s interesting, though, because people do long distance hang gliding, where they see how far they can travel. And then 2013 there’s a guy that the world record, he went 219 miles. And so it’s just like floating in Chile. And what happens is, it was an eight hour round trip, where they, you know, they basically this guy, Thomas weisenberger, he went, did an out and back in so it’s not just like there, it’s just out and back. So you’ve got to come back to the original destination. So he went all the way to 119 miles.

And so what happens is you get this, these different cliffs in these different lifts. And if you miss the lift, meaning this like hot pocket where the air is rising, you’ll start to drop and lose elevation. And so I look at life where we’ve got these constant thermal lifts to defy this gravity. And when you when you see where you’re falling, and you see where you need support on the path, you’ve got to have checkpoints where you’re like, okay, as long as they get to that lift, I can lift myself back up higher and elevation, and then slowly decline in elevation than high elevation. And so and what happens is, I found these lifts in my life are different kinds of coaching events, different kind of mindfulness, or personal recharges, and a lot of times I get stuck in the grind and just burried and so it’s like Do I have time for my own personal time like I love music so I write a lot of music that’s like a huge lift for me. Relationships is you know, is it can I get outside and just talk about love and happiness and not have to always be grinding in those relationships. You know, there’s a lot of time where you you need fitness, you need vacation, you need you know, higher level mastermind, you know, a lot of times just having high level conversation. can lift you up, take you out of the hole, getting stuck with the lower level conversations with people, maybe you manage or, or kind of headaches in your life. And I found that like, by using these lifts, and being intentional about it helps you go a lot farther and faster. And it’s funny like to many people in life though, like, if you think about it, it’s like, this hang glider went there and back. And it was just a big four hour journey or whatever.

But too often, we’re just thinking, we go there. And we always keep saying, oh, when I get there, when I get there, oh, one day when I’m there. And I want to check yourself because like, so many people are planning for the celebration and joy that comes with life after death. You know, they’re like, oh, man, like, after death, it’s gonna be so heavenly. And, and we can, you know, celebrate love with God. And it’s like, well, what if you could celebrate and live with God inside you today and celebrate life before death, and live life now? And, you know, it’s interesting how, when we start to ask yourself, Is there life before death, and the joy that comes when you’re on this path? And, you know, that’s one of the things I like about Dorothy and yellowbrickroad is she, she found kind of this fun story and this journey on this on her path, and she helped and served people and she got to meet and create new relationships, and she ran into trouble. And she knew that that was a part of the journey. And that’s what makes a movie so interesting is the part where she’s actually talking to ours is very small portion of the movie, but it was all about the journey.

Get the right tools. You know, I went to Mount Rushmore with Jake Bennington. It was really fun. We, we, like started a research like how do you make route? You know, some dude, he just hiking? It’s like, you know, the side of this mountain is amazing. We should carve the President’s into it. I don’t know where that comes from. But they used all sorts of tools, but 90% of the formation of Mount Rushmore was used with dynamite. And imagine they’d just use the jackhammer the whole time. And it’s like, how long would it take it took him, it took 14 years, and they use 90% dynamite to complete Mount Rushmore. So probably like 1000 years if they just use the chisel, or a jackhammer. And sales and entrepreneurship is one of the most proven methods to earn, like highest earnings in life, but you can’t neglect it, it’s, you know, 20 20% of businesses fail in their first year, and 50% of businesses fail within five years. And most salespeople are broke, even though they have the potential all the potential in the world, the top 20% to 80% of the production, meaning 80% of the workforce are bringing in very little value and probably not making what they’re really capable of. And they might even be better off going and getting a normal nine to five job. And so it’s like, the question is do you have the right tools. And the first tool is training. I spent the last four years building a training and consulting company for sales. And this has been eye opening just to see the impact it’s had on different salespeople, business owners, just the simple coaching and concepts that we deliver. And the frameworks has made massive, massive impacts in these people.

And it’s like the most fulfilling thing is to watch somebody turn around their sales or turn on their business and then hit you up six months later and be like, Oh my gosh, like, what you did, and what you trained us on literally changed my life. And you know, people are too cheap. They’re too cheap to invest time, money. You know, travel, whatever it takes to really pick it up and learn from the best. So like, you know, the tools or the thermal lift or whatever you want to call this as coaches and consultants, seminars, training courses, books, conferences, mentors.

The second one is software’s you know, in today’s modern world, there’s so many good software’s to automate organize your business customers time, even life like, you know, you You see, like the people that are succeeding, right, I get to study the guys that are winning, and the guys that aren’t so it’s like, what’s your CRM? What’s your calendaring system? What’s your group group communication app? What’s your learning management system? Your sales experience in signing system financial tracking, I go on and on about different software’s that can help accelerate time, free up your energetic capacity to go spend that energy on other things that drive your business. And it’s so crazy how people don’t take time to learn how to integrate, how to use API’s how to use App, your how to use different software’s to automate things in their life. And too many people are afraid to spend money on tools, you know, it’s like they’re over here. jack Cameron trying to build Mount Rushmore. And I’m like, Well, what if you could do some dynamite. And so, you know, it’s accelerates the path.

And, you know, as we get into these other segments, I’m gonna dive deeper into potential actions, team and habits. And then you obviously have obstacles and threats and those like things that come along the path like the monkeys in The Wizard of Oz, and you know, the tin man and whoever the distractions etc. But by putting in stop gates and protective measures, I promise you can stick on a path. And if you stay consistent on that path, you can achieve anything in this world. And I hope all of you guys listening realize that you’re the one that’s put on these limiting labels and limiting beliefs and stories. You’re the one that can actually take them away. And it’s the greatness lives inside of you. You’ve just got to tap into it. Love you guys. Hope you got a ton out of this podcast. And we see you guys on the next episode. Share this, leave us a review. We’re trying to stay in the top 100 podcasts and we’ve been pretty consistent, but we need your guys’s help so much love See you guys

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