Sam Taggart – Frameworks for professional problem solving

10 Min Read

Last Updated: September 4, 2020

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Sam Taggart 00:38

This one’s gonna be on professional problem solving. And a lot of times, you know, and I’m writing this book about Achievement Formula. And the last podcast I dropped was a with Danny Kerr, we talked about problem solving. And so I kinda want to keep this thread going. I’m gonna make this short and simple. And anyway, so a couple announcements for dive in is, we have door to door con happening this year, January 8, and ninth, so get your tickets on D2DCon. But I want to make some cool announcements before I dive into my podcast.

One is relaunching the new D2D industry awards, which is never been done. So this is our fourth year. So we figure we’re going to start recognizing the leaders. And a lot of this event is all focused on business owners and leaders. And so we figured we’d do some awards to kind of recognize the best companies the best growth, the best improvement, the best recruiters the best management, the top per rep averages, the the the metrics that really matter. And so how this is gonna work, it’s not like, you know, there’s an even playing field amongst all industries and companies, but you can go nominate your company, if you just go to

And then underneath the industry awards, there’s a nomination, how the nominations work, is they’ll go through until November. And then in December, we’re going to select kind of the top nominated whoever get the most kind of nominations. And then during December, you get a vote. And we’ll say, let’s say there’s five companies that are on there for top growth, you would then go and vote those five, just like any ballot, and then whoever gets the most votes would then obviously be the winner for the D2D industry award.

And so it’s gonna be really cool. I’m excited to see, you know, I think that that’s a that’s a new addition to this whole DD con that we’re doing. And then the second edition is the D2D Hall of Fame. So the D2D Hall of Fame this year is going to be I’m selecting with the board of people 10 individuals were inducted into the Hall of Fame, we’re actually going to get them shirts that are going to have their names on it.

And there’ll be hung every year and D2D con just like you know, every time I go to a jazz game, I see john Stockton and Karl Malone. And you know, those kind of jerseys sitting on the up in the up in the stands, this would be very, very similar to that. And these are industry people that have made massive impacts that have pioneered that have really created a change in our space and represented the space to grow while so super excited for the new Hall of Fame. And then of course, we have to go on dorward this year, and those will be held live and we recognize them Thursday night at the dinner. But then we’ll also be doing a virtual golden door award on Saturday night.

So if you have your own door, there’s an application on the website as well. So make sure to submit proof that you’ve hit your golden door that’s 400 alarms at 600. Satellite, that’s 100. It’s 100 installs in solar that’s 200 and roof or 2.2 million that’s by 50 contracted and pest or 1000. It’s you know, there’s there’s all the metrics, there’s 2 million windows.

So I just want to make sure that everybody knows what’s coming before I dive in this podcast. I don’t want to rant on this. But I figured I’d give you guys some updates. A lot of people ask me like, Hey, is DD happening? COVID this and that. And so we are limiting seats to 500. So just remember those tickets will sell fast considering had 2000. Last year, a lot of people want to go yes, we have the ticket price, but it’s definitely gonna be a much cooler thing. So we have some confirmed speakers. We have john Maxwell, the john Maxwell come in this year, we have how l how Elrod who wrote the Miracle Morning. And then I’m working on two really cool speakers as well. So our lineup will be really cool. I’ve 18 workshops on business strategy, marketing, recruiting, kind of more business culture, things like that.

So anyway, that’s two cents, I’m gonna dive into four principles that I want to talk about about problem solving. So I found in if you’re a sales rep for your manager, this is the time of year where you feel like you couldn’t solve the problems you you know, maybe you’re kind of like I’m fed up with the problems and you maybe you’re in this weird, weak, vulnerable spot. And the first time to talk about is we’ve all heard the term deja vu which means we’ve seen this before like Oh man, I feel like I’m in a deja vu and I feel like in business in direct sales, we live in deja vu. We’re like, wow, this year was the exact same as last year. I don’t see any improvement. And I’m just repeating like Groundhog’s Day, the same day over and over. And again.

And I remember, I got in a rut where I was just doing the same amount of numbers every week. And I just I’m like, man, I am not getting fulfilled, where we literally, we don’t have, I just, I don’t have any Mojo anymore. But I wake up and I go into zombie mode. And I, I just go knock. And you know, knocking deja vu every day, when you feel like you’re in the same neighborhoods, the same people the same pitch the same, everything gets really discouraged. So to be a professional problem solver, in any kind of sales situation, in any kind of business situation, I switch it to what we call puja dead. And notice I didn’t make up, this is a real thing. So whose idea is mean, I’ve never seen this before. And to come out of a slump, and to change things in business is to get a fresh perspective. And that is why coaches and consultants and you know, mentors are going to be very important is because you live in deja vu world a lot of times in your own in your own universe.

By bringing a new perspective and a fresh thing you’ve never seen before mixing it up, changing your area changing the way that you do things, is going to create this booja day, which is going to impact a whole new series of of perspectives. And what I mean by that there’s if you look at a box, and you have four lines, so four squares in this box, and you have what you see, and I don’t see, there’s what we see together, there’s I just see that you don’t see. And then there’s what we don’t see. And this is called johari window. And into Harry’s window, what’s crazy is when you have a puja day is when an outside perspective comes in, you actually get to see three windows, when you’re living in your own world and you’re trying to solve a problem, you’re trying to get better and you’re trying to achieve more, what happens is you literally get stuck seeing just what you see. And I believe that adding these two other perspectives, obviously three times, you know, you get two, you get three times the results and achievement.

So having this johari window is is critical to open up to to achievement. So the next principle is finding the holes. And finding the holes is really cool. Think of it as a like a linebacker, and you’re you’re a linebacker in any business or sales situation. And, you know, you see a problem where you know that the linemen have opened up this hole, and you’re like, I’m assuming running backs coming around the corner to try to just fill that hole, and I’ve, I’ve got to go plug it. I’m a professional problem solver. In any kind of business scenario, they see the holes in these three categories.

The first is the inefficiencies in their own current marketplace. So their own current space. So you’re I go to businesses as a consultant all the time, or coach and, and I come in and I and all I’m doing is I’m like where are we bleeding? Where do I need to patch? Where? Where are the holes? Where do I need to sit here and say, there is literally money flowing out of this hole, there’s money flowing out of this hole, if you just fix this, you’re gonna make 10 times more money. And a lot of times, obviously, because of deja vu, they don’t see it. I’m like Buddha and like, but um, and I felt I fill these holes. And that that would be the very first place to look is what holes and inefficiencies and ways that we’re doing things can I fix. Second one is the marketplace in general.

So obviously innovation comes from people finding holes in a marketplace, you know, where it’s like, man, I wonder if we could just do this and this and this. And then a technology erupts or automate this and then you streamline this. And, you know, those that have made it far in life have just been able to go find the holes. And the next one is the customers need. So you know, Brian Tracy talks and Zig Ziglar they always talk about being a professional problem solver. I’m not a sales rep. I’m a professional problem solver.

And so when I’m sitting with a customer and I want to I want to I want to be really good at what I do is it’s first that discovery phase, right? We’ve talked about like in any sales book they talk about, we have a discovery phase, where I’m going to ask a lot of questions, these questions are going to then create holes, I’m going to then say, ooh, I’m a linebacker, boom, hit the ball, head on, or I’m running back everyone to look at it.

And I’m going to just chase to that hole. So those three places is is where to really achieve more in sales and business is it’s saying I need to find where the customers needs are. I’m going to find where the marketplace needs a new efficient way and then in my system in my business, I’m going to find where I can fill holes. The next one. Tip number three that I’ve been talking about is how movement creates change, which then creates value. And a lot of times like in this situation, it’s we need an All right, we need to just do it. A lot of times in problems, we see problems, we’re afraid to kind of address problems, a lot of us kind of fight or flight or run, you know, I’m saying Fight Fight the problem. Because if you just avoid and you freeze and you run from problems, if you don’t fight the problem and say, okay, cool, I’m going to literally create movement in this, and I’m going to, then it’s going to create this change.

Those people that can fight the problems are the ones that can create value in any kind of workspace environment. And, you know, in order to achieve in life, finding those problems and saying, I’m going to create some movement, I’m going to take some action, I’m going to move towards this, it’s going to then help, obviously, you succeed a heck of a lot better than just saying, well, I see these issues, but I’m not wanting to take any action on it. And then the last one is assume positive intent. Now, assuming positive intent, this comes from a marriage book that I got recommended, and I really liked this in business and sales as well.

Customers, you know, when when you knock a door, or you go to a cold contact, and they come out screaming, you know, how do you assume positive intent, you know, they’re coming out with dropping f bombs, and you’re like, this person has more intent, like, this is not this is not positive. But what have you tried on? Okay? They’re literally just trying to protect their family, they just don’t know me, they don’t, obviously, they’ve maybe been burned in the past, maybe they don’t trust the fact that I’m a sales dude. So his intent is actually kind of positive and sensitive. He’s just trying to be protective and, and, you know, obviously doesn’t want to like waste money on something bad. Totally get you on that you can then show some empathy. In business situations, let’s say my manager is coming at me. And he’s like, dude, you need to work harder.

Like, why are you getting on? Like, why are you always on the couch? Why do you Why do you ever work like you should involve on your underperforming and they renew your sales? Dude, you’re like, screw you, dude, like, piece and you’re like, I’m not gonna work for you, like, you would rather make no money than make that guy money. And the reality is, it’s like, that guy’s just trying to help you. his intent is to make you money. And if you assume that he is literally helping you and just trying to motivate you, in his own way, maybe he didn’t land, maybe this delivery sucked. But it’s like, he’s literally just trying to help you. The owner is not trying to not pay you in this business. I mean, literally, I see salespeople and business owners, they’re like, man, my supplier just didn’t deliver the product on the right time. And my his reps are just sucking and, and as a manager, you’re like, my owner is always screwing me. And he never has any movement for growth.

And he’s always changing his vision, and blah, blah, it’s like, guys, you’re on the same freakin team. And I watched as I go to businesses, I watch people just go from literally like enemies, as if they’re fighting on two different teams, I’m not against each other, you’re on, like you’re in the same jerseys. And if you don’t assume positive intent, it’s going to create resentment, that’s going to create this whole wall between you and you’re going to either fight or you’re going to avoid each other. So in order to be a professional problem solver, you have to be the one that takes the initiative, knocks first and says, Hey, even though you’re blazing at me, I’m assuming you’re doing it for a good cause. I’m assuming you’re trying to obviously make life better.

And those are just four simple tips on professional problem solving. And I promise you, the better you become a problem solving for people, most people, that’s one of the like, worst skill sets they have. And as you practice this, you become a better service and value in the marketplace. And if you have a strong problem solving, like bone inside you, you you massively go faster in business than anyone else. And what’s crazy is those that have a weak bone of problem solving, let’s say that they’re not good at it. What then happens is they then gravitate to those that can solve the problems for them. And if we’re one that always needs to problem solve for us, we tend to then just be a sheep, we tend to be a follower, we tend to just kind of say, wherever the business takes me, that’s where I’ll go. And I don’t like being caught like driftwood in the ocean where I just float with the current. I want to be somebody that can grab the bull by the horns, and I can be somebody that literally solves problems for others.

That’s the value creation. So be a problem solver. I hope you guys enjoyed this podcast, please share if you guys got some value out of this. Like I said Tickets are on sale at DD con. And guys, check out the other podcast. I mean, I think this is Episode like 180. I’m changing a little bit of the direction obviously as do the podcast, I’m going to be doing a lot more of them instead of a lot of the interviews. And the reason being is I’m I’m writing a book and it’s just good practice for me to kind of get out some of the cons content that is going through my head and putting it into video putting it in paper. So I’d love support the support from you guys on this journey so much love peace out guy run boot camp.

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