Phil Sanov – How To Be a BADASS


27 Min Read

Last Updated: April 20, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:44
All right, so we’re here D2D podcast. Welcome. My name is Sam Taggart. I’m here with Phil Sanov . Thank you, sir. I’ll make sure I say it.

Phil Sanov 00:50
Right, you got it. He is how to be a badass.

Sam Taggart 00:54
Everybody knows him for that. But also has a job where he’s the senior lead trial lawyer over at Morgan and Morgan and he’s been practicing law and litigation for for 30 years.

Phil Sanov 01:08
I’ve done nothing but insurance recovery group insurance plan litigation for a little over 13 I’ve been trying lawsuits for over 30 years.

Sam Taggart 01:15
So why would I bring a lawyer on the DDD podcast that’s probably what mostly sales reps and owners are probably like what this is, this is not a door to door thing and and we’re gonna be talking about so they’re they’re actually partnering with us on a few things with like boot camp tomorrow sponsoring that a lot of people in the roofing industry use law and litigation and things like that, to help get their claims filed. But on this podcast, we’re gonna be filming a course for ddu in a little bit, but they’re also gonna be doing some stuff with us on the tour in the summer. So if you haven’t got your tickets to the tour, checkout, may 17 through June 18 10 locations 10 states 10 events and it’s gonna be epic. So bring the whole team tickets are gonna sell out quick. So it’s only 40 bucks, go get your ticket, but we’re going to be jamming so. So first off, I want to introduce Phil because he he and I’ve met two weird ways to, to weird ways. First way we’re at a roofing event more than a little bit weird. Yeah, more than little bit weird each time. So. So here they have a booth down the hall from us, right? And I don’t even know really what Morgan Morgan does. I’m like, Oh, cool. I know. There’s like what, like Law Lawyers at all these big roofing events and things like that. I’m running and what happened? What did I what happened,

we had a lot of swag. Because we’re Morgan Morgan. And we give away a lot of swag. And we had a lot of empty boxes for unpacking the swag. And I had seen Sam online and wanted to meet Sam, because I’m a big believer in we are a, we are the sum of the average of the five people that we spend the most time with. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you got to find a better room. If your circle of friends are not lifting you up, then you got to get a different circle. So I have been studying and being mentored from afar from this guy, Hal Elrod, the Miracle Morning the miracle mantras, the miracle equation, miracle formula. And so I’m following what is what is how doing and I saw this video where he had spoken at D to D con. And I’m like, What the heck is D to D calm? And howl rod is there? Is this something I could have gone to if it comes back? Is it something I can get to and it’s Sam Taggart and so Okay, I got to meet this guy, Sam. And then Sam is doing door to door in the roofing industry. Okay, I got to figure out a way to make this guy because you’ve got to be intentional and deliberate about bringing people into your circle. And I’ve told you some of this but I know I haven’t told you Yeah, I’m learning a lot of this too. So I’m thinking I got it somehow Sam might be at roof con. It’s one of the bigger ones in the in the country in the world whatever about a roofing contractor conference, roof con, get it. And so Morgan and Morgan was the VIP sponsor, we got the big booth and we’ve got all this swag and empty boxes. I’m thinking maybe Sam is going to be at roof con. Sure as nothing. We’re setting up and this guy comes struggling up through the back crawling through the back of our trust of our booth. Say Hey guys, this this box is all torn up. But I need a couple empty boxes. Just some empty boxes I could have. And I’m like you have got to be kidding me. This is going to be the way that I meet Sam. The way that I pull Sam into my circle is I’m going to give him some empty boxes to use at roof gone for what he’s got going on. And sure as heck that was

Phil Sanov 04:56
And you’re not didn’t really even speak.

Sam Taggart 04:58
I was like running because I needed these balls. For my speech, so I made people play like a what’s in the box game when I was doing my mainstage? And I was like, I need these boxes. Anyway, so I was like hurrying trying to scatter to givee.

Phil Sanov 05:11
I didn’t slow him down just got him a couple empty boxes sent him on his way.

Sam Taggart 05:15
So then we go to another event wait is this it knows different, different event run into him again, he’s telling me about like I started to hear oh my god that Phil is the guy that has these videos. And this all is gonna have a purpose. So Phil’s the guests will get to a purpose. Keep listening. Dr. Phil is the guy that has a video that he sends out every single day two, how many people not 1000s 1000s. So

Phil Sanov 05:39
we’re going to talk about this video and it’s how to be a badass. And every morning you How long is the video typically one minute, the sweet spot is one minute. Sometimes it’s a few seconds less. Sometimes it’s a few seconds more and you set it at a what time I send it out typically 5am Central time.

Sam Taggart 05:56
So most people getting buzzes on their phone at 5am are like oh Phil’s the guy that turns to the stupid text messages at 5am that that guy gets text messages at five in the morning. That’s the fun part. And so just a little highlight motivational and how long you’ve been doing this?

Phil Sanov 06:15
A couple of years. The video part has been going out for a couple of years, probably more than a couple three years or so ago it started me just trying to be a good dad. Hashtag badass morning message. If you want to find it. Go to YouTube, go to any of the socials, find me send me a note as for the text of hashtag badass morning message. It is a start your day with a one minute inspiration, motivation. I know you can do this. I know you can do this. I love you. I believe in you. Please believe in yourself. And it just started with me being a good dad and helps. Yeah,

Sam Taggart 06:52
so you have your daughter. How old? is she now? 27. So how long did you start sending her love?

Phil Sanov 06:58
I guess three or four years ago, she and I had one of our first most intense adult conversations where she shared with me her lack of confidence. And her her negative self talk and the way that haters in her life and haters in her world ever since she was a little girl had made her feel like it was she was not as as accomplished and not the bad that she really is. And so we’re sitting in the exam, I’ll never forget it. We’re in the Executive Lounge at the Palmer House Hotel where I always stay. But I would go see her she was she’s in Chicago been a professional dancer for several years living in Chicago. I was up there several years ago. And she’s sharing this lack of confidence and this negative self talk that she let the haters get into her mind about. And I said baby, what are you talking about, you can do anything, you are a badass. And so that just struck me that the next day, I started sending her text messages early, early, early every morning. So the first thing she woke up, she would see this love from her daddy and end with. I know you can do this. I know you can do this. I love you. I believe in you. Please believe in yourself because you’re a badass. And they started with that me just sending the messages to Allie.

Sam Taggart 08:20
I love that. Yeah. So I started and we’ll go full circle back to the full story. But I promise to make your podcast relevant bear with us. Well, this is important, because for everybody listening to this, I have three daughters. And so recently went through a separation. And, you know, I’ve been trying to think through like, this is inspiring me. I’m like, literally like two days ago, I was like I need to come up with a better way to connect with my daughters every day. And it’s like hard because it’s like, I don’t wanna call my ex and be like, hey, pass the phone over. They’re still young and on their own. But as you just said that I’m like, I’m going to literally get an iPad set up in the room, and they can press like a Facebook message for me every day. I’m like, dude, I need to do stuff like this, like every Dad, I so I started a thing called queens Academy. So about two months ago, three months ago. So every time I hit my girls, I do a lesson like a life lesson how to become a queen. And I’m like, over and I journal it. So I take a video of what we’re doing or picture. And then I noticed and I have this video diary on my phone, that I’m just keeping logs like a scrapbook. And I was like, I would love to add this whole element of how to be a badass to this tradition of because I believe especially daughters, they’re taught from a young age they need to how they need to look how they need to dress, how they need to show up to the world and it creates this ultimate insecurity. And I you know, I dealt with that my last relationship. I mean, it was a constant insecurity. And I’m like, why is it that like a lot of people, not just girls, but men and women have these built in ingrained insecurities. So it’s so cool that you I set out on a mission. And I guess keep going with the story. I mean, it started with your daughter. And then and then she said.

Phil Sanov 10:07
You know, my roommates needed to well you add them and send because she would read it to him at that time, it was just text messages she kept she and her friends would would encourage me make videos send us videos, and I was resistant to it for the first year. Yeah, probably. And, and so I started sending them to her friends, and then her friends wanted more. And so I just added to the list each morning, you know, it goes from a couple to a dozen to a couple of dozen to 100. I’m at a public adjuster conference in Florida, the Florida association of public insurance adjusters, and I’m talking about doing that one of the people that came by the booth said, You should tell people out there that you do this, people want to know that about you. And so I said, and by the way, I had this text message that I said that time it was still text messages was three, four years ago. And I said, you know, for morning inspiration to help build self confidence. Just to give you a nice spark to start the day, I send out dozens of text messages every morning, if you want to be added to the list. Here’s my here’s my number, come see me Give me your card, I’ll send you the text message, the bum rush to the stage after my presentation was not about here’s three ways to make your insurance claim more likely to get paid quicker. It was everybody coming in wanting the morning, hashtag badass morning message. And so then I started incorporating that into every presentation I would get whether it was at a roofing contractors office, or if it was at a public adjuster office, or on the speaker circuit for the different conferences. And the list just grows and grows and grows. And then that’s how we got back to it to bring it more full circle. You heard me at dinner.

Sam Taggart 11:51
So you invite so let’s bring this circle. Yeah, so one, I asked everybody listen to this, find ways to then spread how to be a badass, like if we can only ripple effect with this podcast, you to become more inspirational for those in your network, then we’re ripple effecting. And I think that was one of your biggest purposes. Right? And so I hear him at dinner. So he invites me this fancy dinner like free Perry’s dinner, what? steak on somebody else, why not? And

Phil Sanov 12:20
I was doing that I have to interrupt you. I made sure that we got Sam on the invite list. Because I was wanting to get into your orbit, I wanted you into my orbit, you are an ultimate badass. Thank you, you are just so empowering and so much confidence that you have in yourself and others. And, you know, here I go again, I’m kind of diverting, it’s okay, no, no, this is where we go. This is just kind of the flow I, I’m a big believer in the most important story in the world is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves. And the story that we’re telling ourselves has about ourselves has to do a lot with who we’re with, and who we are associated with, are they raising you up, and I wanted you in my circle, I wanted to be in your circle. So I made sure we got Sam on the invite list to this fancy dinner. We’re at the fancy dinner boom story back to you.

Sam Taggart 13:17
So I hear about this badass text. And I realized that he literally is going through his phone one number at a time hitting send. Next person said next person said and I asked him, I said, Phil, how long does it take you to do that every morning? How long? Did it take you three hours three hours in the morning to send text messages to all of this list that I’m like, how much are you worth an hour? You’re Oh boy. I said, You’re literally one of the most pristine litigation lawyers in the country. And you take three hours. So I was like, if you were to Bill me for three hours of my time, how much would that be? And he’s like, well, x and I go, good. That’s how much I’m gonna charge you for my software. Right? I didn’t know where he was like, where are you going with this. So I have a software called vanilla message where it’s an automated text message platform where you can upload a list of people and you can press send once and it can text 1000 people in five seconds. And I was like what if it took you five seconds versus three hours You’re welcome. I’ll be billion. So anyway, shameless plug for vanilla message calm. If you’re interested in texting clients, then do that. Let me get the plug to do it to it. Yeah. And I’m like, Phil, you know that I have a software that you can just go send, send once a day. And you can automate this you can even program it, you’re done. You can program a once for the month if you wanted to. He’s like, well, that defeats the purpose. All right, do whatever you want, but at least every day press Send. And

Phil Sanov 14:47
When I say defeats the purpose. It’s so many times like this week. I mean, a lot of times a lot of we do a series a lot of weeks, I’ll say people okay, on a Sunday, the message will be what Do you need what what are you struggling with? What’s something you need me to do a deep dive and study and figure out how to help you get out of it send me notes COVID private messages you probably got my texts if you’re getting this with text. But so oftentimes it’s just what’s on my heart that day. Yeah, and this week we’re doing confidence. The whole thing was about confidence this week I wanted to just do a series it came to me I was feeling it want to do a series on confidence and I happened to be at a door to door boot camp who needs confidence who has more confidence than people that will go knock doors but but so that’s what I’m in the middle of now and you just program and you’re good that’s why I said it defeats the purpose if you just program it for a month

Sam Taggart 15:40
Yeah, no, no no, I I said dude if you do it every day Martina so what what’s cool about this guy’s and this is why I’m sharing this story is Phil when I found out that he was willing to take three hours every single morning to go shed love and inspiration to 1000s of people. It hit me so hard and I said what time do you wake up and and I was like, What is your morning? Like you know, and I was like holy cow this guy is an animal there’s somebody you need to know it’s an animal so I said why not be on my podcast come to Utah we need to be friends. And I wanted any brought up and I was only too happy because my scheme worked out. And so the the point is like he talks about this Miracle Morning so how are I big shout out I just texted a picture of me and Phil I was like wow, look big fan and and I’m a big fan of the Miracle Morning. So So talk let’s talk about your morning because I feel like you’ve got your morning dialed and I tell every sales rep every business owner every successful person that you have to be organizing, keep your mornings dialed. So walk us through kind of your principles of your morning practice. what’s what’s changed your life? What’s been a good, you know, best practices kind of shut us on what’s that look like?

Phil Sanov 16:58
Sure, sure. So 95 plus percent of the time certainly until I found vanilla Yeah. And even still I believe we’re on this earth for what we can do for others. You don’t know my whole story sometime we’ll talk more my story I can fulfill more stuff for you. When I was in a tragic car accident March 2 1997 pronounced dead at 10:33pm and here I am so a lot of my story is I’m here if I can make it you can make it and tell them my story of the comeback.

Sam Taggart 17:38
Well wait, can I do another shameless like tangent Sure. Desert What was your so haha right okay, right on that part. I didn’t realize that I almost died or I was pronounced dead. I shouldn’t be here. So when we go to the Perry’s restaurant, he’s orders dessert before any of us even get appetizer I’m like what? Whoa, just right to it. I love it. Like,

Phil Sanov 18:00
why life is uncertain. Life presents certain start with disorder. I also finished with a dessert

Sam Taggart 18:07
I love is great dessert.

Phil Sanov 18:08
Yeah, great desserts, pears restaurant. Absolutely.

Sam Taggart 18:11
Life is uncertain. Start with dessert. And I was like, dang, I need to I need to take on this new mantra to keep going sorry.

Phil Sanov 18:17
Yeah. And so I believe that life is about what we can do for others. We are here to serve others. And so my morning starts with wherever I am whatever timezone and I travel a lot. It’s the time zones are what they are. Whatever time zone I’m in the alarm is set for 4:33am alarm goes off at 4:33am oftentimes, I’ll wake up before the alarm, but if I don’t, then I get up I take it out. I get the get the bugs out, throw the glasses on back before the anila texting goes straight to the phone and start sending out messages before before anything, you just start sending out the badass morning message. Because typically, our recorded the day before whatever’s on my heart. I’ll record it the night before so that as soon as I wake up, I don’t have to stress over hmm what’s on my heart right now? What am I going to record go set up lights you know, before I was doing it outside those those sorts of things. I want to just have it so I can rollover graduate phone open either the text app, have it programmed, or it just start serving others just start sending out the love. So even still, it’s it’s you get up the first however long it takes. It’s a lot shorter now.

Sam Taggart 19:38
But that was your first thing start sending love sheep spread love.

Phil Sanov 19:42
Start spreading it right ,start singing the love to others. And then typically, if I’m not in a jury trial, that’s why I keep saying typically when it’s when it’s a jury trial because that’s who I am. It’s not just what I do. It’s who I am. That the trial weeks you have to really fight Focus on serving that client and doing the best you can for the client. And so it really disrupts the morning schedule to a certain degree. And try and courts have opened back up. And so I’m in trouble again, I was in trial last week, I’ll be in trial in a couple of weeks again. And so start with serving others. And then only then after you’ve said, after upset love all around the world, then I start serving, although it serves me to serve others, we serve ourselves by serving others, then I start taking care of me, I’m not going to be able to take care of everyone else, if I don’t take care of me. So that’s when the praying the quiet time, which is typically a 10 to 15 minute short, some, some meditation, not always meditation in the classic sense, but just praying, thinking good thoughts, who do I need to send the prayers to who I’d need to talk to God a little bit, and then go out and do some exercise. And typically the exercise anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour. And then after that, typically after that, I will, because it’s still early, it’s six o’clock. Then I take 15 to 30 minutes to go over the list that I’ve made the night before, of my three most important intentions for the day, and start knocking off. Sometimes it’s a phone call or conference that you can’t do at six or 630 in the morning, so you just have to prepare for it. But if it’s something that that I can knock out, or you can knock out, and you’ve got it in your daily script, I’m a big believer in the scripts. If it’s in the script, it gets done. I didn’t bring my book. I should have brought my book. I could show it to him.

Sam Taggart 21:46
Oh, I have it right here. This is my script. I literally built my own planner. So every day I have my scripts. Here’s my three things. Okay, all my three battles. Look at that. Alright, that one is

Phil Sanov 21:57
very similar to that. I got mine from Craig Valentine.

Sam Taggart 22:00
Cool. Yeah, I literally built I literally built what I’m coming on to point out right now. Look, I love your actual two cents on this. This is literally my like drawings of my new Okay, version.

Phil Sanov 22:11
Yeah, that’s an outline starts with three most important things today. And then it does other activities. And it’s got brain dump from the night before.

Sam Taggart 22:19
Yeah, so this is going to be 2.0. So you have to script it out the day before and your brain? That’s great. Yes, it’s kind of like a summary of the bottom one. Yeah, these are like what is a weekly kind of thing you have like your weekly game plan, your weekly reviews, then your monthly game plans, your monthly reviews. Anyway, I’m working on it 2.0.

Phil Sanov 22:37
And so what I do with my This doesn’t have it in there, I just have to write it every so often I write myself one of my mantras so that when I’m flipping through, I’ll just come to the day. And then there’s the mantra, the most important story in the world is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves, a lot of them I got from Hal Elrod, and as deserving as worthy and as capable as anyone else to achieve anything that I choose. If I have big belief, and I give extra effort. That’s part of the miracle mantras in the morning, every morning. So I don’t mean to take this too, but so I don’t have that’s just kind of how my morning works. And then by that time, I’ve gotten as much done in that two to three hours, as I used to get an entire all morning and midway into the afternoon, you know, when you start with your small victories, and you’ve gotten a few of those things checked off. I mean, I’ll have something as simple as the most important, one of the most important things I need to start with today is I’ve got to get these documents drafted, that I’ve got to get to our accounting folks so that they can get the check out to our client because we got the insurance claim paid. Yeah. And so those are very monotonous. Those can be very detailed oriented, and no lawyer wants to sit down and figure out connecting all the dots, to get checks out to get everything in place to fill out all the forms for the process is to get the money out but it’s what you’ve got to do if a check comes in the day before that on some time during the day. directly on my script as one of the most important things the next morning is get all the paperwork done that needs to get to accounting for this check to get released out to the client.

Sam Taggart 24:31
I love that so you have kind of a script that you’re following. But at nighttime Do you have kind of or during the day let’s say things come up do you kind of keep adding to your script or how do you prioritize tasks because let’s you know you’re busy guy you have a lot of people under you a lot of clients a lot of moving parts you travel you speak you do this throughout the day lets random fireballs keep getting tossed at me. How do you manage kind of the the chaos and organizing your tasks or Adding to the script. Sure.

Phil Sanov 25:01
So within the script, they’ll be a buffer, usually an hour in the morning and an hour, mid to late afternoon. But literally in the script, it will say buffer block. Oh, cool. And dairy, that buffer block, nothing gets scheduled from 11 to 1145. And then typically from three to 345, I don’t have anything scheduled in it. So that that’s my buffer block. And I go look at what are the fires that have come up, love that, and then get those coordinated into, it’s got to be on the next day on the script time. Or it’s something I can knock out in two minutes, and do it or something of that nature. But I’m a big believer in the Pomodoro Technique, where you set a timer for 25 or 50 minutes, and turn off all notifications and just focus relentless focus, I call it, the buzzer goes off, if you’re in the middle of a sentence, you finish the sentence, if you’re typing up or in the middle of something that takes a little bit more time to finish off, you finish it off. But then you get away from it for five minutes. If you want to do four of those in a row, then you take a 30 minute break. And during those 30 minute breaks, you look through your emails in return a phone call something of that nature. But then, within that Pomodoro technique of the relentless focus, you build your buffer block. And you start looking at what are the other fires that have come in? It works for me, it’s not,

Sam Taggart 26:27
no I love this. This is like time hack at its finest guys. Like, I think this is this is incredible. So do you have like a nightly bookend? Because you have like your Miracle Morning? Is there kind of a nightly routine that helps you kind of wind down the day sets up the next day? How do you Is there anything there?

Phil Sanov 26:44
There’s an alarm at 703. I’ve been on threes, okay? I believe in the magic of three.

Sam Taggart 26:50
I love it. I love it. Everything really three,

Phil Sanov 26:53
right? Everything’s got to have a three. So it’s 7:03pm. There’s an alarm that goes off, that says three most important intentions, three important intentions. And so that is the bookend script of it’s time to start winding the day down and start to start planning the next day. The day starts the night before a successful productive day starts the night before. And that’s when I’ll start trying to if I have to go back and look at email or go back and check messages. What are the three things as a check come in. And then I need to try to make sure that I do first in the morning to get out and figure out what are the three most important tasks for tomorrow. If I can knock them out on my own in the morning on my mi Miracle Morning time, then great. If I can’t, then I schedule it in the script for the day. But that’s when the wind down starts going because at some point, I’ve got to disconnect from it and be the best hubby I can do we call it wifey and Hubby, my wife Tiffany digital meets sometimes she couldn’t come this trip. But I’ve got to go be hubby to wifey in the evening and have our time and just start winding it down, you know, just disconnecting from it. And the relaxing thing again is is I use the calm app alive that has a lot of the meditations and the calming type. Not I say mantras. I like mantras. mantras work. Yeah. And then and then I don’t I like to run in the morning if I’m going to get really good training I’ve got to get in the morning and knock it out. Um, I don’t run or exercise much in the evening but I like to go for long walks listen to audiobooks listen to a lot of Hal Elrod books, other personal growth, self development type book, audio books, Knd of in my mind, just time to what john can do to now just can’t take a breath some deep deep breaths and made it through I got this what’s the what’s the intentions and the purpose for tomorrow? I’m gonna wander down and get ready to know I gotta hit it again tomorrow.

Sam Taggart 29:08
I love it. Guys this this is so cool. I like I really just wanted to walk through his day like I think that you seem to be super consistent, healthy you know you’re vegan you said so obviously diet and what you eat is probably take some prep work and some intention

Phil Sanov 29:25
some attention and except I do that I was telling me out here that I although I do love the dairy free ice cream. I’m not as strict as wifey is and his wife who would like me to be I give myself grace on desserts if I’m at a fancy place Perry’s with great desserts. I know it’s gonna make me sick. I know that I am going to feel ill from eating all that poison, but it’s worth it.

Sam Taggart 29:54
Good john. Aaron, there’s just got to suck it up. Love it. Yeah, but I just If you could tell that you’re disciplined that you’re, you know, very rudimentary in a lot of ways and that’s probably lead you to success that you’ve had. And I always find it so fascinating to understand people’s daily and nightly and routines of how they time manage. And I love the buffer. I love the how you do your morning like intentions and get those knocked out. You know, one of the books that I just finished was The one thing and it talked about maker time versus manager time. And it’s almost like you let your yourself have that maker time in the morning. And they said schedule for hours, they say you should have four hours and make your time where it’s not interrupted, nobody’s bugging, you’re not out like managing emails and responding to this social media this and that. It’s like not interrupted, I get to do my things I get to create, I get to go develop and knock my tasks out. And I noticed even the last two days, I have meeting after meeting after meeting after meeting, and I get home and I’m like, Oh, I have 150 unread emails now. And what about all my intentions that I had to do for me, yada, yada? Yeah, like, I’m like, I have stuff that I wanted to get done today, not like finish and just manage and meet with everybody to get their needs done. Right. And I’m noticing by having that buffer time, or by having you know, your intentions in the morning, it’s going to help alleviate stress, create less anxiety, create more productivity, be able to be more impactful with those around you. Because I think a lot of times, it’s like, you can’t be effective if you’re not getting your stuff done and inspire others unless you’re moving the needle, creating stuff and, and being the best version of you.

Phil Sanov 31:31
So you’ve got to move the needle, you’ve got to be the best version of you that you can be. And we’re like this this week, it took me a little while to get back into it. Because for the last 10 days leading up to last last Friday with the trial was over, it was all about trial prep. And so I wasn’t, I was being very productive and very intentional in the morning. But it was all focused on the work we had to do for that case. And it was I still got the messages out, I still got up extra early and got the love out. But it wasn’t so intentional about taking care of me so I could take care of others. And you were talking about it. It alleviate stress, the stress comes back when you’re in that mode of this is how you take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. When that system gets disrupted, rightfully so, understandably so. But it’s a little bit of a stress monkey to get back into it.

Sam Taggart 32:27
For sure, for sure. And I know people that go six to 10 months or a year out of that funk. Like I had a friend Camila yesterday, he runs a solar company out of California and he was like, Oh, you know how to start your new company. You never can work out. He’s like, I just built a garage gym. And we still haven’t used it yet. And it’s like, Huh, he’s like, Yeah, but it’s just, you know, we’re trying to once we get things off the ground, and we’ve been grinding, we’re a new company. And I’m like, I can see that I can see that excuse, but at the same time, but are you letting yourself go and then stresses pack piling onto each other where you’re like, and then one day, or I’m like, hey, what if you actually budgeted your time a little different? What if you did say despite having all this chaos, what if I got up an hour earlier to work out? What if I you know, and I said the same thing? I said the same excuse training for the Ironman? I was like dude, I’m on the road 75% of his time to train to the Ironman or how’s it going to work? And you heard me I was like already scheduled a triathlon on Monday in Chicago right with a friend and I already you know tomorrow we have an event I’m like, do you want to want to run right I know I want to get my run in I got an accountability buddy now you know what I mean? Like having a plan I can always make an excuse of like well I got a big event lots of people coming in tomorrow like no we could get up early we go in at 6am Ron I could show you the mountain or something like we could do it still right and i think people if they make discipline and intention to time blocking and time prioritization part of their life, they they’ll think to themselves they’ll get way more done live so much better. And here’s what

Phil Sanov 34:03
I would encourage you to tell your friend and here’s what I tell people about the oh but I don’t have time to work out I don’t have time to do this 15 minutes are you worth 15 minutes is your life being good to yourself worth 15 minutes? Well sure I’m worth 15 minutes Okay, if you don’t think you are then I think you are doing for me if you won’t do it for yourself. Work out 15 minutes get up 15 minutes earlier start with that get up fit anybody can get 10 minutes earlier anybody get up get up 15 minutes early workout for 15 minutes they want to three workout 15 minutes see how it works I love

Sam Taggart 34:39
that and I mean how alright even talked about heat the Miracle Morning he’s like you do the savers so let’s you know silence affirmations visualization exercise reading and journal or scribe script journal scrubbing but yeah scribe and you know he’s

like give himself a break for using scribe and yeah, that’s it, guys. savor certainly work, right?

Sam Taggart 35:03
And so what he found is he’s like, I don’t care. If you do one minute of each of those things he’s like, then that’s a total of five minutes or 766 minutes. The six minutes I was I’ve listened to Jeff for so many. He’s like, what if you just did a one minute workout, right. And I met a challenge to our mastermind group this month. It’s five minutes of ABS every day. And so I’m like laying there last night. And I get you get to Mulligan’s a month, and I’ve already used my two. We’re on the 23rd, bro. Yeah, I know. I’m like, I will finish this job. And, um, but I thought about this. And I was like, What is five minutes? I’m like, Are you kidding me? I spent five minutes I guarantee on Instagram doing some stupid like I could have in my office and I started to laugh. I’m like, I’m gonna get out of my bed. I’m gonna do five minutes of ads. And this one I mixed it up. I did literally 100 setups like full setups. That was my fun. It’s not like, yeah, it was like the whole forest. And, but I’ve noticed myself like even just that five minutes. Not wanting like, just being smart enough to not come up with the excuse. And I’m like, Are you kidding me? I knew you need your five minutes. 15 minutes. Same thing about reading. Oh, I can’t read. I can’t write. I can’t journal. I can’t. It’s like, come on. Five minutes. You got to do anything for five minutes. Yeah, right. So anyway, you guys heard it firsthand. Thank you guys so much for watching. This is super. This was super good. We’re gonna film this course. Now. We got to save some time for that.

And yeah, thanks even got one more productivity tip. Yeah, sorry. So I don’t this is not a Phil sent off original. I don’t remember where I heard this. But I social media when he talked about I bet I scroll, scroll on Instagram for 10 minutes. It made me think of it. So the only time I go on any social media before 9am is when I’m posting my hashtag badass morning messenger for the Mackinac. So I do that. And I just get off post it you get off, then, as you know, we do a lot of our work is the different groups that we’re on a lot of the networking is the different groups that we’re on. So I commit myself that the rule is like, life rules. One of my rules is, I will go on social media one time, before lunch, and one time after lunch, and one time in the evening, set a timer for 15 minutes of that on your phone, set the timer and it goes off with some horrendous noise. And you can look at some words, you can look at some personal stuff you do whatever you scroll, you have your 15 minutes of escape. But when the alarm goes off, when that nasty, ugly buzzer goes off, you got to shut it down, no matter what you got to shut it down. Because we all can get caught up into that scrolling. And before you know it, you’ve wasted an hour that you could have got your documents out that you need to get a check out to God the next day. So set the set the alarm for 15 minutes, lose yourself escape. Great. You got 15 minutes three times a day and get done.

Sam Taggart 38:08
Yeah, I doubt I need that. I’m like, it’s so funny. I do a ton on social media and I have a team that does most of it. Then I checked my DMS twice a day, right? And that, like I found like if I if I have to do it, and I’m the one sitting on there, I’ll get sucked in. So I’m like, like, I don’t you know, if you’re on Facebook, it’s like sorry, I don’t comment on all your stuff. Sorry, I don’t sit there and chatter and get in fights with you and troll and I don’t like I just I don’t read people’s stuff. And I watch stories. I just, I’m like, cool. Let me respond to these DMS that are important. I get them and I get out. Like my whole thing is how quick Can I respond to the DMS get out? And, you know, I probably should post more or in the comments and engage with other people’s stuff, but I just noticed if you decide to do it set a timer like that. $15 No, yeah, it just goes off, you’re off. You’re off that good. Well, guys, if you know, and you’re in roofing and you need support with litigation, and filing your large loss and your you know, weird tricky technical claims, make sure to hit fill up at Morgan Morgan. Share this, this was a great daily productivity training that I always I’m obsessed with that like I’m writing a book called the achievement formula. Right? And it’s about just kind of getting more done you know, I mean, I think that a lot of people there’s an effective with time and so it was fun. Yeah, it’s in anyway so so i i love this because I get to like learn I’m like Oh cool. No doubt in the book. They’re getting a quota one day you know? Definitely. Yeah. For sure.

Phil Sanov 39:41
So folks, I’ll help people for free if they need to know something. I don’t have to have your case and be working on it as a lawyer for me to make money to help you understand what the insurance world is doing to your or what the legal landscape is. Hashtag badass morning message. You will find Me or Phil, sign off on any social platform, send me a DM I will help people a lot of folks think you know, got to pay a lawyer amount of money they got to work on our case, brother. Let me know what I’m doing to help you. That’s what we’re

Sam Taggart 40:11
here for. Love it. Okay, thank you guys so much for watching. This is Phil sand off and the DD podcast. leave us a review, comment and share this and we greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much. We’ll rock on.

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