Pete Winston – Learning How To Do This Job The Right Way

22 Min Read

Last Updated: March 16, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:45
Hi, everybody.This is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast and I am here with Pistol Pete Winston, he is one of the legends in the solar space. He has over 550 personal installs lifetime and such a short time three and a half years door knocking and he has done record breaking week or 14 day sprint In my opinion, I when I heard this I was like no way 34 signed deals in 14 days and solar. He manages over 190 reps he’s grown massive teams in the solar space. He’s personally sold tons of deals and he’s he’s a solar guru and I think what brings coolness to Pistol Pete is he was also on the solar manufacturing side worked in China for four years and solar, been passionate about renewable energy for a long time. And now is out knocking doors. You know, you’re not your typical 19 year old kid that’s like Yeah, let’s go door to door Yeah, like, this is my profession from New York City Manhattan. I live in in Florida. We’re actually here at this amazing resort. Yeah, just live in the dream. I love it. So tell us kind of why how’d you get kid This is where I want to get your in China doing manufacturing? Like Where was the whole sequence to being like, okay, I want to go knock doors and like what was your feeling around door to door, your age? And kind of the perception. And then now what what’s changed since kind of walk me through that story, that journey.

Pete Winston 02:08
So in China, I was doing mostly manufacturing for solar power panel companies and opening up like European markets, doing their QC and having passion for renewable energies. When that project was done, I moved to Florida instead of back to New York. And I said, Well, what am I going to do next I was kind of sort of semi retired and I really wanted to still stay in solar. So I was looking at my options. And I finally came to a realization that solar nowadays the biggest thing is residential, solar, not commercial solar, which is what I was originally doing. So I applied for an ad I went to a company, I realized that soon after that, that the way they get their businesses from door knocking, and I had no clue about door knocking whatsoever. But I figured, okay, I’m only in on and I’m gastic about it, you know, they’re all excited that don’t run sneakers and gift cards to get a bunch of young but the young guys there and everything like that. I’ll give it a shot, you know. And so I went out, you know, I went to the correlations and I’m training and you got to go and make baskets and get gift cards and all this stuff. And I went out on the doors and I hated it. I absolutely hated it. I could not stand it whatsoever. I I was literally it was my first day it was like it was so hot out and and I had no idea what I did. I wouldn’t wouldn’t even memorize my pitch. I thought I knew everything before that I was known as the guy that can sell ice cubes to Eskimos right. So I thought I knew everything too. So they told me I got to memorize a pitch. I didn’t memorize a pitch. I know what I’m doing. I knocked a few doors. I couldn’t do it. I went out with someone else shadowing me. And they they just went like a bulldozer all day. And I thought I was gonna die of heatstroke and I was so embarrassed I wouldn’t I refuse I rather die drop dead. Then tell the guy look, I want to go home now on fire. And instead of my ego kicked in, so one of the doors even I knocked in the person wasn’t even interested in solar, but looked at me and I was like that and said, well, you want to come in and have some water and I’m like, Yes. And she gave me some water totally wasn’t interested in solar. Let us rest and we finally ultimately did get her bill. And from there I still not the total like nine hours I was in the wrong clothes or wrong shoes. Didn’t know my page. I went home and I wanted to quit. But speaking of shoes, do you knock in crocs? I do. I do. I’ve always been known. It’s always been a signature that I knock in like these odd shoes. It’s Florida and I said I refuse to be going around in sandals. Even though that’s our culture. I started with a pair of keen sport like those sandals, semi sandal wet socks. And now I’ve elevated myself to crocs my first pair of crocs in my life actually if you want to see it.

Sam Taggart 04:51
I love it. I love it the crocs the camel, camel rock. Dude, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a pair of crocs. That’s why I was like, wait, he’s got some crocs going on. Okay, keep going. So let’s catch up.

Pete Winston 05:01
So anyway, so I went home I told my wife Nina, listen, you know, I don’t know if this is for me. And she’s like, No, you got to keep doing it.

Sam Taggart 05:09
So she was supportive of the door to door side.

Pete Winston 05:11
Yeah she’s like, you got to keep doing this. You I guess you don’t want me to stay in the household that we’re there micromanaging her, right? So no, you can choose at all you got to keep doing this. So I said, Alright, fine. I’m gonna do it. But the funny thing is now the next couple of days, like all of a sudden, like I’m vacuuming and cleaning dishes, washing clothes, and doing anything but leaving the house to go out into my area and knock doors. So I’m like, She’s like, Listen, you got to get out of house. What are you doing? You’ve never vacuumed in your life. You’ve never cleaned. What are you doing? You got to go, go knock doors. So I went out. And then of course, you get to the area and you don’t want to get out of your car. And then so I’m going to area and I’m still I’m still not doing that great. So my mentor, my my, my the guy that originally taught me everything. He took me out. And I humiliated myself. You’d hide in the bushes and listen to me. I didn’t know my pledge. I don’t know what I’m talking about. I was terrible. So that day, I realized most critical thing in this business, besides working really hard, is knowing a consistent process and pitch. So I went home that day, and I told my wife and I said, Listen, I kind of learned my pitch or I’m never gonna make it in this. So she worked with me on the pitch don’t mean and Mira broke it down into like six sections. I made I made my mentor record his pitch on video. And I wrote it down word for word. And then she worked with me to get it memorize it in 24 hours I hadn’t memorized. So now I’m going on on the doors. I’m going out on the doors. And in between house I’m literally looking at my phone. I’m looking at ads like on on deed and monster like I got to find any job. But this job, I did not want this job whatsoever. And then between I keep knocking doors I keep knocking doors, but I think I got to go home to my wife and she’s gonna I let her down. So lo and behold, I knock on a door and someone comes out all of a sudden goes, Oh, you know, I mean, I was just wanting to get sold. I’m really glad that you’re here. I thought it was hidden cam, I thought was a joke. I put there just like playing. Yeah, you don’t want So come on. I had so many noes. I was thinking they’re just playing around on me. But sure enough, they were just that one out of 50 doors that you knocked that actually was very, very interesting. So my first homeowner, yeah, okay, and they were very interested. And then I enrolled them. And I enrolled them. And it was a funny thing. Like I went out of that house and I was like four inches taller. And like, and I remember that my mentor told me don’t go home now because like you got that swag. You got the confidence now. So keep keep going. Keep going. So I kept going, I was knocking on the doors. I was talking about, hey, just like your neighbor, you know, I’m helping families told them my whole pitch. And before you know what my competence level, my height, everything, my tonality started improve. I had confidence. And I started getting bills with appointments, I started closing deals. And like I never looked back. It just I just exploded after that. And I just fell in love with door knocking and canvassing neighborhoods and helping family. And you know, when you really made it when you start walking in the middle of the street and you think you’re the mayor of the town.

Sam Taggart 08:06
That is such a cool power move. Yeah, walk down the middle. Yeah. And you’re waving everybody, you know,

Pete Winston 08:11
Hello, hello. You know, so this this job was born for me after that. And so I loved it.

Sam Taggart 08:17
So what one thing you said that was I want to reiterate is you you thought that just by going out there and winging it was the way and you said no, I gotta memorize this pitch like, you realize, okay, let’s get humble. Let’s get real about this. Let’s take this job serious. I think too many people are casual about this job, right? They’re just like, you know, oh, you know, I’m a natural born talker. I’m pretty enthusiastic. I’m sure I’m going to figure this out. But one thing you did, and I noticed this across top performers, hence why we did it a university was solar training. And you know, we’re going to be doing some stuff in that. But like, it’s, you sat down, you said, mentor, memorize, like, give me the video. And let me just break this down into like, miniscule pieces memorize this thing? Like, do you feel like by training like that, I’m sure you’re still trained, like, like, talk to me about the training that went in the beginning to make you great. And like, what do you do still today to make yourself better?

Pete Winston 09:10
Well, when I was humiliated, like going through the doors with my mentor, hiding in the bushes and listening to what I actually said, I realized how terrible I was. When I first got to this job. When I first came to the recruiting event, which is that top call, I wore a suit with a tie. Everybody’s there and sneakers and what is this doesn’t fit it. And I thought all these people don’t know what they’re doing. I’m just going to eat this alive. I know everything. I could teach them some things. So when I went on those doors and humiliated myself is when I became humble and realize I have to throw out everything I ever, ever, ever learned in the past, including my ego, or thinking that I know more than anybody else, which is part of ego. And that’s when I began to listen with my ears and shut my mouth and start really taking notes and processing everything that I needed to do to do this job. And I, that’s when I realized that the minimize the pitch, my tonality, and I had to talk slower, softer. So people would pull in and listen to me. And that’s when I started realizing that I had to learn what what it took to do this job. When I was receptive. That’s when I started like selling.

Sam Taggart 10:19
Well, no, and I think there’s people that have been doing this for probably two, three years, even that still have not had that moment. You know what I mean? Like, they’re just like, I’m okay living average, but their ego is, is getting in the way and the sense of like, okay, their egos get in the way in the sense of like, Oh, well, I don’t want to admit the fact that I need to go

Pete Winston 10:41
and train at the hardest thing in our industry, is to get people to relax, and put down their shoulders and be receptive to the way of way of our canvassing neighborhoods and knocking doors because they knew something before. So I try to I try to really connect with them. So look, I was where you were in the past, I knew everything. And I’m sure you know, a lot of great things. But we got to put that to the side. Maybe later on, you can incorporate that. And for now, there’s a whole new way of life a whole new way of doing things. So just I implore you memorize your pitch, and follow some of our trainings. And you’re going to kill it, because the most important thing is following a process following the pitch and getting out there and just knocking doors. So

Sam Taggart 11:25
So let’s let’s let’s talk about that, like getting out there and the knocking doors because obviously now you’ve done it for a few years. What keeps you motivated? I mean, last year, you did 270 installed, which is, you know, a heck of a lot of money. Like at that point, the money doesn’t really motivate maybe it does motivate but like, what, what, what gets you staying consistent, because what you’ll see in solar is a lot of guys would go out, they’ll sell and make a ton of money in a short amount of time. And then they just like, cave off. Like they’re just like, What keeps you going, even though you’re making good money and fast, like, like, How do you stay driven?

Pete Winston 12:01
Well, I have to say that my previous company was pretty good, okay. But I was just an okay guy over there. With some potential, I was showing some potential I started to get on a leaderboard or things like that. But when I came over to legacy, to something just really clicked with the way they have their tools and their leaderboards that I wanted to be on the top. I just wanted to be on the top. And when I got in the first week, I was just so enthusiastic about the new company and the love that I felt that I really just wanted to embrace it. And then I saw my name on the top of the leaderboard. And once I saw my name on the top of the leaderboard, I wanted to stay there. Yeah, I felt very competitive here. They just they just do something at legacy that makes me want to excel. If I see people on my GroupMe, if I see people on the grid, we call it getting throwing down deals, and I’m not It makes me want to just get out of the house and do more, do more do more. So I think part of it for me is competition, and and the world that I feel about around the organization I feel at home here. But also beyond that people always ask me, well, you just got like a lot of my colleagues and my friends, they’ll say, Hey, I just see that you just got one of those big checks again this week, on Wednesday. And you’re like out on the doors on Thursday. I mean, that’s that’s like big money and you’re out on the doors. How do you how do you do that? And I’m like, well, because there’s a bigger, why it’s a bigger, why it’s not just money for me. If I don’t need the money, I can share it with others. If If it’s not about the money, it’s about helping these families, these families when I leave their house, they’re saying thank you, if you do solar, right, you’re helping families, you’re helping families save money, prevent future increases, and increasing the value at home if you do it, right. So that’s a good thing. And on top of that, while you’re doing that, you’re helping our planet, which is wholesome, it makes me feel heartfelt, that I’m purposeful, then I’m doing something at every home, I enroll that goes solar, I am making a difference. So it’s a notch on my belt mentally I have a notch on my belt, that is another family off the grid that can be helping environment for a cleaner breathe cleaner air, right? And then thirdly is helping, you know my wife, so we’re helping the planet, we’re helping the families, and we’re helping our own lives. So those big three things together, make for an amazing force to keep me motivated. So even if the big check comes in, what about those families that need you? And what about your WHY? And what about the planet? What about helping the planet and your goal is to just continue to set records so that more and more people can have solar and we can breathe cleaner air. So I constantly I call it the Great Green Movement, you know, Great

Sam Taggart 14:46
Green Movement. It’s crazy how how that is happening. I mean, I’m literally at Epcot yesterday, we go on a ride and talks about like writing out your future and the future of energy, talked about like wave energy and that type. about solar and the type about wind and you’re just like, man, like, in 20 years, everything will be renewable. It’s like, why would we not have renewable energy? So I think it’s cool to say, we’re pioneers, we’re, we’re instigators, we’re initiators of this green wave, which is really cool.

Pete Winston 15:19
It’s so amazing. And I like the fact that I’m constantly learning and reinventing, to help others get to be the best version of themselves. So one of the things I just discovered the other day is, the number one objection in solar is, well, what if I’m moving and the people don’t want the soul? We’re all trained to look at them like they have three years ago, you don’t want solar who wouldn’t want solar. But I just took it to another level the other day, I just realized they said, We do think the landscape is going to be in your community five years from now, how many homes? Do you think in five years? They’re gonna have solar in your community? What if you don’t go solar? And you’re the only the question to ask is, what if you’re the only home in a community that doesn’t have solar? Then what are you going to do? Bam, throw down the mic. And now the people are like, on board, right? That’s good. But I love I get goosebumps just thinking about how we could keep reinventing how to explain this, because people are afraid. People are hard to adapt, and we’re doing God’s work and helping our planet. But we must, we must use and find techniques to help these families feel at ease and feel comfortable. And then of course, we must do the right thing. We must do the right thing. So they have an amazing renewable energy experience.

Sam Taggart 16:30
I love that. Yeah. What if you’re the only one that isn’t? Yeah, it’s like, okay, you’re driving around in a diesel truck, and everybody else is in electric trucks. And you’re like, look at me, and everybody looks at you and goes, really like you’re still. You’re still that guy. It’s like refusing to help our world. So funny. Okay, so what are some tips you give your sales people just like, a lot of these guys are sales people trying to figure out how to how do I sell those two deals a month, let alone 34 deals in 14 days, you know, like, what are tips you give your salespeople to, to be successful in this?

Pete Winston 17:07
Why Tom has a sense of urgency. I mean, there’s a lot of incentives and benefits right now. Okay. And right now, there’s a good reward in in solar in our compensation, right? We don’t know when that’s going to end. We don’t know how, when tomorrow is and anybody in any career doesn’t know that you can walk into your job tomorrow. And your boss tells you that you know, we have to let you go or you could walk into your job tomorrow and turn on the TV and it says COVID-19 it and the entire restaurant industry is shut down. So I try to you know, instill in them that look, the time is now the time is today, we just do not know what tomorrow will bring. So we’ve got to get out there today help the families today while these incentives here, enroll them help your why help the families and help our planet.

Sam Taggart 17:51
Love the sets. This is urgency play. And I think a lot of people, it’s like the biggest nation, I always say is procrastination. I like that. So it’s just like, you know, so many people are like, Oh, I want to make a lot of money. Some did. And then kind of like, what do you what do you mean? Like, why don’t you make a lot of money today, like the time is now

Pete Winston 18:10
I love that. That was my eating for 2021 is that time is math too much too much. Too often people say tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow or someday, the time is now you’ve got to get out there now. And you have to do it now. And it’s such a simple process. Don’t trust yourself. Trust your leaders. Trust your peers, trust the experts in the industry, when they tell you it’s a numbers game, memorize your pitch, follow your process, it really works. You just have to get out there and do it and work.

Sam Taggart 18:44
So you also have a really big urgent goal to take your team to 500 people by the end of the year for which is a big lofty goal, obviously, I’m sure there’s some good personal motivation to that, but also like, heck, 500 people helping 1000s of people getting solar 500 people making a lot more money than they probably made before. I mean, there’s a lot of good that comes from that. But I guess what, what what are you doing to recruit? You know, you’ve got a couple, you know, 100, almost 200 people? What are you doing to help build that team create urgency to scale? I mean, a lot of these people are also in the same boat trying to be like, okay, I’d love to get 20 people, let alone 200 people, you know,

Pete Winston 19:23
well, I like to share our culture on our Instagrams, like Pistol Pete Winston on the go follow pistol beat. He’s the man pistol, Pete Winston on Instagram. And I try to share what we do everyday because we like to work hard, but we like to play hard. We like to have fun as well. It’s part of our culture. And we like to compete and we like to win and we’re a big family. We’re really a big family. We look out for each other, we have each other’s back. So to scale, we’ve got to let people know what we’re doing that it’s hard work, but it’s selfless work. It’s not easy work. But in the end, it’s extremely rewarding financially, but mentally it’s rewarding to us because we’re really helping people Families, we’re helping our environment. And we’re helping our own families at the same time. And I don’t apologize for making a good living and solar to the families. Because really, any way you look at it, at least 26% of the benefits are coming from the federal government, which ultimately translates into our benefits. So they’re benefiting, we’re benefiting and our planet is benefiting. So I’m grateful for that.

Sam Taggart 20:23
I love that. And I think that the more like you said, when you’re sharing kind of the good, that’s happening, the fun that you’re doing the competitiveness, it’s happening, the good that you’re doing in the planet, the money you’re making. It creates a movement. You know, I don’t think that the solar movement isn’t just for the homeowners, I think it’s also for an industry of jobs. You know what I mean? Like, it’s employed, what more people than any other industry probably over the last couple years, and some statistics are huge. So it’s like, you ask yourself, you know, am I am I an advocate? Am I am I speaking this for a mountain saying, hey, people that are working at chick fil a, Hey, dude, that’s working in Hollywood studios, hey, you look like you’d be talented. And it’s like, what a blessing like, the more that we look at this, of saying, how do we enroll people into a one good cause to a good cause for their life and family? Like, the more more we grow? I think too many people are afraid to share this opportunity. Like they’re just like, you know, are you willing to go talk to the staff right here and be like, hey, like, I got an opportunity for you. You seem like a sharp guy.

Pete Winston 21:27
Everywhere I go, I’m on an airplane. I chalk up a conversation with anybody, anybody that we can help get a part of this great green movement and be part of this green industry. I think it’s a win for all of us. Have you realized that, quite frankly, that if you look at all the other industries in this shift, this is the most exciting growing industry that’s out there, whether it be the restaurants that are that are hurting right now and their team members that were recruiting or supermarkets, you know, we go down to the local supermarket and the guy in the deli counter is not working for us and making a life changing type of living, or from Disney or like you said, or from other energy industries, dirty energy industries. So apps Absolutely, I couldn’t agree with you more than two absolute blessing. Love it.

Sam Taggart 22:14
Alright, so any crazy stories? Like do you have any crazy just like door stories or deal stories or deals gone bad? I don’t know. Anything that like when I say crazy story or funny story? Is there anything that pops into your

Pete Winston 22:31
I’m a different style canvasser. I do some same days. But I like to go back later, even if it’s two hours later, because it’s a addition, additional touch. It’s like I meet you today. And an hour from now I meet you again. I’ve met you again. I’m a welcome guest in your home. So I always go into homes, I take off my shoes. And a couple times I’ve been in a home and Well, most most times, I go on a home they feed me like, you know, you try to just look like that guy. Hungry I guess. So you know, you you look for commonality you’re building trust you’re building value, right? Before you know it, you break bread with them and they’re feeding you all sorts of foods and things like that. So one time I was in a home and they gave me this whole I made a mistake of not discussing what the credit requirements All right, so they really liked me and they gave me like a whole feast like a whole thing of bread a whole spaghetti meatballs, like literally that I beverage and everything. And like while the credits passing and I figured they’re you’re in a committee where they shouldn’t have good credit right? Now I have this big thing of food in front of me. And it fails credit. So I and I’m like and they’re like of course typically, you know, people that feel great like oh, I don’t know how that happened. I was something wrong. I’m gonna call about that. But by the way, pos, that particular frame I’m talking about is actually called me up yesterday that not accredits good and they want to do it but usually we just like exit stage left that Yeah, you’re just like and he didn’t pass he later I don’t know. So nice to meet you. I’m sure you know, it’s it’s a glitch. Just contact me. I’m sure your credits great at this, you know, but anyway, but now I’m there with all this food, and I made friendly friendly with them. And I’m a people person. So now it’s like kind of awkward and I have to eat like I ate down the whole thing all the way clean the play and the bread and everything. And no, so that was kind of awkward. But you know, I think it’s more that like you connect with the people and you meet a lot of awesome people. I met the real Mr. And Mrs. Santa Claus in a community. And I actually made them turn on the system a little tradition I have is that when the get PTO and solar school PTO permission to operate, I haven’t come outside and say hi, such and such from such and such. And I power my home from legacy power and they hit the switch and turn on the system. Oh cool. And so they’re the true senator that went into her house like in in like August and like they’re getting ready for Christmas Sanders there. He’s getting ready for Christmas. And so when they turn on the system, they came out as Mr. Mrs. Powell. So that’s we kind of have fun. We have a turn on party, you know, they’ll feed you and you turn it on do a video, things like that. It’s cool.

Sam Taggart 25:06
Have you found that’s been a good referral system? Like, for posting that or having them posted? Or what’s like some But yeah,

Pete Winston 25:12
I mean, that’s a huge nugget, they really, really when you show the family that you’re going over the program with and enrolling them, that others in their community that they might even recognize, are turning on that switch, it really puts their mind at ease, we have got to build trust and value in the homes and put their mind at ease if we’re going to help our planet help them and help our own. Why? Because they’re making a big deal out of nothing. It really is nothing. I mean, if you think about it, you have the federal government VA giving a 26% federal tax credit as of right now, the utilities have to give out the net meter and maintain it and cover the costs of that. So what are you what are you getting all worried about? Why are they they’re taking all these notes, and making all these things and have to add references and ask you Well, what jobs have you done in the community? Can I have a picture because it looks like it’s not that big of a deal. And the best people I feel in our industry make less of a deal out of it. Just cover all the bases. You’re the grass,

Sam Taggart 26:09
like it’s like switching from DirecTV to dish. It’s like how many times you’ve done that. Have you ever switched from at&t to Verizon? Yeah, okay, cool. It was really hard. Yeah. Is it really that? You need to take no, what’s so cool. I love that any other like best practices when it comes to, you know, selling solar that you found to be really helpful? That’s a great one. I love that. Turn it on party.

Pete Winston 26:31
Yeah, um, just just let them know, the real deal be extremely compliant. And don’t exaggerate, you don’t have to exaggerate. It’s a good thing. They’re going slower. Even if they don’t save money for the same money that they’re paying today or a little less, they’re able to own their own powers and nice tagline in itself, why wouldn’t you? So you don’t have to, you know, too many people out there that they need to cut a corner to do successful in this industry. It’s totally not necessary. Just shoot straight build, trust you value, build value, be genuine, and explain to them the benefits, and you win. And we went in the earth wins.

Sam Taggart 27:11
Any tips because you’re selling in Florida? where a lot of old people, right, a lot of retired people flock here best tips on selling ownership to elderly? Like, do you have any good line that just I always seen it like I run into? How do you build value even you know, they’re gonna get the tax credit, because let’s say they’ve made good money. I mean, they’re older. But what do you do to sell kind of older people,

Pete Winston 27:35
I just show them the, the number that they’ll pay on their solar loan, the higher number of their solar loan, and I just build tremendous value that for the same money they’re paying now or a little bit more. Ultimately, that utilities go up. The problem with the utilities is that all the utilities are in the wrong place, right. They’re all by the water, they need to be by the deserts or by the open fields. So to get the fuels not expensive anymore, all coal, oil or gas, they’re not that expensive. But the delivery of the energy and what they have to do in the infrastructure in the United States is movable that to the fields to the deserts, and natural is going to cost a lot of money. So it’s inevitable your energy rates are going to go up. So this enables you to control your own energy for a fixed predictable payment with an end date. And even if it’s not for them, it’s for their home value. And it transfers to the new family with a green loan, such as long palette transfers. So it’s a win for everybody.

Sam Taggart 28:30
Yeah, well like the well Do you have any other Last Minute Tips, we got to kind of wrap up honestly, I’ve really appreciated this like I’m excited to kind of jam on just some quick little nuggets for the university. I think it’s fun to always kind of throw in a celebrity highlight in there and I you know, there’s tons of people that use that platform and say hey, how do we you know better our solar training and I think anybody’s watching this guy’s go follow Pistol Pete Winston, you know, share this, I think the more we can help people understand the value of being a good sales rep doing it the right way, getting passion, I just appreciate your passion behind this, like your, your enthusiasm, your you know, you can tell you’re doing it for like the right reason. And I think that sometimes people get into this industry at a young age, and they’re doing it for the wrong reason. Like they’re, they’re just like, Oh, I just want to make a million bucks and blah, blah, and it’s like all about the money. You never even brought up the money even though a byproduct of what your drive and success and work ethic has been been. But money has been a byproduct, I’m assuming, but I love the pureness of how you’ve shown up. So that that that means a lot to me. So, any any other last piece of advice? No.

Pete Winston 29:36
I mean, I just think that your platform is awesome. And it encourages everybody to to know about this industry and how cool this industry is. And I just ask everybody to give it a shot and just follow the processes don’t come into the industry, thinking that what you had in the past is necessary to success be successful here. You put down your shoulders and wrists. See this, no matter what career you’ve had in the past, you’re going to do amazing here if you just follow the processes and memorize your pitch.

Sam Taggart 30:06
I love it. Thanks so much for being on the show, man. Thank you. Okay, we’ll see you guys. Hope to join you guys on the next episode. Stay tuned, subscribe to these and much

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