D2DU #1 Door To Door Sales Training Platform
Solar Sales Training. Roofing Sales Training. Pest Control Sales Training. Alarm Sales Training. Recruiting Training. Sales Training. We’ve Got You Covered. Get Free Access Today!

D2D University
Don’t reinvent the wheel! Copy and paste the best door approaches and sales techniques in the business. This isn’t a general sales training. We have hundreds of videos on industry specific content you can model to take you and your team to a whole new level.
Sales: What’s Inside.
Door Approach
Industry specific pitches to model. We don’t just talk about it, but we do hidden camera real live scenarios to show you how to sell like a top performer.
Years of perfecting the in-home presentation all put into frameworks for you to follow. How to start, how to build value, and how to ask the right questions. Present to different personality types, and more…
Over 50 different closes you can memorize and practice to better lock down deals. Sales reps are broke… CLOSERS make money!
Industry Specifics
Training on the HOW TO… no fluff
Learn from experts in solar sales: Sam Taggart, Michael O’donnell, Chris Adams, Pete Winston, Connor Free and many others. These are reps and leaders that have personally sold over 250 accounts in one year! They go over solar sales training, pitching, presenting, closing and much more.
Bonus: Access to D2DU 101
Increase your sales by 3X and learn from the top 1% of door to door sales leaders in the world.
Bonus: Access to D2DU 101
Learning from Golden Door Winner Parker Langeveld who did 134 pest accounts in 1 week, to Mitch Matthews, Dan Bajza, Josh Zuniga. Drew Hansen and Cody Olive break down what it takes to get to the next level. Learn how to sell over 1000 accounts at contract values over $600 contract value.
Bonus: Access to D2DU 101
Learn from the experts on Mind Setting, Prospecting, Pitching, Objections, Non Verbals, Presenting, Closing, Referrals, and Follow ups.
Learn from the experts in recruiting: Sam Taggart, Adam Webb, Doug Cartwright, Zack Memmot and many others. They go over, interview flow and closing recruits, using social media for law of attraction, creating systems for recruiting, and Sam breaks down his 8 principles in his playbook on how to be a better recruiter.
Sell over 400 accounts by learning from people that have done it. Jason Newby all time sales leader for Vivint, Sam Taggart #1 rep doing over 400. Josh Sutherland with over 500, Adam Nelson and more! Get the best training on how to take your game to a whole new level.
Bonus: Access to D2DU 101
D2DU 101
Learn from the experts to help with your D2D Adventure including Area Management, Mindset, Work Ethic, ABC of Closing, Referrals and much more! D2DU 101 comes with Solar.D2DU, Roofing.D2DU, Pest.D2DU and Alarms.D2DU.
D2DU Corporate Accounts
White Label and Create Your Own Company Training
Would you rather get one customer or one recruit to get you hundreds of customers?
1) Personal Network
2) Experienced Reps
3) Web
4) Public Encounters
5) Events
6) Headhunting
We provide you a business in a box solution.
Most companies have lost their identity and their direction. Take key concepts and practices to go back to your leadership team. Whip your company back into shape.
Most people weren’t trained on how to properly run direct sales teams. Learn from industry experts that have built and run massive teams successfully.
How to structure pay scales, run area, run a proper sales meeting. Most people struggle just because they were never given the right frameworks. Sharing the best practices across all door to door.