Kimba Garcia – How to Start Your Own Brand

18 Min Read

Last Updated: October 25, 2021

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What’s up Facebook Live? I’m here with Kimba and we are going to be, Jimmy where are we at?

Jimmy: Grapevine heard grapevine?

Sam Taggart: We’re in Grapevine Texas. Grapevine, Texas hometown is Dallas. Where do you live your Fort Worth Fort Worth? That’s a big deal. I know. So

there’s a different I’ve lived here.

I know. I’ve been to Fort Worth in Dallas because we’re clear.

So Dallas, it’s fancy here.

Why? Why do you like Fort Worth? What’s your background and detachment and your Fort Worth better than Dallas? 32nd pitch I’m not honestly

saying It’s better. It’s just where I’m from. And there is obviously a vibe difference like Fort Worth a little more country. You know, we got like the stockyards the brick roads. Dallas is awesome. It’s just upscale. And but I like both worlds are just different. Important to notice the difference, but I love them.

I love it. And so Kimbo is one of the partners or owners of RKG Right? Um, okay, you’re the kid. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Robbie. So if you guys separated, we just have to make a new Okay. Break up with him. Roofing roofing Kimba and Garcia, girls, girls. And awesome job. We got to give a big shout out to Grayson grind. It’s pretty great. A great conference Kimba speaks tomorrow. But today, I did okay, a couple of people fell asleep. And so three things Adam

actually didn’t he made us get up he made us dance.

This fun. Good. So if you’re listening this podcast, we’re gonna be jamming on one just like women in business being in a women’s conference. I wanted to kind of bring that up, just like, you know, Kim has been asked to speak at this women’s conference. It’s cool. This is the first all women’s conference I’ve seen put on. And so you know, planning that was a risk and an innovative conference II type thing. And I’m a firm believer of having more women in the space. And I’m a huge advocate of women CEOs. I’m just texting one out of Atlanta today. And I at DDD con, we’re gonna have a women’s panel and kind of a women’s section and so January 13, through the 15th. If you’re somebody that’s like, hey, I want to uplevel bring some, bring my team somewhere, get a new charge of energy, make sure you’re there. And anyway, so let’s talk about like how you guys got started in the roofing space? Like, was it were you doing or for your husband wrapped you into it? Or like, how did how did that

neither of us were actively doing roofing at all? Yeah, we actually started more in the renovations restorations on interior work. With those projects. We started Lana and a few regroups we didn’t know anything about the insurance side of life yet. I remember still when we got a job and they’re like, hey, my insurance paid for the roof. And can you do a roof Mike? Yeah, we can absolutely build the roof. But we were the labor side. There. Were actually subcontractors underneath other GCS. So we would come in we would build the roof for them. But I didn’t worry about the cells and the insurance and all that those kinds of things. So this was a cell of mine or referral of mine and she’s like the insurance paid for the roof. Can y’all build it from like, yeah, we can. She gives me the insurance work. And I’m like, I’ve no idea what any of this means. I’ve no idea ACV depreciation, none of this stuff. This was a fish out of water. But I very quickly realized the money that was an insurance restoration. And just like with anything, what you don’t know you learn and then when you learn it, you implement it, implement it, you crush it like that’s just the way that things go. So that’s what I did. And started pushing into more door to door cells learning that space. Thanks to a lot of you watched a

lot of your YouTube actually not today. Yeah. No, I

love I loved you before I knew you to be honest with you, because I started following you on YouTube, pushing into a lot of like, free resources like that. Learning the value and coming to things like D to D con, right, pushed into some different educational avenues and just started learning the space team building from there.

And you guys have an awesome team like an ag. And they came to the tour. I was like, dang, he’s looked like a bunch of like, roughneck sharp, like hungry dudes. You know? That’s what I’m like. That’s a good culture. Like you’re like sometimes like this guy likes I just cracked on math guy looks like he just got out of prison. And here’s like, you can tell like you have a good solid crew. So congrats.

Thank you. And it’s always interesting to recruit people that want to sell door to door because like you said, you get some of those


Yeah are crazy good on you. Appreciate you know that you exist. But um, so one of the things that I do is kind of coach some of those people that are from rougher backgrounds and do Hey, how do we clean this up, take your same hustle your same energy, clean that up into a package that people can accept, that will make you more money that will change your life that will level up your mindset. I’m really about that with my team. It’s not just about teaching people how to sell roofs, right? It’s about teaching them how to level up their mindset, change their life, and change their family’s life, the way that this industry has me and mine. That’s really what it’s about for me. So I love finding people that don’t know anything about this, just like I didn’t. I’m like, hey, you know what you can learn, you can implement, you can execute, you can change your life. And, you know, that’s really what RKG to me is. And when I pour all my passion into every day, and that’s

cool. You can like feel even when you just say that. Yeah, a lot of people I’m like, come up with a mission come up with like, why your company exists. And I think so many people get stuck on a roofing company and like, Yeah, but like what else? And then when you say something like I’m literally changing people’s lives, I’m helping them become better people like that, right? There’s like, what gets people out of bed every day? Not like, let me go like, help somebody get their leaks fixed. You know what I mean?

No, that’s my slogan. I’m like, we’re not just a roofing company, we pour into the community, I get involved with just different community service events. And I get my team involved in that. You know, like at the beginning of COVID, I had everybody on our Facebook page, nominate an elderly person in the community. And then my team hand delivered porch lunches, like we dropped off a little lunches on elderly people’s doorsteps. We did one last year pre COVID where we went out and delivered lunches to all the homeless people out here in Dallas. So you know, we get involved in different community givebacks, because to me, that has to be part of the business, there does have to be a deeper mission other than like, we’re just up here slinging shingles, fixing people’s leaks that matters, that’s important. But the culture, the drive, the mission behind the company has to be a little bit deeper, at least for me, it has to be a little bit deeper.

100%. And that’s what attracted some top talent. Get some people know you guys grow. And how long I guess, hasn’t been that long. How many years you’ve been doing it?

Five and a half, six, five and a half years? That’s awesome.

Thanks. Yeah. And so So how do you deal so a lot of people do like Dallas, Fort Worth area? There’s, what 10,000 Roofing Companies like it’s like, everybody in their dog. I mean, I literally was driving from the airport to here and within 15 minutes, I probably saw seven roofing trucks. And I go, Wow, it really is dang common for roofers. What what what do you do to separate yourself? What do you do to kind of sift through the mud and stay competitive in a competitive market like DFW?

I try to just focus on educating the customers building genuine relationships and giving people the advice and the resources that they need to make a good decision for them. You may have noticed, I do a lot of personal branding. That’s because I want people to know who I genuinely am, I want them to be able to trust the person running RKG, which is me to be fair, I run all the backend of our ships. So every file passes through me, every decision passes through me. And I think that if people can know me, and trust me, and that if I’m not scared to put that out there, right? If I’m transparent about who I am, I know that that will lead to them being able to trust RKG my team in the field, and that’s where it’s really good for us people say all the time, oh, you work for Robin Kemba. We know we’re safe. You know, and it’s taken. Not only is my company named after me, the mission is a lot of my own personal beliefs. But there’s also that trust where people know they can trust RKG because they can trust me. And if I know about a problem, I will fix it. And, you know, I’m really proud that we’ve been able to build that. But that’s been kind of one of my things. I think that makes us a little bit different as I’m not just the roofing company. And I keep pushing into that with the community service community involvement, but also just showing up on social media for people and saying, like, This is who I am, and you can trust me,

how have you seen social media? Because a lot of people are like, oh, have your own personal brand. You have your own company brand? Or like What have you done that you found has been a win on social media like that a business owner or a sales rep could start doing that might help them get more deals or grow their

business. It’s so easy, because you just tell the truth. Like if you’re genuinely a good person, then people always tell me like, oh, I can’t do anything on social media. I don’t know what to post. They just they just overthink it. I’m like so right in the middle of your regular ass day. Stop, right? Take a picture. What are you thinking right now? Post, boom, you’re done. And that just goes so far with people because they’re able to see who you are. Yeah, and a lot of people can relate and respect that. So for me, I just keep it real and I just Keep it consistent. And right in the middle of my regular ass day, I just take a picture, crop it filter post.

So almost like you set a reminder, and you’re like, have you posted today? I know, that was more normal. But I’m saying for those that are just like, Screw social media, it’s like if you have not jumped on the bandwagon, it’s like, okay, you have a opportunity to one connect with more people to attract customers three attract recruits. That’s the core. Yeah, like it like, in my opinion, social media in my world would be 95% targeted towards recruits. Yeah. And 5% targeted towards an actual deal. Because it’s like, if I get one more person to work for me to then give me 50 more deals a year. That’s way better than me getting one customer that gets me one customer. Yes. And I think a lot of people spend too much time and money spent on an external marketing, trying to go find the customer, when it’s like spend a little bit more time and money on internal marketing to go get. Yeah.

And that’s, you know, people ask me all the time about recruiting people notice my team, they’re like, where do you find these people? Is it indeed is it zip recruiter? Is it this is it that and I’m like, man, it’s people that know me in real life, that send people to me. And then in social media, I have so many people that are like, they just see my team, what we’re really doing, the results are really getting in there. Like I just want to be a part of something that doesn’t suck. And we’re really, especially with millennials, which I am an older generation of the millennial crowd, right? We do want something where like, we want to make good money, but we just don’t want it to suck. We just don’t want to keep like having to go to work and clock in the nine to five every day. And when people come in, and they plug into our ecosystem, and then they’re able to change their lives. It’s it’s the best thing in the world. But I tell people all the time, I’m like, Man, social media, take the name off the table, right? Take off Facebook, take off Instagram, take off LinkedIn, whatever. That doesn’t matter. What if I told you you have free access to 5000 people at a time? Yeah, 10,000 people at a time. As an entrepreneur, you change your mindset, because you’re like, Oh, well, I pay Google. You know, I have to pay Yelp. I have to pay all these people to just get in front of people. But on social media, you don’t. You just have to be brave. That’s it. You just have to be brave. Tell the truth. Share your story. And then people were like, wow, I want to be a part of that. Cool. Love them. Yeah.

Love. Yes, I would challenge you to listen to this to just be a little bit more brave, a little bit more outspoken. Why? Because my mission is to unify a level this industry and bring some more honor. And I think that so many people are scared to be like I’m on a roof, or I’m door to door or I’m outselling you should do and they’re like, I don’t want to come off as that guy. And I’m like, so the people that are coming off that guy are winning. And it’s working for just get over yourself

kind of causes that person if you’re living in alignment with your truth. Telling your story on how you really helped Miss Jones today. Yeah, right, or whatever the case is, I’m just telling my real story about my real team. What we really have going on keeping,

it was so funny. So Mia just got done selling for the week, she was on like, and she had everything in the world go wrong. Like I’m talking got to the hotel, and they were like your rooms not here to that flooded the next night. So then they got kicked out to then, you know, customer, she like, sold it the wrong way how to go back and save like three deals and like just every little thing. And it was just so funny to watch your story. I actually was like, I’m liking watching your story. And I’m like hearing it at night, you know, on the phone. And I’m like, Wow, this was actually like, because she was just like, oh my gosh, we need to be more honest with our customers. I didn’t realize I was lying to the customer and I and she just goes on and it was like, she’s like I had 20 People DM me, just being like, thank you so much for being honest. Thank you so much for showing up for integrity. Like, I love your story. And it was just her just being like, I want to quit like she called me one day, crying on a curb. And then after she cried on the curb called me, we fired her up. I was like, Let’s go girl. Yeah, she then gets on Instagram is like, one of those days. I’m crying. I’m

like, girl. Like, I remember crying on a curve very vividly eating the Clif Bar. It wasn’t a curve, it was under this dude’s tree that he had a bench you know, like the guy’s front yard and he has this this bench under a tree and I’m sitting in it for like, four hours. And I was like, This guy’s gonna come home and he’s gonna do the next and my bench. All of a sudden lo and behold, dude comes home. And he pulls in and I’m like he doesn’t know how long I’ve been here. He has a venture for reason, right? Like for people. This is like pre Instagram. You know, I wasn’t sitting there being like, I’m sitting on a bench three o’clock checking in dude in bench. I’m here. Five o’clock checking in again. Still sad as hell hate my life knocking on door it’s like we’ve all been there. But I think that that’s what makes you relatable. That’s what makes people want to work. Do you want to buy from you want to, you know, engage with you is just saying, here’s the crap that I go through. And it’s everyone’s going through it too and makes you read like a real person.

And that’s why I’m like good people love the story back to like caveman days, people used to tell before even the written language, right? People used to tell a story by just drawing stick figures on the side. And then people would go, and then other people come look at it. All right, like, oh, the stories just, it’s the reason why we watch movies. It’s the reason why we tune into podcasts to live videos, right? It’s like, humans, by nature. We love the story of other people. When it grows us. We relate to it, whatever the case is, but people that are scared to get out there and tell their story. They just hold themselves back. Yes, people love that shit. Love it.

So we spoke on fear today. So that was my speech was just overcoming fears, whether that’s knocking doors, telling your story, asking a girl out whatever your fear is, I guess what would you be your two cents on fear? Like, where does fear hold us back in life? Like, what is fear? Jen,

loved about that. I walked in the hallway here, I spent 40 minutes of my life on Facebook Live. It’s already gone on my drive here, talking about how you can not have fear and power at the same time, right? And then I walked in, and that’s what you’re talking about. I was like, oh, I want to go into detail. But I got some news on my way home last night, that scared the shit out of me when it comes to some stuff going on with my family. So it was really strange, because I had to push back into this just last night where I’m like, oh, that’s scary. I don’t know. And the truth is, that fear is simply the unknown, right? Like, we don’t know what’s going to happen. So I had to push back in time, like early, you don’t know what’s gonna happen in the next five minutes. Like, that’s okay. We’re okay, right now. And right now is all we really have control over. And for me, I just always go back to the simple truth of I can’t have fear and power at the same time, I have to pick one. So I can either walk in my power, I can walk my fear, but I can’t obviously do both at the same time. And I made a whole lot about this topic, because so many people just live in that fear of like, oh, I don’t want to knock that door. Because what if they say no? Well, you’re not going to get the result that you’re looking for. If you don’t knock on the door, right? We don’t live in our power, we’re never going to know what we’re capable of. And I think that that holds so so so many people back. So I mean, at the end of the day, you have to choose power fear, you can’t do both.

It’s interesting, even like I was listening to a book recently, and it talked about fear. And in the sense of we’ve been ingrained, even from like young age, to fear certain things. So let’s take vegetables, for example, eat your vegetables, or you’re going to be unhealthy, or you’re going to get fat or you’re going to have disease or whatever, instead of switching it and saying, eat your vegetables to step into that. To stay healthy and to you get to see through night vision with carrots in like you have stronger eyesight and you have stronger this and you know, your bones will be stronger, or like, you know, anything it’s like go knock doors. So you can do this versus so that you don’t get broken lose your job and can’t make your mortgage payment. It’s just switching the language internal story into a power language into a What’s the benefit and all the good in the light that comes from anything you do. Where a lot of times we use this kind of fear based language internally and externally. As we

got so much I’m such a fan of language and a powerful way because we do you’ll psych yourself out on the way to the door at the end like these people aren’t gonna want a roof or they’re not gonna want solar, they probably, you know, I’m probably interrupting their dinner, and you make this whole thing up in your mind before you even where you know, nothing has happened. Nothing has happened right now. Everything’s cool, right? And the truth is on the other side of the store, somebody probably would want our service we know the damage. Damage. We know we’re going to help somebody when we knock on I know I have the answers to your problems, right? I just need to identify how you want to go about solving your problems. I need to ask the questions I need to open up a conversation. I know I’m a trustworthy person, why can this person not trust me? You know and so with my team I tried to encourage them to use that the power of the language and the self talk on your way up to the door because truthfully, when we can create a reality in our heads and we can see it will then show up and execute that way. Yeah, like Does that make sense? A lot of people it’s what I knew it went to you but it’s like Does that make sense to y’all America?

Hit the like button if this makes sense. Give me a thumbs up I need we need a validity here please yeah,

well because you know we we walk up to the door and we’ve already decided that the customer does not want to do business with us and Mark Right. Hey, I’m Ken I know you probably don’t want to ruin Friday like we already show up with that. And so they’re like no you’re not cool. By we aren’t we’ve created that reality with the language and our self talk before we show up to the door. But if I show up with the confidence of I know that you need a roof for me, I know that I am the answer to your problem and I can show up with that level of confidence.

So excited and here. Yeah, like what? You get to hang with me I just knocked on your door. Like, do you know who I am? And who you are? That’s your name? Yeah. Do you know who I am? And they’re like, Get off my porch and like what? Yeah, no one talks to me like that. Anyway, what we’re doing is I’m gonna hop up on your roof.

Yeah, that’s exactly right. That’s how and there’s so many like the last I just loved it because Robbie and I actually took our team out like we took the team out to the field, which I’ve gotten kind of buried in the back end of the business even like the last 12 months, so they just be back out in the field was so fun, it’s just so fun to get back out there with them. But that was one of the things we had our little circle before you assign the streets and do the things right we had our little circle and I was like we’re not leaving the circle until you set your intention how many claims you calling it how many claims you kind of went around the circle and like set your intention to that number and one of mine guys that I know he’s going to be a rock star he’s got a little bit of a slow start because he he wants to learn everything before he executes on it. But I know this guy’s going to be getting started started I’m like what are how many of you calling in today he’s like three on my phone. I’m like set your intention on that your subconscious genius will go to work right? Like you will you will go to work and you will maybe you won’t get three but maybe you’ll get to when a good prospect is going to call it in next week right? And at the end of the day when he called him that third claim I was like this is why you shouldn’t Yes, and but I mean every single person that set their intention locked that into their subconscious mind right got at least close to their goal with more prospects to go ahead and follow up on to where I think a lot of times we also skipped that in the door to door we don’t set that intention. Right the field. Here’s

the point is they’re scared to set intention and fear that if I set intention and it doesn’t work out, and I I best not sit in you know, yeah, I’m like, what? Yeah, what if I fail and I’m like, Okay, what if you set intention and you didn’t fail? And the likelihood of you capturing it working is way higher if setting intention so you get to set intention you get to go do the work and how awesome regardless the

back it up with language. It’s most likely gonna happen.

Yes. Okay, so you guys, we gotta wrap this up. But Kimba is fire and as you can tell, she has a ton of passion, a ton of energy for this. So go follow her Kimmel Garcia on Facebook or Instagram, whatever, and I hope to see a door to Oregon that’ll be epic. We should probably do something with the women’s thing or I don’t know we’ll figure it out. And anyway, so subscribe and leave a comment or review we love to hear your guys’s feedback what you guys like to hear more of and appreciate the Gration grind conference Big shout out to team that put this on and

they even gave us Kendra Scott bracelets like with us.

I know I got one. And the only dude that smokier there was like a men’s forum and then it’s like six and she literally gave it to me. She goes Sam, you’re the first speaker I thought of and then all the rest of the girls and I was like it’s so long she’s like I just need for better deals like

Thank you. You always do though I mean that’s the thing if y’all haven’t seen him live definitely worth checking out. I don’t know I guess all your things are on your website where to go find you live right so many so much traveling to be doing lots of opportunities.

So one last like in a one sentence if you had to give the industry one piece of advice what would you get it you can think about it I’ll just put on some weird Jeopardy views Yeah,

I was literally um Well, I guess going back to the theme of the day, right it’s live in the intention get over your fear and execute also see a lot of people get hung up in the execution of it. They spend too much time setting intention too much time planning too much time getting in their head, it’s important that those steps go like intense, right intent language execute has to move pretty fast. Otherwise you get stuck in your humaneness and in your head and all those in and all that chaos. So guys get out there, grind, executes and back yourself up with positive language that will change that perspective on your fear. Love that. Love that.

Thank you. Appreciate you being on the show. Guys share this share before you end this right now. Love you. Bye

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Abr: always be recruiting - the proactive motto for relentless talent acquisition.

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A stylized icon of a house with a line through it, set against a dark red background, with the words "sales planner" written above. it appears to be a graphic related to planning or management in the context of real estate or housing sales.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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