How To Stay Motivated In Sells

4 Min Read

Last Updated: October 25, 2022

Hi, my name’s Sam Taggart and in this video, you’re going to learn how to actually stay motivated in sales. There’s a lot of people that do sales, but they live their life on a roller coaster. If that’s you, keep watching, we have tons of other free videos on the links below. I promise you’re going to get a ton of value out of this. So, let’s dive in.

What Do You Want To Accomplish?

So many people struggle at really finding their why. They’re like, I can’t think of my why, but I know guys that don’t even know why, yet and they’re out there making millions of dollars. There are guys that are crushing it in business. Do they have a why? No. They just are crushing it in business. They chose that. They chose what they wanted to become and they chose what they wanted to accomplish and what their standard was. They went and did it. They didn’t have to have some mushy gushy “why”. So all this talk of like, start with your why, I actually would say start with what, like what do you wanna accomplish? Have a goal. Say, look, what do I want to do? And figure out why you want to do that. But, you have got to kind of start with a “what”. Like, hate to hate to contradict that. But, it often people struggle coming up with a why.

Have A Consistent Routine

So, I’m going to teach you three simple tips on how to stay motivated in the interim on trying to accomplish that goal, whatever that is. And the first one is have a consistent routine. So many people that are so up and down and they sell one day and then they’re like, ah, I sold a lot last week. So, I might as well not sell a lot this week. They actually psych themselves out with inconsistency and they never feel like they can actually be in a routine of selling high volume. They think it’s a fluke. They sell a big day. They’re like, well, that was a miracle. Create a fluke, create the consistency out of the miracle, create the miracle to be the norm. And so the more that you can actually do the same thing every day and you can actually predict those results through your morning routines, through your ways of prospecting through the ways that you’re closing through your sales process, the more you can actually have those miracle days every day. If you have miracle days every day, I promise that’s gonna keep you motivated. Cause now you’re smashing it, which is leading me to the second one.

Have A Competitor

The second one is, if you’re smashing it, have a competitor to smash it against. Meaning, create a game out of this. The more you can create a game out of selling, instead of it being about the paycheck or about the job, it now becomes a sport. The more you competitively want to win. It’s not that you want everybody else to lose. You just want to play to win. In this job it can kind of get boring. You know, it’s the same thing day in and day out. I say the same thing because, I call these guys, I knocked this door, whatever it is and it gets boring. It does. It’s kind of repetitive. You say the same stuff. But, if you say let’s make a game out of this and you can challenge yourself it puts the focus on that. It gives you something new to work towards all while accomplishing your door to door goals. So, we’d make micro challenges. We would say, okay, who can come up with the best sales presentation, but you have to get the customer to say penguin or peanut butter and jelly sandwich, batteries, or whatever the words was. You’d literally start being so good. And you’re so mastering your craft that you can get people to say what you want them to say. Then you start to perform at the highest level and you say, okay, what’s the next level that is there to perform. That is when it can become a sport. What’s the personal record? What’s the world record? What’s the competition I’m playing against?

Never Look At Your Bank Account

Number three is never look at your bank account. The biggest killer to success in sales is looking at your bank account. As you look at your bank account, whether it’s low or a tie, two people get motivated differently. One person, if their bank account is super low, they’re super motivated to fill it back up. Some people, or if it’s super low, they get so much anxiety that they’re like, I don’t even what to do. I’m paralyzed like, and you’re like, dude, just go sell more deals and you’ll get money in your bank account. But they freak out. So if that’s you don’t look at bank account, just go sell. If you’re looking at it the other way and it’s too much money in it and more money than you’ve ever made in your life. Cause, that’s what happens when you sell a lot is you’re like, oh my gosh, I have so much money. And now you have, what’s called certainty. You have comfortability, you have a stable ground of land on. Therefore you let that diminished, diminished, diminished, diminished, diminish. You look at your bank like, no certainty. There’s no money in the account. So, then you go sell more and you live a roller coaster of a life. That’s why my opinion is just to never look at your bank account. You look at the scoreboard every week and you say, did I hit my standard? Did I hit my goal? Did I finish on top? Am I playing in the top 10% of the company? And if you play at those games, you stop winning your bank account. There’s going to be money in there if you’re performing. I promise.

So, those three things are the simple tips on how to stay motivated. If you want more tips on how to sell, how to recruit, how to stay more motivated, how to, how to get outta slump. We have tons of videos that are all free. Check out our links, click the link below and subscribe today and share this. If you got something out of it.



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