How to Crack The Millennial Code – Shane Hall Podcast

28 Min Read

Last Updated: February 1, 2019
Door-to-door recruiting

Speaker 3: (00:47)
Hello everybody. My name is Sam Taggart. I’m here with Shane Hall at and this is the D2D podcast and we’re about to dive into how to really shift with the movement of the modern men, millennial generation z new needs and wants of this industry like the, the generations that are now coming and not sticking with the conventional way of doing business, which I think is a really fun way. So a little bit on Shane real quick. He was an All-American wrestler and then decided to start wrestling doors. Right? Which is harder. Yeah, I was gonna say it’s, it’s a different mental game versus the physical game. Well, a little bit of both. And a is now the regional manager at amp smart home is I am security are and smart and smart and uh, manages multiple teams from Idaho, Idaho, North Carolina, Tampa coast to coast to coast to coast.

Speaker 3: (01:40)

So he’s built massive teams, sold massive amount of accounts, um, multiple years, over 200 and his whole expertise, what makes him really different, why have him on the show is simply because he does it while hunting and traveling. You’ve been to how many countries? This over 50. I mean after that, yeah, I hope fail over 50 countries doing this job and really has taken on a whole new level that work hard, play hard, be me, live my life. And, and, and that’s what I’m excited about it. It’s what we were initially talking about. Like we got, we dove deep into it before we even went on this because you were saying you got into this not to be a door to door salesman. Exactly. No one goes, I mean, can I just be a door to a salesman when you’re five years old firefighter? Yes.

“I’m 22 I’m in debt, $25,000 sleeping on my buddy’s couch and I have no money.”

Speaker 3: (02:26)
It’s door to door salesman. So you, you were the guy that wanted to be the firefighter, right? Yeah, I loved it. You know, I actually was a wild land firefighter for four years and I did it while putting myself through college. And how I ran into this industry was merely because a buddy of mine, Jason newbies at vivid, uh, we did sports together, wrestled together back in the day and he’s like, hey man, this is an opportunity. And I was like, no, I’m not going to knock on doors, you know. But the funny thing that’s beneath me, I’m a fire. Yeah, no, seriously. The social ramifications, if you have success in sports, I was a firefighter. I have a college degree. The social ramifications almost overpowered the reality that I’m 22 I’m in debt, $25,000 sleeping on my buddy’s couch and I have no money. You know?

Speaker 3: (03:16)
And that’s the social pressures where people think of door to door. It’s so true. And it’s almost like I wouldn’t, I, I don’t want to swallow the pride to go knock, but I will, I will openly be like, yeah, I’m in debt. Like every other college kid. I’ll sleep on the couch, I’ll sleep on the couch. But it’s way better than being a direct sales. Exactly. No serious. Right. So, so let’s kind of fast forward. So you kind of overcame it. He finally convinces you to do it and then kind of tell us a little bit in a nutshell, the journey from there. Well, I’ve been seeing a lot of your podcast and check out his podcast. I mean, they’re sick, they’re great. I mean you’re talking about guys that are making great money, having a lot of success at this industry and some of them, it’s interesting how, how fast they blew up, how, how quick they caught on or their stories.

“I struggled, I didn’t sell well at first I like I was low on the leaderboard.”

Speaker 3: (04:02)
I was not that at all. Like I, I struggled, I didn’t sell well at first I like I was low on the leaderboard and so I got this close to just man, this is not for me. I mean I’m talking like a month in, I’m at like six, seven deals. Oh Wow. Oh yeah, yeah. After doing some pre season and you’re just level of suck was high. Well and, and, and what’s interesting, so I want to rewind a little bit, cause you’re an all American wrestler. You are used to winning. You go crush it in one thing to go get your butt kicked in another like was that a big pride? Like oh it’s huge. Yeah. I mean what was going on mentally there? I guess that’s what’s interesting about, you know, my platform is there’s a lot of people there that are successful at this job and they just kind of continued success are like, well, I did this in business and then I went into this and my first year this and this, and I was used to having success in some different areas, but this was so outside my comfort zone.

Speaker 3: (04:58)
I grew up blue color and uh, you know, kind of a poor family and it was like, hey, yes ma’am, you asked to come into a door, don’t knock on the door late. Like it was, it was just very different. And I had an extreme uncomfort level to actually get to the spot where I could actually sell. It was tough. And I actually find that a lot. And that’s interesting that you say this, like a lot of people that are trained good manners, it’s like we have to flip the script because door to door is almost essentially you’re automatically awkward bugging somebody having to be a little bit aggressive. And it’s not in our blueprint drawing up that we actually took that route. Yeah. No one likes you. Yeah, you’re saying the wrong things. I went from my family being proud. I’m a firefighter. I, you know, I was the second high school diploma, my mom’s genealogy, and as the first college degree, and they’re proud to, I’m going to not be a teacher or a firefighter and I’m gonna knock doors and the social pressure, I mean there’s people watching this, right?

Speaker 3: (05:57)
Going in, they’re struggling at learning at this job or learning sales numbers. They’re not hitting them up. They’re not rock stars immediately. Right? And they’re on that cusp, but we all hit it off. Do you quit and go back to the norm or do you experience uncomfort in that stress of uncomfort in maybe, maybe have it all. Yeah. That’s tough. So when did it finally click? Like when were those moments are, what happened? What, what changed to where? It was like, I got a phone call from my dad and a couple, a couple reps, they gave me advice. Humility changed it, right? So everybody thinks we’re really good and we’re for great of this. But like today, who did you just speak with about public speaking and Clark and Clark and you came, walked in the door like, oh my gosh, I learned. So you took time out of your day to go there and learn about public speaking.

“It’s stress. You have to have a mental, physical and financial stress sometime in your life.”

Speaker 3: (06:49)
How many people spend two hours out of their day learning? Not very many. Right. And I was like, this is out of my comfort zone. Like, you know, I’m hosting the conference, I can put the business piece together, but now put me on the stage and I’m like, I’ve never, like, nobody’s ever told me how to do this. It’s like, yeah, right. Like there’s a right and wrong way. But nobody ever, but that’s the difference between success and not success. It’s stress. You have to have a mental, physical and financial stress sometime in your life. So if you can experience that and get through and how do you get through as you look into listen to mentors and you get good advice. It my dad straight up, I was on the phone with my dad. I’m like, I don’t think I’m making money. I’m going to go firefighting.

Speaker 3: (07:27)
And he’s like, go do it. Quit. He’s like, why not? He’s like, it’s okay to quit once in your life. And I was like, Oh man, I’m eating ramen noodles. Right. If anyone’s watching this podcast and it’s in the middle of the summer and eating ramen noodles, I hear Ya. Right? Yes. The Roger Pen beef or chicken, right? Yeah. And I went to to, uh, my buddy Ben man, Jack said, hey man, stick it out. And I had to experience reps that said, just do the script. And the other guy said, just be yourself a little country, a little rock and roll. And I think I sold 15 that next week or something and I ended up selling 125 that first summer. That’s crazy. And then 200 what’s the next summer? And went from there, I guess. That’s awesome. So that’s kind of shift gears a little bit. Um, you, you were like insta famous, uh, you know, you have how many followers on your Instagram?

“we both had to come a decision of like, okay, let’s embrace the social media aspect versus take the traditional”

Speaker 3: (08:17)
You know, that’s all context of where you’re at. I mean, we’re in Idaho and Utah. I said, you know what I mean? There’s some guy would like 200,000 followers. Like who? Yeah, no, no, but I mean, but I mean in comparison like you’ve done well with um, building your own kind of brand, embracing this whole social media aspects as the guy who has podcasts and built a brand himself to have a whole, I’m speaking, I’m learning though, 100% but what, what I mean by this though is one thing that we both have in common is we, we got stuck in this whole, like you, why would anybody take a selfie? Ooh, like Instagram, that’s stupid. And we both had to come a decision of like, okay, let’s embrace the social media aspect versus take the traditional like, eh, this is dumb. Like why do that?

Speaker 3: (09:02)
Like I guess kind of tell me a little bit of your philosophy of like why leverage social media and how you do that and then kind of the benefits of it. Well, the biggest thing, I think there’s a lot of people right now that would relate to this is it was very uncomfortable. Like we’re first generation millennials and it’s uncomfortable at first because like how you go about it makes you feel uncomfortable. Right. And so it is uncomfortable, but the reality is 90% of every decision made in America is social media related. It’s, it’s powerful. If your business isn’t understanding it or a part of it or you don’t have someone running it, then you’re going to be behind because that’s just what’s going on. Yeah, I mean to you and I were talking about, we didn’t even do it all. I went to about I think over 25 countries and never posted one picture cause I didn’t care.

Speaker 3: (09:50)
Like I don’t care if you like me at the coliseum. And then the reality is now you’re seeing this big influx in entrepreneurs. You’re an entrepreneur. Your whole door to door on runs off of social media and propaganda and advertising 100% and how uncomfortable has it been? It’s, it’s weird. It’s awkward. It’s a, you know what I mean? It’s almost like, am I so annoying? Like I’m sure you’ve heard enough of me, you know what I mean? Do I really need to say it again? Do I really need to post one more time? Like, you know, and it’s scary. You’re like, what if people defriend me? What if people say, Oh that idiot. Like he’s always blabbering about what and, and I’ve definitely had my own internal all as well. And so people watching this, like you’re getting guys get to make a decision is are you going to invest in educate and be uncomfortable and learn something that is the standard for advertising.

“And it’s okay to screw up. Like we’ve been screwing up this whole time, but like it’s great.”

Speaker 3: (10:36)
Right? And it’s okay to screw up. Like we’ve been screwing up this whole time, but like it’s great. Like it’s okay. Like if this person unfriends you are, it doesn’t like it. That’s okay. Like whatever. Yeah. Who Cares? And, and, and, and what’s interesting is this kind of helps, I think this is where I’m excited for your speech at door to door con because guys, he’s presenting on what is the millennial code that we need to now adapt, right? And, and understand and embrace and not fight. And I guess kind of using social media as one of the pieces behind the millennial mind. Like, why is that such an important aspect of how people operate in businesses operate in, you know, the younger generation resonates with like why is that? I mean, well let’s look at the core of it. You and I went out and we sold x amount.

Speaker 3: (11:26)
You sold very well. I think he’s sold over 300400400 right? Yeah. There’s not a lot of those guys. Joey, you, there’s some guys, Joey Hall, my business partner who’ll be speaking, he did 444 20 cancels one year. It’s crazy and you guys mastered that. You crushed it. Right? Well now things have evolved. Either you’re going, oh well I used to do this or we’re evolving in social media as a part of that. They don’t. You could sit down with generation z cause there’s millennial and generation z and you can talk about like how much money you made and how many you sold and they might care more about your Instagram and Facebook followers. It’s so true. Why is that? Like what, like why though? That’s what I want to know. Well then that’s what, you know, we’ll dive into, you know, next I think Friday or Saturday, whatever day of speaking.

Speaker 3: (12:11)
You know, a big part of it is there’s so much little tiny things that go into the fact that you were talking about depression. When did you post that? The other day? Yeah. Like last week I was prepping cause my speech did econ is actually really couples. Well with this it has a lot to do with, you know, kind of the epidemic of the current generations. Yeah. And depression is way more predominant today. Oh, it’s the highest it’s ever been then ever been. And you know, it was interesting kind of like diving into some of the statistics and a lot of it has to do with lack of connection and comparison. Right? It’s like me verse you on Social Media. Yeah. Right. Well and you got to understand that millennials want to sell more or have more recognition, make more and have more and have more. In our mind we think wealth, we think, hey, what’s get done doing the sales and be worth $1 million to have all this wealth.

Speaker 3: (13:05)
Right. Well, some of them don’t care about the financial aspect. They want life experiences. Their wealth is defined a little bit different. Some will live in a van. I have a friend, she lives in a van and she has van life, the whole works. And that’s what she does. She lives on like there’s a push to tiny homes. Oh my buddy and my buddy Ellis, like I should post his thing. He built his own tiny home. Really? I almost bought one for did it econ. So in summer 2020 we’re doing a documentary and I’m going to get either a tiny home or a motor home and we’re going to go around the country and it can be dope. I love it. There’s a little teaser, but yeah. Um, but that’s the whole point. It’s so it’s less, it’s, it’s almost like I don’t need a mansion I could have done on your home and be well.

Speaker 3: (13:43)
And so let’s, let’s identify it. There’s a couple of different groups that are watching this right now. There’s some guys that had done this industry a long time and they sold and they have wealth and they made money and they’re either understanding how to kill it, keep building their business, or they’re struggling because they’re feeling a disconnect. And if you’re struggling, a lot of times you hear this, oh, these kids don’t work as hard. When I did this, when I, when I was a kid, I woke up at five in the morning and fed the cow. Or right now it’s like, okay, is anybody on your goal? And when I started doing alarms, I didn’t have a pin these uphill both ways. I didn’t got paperwork. I literally didn’t have enough paperwork to sell my first alarm, like I only had half. But are you complaining about it?

“All these millennials are like, or generation Z is like, yeah, I should be worth $100,000”

Speaker 3: (14:23)
Opposed to figuring out because either they want to sell more, they want to make more, have more. So the make more. All these millennials are like, or generation Z is like, yeah, I should be worth $100,000 right out of college because they’re seeing all the social media in this Instagram and everything, you know? So it’s understanding the science of each category. And a big thing we’ll dive into is are you being a victim or a victor? Love that. Right? It’s expound on that a little bit. Well, okay, so Sam, you could sit here and be like, Oh man, I, I remember like let’s say you’re hiring me. And I’m like, well man, I kinda want to like travel the world first and I don’t know about knocking and I don’t know about volunteering at door door Khan and I’m saying all the wrong things. So either you’re irritated because I’m not going to work.

Speaker 3: (15:11)
You’re not willing to work. You just want to have fun. Yeah, yeah. You’re like, Ahh, freaking millennials. So you either convert your mind to researching into why millennials are messed up. Like I read an article in Time magazine about proving our millennial generation is less productive, slam dunk. So you can spend all your time reading that stuff and be a victim and watch your business dissolve. Or you can be a victor and started researching and understanding yourself and looking in the mirror and realizing you’re the problem. I’m the problem. Same as knocking doors figured out. You got to do research today. You did public speaking for two hours. You and I are sitting here learning, well if people aren’t being a victor and learning, they’re going to get lost in the dust a hundred percent and this is what’s so interesting and this is why I’m like, what I’m excited to share on is, is think about like what our job does for the millennial generation.

Speaker 3: (16:02)
Why does it resonate so much with me and you? Why does it resonate so much with the Gen z’s? Like why is that we get to do what we want when we want build her own business. Yeah, we dictate her income. We dictate her income. It’s individualistic, it’s recognizable. Like the dopamine hit the feeling of like I sold 200 ISO index. That the pride that comes from it, the, you know, it hits every piece of what makes it the needs and wants of the younger generations. It’s amazing and it’s stupid how, I mean, how much money we can make in a short amount of time frame and how you can build your own business and have wealth and travel and freedom. And I was a nine quarters last year. My region’s doing great things are right now where I like a 40% increase, like all time.

Speaker 3: (16:53)
And I’m with the nine countries last year, not counting all the other stuff, right. Versus two weeks paid vacation, which is the conventional way of doing. But now let’s go back to the core of things. Um, you and I experienced that and I don’t know, did you come out of the gate selling pretty well? I did pretty well. You’re that guy, that guy. I wish I had a cooler story. I was trying to, Dan, Dan was like, you need to humanize yourself and not be the guy that just was good. And I was like, that’s pretty good. Yeah, you’re one of the, I was the anomaly here. My buddies that were just selling right? And I’m like, ramen noodles, whatever. And so, you know, some people right now are struggling and they need to outlast it. You need a weather the storm, right? Because then this job is so awesome and there’s some guys that came out of the gates like you and now they hit a spot in the business where they stop learning.

Speaker 3: (17:39)
They mastered the art of selling this and the market changed and well now I’ve got to try and recruit. I’d rather sell a deal then the true this millennial, because he’s this and this and this let’s, I talked to Jason Newbie for about an hour a day, two days ago. Did you, okay, so the guy that brought him in, he calls me, he goes, I have sold more accounts at vivant than anyone in the history of it. Yup. And I’m like, wow. Like it was such a like and much love to you Jay. Somebody tag him in this. But I was like, wow. Like it was like, oh good job. But also kind of like you just know one skill really well. Well, it’s all, it’s all different because I, he, Jason, I wrestled together and were on varsity together and he, he was like, Hey, I was kind of beat up from sports and w firefighting was meant to be by career or coaching and why I really love our industries.

“I love coaching. I love sincerely love seeing a person have success”

Speaker 3: (18:30)
I love coaching. I love sincerely love seeing a person have success. I want to see all my guys back ends and everything and I’ll work mine out later. Right? And, and Jason, he can sell, he can sell lights out reps. He’s one of the best. I just am saying he’s trying to figure out the recruiting game still. And that’s where I think that people are uncomfortable putting themselves in these different positions. It’s like, yeah, you’ve mastered one thing, but it’s all about how do we continue the journey of mastery to the next levels in this business? That creates a very fun. Okay. So think about this though. I think sometimes us as if you’re a recruiter looking at this, right? Um, I’m in Israel, Tel Aviv and I’m sitting there and great sales reps by the way. Great.

Speaker 3: (19:19)
we were just saying, no, we were in Turkey. So we’re down there recruiting now and we’re sitting on a table, the world recruiting and this Israeli woman goes, that’s the problem with you Americans. You only talk about what you do and for work and she goes into that does not define you. She’s like, that’s the least part about you as a person. And I think some people in recruiting get caught up in what’s your degree, what do you do? You know what I mean? How much you want to make and the generation z especially in our generation. The first question you should ask, and I love giving away some good tips, is what do you like to do? She goes just to ask what you like to do. Does European mindset is trickling into America? It’s good point. All right, so think of Australia. Did they give like a two month vacation for their employees?

Speaker 3: (20:04)
It’s standard, standard, standard. So there’s because of the internet and connectivity, a European mindset, and like I’ve been through all of Central America, the whole works that is trickling over in some old business owners are uncomfortable with it because I think it’s lazy. Well, is it just entrepreneur? Right? And it’s all based upon the end goal. So why would Jason, maybe you want to invest in more in different categories. And that guy’s a hard worker. I know him personally. Right? And it’s the same reason why you are doing something different. What is your vision? It’s a bigger impact. Okay. And the vision will pull you and goals will push you. So you can have your why and you can have goals and those will push you. But especially generationZ , they need to understand and feel their vision. Yes.

“what’s going to push them and pull them more isn’t money. It’s making a difference”

Speaker 4: (20:48)
And I think, I think people want, and, and, and, and speaking on that, it’s what’s going to push them and pull them more isn’t money. It’s making a difference. It’s, it’s hitting, it’s hitting those desires and wants to travel. It’s hitting the desires. Like what money. Many and many does. But I’m saying, I think there’s a bigger ask or bigger call to live a great life. It doesn’t necessarily mean

Speaker 3: (21:18)
now. Now here’s the catch. Okay. There’s been studies showing that the generation z are lowered millennial age care more about recognition and and world development. Yes. On the world’s developments, they care more about world development then how much they make it a job. Okay. Then again, there’s reverse studies that show they care more about their self and personal gratification than they care about other stuff. And then there’s some that say they care more about the company brand. So the, so what we’re also running into is people don’t realize that you need to ask, I call it empathy plus three equals accountability. So empathy plus three equals accountability. So when you were first recruited is pretty standard, uh, make this much money, do this. Yup. You don’t have to go too deep. Well now are you talking to a guy that wants money or are you talking to guy wants to travel or do you want a guy that once recognition? And if you’re just a one question recruiter, you’re going to get smoked.

Speaker 4: (22:17)
So you ask which, which bucket do you kind of fit into?

Speaker 3: (22:21)
So now we’re talking about more work. Like I love recruiting. I love sitting with guys. I have guys that worked for me for 10 years. I’ve guys have been with me for 10 years. Joey and I like Joey’s. I mean you guys come talk to the guy. He sold over 307 times, over 200,000 time. Excited Joe. I’m excited you guys are tag teaming this. Oh do Joey is the hammer. I’m like, I’m like Joey Iceland. I remember one time I’m like, no, serious. I’m going to go to Iceland. I need to really just flow and figure stuff out. He’s like, yeah, why don’t you to snuck a door like, like Joey’s the hammer and I had the crate apart and it’s a dude. He’s my business partner and I love working with them. I just love it because we balance each other out. But to come full circle is if you’re recruiting, are you a one shop recruiter?

“You need to have empathy, sincere empathy of what they’re struggling with.”

Speaker 3: (23:04)
Do you have your pitch? You have your one one little thing. Oh, that didn’t work. Oh, you’re frustrated. These guys don’t want to work. No, it’s your fault. You need to have empathy, sincere empathy of what they’re struggling with or why they look at something a different way. They don’t see the economy the same way. The last 10 years has been the greatest economy ever in American history. Why would they feel starved like we did? Interesting. What year did you start in alarms to? As an eight. Okay. When was the economy drop? 2008 okay. So you and I came in a starved economy. Right? So now you want him to think like us. That’s your fault.

Speaker 4: (23:39)
My fault. That’s true. It’s interesting. Yeah. You get a guy right out of college and they’re entering into the business space in today’s economy, different world.

Speaker 3: (23:49)
And on top of that, his 10 years, he’s been told you can do whatever you want to do and this is what you’re going to make. And he’s right because he hasn’t seen any different. Why would he? Interesting. So a lot. So a lot of this, I go to colleges and I’ll speak and I was speaking at a high school. I donate my time and I’ll go and I will speak about conventional and unconventional business because a lot of people are just ignoring the psychology because it’s uncomfortable.

Speaker 4: (24:12)
Yeah. It’s like I’d rather put my head in the stand.

Speaker 3: (24:14)
You’d rather, okay. Do you knock a door, recruit a guy, do you wake up and um, hang out? Or do you read a psychology book? So you’re talking about extreme uncomfort and then all of us need to eat our own words. Telling reps to do was go to work and be uncomfortable. Right. Hmm. Now it’s kind of flipped around a little bit.

Speaker 4: (24:34)
Yeah. That’s interesting. So where do you, what do you think if you had to give like, you know, some simple sound advice or you’re a leader, you’re a maybe aspiring leader, um, maybe you’re just that good rep that you know is trying to transition and recruit and start to like build his business. What, what piece of advice would you give him knowing what you just said? Is there any like, hey, here’s some clean cut and nuggets that are just like, do this, do this. I love this.

“You know, I’ve been very fortunate to struggle at every category and sports.”

Speaker 3: (25:03)
You know, I’ve been very fortunate to struggle at every category and sports. I struggled at first and alarms that struggle at first. So I’ve been very fortunate, like I didn’t come from a wealthy family at all, you know what I mean? So I’ve been very blessed with the Rodness

Speaker 4: (25:16)
pause. I want you guys to pay attention to how he said, I’ve been very blessed. I’ve been fortunate enough, I just read a book and I don’t mean to get a job. It was, we were talking earlier, we should, I was gonna say it. So my father in law, I should fricking, it’s on my phone. Dang it. There’s a book that he, we’re jamming last night. He’s a smart dude and he’s, he pulls out this book and it talked about the, the beautiful aspect of how more people need struggle in today’s society. And it was a book, I’ll post it in the comments or whatever after this. I can’t think of the name of the book, but I was like, Dang, I need to read this. But it was all about his, you know, the, the authors, like I’ve put my kid in homeschool and part of the homeschool is I put them on a farm from month to go work at a farm for a month and he’s like, I want to put my kids in failing situations so that they struggle. So like I love how you said it was such a blessing that I had to struggle as I wrestled, as I went to school, as I did this job doing six, my first month was the biggest blessing. Looking back, and sorry, I didn’t mean to, but that’s

Speaker 3: (26:24)
what kind of what we’re talking about. This is an obscure topic. So some people are going to clock off and not what to listen to it. Some people are going to dive in and it’ll depends on what their business is at, right? So some people are like, this is intriguing. Some people are like, this is, this is uncomfortable. You’ll see people, some people will stop watching this right now because it’s uncomfortable. It’s obscure topic. They want us to say, do this, do this, do. Yes, that’s what they want. Just do this, do this, and it works out. But you got also understand their psychology. Like I was blessed. I got back from one summer in college and I was fighting fires and I’d like $8 and 75 cents exactly half and change. And I had to buy food for two weeks while I was out working in Oregon.

Speaker 3: (27:00)
My base was an Oregon fighting fires and I had to survive on that until I get my first paycheck. And I remember that being a blessing because then when my buddy Trevor, who did uh, did alarms, he said, hey, I went out and, and that, that’s what tipped me over at Trevor Goes, man, I made like 13,000 last year and we played sports together. And he goes, Shane, I believe in you. You should try it out. And he goes, it’s better than having like 10 bucks in your pocket. And I was like, and we played sports together. He’s like, well, I’ve got to do, it’s like sports. He’s like, he’s got to figure it out. And I’m like, okay. You know. So the struggles of it, you’ve got to embrace it. The question is how many people are going to be this close to golden quit this job?

Speaker 3: (27:37)
And it’s that one meme where the guy’s like with his pickaxe and he stops right before the diamonds or whatever. Yeah. I don’t know if you’ve seen that one. Yeah. But it’s so true in this, in this jobs, in anything, in life, anything that’s hard or like achieving anything great. Yeah. There’s always going to be the struggle before. Like you hope that that no one reads a book. Hey Man, I was rich when I was born. Find this book. I was, Richard was, everything worked out. I know struggles. It’s great. Nobody likes that book. Nobody. And, and, and, and it’s very hard like, and when you asked me, you’re like, hey, where you just get out of the get go. I was like, yes, but it’s not that I didn’t have my struggle to get me where I’m at, but you might have, you struggled in different areas.

“I had trained since I was 11 knocking doors. Like it wasn’t my first door”

Speaker 3: (28:19)
You struggled in so many different areas. It’s just my first day I happened to sell five and, and you know, you did fine. Yeah, exactly. I did that my first day, didn’t know what I was doing and after five and, and so some people were like, well you were just blessed. And I was like, you just think that I just rode on the coattails of a lucky first day. You had a lot leading up to that moment. And I did have, I had trained since I was 11 knocking doors. Like it wasn’t my first door is my first. So speaking to people right now, like some of you, you know, I looked at Mendez podcast, let’s look at what you said, what I said, what Mendez Mendez came into this when he’s 33. Right. And, and if I was going to give a tidbit of advice, you had a lot of training to that moment.

Speaker 3: (29:01)
Yes. My sales training was, I was a firefighter. Yeah. You went from firefighter to sales. Dude, I went from, I sold since I was 11. Okay. Yeah. Transition Mendez. Um, I’m looking forward to me and him too. He had a successful business and he’s an entrepreneur and transition, Walmarts and yeah, exactly. So, so the big advice I’ll give people is don’t compare. Compete. Yes. The why. A lot of people are depressed on social media or they’re depressed at their job. They’re there come down hearing themselves opposed to competing. It’s okay to compete. We you should compete like find a guy and your sales industry and compete, but don’t compare. I know his, you don’t want to start up to it. You don’t know all the little life lessons that he learned as a kid. And that

Speaker 4: (29:42)
is where going back to this depression piece, just like you said, it’s people are depressed simply because they compare all day. Yeah, that guy’s better. That’s prettier. That’s fitter. That guys is fitness. But it’s like you don’t see the 15 hours that he spent prior studying to make that one post or you don’t see that thousand hours in the gym to get the biceps that he does. You know, you just see the biceps and you go, my biceps don’t look like his bus.

Speaker 3: (30:12)
And so what do you do? You got to reframe. You have to be able to reframe and know and reframe where you’re at. Okay, this is where I’m at. Okay, I screwed up. Okay. And forgive yourself. Don’t compare, compete, right. Forgive yourself and constantly reframe and just just go after it. Whatever. Who Cares? You’re going to screw up. I love that. I mean it’s all psychology I believe in and why? I rarely talk about selling the selling alarms. Easy man. You know, how come Dory do the pitch and you do it a whole bunch. That’s it. It’s just repetitive selling. Anything else I’ve seen you sell solar, like here’s your pitch and do it and just be willing to go through more psychological pain than someone else. That’s it. That’s done right. Yeah. The hard part, everybody watching this is running into is are you overcoming the pain of that new experience, that new uncomfort.

Speaker 3: (30:57)
Are you the top sales rep that that’s, that’s now recruiting. Are you going to a new industry or is it, oh I have a wife and kids, but I can’t, I heard Mendez at a wife and kids. Oh, I’m single but I can’t. Oh, I’m poor month. Right. And so there’s so much success stories out there as I’m giving shout outs to guys I’ve never even met. Right. And, but that’s the cool part about what you’re doing at door to work on. And that’s why I’m excited to talk because this is a different, I’ve spent a lot of time tire Lisa on this area and things are great. Like I, everything that’s going on is in our advantage.

“just within our industry, my mission was to say, let’s give it a facelift.”

Speaker 4: (31:29)
It’s crazy. And speaking of just the shift and this new movement, because just within our industry, my mission was to say, let’s give it a facelift. Let’s up level it, let’s bring some unifying to it. Let’s, let’s do it. Let’s play it. Let’s play it the new generations game. Does that make sense? Yeah. So it’s like I said, why is this industry is still behind conventionally and let’s bring the modernization to it, which is playing to the Gen z] generations game. That’s so anti, which is why I built DDD con, why I put the podcast, why that’s my why. Whenever we asked like, why are you doing this? It’s like, well, I make a dime. No, I probably, I make money consulting and the university and all that other stuff, but it’s like, what’s crazy is I said, if this doesn’t happen, our vehicle, we’ll go unappreciated. Our vehicle was still have a bad rap. Our vehicle is the sexiest vehicle and the plant. Dude, I love it. So why not make it sexy by letting it adapt to the modern way of doing business? Because of uncomfort. It’s because of uncomfort. And guess how many people still fight what I’m doing? Probably a lot. So many people. I get off the phone and I’m not gonna names, but every,

Speaker 3: (32:40)
I was in a big building down the street yesterday, I mean half mile this way. And in a couple of, I mean every day I’m in a different office, a different building with big waves in the space. And half of them go and love what you’re doing. Like fluent. They have 150 guys coming to the ECON, like embrace the heck out of it were across the street. They’re like, oh, I won’t send any of my guys to that. That’s the stupidest thing. A plant. And I’m like, why are you still living with that? But that’s why, you know, um, that’s in business nowadays, in my opinion. If you grew up how I did a conventional, um, aspects, you know, I’ve got the degrees, all that kind of stuff. Well, what you’re doing is uncomfortable. So if people, if people are uncomfortable with it, then you’re actually doing a good job.

“you’re trying to be protective over an ownership feel and living a small game instead of embracing and empowering your people”

Speaker 3: (33:27)
Exactly. In my opinion. And, and, and, and that’s when they told me that, I go, your people will find out about this. Why? Because where did they live on? But this is the new, their vision might be different than your vision. Exactly. And I, and I go, and it’s not that I’m trying to compete against you, I’m just saying you’re trying to be protective over an ownership feel and living a small game instead of embracing and empowering your people to learn, adapt, be creative. Like do it unconventional. Yeah. And I’m like, that’s what I’m promoting, which is only going to help you versus if you hold on to how you did it 10 years ago, people will pass you up. People will recruit better than you. People will attract more than you are. And that’s where this industry is going. And it’s bold for me to say that.

Speaker 3: (34:20)
And it’s uncomfortable to say that publicly on a podcast and whatnot, but like I think it goes right in hand with this whole shift in generation. It’s like they want a collective in a collaborative. They want everyone to win. They want world. What’d you say, world? Uh, I don’t know. We’ve been talking about gender. Uh, you said a cool word, but it was about like helping out, like on a global world impact, they have a global impact, like a global import, more statistically more millennial generation say they would like to have a positive impact on the world as opposed to have a good position at a company. Exactly. And that’s just the stats and you know, and, and that’s what’s cool about this podcast of I, dude, I appreciate you jumping on here and flow in and, and I just, I’m excited to talk because at the end of the day, what Joey’s going to talk about is the simplicity of process and old school still works.

“Those books from 50 years ago are still the same. Sales stuff still works at the same time.”

Speaker 3: (35:11)
Oh yeah. Everything. It’s all PR. It’s all process. Every knows its simplicity in process. Right. Those books from 50 years ago are still the same. Sales stuff still works at the same time. It’s now you have to have a little bit of psychology in my, in my opinion, you would if you really want to have to achieve your vision. Now my vision is different with your vision. I wanted to aggressively travel the world. I wanted to have a net worth that I could walk away from alarms and be ahead because so people I know made cashflow and they didn’t come out the other side. Okay. So only people I know and so I wanted to be in that spot and I wanted to live an exceptional life and then I wanted to mentor and coach people along the way. Mentoring, coaching people along the way was my, is my number one passion of this because I was supposed to be a high school wrestling football coach.

Speaker 4: (35:55)
Yeah. You now your, your your students or your people.

Speaker 3: (35:58)
Yeah. Just so we’re now hanging out on the beach. Exactly. Not Fundraising for the uniforms. It’s, let’s go hang out at the meeting. So I mean, but at the same time it’s process Alabama, football and patriots. You have a process in the system. If you have a process and a system then then that is the foundation. You have to have a process in the system. Once you have your process and your system, you can build up your leaders and you can go. You just got to understand how to attract people to that process and system.

Speaker 4: (36:26)
I love that. Okay, so we’re running out of time. So if you’re still on this love you, I know it’s fun. We get lost in this. So Hey, if you’re watching or listening to this or whatever, give some thumbs up. Cause I think Shane has done a phenomenal job and obviously he should know about it. Um, but one last question. I ask every single person. So I finished every podcast with, if you could give the industry one piece of advice you could pick rep, leader, recruiter, first year, Guy Experience, got like pick a genre, whatever. What would it be?

“I think the most powerful thing is….to establish your own personal vision,”

Speaker 3: (37:00)
I, you know, I think the most powerful thing is when you see if you’re in a leadership role or you’re part of a company, or if you’re struggling in area or doing good, you need to establish your own personal vision, right? You need to have conviction on your vision. I have a very strong conviction on my vision that when someone works with me, I 100% no, you’re leaving. I’m going to prepare you to leave. I am so proud of the guys that came in to, in debt with student loans that walked out debt free with portfolios, a college degree, a skill set. And when I hire someone, I have the intent of one, you’re going to work with me and make the most money and you’re going to leave and I want to be on your resume. Or two, you’re going to work with me and I’m going to teach you how to build your own business.

Speaker 3: (37:46)
I, that’s why I consult and help people build businesses, right? You know? Or the third one is you’re going to work with me, make the most money and we’re going to build your business. And work with media and spark and do a parallel alignment on it, the cashflow. So those three results are great and I am very proud of the guys who left and have their own companies and their own jam and they walked out of this industry ahead. Love that. And so that’s my vision and I’m passionate about my vision. And so I think a lot of leaders out there need to maybe relook, look at their vision and go, is it in line with what you’re pitching?

Speaker 4: (38:19)
I love that cause some people may say that, but operate different.

Speaker 3: (38:23)
Yeah, it’s, yeah. You know what I mean? You’re just repeating someone else’s vision. Your vision. Exactly. It’s be honest with yourself. Yes. What is your vision? I love that. I don’t, I don’t want to knock a door every day of the year. Right. I don’t want to do that. And I want wanted last year with the nine countries year before I went to 12 countries. But I want to have, I want my business to grow over a year. I want my sales reps to do well in me to do well and I want end right. And so I need to have a formula that has the hand. Love that. Okay. Well you guys start at firsthand. Let’s just, Shane Hall, the man, the man, and one of these days you’re gonna invite me on one of your cool adventures. Like she I was like another travel podcast cause I love to travel. So I’m like, next podcast, we’ll just talk about cool places in the planet. I’m not even kidding. That’s what we should do. Like why no one wants to see us. They’re like, oh, Shane’s mother. I, last time I went to Instagram live, I was on the island of Bonaire scuba diving. People are bored. They’re going, yeah, I was like, you prior. God, I did my best pipe. I did a podcast on the top of the PP islands in Thailand. So it was kinda like, that’s more your jam. Sorry. Next. Everybody’s hey, much love loving.

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