Don’t Be Intimidated
We’ve created ourselves in the door-to-door sales industry. Going out together and knocking doesn’t even feel like work. We’re having a great time. Plus, we’re making a boatload of cash flow, as well. So, I encourage more women to really step up and not be intimidated by the fact that it’s a male-dominated field, because I guarantee you give it a couple of years and we’ll be running the show.
Connect With People
I actually think that the emotional aspect can actually play as a benefit as well. Because you’re able to really connect with your customers and relate to them and building the conviction in them that this is a great product and just really showing them that this is important. Solar is so much better for the planet. It is cleaner energy and we’re able to really build up that emotion and connect to people. This is a major benefit. It’s so nurturing we can project our maternal sides into our presentations and the customers really resonate with it. Especially when there’s so much conviction behind it. It is not just the maternal aspect, but I’ve had a ton of people being like- “Wow, you remind me of my niece!” or “You remind me of my granddaughter!” Yeah like all these things. The fact that you are a girl means you are less intimidating and they trust you a lot more which makes them like you almost immediately. It definitely is like a huge pro for women.
Be Passionate
We’re able to channel that energy because we have so much emotional, life force energy and can channel that in the right direction. Which is sales or the doors, or like really get behind it too with solar, or whatever it is pest control, roofing, whatever. Just get passionate about it. We’re unstoppable. Women really are unstoppable. Become passionate and put your mind to it. You can do this! If you have that conviction and you have that passion, I’m telling you, it really does make a difference.
Use Strategy
Okay, so here is what we’ve been doing, we call it the yin and yang right? So she’s definitely the calm before the storm. Listen to this cause it is important. This is how they’ve set it up to have a lot of success. So Ari is what we call our setter. She and I follow up right behind her and with her, we knock together and we really feed off each other’s energy to make it a fun productive day. She goes in she’ll do the set and she’s very calm, very nurturing towards them, she’s very caring and I’m right there so they know I’m not a stranger coming back they know who’s coming back to their door. They’re expecting this calm relaxed presentation, but then I come in and smack them with this conviction and this passion that they weren’t anticipating. Once we started implementing this, I’m at a 100% close ratio right now. In the last two weeks, we closed 20 accounts.
Have Fun
We interview a lot of people and that’s up there for sure. It’s been really lucrative for us. What we notice in the difference is that we’re having fun. It’s like, literally, having girl talk all the time. It doesn’t even feel like work in between doors. We’re just talking about our days and how we’re feeling. It’s just super chill and then we get to a home and we’re like, oh yeah, time to work! It flows so smoothly when you keep the vibe so high because you’re just having fun and your spirits are high. One of the toughest things on the doors is when you start to kind of get in a slump and maybe you’re not having as much luck or something like that and you’re just like oh this sucks. Then you don’t want to go hit that door and you get bummed out thinking this is going to be another person who says no. But, if at every door you’re just hyped up and talk about this and that and what we’re going to do this weekend and keeping things fun and light, that transfer of energy is so palpable. Even when we get the Karen’s who are not feeling it, we have an impact on them, and our attitude keeps us in a positive position. We just walk away and laugh it off. It’s okay cause we’re still chilling and having a great time.