The Secret to Selling 1000 Pest Accounts – John Taylor,2018 Golden Door Awards Winner

22 Min Read

Last Updated: November 12, 2018

Speaker 1: (00:02)

Bill, Can I help you?

Speaker2: Hey listen up, I’m bringing you the best content to ever exist in the door to door industry from sales leadership, recruiting, impersonal development.

Speaker 1:

Why would I need that?

Speaker 2:

Because never before have we been able to collaborate with the top experts in their industries, sharing their secrets and techniques and what makes them the best.

Speaker 1: Wait, who? Who are you?

Speaker 2:
I’m your host. Sam Taggart, creator of the D2D experts in D2Dcon. Is there a place we can sit down?

Speaker 1:
We’ll come on him.

Speaker 3: Register today for D2DCon, learn from over 40 amazing speakers including the real wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort. Come as a team. Learn as a team. Leave as a tribe.

Speaker 2: (00:48)

Hey Everybody. This is Sam Taggart, your host with the D2D podcast. And I actually have a golden door award winner in the flesh. And you’ve got John Taylor. John Taylor came and I was like, wait a minute. The song just wanting to come on. Um, and he did a thousand accounts with Green X. Awesome job. I just want to one like high, just like respect. You know what I mean?
Like last year we were just jamming. There’s three golden door award winners this year. I know if for, so if you know another thousand account pest control Guy Daggum yeah, I mean that’s four people out of, how many pest guys do you think in the planet?

Speaker 3: (01:33)

Probably if, I mean there’s with all the big companies, I mean their styles.

Speaker 2: (01:36)
Thousands. I’m talking like if you’re listening to this, this is like golden door status, four out of, I don’t want to say at least 8,000 at least more than that. I don’t even know. Anyway, but like thousands of people. We have one of the best of us. So I mean this is, this is a real honor just to have you on the show. So thanks for having me. Let’s dive into this. Yeah. So tell me a little bit about your upbringing and this is interesting. I want to know this is this, this is the interesting question. You’ll see why I’m asking. Okay. Well, I have 10 brothers and sisters, right? I’ve been in the fan. I love this Mormon, well, excuse me. Oh, can you remember of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, uh, from ks when you, Tom and David Start, um, you know, went to, went on a mission to Tahiti,

Speaker 3: (02:21)
served in Bora Bora with my first area or whatever and then

Speaker 2: (02:25)
came back, got recruited to go sell some,

Speaker 3: (02:28)
some securities with the heart twins. Good buddies from high school. Went to Vivian, had a good experience, sold a couple of summers, um, with Vivian and then went to, uh, did a couple of pest control summers and ended up at green x and had an awesome experience there because of the people there and they were able to, with with a bunch of guys, put me in a situation that I was able to know, have a good summer, you know, with, with the group of guys and the leadership there. So that’s kind of how I’m,

Speaker 2: (02:58)
how are you today? Here? Your base? Yeah, here

Speaker 3: (03:00)
in the here and the here in the lab guys. We just got done playing a game of golf, beat him by five strokes and not a big deal. It’s not that he’s bad golf. 70 to 75 on nine 40 and 45 that’s still pretty good. Pretty good rounds of golf. Um, no. So let’s, I want to talk. So winter golf and I thought it was interesting you talked a little bit about this concept of like, man I wish there was like a dinner where you can like all the best could like hang out. Oh I thought about it this summer. I was like it would be cool as I got closer to a thousand it’d be cool to rub shoulders with some of the other top guys in the industry. And there’s lots, not just in pest control but also an alarm and satellite know everything. So that makes sense. I was thinking about it and then you invited me to the VIP dinner with, you know, the other golden door when it, so it was Kinda cool to, you know, to be able to meet some of the other guys in the industry that,

Speaker 2: (03:50)
so I’m assuming you weren’t out door to door con last year, right? No, it wasn’t. Okay. So you’re going to be there this year. Not only just there, but speaking. So guys, if you’re coming learn from a guy that does a thousand accounts, I’d say that’s a pretty cool like thing to do. I mean a lot of tests, often jokes he’ll throw in some love. You know, he’s, he’s going to share the secret in this podcast right now. So if you’re listening, it’s going to, we’re going to dive into like big secret that secret people are like, what’s your secret?

Speaker 3: (04:17)
I mean, you guys have all heard it. If you’ve done, a lot of your guys are asking you and what’s your secret?

Speaker 2: (04:21)
Well, don’t get it to him yet. Yeah, we’re just, we’re just teasing golden the carrot. You come on. So door to work on January 10th to the 12th a VIP dinner. So a lot of people, you know, they’re buying their tickets right now. We’ve had a ton of sales this week. It’s weird. I feel like a lot of people are like turning on the whole mindset of like, oh, I should probably start prepping for January. Uh, so door to work but VIP dinner, what we’ve done is taken, there’s 300 spots available and literally there’s a 200 of those already taken. So there’s the golden door award winners. All of the speakers, we have over 50 speakers and you get to rub shoulders with the guys that maybe didn’t go sell a thousand, but in their prime that it are now their CEO. Now they’re like top regional, bigger fish.

Speaker 2: (05:07)
Yeah, you got Mendez, you got Leo sage man. You got Josh Sutherland, you got uh, Jake Ellsworth who’s like a freaking beast and alarms pest control. Mitch Matthews, former NFL golden door player. You got uh, some, some big names. I mean it’s fun. Like you’re going to go hang out with like the elite of the elite. But those tickets are on sale. You can’t get them if you aren’t one of the elite and you’re not the invited for free. Uh, we’re doing a casino night with a VIP dinner hypnotist and do some other fun, cool stuff. So it’ll be, it’ll be gone. Exactly how it, so let’s dive into this. You’ve got, let’s jam. I, this is, I guess let’s jam to like, what is the secret? So now if you’re watching this, this is where he’s probably should start paying attention. The secret to selling a thousand accounts. Drop it us.

Speaker 3: (05:57)
Yeah, I mean, if you’re in the industry, right? You’ve done well. All your guys are always asking you to come out. I mean, they see you in the correlation meetings and then they ask, you know, all right, well here, I want to go out with them and see what they’re doing. It’s so funny who people come out with you and they look and they understand. Wait a second. No, I mean, what are you really saying? You’re getting the correlation and talking, right? But what are you really saying on the doors? And they find out that it’s just the exact same thing. So I always talk right at the secret, right? That there is no secret, right? In this industry, in whatever industry you’re in or whatever industry you will be in, there is no secret or shortcut to success. It’s those guys that are out and gals that her out.

Speaker 3: (06:37)
Um, just grinding out, hustling, whether it’s in sports. You think about tiger woods is Lebron James, Tom Brady. Um, I mean the Mendez, you know, whatever it is, right? Those guys are just out hustling. You know, I ran into a guy this summer that he was at the top of his field and the real estate and you know, he, he asked me, well, how do you do what we were talking about all that, you know, we’d gotten to the whole conversation. He says, well, how do you do it? And I just the exact same way you did. And he was like, Oh, you just your grinder. But yeah, just grinding it out there hustling.

Speaker 2: (07:10)
It’s so funny because I watched, you know, I’ve interviewed a hundred people, not sure. And a lot of top people and I kind of asked him the same thing. I’m like, what is it? Same thing. I grind. I said the same stuff I grant. Yeah. I grind so much harder than everybody else, but I think people, they’ll say to themselves, yeah,

Speaker 3: (07:28)
no, I work really hard. Right? Like I go out. Then I worked really hard and I think when you talk about grinding, it’s not just going out there and knocking doors, right? It’s being a hundred percent focus every step of the way and having a crow, a concrete. Why at the center of your mind all the time, right? Why are you out there? If it’s just to make money, it’s, you’re probably not going to be super motivated and you probably won’t grind as hard. Meaning every single door you’re in it to get the seller. You’re knocking this out, knocking door, looking for the lay down. I was looking for low hanging fruit.

Speaker 2: (08:02)
My saying is don’t knock to knock. Knock to sell. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3: (08:06)
And a lot of people don’t without there banging doors and, and my guy is right. We’ll laugh. I’m always saying, you know, it’s, you’re going to be out there and a lot of people make the decision, they go out there for four months, you’re going to be out there. I would rather sell a lot of accounts as opposed to no. Right. And people were like, well, it’s not that it, it really is just having that mindset of making up your mind. That’s what you’re going to go out and do it. You gotta go out and grind every single day and then not set your bar so low of looking past. Right. I’m a two or three guy at two or three day kind of labeled themselves. Yeah. And every, you know, every summer you’ll get into the office and I was thinking, well, I’m probably better than this guy, but I’m not as good as this guy.

Speaker 3: (08:50)
So if that guy does 300 then you’re going to be two 50 right. And it’s like, look, there’s no limit. There’s no, there’s no bar really for anything. I mean, next year there’ll be, you know, hey guys that go out and do 1200 accounts. Yeah. I mean, it’s just just, I mean, it’s the four minute mile. As soon as one person does it. And that’s for me at least at green x, we had a couple of guys that came from a company and they started doing, you know, 50 a week when they got that. I was like, oh, I guess we were doing 40 a week before, 40 45 and a big week was like 48 49 right. And they started doing 50 52 53 then all of a sudden it was, oh, I guess, I guess that’s like the new, the big number and then the next week. So that’s what you’re doing.

Speaker 3: (09:32)
Whether it’s in a week or a day ago or a month goal. I mean every, I mean 200 was impossible. And then somebody in our company, you know, in green x did it and then all of a sudden, oh, I guess I guess you can go do hunt 200 and then did it the rest of the summer, you know, so that’s crazy. So what do you, what do you, what are your things that you do to stay focused? Yeah, a lot of people and I feel like a lot of people have had really good experiences like books or this or you know that my biggest thing is I talked about it Simon Sinek, start with why, right? Of just why are you out there, you know, or you’re out there just to make money. Are you out there? Cause you have to be, cause somebody, you know, kind of harm hardboard you out into the summer, whatever.

Speaker 3: (10:15)
But having that concrete, why drives a hundred percent focused on every single door, you know, I’m, whether it’s, you know, never doing less than four counts, right? Like is the minimum never did it less than that all summer because that was what I had to do. Right? Like that was my job. A lot of people don’t look at like summer cells. It’s like a job. They look at it as like an opportunity to go make lots of money. But at the end of the day you’re out there sailing alarms or satellite or pest control. Your job is to go out and do x number of accounts. And if you don’t do that, and that’s your, and then you fell like your job. Right? So that’s how I think I stay focused. Right. It’s just remembering my why. You know, we have a lot of great leadership, you know where I work and they’re always talking about that.

Speaker 3: (10:59)
Whether, you know Bob Nelson coming from Cafe Rio, talking about his wife and then talking to us about that. You know, just why you guys out there, what’s driving you, and then putting that into play. So what did you do? Sorry, frog in my throat. I’m kind of sick, so I apologize on this one. Talk more. So what did you, do you, you had a guy come in and speak and they talked about this kind of concept of like a lot of people, what kills getting degree? Yeah. Tell me about that. Yeah, so I, green x, we do trainings. We also have executive lecture series just because of our owners. Bob Nelson. Randy could be just the connections they have. So one of the guys, Bob’s good friend, Larry Gayle, wix, right? Forever strong. He came in and spoke and something that he talked about, it’s kind of stuck with me.

Speaker 3: (11:44)
He said, don’t let being good stop you from being great. And I think that especially, I mean everybody watching this podcast, right? You, I mean, highly talented people. It’s really easy for you, Sam, to be good in your life. Good and good at, you know, where you worked, right? Good and family, good in your church. Uh, right. Just because you’re super talented, but Larry galeks talked about is don’t let being good stop you from being great. Don’t let being average, right. Don’t be content with being average. Right? So three, four, 500 you know, and pass is a really good, that’s incredible, right? Like six, you know, that’s like a really good summer. But I think a lot of guys can do a lot more than that in any industry. But they get, you know, I always talk about being hungry, right? It’s eight 30 and you’ve done a, you know, and or security or whatever the number is and pass control.

Speaker 3: (12:45)
You’re at eight and it’s eight 30 and it’s pretty much dark, right? Your car group guys have already sent you pins 30 minutes ago, right? And it’s so easy to say great, right? Like a great dad. But the great in and the alarms, right? Insecurity or it, sorry, in the summer, sales industry will knock every single night and try to get one more. And then all of a sudden, eight 45 you got one more and then what about another? And you’re hungry for 10 or so many guys are so content with an eight day where it’s like, look, be hungry for 10, be hungry for 12. Right? Be Hungry. He tried to hit a 20 day, right? Just be so hungry for it. And you look at what was talking to my guys, we had about tiger woods, Lebron James, right? These guys, I mean, take you, take a Lebron James, he’s got a $39 million deal in perpetuity with, with Nike.

Speaker 3: (13:36)
How easy would it be for that guy to retire? Easy. I mean, he’s got, I mean, he’s made, he’s already one of the greatest, if not the greatest. Um, how easy would it be for that guy to retire, hanging up and, and move on? Right? But he’s so hungry for greatness every year, day in, day out, he’s grinding right? Every off season going back to it and putting in the work. And I think that’s what makes him great. And that’s what can make you great. Like I said, in this industry, but hopefully this isn’t a landing pad for, you know, that’s what we was talking about. Green x right now, a landing pad, but a launching pad. Go get, come and get some good skills, learn how to be great, and then go be great. If it isn’t this industry, great, but if it’s an, you know, if you want to go be a doctor, be the best doctor.

Speaker 3: (14:20)
If you’re going to be a lawyer, be the best lawyer, right? If we’re going to go do in the real estate grind to find that, you know, be the best and be great and whatever, whatever you go into a car. I love that. Amen. So we’re work ethic as far as routine. What did you do on a daily? When did you start? When you finish? Yeah. I think that the gym right? Every morning. Super important. I mean the book miracle morning recommend, it’s talks about right? Having your miracle morning. Having just a routine and I’m super superstitious is I feel like more,

Speaker 2: (14:52)
it’s so weird. It’s so weird. I had to wear a baseball cap or how do we have the Nike’s? Yeah, like it’s,

Speaker 3: (14:59)
they have dr pepper lunch early. That’s a shout out to Dr Pepper. Recommend it sponsored by sponsored by Dr Pepper. Great Glory. No, like, so it gets getting into a routine, getting a habit of, you know, you go to the gym, right? Spend time with your wife, have breakfast, whatever you do right. And then hit the doors and then have a routine. If you eat out, you don’t, don’t, you know, and if you, whatever you have lunch or whatever at home, do it every day and don’t change it and hit the doors. Don’t hit the doors at two 33 three 30 right. Get on the door. That one one 30 if you’re selling pest or alarm schedule. Right. And if you’re, what are you doing if you’re doing past, so I that we run the alarm schedule. Thanks. 11 o’clock meeting and the one one 30 doors sprint as opposed to like a typical pest control nine which I ran the last month. So I did it. I did four months and then a month and it’s September 28th the last month I did nine to nine, so nine two nights, which is great, you know, and, but it was a month. It wasn’t,

Speaker 2: (15:54)
no, it’s crazy. No, it’s crazy. It’s like I talked to a lot of industries. I remember there was an industry, I’m not going to say which they’re like, no, you, you would die. Wait, wait, you’re saying I would die if I knocked at 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM take note. Like I don’t think that’d be possible. And I look at guys, go do it. You know, every day I’m like, people do that every day. Like when you mean you wouldn’t do that. I can know I did three, four hours and I’m done. I’m like, oh, okay. That’s how you’re going to be like bad it. Yeah, like good luck.

Speaker 3: (16:30)
Funny. I mean you think about whether it’s a thousand and pest control accounts or 400 alarms or whatever it is, right? You hear those numbers and you think, oh, that, I mean it’s just such a big number that you forget that it was day in, day out every day. I think a lot of people, I mean you did 400 plus. I think a lot of people thought or forget that every single day you went out you were at zero. Every reason, every single day you went out you were at zero and when you knock a door, that person that answered it doesn’t know. If you’re at 957 bus and for a thousand they don’t know. If you’re at 20 and it’s July,

Speaker 2: (17:07)
right, and you’re like crappiest rep or the Betty. Yeah.

Speaker 3: (17:09)
I have no idea. They don’t know you. But Day in, day out, you know I average, I did thousand 128 days, which means I did 7.9 right? Day In, day out, day in, day out, starting at zero and hitting your number, whatever it is, right? But just day in, day out, you’re at zero. Every single Monday you’re at zero and every single week you’ve got to get up to 50 or whatever your number is, right? But I think so many people forget that it’s not. It’s not given to anyone, right? Anybody in any job, right? Any industry. The, I mean you’re, you’re at, and especially in this industry, right? You’re at zero every single day and what day you got to go out and make it happen.

Speaker 2: (17:49)
I love that. So let’s shift gears. You’re moving into like a VP of sales trainer role. Have you found, how do you transfer your God gifted ability? The secret, how do you, how do you transfer this gift that you have into others? What are some hacks and training? I think would training

Speaker 3: (18:10)
guys, I think the biggest things, and you’ve said it a million times, right? When you trained as it’s not as much and you gotta say the right things, but there’s so many right things to say. Maybe seeing in trainings is not so much about what you say, right? It’s so much more about how you say it. And so you talk about self principles as it, as opposed to getting away from the script. Assumptiveness again, just being the man, you know, when people ask you, man, you’re like, we’ve all heard it. Right? You’re really good. Yeah, I’m the best. Right? Like, and just be that way. It doesn’t mean you have to be a jacket and we’d have to be super arrogant, but the best soccer I played soccer, the best soccer players are the ones who think they’re the best. Right. You step onto any given field.

Speaker 3: (18:52)
Do you think you’re the best player on the field? Say what? The doors, right? It’s every single day going out and just knowing you’re the man and being the man. Right. As opposed to going out and hoping for shoe. I hope I get a couple a couple of deals today, but it’s every single day. I know I’m going to go get at least four or five and 6,000 you know, and just being the man and, and then with that, in training people, right? It’s just trying to get that confidence and people will say, well how if you’ve never gone out and done it right? You mean fake it till you make it right? I mean, I’m sure you’ve taught the same thing.

Speaker 2: (19:26)
Amen. Everybody. I mean, it’s so funny. Like that’s a common term I hear amongst these top reps is it’s like I had to fake it telling me that. Yeah, of course. It’s like I walk out there and it’s like I’m new, but I’m going to tell you I’m the best. Yeah, of course you want to buy from me. I’m like, yeah, I’m like the top dude. Like I’ll be the number one. Right.

Speaker 3: (19:41)
Getting the whole industry. And it’s like, why not?

Speaker 2: (19:44)
Why not and buy for me? Because you like buying from good people

Speaker 3: (19:48)
when so many, you know, you knock behind so many people, it’s like, well, what was the difference? And timings. Timing, right? But you look at the guys that are selling, you know, 400 alarms, it’s, they are selling the people that you’re not right? They’re the ones going out and they’re making it happen because they believe they’re going to make it happen as it, it’s just this whole industry. It’s just, it’s just been so funny to see that. It’s just such a mindset thing where it’s like everybody puts himself in a box. Everybody puts limits on what they can do and it’s like, why?

Speaker 2: (20:20)
What? Yeah. It’s like who? Who said that? Yeah. Somebody like somehow impose that on you. It’s like you do a day’s really good

Speaker 3: (20:27)
and it’s like, yeah, he’s like, but what if we told you today site and five a day, it was like average. You’d probably go out and do five a day.

Speaker 2: (20:35)
100% you would. And it’s a principle I talk about a ton and I think like a lot of people are like, Oh yeah, you say that, but I’m like, no, what if you embodied that? What if you chose to be like F. Dot. I’m five a day guy. Like that’s normal. Like I would be pissed if I didn’t do five. And that was what you told yourself every day you got to do it, you know? Yeah. It’s just like, it’s so funny, but it’s like the mind is so powerful. Yeah, totally. I mean, I don’t know if anybody’s watched this. It saw the Craig Manning podcast. I haven’t launched it on the iTunes yet, but he’s also speaking it. Dee Connie is like a horse mental performance coach. Do you know who he is? So he trains Lebron James. Okay. So He’s speaking and he’s like, well, it’s just the mind of how powerful it is. And it talks about like talk about things you want to have happened, not what you don’t want to have happened. Sure. And he’s just like, I’m going to sell this person instead of like, I hope I don’t, you know, they don’t reject me or you know what I mean?

Speaker 3: (21:31)
Well, it’s, it’s the day to day. It’s also the, I mean, we’ve all heard the goal boards, right. But I mean, make, if he, if you don’t have a goal board, make a gold border. Yeah. Whether it’s going in your room, you have to post your room in. If you’re out there in the summer, you want to hit a thousand, you want to hit 600 whatever it is, put it up there and check it off until you hit it. And if in five years you want to have a home, put it as your computer. My wife and I, we have on our laptop or our five year goal boards. Right. And every single day we looking at it and it will, it will be because we think about it. Right? Yeah. Thinking it will be. If you don’t think about, it’s not going to be, you know, so

Speaker 2: (22:07)
I love it. Um, so kind of wrapping up, so a couple more questions. One. What advice would you give somebody that’s just getting into the industry? If you had to tell like brand new rep just signed and what would you tell him?

Speaker 3: (22:25)
I’m of the opinion, um, that everybody should try or do some ourselves cause you can’t try summer cells if he tries to. Resellers would be on it. Right? But I’m of the opinion that everybody should give it a shot for a summer. Um, and then with that, right. Some are cells. I, it’s not the end all be all right. There’s a lot of different industries. There’s a lot of big fish in summary sells. It’s relatively a small pond. Right? But go out, do it, give it your all, dive head first and then you know, you’ll have that experience and you either you’re going to have the experience, you’re going to say, man, that was great. I never want to do it again. Right. But you had the experience or two, I had an awesome experience. I’m going to do it for two or three, four years during school and shoot, maybe it’ll turn into a career, maybe it won’t.

Speaker 3: (23:11)
But I think if you’re just getting into the industry, there’s, there’s so many, and that’s, you know, why am I at green x is there’s so many different companies out there, whether it’s, you know, green x or whoever, and there’s good guys everywhere. Surround yourself with good guys. Cause that’s what it’s all about. Hundred percent. I mean, any anybody can pay with, anybody can pay. Um, you know, we have the opportunity to have some really cool owners at green x. But besides, I mean at, at the end of the day, what makes the difference is who’s your manager, who you’re going out with and the apartments. Cause that’s, that’s what’s gonna make your summer. It’s not going to be, you know, getting a call from Thailand, but she’s resume right there. Yeah. So if you go back, hold on people you to turn this on silent anyway. Um, we’re back life. Um, three ways I was talking about, it’s the people, right? It’s all about your manager. It’s because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how good the training platform is, how good is your manager? He’s the one training every single day in correlation. Um, who you’re, who you going out with the apartments? Are they good guys? You know, is it a bunch of good dudes? Is it Kinda, you know, go out with guys you know, and trust and, and make the most of it.

Speaker 2: (24:29)
Cool. What about year round? It like offseason, right? A lot of people do the summer program. What advice would you give leaders or even reps through these next six months?

Speaker 3: (24:42)
Yeah, there’s, there’s, there, there’s the right way to do summer cells and there’s the wrong way to do some ourselves. And if you’re watching this, hopefully you’re doing it in the right way. If you’re not doing it the right way, the right way is start now. Start recruiting. Don’t wait until all your buddies already signed with other companies. Don’t wait until everybody just gets more and more expensive. Start Training, start going out and knocking, start treating them. And you’ll start doing the wrong way to do it is hope for an internship that falls through. And then April, you know, your sign on and you know, so that’s what I’d say in terms of device of right now jump head first. Don’t be ashamed of doing summer cells. Like, you know what I’m saying? Right. I knocked doors, baby knocked doors for cell bug spray for living and be proud of it. Right? Like, and, and you know, and no matter what you do in your right, like be decisive. Yeah. I’m going to do some ourselves this summer and I’m going to go make the most of it and it, am I going to do it for eight years? I Dunno, but I’m saying committed, I’m committed. Commit. Yeah.

Speaker 2: (25:45)
And I would say commit to a company. Yeah. I think it’s so easy do these next six months to just get persuaded in so many different ways and jerked around and it’s like just head down.

Speaker 3: (25:57)
Most successful guys in the industry that found a good group of guys. Right. And I’d say, you know, I found a good group of guys would at green x and they find a good group of guys and they stick there and they don’t jump year to year

Speaker 2: (26:11)
cause it’s easy to always chase a shiny object. The job’s hard. Everything looks shiny. Sure. Yeah. You know what I mean? Of course.

Speaker 3: (26:19)
Well let’s find a good group of guys and build it. That group of guys, and I have friends that a lot of different companies and every year we check up on each other and we’re not recruiting each other. But it’s, you know, we were, you were in this industry, there is no loyalty, which is just, it just, you know, it just makes a sec. Yeah, it’s sad. Right? But there’s plug, but there’s so

Speaker 3: (26:44)
much value in being loyal. Right. And maybe it’ll cost you two or 3% if you don’t go shop around. At the end of the day, everybody, you know, Bob Nielsen aren’t CEO and chairman. He’s always saying that everybody has a book on them and everybody knows your book. You’re not kidding anyone. Right. And everyone knows if you’re loyal and not everybody knows if you’re just a money chaser. And not everybody knows if you’re honest or not. You’re not kidding anybody. Everybody will know. So find a group of guys, be loyal to that group and, and go out and make it happen.

Speaker 2: (27:16)
Love it. So any, oh, one last question and then two last questions. Um, what are you most excited about door to door con this year? Dinner. Dinner. That’ll be good. No, I mean it’s like why should people go, whether it’s, you know,

Speaker 3: (27:36)
you always want to go lift with people that are stronger than you. I always win, no matter what job I, I always want to go out and be around more successful, smarter people than I am. Right. Which isn’t too hard for me. But in door to door con, you go and you get to rub shoulders with the best guys in the industry and some of the best speakers you know, in the, in the nation. Right? And it’s just such a cool, such a cool opportunity to go. And you know this, like I said, jump head first. This is your industry for this summer.

Speaker 2: (28:08)
Go out. And it’s like, it’s so funny. It’s like if they’re there couldn’t be a more specific thing to help you. Sure. Train, recruit, sell, lead, business development. I mean it’s like design

Speaker 3: (28:21)
cool about door to door corn, right? Is it, it’s that it’s just a bunch of studs in the industry that have done it, have had success in it. You know, we can always learned and every, every summer you can learn every door. Right? Like in September I got off the door and was just like, like I, it could’ve done, you know, you can always learn and, and you know, Dorito Kahn’s a great place to go learn.

Speaker 2: (28:46)
Cool. Love it. Well, love that. Um, any last tips, advice, things you want to shout out? You had two questions. The last one is, I always ask this, I’m just forgot if you could give the amount of focus just to pest control guys. Cool. So I’m a aspiring golden door winner in the pest control space. What would you tell me?

Speaker 3: (29:08)
Yeah, I would say don’t set a bar for yourself. Right? Don’t look at it. I mean, look, I told my guys right out this summer, it was, look, I mean we had, we had the top rookie, we had a bunch of guys do over to 50 I know is, look am I in at the end of the summer I was at 800 right? 200 a month. And it was, look, am I in my really 600 or 500 accounts smarter than you? Am I really five or 600 accounts? Better looking. No, I’m not, I’m not smarter. I would say no, definitely not. Not better looking. Right. And it’s just like, look, I don’t have anything that any of you don’t have. And I, and I’m not just saying like the guys that are ripping their, their studs, but you look at it and you’re like, look, what are you, I mean you were looking right when it’s like that guy did a thousand like you don’t have, no, we don’t have anything that you don’t have.

Speaker 3: (30:03)
So I want to go out and get to office and put yourself in the 150 level clover or put yourself in. Right. It’s like, look, go out and put yourself on what club you choose. Like just go. If you look good, I would rather do 10 a day. I would rather do eight more fun to do 10 it’s way more fun. You wait, you make way more money, but it’s like people laughing, but it’s that easy. It’s so stupid. It’s like look to, I would rather go out and do 15 a week, then 20 I that I personally, I would rather do it. So if you’re going out, choose what you’re going to do and then go do it and be accountable to it. And like I said, go make it happen. I love it. Okay, well, much love. Appreciate your guys, your time and just the opportunity to get to know you and golf and hopefully we can go ahead and clap again. Fun. Thanks man. Thanks again.

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