Daniel Schofield – How to Sell 1000 Pest Accounts in the Summer

33 Min Read

Last Updated: April 6, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:20
Hey everybody, this is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast. And for those of you guys listening, we have the D2D tour coming up may 17, through June 18 is last word, we’re starting in Salt Lake and we’re driving to Orange County, and we’re going to Phoenix and we’re going to Dallas and we’re going to Atlanta than Orlando, Charlotte, New Jersey, Chicago than Denver, and you guys need to make sure you’re there. So go to d2dtour.thed2dexperts.com for 40 bucks a ticket, super cheap. Bring your whole sales teams can be an awesome Sales Event just for half day. And we’d love to see you and then we’re doing an on site where I’m going to go talk with companies. So if you want to have me come knock with you.

Daniel Schofield 01:01
That’d be fun. I actually want to stop in Idaho.

Sam Taggart 01:03
But let let me know. So we booked me out for intend to intense date. So we’re making documentary on that it’s gonna be epic. So I got Daniel Scofield here a very special guest. I don’t know how I haven’t had you on my show sooner. We just been waiting for the show to get really popular. He has the industry record. I tried to fact check this. And I was like, okay, in my head, like who it could be this. And so if you can call him out. But I don’t know anybody that has sold more Pest Control accounts in the last five years than this man himself. 5200 accounts. He has a four and a half time golden door winner and technically broke his ankle. He was at 900 accounts, and should have had it five times. And anyway, so so one of the best in the industry, like his best day was 31 401 in a month. You know, there’s a lot of people just in other industries if you don’t know like what these numbers mean, normal person does. 100 150 in the summer, he did 110 in one week. So to put things into perspective, right like that. That’s insane. So today, we are honored and privileged to have Mr. Schofield on the show. So excited. Like how’d you get? Like I guess I always asked like, pest control how long you’ve been doing it?

Daniel Schofield 02:17
I had my first summer back in 2012.

Sam Taggart 02:21
For sure. But 2012 what that eight years ago, nine years ago?

Daniel Schofield 02:26
Yeah, I guess I’ve done nine summers now, which is makes me feel old. But um, yeah, I mean, I, I, my how I got into is kind of a different story. So I’d actually got back from a mission. And it’s kind of at that point in life where I was trying to figure out like, what I want to do you know, the classic, what do I want to study in college? What do I want to go to school, that type of thing. And I ultimately decided I wanted to be a counselor psychologist, and I’ve actually gone on I’ve got my master’s degree in that. And but two weeks after I kind of made that commitment. I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. And for those who haven’t read it, like it does, everything that book did, to me inspired me to, you know, to be an entrepreneur and to kind of go outside the box as far as the normal college path. And as I read as a kid, I want to be a millionaire. But I’m like crap, I just decided I was gonna be this poor counselor, social worker for life. Like, how do I like, you know, how do I merge these two ideas? Because I wanted to do the right thing, you know, and but I came to conclusion if I can make the Rich Dad Poor Dad dream work, like maybe I could have that much more time freedom to do something big on the counseling side of things. Yeah. So I set this goal, which is crazy. But I set this goal that I wanted to retire by the time I was 35 for the businesses i’d created and the assets i’d invested in. And I didn’t know what that meant. But I set this goal I wrote it down so that I could be able to, you know, say to God, like however you want me to serve you like I’ll do it. And I always assumed to be something with counseling or, you know, I saw myself instead of just like helping people one on one with addiction or depression, you know, maybe I could teach seminars or write books, you know, now nine years later, my wife and I, it’s our goal, we want to start a retreat for PTSD and addictions. And and that’s actually like our that’s my that’s my end game. And don’t let me get distracted talking about it because it’s honestly a bigger passion of mine. But uh, and then maybe you could talk about this little bit to Sam but like, I remember having all these big goals and you know, my heads were in the cloud as a young 20 year old kid and lots of you know, cocky confidence but I had no clue like how do you just like nobody tells you how to be an entrepreneur you know? And and how do you like actually go down that path if you’ve never and and hadn’t heard of door to door at the time so it’s all just kind of

Sam Taggart 04:22
What this is all pre even having a vehicle Yeah, so this door so you’re saying I want to be 35 retired and you’re like going to school you’re like yeah, yeah.

Daniel Schofield 04:31
No I did. It was cool the family that had me read Rich Dad Poor Dad was super awesome. They invited me to come and work with them for the summer and they were flipping houses okay and it was a vehicle there that could and and my idea was I was going to be this real estate mogul flip a couple houses for the summer and then go back to school or something like that. And the family was super good for me because if you’ve read Rich Dad Poor Dad, he talks in there about like, there’s a rich dad mindset and the poor dad mindset and I was classic, Poor Dad mindset. Okay, I remember having a conversation with my mentor being like, well, even if I like it You know, I’m worth millions of dollars, like, it just feels wrong to ever someday buy a Lamborghini. Because, you know, if you buy a Lamborghini, that’s money that you could have given to the poor, okay? It’s a classic poor dad mindset stuff. And I remember him even saying like, well, if God is so good, couldn’t he lets you, you know, have tons of tons of money to serve and then also have extra money to get the Lamborghini had this conversation.

Sam Taggart 05:16
And it’s Lamborghini. Like the same car as he did last night. Like, that’s awesome.

Daniel Schofield 05:24
And that was I had a lot of shifts that summer because I you know, like says read classic Poor Dad, you know, if you’re, if you’re, if you’re rich, you know, you’re an evil person, you scam someone by getting there. And if you’re poor, it means well, and but but the poor dad mindset is, you know, if you have a lot of money is that if you have a lot of money, you’re gonna forget God, you know what I mean? Or like, whatever it is these limiting beliefs that we have. And so that was really good for me. But I totally failed, I didn’t do any real estate deals, got nothing off the ground and kind of went back to college with my tail between my legs. And then, you know, six months later got invited by admission buddy to come knock doors for the first summer. And like, when he started talking, I was like, Oh, my, like, all my life started went off, because I’d kind of forgot about all these goals I’d set. And I had no vehicle to, like, get there. And and I think if you’re a young entrepreneur, there’s you know, or, you know, with goals, you might come across like mlms. But I don’t really want to do that, you know, I didn’t seem fair that I had like, buy into something and then turn around and sell it. And then I knew friends that had bought into like, what is it the real estate training program? Yes, you can spend like 20 grand to learn the secrets of the rich. And, and I look very closely at both of those. But I don’t know maybe I was just cheap. And I didn’t want to spend money. But the door door world is perfect. Because you get this in theory, a great mentor. They’re wanting to teach you how to be an entrepreneur wanted to teach how to sell, you don’t have to pay him anything. He only makes money when you go out and are successful yourself. I think it’s just the perfect program. And besides that, like I mean, if you’re reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad, he says the two skills you have to learn. And in his story, he says he purposely works for Xerox so you could learn how to sell and then even join the military as rich dad’s advice so that he can learn how to be a leader. But that’s built in the door to door sales is you learn how to lead and you learn how to sell and you don’t have to pay a dime for it. In fact, you make money doing it. And I I just I’m so passionate about I mean, my first summer I was definitely no and I guess I’ll get on to talking about this. Like I didn’t start out the gate great. Aren’t we sold 120 accounts my first summer. And which I think nowadays people would consider that below average, you know, for for summer, but I made 18 grand and that was awesome. But I honestly finished out for summer feeling like I would have done the whole summer for free. Like just because of the competence that I gained in myself. And naturally you don’t seem like the extrovert kit, like Were you always the I have to fake it. I’ll totally I was

Sam Taggart 07:34
gonna say you can tell you are nervous even doing the podcast and like getting on stage and

Daniel Schofield 07:38
Oh no, my son, my business partners. And like, you know, my co managers they use they always tease me as being like, the coolest nerdy guy that they know. And yeah, I’m more of a timid personality. Now once I’m comfortable, like I’ll get out there and be extroverted, you know what I mean? But like, I I really am grateful for those my managers, I had my first couple years because they did help me overcome, you know, just the limiting beliefs I had about selling and then stuff like that. But uh, yeah, I remember really thinking I was in that hole for summer for free. And also, I had this confidence, I could go into anything I wanted, like, because I just learned what I think is probably the hardest skill you can in the world, you know, to go out and hit the streets and get your face kicked in all day. And I was like, Okay, if I can learn this, I can learn how to lead I can learn how to manage, I can learn how to be a public speaker, you know, whatever it is, I can learn how to run a business like I can do that. Like I can do anything, you know. And so yeah, definitely. I mean, changed my life. And I’m just so grateful that I, you know, got into it. But I definitely, those first few years really door to door is just a way to kind of make money for the summer. Like I didn’t really commit to it, obviously, as a career. I guess I’ll go ahead and jump ahead. Because you know, people always ask, Well, how did you end up you know, having your first big summer it was my fifth summer when I finally you know, broke out and had a, you know, I went from 120 accounts, my first summer. My fourth summer, I sold 380 accounts. And I just finished my master’s degree. And I went to go do my first internship in counseling, and I was kind of on that fence of like, hey, do I go back and do another summer do I you know, do a move on and I was actually planning on. If I was going to go back and do another summer I was going to buy in and own my own location with the with the company. And kind of at that crossroads. this story’s out of left field, but I’m going to tell other people guys we love these stories are fun. Okay, cool. So doing an internship for counseling, okay. And I’m going to try not to distract to talking about it. Because this is all like my biggest passions. I’m actually trained in this really cool technique called EMDR. On do life changing, so hopefully it wasn’t for you. Did you hear like hold the things and it kind of like, yep, yep, that’s one way to do it. It uses eye movements to and I’m just a little plug anybody who’s got depression, addiction anxiety, like just giving him your shot. Like if it works, it works, you know? And changed my life. I used to have a lot of anxiety and it really helped with that. And I was doing kind of my first trainees with that and I was working with a client Well for one of the first times and we’re digging in his like, deepest, darkest memories, you know, and I’m sitting there as a new like counselor training like crap. I just open this guy up brah. And he’s, you know, wrong exposed before me live in real live in his worst nightmares and I’m kind of like freaking out inside, like, by crap like, Am I gonna make this guy live this nightmare for like no good reason and then I’m just gonna have to, you know, at the end of our session say, Okay, thanks come back next week. And but the thought came to me that that it wasn’t just on him to like get better, but that if I had faith, like, I could be an instrument to like make his shift happen, which is kind of a weird thought, you know what I mean? Because you think, Oh, well that person has to make the choices himself like I, you know, I have my own choices, and I case my destiny, but if he wants to heal and get better and change, like it’s got to be on him. But no, if I had faith, like, I could cause a miracle to happen almost. And, and not to talk about everything, but you know, 20 minutes later, I think is I think I said a little prayer and 20 minutes later, his his brain kind of turned a corner. And next thing you know, he’s, you know, he’s, he’s kind of processed and shifted all this stuff, which anybody’s done EMDR you’ll, it works that quickly offer a lot of things. And next thing, you know, he’s bawling his eyes out and you know, praising but how he’s seen Jesus and has this real healing experience in front of me. And I’m, and I was just grateful to be an instrument to be able to witness that, you know, anyway, so the point of the story to get to where I’m going, that night, I was up late feeling like I’d been a part of this miracle, and not not no credit myself, but like how and the weirdness of how was like my fate that caused that to happen, you know, and in in pondering about this, I, I had the crazy thought that if I were to apply the principle of faith that I’ve used tonight, and also the principle of faith from that’s taught in the book thinking Grow Rich, which is my favorite book on success, that I could use those principles to sell 1000 accounts the next summer. And who knows where the thought came from, whether it’s from God or just, you know, my subconscious, but like, I remember being floored and scared to death by thought, because it was powerful.

Sam Taggart 11:50
Like, this is like a real thing. Like this stuff works.

Daniel Schofield 11:52
And but to put it in context, at the time, the top rep I’d ever heard of brigand Lindsey, his best summer, I’d only been like, 700 accounts as far as I knew. Yeah. So I, in my mind, I’m like, Okay, I’m gonna go from 380 accounts to beating you know, the goat Brigham Lindsay. But by beating by 300 accounts, you know, like, and I’m sure someone had done more than that in the past. But as far as I knew, 700 was the high watermark, you know, and I turned to my wife, I was like, Julie, like, I’m selling 1000 accounts this summer. And she’s like, great, I’m never gonna see you. But like, as I said that to her, like, I knew it, like, I knew that I was going to do it. Now, there’s part of my brain that was freaking out. And maybe you can relate to the same or talk about this. But like, when you’ve ever set a big goal, there’s like this part of your brain that’s so scared to commit, like, really commit, you know, and there’s so many just, the, the basic fear is just like, what if I get my hopes up, and then it causes me to be less motivated? You know, that’s kind of the basic fear. But like, I mean, you got to do it like helpless, like, there’s no other way to reach big goals. Like, you can’t just you have to commit to them, and you have to believe in them. And, yeah, so that was that was a freaky three or four weeks, because right before the summer started, because I decided I was going to come out, and but it’s like, how many Am I gonna actually sell? I think I was telling people 800 at the time, because,

Sam Taggart 13:05
well, no, no, I The reason I literally asked you, because it’s like every year, you’ve done over 1000 for the last many years. And I asked you before this podcast is, well, how many going to do this year? And you’re like, Well, you know, I don’t know when I’m going to maybe build more of a team. And I haven’t really decided yet, because there’s a moment in time where you know, you’re going to manifest and commit to something like that. And you’re like, my committed again to 1000. And I’m not willing to commit to it unless I’m really willing to commit to it because.

Daniel Schofield 13:35
Well, what’s crazy, and you know, the Sam, is that happened to me in August this year.

Sam Taggart 13:40
Yes. Which is a cool story, which we’ll get to.

Daniel Schofield 13:44
And he has about 200 accounts for the summer. And like, I think I’m probably just gonna sell three or 400 because it was just a crazy year. And I’ve got a long list of excuses. Why it was only a few 100 in August, but yeah, but then I had the visit. I was like crap, like doing this again, you know, and, but back to that first story, the first three or four weeks before my, that, you know, I went out and sold for my first summer I called my first summer I broke out. There was a lot of turmoil I had inside about like, okay, like, is this really what God wants me to do? You know, and I want to and not to talk about God too much. But I think a lot of people to listen, to have a faith in God, they struggle with kind of those just limiting beliefs about, like, well, if you set a big goal, what if what if it’s not God’s goal for you? Do you mean or like, Am I just imposing my selfish selfish mainly, you know, desires to be rich, you know, on to what God’s plan has for me, you know, and, and also just the general fear of like, could I actually do it? You know, like I said, I was telling people only 100 because 1000 just seemed too ridiculous. And I had a couple cool Well, really scriptures that I found ones actually in the Bible, and I’m going to share it if that’s okay. Yeah, that kind of helped me turn this corner. Alright, this is weird. Read the Bible scripture.

Sam Taggart 14:56
I think everybody can appreciate this like,

Daniel Schofield 14:58
Okay, so if you haven’t read Deuteronomy chapter eight. It’s freaking amazing. And it’s all about God leading you into this godly land where he’s going to bless you and strengthen you. Okay, but I’m going to paraphrase a few verses from here. And it says, Thou shalt remember the Lord, all the way which the Lord thy God led the these 40 years in the wilderness, to prove the, whether that would keep His commandments or no, for the Lord thy God, bring it the into a good land. But beware, lest when thou has to build goodly houses, and they silver and like gold is multiplied, and I like that there, you know, it’s actually talking about the golden multiply, you know, beware that they’ll say in thine heart, my power, and the might of mine hand have gotten me this wealth. But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that gives us the power to get wealth. I just can’t believe it says that this was like, I’m giving you power to get wealth, like not just like reach your goals or fulfill the mission that God gives you. But to get rich, it says right there in the Bible that not only can you have that, not only can God strengthen you, do you know what I mean, to like, get wealth, but like he wants you to, and you can use it for good. And I just can’t believe that’s actually there in the Bible, you know, because there’s so much in the Bible, it’s like, oh, money is the root of all evil and all that stuff. But like, kind of the next part of the story that helped me change my mindset. Well, so

Sam Taggart 16:20
I also think on that was like, there’s this element of, do we doubt the fact that God has a lot of control and ability to help you get well, like, having that faith, like you just said, overcame anxiety, like, it sounds like you had anxiety, you had insecurity. And you’re like, Whoa, I did something internally to shift this to get better. Well, God has the power to heal a lot of that, like fear, doubt, insecurity, present the mindsets, the lack of I say all the time, just to put a separate plug in there is like, you know.

Daniel Schofield 16:52
I used to have really bad OCD anxiety, and I, you know, I attribute you know, Christ and EMDR to healing 85% of my, my OCD, I was I got some anxiety going on, you know, but like, you know, if God has the faith to heal, why can’t he do the faith? If we have the faith to be healed? Why can’t there be the faith to reach any goal? Yeah, and one of my favorite quotes is one all honest work is God’s work, and to anything we care about, if it’s important to us, it’s important to God. Like, you know, and that’s kind of the next part is kind of how to tell the story. So right before the summer started, I was driving a work truck from you know, one location in Idaho to another in Washington, and was going to be home and knew that I’d be surrounded by kids. And I was okay, I’m going to spend half an hour to like, kind of be quiet and not listen, turn off the radio, and I was coming to spend a half hour to pray. And I don’t know why. But I in my little pondering and my prayer, I made this deal with God. And as a kid, Heavenly Father, like, if you helped me sell 1000 accounts this year, I’ll dedicate my life to you. And I felt so guilty making that little deal.

Sam Taggart 17:52
This little side hustle with God, like, cuz it’s like, it’s like a deathbed confessional, like, Hey, you know, you make me rich, I’ll go to church every Sunday, I promise. If you listen, if you listen to this, hopefully, you’ve made some deals like that. Before I have. I’ve been praying and I’m like, God, anyway, here’s the deal, here’s my bargain.

Daniel Schofield 18:13
And like, you feel guilty doing it, obviously, you know, but like, I was totally sincere and coming off of what I felt like with these awesome experiences with counseling, like, I knew that, like, I needed to make as much money as possible, as fast as possible, because I had more important things to be doing, you know, like, and I, and like, and I’ve got my visions, I want to start my retreat, I want to read a couple books about self worth. And that’s like, kind of the light at the end of the tunnel, kind of ties back into my mission, like, kind of, like how I set my goal to retire by the time I was 35, you know, through the, you know, through the businesses i’d created long before I found door to door, like, my mission now is, you know, as I’m on the path to get there, like I want to inspire and lead others to be successful, so that we can all be on higher grounds so that you can serve and be an instrument in God’s hands. Yeah, you know, and, and I just, I love that, you know, like I and I, and I want and I hope that I can, you know, with with me building teams, and recruiting and leading that we did, or anyone who’s listening really can, can have that faith that like God can use you as an instrument, and you owe it to him and to others around you to be the most powerful instrument you can be. And I think part of that is obviously getting financial freedom, you know, making a lot of money so that you’ve got time freedom, but I don’t think God wants to use you for all the money you have. Like, I think he wants to use you for the skills and the person and the leader that you can become

Sam Taggart 19:28
a man I’ve had. Where was it? Probably like, five, six months ago, I had this huge epiphany around. Where’s the Christ in us? Okay, Christ was the example right? And then we have profits or whatever. Those are the examples. So you look at like, cool. Noah, in the story of Adam and the story of whoever, right and you’re Moses, and you’re like, that’s cool. You’re like, what’s the story of Sam and the Prussian army and like, my impact God said, cool, I put you gave you these talents and these abilities and these vehicles so that you can be the example and the light and let my light shine through you on to others. And it’s been my, like, new journey and I’m like, Wow, I’ve just been blessed with a huge audience like, Am I am i doing okay God, like, like, Can I can I make sure I think you’ve got it because I truly am like, I just happened to do it through a vehicle door to door experts or whatever our events and stuff and I’m like, the end of the day, like, it’s just camouflage for me being like, are you a better person? Are you doing things right? Are you like, really, you know, developing better relationships and like, whatever that is for you. Like, I truly am like, maybe God just said, I have this, like stewardship over this tribe. And I need to make sure that I like living congruence with God. And that’s so cool. Yeah, it was like this huge hit to me. And I was like, okay, God, man, you Let’s do this.

Daniel Schofield 20:56
Well, I guess just to kind of touch on that like, right, but I was still kind of stuck in that like, Okay, this deal I made like, should I have done this, and ended up finding and all my stories seem to start with me praying and finding some scripture. But I found a story about how God’s people were, you know, they prayed and they were strengthened to defeat the enemy army. And then they made a promise with God, that they would serve him, you know, if they help them win. And I was like, okay, there’s my answer. They did it. And, and it just and I chose a battle to battle the bugs. Well, and that’s but and the quote, I always say that the thing that I learned from that kind of spiritual experience was that God can strengthen us to sell pest control, which feels weird to say out loud, do you know what I mean? That he can, he can strengthen us to kill people’s bugs to, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So it’s like, wow, you know, and so I go out, and I start selling. And I got start early that year, April, because I’ve done a school and sold 24 accounts my first week, which isn’t anything best, great, but it’s my best week ever. week after that. So 40 accounts, and then I started doing the math on 40 accounts, and like, I could get a little bit higher, like, I might actually be able to do this, you know, get 1000 accounts this year. And, and to me at the time, 14 a week was just mind blowing. And kind of the next last part of the story that is still gives me chills at this day that it even happened is I was sitting in Sunday school, like not a month into the summer, feeling confident, you know, because I’d had a great summer so far attractive, you know, maybe be the best of all time, or whatever that meant, you know, and or break some records. And I was born in Sunday school. And so I just read my scriptures, but found this scripture, and it’s kind of the next part of the story want to touch on. In its famous one, from the Bible whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that you shall receive behold, it shall be given unto you. And it’s such a simple scripture. And yeah, I think you’ve touched it over on the podcast couple weeks ago about how you love you know, asking you shall receive Yes, not gonna shall be opened unto you. But I saw this, I’m like, I never really thought about that scripture. And it’s almost like a promise. And almost like morona is promised and you can put it to the test. Yeah, anything you want anything, if it’s a good thing, and you you believe it, God will give it to you. So it’s like, Huh, I’m gonna put this to the test. Alright. So I don’t know why. But, you know, the Bible talks about how the spirit will give you what to pray for, but who knows. And I very specifically prayed, okay, having one kid, my father helped me Self Help me average 50 accounts a week for the rest of the summer. And I want to sell 70 or 80 accounts in a week. And at the time, that was the biggest goal I could ever conceive, you know, but I wrote it down in my journal, you know, average 50 accounts a week for the rest of summer. So I walk into the trading meeting the next day, and I’m like, I guys, I’m selling 50 every week for the rest of the summer. They’re like, okay, you know, let’s see it, but I dropped 50 accounts that week, best week, ever next week, so 50 accounts. But then the week after that, I only sold 35 accounts. But then I think the week after that I sold like 45 or something like that. And it you know, sold like 50 but you know, had 45 service, you know, that type of thing. And, and I remember at the time being like, it really felt like my average after that little prayer, I guess you could say, went from seven a day to a day and I remember my wife at the time being like, good enough, like, God’s obviously strengthened me and blessing you here and, and I ended up crossing the 1000 March, like the end of August, but weeks before it already changed my goal from 1000 to 1200. And, you know, I crossed that 1000 Mark, and it was a you know, want to fall on my knees and be like, can’t believe I did this, you know, like, thank you so much. But, um, finally, so that I will I find out that uh, so it’s like September 1, and this is I want to talk about this. I love the month of September. Okay. Like I think the summer sales industry like we miss out too much on the month of September. Okay, so managers out there top hitters, like, you got to take advantage of September because all your reps have gone home, okay. You don’t have to manage. You don’t have to do anything or training. You don’t have to whine you don’t have to take anybody to go take it done. It’s the it’s the best. And, and I’d heard Brigham Lindsay’s best month was like 240 accounts. So I’m like, Okay, if I got him, I’m gonna sell 260 that was that was my goal. And on Labor Day, the best The year everyone says Memorial Day, no, not Labor Day, the best day of the year. So I dropped 20 accounts my first 20 day ever. And that first week I sold at, you know, kind of check that box. And then I ended up selling like 259 accounts that month and so the best month ever, and then I had a wedding at the beginning of October. So the goal is to get to 1200 by the wedding. And I was able to get 1210 accounts, like the night before I was gonna fly out for the wedding. So that night, I’m just up feeling grateful. And my wife started falling asleep and I think it was up till one o’clock. And, and then one of the morning was like, Oh, wait, whatever happened to that 50 accounts in a week? You know, cuz I totally forgotten about that. Yeah, you know, thinks it’s like, okay, so I pull up my phone. Okay. What did I sell? 15 a week. Okay, that was back to back in June. Okay, how many weeks has been since then? Okay, so it’s been 15 and a half weeks. But I took three days off for another wedding in August. So it’s been 15 weeks. Okay, so how many accounts have I sold seven of them, you know, did the report and 750 accounts. Okay, with 750 divided by 15? It was exactly 50 weeks. Wow. And I start freaking out. I’m like, I can’t believe I did it. I can’t believe I did it. You know, the promise worked like it did you know and my wife wakes up and she’s like, what’s going on Daniel, and I’m like, I’m sitting there freaking out. I can’t believe I did it. And she’s like, and I tell her and she starts freaking out because she was there with me the whole journey, you know, like, from the outside might not sound like anything cool. But like, for me, it was like, I totally forgotten about this thing. You know, and like, when it happened, and your manifestation and and who knows what that is manifestation of your faith. Obviously, I believe in God and miracles. And you know, I can do all things. You know, Christ says, If you believe what like that, if that can’t believe all things are possible. You know, and, and I’m a big believer in you know, that the faith in general works. And you know, I love the law of attraction, all that stuff. But yeah, it was,

Sam Taggart 26:46
it was awesome. That is so cool. And hopefully, if you’re listening to this, you see this as like, you can do this too. I think one of my new mantras that I learned from buddy Jimmy’s like we are the the meaning instead of they did this, you know, like, Oh, well, that’s cool. That’s Daniel. I’m like, you don’t realize he did 120 accounts this first year, you just said nothing. Oh, God radical scriptures that Oh, God, I got this. Let’s do this mean, you man. And he did it. Like, I think people are underperforming their true potential every day. And it’s almost sad. Because had you never had that epiphany. At that moment. It’s God. Who knows, you might still not even be in this industry. And you probably not, you know, you might possibly not be sitting here at a record breaking level, saying, Hey, I can do this again. Like, why wouldn’t I be able to do this again, because you know, I’m sure after you do 1200 accounts, you’re like, Oh, I’m never gonna have to work that hard to get in my life. I’m never gonna do this. This sucks. Screw door to door like,

Daniel Schofield 27:43
yep. And I’m on five years of doing it. And it’s like, and who knows if it’ll happen again this year, you know, I’ll commit once once, it seems right, I’ll commit. I’m trying to get a couple buddies to do it, though. That’s my goal this year is to get a couple of my other buddies to do 1000 accounts. But a touch on that I’ve had a lot of discussions over the years about that concept of like, like God’s will do you know, I mean, like, well, what if it’s God’s will for you to do it, Daniel, but not me. You know, like, Am I like, imposing and the bad example I was used, but I’m gonna use it anyways. Like, like, you know, let’s say you had cancer, like, and you know, says you have to have faith to be healed. So many people get stuck in it. Well, what if it’s like God’s will that I die? You know, like, what if I’m not supposed to get better, and I’m, like, forget that God sitting around waiting for you to just have the faith, you know, like, he wants you to just believe. And then you’re sitting there wondering, like, what if it’s God’s will and God’s like, it’s my will if you have the faith,

Sam Taggart 28:32
you know? Yeah, it’s it’s like a two way street. It’s like, we both go. And God, like, it’s that whole knock, and it shall be open. God just waiting for you to knock like, it’s, you don’t wait for him to open. And then oh, yeah, I’m here. Like, it’s like, you take the first steps, that first step of fate, saying, hey, let’s go. And he’ll fill in the difference. Like, I’m nervous out the wazoo. The iron cowboys challenge. Are you doing that? Dude, he’s, he’s like, Hey, we’re doing our moon. I’m like, an Iron Man. Like the whole thing. Like, where you have to run a marathon after doing all the other stuff. It’s crazy. And I’m like, okay, and, you know, I’ve been training and I’m like, there’s no way in tarnation I can even come close to training for this. I don’t know how you’re gonna do it. That’s crazy. Well, my sister hits me in the nuts. And she’s like, dude, put in all you can. And God, I’ll make up the difference. That’s so cool. And I was like, it’s true. That is just how it is like, if we don’t have trust that if we don’t put in the faith, and we don’t put in the work, that God will find that weird one customer that was like, I’m sure you’ve had moments where you’re like, I’m it’s 49 accounts this week. God it’s nine o’clock on a Saturday, I need to buy 50 and there’s times where it’s like Lady drives up to you and Harry the poker you’re like,

Daniel Schofield 29:53
Well, just to throw in this kind of a tangent, but like a hack that I’ve always been good at for the last nine years. knocking doors is one poor dad mindset? I was always crazy cheap. Okay, so like, the spending money on anything, at least my first five years in the industry before actually had some money was like, like, Well, once I learned that I could like get something like, you know, I’m into video games, you know, I could buy a video game by selling so many accounts that week, like that changed my whole world, you know. And so basically what I do is anything fun that I want to buy, I write it on this running list throughout the whole year and I don’t let myself buy it unless it’s related to an incentive. Okay, you build self incentives. Yep. And that’s just cheesy ones, you know, like, Okay, I’m gonna buy this video game, if I get 50 this week, you know, or whatever it is like, and I and I forced myself to like, not buy anything. And I’ll just keep running lists and that every Sunday night I’ll sit down, okay, what I want to get this week if I get 20 a day, what I want to get this week if I get 18 a week, like and I’ll keep making it harder for so. Yep. And then some and then at the end of the summer, you’re just like, you save all the good ones for the last two months cuz you’re like, Okay, I’m gonna throw every fun thing I want at this. And then my jet skis new house. And I have to admit the last few years it’s gotten a lot bigger we used to we did a treat yourself. That was my favorite. Like we did a treat yourself. My first summer.

Sam Taggart 31:01
My family October 15. I deemed treat yourself to That’s awesome. Like from Parks and Recreation. Oh, that’s

Daniel Schofield 31:08
no that my wife and I did that. But this year when you do it, you got to put some goals to it. Okay, I like that. So you’re not allowed to do it unless you reach certain goals and my wife We had so much fun and we still we did at the end this year. You know, you get buy a nice new outfit, go to $100 dinner put you know, $100 meal and gotten a shopping spree. And thing is I’m it’s easy for us like we both you know, we go to the mall, and we’re like, this is amazing, you know?

Sam Taggart 31:32
I’m so easy to please like, we’re Denny’s the other day. And it was like, my, it’s like my favorite restaurant, like, Can I get two orders of French toast? They look at me. They’re like, you seem so excited. You’re like, Yeah, I don’t doesn’t take much for me to get excited. Awesome. Okay, so let’s shift gears a little bit. So let’s talk about, like the future. So how you started to predict and see, because a lot of people in direct sales, they get stuck in this, like, where I have been and where I’ve cemented my own identity, because you could have easily been like, well, I’m always going to be 120 account rep. I’m always going to just be okay, insecure have anxiety, balding, dude. But like, you know what I mean? Like, you could have had this weird mindset. But you were able to start shotcalling your future and start seeing things a little bit more in the future. Tell us about that.

Daniel Schofield 32:22
Yeah, so I, for me, it’s it’s it goes back to my favorite book on success thinking Grow Rich, and then affirmations. Okay, so you were thinking were rich, right? I think they say that books made more millionaires than any other book. And virtually every other self help book I’ve read is like some version of the same principles in there. And the basics of this. So Bay secrets to success broken down in a nutshell, you have to have desire. And then you have to believe have faith that you can reach your goals. And then you have to every morning and every night, say those goals out loud, and while you’re saving them believe and see and feel yourself reaching the goals. Okay? So that’s the basic formula to success of every self help book that I’ve read.

Sam Taggart 33:02
Okay, so if that’s the case, this, I’m going to put two cents to this, if that is the simplest formula, where it’s like, just before you go to bed, and when you wake up, say them out loud and start affirmation. Why is it that we say this, we

Daniel Schofield 33:16
talked about it? No one does. You took the words out of my mouth. I asked that, like how many times this last year? Like, did you actually do it? Did you didn’t actually do it?

Sam Taggart 33:25
Yeah, yeah, we read it. We talked about it, we tell it. Like

Daniel Schofield 33:28
I don’t. And I don’t admit to being doing it more than half the time I probably do it in the summer, you know, if you’re supposed to do it, what, 700 days out of the year, throughout the whole year, I probably do 300 times. Okay, so not magic, but I bet I’m in the top 1% of people that try to do this and follow through with it. And my first summer my my manager, he was awesome. David Merrill shout out to David Merrill. And his brother Justin. They, you know, David had his copy thinking Grow Rich, highlighted, like it was the scriptures, okay. And I was just young and believable and, and I said, I’m gonna believe in this. And so I wrote out my affirmations, and every morning, I’d go running for like, two minutes. And I and I do my affirmations out loud. And I’d be like, Okay, I’m a positive skill and confidence salesman. And I tell my in my first time and I say I sell 10 a day, every single day, I sell 10 a day, every single day, because that’s what the book taught is that it’s all limiting the amount of limiting belief. And I just said, Okay, I’m going to choose to believe that these principles are right, that I basically have to convince my subconscious mind that I am worth a certain amount of success. And the way I do that is by what because we we there’s another book I love called being happy, which is sort of like a mixture of Tony Robbins mixed with thinking grow rich. And it talks about the patterns that we have, you know, the negative patterns and the good patterns of success. Whether that mindsets, I’m not good enough to be successful, or I’m always a winner. A lot of those come from early childhood. And how do you overcome those Well, the way you do that as you create new tapes by doing affirmations, and so if you can consciously every day, tell yourself I’m a positive skill and competent leader recruiter. I’m a great businessman. I’m you know, people love listening to me. deserve attention and respect, like whatever attribute you want to give. And then you put out there, what your goals are. Eventually those conscious things will get recorded onto your subconscious. And they’ll then play back to you without you having to work for it, you will become confident by telling yourself you’re confident. Love, which is so counterintuitive, right? You don’t, you know, think about it. But like, you can become confident simply by telling yourself you’re confident and eventually like, yeah, those tapes will propel you forward, and you won’t have to work at it. And also, I do think there’s some whether it’s faith, you know, faith in God or faith in the universe, if you put those good vibes out there, like the law of attraction will bring them back to you. So I believed all this kind of naively. And for five years, I would run and tell myself, I sell 10 a day, every single day. And my first summer I sold one and a half a day, every single day. My second summer kept up the faith. So two and a half a day, every single day for summer bumped up a little bit. So three and a half a day, every single day, go into my fifth summer had that big vision, going to sell 1000 accounts, start selling seven a day, every single day, bump it up to eight a day ever changed the 10 a day? No, but I just kept it up. Okay. And

Sam Taggart 36:09
because I wouldn’t be because it’s easy to get discouraged when you’re not doing tennis. Right? That is a huge principle right there guys, like pay attention, he still said 10 a day, even though he’s only doing two a day. He was like doing this two minute run. I want to, like watch, you want to have like a fly on the wall and be like, little, little two minute run,

Daniel Schofield 36:29
do your affirmations. So I’m always like looking around, like making sure nobody’s watching because I’m like, shouting myself, like, I’m screaming, I’m getting myself pumped up. And like, by the time I’m done with my little run, like, it’s like, my whole being is like, No, I’m gonna, I’m gonna do it. Like, I feel it like from the head of my you know, from top of my head to the bottom my foot, like, I’m going to reach my goals. And, and yeah, and you my goal, by the end of the run is you almost get yourself into a place where you like, know that you’re going to do it. And actually, I want to touch on that. Like, my fourth summer before I broke out, I had a day where I sold 10 in a day can my first 10 day. And that was the biggest deal to me, and I’ll sell 10 of the day. But like, at the beginning of the day, I knew I was gonna sell 10 a day. Why? Because I’d spent years training my brain to believe that that was normal. You know, it’s all like it’s all a watermark like, it’s like the breaking the four minute mile, you just have to convince yourself that it’s easy. And I spent 10 years and the day that it finally happened like my Well, my mentor, Travis shout outs Travis, He always talks about how you have these moments where you can see into the future. And I remember the year before he was coaching me to get to like 400 accounts. And I remember like my brain hurting, like how’s that even possible? Like I can’t imagine like some 400 in the summer. But like he talked me about this vision of faith. And I did I had a vision. But now if I wanted to, like I could sell 10 and so much so that I sold my 10th account that night at 930. I was like, Yeah, I knew I would like and I didn’t I didn’t have any doubt there wasn’t like a surprise, you know, like, I knew it was gonna happen. Because you created it in your mind spiritually. Like before you manifest it physically. And for me, the number one way to do that is affirmations. Wow.

Sam Taggart 38:04
Wow, this is good stuff. Guys. If you’re liking this one, we’re gonna put some more sales techniques and mechanics in the university. So if you haven’t checked out past University for us, it’s gonna be really good to share this, like guys, this is massive amounts of value coming from somebody that’s broken industry records. And I just asked to one leave a review, give Daniel a shout out to share this. so other people can also benefit from this. But honestly, like this has been this has been good. We got to kind of wrap up because I’m like,

Daniel Schofield 38:36
We all just just finished a little story about affirmations. If it works with 10 in a day, like why can’t it work with 13 a day? Yeah. And so after I did my first 1200 summer I set this, I set a goal to sell 400 a month. And I set a goal and I set a goal to sell 300 a month and I set a goal to sell 13 a day. And there’s huge stories that go with that. But I spent two years doing affirmations of I’m going to sell 300 a month I’m going to sell 300 a month. And then finally it manifested with his day where I was reading my scriptures. I was like, okay, now’s the time and like, and it worked. And I set the goal to sell for and I changed my goal from 300 to 400. And I sold 400 for sold and service 401 accounts in a month. And then it was two years later that I finally every Labor Day, it’s my tradition to try and sell 30 in a day. Okay, so that’s my tradition, and to be five years of doing these affirmations every morning, and every night, I’m going to sell 13 a day 32 I’m gonna sell 13 a day. And it was five years of doing that. And finally, just this last September, I was like, okay, today’s the day I’m going to do it. And I made a whole plan of how is it going to start at 8am and get a deal every 26 minutes. And these are 30 separate people to like this is like I’m

Sam Taggart 39:38
talking to 30 people sometimes

Daniel Schofield 39:40
hard, like in these and I’m not double counting contracts, like we don’t do mosquitoes in Washington really. And so like 30 I sold my goal is to sell and close and service 30 separate individuals, which is and so I you know I call my mom and my wife and my sister are all praying for me shout out to them. They’ve done so many prayers for me over the years with my crazy goals and And I finally did it like I started ATM finished at 930 or something like that. I think so the last guy pulled a gun on me.

Ad 40:08
I sold it I sold it

Daniel Schofield 40:11
but I sold 32 and doesn’t know how to get a couple extra and the miracle is scheduled out a week which normally if I’m scattered out a week like I have like one out of eight cancel, and only one canceled. Well I had 31 go in but I knew that it would like I finished the night and like they’re all gonna go in like I didn’t have any doubt because I created i’d manifest it like and I just knew it would work

Sam Taggart 40:31
that is so cool. Guys you heard it firsthand. This is amazing. Thank you so much for like sharing with us this is been so good like and I know that there’s like so much and I’m sure that we’re gonna be doing more stuff together you know maybe have a workshop or something yeah be great man do some great I want to help support you and your goal like to be an open up this addiction center and you know, anything I can do to help me and I appreciate that. your goals and your vision. So awesome, dude. Thanks, man. Okay, see you guys much love. I’ve enjoyed this. Like I said, share, comment and give us a review. I love you guys.

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