Brody Fausett – From Doors to Dollars in Real Estate

26 Min Read

Last Updated: February 8, 2022

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Sam Taggart 00:48

Alright everybody, welcome out to the D2D podcast and I am here with Brody Fausett. He is an eight-year veteran in the D2D space and now he’s gone and created what we call the real estate investing school. so I love finding people in this industry that have made multiple six figures in door to door by the age of 25 Get all of his expenses paid because he wasn’t blowing it on dung boats and yachts and all that fun stuff he was taking his daughter or money putting it into real estate and you know that residual income into her now he’s making over six figures a year just in passive income and he’s now created a school he was a vendor DDD con and you know really helps young daughter or guys or old or whatever, but their money in a smarter places and teaching them how to step by step go from getting a loan to find a property etc. Just because it’s a huge problem in our space. I’m a firm believer in what Brody’s doing. So hit him up. And welcome to the show, man.

Thanks, dude. pumped to do this? You’re coming off of a big high. That’s last weekend. That was incredible.

Sam Taggart 01:56
Yeah, well, it’s Monday. So if you’re listening to this, it is today is Monday, the day after door con or two days after door con. Yesterday, I felt like I was still on like a where am I? Today? I still had no how my voice. I felt so guilty for like sleeping in this morning. I was like, oh, man, I should be in the gym right now. And I just like rolled over and kept sleeping.

I was unreal. I mean, you deserve a few, a few sleeping days for sure. I think that for everyone that wasn’t there. I know a lot of people listening. We’re there in person. So they can definitely attest to it. But incredible, like, it’s cool talking to somebody there. They were just saying that. Yeah, I remember. I don’t know how many years ago this was, you know, whatever, eight, 910 years ago, whatever. But they’re just saying, I remember when Sam first brought this idea up, we were driving in the car and he’s like, hey, I want to do something like this and and now you look at it where it went from that idea stage to just how I mean this is DDD con five, right? But just how incredible was from the speakers to the people showing up like, absolutely blown away. I’ve always sent reps there in the past, but I haven’t personally been until this year. But yeah, huge I think like aside from you know, the event itself and everything that people are going to get out of it and who had impacted what I’ve been impressed with is just that it went from this idea that honestly most people didn’t think was possible. And you look at where it is now and that just says a ton about you. And I think that’s that’s also like one of the remarkable story is not just at the event itself, but like actually building it awesome.

Sam Taggart 03:32
Thanks man. It means a lot means a lot like honestly even I won’t say some names but there’s some people there this year that have never been and I recognize that some of them and they’ve been some naysayers and some haters and it’s like hey guys just freakin join the club like it’s we’re helping everybody and there was an individual that just didn’t show up that are supposed to recognize and that hurts like It’s like one of those things you’re like dude all I’m doing is trying to put you on a big stage and a big platform and and watching some people still be like no I don’t believe in that. I don’t I don’t want to help the industry I don’t want to give it I’m like dude, this industry is like where you’ve made your whole life you’ve helped millions of people helped tons of sales reps like I’m just like, why wouldn’t you come celebrate it if you know together instead of like me versus you I win you lose like why can’t we be in a win win space and I still after five years had people no show that I literally was like dude, this is for you man like the world needs to like celebrate you and to the point where I’m just like I’m done playing that game I’m done trying to kiss some people’s feet like if you can’t see it now like sorry to suck like

it’s a classic like underdog story you know that’s why I love because I think that a lot of people see you now where you are now. They see the event now right like me come to the events easy to to get in this this viewpoint of like, Oh yeah, well, of course. Sam can create it, he’s got all these relationships are, of course he can do it, you know, he sold over 400 accounts and was the top rep it at viven or whatever, right? And I think that, like, what’s cool is like to realize how much work that went into it. And it’s hoped for like, guys like me, right and other people that have big ambitions to be like, Yeah, I’m starting somewhere and there’s gonna be a lot of hardship along the way, there’s gonna be times I get, you know, my face kicked in, but like, just seeing what you build is motivation, it should be at least for people that are listening, that have these big goals and these dreams to go to go build something because that’s exactly what you did is intentionally build it. And it wasn’t an accident, either, right? It was something you intentionally built, which is so inspiring.

Sam Taggart 05:43
It let’s let’s let’s talk about, you know, like, I mean, obviously, like we call so if you’re listening, like we’re just jamming about how it’s really hard to, like, walk away and have like, a new identity, you know, you stepped away from eight years and door to door. And, you know, for you to go now start this new venture where you had a secure income and you knew you’re good at it, you’re famous, you know, I mean, like, and to say, I’ve got a vision to create this real estate investing school and like, make this sweet office, it looks like you’re in a sauna. And like you know, I mean, like, have like this, like, you know, you’re, you know, if I turn the camera on, you’re probably like in your underwear, and you’re probably gonna win the bat, like, you’re like, well, at least what on camera like, this looks cool. I remember starting my first videos in my basement kitchen. And like, there was an echo and I had a white piece of paper taped to the wall. And I’m like, nobody sees the other part where I’m at, like, I got dirty dishes. You know. But it’s like, it’s just interesting, because people didn’t see that grind of me just putting videos out in my basement kitchen. And now you’re on speaking on stage with Eric Thomas and Jesse Itzler. You know, this cool thing. So for anybody listening to this, there’s hope like for you, like how long ago? Did you start this whole real estate? Real estate investing school?

Yeah, so great question. First off, it’s funny you bring up like my office, right? Cuz I’m a big environment guy. And I feel like there’s there’s power and being in the right environment. Right. And so we, in how we built this detached office. So it’s, I’m in my backyard right now. It’s this little like, yeah, I don’t know how big it is. But my wife has half of it. So she’s on the other half. So we work together. We’re like, you know, just entrepreneurs at heart. But well, I

Sam Taggart 07:30
called the city on my new house. I just built a hard rock. I tried to I was like, Dude, I got a whole acre. And unfortunately, it’s all mountain. So I was like, Can I just build into the mountain? And they’re like, No, you can’t build above this line. Because I’m like, the highest house on the hill in Salt Lake. You know what I mean? Like, you can’t go up higher. It’s like, and I was like, no, because I wanted to build something like you said, like a dope, like, studio like setup anyway.

Totally. Well, it’s cool, because we built like, six months ago, right? We’re building and of course, like me, I mean, I scrapped the whole thing together. Normally, maybe it cost like 20 grand, and I did it for you know, like, I don’t know, 4500 bucks, because you hire the right people and kind of whatever. But it’s cool. Because when we were building it, I told my wife, I was like, You know what, we’re gonna make a million bucks out of this office before the end of the year. And for me, like, I’m, I’d never done that before, right? I was a Vivint. For Yeah, seven and a half, eight years. Never never did that. So really had no idea how that was gonna happen, or what I was gonna do. And you ask How long’s real estate investing school been around like, super recent, right? Like I didn’t, I didn’t know that at the time. I knew I want to do something with it. Because I’d kind of coached investors for the last five or six years, I came out with a course about a year ago, which went pretty well, I’d sell that online, of how to get started in real estate, but really had no idea how I was going to go and do that. And it was cool because yeah, like we are we crushed it, like crushed our goal past that seven figure mark. As we were coming up on the beginning of the year, and yeah, it just feels good, right to like, be that person especially and, you know, we’re jamming on it, like, stepping away from from door to door, which always will have a special place in my heart and I you know, I’m so grateful for it for I wouldn’t be where I am today without that. But it also feels good to be like, hey, guess what, like, I stepped away, you know, not knowing 100% how I was gonna go, you know, make a million bucks or whatever. And then just going and making that happen, like, also feels good, right? That’s awesome.

Sam Taggart 09:31
Proud of you props, man. Thanks. Take some courage to throw in. Okay, here’s the thing. If you’re a door to door obviously, you’re probably listening to this. And here’s my invitation is when you realize you can spend eight years knocking doors and get your face kicked in. That’s when you realize you could do probably anything like whether that’s through an event like I did, where I’m literally knocking on businesses, doors, being like bring your team and like f no, they’re all gonna get recruited for like or like, I’m knocking on vendors doors and I’m like, Hey, you should come like I was at this I was in silicon slopes and I’m like going to all the vendors literally like, Hey, you should come to our event, hey, you should come to our fit. Another like once that door to door condom, it’s silicon slopes like that I’m just like, I’m out there beating the beat the streets just like anyone else. And but I’m not afraid to talk to a stranger not afraid to go put mass on the line, not afraid to go get scrappy, and set a spin in the 20,000. You spent the 4500 and negotiated your way down. You know what I mean? Like, those are skill sets you’ve learned over the last 10 years just doing the scrappy DDD work. I love that.

Yeah, it’s funny because like, so last month with like launching the school, which obviously we’ll dive into, I’m sure but like, easiest thing in the world itself for me because I, I mean, I believe in there’s so much value in it right? When value exceeds price and transaction occurs. And so it’s been really easy to sell. But it’s cool going from like, yeah, you develop this skill set to of basically just learning how to sell and overcome objections. And you don’t even really realize it, but it was cool going from that to like, I’ve never sold anything on Zoom or over the phone. But I opened up my calendar, you know, for a couple of weeks. And yeah, it’s just cool. Like going from, Hey, I’ve been used to just cold calling, knocking on doors, right? And how just how that correlates to life, but then also to like this, this new business venture that I have, and for anything you do the rest of your life, like it starts now. So like people that are you know, rookies are just getting started or whatever first year managers are crushing it now, like those the skill set that you’re learning, it’s so transferable, but like times, times 10 times 100. In the future, if you can learn the principles and the basics, you basically just trade that up for like a higher commission ticket.

Sam Taggart 11:53
Yeah, so let’s talk about real estate. Like, you know, I guess the number one problem I see in this industry is guy goes make 100 grand, doesn’t know what to do with his money, because he only needs 30 grand to live, or he goes makes 500 grand or whatever that is. And I see people blowing all their money. So how do you help? If I have sales reps or I’m a sales rep? How do you help shift this paradigm of, hey, do it I do it you and I did. I lived in my basement on my first home. It’s funny me and my girlfriend gonna fight yesterday because Airbnb, my Airbnb my house, and I slept in like this ghetto bedroom. Yesterday night. I literally haven’t even been back to my own home after a frickin long weekend. It’s getting cleaned right now. Because I make seven grand a month on my home that I don’t live in when I’m out traveling, like the DVD corner this weekend, I’m in SRC summit speaking in Dallas, and then next weekend, I’m going to Mexico, but I’m in Mexico, I’m making 900 bucks a night in my house. And, and so like, I always have had this weird mindset of like, get the asset to pay for the liability. And you obviously did too, because you had your expenses paid by 25. So how do you guys to start thinking this way? What how do you change maybe their background or their mentality? Like did you grow up thinking this way? Like, where’s your dad this way? Like, where did that come from?

Nah, it’s good stuff. I think yeah, I think starting the beginning really helps, right? Because for me, like I, when I look back at like all the jobs that I’ve had, right and especially leading to DDD, like I was always chasing like a hard today for an easier tomorrow. Right? And I love that concept. And so like I remember I worked construction for my grandpa, it was the first time where like there was so much work to do, and you still pay me hourly, right? But he said like as many hours as you work, I’m not paying you for lunch, right? So if you want to have a quick lunch or a long run, it’s up to you. But as many hours as you can work in a day, like I’m gonna pay you for those hours. And so, for me, that was the first glimpse of like, holy smokes, I can trade a hard today for an easier tomorrow, right? And so for me like it was that 12 hours, right? Not including lunch, and he’s paying me 12 bucks an hour at the time, right. And so I was like, sweet, I can go, you know, I felt in control of my future. And then that correlate. I think, like, all through high school, I had a job at a carwash, right. And I didn’t start washing the cars that was like, You got to work up to that. I started pumping gas and it was just like complimentary gas. So they have attendance, so people would pull up to the pump. This is fabulous Freddy’s and you’re supposed to ask him hey, do you want me to pump your gas for it? Most people say no, right? Just like now I’ll pump my own gas. And so a lot of my co workers, they would just sit there and wait and watch my fuel pump their own gas. And so for me, what I figured out was if someone’s said No, I said no problem. Like let me let me just wash your windows for you while we’re waiting here. And so I pull out the squeegee and I just scrub their windows. You know you got bugs and stuff on there and Whatever the reason that all if they felt guilty or feel like they had to, but they would always tip me, right. And so for me, I’m like, dude, all I have to do is wash a window, I’m getting tick, plus I’m getting paid hourly. And so, point being like I was in control of the money I was making it, I was able to build more freedom, I could work a little bit harder and get paid a little bit more. And so ultimately, the opportunity to go to Sales came along. I’m like, Whoa, wait. So you’re telling me like, the harder I work, the more I get paid. And it just was relating this whole concept of like, I can work hard today for an easier tomorrow and build more freedom in my life. And so for me, I’ve always been chasing like this freedom, right, I think, is interesting. So just this weekend, right? I was talking to a bunch of door to door reps. And I asked him, like, how many people do you know that say, Hey, this is my last summer. And then they come back again, the next summer? Right? Greg? Say it again. And they come back again, right. And for me, this was my biggest fear and getting into the industry, because I look around and I saw even even your one, that’s all my biggest fear. I didn’t want to do the job. And whenever my career ended, you know, I had no idea at the time how long was going to be definitely didn’t think it was gonna be eight years. But the common denominator was like, I do not want to be that person. However many years I do the job that when I’m done, all I have to show for it is like a nice truck or something. Right? And that’s it. And so So I asked him, I was like, Why do you think it is that these reps that say, Hey, this is my last year, come back again. And they say, Hey, this my last year, they come back again. And one of one of the reps responded, because of the freedom. And I was like, Okay, I feel you’re there, right? Like, the job gives you freedom, because you can go grind for a summer, and then you have the rest of the year off, right, so to speak.

But I said I’m like, is it really freedom, if he’s coming back year after year, when he doesn’t want to, and he required to be in a place, he doesn’t want to be doing something he doesn’t really want to do and being around people, he doesn’t really want to be around. Because to me, like that’s the opposite of freedom, the exact opposite. And so, I think, I think for me, like I’ve always been chasing like this more freedom and fulfillment. And so you go from door to door, you’re trying to replace that. And that’s extremely difficult, you know, extremely difficult. We’re used to making 1000 plus dollars a day consistently, right? Because you learn how to sell something. And then you go from from that to try and go get a job somewhere, like, no one’s gonna really hire you for that right for the most part. And so, for me real estate was that next step in that whole process of like, all these many careers that I’ve had, because, to me, it’s been the ultimate form of freedom. I can go to bed, and I can wake up in the morning and my bank account grows, despite me clocking in despite me knocking on the door, despite me like, working right. So that’s why I’m passionate about this knock doors to own door stuff was because yes, like you have to grind it out and go, hustle, that’s what you’re doing now. But do don’t don’t do it with without the end in mind. Right? Like do it to build more freedom because you take your money and you nailed it. That’s like one of my favorite kind of frameworks. I know you’re a big framework guy. So am I right? Most people, what do they do? They take their active income. And they use that to pay their expenses, right? Their living expenses, and whatever’s leftover, if any, right most the time is not most most people, then they’ll maybe invest that will instead and what you just said you take your active income, you invest it in assets that produce cash flow, and your cash flow then covers your expenses. So now, as you go to grind every day, like you’re going out with a purpose, not just like, hey, I’m going to get a big check. And like, I don’t know, but buy a vehicle or live live large know you’re doing it to build freedom for the rest of your life. Because you’re grinding now. And so that’s ultimately what led me to real estate from door to door.

Sam Taggart 19:09
And if anybody’s listening to this, I did the same thing would have done the same thing. And yeah, it gets tempting when here’s the problem is when an environment that you’re in is asking for the opposite, meaning all of my teammates are buying Tesla’s therefore I need to buy Tesla, or meaning we’re all going on this dope epic trip spending 10 grand this month. I need to do and be on that trip. So we I think FOMO might be one of the almost elements of this environment where we watch the sales reps get into this. Oh, look what he’s doing an Instagram. Look what they’re doing. Look what he has, instead of saying, No, I don’t. It’s funny. Like I don’t talk about my real estate a ton. Like I’m just like go I put a video out the other day for the very first time. Like, I was like, Cool, I’m gonna make a video about how I made, you know, a lot of money in real estate over the last couple months. And but just like, you know, how do we create more FOMO? And that’s why I like a real estate investing school. It’s like, how do we create real, real FOMO around like the cool kids, they’re the ones doing the real estate stuff. We’re the ones that have passive income, and collecting checks every month, like this weekend where I made 5500 bucks this weekend, renting out my house when I was in there. Like, that’s like, I don’t know, for me, that’s where it would be smart to. I don’t know how to create more hype around this. So I’m glad that you’re advocating this.

You are a field seller, not an accountant, not a lawyer. You’re in the field engaging, moving from office to home and back. No time for software that wasn’t built for you. And get you got to track every visit. Call email, shuffle paperwork, and oh, yeah, hit your number. That’s why we built spotty yo, the number one field sales engagement platform.

Sam Taggart 21:11
So what’s the mission here? Where do you want to go with this? Where’s the long term?

Yeah, no. So I mean, I think like there’s a lot of things out there that they say hey, like, give me your money. And I’ll fish for you. Right? Just give me your money. Give me your money. And it’s it’s the easy route, like, cool, like a lot of people want to take your money, right? The purpose of real estate investing school is like, we don’t want to fish for you. We want to teach you how to fish you can fish as many times as you want again and again and again and again. Right? There’s so many strategies within real estate investing and you know, this right that like, and there’s so much content. Yeah, podcasts, you have YouTube channels. Yep. It’s there’s so much out there that almost becomes analysis paralysis for guys, and they just don’t end up investing, right.

Sam Taggart 21:55
I’ve already this morning wrote down, I’m in that spot. Like, I was like, I have a lot of money. I just did a huge, I just sold off an apartment complex. So like, I’m like, Oh, I got options here. And I sat down and I was like, do I want to Airbnb? I don’t want to do here in Utah, county, Utah, do our multifamily commercial. I’m

gonna do you know syndications? Don’t a big little do I want to go find this like single family?

Yeah, and that’s totally normal man. Like, now imagine somebody who doesn’t, who doesn’t have any experience with real estate and knows they need to get into it, or they should but doesn’t know where to start? Right? You at least have experience to where you’re, you’re not gonna like mess up. What we try and do and the focus is what’s cool is like, and I explained the platform, but ultimately, it’s it’s a coaching program. So you have not just the education where it’s like, Hey, here’s all this stuff, you could do go this way, go that way, go that way. You have the education, which is top notch, but then you have the accountability, right, from working with a one on one coach. And the idea there. And this is what what makes it stand out. And this is why there’s nothing that exists out there period like it is, we look at like each individual, and it’s a personalized approach. So instead of this generic, like, Hey, do like because everyone wants you to do this, right? You have to do Airbnb, or do Airbnb arbitrage or long term rentals, or commercial or multifamily, this is where it’s at. And the reality is, they all work. But they don’t all work for you, right. And so the reason being is because nobody’s taking the time to get to know like the individual to the point where like, Hey, you have certain resources, right, that are unique to you, you have certain skill sets that are unique to do to you, right. And then on top of all of those things, like, we also want to look at where you want to go, because everybody wants to go somewhere different, right? They have a different goal. And so basically, what we do is we take this 10,000 foot view approach, and we look at like the individual and be like, Hey, cool, this is where you’re at. These are all the things you have to work with. Right? Which I mean, we go in depth on that, like even your connections and relationships and other people and credit all these things, right? And then we ultimately look at like, hey, what do you really, really want and it’s usually like a three to five year goal. And then we dial that back to a one year goal that’s gonna put you on pace to hit that three to five year goal. And then our job because the school in the way it works like it’s a year commitment, right? Everybody involved in the school. It’s not, it’s not a five week boot camp. It’s not a course it’s not. It’s, hey, we’re focused for minimum one year because we’re getting results and we’re moving the needle, like we’re making something happen. And so we zoom back in and just focus on that strategy to get you where you want to go.

Sam Taggart 24:33
I love that. I watched this video this morning about how most online courses have a 6% completion rate. That’s just finished in the videos. Yeah. Let alone you spew a bunch of information on me. What ensures that I’m like, why am I buying this so that I get x outcome? One what’s interesting is, most people with an investment opportunity they get really afraid to say They don’t want to mess up so then they don’t do it. So I like your approach because the years ample time to say cool if our if our objective is to take the 100 Grand that you have, and deploy it into, let’s say a four Plex it gives me time to find a deal financing to renovate the deal, even if you want to do some renovations. You know what I mean? Like, I like that approach because you could get like, this thing, so many people, because there’s so many options think that to be doing them all, but it’s like, I know some people that own 1000, Airbnb arbitrage things, and you’re just wow. Like they just mixed in and then printing money. Or I know some people that are just commercial or just strip mall or just residential in just flips. Like, that’s the thing. Like, I think I think people think they have to be like touching everything. But I actually think that more people are successful just by saying, Damn, I flipped like 20 loans a month, and they just got so good at that. And then there’s printing money.

No, I loved what he has it like, oh, I can’t do real estate yet. Because like I’m so I’m focused on door door, I have this company, or I’m all in here, like, guess what do you like that? What do you think I’ve done the last eight years, you know, like, I know that better than anybody. I’ve been in the grind. Like I’ve been running teams, I’ve bet like, and I still did it right. And so it doesn’t take that much extra effort, just a small like, intentional adjustment to what you’re doing and why you’re doing it on the real estate side and the passive income side, and it’ll change your life forever.

Sam Taggart 26:32
No, I think here’s what’s interesting. Yeah, I think there’s a misconception of like, time in I don’t know if you would agree with this. But it’s like, as long as you have the right team, or like people kind of doing some of the just some of that work with you. And then you spend maybe a couple of hours a week, maybe one or two a week, like I mean, if I spent more than two hours a week on real estate, like I’m like, wow, what, like, wow, this is getting overwhelming.

The cool thing about a team too, and we talk about this we go in depth with this is like it doesn’t cost you any money, right? For example, how does how does a real estate agent get paid? Right when the deal happens? And who pays up like the sellers pay him? Right? Same with the lender? How does the lender get paid? Right? Like, I get paid when the transaction happens? Like how’s the title guy get paid, right? So all these things, even wholesalers, like how does the wholesaler get paid? Well, they get paid when the deal goes through, right, and it’s a win win scenario. That’s how you get paid. So as you start developing these relationships, and you deploy these people to actually work for you write a real realtor wholesale, like, they’re incentivized to bring you deals, and you don’t have to pay him to do it. Like it’s, it’s amazing. You just have to get them to work and tell them what you want. And they’ll go work those, you know, 5678 hours for you in a week, when you’re doing that, like you said, you know, one to two hours a week

Sam Taggart 28:01
of the other. So let’s say let’s just like run through a scenario. I knock doors couple years, got some money put away. You know, a lot of people right now are running through Well, the markets so hot, right? That’s the first subject and everybody’s probably saying, in real estate, I guess what? What is your sense? What’s your pulse on the market? In your opinion, I always try to ask this question, like, where do you feel like?

Yeah, I love it, I’m probably not gonna be the answer that you’re looking for. But my answer is always the same. Because the problem right now and this is why it’s, you know, quote, unquote, competitive or you have higher prices, or people are struggling to find a good deal, right? It’s because that’s exactly what they’re doing is finding a good deal or looking for a good deal, right, you’re doing the exact same thing that everybody else is doing. And you’re looking in the exact same places that everybody else is looking. So by default, you’re going to get the results that everybody else is getting, which is a high market can’t make the numbers work. Like it’s, it’s, it doesn’t make sense to invest right now. And so what we really dive into and teach people how to do one, look, places that people aren’t looking right and you’ll get different results. And then two, and this is the big one is you can’t just look to find a deal. You got to create a deal. And so I can give you so many examples, like the last couple of months, like the biggest deals that I’ve done in my entire investing career have happened in the last couple of months. And that’s because they’ve all been deals that that I’ve created and use creativity on versus just oh this is on the MLS or oh, this popped up on Zillow. I’m gonna buy it right.

Sam Taggart 29:49
Yeah, literally knocked my neighbor’s door yesterday. made him an offer.

I love it. He goes, he goes

Sam Taggart 29:59
well because this is why we’re the fight right? So I was like, well I don’t have a place to sleep tonight because it’s an air b&b. I moved into this place and he had come over to say what’s up? He’s like, Yeah, I might sell my home and like, you know, six months a year or something. I’ve been here a long time. And I was like, keep me in the loop. Then I was like, Maybe I go by the screen and see if I can get another

Oh, no, I did that last week. Right? You do it for I mean, this was like our dream home it’s actually a long story but yeah, long story we were in the highest and best with this house and lost it and ended up getting a house around the corner but like drive past that house, you know, multiple times a week and every time I see I’m just like, gosh, it’s so this is the second time knocking on his door you know, in the last year but knocking on the door and was like Hey, dude, you’re ready to sell this or what you know, I think that I mean talking about you know, knocking doors and having that skill set and getting rid of that fear. Like that’s, that’s gonna go such a long ways. That’s a different type of niche you’re not and I’m talking about even outside of not like that’s super creative, right? You don’t have people that are going to do that. And there’s a lot of ways to look at houses that you know, they’re getting a higher chance that they’re willing to sell it a lot of times like if the yards aren’t taking care of super well right or you might know the zoning for that property. It’s not being used for that just has a small house on it. Like those are things to kind of go after knock on those doors and make the deal work that way too. For sure.

Sam Taggart 31:29
I’m good. So what’s your number one place you tell people to start I don’t have any any property yet. Where do you where do you tell people to start like to do their first deal do you have kind of recommendation are you an opinionated on that? Yeah, no

definitely have recommendation I’m sorry i I’ve created like this thing called the six figure passive gameplan if anybody wants I think it’s linked right now you can you can download it for free. I think it’s just Brody If anyone wants to download it, but it just goes through like my six steps because for me like I took 6000 bucks right that’s how I bought my first house. And which is I bought that from House hacking, which is one of the answers I would give you right for me I was single at a time so I lived in one of the bedrooms. I rented out the other rooms it’s called House hacking because you can kind of hack the mortgage payment or you know other people to pay for it right? But uh, but for me I took that six grand if I traced that house back and this was I don’t know eight or nine years ago I bought that first house I’ve made over a million dollars from that house which like sounds insane and people I don’t believe that under that dude well one I still have the house right the mortgage is 1100 bucks $1,080 with the mortgages and it rents out for 20 $100 a month right now but it’s it’s cash flowed you know, 1500 bucks the whole time I’ve had it but then what I’ve been able to do is because it appreciated I did a cash out refinance, I pulled money out of it. I invested that into two other properties that each cash flowed really well also right so I’m collecting the cash flow and then I’d upselling one of those properties made over 100 grand roll that into a bigger deal that cash flows even more and so I can trace this one property back from my six grand that I put down on it right to over a million bucks cash that I’ve been paid you know over the last eight and a half years and so I mean that’s like the power of real estate but um so yeah, just getting into something the benefit of owner occupying a property that’s why I tell people you need to buy with it with the intent of this is going to be a good investment right a logical decision versus buying with the intent of emotional This is a place I want to live in right and so if you can be willing to sacrifice a little bit right sacrifice future years of your life living like nobody else will what you did the duplex did the same thing for me. You know, I was seeing a live in one of the bedrooms right out the other rooms. I got married we wanted so bad to kick all the tenants out and live in this you know, five bedroom house with a yard and everything. We wanted that more than anything, right? We’re newlyweds, I own this house. And we ended up renting this crappy basement apartment for a couple months until we bought a duplex and did the exact same thing right? Well, you lived upstairs right out the basement and so um, yeah, just being willing to owner occupied something the power of that is you can get into it with a lower downpayment. And the whole way to get a good return right is little money in a lot of money out the least amount of money you put into something and the most amount you get out by default equals a higher return. And so we dive into these strategies like seller financing or owner occupying, you know, you can do what I did when I was single or you can get a duplex or a triplex you go up to a four Unit where the lets you owner occupy it and put a lower down payment in

Sam Taggart 35:03
the love the so where we got to kind of wrap up but like Where Where Can somebody find you if they were like interested in learning about this real estate investing school or just getting coaching call with you or what that looks like

yeah so I mean for me time is like the number one thing I’m probably the most right but what I did do and I think this is still this is still good because we’re just come off Door Door COMM But if someone wants to go to knock doors to own Just knock doors to own doors calm and they can’t I opened up not this well I don’t know when this airs but I have some time opened up in my schedule to where they can book a free 20 minute strategy call with me and they don’t have to have any experience they don’t have to have a ton of cash like I’d say like in our school right now probably 40% of the people have never done a deal. Some of them have you know, five 600k in their bank account ready to go others of them have less than 5000 bucks right and so that’s what’s so cool about personalizing it to them but but ultimately you can do that or if you just want more information on the school and what it entails as well you can also go to knock doors to open doors COMM And there’s like a PDF on there that’ll tell them about it. And then of course Instagram which is just at real estate investing school or my personal account which is probably faster awesome.

Sam Taggart 36:29

They’re very this has been a wealth of knowledge even on the podcast my my call to action everybody listening to this is to have a lion’s share of your portfolio net worth in real estate. I think that it is the smarter I think a lot of people have been kind of this FOMO of cryptocurrency and I think there’s been a lot of people that are like oh I just have all these NF T’s and all this and this and this and I’m like guys overnight that could disappear stock overnight disappear house have burned down to this pier. like it’d be an earthquake this beer like it’s a physical thing. You see it touch it and give value and so I think that I think my sense working with some really really high net worth people you know, you’re just like the common denominator is auto enrolled state a lot of it and so it’s it’s never too late to start even if we think we’re in a high market they’re still buying smart deals in AI market that you don’t lose your shorts on even if the market does correct a little bit who cares? Like you’re you need to hedge for that strategy because cool part about if the market corrects a little bit. Stock market sucks. It’s like Darna sock, you know, like whatever. If we had somebody always will need a roof over their head. Like it’s just part of part of being alive is needing shelter. So real estate’s gonna always be there. So guys set up already. Good friend of mine. He’s a good dude. And thanks for listening this podcast.

Thanks, brother. Man

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