Your vocabulary matters whenย you’re selling. There are words that simply switch the customer off and kill the deal, exponentially pumping up the customer’s objection (reluctance to buy up). This NO-NO batch of words will either quench the homeowner’s enthusiasm to continue the sales conversation with you (in the case of door to door sales) or it will rapidly diminish any trust they had in you. Never say these words, — as enumerated in this video — if you are serious about closing deals. You may already be so close to sealing the trade, but once you voice these words โ however inadvertently- you are headed straight for an uncomfortable prospect or the being door slammed right in your face. We are going to call these words buzzkill words. Here are some buzzkill word you should NEVER use. We will also go over some substitute words for you to put in place of these buzzkill words. Think about these words or phrases and come up with even more that will naturally flow with the way you pitch and close. Now, I would advise that you get out your paper and pencil and write these words down. You will not want to forget what we are going to talk about.
Buzzkill Word #1 Contract
Okay, the first word we want to talk about is contract. Nobody likes the word contract. This will turn your potential customer right away, no matter how far along you are into sealing the deal. No one wants to be held down by a contract and feel forced into something. I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word contract, I cringe. So, it is safe to say that customers are feeling the same way. What goes through your mind when you hear the word contract? It is probably things like- What does that mean? Will I be able to get out of this?ย How long will this contract last? Why do they need to tie me down, what do I not know? Will prices go up and then I will be forced to keep paying that new price? There are a vast amount of reasons that people do not want to hear the word contract and they will automatically shut you out when they hear this word. There are so many other things you could say instead of the word contract. Better words to use in place of this word are agreement, contingency, negotiation, make a deal, and I am sure you can think of even more options. The options are out there. Stop using the word contract.
Use these words/phrases instead-
- agreement
- commitment
- plan
- deal
- arrangement
- provision
- contingency
- negotiation
- make a deal
No One Wants To Hear The Word Sign
Alright, the next buzzword is sign. The moment you say the word sign, that potential client is thinking they are signing their life away. Do you like it when you are asked to sign an agreement? I am guessing your answer is no. No one wants to hear the word sign. When you sign something, that generally means you need to read a bunch of fine print, you have obligations, you are paying lots of unnecessary money, and so many other negative things that you are now forced to think about. I do not want to think about any of those things. Who wants to think about any of those negative things? I think we can all agree that our clients also do not want toย think about any of that nonsense. They do not want to hear the word sign or be asked to sign anything. But, it is almost inevitable that you will NEED them to sign something, right? There is no way to negotiate a deal without having them sign to agree to their portion of the deal (usually payment). So, what can you do or say instead of this buzzword? In the D2D University we give examples about using phrases as a substitute to the word sign. Saying things like, “My time’s valuable just as much as yours is, you know? So, if I’m gonna be putting in this word for you, this is just letting me know that you’re gonna reciprocate.” Phrases like these makes life so much easier and it takes the word sign right out of the equation. Here are other phrases to try and incorporate into your pitch and close- “Alright, I will just need your autograph here allowing me to uphold my end of our deal.” or ” Can you give me the okay to proceed with what we talked about?”. Basically, there are way too many different ways to phrase the act of signing the negotiation, without saying this word, that you should never even think about the word sign. Instead, think about all the ways you can incorporate these various words and phrases into your pitch and close, so that they come up naturally and do not sound like you are reading from a script. At all costs, take the word sign out of your vocabulary. We are going to provide some other options and ideas for you to use instead of this buzzword. Go ahead and write what we have listed below, along with other things you can think of, or what you have used in the past. Make sure it flows with the way you talk. There is not a whole lot worse than sounding scripted and not genuine.
Use these words/phrases instead-
- Ask for an autograph
- John Hancock
- Endorsement
- Confirmation
- Approval
- Permission
- Stamp of approval
- I just need you to give an “ok”
- Describe what they are signing for in very simple terms
- Can you give me the “go ahead” to get started?
- Can I get your consent?
- I need you to allow me to uphold my end of our deal
Hopefully that helps give you an idea of the things clients do not want to hear you say and what the better options are. We are here to show you all the ins and outs of door to door sales. D2D University is the ultimate guide. If you are looking for for more training for yourself or a way to streamline training for your team, come check out our tried and true courses and events. Shoot us a message, let’s get together, and just, come find your tribe with us. You won’t regret taking the time to invest in yourself and grow in ways you never thought were possible.