Work Hard, and Give Back – Garen Armstrong CEO Shamrock Roofing

28 Min Read

Last Updated: September 14, 2018

Speaker 1: (00:02)

Bill, Can I help you?

Speaker2: Hey listen up, I’m bringing you the best content to ever exist in the door to door industry from sales leadership, recruiting, impersonal development.

Speaker 1:

Why would I need that?

Speaker 2:

Because never before have we been able to collaborate with the top experts in their industries, sharing their secrets and techniques and what makes them the best.

Speaker 1: Wait, who? Who are you?

Speaker 2:
I’m your host. Sam Taggart, creator of the D2D experts in D2Dcon. Is there a place we can sit down?

Speaker 1:
We’ll come on him.

Speaker 3: Register today for D2DCon, learn from over 40 amazing speakers including the real wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort. Come as a team. Learn as a team. Leave as a tribe.

Speaker 2: (00:48)

Hey Everybody. This is Sam Taggart, your host with the D2D podcast.
Speaker 1: (00:02)

Bill, Can I help you?

Speaker2: Hey listen up, I’m bringing you the best content to ever exist in the door to door industry from sales leadership, recruiting, impersonal development.

Speaker 1:

Why would I need that?

Speaker 2:

Because never before have we been able to collaborate with the top experts in their industries, sharing their secrets and techniques and what makes them the best.

Speaker 1: Wait, who? Who are you?

Speaker 2:
I’m your host. Sam Taggart, creator of the D2D experts in D2Dcon. Is there a place we can sit down?

Speaker 1:
We’ll come on him.

Speaker 3: Register today for D2DCon, learn from over 40 amazing speakers including the real wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort. Come as a team. Learn as a team. Leave as a tribe.

Speaker 2: (00:48)

Hey Everybody. This is Sam Taggart, your host with the D2D podcast. And I’m here with Garren Armstrong. He’s the CEO of shamrock roofing and construction and he’s also a robocop, meaning he literally lives off batteries, which makes his story kind of unique. He’s been on multiple news channels, multiple stories around a couple of things that make him a really unique and different. And that’s why I’m excited to have him on the show. He’s got literally a left ventricle heart device thing. Yeah. So I mean it squeezes my heart for me, so I have no pulse or no heartbeat. Uh, I live off batteries. Yeah. So he’s living on batteries in the sense it shouldn’t be alive, but they’ve miraculously put this thing in his body to keep him pumping blood. And I see him hooked up to all the school stuff and you know, yet he is still running a very profitable, awesome, a roofing company here in Kansas City.

Speaker 3: (01:49)
So we’re actually live here, sitting in a hotel room. This was amazing and I appreciate your honesty. I appreciate you coming all the way up here just to kind of jam in the hotel room. Well Sam, I appreciate you having me on. I love what you’re doing in this space and knocking him. So it’s, uh, so no, so tell me, Oh, and then I’m going to put one more plug in there. He also started a foundation. Yeah. Is that what you’d call it? Foundation Foundation called the roof for heroes roof for heroes. And what kind of dive into that in for a minute, which I assume you know a lot of you guys listening are probably going, oh like makes sense. Roof for heroes. So, so what kind of guy and so today, today, real quick we’ll talk about uh, one, this whole holy cause of how do you start a foundation, how do you keep motivated even that you’ve got a frigging a heart pump in your body and how do you know you’ve got three kids?

Speaker 3: (02:43)
Like there’s a lot of things against you yet you’re still out making it happen and we’re going to kind of talk through that and then we’re going to talk on the sales process. You know what I mean? Like how to sell roofs, how to, you know, be a better roof guru, which I think a lot of people, you know, they like the nuts and bolts tha tha tha tha I do a plus B equals more money. That’s what I want. Right? So we’re going to dive in then some of that stuff and hopefully get some good pointers. Sure. So tell me, I guess my first question would be, tell me a little bit about this whole robocop battery

Speaker 4: (03:20)
hard thing. So we’re just only been out for less than 10 years. Same vice president’s life. So after that they put an FDA said are immediately approved it and they said, okay, here you go. So what happens is they go open you up, break four ribs attached to your liberal heart, and then you live in off batteries. Each battery, I’ll ask about eight hours. So you’re kind of like Robocop, so it’s in, they’re pumping blood. Do me, which I would have otherwise died five years ago or so they died. So you know, that’s when you, when you’re laying there on the operating table and you’re thinking about, you know, I have three kids, a 1113 you know what’s going to happen from this. And so now I’m, I have this device in me while I’m waiting for a new heart on one B, which means if they call me, I gotta be down to the hospital and four hours to get a heart transplant that all just happen out of nowhere of virus and airborne virus that attack the sack of my heart. And they don’t, can’t explain where or how our guy got it. Um, so it just, you know, strong roofing up and down ladders all my life. And for something to come out of nowhere and blindside you like this. It’s, it’s, it’s emotional and it’s just, it leaves you wondering with a lot of questions.

Speaker 3: (04:44)
Oh, I’m sure that’s, uh, uh, a wake me up in a sentence. It’s like, you know, you’re not the kid growing up saying, well, one day I’m going to have, you know what I mean? You probably were healthy

Speaker 4: (04:54)
40 years old. I mean, you know, I didn’t make a bucket list. I didn’t, you know, I’m like, what am I going, I’m dying, you know, the Middle Lane. I’m not gonna, I’m not going to quit. You know, and then you know, you think, well what can I do? Well, yeah I ain’t go sit on the beach and rot, you know, or it’s dumb. I want to get a new heart. It’s going to be healthy. You know, God’s got this and I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m going to survive. That’s cool.

Speaker 3: (05:18)
So, so, so you said the batteries last you eight hours.

Speaker 1: (05:22)
So that’s like my cell phone and I don’t, I, and maybe some people can relate to this. I get high, high anxiety when my battery life shows me less than 50% cause I’m like, oh my gosh. Like, like nobody really got ahold of me and I won’t be able to do this and this. What do you feel when your battery’s it? 50% is like connected to your heart. So it starts beeping and I’m in traffic

Speaker 4: (05:44)
and, and because it says you got, you got 10 minutes, right, done. You’re done.

Speaker 1: (05:50)
So that’s more than now I’m going to not, I’m not stressing on my cell phone anymore. That just like him. I’m like, wait a minute,

Speaker 4: (05:58)
this could be my heart. Yeah. So I’m, I’m dry, I’m driving a sales guy around, were together and all of a sudden this beep and he’s freaking out. I’m freaking out. You know, cause the battery is low. You got, you got to hurry up and change your batteries out, pulling over the side of the roads, which, and how batteries because you got to carry spare batteries around just in case you’re stuck in traffic. And uh, so now you’ve got to, you know, worry about, as you know, I gonna fall out while I’m driving or something if the batteries go bad. But yeah, it’s for the most part of the technology is amazing. And, and so I’m just lucky to be alive and like you’d be here.

Speaker 3: (06:33)
That is so cool. I mean technology, it’s like we were talking, cause we were just talking about Amish people out here in Kansas and I don’t know why. Like we’re like what’s in Kansas. I’m sure it’s as much of Amish people. I don’t know why.

Speaker 4: (06:46)
Yeah. And I was like, man, but they still use like

Speaker 3: (06:50)
doctors or would they just assume not use that technology to, you know, I have no idea. Yeah,

Speaker 4: (06:55)
good question. I don’t know. But I know that they can, uh, I subcontract Sammamish I had to do some rubs here. That’s awesome. Yeah. They do some good spray foam coatings and stuff like that. Yeah. Um, so let’s kind of dive into this whole principal of

Speaker 3: (07:12)
if your heart is failing you and you have all reason to just be like, why me? Why me?

Speaker 4: (07:20)
What keeps you kind of still pushing? You know, I, I think it garners a lot of respect from, you know, your, your family, your, your, your, your sales peers. You know, why or why you’re out there. Because you know, at 3:00 AM when I wake up in the morning going, you know what, what happened? How did this, why, why me? You know, what, what are my options, you know? Yeah. I could go to sit on the beach and rot and just watch the ocean. But you know, what kind of lasting impression does that leave on my children? What, and my family, you know, Shamrock came around, my dad started it, he passed away two years ago. I’ve taken it over and, and now I’m running it, you know, I’m here taking care of my mom, the family, the farm and the sales teams and their families. And so it’s heavy is the head that wears the crown type of thing where, you know, I want to be here to not help my family, only help my family, help the families of, of these guys and gals that they’ll work with shamrock.

Speaker 4: (08:29)
Unfortunately I’m not. So, you know, that’s why when I’m out there in the field with them knocking or you know, and then they’re getting tired and you know, you only, you get, some days you’re getting doors slammed in your face, some days you’re getting told no. Some days you can get turned down at all and you’re getting yes, yes, yes. Hi Online. And they just feel so good. You know, and, and so, but you know, when you’re out there with those guys, it garners respect and, and, and loyalty. And they know that, hey, if, if if going to go that extra mile with me, then I’m going to go that extra mile

Speaker 3: (09:03)
has it, have you seen a shift or a difference in your sales guys? Then knowing you have a heart pump still out hustling them as a CEO. It’s like he could be working on ops and this and builds and finance and all the other ships you have to do, right? Yeah. You still get in the field with them. Hashtag leave from the front, right, with a fricking heart pump. What does that do for the morale of them?

Speaker 4: (09:27)
It motivates them and it, and it pushes them and you, you, you, you, you see an extra percentage, you know, whatever. Even if it’s 1% right, but let’s say it’s more than 1% you’re getting out of them. You know, they say though 1% edge, you can do 1% more than your better. These guys are putting out more than 1% from productive productivity from them. They’re, they’re, they’re, they’re, they’re wanting to keep up now cause you know, I’m a heart pump, you know, but again, when you get new heart, you’re going to fill even a whole lot better. You’re going to have more blood flow, more secure late. So I missed out there going through motions, going through systems and you know, um, and so that’s why I’m pushing and they, they, they, they rise to the occasion and it’s, it’s been really, it brought everybody together.

Speaker 4: (10:13)
It really did when it first happened because this is a acute heart failure deal. Um, you know, you had some people rise to the occasion. It’s some people language without a leader and some people take advantage. So through this process, it’s, we’ve had able, you know, grow a growth curve. I mean, we’ve had people come out of the industry to come and help, you know, Paul Reed, Anthony to the Monaco, a lot of people who come up and, and, and help, um, you know, uh, Graham, so as well. So it, good, good family of, of people in the industry came to the rescue per se to help. And it’s been been a blessing to, to me and to the shamrock family. So that’s cool. Yeah. So when this all

Speaker 3: (11:03)
went down, you said, you know, these guys like Anthony and Paul and you know, some of these guys have been on the show. Graham, all three of those have been on this podcast. That’s awesome. You know, it’s funny, this is such a small world, but a cream rises to the top. Yeah. So those guys come in, they say, Hey, let me support and run your sales and you know, like how did that make you feel,

Speaker 4: (11:24)
you know, in that situation, I guess. Yeah. Pouring of, of, of, of love and respect. It gives me goosebumps still, even today thinking about it, you know, they come out and then they’ll go that extra mile to help. It really, it’s, it’s, it gives, it gives you goosebumps and talking about paying it forward, you know, with, you know, I’ve always been the one paying it forward, giving, you know, starting to root for heroes. So it’s, it’s, it’s hard to, for help, you know, I didn’t ask for help. They came and offered the hell. You know, that’s one of the things for the roofs were heroes. These heroes that are, you know, quadriplegics or have IUD is blowing their face. They’re not the ones that come and ask for help. It’s their family members that come in and say, hey, we’ll nominate them for the, for the roof, for the, for the year up.

Speaker 4: (12:13)
So it’s kind of an interesting principle and I think this is kind of a threat to jail on for a second. It’s, you’ve been doing this foundation roof for heroes. So essentially tell us a little bit like in a nutshell, what is that? And then I kinda want to talk about this shit. The roof for heroes is started out, as you know, in my dad started the company, he was in the military and after he passed away, we like to go over, I wanted to do something to give back to the military. I was always been a passion of mine to help. Before that we had the cars for here is we still have cars for heroes, but we gave enough cars away and we said, okay, we want to do the routes for heroes. So a little bit more expensive product to give away, but that’s fine.

Speaker 4: (12:57)
We were even building the house for heroes, but the roots for heroes, um, it would came about so that every three months we nominate a veteran because my steak was, most these veterans, once they get hurt or whatever, their disability, if they’re not living in million dollar homes, the money and the paychecks just stopped. Eventually they’ll get the disability or whatever and they back pay them. But they’re so where they’re living, they don’t have someone to come or way even financing to help to get a roof. So that’s what we did, step up and said, hey, we’re going to provide you a roof and we’re going to come up. And so we nominate them and they, their family nominates them cause they don’t nominate themselves. And as I mentioned earlier, but so it, it, that’s what we, the program came about. And we do it once a quarter to hell.

Speaker 4: (13:49)
And that’s a lot of money. Like where did you get the funding or how, how, how does that kind of, so I self funded it. Aye. Aye. Aye. First several eyes, self funded, and then, and then some people started coming out of the woodwork. So, you know, people come out, you know, Owen’s Corning has come out and said, hey, we’re going to help with some material costs. Uh, roof depot and ABC supply has cat came out and said, hey, we’re going to help with some material cost. And then at that point, you know, I’m solely responsible for the, the labor aspect of it. So at this point, I’ve been carrying, carrying the cost of it and it’s, it’s not for any other reason, but to help help the community, you know, from that, I mean, there’s been a lot of TV, you know, air, I’ve been on TV quite a bit because of that.

Speaker 4: (14:47)
Um, but that was a byproduct of just doing the right thing. Uh, and, and, and interestingly enough, after that happened, um, you’ve seen other people kind of come out and kind of start these programs, which is great. I mean, the more veterans area is awesome. So I’m, I’m, that’s good. Jim Rohn said the fortune is in the followup. This is the master of gifting and referrals. My name is Eric Chandler and it cutting edge gifting. We want to work with you to implement a gifting and followup strategy does turn your clients into raving fans so that your clients are your advocates in the community. We not around. So you can generate more leads, close more business and have more repeat clients.

Speaker 3: (15:29)
So I think it’s interesting, I want to talk to these, this principle of, I call it the law of reciprocation in the sense of you did something so impactful to start bringing in drawing attention out of the woodworks, like the Owens Corning’s and then Anthony’s and the, you know what I mean? And you bring these people out because you did something impactful, you created an impact. Then you made a risk and you said, I’m willing to give back. But then I think the bigger reciprocation, not only is the media and the, the, you know, that whole marketing free marketing essentially, which I don’t know that that probably wasn’t your initial motive. No, but the bigger piece I think is just the simple fact that so many people willing to help you. You know what I mean? Which is like, I think we never know if it, if we’re willing to just give like authentic and give without attachment. I think the law of reciprocation always says when we need it, it’ll come back. I couldn’t,

Speaker 4: (16:29)
I agree more with that. And, and, and that’s why when, when they did come out of the woodwork to help, it was just, it was goosebumps and I didn’t know how to react to it, you know, because you feel like ungrateful for it even though you’ve done so much. It’s kind of like a lot of these veterans that we help, you know, when you, when we show up and surprise them, they don’t know what, they don’t know what to think. I mean, there’s shock and they’re happy. Of course they don’t. They don’t know how to, how to take it. Yeah. You know, you said that Hank, you, you know, you don’t always nothing. You know, we thank you for your service. Keeping us safe back home,

Speaker 3: (17:09)
which is, which is same thing. Lock reciprocation there. One put their lives on the line. Yeah. And you know, I want to invite people listening to this or watching this to, to really take a second and ask like what are you doing to put out to the universe, you know, good vibes, I guess you’d say like should a service, what are you, what are we doing as individuals on a daily to get back to, you know, support one another. And you know, it’s, it’s Kinda the same thing. So Paul’s in the Anthony’s coming to help you. There’s raw log reciprocation to them. You know, it’s the pay it forward. It’s the shirt. I’m sure one day if all at a heart, but you’d probably be like,

Speaker 4: (17:50)
I’m there. Then like where can I work? Can I support? I’d be out there in, in, in a minute. And it’s, there was, there was a gal down in Colorado Springs who had called me up. She been ran over, hit by a train and lost her legs and she’s climbing mountains and mountains and for causes and given money back. Well, and so she needed a roof on in Colorado Springs and, and I say, Hey Paul, you want to partner up on this? Like, Hey, I got a guarantee, not a problem. And then she was just on the today show. It’s cool. Yeah. About what, you know, she’s climbing the mountain diverse and donate money to all these causes and um, you know, and here it is, you know, it happened in Paul’s back yard. He was able to help her out and that’s cool. It’s good Mojo all around.

Speaker 3: (18:36)
We, uh, so we said a DVD, common planning meetings for the conference. We’re going to January and we, we all decided as a team, we said we don’t really care to make money on this conference. Like it was more like, why don’t we take the proceeds and reinvest it into something bigger, which our cause was actually more the complicity and advocating door to door and bringing a good name to the industry. And I think if we could create more media to create more, you know, documentary or uh, uh, more like getting a PR and getting articles and these bigger publications. As an industry, it’s only going to help support every roofing company, every solar company, every pest control. What a great cause. I mean, going door to door is

Speaker 4: (19:23)
part of our mix is not of its own and for whatever reason, you know, people want to have as a stigmatism to it and look, you know, Brow beat you about it, you know, like, oh, you’re going door to door, you know, you, you, you, you must not be educated. You must not be it. Yeah. Well, yeah, I’m going door to door because I am educated. This is my own ATM. I get personal interaction with each one of the homeowners I, I meet and if the psychology of it and learning different people how to deal with different people, finding a common ground with people, but you’re right in front of somebody. So if you got that ability to talk to them and, and make and make that sale, you know, then you’re there or educate them on sales. You know, the insurance companies did this big, big research on who makes it, makes the best salespeople. And um, it’s teachers because they educated. So they went out to go hire all the teachers to be salespeople. So when you’re there, door to door, I mean you’re there, yes, because you want to get in front of them. But once you got their attention, then you’re educating them. And then at that point, once they’re educated, then you’re not soliciting for say, yeah, you’re there just to support them. Like, right. And I think

Speaker 3: (20:46)
it’s funny, I look at all the things sold door to

Speaker 1: (20:48)
door and it’s like most of them are great services supporting the customer down to the window cleaning guy that Kenny Brexit is that sold me window cleaning, but I’m like I use the cleaner like it, it’s good stuff. Yeah. Thank you for selling a good cleaner. I typically just go to Walmart and buy the one that’s sitting here. Right? Like they just happen to be smart and get into Walmart and it happened to be the contract that, you know what I mean is you’re like, does that make that a good cleaner? No. Like it just happened to be the one sitting on the shelf and then just like he gave me a good thing like vacuum. I’m like wanting a Kirby vacuum. I’m like sitting there, I’m using this piece of shit is like vacuum and I’m like somebody comes sell me a curvy, like, you know what I mean? They had just the, yeah, yeah. But I’m like, I’m not

Speaker 3: (21:34)
going to go by that. I don’t know. Like it just, I think people don’t see door to door in the same lights because they’re afraid of getting sold when it’s like just let yourself get sold as long as it’s a good service or product, probably prior benefit.

Speaker 4: (21:50)
Right. I agree. You know, a lot of, you know, going back to this, the stigmatism, I mean I have guys that are great salespeople, but you know, they went to a private school and he like doesn’t want to go. Not He’s these names.

Speaker 1: (22:05)
I don’t want to get dad to say that I doors. Yeah,

Speaker 4: (22:09)
yeah, but you made over $200,000 what do you with? Why not? You know what’s going on here, but you’re going to take less money so that you don’t knock doors.

Speaker 3: (22:18)
I had this conversation with my buddy. I would be better off saying I worked at Amazon. Then being the owner of the door to door company, I’m a CEO of a roofing company. Oh,

Speaker 1: (22:32)
oh, you work at Amazon. It’s like, oh yeah, that’s cool. You work at apple, like men, like that’s, that’s really cool. You work at apple, but I’m like, yeah, you work at apple making 60 grand a year. I, I knocked doors 200 grand. Right. But for some reason your cooler in society because you worked for Apple. Right? Like what?

Speaker 4: (22:53)
Right. So I, I, so to the point of going back and putting the emphasis on the door and that taking that money from, from the, the conference too, that I think that’s, that’s great. Cause I mean the door to door is, is great. And, and you know, once she, these people cds, no soliciting signs on their doors or whatever that was stuck on there by the previous homeowner, they leave it on there. But you know, as soon as you knock on the door, they’re like, oh yeah, come on him. You know, and then you’re, you’re, you’re educating them slash selling them your product or service or what they need and you’re in

Speaker 3: (23:31)
love that. Love that. So let’s kind of fast forward a little bit. Let’s get into the sales and the educating and the actual nuts and bolts of selling, you know, roofs or, you know, use your cell cycle. So let’s start with the, what is your flow in the home? I guess that’s what I care more about the in the home stuff. I get a lot of stuff on the door stuff. But this one I kind of want to dive a little bit more into like, Hey, you’ve got in house, you’re here to present them

Speaker 4: (23:59)
your roof. What, what’s kind of your steps at that point? Once you’re already been on the roof, the you’ve already, you know, let them know there’s been damaged or in need of repair at that point that you’re, you’re at the kitchen table. They don’t want to sit on the couch wherever I’m gonna sit at the kitchen table so that way we can go ahead and pull out the pad at your, your, your brochure, the agreements, not contracts and your, your pin. So it’s laid out there and you’re sitting right next to each other. So you can sit there and go through those, those steps of ABC. What is going to take to do the full roof replacement, whether it’s hey, we’re going to handle it from a to z. We’re going to be material is going to be dropped on Wednesday. We’ll be drew backing up the trailer on Thursday.

Speaker 4: (24:50)
It’s on wheels. It’s not a dumpster. It’s not going to sit on your couch, your driveway and crack your driveway. We’re going to protect all your plants and your bushes. We’re going to cover them up with tarps. So educating them about that, the guys are going to show up in and early when the sign shows it, Sun starts shining surprises. Uh, and then there’s going to start tearing off your roads with pitchforks down to the vacuum or replace all the decking if there any writing that were placed us. Um, and then going back with your, your roofing system, whatever feeds us don’t, that is where there’s Owen Corning GAF certainties. So, um, you know, at that point you’re just basically, it’s, it’s, you’re, you’re not assumptive, but you’re educating them, telling them the process of what to expect. So the level set their expectations. So they know, you know, guy I’d take for take for granted and assume a lot because you’re doing multiple builds day in and day out that these homeowner is going to know that. So I kind of have a checklist right there. Here’s what’s, here’s what’s going to stay a step one, step two, step three of that process just so their expectation levels are set so that I don’t forget a step because sometimes you may forget and then they’ll ask us questions. You know, which questions are great because that, you know, you can overcome questions, Jeff objectives. Um, so that’s kind of the process that I go through. So once I get in there, I started explaining to them how it’s going to happen.

Speaker 3: (26:22)
Yeah. Kind of letting them, here’s the, here’s the what the process, here’s what’s about to happen. Correct. Kind of saying the frame of here’s the steps. Correct.

Speaker 4: (26:31)
And then let them know that a, it’s going to be messy, but B, it’s, we’re always going to, we’re going to clean it up so it’s going to look just as good as it did before. Your roof got on there, except you might have a brand new roof. And so what do you do then after that? You know, it’s basically you years, the agreement daters Lisa. I mean, so at that point there you’re there sign up. I mean they’re there, you’re already on the roof. You’re already going through the process. They’re basically, you know, color, color, picking what died mission and goals. Are you want to go back with light and kind what you have there? Yes. Okay, great. And then it’s just, you know, you’re, you’re filling the paperwork’s being filled out as you’re talking to them about the, explaining that process to them. So they’re seeing the pin and action. They see me work in the pen.

Speaker 3: (27:17)
So that’s something important to talk on. It’s, you’re already filling out the contract before you get the yes, yes, yes. It’s, let’s just start putting your name on here. Let’s just start putting your color type. Let’s just start putting your address and you know, like, just start doing it. So the natural progression is when you go, oh, now it’s your turn, right?

Speaker 4: (27:42)
And Mary, you’re up. And then their sign it and when is it? And it’s scheduling. I got a wedding coming up or I’ve got graduation and people are going to be coming over wards fourth can you work around these days? Absolutely. You know, so it’s the scheduling at that point and then you’re in. So cool.

Speaker 3: (27:59)
So let’s go through, I want to go through some objections. Okay Kate, I’m a big customer. Let’s do this. So we’re going to go work through, cause you get still objection. People object to buying right then and there. Right, right. Okay cool. So we’re going to play, I’m going to play. Okay. I want to think about it. So this is the objection in any sales organization. I don’t care if you’re selling satellite roofs, whatever. Right. Okay. So the first objection is I want to think about it. What do you typically say? I’m curious.

Speaker 4: (28:27)
Yeah, I mean if you want to think about it and that’s great. In the meantime you’re still gonna need a new roof. You know, to think about what are we thinking about? Are you thinking about you needed a new roof? You thinking about what a refer you need, what are you looking for in a roofer?

Speaker 3: (28:42)
Boom. There’s the question. So the question is what are you like if you were to think, what are you going to think about? You know what I mean? Like let’s think. Okay, think with me it’s like, is it the roof, is it the company, is that the price, is it the right? And then I’m in a typically basis, I’m customer, so I’m going to say I just want to maybe get a couple bids. You know, I just don’t remember making any like, quick decisions before I just, you know, go put a $20,000 roof on my house. You know what, I make sure that I’m getting that roof and the right price, the right price and the right roof.

Speaker 4: (29:19)
You know, we want to make sure that we’re comparing apples to apples when you get someone else or you know, what are we comparing? You know, someone else may not come kinda come back and put the same quality of shingles of the same, you know, service. So what again, what you want to get three bids, you know, if it’s an insurance situation, then the insurance say stating here’s how much money we’re going to want to give you. So if, if you’re in a, in a, you need a heart, right? And, and the insurance is gonna pay for your heart. Am I going to go and shop three heart doctors? I’m going to go with the best, right? So, Hey, I’m going to go with the best heart. So I’m down here, get you met the best art treatment there is. So when you want to go with the best rivers. So that’s pretty much,

Speaker 3: (30:09)
I love that. And then transition them to something and just start saying, so what color shingles do on, right, right. Cool. I liked that because I think a case, so let’s go retail. And I think that’s a perfect way to overcome the,

Speaker 4: (30:23)
it’s like it’s insurance. They’re paying like, what do you mean go with somebody you can trust. That’s good. Right, right, right, right. So do you guys do, do you do much retail? I’m curious. And we, we do, I would say dev team.

Speaker 3: (30:37)
Yeah. So, okay, so let’s do another injection. Uh, I’ve already talked to a roofer. He’s a friend of mine. He’ll probably end up doing it. Uh, you know, I just, I, I already have family in the business.

Speaker 4: (30:50)
You know, chuck in a truck is great, but can you, can you provide a quality of service? Is he going to be there for any warranty issues? It does he know the insurance process. Will he be able to get the most value, um, or the most amount of a fair settlement with the insurance company? We work with insurance companies.

Speaker 5: (31:10)

Speaker 4: (31:11)
And I’m a regular basis. So you know, when, if there’s a supplement, and a lot of times there’s errors on your insurance paperwork. It’s kind of like your credit score. You always check your credit score and makes sure there’s no errors. Well, these adjusters, they fly in, they’re not registered, they don’t have to be registered in the state of Kansas or Missouri. So they’re right. And the rest of it out of their car, truck and on the fly because they got 10 more to go, just they’re missing line items. It is simple, simple as that. So when we come back in and fix this roof, we’re going to put a proper roof on it. We’re not going to start because it had a line item in there. We’re going to put it in, you know, if they need flashing or whatever that wasn’t put in the line item, we’re going to put it on the roof form and then go back and sell them at the insurance company later so we can get the homeowner can get the proper roof and that chuck in the truck, the family friend swinging a hammer, my not know to do that.

Speaker 4: (32:10)
Yeah. And so there’s a lot of things when dealing with insurance insurance specific that maybe the family friend who is just, you know, we can install a roof. Yeah. But doesn’t mean he’s going to get you as much money. The insurance, what? Do you care more about? More money or just tell him, hey buddy, do it a quality room.

Speaker 3: (32:30)
Yeah. Route. Yeah. Yeah. So I liked that. I think, you know, at that point it squashes the whole, it just educating an educating thing. It’s like, let’s be honest, like I could call your insurance company right now knowing nothing and they’re going to give you 20 grand. I call her insurance company, knowing a lot, knowing how to play the game, you can get you 30 and provide your veteran driver. I do better roof, right? Because you have a 40 year shingle on your roof

Speaker 4: (32:58)
and they’re gonna write you up for a 30 year shingle. Well, when a 40 year shingle, they can’t downgrade you. They got up, right? You, so now you can get, you know, uh, I love Shane or I’ll hire a shingle. So, you know, whereas the guy who’s family friend,

Speaker 3: (33:15)
yeah, yeah. I think, I think showing you’re the expert in the field and showing that it’s like, this is what I do. I literally do insurance work. It’s like I’m not just a Roofer, I’m an insurance worker. Right. And I think helping them understand that that’s your expertise shows this way of overcoming that objection. Right. Okay. Let’s move on to new objection. This objection will be, honestly, I just can’t afford that thousand dollar deductible right now. Maybe in a couple months. Got To of, you know, I’ve got to put my finances together since 2000 bucks. Dude, that’s going to kind of break the bank on it.

Speaker 4: (33:56)
It’s fair enough. I understand that. You know, and there’s ways that we can work with you on that. We have financing available to where you can finance the entire amount of roof and then at that point it’s used $10,000 roof just to keep math simple. You would receive $9,000 and your insurance, so if you will, you finance it, then you’re still keeping that $9,000 and then you’re making that finance payment. That’s one way to do it. Right?

Speaker 3: (34:25)
That’s so you just gave me nine Aav, 9,000 I like that. Okay, cool. So that’s, that’s one way. Okay. Different alternative way to overcome that one. Right.

Speaker 4: (34:36)
The other way, of course, I mean, as you, they can use their ACV money for, that’s their money. If they don’t, you know, they replace to replace a roof, but they say they don’t want to replace your gutters at ACP and mining. They can and offset that ended up double the thousand dollars they want to do that.

Speaker 3: (34:53)
So ACD money go a little bit more into that. I don’t know much about how that works. Okay. So mention the insurance right world,

Speaker 4: (35:01)
it comes in two checks and to keep math simple, donate $10,000 and let’s say the first check they gave you was $7,000. Check that your actual cash value of the damage based upon the age of the roof, right? Yeah. Do other remaining amount does they call it depreciation, but it’s nothing more than a hold back. Once you complete the work, they’ll send the depreciation recent off the letter of completion off to the insurance company and then they released the depreciation to the homeowner so then they’ll get that full amount of money. So, but if they don’t do a trade, maybe they, they don’t want to do their window screens or they don’t want to do their, their, their gutters. That ACV is there money to do whatever they want with, they want to go to the vote and gamble with it? They could cause it was just, it really depends on the age of the roof. I mean, he could be, if it’s the 30th 30 year roof and it’s 15 gone there 15 years and it’s one in $10,000 rug, they give you $5,000 so it really, it it, they appreciate it off age, the software system, they use exact name, they use it, we use it, we all use it to stay on their little playing field. It has in there the, you know, what, everything is depreciated by the, what type of shingles or gutters or whatever it is.

Speaker 3: (36:21)
No, that’s, that’s awesome. I think a lot of maybe new guys would never even know you could leverage that. Right, right. Okay. So let’s just say, I don’t, I want to use my ACB and money for what it’s for. How would you overcome, I mean, is there any other way

Speaker 4: (36:37)
that you would overcome that thousand dollars? I mean, you finance $1,000 $80,000. I mean, you have to pay the deductible. I mean,

Speaker 3: (36:47)
you just kind of straight up way. It’s like, yeah, you gotta pay it.

Speaker 4: (36:49)
No, no. Yeah, yeah, it’s, they they know. I mean, you’re being $1,000 for, you know, a $10,000 roof, you know, so, yeah. I mean, it, it has to be paid. I mean, there’s, there’s, there’s guys that go around there and way of deductibles mean some states you can do that. Kansas is not one of them. So you by law you have to pay the deductible. Yeah. And, and so some people, you know, threatened them. Oh, by illegal, you have to only legally bound you if the guy, you know, it was down the street says you don’t have ended up deposing, he’s committing fraud, you know, and then you’re, you’re scaring them. I don’t do that. I don’t, I don’t like that tactic because you know, but a lot of people do that. I mean, they carry will carry around the statute and say, well, here it is.

Speaker 3: (37:37)
Yeah. The Statute Xyz. It says by law you have to pay. If I pay, I’m committing insurance fraud, therefore I’m not going to be put in that spot.

Speaker 4: (37:45)
I’m not insurance. I’m in, I’m involved. You’re involved. Everyone’s involved. I’m not going to be involved. Yeah,

Speaker 3: (37:51)
that’s cool. I think that there’s a certain, I think that’s a resort to fall back on at one point in certain customers may resonate with that. Um, but it’s a, it’s another alternative. And I think, yeah, there’s just some ammo basically in the podcasts. I like to give people actual ammunition. Oh, there’s that same you go, yeah, that’s right.

Speaker 4: (38:14)
Are there, there’s, there’s a statute right there. You got to pay it.

Speaker 3: (38:18)
Yeah. Not Well, so I’m trying to help you finesse around that so that you can be smoother. Yep. So, yeah, I love that. Okay. So let’s kind of shift gears. So if you had to give one piece of advice to the door to door space, what advice would you give them? Persistence.

Speaker 4: (38:35)
Keep knocking when each no. Is one step closer to the yes. You know, goal setting is, is key. And then once you realize this is your own ATM, you know, and you find that passion and, and you see these happy customers and you become friends with a lot of these people that you meet. Um, and that is positive reinforcement that that keeps you going through the nose and, and the, you know, the doors shut in your face. So it’s, it’s, it’s all of those, those, those positives that, that, that keep you going and get you pumped. I mean knocking is my favorite part of, of all the hats that I wear. You know, it’s not five 45 in the morning moving, we’re backing up trailers or, or Allen, the finances and the supply houses or all that jazz that I, I deal with. I think just it’s knocky because you’re there, you’re,

Speaker 3: (39:40)
I want to speak to that. Sorry to get it. I think a lot of people, they fantasize about the CEO role and they fantasize about like how to run a business because it sounds cool on paper. It sounds cooler being CEO, the doorknocker. Right. But I think a lot of people don’t appreciate it enough, that aspect of the business. Right. I think once you play both sides, you’re kind of like, man, I just wish I could just knock all day and that’s it.

Speaker 4: (40:06)
That’s all I want to do. I can have someone take my spot. I would, I mean, yeah, my cards when they haven’t made, I haven’t made up. I’m project manager. I don’t want them to know I’m running the, I own the company when I’m at the, because then they think they’ll get everything for free anyway. And plus I like being out in the field. It’s the fun. That’s what’s fun. And so they got my guys think I’m crazy cause I’m out there with them. Um, so yeah.

Speaker 3: (40:32)
Well I love it. That’s great advice dude. And I take a lot of people need to take that to heart. I really do. Um, we’ll do it. I’ve honestly like appreciated you being on the show. Like, yeah, I uh, I hope to see you in January. Do you want a door?

Speaker 4: (40:45)
Yeah, actually come out. Yeah, man, I got the heart in three. Yeah. Oh, you probably can’t travel month. Well, you need to be here. Well, I think I’m free to roam about the cabin as soon as, uh, a couple of biopsies after the hearts and put in, but yeah. Okay. I should have it by October. So January 10th I hope you come and see you again. So, yeah. All right. Well, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Speaker 6: (41:10)

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