Decide What Wars Are Most Important
Let’s talk about mapping out your key battles. I take this principle from a company, or a book called The 4DX, or four disciplines of execution, and what it talks about in order to win the war. You first need to decide what your main priority wars are. What huge projects need to be tackled? Write those down. Decide when you want to have these wars finished. Now, in order to finish these wars and win, you have to win the proper battles.
Win The Right Battles
What that means is that there are some battles in the day that are going to come and attack you. You’re just not going to win some, but those aren’t important battles that are key to winning a war. So, I look at it like okay, I’m going to put my primary wars for the month in my planner so I can have a visual reminder. Writing them in your planner, you have a month at a glance. I write out all my big projects, my wars, that I’m trying to accomplish this way. It is easier to have this month, or this week, and every week laid out and organized. So, I write out my big wars and at the beginning of every month, I’m going to write out my big wars. Meaning, these are the tasks that are not going to be done in a day. They’re not going to be done overnight. Then I’m going to map out the battles that I need to get done to actually accomplish the project. So, on Sunday I mapped out my month because it was the first of the month. I put some of my big wars on my whiteboard. Some of you guys that watch my Instagram story may have seen that. So, I’m literally mapping out what needs to be done.
Map Out What It Takes To Win Those Battles
So, here is a huge war I am tackling this month- I’m recalling and putting in all this new content for D2DU. I am filming probably, you know, a thousand videos, maybe more. Like, that’s a huge month project. So, then I said- alright, solar videos will be my big first project for this project. This will be my first battle. So I said ok, all of the things in D2DU is the big war. Then I said okay, what are the projects in order? This is where I put solar first, then I’m doing roofing, then I’m doing alarms, and then I’m doing pest, you know? I have an order to keep the process organized. Then I said what are the little battles that need to get done? What will it take to accomplish getting all the solar videos completed? What courses am I going to work on this week? So then I say okay, this week one of my goals is to go in the field and get some videos. So, I called my buddy. He is out selling here in Utah, so I’m going to go get some hidden camera footage on Wednesday. Then Friday I’m going to finish filming the general courses. Then you know, on to the next task and the next until this battle is completed and I am one step closer to winning the war. So, I literally mapped out the battles that are the micro little things that I need to accomplish because they are going to be what it takes to finish the Solar University.
Organization Brings Success
Being organized like this makes it easier to win the big wars and take on bigger tasks without getting overwhelmed. When your projects are laid out for you and you aren’t scrambling to get through, you can focus on the task at hand instead of worrying about the future. Take the time to sit down and write out your goals in your planner and lay them out for yourself. You will be grateful later that you do not have to stress and worry over what needs to be done next. All you will need to do is look at your calendar and take one day at a time. When we can put all our focus and energy on today, we will see a huge difference in our ability to complete huge projects.
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