Sam Taggart: Door-to-Door Sales Success Starts with Mindset

27 Min Read

Last Updated: June 10, 2020

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Sam Taggart 00:39

This is Sam Taggart. And I am doing my own podcast today. I think it’s been almost like two years since I did my own episodes. And I’ve had a lot of people give feedback. They’re like, dude, we just want to hear more, you more is highlighting and interviewing really cool guests. And I have a couple of cool ones in the pipeline. But I figured today I’m gonna just do my own thing. So a lot of people don’t even know who I am. They’re like, Oh, I listen to his podcast, but all he does is talk about somebody else. So anyway, I’ve done door to door since I was 11 years old. I sold curves. I sold magazines I’ve sold. You know, it was funny when I was in high school. This is a story never tell. So I get recruited by this guy that was in, got chops in California went to high school in Fresno. And there’s like a department store called God Chuck’s kind of like Macy’s or Kmart. And anyway, so he’s like, Hey, we sell shampoo towels, or quick tarps, the 1000s. It wasn’t called the shamwow. It was like a knockoff called the magic cloth. So I always say Santa shamwow just so people understand. But Master cut two, that was like a knockoff of Cutco. And then I sold the quick chopper 2000. And that was like my bread and butter. So quick topper 2000s. And what what we would do is we would say, you know, on the podium or the the announcements in the store, I could do it in key markets, I did it and God shocks other things. And we’d be like, Alright, everybody, in 10 minutes, we’re going to be doing a free giveaway over on the fine china section on aisle seven. And I would do this like announcement and I would get everybody to come to the free gift, right? And then I would sling salsa, I’d be like whipping up a mean salsa, or I do this demo where I’d like soak up some Dr. Pepper and then I’d like fling it at them. And they’d be like, Oh, no. And anyway, so I sold, I’ve sold all sorts of stuff. And then I when I was 18 I graduate high school. And two days later, I ship off to Texas to sell alarms. And the whole summer sales thing. You know, my my sister’s friends, she’s four years older, they’re all recruiting me to do pest control. And I my brother’s friend who owned an alarm company. And so it kind of you know, I’m LDS. And in our culture, especially in the Utah world, there’s a lot of it’s just more accepted to do door to door. And I think a lot of people out there are kind of like door to door sales. Like my mom thinks I’m crazy, or, you know, there’s this like stigma, or, you know, whatever in my culture is kind of like, what are you gonna go sell? Of course, you’re gonna go so you’re smart, good looking, you have sales experience, you’ve already been knocking doors, like what are you going to sell? Not if you should sell. And that’s kind of what I came into. And you know, most people that you they started this job because of maybe they’re desperate or they have student loans, or they have nothing else to do in the summer that or internship thing fell through, they couldn’t get a job or, you know, whatever it is. And then they’re like, Oh, I guess I’ll do door to door sales. And they kind of approach it from a different mindset. I’m going to talk about that in a minute. And I’ve recruited a lot of outside. So I went on a mission, right after my first summer. And actually, this is another thing that nobody knows about me. So I I get home from summer one. And I you know, I graduate high school. So I went out there mid June. So it was literally and why I’m doing this podcast is June 9, I think was the day that I was supposed to go out. And then I got delayed. So I think I went out like June 12. And so I thought this was kind of interesting, because I like technically my first summer started right now. And I was I was reminiscing on that this is 2008. So, you know, over, you know, 12 years ago, I guess from right now. Or no? Yeah, do that. 12 years, holy cow. Anyway, so I go out, and I show up my first day, I didn’t even know what alarms were I ended up doing alarms and I remember get this training and it was like, Hey, you know, here’s your training pay if you finish this training manual, and take this test, and I was like I don’t like to read he’s like okay, I’ll just give me the training pay anyway, come shadow me. And then Saturday. He’s like you’re on your own. So it’s Friday I showed up. And an interesting principle. And this is this is a story I never tell. I show up to. I show up to the summer and I probably landed around for I was in the airport for literally for maybe three hours because it was probably seven when he picks me up. Yeah, so three hours in the airport, and I legitimately thought that I had gotten forgotten I’d never met my manager, the guy that recruited me was the owner and asked, like, Where should I go? He’s like, well, you want to go to DC or Dallas? I was like, No, let’s go to Dallas. And so I show up to Dallas. And it was so funny. I, I land and I’m like, okay, where’s my managers? I call Luke. Shout out to Luke Harrison, my first manager, you know, help keep me in this. And anyway, so I show up. And no answer. No answer. an hour goes by no answer. I was like, oh, man, I got scammed. Like, this is all a fake thing. Like, what did I What did I sign up for? And, anyway, so I, I then, finally just was like, You know what, I am going to busk my way back to California. I’m gonna I’m gonna fly back like this is stupid. So I pull up my guitar, I brought my guitar. And I started playing music in the airport. And I had never been Dallas. Like, Fresno is hot. Dallas is hot and humid. It sucked. sitting outside, playing my guitar thing I made like 22 bucks. Surprisingly, I used to play in gigs and in high school and visit a band and things like that. That’s a fun fact. A lot of people don’t know about me. Third nature. What’s up? And anyway, I finally shows up like three hours late, like, dude, I’m so sorry. I was in a sale, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, oh, cool, like, way to be on time. Now I understand. I was in a sale could have meant I was with some old lady for that, like, extra hour and a half I was expecting, but I had to, I couldn’t like leave and forfeit my commission. So now I’m like, Okay, I get it. If you like, if you didn’t close the deal, then it would be a different thing. But you close the deal. So congrats. Anyway, so it makes me happy takes me he’s, we’re on our way back to the apartments. He’s like, Okay, I’m gonna let you get your stuff dropped down. It’s like seven o’clock. I think this was his excuse. So this is interesting. He’s like, I’m gonna get your stuff. We’re getting settled in, I’ll get you in your apartment, we can, you know, unpack your bags, and then we’ll pick things up tomorrow. And I think this was his excuse to not sell that day. Because it’s seven o’clock. By the time you go all the way back to your area. I didn’t know this. But I tell you all the vector area, it might have been like 730. So what’s the point nine o’clock, you’re done. I don’t want to go out there for an hour and a half. I looked at him. And I was like, Hell no, I don’t need to like put my stuff in. I can’t I do that tonight, like, and he’s like, what I was like,

let’s get out there. Let’s

Sam Taggart 07:12
go like, weren’t you outsell him? Like, let’s get it. Let’s hit it. So we don’t even go back to the apartment. It was just like, straight to the doors. And all my bags are in his back of the car, and we just started knocking. He’s like, you didn’t have any of your stuff? I don’t care. Let’s just go. So that was one thing that you ask yourself, like in that situation? Which which person? What have I been? What have I been the one? That’s like, yeah, I get a free day of just kind of chillin? Are you the manager? That’s like, any excuse to get off the doors? guys got to take this new guy, you know, I’m saying? Or are you the guy that’s like, No, dude, let’s go hit it. And that’s like the first tip. The first piece of advice I give is identify what kind of knocker you are like, Are you looking for any excuse to get out of the doors? Are you looking for whatever excuse to get on the doors. And that was one of the first lessons I think I learned. And I’ve always remembered that first very, very, very first ever really in the field in alarms. I mean, I’d knock doors since I was 11. And so I wasn’t afraid, right? Like I’d already kind of overcome the energies. So if I’m brand new, a lot of people don’t they underestimate they they forget, going back to that very first time where my brother took me out when I was 11. he hands me a coupon book. And he’s like, go sell this for 20 bucks. And I was like, What? It’s just, it’s like, just go knock on doors. Like you won’t get some coupons. 20 bucks and like, no pitch, nothing, no drink. Like that is where I really remember the energies, or whatever you call those. And so it already had that like, phase, right? And I still get them. I still get anxious. Like if you say go knock right now San Diego, I it’s funny interviewing all these top performers, that’s still a thing. So don’t think that’s gonna go away next week or in two months, like it’s still a thing. And anyway, so I go out. And, you know, I watch him throw in two deals. So the manager sold two deals in an hour and a half. Had he not gone out, he would have not had those two extra deals, that could have been the difference of a pay scale. That could have been the difference of, you know, winning a tournament that could have been, you know, who knows what those two days meant to him. But the principle was, hey, we still went out. We threw in two deals after like seven. And what was interesting is the next day Saturday, we just sent us off, and we come back and I call him after. You know what, around lunchtime, I was like any more paperwork, and I had no idea what I was doing. Like I watched him for an hour and a half. And in the trainings, I had no support. And I ran out of paperwork, and I have one of the most unconventional stories to door to door and 99% of you guys are like, What? That’s not even real. I can’t relate to you and I understand that. But what I want you to relate to in this story, is I want you to relate to what is your own mental x dictation that you’re putting on yourself. And you know, I trained a funeral service company yesterday. So funny dude comes the door door con loved it, shout out to Marvin. And they run funeral services door to door. And he asked me the question. He’s like, what, two advices? Would you give to a door knocker? And I was like, I’m going to give you the unconventional advice. And I’m going to give you the same advice. Listen to this podcast right now. Is I said, so often, we have put on our own limitations due to the environment that we’re surrounded ourselves in, meaning I sold three before lunch, I ran into paperwork, the manager call, I call the manager, I was like any more paperwork. He’s like, what do you do mess up? I was like, No, I only had three, you gave me three and I sold three. This is pre like frickin apps and shares where you have unlimited paperwork. And he’s like, What the freak when we come pick you up for lunch, and I’ll get you some more paperwork, give me some more paperwork ended up doing two more that day. And I finished the day with five. And a lot of times like people don’t think like, Okay, well, I had no training, I didn’t know what I was, I was confident as heck, because I sold curves. I watched the guy for like an hour and a half. I had no expectation, I had no idea what people should be doing. And this is a very, very important principle I want you to pay attention to. You’re gonna be in an office, if you’re listening to this, you have a team, maybe you’re by yourself, but then you’re going to call your buddy and be like, How many did you do or you’re going to, like, let’s say I run my own company. It’s like, well, the standard New Roofing Company does 5 million. So as long as I’m doing four to six, I’m in, I’m in a good spot. You’re benchmarking yourself with something, I guarantee it, whether it’s your buddy, you started the summer with, whether it’s a company next door, whether it’s your team’s top rep, like whatever that is, you have a benchmark that you’re measuring yourself up against. So I show up to the meeting on Monday. And everybody’s getting numbers, and I say my number of five, and everybody looks at me as the new 18 year old punk. Now shout out to all the young hustlers out there, I thought, well, you know, selling something with a five year contract and 1000s of dollars, like, you know, if I was 30, I probably would sell better. Or if I had a beard and not a babyface, I probably sell more. I didn’t like I had no preconceived. No, like, I had no idea. I was 18 I had wave. I still have the same baby phase, like haven’t grown up much. And anyway, so it was interesting, because everybody’s like, What the freak? No, you didn’t. I was like, Yeah, I did five and Luke’s like he did five. And everybody’s like, no, and they like, they throw rocks. They were like, no, he did it. And I was like, What do you mean? Like, do we need to call the customers like, what did you do? And they’re all putting their numbers and it’s like, 1310001020 and I was like, Oh, that’s embarrassing. new kid on block doesn’t know what the freak he’s doing throws in five. And then the first thing they do is throw rocks instead of go. That’s amazing. How maybe you should train us like I I would have nothing to train them on. I would have been like, dude, I said free alarm pay the monthly service. Like I just said, get it. You know what I mean? But what I learned in this principle, which was so unbelievable, was when guys do crazy good things. The guys that are not doing crazy good things, throw rocks to make themselves feel better. Immediately. There was a guy that like three weeks ago that said of pest control record my last podcast get podcast, Parker langeveld. So if you haven’t checked that out, phenomenal podcast, he did 130 accounts in 70. ones in 2000. And revenue for the week in pest control. That is on ridiculous Lee good. I got probably 30 dmws of pest control guys going well was that mosquitoes and how many that was this and how many serviced and they didn’t need it? And I go, I literally kicked a couple in the nuts. I said, so having Judy this week, including mosquito and including whatever the freak you want to throw into that. How many do you do there? Well, I did seven riders 15. And I’m like, oh, okay, so he did 10 times what you did, congratulations. Whether you have mosquito or not, but your first response, I want to check yourself and say, Are you throwing rocks because you want to justify how you suck? Think on that. Think on that. Because that is one of the things that hold you back. So of course I asked these guys and I say, Well, how many is normal? What’s a normal rep do? And they’re like, well, if you could do one a day, that would be awesome. Because Yeah, I’m looking at all that and bagels on the frickin numbers board. And I’m like, yeah, of course you would say that. You’re striving to get to one a day. You know, and in any other industry, whatever that number is for you. For a month, five a month. If you do five a month, you’d make six figures and whatever. Like, whatever the number is, and I’m just like so you’re telling me you want me to Do 25 days where I don’t sell anything and then do five the other days that I’m supposed to sell something. So I’m like, today my goal is zero, I’m going to go out all day, hustle my ass off and sell zero. That’s what I’m telling the world. You know, I look at solar roofing some of these high ticket things, and I go, people are getting so damn complacent with frickin five, seven a month, like That’s pathetic. You’re gonna work all day and do nothing. Or just not work or what like, what what are you doing? Well, I got some pipeline, so so you don’t have appointments. So go figure out how to get appointments, and then close people. You should be selling one every day to everyday three every day, I had a buddy his second day and solar did a frickin four spot. I don’t know. similar to mine, I did five on my first day and alarms. My first eight deals in a row 8848 and solar, and literally like a week. And everybody’s like, what were normal month is eight maybe to them. And I’m like What the freak so this is what happened to Parker. He goes out and sells 72,000 or whatever the number was. The following week, somebody breaks this industry world record. Boom, I’m like burger that sucks. Your your industry record lasted for a total of one week. That had never even come close to everybody. Anybody ever breaking. Second, somebody does something. And they can create this association, me as better than him. And I can say, well freak, if he could do it, I could. And I had that mentality. I don’t care who you are, guess what you don’t if you don’t have the mentality if Sam could do it, if that guy could do if that guy could do it. So could I, you won’t sell out of accounts, you start to label yourself as well. I’m a low feeder in the office. And that guy’s just freaking that guy. He is just a alien that nobody understands. And you’re like, how about we change the frame of this? What if he isn’t an alien? And what if we did understand him? And what if I did the same? Because he’s poops and sleeps and eats like I do? What if I tried that on instead of start throwing rocks? And if you’re in the summer, right now, you have a chance to make a decision, you have an opportunity right now to say have I been labeling myself as the new guy? Have I been labeled as the dude at the bottom of the frickin numbers board. If I’ve been the guy that’s the middle of the pack and just kind of coasting by with average ham on pace to hit the average for summer, I’m on pace to hit the average Rep. I’m on pace to do just above average. That’s phenomenal. And now you’ve labeled yourself of saying I’m on pace to do just above average. Are you doing that right now? And my question is, you know, what you’re technically doing by whatever the average is, is you’re now just saying as long as I’m okay fitting in and doing what is not going to outcast me from the tribe. So we have a reptilian brain, which is seeing any threats and they say if I have a threat to get outcasted from my office, meaning I have to do enough for me not to get golden and booted from the team. And if the team is calling for one a day, as long as I’m doing a round one a day, I’m not going to feel outcasted I’m not going to feel neglect, I’m not going to feel like I should be here. That’s what’s happening. So my invitation would be pay attention to the golden door award. We have a golden door door to door con every year. That’s literally should be adjusted. Now since we started the first year. I’m like, I’m gonna whip some numbers out of my butt what I feel is a good number. So I said 1000 pest. I said 400 alarms, I said maybe one solar which any solar people listen to this, That’s pathetic, like I had to do do 100 and 100 days, I’ve seen literally a guy in Florida just go through and 30 in 14 days through 40 or 30 solar deals and 14 days. You know what I mean? So I’m like, Okay, well 100 is the golden door for the year. And these are year round people. I’m like nah. So probably next year, dd con five will probably end up upping it. But for DDD con four, we’re gonna let a lot of people get golden doors this year, which was more than ever, because I have people that are going for double golden doors, I have multi industry golden doors this year of guys going for 400 and alarms and and a megawatt and solar and winning two golden doors in the same year by themselves. I have people out there that are doing some phenomenal, some phenomenal things. That is very exciting. You know, there there, there have been people, you know, if 1000 Pest Control accounts is a golden door, and a guy does 130 in a week. You’re like okay, so we got it in 10 weeks, but what about the other 40 weeks, like, you know, you’re like, Well, what does he do for the rest of the summer? Or the rest of the year? And you know, a lot of people are like, Well, I’m not gonna hit my goal this year. I’m like, well, when are you going home? Oh, you know, August 15. And I’m like, what, what about September and October, November and December? Like you have other months. So this is where I’m changing people’s belief is like, okay, it’s a year you have a golden door. Whether you finished like satellite last year, there were three guys that won the Golden door and satellite 600 accounts. There are some companies that have never seen a satellite person and their entire history of their company ever hit that. That’s okay. That’s why I’m pushing. It’s a golden door. These guys all finished hitting the golden door, mid December the end of December, I’m getting text like, end of December like, dude, I’m having problems with text. Like if I get one sold, but installed on January 1, does that still count? If I hit 600? Like that? And I’m like, No, dude, figure out a way. And they did. And it was cool to watch people chase for this award. But now the question is, who’s going to be chasing for 2000 accounts and pest control? Who’s going to be chasing for, you know, 300 installs and solar, who’s going to be chasing for 1000 alarms? You want to know how I did 400. And alarms like a lot of people are like, well, what did Sam ever do? Like, why is he have a podcast and an event and consults like, I’m not here to run horn like there’s so many people are probably way better than me. I’ve never going to be up on stage be like I’m the greatest in the planet. No, I’m pretty damn good at what I do. And there’s a lot of people that have gotten a massive result from some of the stuff that we teach some of the principles, some of the systems and the trainings we’ve done. We’ve inspired a lot, a lot, a lot of people. That’s what I’m good at creating cool experience. But I was the best in 2014 in alarms at Vivint, which is the best and biggest company in my opinion. So I have won the accolades, I guess you would say, and people have broken that and they’ve done more than a year, whatever. But that year, I finished number one. And a lot of people would always come up to me at Vivint. And be like, well, what, what did you do? Like, how

did you do it? And

Sam Taggart 21:40
you know, I’m some punk kid with a mullet. And I’m out there slaying more than some people have been there for a long time. And so anybody that’s like, oh, as soon as it’s like, dude, trust me, I know how to knock doors. I’ve seen a lot of rocks thrown and I go, let’s go. I’m not afraid to get dirty. I actually still knock. I still go out with companies all the freaking time, no matter what I do. Is that to put on a different industry, a different shirt, different market and blow minds and in literally a four hour period. And just do that consistently. That’s a hard thing. So anyway, I go do it to answer the question everybody asked, like, how do you sell 400? And I’m sure you’re gonna ask the question right now. So how do you go do 1000 How do you do 300? or whatever? 600 satellite? Answer the question. I met a guy Adam chance. So if you’re listening and you know, Adam, you need to tag him now say Adam, he’s talking about you. Well, I because he’s no gay. He’s been avoiding speaking at door to door con every year. And I want to call him out publicly be like, dude, you need to speak at DD con for in January. So January 7 through the ninth those are the dates, save them. If you’re like, I didn’t know the dates and I plan to Costa Rica trip where your company’s intentionally not wanting you to go to door to door con. So they intentionally plan a leadership retreat the same time door to door con is you can call them and be like, wait, these dates were set literally like five months ago. So January seventh through the ninth. Adam, don’t plan an effing Jamaica trip or anything like that. Because I do want to speak, but I hear this guy that did like 1000 accounts in a year 1000 alarms, he did 200 accounts in a week. I’m like 200 alarms in a week. Pest Control supposed to be easier. How does the guy do 130 and feel really good about himself. And then I told Parker, I was like, did you know there’s a guy to 200 alarms in a week? And everyone’s like, wow, and of course, immediately, I’m gonna throw rocks that’s impossibly people selling you can sell fell credit. So blah, blah, blah, whatever you’re gonna say. The fact of the matter is he did it. So you can throw rocks or not? Why I finished number one, there was a time where I was going to go work for him. There was a time where I actually spent a lot of time with him. Great dude. Phenomenal. And I I was like, just knowing he existed even though I didn’t work for him. Every day I’m out there. I’m like, Well, I can least do four or five. He’s doing like 15 every day. Like 15 seems so unfathomable. But the company that I worked at, nobody’s ever even done 10 like there’s nobody thrown in 10 in a day, there’s nobody thrown in nine in a day like it’s very unrealistic. For me I’m like, how do I just pay sick consistently high numbers and everyday go out and say well, frickin Adams probably thrown down and killing me right now. So, and I used it as my benchmark. I use nobody else I neglected everything else that was around me my office guys. I ran a team we had a dope a team shout out to the pack. Anybody ever heard the pack was a but our team was dope. We had the highest, the second highest per rep average for rookies in the entire company that year. Therefore, our training was really good. But still, I mean, none of them came even close to 400. I mean, they’re doing 150 200 you know, XYZ, and I’m like, that’s really good. But still everyday when you’re throwing in four, and they’re thrown in one or two, you’re not like, Oh, you inspire me. There’s nobody in your office. It’s inspiring you so I had to look externally for that inspiration. So if I’m in the summer right now, if I’m literally listening to this, and I’m driving out to My area or wherever you’re at listening or watching this is I would say, What am I benchmarking against? And who am I letting influence my own expectation? And am I sabotaging my own expectation because the following week after I did five, I ended five my first day, the whole week I did five. It took me the full year to ever do a five spot ever. So it was literally the best day of the year was my first day. Because I listened to the office, I didn’t know better, I was 18 I had no idea. So stop listening to the offices benchmark, and start listening to the industry’s benchmark, your office might suck. Your office manager might be the worst person on the planet, you might want to kill the roommate that you’re with. You might want to quit right now and go home and go work for your dad’s effin shoe company. I don’t know what you want to do. my two cents would be you are the one that gets to dictate your own freakin results. Nobody your office, your your area will all we have or more expensive. We’ve got all these competitors in our market that are way cheaper. I should maybe if you stop with the excuses, take extreme ownership over your own freaking results right now and stop blaming it on every effin thing that’s external, you will sell a heck of a lot more. And if you make a commitment to sell every effing day and I don’t care what industry you’re in, you say I go put my shoes on. This comes from Josh Sutherland, who also did 100 and something in a week alarms. And he goes, he’s like I put my shoes on. I tie him up, put my badge on. And I go so I’m not gonna like wake up every day and be like, well, I wonder if I’m going to so it’s habitual at this point. And Adam Chan’s advice. One thing that I really liked his he puts his game jersey on he puts his mantle on which is his, his badge. He’s got his mirror in his car, and he hangs his badge on his car, he drives through his area, he’s not thinking about work. He’s not all trippin on like, oh, you’re gonna sell today. My so a lot, I got a lot of pressure and eyes on me. He’s like, I parked my car in front of the house. I go put my badge on. And that’s the mode. I’m like, boom, I to stay. It’s an anchor. It’s like I’m in go mode. And I think a lot of people don’t have any ritual. They don’t have any habitual performance indicators that helps them determine consistent success. Another piece of advice is consistency. I think a lot of people go out and they have a killer day and they’re like Dude, I frickin through internet or through and five, right? How to 20 weeks or whatever. And then you watch them. The next week, I had a guy Ryan on my team. Literally, I watched him throw in 16 in a week. And the following week, he threw in two looked at him. I go, What? Why do you do to the next week? You didn’t change areas? It’s like, dude, I don’t know man is wigged out. Like, what do you do 16 every week. And I remember the week that I did 20. Here’s another tip on how to sell freakin fat numbers because I went from one year 160 to next year 300. So it’s like, you don’t have to like nothing really changes on your sales presentation to go from doubling your number. And it can be from one week to the next week. You could just start selling at this level where you have been selling at this level. People think that it has to be this gradual, like, every year, I’m going to incrementally grow by 10%. Like No, no, every year I doubled and went from 82 to 167 to 300 to 400. Like I just kept getting like double my result. And a lot of people were like That’s impossible. You can’t do like no, you just choose to. It’s not a well, I should be 10% increase in blah, blah. I’m like I’m doing a little bit one last year. I’m like no, no, no. And how I did that was Mendez, which is an awesome mentor of mine. I call him up when I hit a 20 week I’d never hit 20 a week. And I call him up and I was like, Hey, I do 20 and he was like, I was like, Can I get my my 20 Club shirt is in my old company. I was like, you know, you get a shirt. That was like 20 Club and it was like a big deal. And they made it like a party out of it. Hey, and he’s like, what do you mean shirt? My Alaska shirt is like, No, we don’t we don’t do that. Even though you’ve made a lot of money and go buy your own shirt. Well, that’s stupid. Because like, I was expecting a ban on the back like something. And he’s like, you know, I’m gonna go viral. And sure. I was like, but he’s like, you should be doing 20 every week, Sam. And I was like, No, that was like, exhausting. That was like impossible. I was like, you make your point? Why don’t I do 20 every week and I was like, why don’t I just start doing this. Literally that was it was a pause. It was a Oh, I guess nobody ever gave me permission to do 20. Every week I get I guess that’s the thing. The next week at 20. The next week at 20. The next week at 22. The next week at 23. The next week I did 21. And I did literally eight weeks in a row over 20 in the new me, I was like oh, you 20 something every week. And I think that simple pause of just saying oh yeah, I guess what, what if I could do one week? Well, I’m going to do the next week. And now that became my new mark. If I did less than 20 it was like what what happens in like, why didn’t you do one and I just became a new idea. Kennedy, I changed my own waterline, I changed my own benchmark, and started playing a new level. It doesn’t take much to change your current benchmark. If you intentionally do so. So many out there have already thought you’ve predetermined your own benchmark. my two cents. Here’s the hacks ready. One, go do a day where you sell full out, lights out and you do 100% ham, no breaks, no, nothing. No, like you’re packing we’re gonna have ours, you’re literally have already pre thought it out. You know your area, you know your list, you know, where you’re freaking going. And you say every freaking person, I’m going to give 100% and sell. I’m not going to go look for the lay downs. I’m gonna wait for somebody say yes. If they’re literally like, Hell, no, I’m like a hell yes, we’re up and doing this. And I am so determined. Number one, and I want you to see what a new benchmark you can go create for yourself in a day, then I want you to see what new benchmark you can create for yourself in a week. And then I want you to do that over and over and over again. Meaning I don’t look at the month. I don’t look at the year. I don’t look at the quarter, I look at the week and the day, every day, I’m going to go perform at the highest level and every week. I’m like, it’s a short enough timeframe, though I can have killer weeks, back to back to back to back. And that would be the hack of your own mind on how to switch things to a new lit. When Josh Sutherland and I did a podcast. I was like you did 130 alarms a week like my best week was 29. I’m good. That’s insane. He was like so what is it like selling three in a day now, when you did 20 every day, every day. I’m all stoked about 20 a week. It goes to show there’s always gonna be somebody who’s got one up here, right? And anyway, so he goes out and he’s like, dude, to throw in three in a day now, almost feels like I didn’t work where normally before I did this week to throw in three in a day. Felt like exhaustion. It felt like I had a great debt. So what he’s done is he’s changed the water line. He’s changed where the level the lake lies. Anyway, so those are those are just some simple hacks that I wanted to share. For those that are sitting in a in a slump right now for those that are sitting in a I’m getting my butt kicked. We have a ton of content. Like another thing would be Listen, I have a heart I literally looked yesterday, I was like, Oh, we have 159 reviews on Apple. Jay, I’d appreciate anybody who wants to leave a review. Super appreciative. We have 168. Now this would be 168 episode, which is really cool. And I think that a lot of people don’t realize how much is out there. And this morning I was training I I’ve been on this weird kick where I’m training for weird things like I did a marathon I’m trying to dunk a basketball. And I was like well if I want to dunk if I want to go the door if I want to go freakin get recognized on the big stage. I better train and it’s mind blowing to see how many people are trained. We have a guy in our mastermind Casey Perkins who did 500 alarms in a year and he’s golden door multiple years is freaking phenomenal. And it was so funny how he came to our sales summit to train to learn, invested in our mastermind to learn a lot of money. And you’re like you’ve done this for 16 years. You’re golden door you’re top of the game. And then he he was mind boggled because he signed up for a university right? And he’s like Dude, I spent 15 years where I still am training and watching the videos. He’s like these videos that you have are way better than all the videos I’ve been watching but he’s like it mind boggles me how a new guy or a second year guy do an average results isn’t in the frickin University every frickin minute. He’s like I still am I did 500 and I think it’s crazy to watch how freaking lazy people get when they’re off the doors and they think they’re gonna get some weird result Parker’s in a mastermind. He did 130 something he spent a lot of money and time training for it. Josh Suna goes in our mastermind he did 1500 accounts and pest control last year industry record in our mastermind training, they’re investing in themselves Casey Berg and 500 alarms like Cooper 400 and something every year in our mastermind Miko, Donald, double golden door winner in our mastermind, these are guys that have literally blown everybody out of the water and they’re in our circle, and they are still spending meaningful time and money and energy training. Are you you know, like, it blows my mind watching how little people think they need to train in order to get ridiculous results. If you want to be ridiculously good. You got to get some ridiculous training. Like, like I’m not gonna go dunk a basketball if I think like,

you know, well you know,

Sam Taggart 34:49
I play golf today counters my workout. No, I’m not gonna ever dunk a basketball with that mindset. I need to train I need to follow the regimen. I need to follow a strict schedule. I need the eat right, I need to do this, this and this in order if I’m ever gonna dunk. And I’m committed to that, if you’re committed to being good at this profession, because that’s what pays you, that’s what feeds your family tree. So if you’re interested, we got University on the study go check it out. Now I’m trying to sell you anything. I’m just trying to say, like, stop being a little like punk and sitting and playing fortnight after work or whatever, and be like, why don’t we want to spend some time training? Why don’t we roleplay Why don’t we get some feedback. Anyway, so here to help. Hopefully this This episode was a little unique little outlet. But I really want to help those guys that are like getting getting their ass kicked right now. And I know what it’s like guys, I really do. Like, I’ve had reps, I’ve sent reps home, I’ve sent reps home and then they came back and then they crushed. I’ve wanted to go home myself. I’ve moved all the country. I’ve had days where I wanted to like literally I remember I there’s a day I picked up a yard sign of a competitor because I was so pissed because I signed sloppy. And I bent the thing over my frickin knee. And then I hooked it to the dude’s house. I remember I peed on dude’s doorsteps because I was so pissed. Like, I literally like walked over this dude’s house. He was such a dick. The next day I knew he was at home so I literally took a pee on his door and hopefully never found out but I’m just saying I’ve done some stupid stuff. Am I immature? It is and I meant to it simply because you’re just having days we just want to shoot somebody like you’re just so freakin pissed. Like I get it I got been I was like, You know what, man just take this rock and start turning through people’s windows so they know that there’s like I have had those thoughts I’ve had it’s funny because you know, I I look back and I’m like, that is what makes a good Rep. is they a good rep? It’s not that they don’t have those days it’s not that they don’t have those customers that you just want to shoot. It’s what they do about it. So many people just like lay down and just say oh I guess it’s not gonna work out started the cards for me Don’t be that guy. Anyway, love you guys. We love the reviews you know love interesting concepts of like what you want us to be teaching on on future podcast certain guests that you want me to start interviewing. This podcast is more for you than anything like I I started a podcast and never listened to a podcast. And I still get to listen to many podcasts and I still get to listen to many of my own podcasts. But I do know a lot of people that this has helped tremendously and and I do it for you guys so much love. Hope you enjoy the episode and we’ll see on the next one.

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