Sam Taggart – Burn Out is Fictional


18 Min Read

Last Updated: August 14, 2020

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Sam Taggart:

Hi, my name is Sam Taggart. And this is the D2D podcast. And it’s just me today, and a couple announcements. So D to D con is live, it is happening January 8, and ninth. So my birthday is the eight so don’t forget. But uh, anyway, we’ve got 500 tickets at all, is all it’s gonna hold. So it’s the same place, salt palace has it as always, and we have the same size room. And the reason why we can get 500 people is because of the square footage of the space we rented. And we’re gonna put out a bunch of seats, and we’re just gonna say, we invite you to sit by each other, but you don’t have to, obviously, we want to abide by the rules of COVID. And we know that, obviously, the world’s going through a lot right now. And to put on a live and of the size that we are is kind of it is a risk.

And so we decided to limit the seats to 500. And we decided to make the ticket a little bit a lot more expensive. So if it’s something that you’re like, I don’t know, like, should I go Should I not before it was a couple 100 bucks, now it’s a couple 1000 bucks, and really are gearing this now towards leadership owners. You know, like business like people want to know business strategy and leadership development. And, and really, if you’re just a sales rep or first year rep, there is going to be no content really, for you maybe some like self development stuff, but we’re not going to do like how to sell solar breakout room because all the people that should be coming to this know how to sell solar, they want to know how to recruit, they will know how to scale, they want to know how to grow their business, they want to know how to like strategize, you know, network with other business owners. You know, a lot of people get concerned of bringing their sales people to Facebook or to do econ. Because basically a lot of people.

They get nervous with D2DCon, and we’ve had very, very little recruiting. But you know, another pro to this is it’s like don’t bring yourselves guys, we don’t want to just have like one sales guy there that is kind of an odd man, like bring those that are top sales guys, and you want to grow into leadership, this would be a good event for you. Those that are like business owners and leaders of speaking event for you. Those that are aspiring top performers may be a good event for you. But it’s definitely gonna be a little bit more open form and a little bit more mastermind feel a lot more networking. So if you’re afraid to kind of expose this to your people, then this is a different event than than the typical DDD con. So super excited. Number four for us. And you can get your ticket at D to D con calm. But now I’m going to

I’m going to dive into the topic today, which is burnout. And you know, it’s it’s August and some of you guys like I got two weeks left, I got four weeks left, I’m like I’m going through extension, but I can’t like get myself to get out of the car anymore, because I’ve done this for like three straight months. So I’m gonna I’m gonna talk about like my principle of burnout. And this is a topic I’m writing about in our book, the achievement formula that I’m working on. And it really, really is excited like like this, this kind of formulated from a podcast I did with jp arlie. He’s over at Vivint. And anyway said something that that hit me is like burnout is fictional. He’s like, he really is just as jaded. And I was like, jaded, I looked up the word jaded. And it meant lazy, tired. And I was like, know what my interpretation of jaded is really. Like, I felt like I got screwed. I feel like I’ve been done wrong. And so I was like, oh, man, there’s probably like a multi definition here.

And so I started looking into that. So burnout, you know, it’s really one of three things. burnout is not burnout, burnout is all fictional. Like, you look at any top performer, there is no like burnout. It’s just a mental feeling. But it doesn’t mean your body physically is not able to do it, your body can go knock doors, your body can go ham, it’s it’s just a mental fictional thing that you’ve been convincing yourself of. And really, it’s disguised as either lost, bored or jaded. So I’m going to go through those those three different principles in this podcast. The first one is lost.

And there’s two points to this. And the first one is doing it for somebody else. And so many people start in direct sales because their friend, their manager, their buddy at church was like, Hey, we need sales guys, and you don’t have a job. So they’re like, you’re like, Okay, like, I’ll help you out and I’ll go with you, honey. Like, you know, maybe I’ll sell to like, you know, In the end of doing this job, because, you know, maybe you, you didn’t really know anything else. And so you just kind of did it. And you have this kind of feeling of imposters wants. And what happens is, burnout comes from you have this initial energy, it’s like this inertia that set you an emotion of like, yeah, like, I’m out here. This is awesome. I’m here with all my homies.

And then month, three, four, or five comes along, or six years later, or five years, whatever that is, and you’re like, Oh, do I want to do this, like, I’m having to do this, like, I’m not just like, rah, rah, and my buddy that wanted me to do this, like, I’m actually having to do this. And, you know, the manager, you know, relationship kind of wears on you because you’re like, well, I gave him all the accounts that I feel like I should give him. Now you’re not getting accounts for him, you got to wake up and be like, oh, maybe I’ll get accounts for me. Like, and I’m telling you like, it is crazy how lost I find people. And then what happens is it weighs on them. And then they go, Oh, shoot, like, why am I even doing this? And you know, the next one is they’re lost when it comes to their identity. And I rep named Matt. And if you’re listening to this, Matt, then sorry. But uh, he, I remember recruiting him, he’s this college kid, and the most you’ve ever made in his life was like, 10,000 bucks. It’s going to school single kid. And I look at Matt, and I’m like, you know, hey, if you could make x this year, or how much money would you need to make to make this a win for you? And so I literally was like, whatever that is, what like, I don’t care. It could be 20 grand, it could be 50 grand, it could be 150 grand. He goes, dude, if I could make $20,000 I would be ecstatic this year. And I was like, why do you Why do you say that? And he goes, Well, you know, that pays for my school that pays for my family. And it pays for my, you know, all my living expenses. And I’m like, if you made 20 grand, and you did that, would you come out for the summer? He’s like, Yeah, I was like, I guarantee you, dude, you’re stud, or you’re gonna do well, here make 20 grand. So he comes out in the summer. He goes out and sells in his first month. He makes 20 grand. And I don’t think he fully understood the pay scale. I don’t think he fully understood. You know, how it all worked out.

Because I sat down with him a month in and I was like, Hey, man, like, do you know how much you’ve made so far? And he goes, No. Really? like, No, dude, I’m just out hustling. He’s like a top Rep. And, or top rookie, right? And he’s like, No, I’m just head down. do my thing. Like, how much have I made? And I was like, well, you made 20 grand. He’s like, I mean, what? I’ve made 20 grand already. It’s like, that was my goal. Like I What? Yeah, like, he was so stoked. And I remember, you know, I I didn’t think I didn’t think it would have this repercussion. But he did he, he literally did want to count the next month, two accounts, the next month three account like one or two the next month, like he literally did like, no production since then. And in that whole summer, it was like his first month he did like 30 something accounts 40 Grand 4040 accounts. And then his second, third, fourth month, he’s doing one or two or three.

And I’m sitting there like, why is that? Like, what? Why is it that the second he realized he made 20,000 bucks. He crapped the bed. And I then put some time and said, what happens is we make enough money to survive. And then we feel like our financial bucket has been full. So Brian Tracy said you’re the average of 10% more or 10% less, you’ll make 10% more 10% less of your surroundings and I obviously agree with that. But I say you make 10% more or 10% less of what your own mental capacity can handle. And what I mean by that is most people have a subconscious unintentional number that they have to hit an only that and they struggle to break through their own mental limitation because they don’t really need to retire and hire like commissions and what happens is these Commission’s come in faster than they may be expected.

And they’re like, Oh, my buckets full. And they haven’t mentally like, changed or evolved one of the steps in the formula is evolution. And if they haven’t evolved mentally to say, Well, why can’t I make 50,000 100,000 whatever the number is, and, you know, Matt, in this situation, had just mentally hit his where he needed to be and couldn’t break through that so therefore, it creates burnout because his bucket is filled and, you know, verbally and to everyone else. He’s like, Yeah, man, I’m gonna make so much more money like I want to drive this car and I you know, he talked about it but sub consciously there was some limitation there that he isn’t he knew his needs were met. And he’d made double what he’d ever made before. his subconscious wasn’t ready for more. And now he’s gone on since and probably made a lot more money. But that year, it was a really interesting lesson that that I learned. The next one is bored. You know, the the principle of boredom is, first one is you can’t handle the mundane. first day on the job, you’re pumped, you know, you’re nervous, you’re running on adrenaline, you’re basically you know, you’re, you’re just like, yeah, like, I got this, it’s a new thing, you know, you’re new to sales is a new area, a new team, whatever that is, after saying the same pitch over and over again, after saying the same jokes after get your face kicked in the same ways, whatever that is. It just becomes boring, you’re like, I just kind of on robot mode, and we go zombie mode, you’re just kind of going through the motions, achievement comes from habits and consistency.

And habits can create boredom, boredom, like it’s habit, boredom, where, you know, day one and five, you’re like, yeah, and they 20. It’s like, I’m still doing that. And I’m feeling that right now. And in my jump training, you know, I’m about 12/3, nonprime, 13 weeks in 14 weeks in and it’s like, not really seeing much improvement. I’m just kind of like, doing the same thing. These exercises are really boring at this point. And knowing atomic habits by James clear, says the greatest threat to success is not failure, but boredom. And he talks about those that are most successful in interviewing top performers, in athletes. And I’ve, you know, I’ve had all these people on the show. It’s interesting, where it talks about you know, what the difference between the best athletes and everyone else is, is it’s not genetics, not luck. Like there’s some of those things are going to factor in genetics, log talent. But at some point, it comes down to handle the boredom of training every day, doing the same lifts over and over and over again, saying the same pitch over and over and over again, and being okay with that. And, you know, it’s not like the the glamorous answer to this. It’s not the, you know, hype everybody up. Yeah, like, that’s the first five days.

But day 100, day, 200, day 700, you’re doing the same list, the same pitches, the same whatever. And those that really want to achieve greatness can handle the boredom. And the last principle or the the next principle on boredom is really, it’s living like, variety versus security or uncertainty versus security. And so Tony Robbins talks about, you know, people living this balanced life between these six categories, he says certainty and uncertainty, significance, love, contribution and growth. And many people start in sales, because they’re ready to challenge the nine to five, they’re like mixing it up, and they want some uncertainty, they’ve had so much certainty, maybe COVID hit and then you started this direct sales thing and enforce the uncertainty. Or maybe you’re like, Man, I’m sick of making 70 grand a year, I want to try to make six figures and I heard sales is a good place to do that.

Whatever it is, what sparked your uncertainty is why you started the job. What happens is, when you start to create certainty, in your ability to sell, you start to lose this whole variety, the uncertainty goes away. It’s like, I know, if I go out and sell every week, like, I’ll get deals, like I’m not concerned about making a paycheck in direct sales. That’s how I am right now. Well, when you get to that point, it’s kind of like it starts to get bored again, you start to have no uncertainty and you start to seek uncertainty, you start to go after the whole grass is greener somewhere else. And, you know, you’re looking for some other other fix to the uncertainty.

So, you know, Elon Parr said, the cure of boredom is curiosity. There’s no cure for curiosity. And what ends up happening is curiosity actually creates what we call bouncers. in this industry. bouncers are the ones that go from one company, one industry to another to another, to another to another, and they just bounce around because they’re looking for, you know, they get the thrill maybe on uncertainty and they get bored, and they’re like, Well, you know, I just haven’t, you know, like, it just seems like mundane, and those guys never really amount to much I’ll be honest, and you know, if that’s you, then maybe try to ask yourself, like, Am I chasing uncertainty and I thrive on that and maybe you can do some certain things today to to combat that. So and then, the last one, the last point that I want to make on boredom and I have a lot more in the book, but is, you know, your sicker repetitive results and repetitive results can drive insanity, right? And it’s like, hearing over and over and over again, the same number of 1111. And, and you’re like, man, like there’s guys, my office. doing five like, I just keep doing one every day. And I had a rep named Jesse. And he talked about how, why he moved on to a different industry. And you know, every year, he sold probably three or four years. And every year he’d sell like 75 accounts. And he’s 75 accounts got really taxing on him. It was like not 76, not 70. Like two, it was like, it was weird how we’d like finish on the dollar 75. And maybe this is what sparked this whole, you know, this, I’m getting the same result. And so I’m getting burned out, I don’t know how long I can keep getting 75 and it starts to come in your belief system that that’s just who you are. I’m a 75 account rep. Who I am is I’m $100,000 earner who those people are or $500,000 earners who those people are 400 count reps, but who I am, I’ve started to create this identity around 75. And then watch Jesse do that. And you know, achievement isn’t an is innovating your current habits and finding opportunity to stretch yourself into a new edge.

And I often call this like your satisfaction level where you know, a rep and this is how you trick This is the hack. And I talk about that in the book ABCs of closing, and I and it’s basically like a normal Rep. He comes in. And if he sells zero He’s like, Oh, that’s okay. It depends on your industry, right? I’m just gonna use generic numbers here. So he comes in, he says zero He’s like, great. Got my zero today. I’m okay. Like he’s he’s not jumping off a cliff wanting to commit suicide. Like, he just like, darn it. If he sells one, he’s like, Yeah, I got one. And he’s, like, stoked out as mine. If he sells two He’s like, no way. He’s like calling mom. He’s like, Mom, like, it’s amazing. And he’s got three, he’s buying the entire office drinks. He’s taken everybody to Disneyland. And he’s like, literally like on top of the world for He can’t even imagine five. Can you imagine like, that’s not even like in his universe.

That’s his satisfaction level. In order to change that, you have to start tricking your brain. When you get one. You’re kind of like me, and a lot of reps. The other reps that have the same satisfaction level of you is like, Why are you so bummed with one dude, you got one like, yeah, you should be stoked. And you’re like, I don’t know, like, I’m not like, jumping out of my boots today. Like, and they’re like, stop being so apathetic. And you’re like, I’m just trying to change my satisfaction level. be intentional about your satisfaction level. And so, the next rep, like the top performer, if I got zero, I’m jumping off a cliff, like it was like one in a million days, I would get zero. And I remember the time I came home, my office was like, Guys, we need to make Sam like, literally feel it. I got zero. I was so nervous to show up to my sales meeting. I literally walk in the sales meeting and my entire team is back there just like, buckle up. Like they were so excited to like, see me bleed. And I I’m just like, yeah, I am human to, like, that is a thing. And yeah, I got my face kicked in. And yeah, I’m like, wanting to shoot somebody and I’m like, What’s wrong with me?

And I was like, how I felt and number you know, I get one. I felt like that was zero and like that, like, that’s not acceptable. I get two I’m like, Yeah, yeah, I got two today. Like, that’s whatever. Three, I’m like, Okay, good. I got my goal. They’re like I had a good day. For I’m like, Yeah, fine. I’m like, like, I had a big day six. I’m like calling mom. I’m like samspot Mom, do the roller coaster like Yeah, everybody jump up seven on binary drinks. Eight. I’m like, calling frickin like, when do I get a T shirt? Nine. I’m like, Yeah, 10. I couldn’t fathom 11 I couldn’t fathom. There are people out there that can fathom 11 in a day. And it’s just what is the satisfaction level? I interviewed Josh Sutherland, who, you know, he averaged about 20 a week for five a day or whatever. And he had a mission to go out and put in 100 deals in a week. And you know, for his best week ever being 30. To go to 100 is kind of a big leap. It’s a quantum leap is what we call that. And he he literally goes in and he’s like, does 11 his first day, which is his biggest day ever. He’s like, wow, new like Heights, New this, and then goes and starts turning 20 plus a day. He hits 118 deals in a week. And he did it. And then I interview him. And I was like, so what would it be like going back to having a three spot? Man, I had three before nine o’clock in the morning. fathom that. fathanah He’s like, I just would feel like a bagel. If I ever sold three a day. At the end of the day. I I felt that was really interesting how he said that because I think back I’m like, man, if I would have had days where I was doing 20 in a day when 20 was a good week for me. I’m like, yeah, What? How would that change my satisfaction? So a hack to this? So one of the nuggets would be, how do you put your pedal to the metal for like one day or one week, like he did, where he broke through and did 118. And what that did is it changed his satisfaction level. So when he comes home, there’s a new bar. Many people don’t ever plan out or are intentional about having a breakthrough day, and hitting a new PR. And so you got to live just beyond your edge.

And so if you’ve been averaging two a day, my invitation if you’re listening or watching this is to say, Hey, I’m gonna map out a Saturday, or I’m gonna throw in five, and I’m going to commit to doing five, and I’m gonna have my biggest day ever, I’m gonna plan it out and get out early, I’m gonna like map it like, it’s like you put some thought into like, your PR day. Now, all of a sudden, you’re like, I can do that. And it changes that satisfaction level. So that would be my hack to overcoming burnout. Because when you’re seeing new results, it’s more fun. But if you’re getting the same results, it gets boring. So the last one is Jayden jaded is the third principle of burnout. Because, you know, you start working for a company, and you’re like, I’m gonna go to bat for these them and put them my blood, heart and soul. Now I work for a company makes it the name. And they hired me as the VP. And I brought my entire network, I brought tons of people we’re throwing down, we’re doing more production than any other solar company in Utah, hands down, like twice as much. They had five guys, when I showed up in a month and a half, we had 80 people to the point where they’re putting me on a hiring freeze. That was the first moment I felt jaded. Like you put you in a hiring freeze, like what direct sales company, put somebody on a hiring freeze. And I’m like, uh, so boom, number one tick, then all of a sudden, I wasn’t getting paid. And I’m like, I’m not getting paid. Like, how can my paychecks? Oh, yeah, yeah, we’ll get to that, like, you’ll get to the paychecks. Two months go by no paychecks.

I had reps coming to me, and they’re like, dude, the guy paid me 50 or five grand. My Commission’s were 70 $384. And then I approached him about it. And he’s like, yeah, yeah, that’s good enough, isn’t it? That’s a great check. No, my commission check is 7000. You know what I mean? And, and all of a sudden, my people start feeling jaded. And I literally watched, the wind gets sucked out of our sails. And because over and over and over again, we felt like we were getting jaded. And I was like, it wasn’t motivating to go continue to knock and continue to recruit and continue to like, every day work 16 hour days when I was doing it. I mean, it was like, literally, I was putting my life into this, like, my marriage was going to crap. Like I was having days where I was like, literally, my heart was pumping faster, or like, beating faster than probably should. Like, I remember, this was a stressful time of life, because I really wanted to build something really want to make a dent in the soccer game. And I had a lot of people counting on me. And it was tough. I mean, I just I got to a point I was like, these people are living way out of integrity. They’re living like, it’s like I felt like I was getting, I did get stolen, like they stole effing money from me. Like, that’s not a fun feeling. They still owe me hundreds of 1000s of dollars. And, yeah, I mean, you get burnt out, when you have stuff like that happen to you. Like, that’s an easy way to burn something out. And so if you’re a leader, manager, that should be a lesson learned where, you know, if you if you wronged somebody, they’re not going to sit there and work their ass off for you. And so, if you’re a rep, or you’re somebody that feels dated in this situation, sometimes we actually what happens is we get what’s called made up offenses. So there’s real offenses like this happened, that was no fake, that was like money in an account, like it was very real. But I’m sure there was offenses where I started to grow these bigger than they maybe were, in my head, I started to justify why I would get more and more and more jaded and more and more frustrated with the current situation.

And maybe some of that I was made up, it was a story for me. And a lot of times when the going gets tough, it’s very easy to start to create stories in your head to where you, you know, you kind of make up why you are jaded, and then that jaded turns into burnout. And then you’re like, I just can’t freakin go out today like I don’t know, like, just get it next week and start to procrastinate results, you start to negotiate with yourself and your habits and you start to let that devil on the right shoulder when distracting you from your True Vision. And so if you’re lost, and obviously you don’t know the direction you’re running towards them just gets boring. And then you feel jaded because you get screwed over by the situation.

And you might feel jaded by yourself, you’re like man, I’m jaded because I didn’t study and I didn’t work as hard as I should have another summer is coming to an end and I could have tartare. But I didn’t know I didn’t make the money that I wanted to. So now I’m jaded. And it’s like, you’re blaming yourself, but you still feel jaded. That’s a real thing. So, anyway, the three principles of burnout, again, lost, bored or jaded, because burnout isn’t even a thing. It’s fictional, 100% fictional. There are guys that go in and out all day, when they know how to bring awareness in combat these three different sins or devils or combatives to burn up. So anyway, hopefully this was helpful. You know, share this, like, honestly, everybody in this industry right now with peak season at its finest right now, they should be putting pedal to the metal, you’re better sales reps than you’ve ever been today, you’ve got more tools, more sales, like more, practice more, you know, software and sales systems are getting better and better every day. You know, like, now is the best time to sell. I look back when I first started in 2008.

And I was like, man, if I would have had an app, I remember I was literally drawing on a piece of paper people’s areas and like, cutting them out, like handing them like, I mean, the fact that you have like streamline, like you can run credit like this, you can, you know, you’re not calling people, it’s all digital, like you have digital contracts. I remember I’d run out of paperwork and have to drive back to the office and be like, Man amount of contracts, I can’t sell like, you know, and you’d be scrambling trying to find more contracts.

I mean, guys, today is the best time to sell and be grateful. You know, another combative element is gratitude. So just have gratitude and every day and you’ll you’ll not be so burnt out like this is one of the greatest vehicles, the greatest jobs, you just take pride in the fact that you knock doors, but sometimes not glamorous. Sometimes it’s not as fun as maybe some dude sit in an office. And that looks starts to look really appealing. But I promise it’s not appealing. Six months in, you’re gonna get so bored sitting at a desk. The reason why you did this job is because it has uncertainty. Go create some uncertainty, challenge yourself to push your edge. And that’s what’s going to create this need for uncertainty. And go get Thank you guys. I hope you guys liked this episode. We’ll see you guys on the next one.

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Silhouette of a person with a stylized design, set against a red and blue background, accompanied by the initials "nkcl.

Learn More About Our National Knocking League

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Silhouette of a person with a stylized design, set against a red and blue background, accompanied by the initials "nkcl.

Learn More About Our National Knocking League

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A logo featuring the words "closer school" in capital letters with a sniper scope graphic centered above the 'o' and a red stamp overlay on the right side indicating a "live event.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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Logo of the d2d sales training summit with stylized letters and numbers in a monochrome palette.

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Ad2con6: the emblem for the sixth edition of an advanced design and development conference, featuring a sleek, modern logo in purple and magenta hues.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

Ultimate Business Experience and Training

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Abr: always be recruiting - the proactive motto for relentless talent acquisition.

Always Be Recruiting

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A stylized icon of a house with a line through it, set against a dark red background, with the words "sales planner" written above. it appears to be a graphic related to planning or management in the context of real estate or housing sales.

Download Your D2D Sales Planner Today!

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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