Natasha Graziano: How to use Social Media to Build Influence

21 Min Read

Last Updated: November 15, 2021
Natasha Graziano: Use Social Media to Build Influence

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Sam Taggart 00:19

Hi, everybody, welcome to the D2D podcast. And today I have a very special friend, soul sister and she is going to crush D2DCon5, so pay attention. She’s one of our keynote speakers.

She is one of the biggest female biggest speakers best speakers rated by Forbes under 40. As a female speaker and motivation and mindset, she has over 7 million followers on Instagram and she has helped millions of people and mindset and coached and inspired so many people to just be a better human being and manifesting their true dreams to come to reality.

And I’m very honored and privileged to have built this relationship, and it’s a new relationship. I know we are gonna go on to do many cool things together. Even her husband is playing in our three-on-three basketball tournament come D2DCon5. So that’ll be epic. And he’s gonna be speaking at the VIP dinner and he is somebody that’s traveled around the world every single country and so anyway introducing the one and only Natasha. What’s up girl?

Natasha Graziano: Use Social Media to Build Influence


so brother I cannot believe it, born on the same birthday what are the chances are the exact same year I mean, the only difference might be the time that we were born but apart from that it’s…

Sam Taggart 01:36
nuts It’s nuts. And so we that’s why when we initially like wow, we you know you’ve any grams and all the other like things I’m sure it’s like oh, like just since we got to know each other it’s been so fun to see your energy and mind just very similar. You’re just put in a more pretty female body and I’m just stuck in this like who knows raspy little man so I I want to hear your story. So you went from Yeah, I guess let’s let’s rewind when it at what point were you like alright, I’m going to be a freakin badass and boss bed that just goes and changes the world. Like, where did this all kind of stem from?

You know, the truth is, it was when I was in my worst. It was when I was really lonely, sad. I had an illness at the time I was in a bad place I was I’d lost my football club, I’d lost my sense of me. It was where it was, it stemmed out of my why it came when I was broke. I was homeless, I was literally at the point of there is no more for me in this world. I was in such a negative place negative mindset. And I wanted to find a way out I wanted to find a cure. And I’ll tell you what happened. This is the literal the pinnacle moment. I was in South Africa at my parents when they were getting married. And we’d all flown there to be there. He having the illness, I just put over the being homeless part gone back into being with my family, okay, I’m a single mom with my my my career just giving you some background and what had happened. I get to South Africa with them. They take me there like you’ve got to come and you know what, come on down. I’ll be there for her with your other siblings. And I can barely do one heart medication I get there. And I’m literally like, the anxiety they have because of the medication as well. And the illness was so high so that anyway, I finally managed to get down the aisles and I collapsed on the bed often. And I put on a song in the background in motivational speech by Denzel Washington, I’m listening to my walk to the mirror in my bathroom, black pouring down my face with makeup standing in front of the mirror and looking at myself saying what is happening and then the voice of the girl starts. This big motivational speech starts to almost preach over meat life. And I hear it and then I hear this that this voice saying you’re going to be a motivational speaker and I was like, what me? Look at me, I’ve lost my football. I’m never gonna have me back again. But the crazy thing that happened in this moment was I then found this ray of light and every day you get a choice, right? Whether you’re going to focus on the negative and get stuck in a bad mood or whether you’re going to get stuck in a good mood. And then if you focus on that ray of light that you see every day that one flicker of light if you focus on that and you follow it through, you could maintain that good mood that good feeling just a little bit longer everyday and that one flick of it came on right there. I started preaching life over myself and saying to myself, this is only temporary you are destined for greatness. The words that I teach my clients to say over themselves in the mirror, it’s a mirror exercise, right? And I started saying to myself, you are going to do great things you are gonna do better than this. This is only temporary This illness is not you. It does not belong to you. Get rid of it and leave it behind now step into your glory step into your greatness and become who you’re connected. You’re destined to be what your birth It is. And I’m like preaching these words over myself. That was the start of my journey. That was when I said, I got to go out there. But I don’t only want to come back as normal, and back to where I was before, because it’s not about who I was before. It’s not about who you were before your trauma or your COVID experience, or whatever you went through. During quarantine, it’s not about who you were before it. It’s about who you are, after it, about who you are. Now, after the door to door event, who are you? Now often you’ve been through that, after you’ve had that breakthrough? Who are you now that’s what I knew, I wanted to come out of it and go on to I made a deal with universe, that if the universe showed me how to heal myself that I would go on to share that with the world that I would go on not only to heal myself, but I would go on and make every day my assignment, my mission, to spread how I healed myself with the world. And literally there and before me, dropped into the palms of my hands after lots of reading 1000, over 1000 self development books. And I would do this and it went on and on. I’ve been doing that for years anyway. And I would study lots of deep study learning about different techniques. I’ll tell you about my MBS in a bit. But basically, where did this come from this urge suddenly that that method falls into my hands do various different things that happened to me. And my NBS method was born. And then I went on to share that with the world and say, I’m going to share this with 100 million people by December the 30th 2030.

“I was like, Why limit it to that?”

Sam Taggart 06:29
Wow, that’s inspiring. I mean, it just simple. You applied the very basic version, or the simple form that we’ve all been taught, of manifesting. And you look at you now and it’s like, you’re on your journey to that 100 million, you know, and what’s funny is so many people, I had this refrain the other day, and it might be actually the new company name. And I’ve never shared this with anyone. So I’m saying this as a hesitant pause if you’re listening to this, but, you know, we were talking about, like, 100 million, or, you know, I’m going to share this with 7 million, you know, XYZ and, and I kept saying, I was like, Why limit it to that? Why limit it? Like why, what if it’s only what if it’s only 50 million? Like, is that mean, you weren’t enough? Like, you know, and we started talking through this of like, chasing versus just being in the present? And then I simply said, what if it’s not 10x? What if it’s infinex? And I said, What if there’s just infinite possibility, and however, that unfolds, I’m just committed every day to giving my gift and giving my best and giving my full, ultimate sparkle, I love the word sparkle that you bring in and it just like, I am going to shine for the world, and I plan to change it and help those that are ready to be changed. And, yes,

you know it, but when you’re doing it now, you haven’t not achieved if you if you only get half of that number, that’s half more than you are now. Because right now whoever’s listening, if you’ve only hit one person in your business, go to reach one person, then if you aim to eat, reach 20, by the end of the year, and you only get to table well done, that’s no more than you did. Now, it’s about striving that extra bit, it’s about going that little bit further, it’s about saying I can do it, and I’m going to go for it, check this out, give you a great tip, write this down. If you do three small goals a day towards your main goal, three small goals. Domain only break it down. I want to sell more of this product, I want to sell more of the service that we offer. Okay, your title that and you want to sell 10 million of those products by the end of the year, or maybe the month, whatever it is. Then underneath that you want to break it down to lots of small details, choose three and do three a day. And guess what, at the end of the year, that’s 1096 Gold year and what does that mean? You are 1009 steps, the steps on your side hustle was your main hustle. Now your whole vibe is happening. Everything that you want is already yours. 1090. That’s a full business plan happened and generating cash and funds. Anyone with the greater good. And think of how it’s benefiting people because I’ll tell you this much money is just a byproduct of success. Success is what you strive for. And then how are you helping people? How is your product or service benefiting somebody else’s like most success you’re having, therefore the more money you’ll have abc. And so if you can step into understanding your own greatness and having no limitations around you, the only limitations those limitations that we put in the walls of our mind crashed in the middle of a stick. You don’t want that you want to remove those rules. You want to remove those limitations baby, you want to say I know where I want to go, this is what I want to go and I believe I can go there and you know what, I’m going to connect it I’m going to help people the more problems I’m solving the more money I’m going to make the more problems I solve everyday people more value I’m offering to their life. Let me ask you something every single day and answer this Honestly, are you offering value to people’s lives? Are you offering people more value to their health to better their business to be more like you or not? Because if you are not offering value to people’s lives, helping them to better their life help them to be more like you helping them to improve their health, whatever it might be, then really, is it? Is it really something that’s an alignment with your purpose? And maybe not maybe it’s just a cash thing? But I would ask you to really think about what you’re doing and does it help people does it benefit people? Because that is true manifestation that is true living true purpose and true fulfillment.

Natasha Graziano: Use Social Media to Build Influence

Sam Taggart 10:38
Amen, girl, hey, man, I feel like I’m in a sermon right now. I’m like, Alright, if you’re listening to this, please pull out your scriptures to Matthew six. And I’m like, preacher, preach, praying for them. I’m loving it. So

much. And you know, the incredible thing, I speak without dogma and religion, and it sounds like you’re in a religious church. And I believe in God, I don’t put my beliefs on to anyone else, though. But what I do know is it is all the same thing. With any scripture with anything, it’s all the same things kindness, forgiveness, gratitude.

Sam Taggart 11:13
Love, I’ve gone through an interesting journey around just beliefs over the last year. And I’ve just realized, it’s like, wow, we are putting bounds so often to spirituality. When in reality, it’s just like you said, it’s the same principles taught in a self help book is it’s taught in the scriptures, it’s taught in a podcast, as it’s taught around your whole manifesting, creating realities to expressing love and serving mankind. And, you know, it’s like, there’s just this element of a higher law that I hope the world is ready to wake up to. Because I think that everyone out there is kind of trapped in this like judgment zone. And I think a lot of times religions create this, you’re wrong, I’m right. I’m judging you. I should, you know, and, and we get sucked into that. I’m not saying that. What I’m seeing is it masks the the higher law a lot of times, which is just love, and do good in serve in love everyone in anyway. So I love that. So let’s, let’s shift gears a little bit. You are speaking at door to door con, give us a little flavor of like, why are you excited about that event? Like why? Why are you like damn, like door to door people like what like, freak, you’re gonna fly in from Europe and change our world and community, when you first heard about this event, what got you excited, and what maybe give us a little taste of what you’re gonna be speaking on? Maybe.

“what value are you offering to your business?”

I love it. I mean, when I first you know, knew I was going to speak it DTV I was beyond excited. It’s an event, which is world renowned. The best of the best entrepreneurs who’ve been to it, it’s some you know, people like Ed my lat, and I can’t remember who else said it was their favorite stage, they’ve ever, you know, audience you’ve ever spoken to. There are so many people who adore speaking on these stages, because there is such an incredible energy in the audience. I’m excited about that. I’m excited to actually learn and be there and be a part of it and speak with people who are they’re coming all that way they’re traveling to maybe and understand people’s values and where they want to go and help them connect to their purpose, help them connect their business and their purpose, help them to have more influence and impact in the world, build their social media upscale it how to understand aligning all the parts of your mindset, because 80% of it is in the mindset 20% in the actions you want to show people how they’re gonna have more influence and impact but using their mindset to get going. That’s like the ammunition that’s like the accelerated authority accelerator to begin, that might even be the name of my talk. And then after that, after you understand how to unlock that key to getting what it is you want. Now apply that method into an action plan Action Plan was named my first book, okay, so what you want to do is understand how to accelerate now and have more impact and income in the world creating your own business within a business if you want your own business, scaling it on social media, hitting more people and becoming a thought leader, an influencer in your fields when people say who’s the best car salesman? Well, we know who that is. Who’s the best roofing guy we know who that is. Who’s the best guy in construction, we know who that is. We you want to know you want to know those people that interior designers. I know when I go too late, I’m gonna hit up A, B or C, because I know who they are. They’ve done this house, they’ve done that house they’ve done Leonardo’s Kardashians, whatever. So I understand which designer I would go to you want to have that you want to be the authority in your field, because let me show you one thing, which is freaking nuts. If you go on to your Instagram DMS right now and you go into this primary general then the third box is request, get your requests okay, how Look at this, it’ll blow your mind right now anyone who’s doing it, if you hit request, it comes up in an order of descending order. And it’s systematically listed, which means it is listed by the persons following. So it says the Tasha Graziano and then next we’ll have a blue tick, if I’ve got a blue tick, and then underneath me it will say 7 million followers underneath me will be the next person who’s messaged you, who has the next biggest following next, Mr. Might have 5 million followers, then it goes right down to 300k 20k 10k. Now, if you’re in the small box at the bottom, your messages aren’t even showing up in the people’s inboxes, where they should be on everyone’s tucked up their inbox, and someone’s coming in there with like 20 million followers or whatever. So I want to be hitting it right at the top every single time. Every door that I’ve ever knocked on has been digital, every single door. I knocked on 50 doors a day. That’s over $18,000 A year $18,000 A year I knocked on and you know what I did? I digitally knocked, I sent them a DM and you know what they answered? Why did they answer to me because there was a blue tick next to my name and the word and the letter M which means you know, millions of followers. When you have you have your name and you knock on someone’s door and say, Hey, what’s up? I want to collaborate with you. The answer is always fuck yes. And that’s where you want to be. You want to be in the hell yes section, you want to be where they do not even debate it. When I got my show off the ground. I didn’t have a podcast, I created a show by Instagram. And the very first guest they had was this awesome guy called Dave Meltzer who I’m speaking with next week at the you know, another conference and the point isn’t this all those people say yes. So then I had Tom Billy on the show. Great. He’s also at the event, you know, door to door with you. I’m so excited. I had some incredible speakers on that. I have so many people that are your event that I had with Jim quick, just a little guys. They’ve all been on my show. And then I there’s some of them, I ended up masterminding with later on. But anyone can do it. You don’t have to be a star. Anyone can do this. Just understand how to get a bigger following how to have more authority in your field. And I’ll tell you what, people look forward to three things. We’re about time to write these down. But when you do that, that’s how it’s awesome. I didn’t know that these guys will say yes, but they’re gonna say yes, because of that this show 150 episodes later on Instagram, a year later turned into a top rated podcast. And I’m like, I still don’t know how, like, how is my show already top rate, it’s been out for like a matter of months. Because my people are going they’re phenomenal. And it’s that’s drawing it in, I’m leveraging what I have, and they’re leveraging what they have to understand its leverage. Here’s my final thing for you, which you’re going to learn three things people look for you ready, one? What value are you offering? So what value are you offering to your business? Like I just spoke about? How are you helping people solve problems, but they want to see what value you’re offering on that post on Instagram, they want to see what you are serving to the world that could be in your website and your promotions everywhere. What value offering number two, where have they seen you? So when I landed your page because Instagram’s new business card, I literally land on your page. And I’m like, let me see you there alongside Whoa, there alongside this guy, that guy, this guy that when I first came to Sam, I was like, Whoa, he works with everyone. This guy’s a fucking genius. I have to work with him. I was like, yes, it was a winner. Because I could see Sorry, that’s part three. Who you who have you been alongside? So that’s that made me trust you. And then wherever I see you what publications? So what publications are you and where there is a trust you so one get what value you’re offering to wherever they see new, that’s the publications like where do they trust you if I’ve been in this one, that one people gonna trust me more. If you’re if you’re not seeing in publications, people don’t always know that it’s a reputable company. Think about it, you’re booking an Airbnb, when you book something online, you go, the one that’s got big reviews, right makes you feel better. And so it’s the same with the practice of you’ve been all over the press, people just gonna trust you more. And then three, who have they seen you alongside who you’re associated with. So when you see that someone is associated with someone else that you already trust, it makes you want to follow them, they want to buy from them. And every single time someone presses follow, they become a sticky follower, and they follow you. But if they come to your page, it’s quite frankly, like a dating app, they come to your page and you do not have a lit following you do not have something going on that is offering them huge value some numbers to back it up to say, Yeah, they’re really legit, people will not follow you. They’ll do this, like a dating app swipe, and they’ll swipe to the next page because your competitor has more followers than you they trust it that little bit more. So it’s the bandwagon effect. A want to see your page you’ve got loads of followers.

Sam Taggart 19:35
And a lot of people don’t recognize how important that is when it comes to recruiting when it comes to you know really credibility with the homeowner when you’re in there selling it when you’re coming to leadership. You know, when you’re when you’re coming from a place of authority. If if you come in and say hey, you guys, you should all do this, just based on your influence. Naturally, we’re gonna be like, oh, yeah, she’s probably right because she has so much she’s written a book. She’s been this she’s done this, you knows these people, and it makes the process of selling way easier, or the process of getting people to do what you want them to do way easier, like you said earlier, like, I was damning these people showing up in a place of influence versus the low scraps. And they were like, Yeah, open my doors to a person like you. And I think a lot of people underestimate that power. And it takes time. So like, you know, a lot of people, they, they’re like, Oh, I missed the bandwagon. Oh, I, you know, it’s I’m already it’s a has been, I wish I would have started this five years ago. But I think that we need to change that reframe and being like, no, no, you can start now. Like, you can start being somebody of influence today. You know what I mean? It’s just, it takes time, right? So it’s not like, boom, everyone loves your video that you just put out and maybe one goes viral. Maybe you catches on like, but I guess what advice would you give somebody that maybe is feeling a little discouraged? They’re a year in, they still only get 100 people to watch their videos, you know? And they’re just like, I’m doing it? What advice would you give that person.

Natasha Graziano: Use Social Media to Build Influence

So if you are, you know, your your like, you just feel like that struggle everyday you feel stuck with it, you feel like I’m motivated with it for you. What I’m going to tell you is come to the conference, and you’re going to come learn from these geniuses I’m going to be speaking alongside. And hey, I may even throw in a few really great tangible tips for you which are going to change your life things which I have not revealed before. Things which you can take away, I may even give you a free gift, which is conducive to the to the conference, but let me give you something right now. And you’re stuck in that place. When you feel like I just don’t know what to do. Or you missed the bandwagon either way, let me tell you, if you have perseverance for that, and you just change your angle, and you look at it from the audience perspective, you look at it from your viewers perspective, right? You sell the result, not the product, you sell the result? So what is it you’re selling? But look at that as the viewer? And can they see the result on your page? Can they visually see what they are buying when they follow you the importance of that people have no idea around? And is there a call to action on it? The funny thing is if you build it, you get no traction with it. It’s because you are not utilizing your audience the biggest thing people fail that is the first hurdle is it a two way conversation Have you made it a two way dialogue versus a one way dialogue. Most people just post post post post, they don’t realize you can do all your market research from your Instagram, I did my entire market research for my book 99.8% said this particular title of my book bit till you become it. Like all wanted to tailor it to you becoming versus anything else. It was amazing. And I had to go through that. But I use my audience to leverage and understand where I wanted to go with the publisher, etc. So you can do that same thing. But you’ve got to make it a two way dialogue. So you can ask them. Hey, guys in your story, check this out. I’m gonna throw one amazing tip away for you right here. Hey, guys. I’m thinking of creating this new product. What do you think about it? And then underneath that you put a yes or no poll. And then you can change the wording, yes or no to love that I would buy it or not really interested. And then if you get a massive list it within 24 hours on that store. And I can show you how to do that. If you get a massive list on that yes button, you’re going to know that product wanted by audience now you know, you’re going to go sell and hey, let me tell you one further thing, that whole list who said yes, I want that service, guess what, go send them a DM and sell to them tomorrow. So you’ve got a whole new client base just for one little Instagram post. I’m going to show you how to do six figures from your DM, I will show you how to do six figures from your Instagram story. But I want to show you how to what purpose and impact in the world and use your influence for the greater good tune.

Sam Taggart 23:36
Love that. I love that. Well. Let’s one more question because I want to be sensitive of your time. And I know you’ve got another appointment got her into and I do too. I guess my one piece of advice. I guess one one good piece of advice for somebody that maybe is feeling a little bit where you were when you had you were kind of homeless and you had really no hope you were in an a bad relationship. You were, you know, mentally not there. And like, somebody is going through a slump like that. And they feel like man, I have lost my sparkle. And we talked about this, both of us have gone through our own single, you know, separations. And but I guess, yeah, somebody is like, I don’t have my sparkle. And I’m kind of waking up to that. What advice would you give them.

“don’t get lost into the negative self talk”

You notice that when you use your sparkle, it can be very daunting, because you will want somebody with your own full sparkle. And so don’t get lost into the wording of your own self don’t get lost into the negative self talk. Because if you get lost into that downward spiral, you’re just going to continue further down. So when you feel like you’ve lost your your sparkle, you have to apply a new shift in your mindset. You have to apply something new to build the neural pathways in the brain to a new belief system. Okay, so you have to start doing something different Stop reading different books, stop researching things that you want to do, you’ve got to find the light, like I said, at the end of the tunnel and focus on it, you may see it for just two minutes a day, you may see it for two hours a day. But when you see that glimmer of light makes you feel good, hang on to it with all your mind, hang on to it and let it take you to your next placement. Just go with that. And say, I am going to go with this right now. And every day, it will get longer and longer and longer. And that ray of light will grow and you will feel good and your foot better. But you’ve got to take that little bit of spot and go with it. You’ve got to do methods, techniques, like meditation, like maybe my MBS method, but it’s usually able synchronicity, it’s a bit like NLP and all these things combined. You’ve got young, you can do anything, you want people to do things that really go into a deeper subconscious level. Because those central subconscious mind powers in your experience in your reality is a direct reflection. And it’s all about what’s going on in your subconscious mind or in your subconscious mind. If you have a negative belief system, then your reticular activating system in your brain, which filters 2 million bits a day to every second because, see, it’s basically going to show you evidence around you to prove that your belief system is real. So every day, I can’t do this anymore, I’ve lost my full sparkle, I’m never going to be me again. Well, you know what your reticular activating system is going to continue to show you evidence around you to prove that your belief system is real. So you can switch that belief system even if you don’t believe it. Hence, my book is called Be it until you become it. You have to literally switch your mindset into a new place into a new feeling. And that’s building those pathways strength in your brain, and then your reticular activating system will respond and show you evidence around you to prove the new credit. Even if you don’t yet believe it fully, but at least you’re trying to. And you’re doing it until you become because you’re saying I believe I am worthy of financial freedom. I believe I’m worthy of abundance. I believe I’m worthy of moving out of corporate America into my own thing. I believe I’m worthy of building this business up to a nine figure Empire I believe I’m worthy of etc. If you can put that new belief thought process into your subconscious mind and your reticular activating system in your brain will show you that evidence around you and opportunities, events and people and places to show it’s real. You’ll be surprised you’re like, wow, so it was opportunity around to see Chris it was always the opportunity was always you just see it with different eyes.

Sam Taggart 27:36
I love that. That’s so good. The opportunity was always there. You just see it from different eyes. That’s the new mantra. The opportunity is always there. See it from different eyes fire on Natasha. Thanks so much, guys. If you’re listening, you haven’t got your ticket tickets are selling out fast. Did January 13 through the 15th Do not miss this. It’s going to be something you guys are going to definitely want to be a part of. And we’re so honored and blessed to have somebody like Natasha show up and and just blow our minds literally melt our minds, shuffle it up, put it back in our heads and say good luck to him. Let’s go. And I am so grateful for our relationship. And I look forward to continuing to deepen that. So I’ll let you go and guys like share and subscribe to this. This is a this is definitely one of many that are going to be coming of some of the keynotes. So make sure to pay to stay tuned for our next episodes.

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The image depicts a logo for a business bootcamp named "the straits," featuring the text alongside a stylized red icon that resembles a combination of the letter "a" and a geometric shape.

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The image appears to be the logo of "d2d experts," which is stylized with a red and black color scheme, incorporating a distinctive x-shaped graphic element as part of the "experts" text.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

Free Solar Appointment Request

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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FreeSales Training

FreeSales Training

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Sales playbook logo with a stylized, abstract representation of an upward trend and a playbook strategy symbol integrated into the text.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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Business playbook logo depicting a stylized playbook with a red checkmark, representing strategies for successful business practices.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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Silhouette of a person with a stylized design, set against a red and blue background, accompanied by the initials "nkcl.

Learn More About Our National Knocking League

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Silhouette of a person with a stylized design, set against a red and blue background, accompanied by the initials "nkcl.

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A logo featuring the words "closer school" in capital letters with a sniper scope graphic centered above the 'o' and a red stamp overlay on the right side indicating a "live event.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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Logo of the d2d sales training summit with stylized letters and numbers in a monochrome palette.

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Ad2con6: the emblem for the sixth edition of an advanced design and development conference, featuring a sleek, modern logo in purple and magenta hues.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

Ultimate Business Experience and Training

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Abr: always be recruiting - the proactive motto for relentless talent acquisition.

Always Be Recruiting

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A stylized icon of a house with a line through it, set against a dark red background, with the words "sales planner" written above. it appears to be a graphic related to planning or management in the context of real estate or housing sales.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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