What’s up, guys? It’s Sam Taggart here and I’m going to go into how to go from one sale a day to two sales a day. If you want more free sales training, more psychology, more tips and tricks, click the link and you’ll get access to a bunch of free content.
Tap Out
Let’s dive into this the first tip on how to go from one sale a day to two sales a day is simply when you tap out. Meaning, your mind is playing tricks on you and saying I’m a one-a-day guy. Jordan Belfort spoke at our event, D2DCon, and he talked about how many coolers a day are you going to get rid of. Most guys were cooler guys. He’s like, are you a one cooler guy or are you a five cooler guy? Because the five cooler guys are the ones that are balling. So, today, I’m going to talk about what’s the mindset to get you out of being a one cooler guy. The first one is where you see yourself. So, if you were to list yourself and you go, if I bagel, I’m pissed, right? If I get one, I’m excited. If I get two, I’m like ecstatic. I’m just, I’m pumped out. I’m just so excited to go from one to two a day. You just have to change these numbers to say I’m pissed at one, I’m excited at two, and I’m ecstatic at three. Does that make sense? So, those that can change the shift and choose when to tap out instead of saying, I sold one by three o’clock, and then kind of coasting the rest of the day. like dude I hit my quota. I did my time. I got my mental goal. I want it to be a higher bar set for myself. So, getting one sale is well, that’s basically like a bagel. I should be pissed that I’ve only got one sale and I’m hunting for my second. That is the first step.
Now, let’s go into step number two. Referrals, referrals, referrals are your way to just instantly start doubling. The easiest sales are referrals. So, if I simply said I’m a one a day guy and this one a day is going to get me another deal every time, meaning I build a sweet referral process into the end of my sale. Then they’re going to help me leapfrog my next sale. What happens is if I’m selling this guy, he’s like, yeah, I just bought he’s got this emotional high. He’s more inclined to refer me right then and there, so I’m going to leverage that emotion. He’s going to do what we call a leapfrog. This is my variation of leapfrog. I’m going to jump over that step and he’s going to set my next appointment up for me. My whole goal is he sets my next appointment for me, so in the end I go, let’s call somebody right now. See, if I can get an appointment right now to work, you’re literally just sending me right over to this guy, I’m going to do that same cycle, he’s going to send me over to this guy and if I get good and efficient with that process, I’m going to go much more than just a two a day guy. I’m going to go three, four, and five a day and my sales are going to happen a lot quicker. Okay, so how do we own referrals instead of just hunting that cold contact is tip number two.
The last one is how to be more efficient with your time. So, when I efficiently started to become a top performer, my simple sales process took me about 1 and a half hours. So, I did the math, I say ok, and know my ratios. I know for every six people I talk to I’m going to get into one home and I know for every one home I get into, I’m going to close about half of those. So, here’s my ratio, but in order to talk to 66 people, I’ve got to you know, make X amount of calls, or X amount of cold calls, right? So, I’m going to talk to six and I’m going to get into one home. You need one demonstration and I’m going to close half of those. That was my ratio and it took about an hour and a half. In each home so that’s three hours. Let’s just do the math. Three hours of demoing for one sale to talk to six people probably took me an hour and a half. So, I simply said okay, four and a half five hours of my day to get one deal. So, I said wait a minute, how do I change that? It’s hard to go change. I can run faster, I actually got a scooter to go make more contact so I can move quicker. I started driving around two homes because I was in the country far-distant homes and I was like okay, let’s go quick. I said how do I accelerate this and then how do I fix this? Because here was the big bulk of my day, was it’s like okay out of my whole sales process, three hours to get my one sale right? So, what I did is I simply cut down on this and said my average sales time, how do I cut out the non-essential stuff? In my sales process, am I building too much rapport? Am I telling too many stories? Am I overselling? And with these minor changes, what ended up happening was my sales ratio actually went up and my time per sale, I broke down to 45 minutes. Then I said okay, I want to get to three, four, five a day sales, but that’s impossible if it takes 45 minutes to make a sale. It said let’s break it down and let’s get down to 30 minutes. I brought my sales process to under 30 minutes. Pretty much every time I didn’t find myself with the old lady talking for two hours, I had a friend that I worked with that played risk with a customer. His average sales process was literally three hours. I’m like well, an hour and a half of that is playing risk on your iPad. Like, you’re never going to be a top performer with that process. I use that example because a lot of times we are doing our own version of risk with the customer because we are afraid to get back out there and start the cold contact process again and it’s much more comfortable sitting with a customer chat and shooting the breeze, whether they buy or not. So my third tip for getting more sales is your efficiency.
Raise your bar. know where you tap out, change your mindset to get more referrals, it’s just instant deals and number three be much more efficient with your time and the time it takes you to sell one deal. If you want more tips and tricks, we have a whole training, a whole University on sales. If you just click the link you can schedule a demo and we’ll go over what we have in our University. I’d love to help you out and I hope you enjoyed this so, like, comment, and share this with others!