How Does Playing Professional Football Compare to Door to Door? – Mitch Mathews 1000+ Pest Acts 2018

31 Min Read

Last Updated: October 12, 2018

Speaker 1: (00:02)

Bill, Can I help you?

Speaker2: Hey listen up, I’m bringing you the best content to ever exist in the door to door industry from sales leadership, recruiting, impersonal development.

Speaker 1:

Why would I need that?

Speaker 2:

Because never before have we been able to collaborate with the top experts in their industries, sharing their secrets and techniques and what makes them the best.

Speaker 1: Wait, who? Who are you?

Speaker 2:
I’m your host. Sam Taggart, creator of the D2D experts in D2Dcon. Is there a place we can sit down?

Speaker 1:
We’ll come on him.

Speaker 3: Register today for D2DCon, learn from over 40 amazing speakers including the real wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort. Come as a team. Learn as a team. Leave as a tribe.

Speaker 2: (00:48)

Hey Everybody. This is Sam Taggart, your host with the D2D podcast. I’m here with Mitch Matthews and we’re actually sitting in their office in Atlanta, I guess what city proper what?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Duluth, George George, I was out in Atlanta and we will all the way out here and knew at the anthem these guys, he’s one of the owners at anthem pest control and has this first year selling. So this is one of the first rookies I’ve ever had on the podcast. I think this is the first true rookie.
Yeah, it’s podcast worthy. Did a thousand accounts. Well no, he’s not at a thousand yet, so I’m not going to give him that much credit. 44 44 so 860 something nine 64 65 66 is currently serviced and it’s going to bust through the golden door or, so if you’re watching this, this is going to be really awesome. There’s a lot of good first years out there that obviously are finishing up the summer if they’re in pest control. A lot of people, you know a couple of weeks left to push hard, strong. But this is really cool.

Speaker 2: (01:47)
So going to hit his golden door word, getting up on the stage did it. You’re as a first year, but that’d be the first ever first year of golden door. Ward appreciates your man. That’s like big. I want to publicly recognize to the, to the people out there like this is, this is cool. So today we’re going to dive in and, and not only this, I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna go a little further. He just got done playing for the NFL, like the Miami Dolphins. That’s a big deal. I played for the Vikings, the dolphins chief’s Brown shaves and brown like for NFL teams. But guess what? He’s on track. He’s going to go make more over the next few years doing door to door sales. Then NFL, like that’s huge. Like that is so cool. Yeah. And a lot of people might, you know, today we’re going to talk about kind of what is hard, what is, what is success, what does winning and having that winning mindset to go from, you know, I’m a fricking hustler con competitive football player into translating that into the doors to where you’re competitive and you knew these little stats, the Brigham Lindsey, so if you’re watching this, the Brigham Lindsey’s, he was like, he, he literally, this guy is like bringing lens.

Speaker 2: (02:54)
His best week is why am I in my mind, I was my first in this industry, but I was told

Speaker 3: (03:00)
us I s I k I said when I came in I said, what are all the records I’m going out from? So I was told these, this is not, these are all, I was total all these records and whatever that, whatever it is

Speaker 2: (03:08)
or what did that do? That competitive sal? Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. It comes out and says it the best week out there. 70 what was it that you hurt? I was hurt. I was 77 77 I’m going to do eight a week. Boom. Does it as a rookie like that’s awesome. It’s probably one of the reasons you were in the NFL, right? I mean you were just competitive, skinny and tall, skinny, lanky, white guy doesn’t typically go that far. So I you have to be at least competitive, right? To me at least a couple of years. So that is as long as we can compete or make it somewhere. So I’m excited. So if you’re watching this like this, if you know Mitch, share this. If you’re a fricking let want to know. How do you do this your first year? We got some awesome people on here like Christie and he was one of the admins talk guys all every year and you had someone on Chris popping up.

Speaker 2: (03:53)
So super excited to dive into this DDD podcasts like this is, it’s going to be awesome. So let’s, let’s do this. I, I’ve, I have like 50 questions that’s like, where do I stand? But let’s, let’s talk like why, well first before I say this, go watch the link after this. Click on the little link that we’re going to want to description. He literally does a touchdown dance with scoring. A touchdown celebration. Dance. Yeah, celebrate. It wasn’t a dance. This is a door knock celebrations, sales pest control, mock sell, pest control. Why, why do you do that? I’m curious. So, um,

Speaker 3: (04:27)
don’t mean to be honest, when I played him in a thigh, I wrote them. I wrote the pine or the bench. Right? So, I mean, it was a awesome experience. It was my dream for 26 years, 24 years before I went and played to go do that. So, um, you know, upon coming there and being there, um, my time with limit on the field, so I said, you know, if I’m gonna, if I’m gonna, if I’m gonna make it on the field and if I’m going to get that hands on, which I will get it, that ends on one day. Um, then am my celebrations gotta be on point, you know, so before the whole week leading up to it, um, and I guess for the whole year, um, I started this company with, with Ben and Jake, and, um, while I was playing football, that’s when our guys were knocking door. So I felt bad being owner of the company by and so being away. So I said, how can I get my guys a shout out? So I said, I’m going to get the hands on this week and my celebration is going to be the shout out. My guys here at anthem past, they’re working their tails off and Atlanta. So I, I made sure if, if, um, if there were knock on doors and I had to as well. So my celebration was, was me knocking doors, uh, in the end zone.

Speaker 2: (05:22)
So cool. So go watch the link, take some pride. I knocked doors and then a lot of people might be like ashamed of that or embarrassed. It’s like, why? But it’s like no, like the pride of saying like you just quit the NFL to go knock on doors and self bug spray like that. I mean, I’m sure you got that from a few people. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, and

Speaker 3: (05:44)
you know, most people say now all they want to talk about is, is it, what was like, we’re like planning everything in, I want to talk some doors most of the time, you know?

Speaker 2: (05:51)
Yeah. So talk to me about that. Like the challenge that goes through, and this is the extreme and this is what, but I wanted to speak to the guys. Like yesterday you remember, or I was knocking with one of your guys, uh, Michael Dolan. He was studying to be a doctor or something. Justin, Justin, Justin. Tempest. So Justin’s like, yeah, I was on track to become a doctor. I dropped out. Now I’m a door knocker. Yeah, it’s like dad who was a doctor probably is like, Whoa, I know some. But now he’s like, I took some pride in, I knocked doors and I’m, I’m fricking, this is awesome and I want to talk doors. I don’t want to talk biology. You probably have that same extreme of like, oh wait, you’re professional athlete. Don’t whoa. No, no, no. Don’t go backwards. Don’t go to doors. But you love it.

Speaker 3: (06:37)
No, that stuff. You know what? Yeah, it’s a weird, trust me there. There’s still times all the time where, uh, I wish I was still playing. What one person when they were still doing that. Right. That’s their dream. If it was a dude, my yes to, to do that and play professional sports and to experience that, um, it was awesome. I’ll never forget it. It was some of the best times of my life. But there’s also some of the hardest times, right? The whole time you’re out there trying to make the team and, and, and find a spa fit in and, and uh, it was stressful. It was hard, but it was, it was awesome. But being here at anthem, I’ve, I’ve fallen in love with what we do here and it’s not just selling bug spray. If you look at it that way, it might be a tad bit of a step back.

Speaker 3: (07:12)
But if that’s not what we look at it, or at least me, I look at it here, it’s not wanting to build something massive. I want to teach young men how to, how to have confidence when they go knock on someone’s door in a hut, how to build rapport with someone, how to communicate. So, uh, I want to build a massive company. And so it’s not just bug spray, but if you look at it that way, it could be a bit embarrassing, right? But if you look at it in a way of I want to build something massive here and change, um, a lot of people’s lives, it can almost become more important to you.

Speaker 2: (07:37)
No. And I think that is the point. And that’s, and I did it on purpose. I see. It’s like I downplay it sometimes because I’m like people, that’s what they say it says to us, but, but I’m what? I’m on your side. It’s like the amount of lives, not only how many bugs you’ve killed, but um, but how many customers are like, so grateful. I was out there with, uh, one of your guys, I can’t remember names very well, but literally the customer did a testimonial for us. He was like, I’m so stoked. I’ve had a surface for 15 years. I’m so excited to switch. So like nobody knew I had this bat like that they would do this and this and this. And I was like, that is so cool. Like literally changed how he viewed killing them, Austin s and sitting in his stinking thing. Right. There was a difference to him. But now that first year rep, it was his first year, but interviewing him, he was like, yeah man. Like I was so hesitant to come out. I just did 250 accounts my first year. You know what I mean? And he was just

Speaker 3: (08:31)
on Thomson world. Oh yeah. You see a lot of young guys lives changed. I mean it doesn’t matter your age I guess, but a lot of people’s lives can you come out and change here when they learn the communication skills, tons of confidence and look, go back with a new sense of purpose after being with us. And that’s something that we just hope to instill in these guys. And so to see that, I mean that’s, that’s fun.

Speaker 2: (08:48)
That’s cool, that’s worth it. So I want to kind of rewind, you know, college played at Byu and then went to NFL. What were some of the biggest hurdles that most people like from the outside looking in don’t understand about the journey of a football player? This is it. That was a question hat.

Speaker 3: (09:07)
It is some of the most stressful times you can have a specialty, you know, playing the couple years that I played in NFL, that was, it was stressful. I mean, you’re waking up every morning sick to your stomach about why you’re standing is without a team. One of the things about chickens,

Speaker 2: (09:20)
there’s 134 dating and it’s like, it’s exactly like that. There’s like 20 checks. One exactly like that. Yeah, I guess so.

Speaker 3: (09:33)
In college it’s 132 division one teams. There’s a hundred people on the roster. You’re you, you can’t get caught and unless you are me royally mess up. Right. But in the NFL you can do way less than even mess up. You can just not have your best day in. You could find your equipment in your gear in a garbage bag waiting to be taken off. And then I started coming to replace it. How fast it is pretty quick man. It’s within, it’s within the hours. Yeah, the show. But I mean, yeah, we’ll wrap around to why this is, I guess my mentality has been how it is last couple of years with argus since last year with with anthem and pest control. But I mean you can show up to practice that day and I think, yeah, your best day even have a great day at practice and whatever it is, we’re having a great game.

Speaker 3: (10:15)
And then the next day you can be having a garbage bag over the shoulder, locking it out out of the locker room. And it’s not just, it’s not in private, right. These are in front of all your teammates. This is embarrassing. This is not, it’s not fun at all. This is one of those ones where you sneaking locker me your stuff and head out and you, yeah, you’re, you’re gone and you’re on a different unit and on an airplane back to wherever you’re from and you’re like, oh my gosh, I was good to go this morning. And now I’m on an airplane and I’m, I’m back home on my couch and then the day. So it’s not, it’s not like a, like a, just a, a smooth transition and what’s next in life has no, you’re just gone. Whatever you wanna do is great, but see you later, you know?

Speaker 3: (10:51)
Exactly. So, um, that, that, that is, that is tough. So it was more stressful to answer questions. A lot more stressful than people think. You know, there are the on awesome times, the great moments, the great plays, the great wins. All of us have the friends you make. It is all awesome in the long run, but in the moment, and it can be really tough. It turns into a man pretty quick, you know, it makes you, um, look at life a lot differently when you have to, when your job’s on in line every single day, you know, and your relationship with the people, it’s, it changes everything. So it just made it put me into the perspective of when I’m, when I have an opportunity to do something, I gotta do announcer in the NFL. Like I cut four different times, four different times. That stuff is embarrassing. That stuff is hard, you know? So I came,

Speaker 2: (11:31)
yeah, go ahead. Expand on that. So like you get cut the second time, you’re just thinking like, maybe I’m just not cut for this. Like what’s going through your head when you like anybody? It doesn’t matter how busy you are. You can be a former pro bowl player, you can be anybody. Yeah.

Speaker 3: (11:43)
You’re, you’re thinking, am I done? Am I, is that it? You know, so you kind of think like, is that really it? And I’ve had teams come in, call me back and said they want me back. And that happens too, but it’s just right in the moment, whatever it is. But you still, your confidence is like, wait a minute, I first off, I think I’m better than this guy, this guy, this guy. Why me? You know and see like you start thinking yourself like, well maybe I just think too highly of myself. Like, no, no, there’s no way I am what I am. I am good. I am good enough. You know? And um, it, it’s, it’ll, it’ll mess with it for a little bit, but if you’re mentally strong and I feel just keep going and keep making it happen and why I decided to make the transition to here, I forgot hurt with the dolphins and I was like, you know what?

Speaker 3: (12:16)
I’m going to, I’m going to go for go. And to be honest, the reason why if I have had success this year is because I’m like, I’m not letting anyone take anything from me again, you know? So I just worked my butt off. Yeah. Cause no one can take this from me. And so I mean, I mean they take like my success away in terms of how good I do, but not like always going to go knock doors but didn’t take it away in terms of like my success, what I want to be, what I’m asking myself that sorry. Yeah. What, what are, what are my goals are, is to sell this many counselor to break all the x amount of records. So I’m going to do it. No one’s gonna take that from me. Obviously door’s going to be taken from me, but take those success that I want to have away from me. I’m just gonna do it now. I’m going to start right now. So

Speaker 2: (12:51)
that’s cool. So how did you kind of pick yourself up in those moments you get cut because I mean that’s so parallel to like this job. I mean it’s like those doors or those days or those weeks where you just feel like you got your butt kick. Yeah. Like you come home and you’re like, honey, I got all my, my pads in the bag because they kicked me out of the locker room. Therefore it’s like, yeah, I mean that’s a hard conversation. So like what did you do to kind of snap back or what do you do to kind of reset, get back on the pony? Do you have any advice there?

Speaker 3: (13:24)
It’ll crush it, man. I’m gonna be honest with you. It’ll crush it because like I said, it’s nine private. When do you, when you, when you find out the UK, you walk into your locker room and he was at, first of all, I you get prepare it. Cause when I was on teams every week, guys were doing that same thing. So it wasn’t like it was only happened to me or one of the guys. No, it’s, you see guys coming in and out all the time like, Hey, nice to meet you. I’m welcome to the team. And two weeks like, let’s get it, man, let’s do it. Cause I don’t know, we, we’re going to be in a week. I don’t allow me to be, but let’s, let’s do it. You know? And, and that goes for everyone, right? I said we were a few small group of players that no matter what, they’re good and safe, but so as I came in the locker room, because you know, you see guys heading out, you see guys go in the opposite direction, you’re like, oh my gosh, that, that could, that could be me.

Speaker 3: (13:59)
But you know, it’s not going to be, it’s not going to be me. And you have that mindset, but, um, there’s really no way to prepare for it because you don’t want to think everyday am I in a car? Cause what a, what a way to live. I mean, you can’t live like that, you know, and you can’t perform the, your, your ability to think and extending my last day, you know, so you’re just going to block it out. But when it does happen, it happens pretty quick and it’s not fun. You know? It was embarrassing because it’s in front of your teammates you build relationships with and they’re like trying to build you up and it’s just like, oh my gosh, I’m sorry I’m in but we’ll see you soon. You know, type thing. So it makes you a lot more minutes to talk to. Makes me more grateful for where you’re at and it really helps you be in the moment for the next thing to come in your life because it just really teaches you to yeah, just enjoy where you’re at cause they could be gone Prenay quick.

Speaker 2: (14:37)
Yeah and I think a lot of times people don’t take this job like that. They mean by that is every day. I feel like people need to be playing for their position on that team for the pride of that manager, the for the pride of themselves, like for the, for the competitive atmosphere of this and how it should be versus, I feel like some guys go maybe a month in the summer where they’re like, oh, I’m just going to hang out, but there really could be playing at 100% there’s a plant at 60 and you’re like, you realize if this really was a sport, we would cut you because you’re not at, you’re 100% yeah.

Speaker 3: (15:11)
You don’t realize ever how hard you can’t go until it’s, you’re done too. So you never want to wait to the end to final out how much harder you could have gone. Just do it while you’re in the moment, you know?

Speaker 2: (15:18)
And I think, I think that’s probably some of the biggest regrets. Like after interviewing people and talking to Reps. Oh man, I wish I would have actually worked harder. Oh, I wish I would have, wouldn’t have done that as a kid every, every night at a insta and gone until nine. I wish I would have, you know what I mean? It’s like those people that really tap into that. Like today I’m playing for today and I’m living in this moment and I’m going to do everything I can to win today because that’s all that matters. No, tomorrow, not yesterday. It’s like I’m showing up every day. And I think if we treat the job that way, I’m sure that’s how you treat it. And so it required a slingshot results.

Speaker 3: (15:56)
No, I just think, um, I think a lot of things in my life this last year prepared me for this, even though it is knocking doors and we look at like that yet, it’s one of the ones where you kind of have that, huh? Why do you do this now? Right. But I came here to, to build a massive company to dominant and to do, have the success that I’ve always wanted just in life. Right. So one thing that our compute things I’ve just kind of shaped this job is it is tough to talk for them what you normally do. It’s not, it’s tougher than just going to school and sitting in an air conditioned classroom, right? Um, it’s tougher than just hanging out with buddies cause with you, with your buddies, don’t get rejected 60 times in one day or a door slammed in your face.

Speaker 3: (16:33)
That doesn’t happen in day. So it is a little bit harder than what you used to. But I feel like a lot of these, the things have happened to me in my life the last year when I’m on passing away, getting cut from 404 teams. I mean when I come to allow knock doors, I hear the complaints about how hard it is and just like, oh my gosh, I’m so taxed, I’m cramping. Try having training camp down in Miami with four pads, running sprints for six hours a day. Talk about hot for me, this is a breeze, right? So with certain experiences, I gave me the chance to say here in Atlanta, it’s not the hot at all. It’s actually pretty chilly. We’re, we’re going to go, you know, it’s just, it’s a easier try, try getting rejected from your dream job now for a dreaming of something for 24 years, getting rejected from that, having someone slammed the door in your face, that doesn’t feel quite like rejection.

Speaker 3: (17:19)
If you’ve had the real type of debt reduction. That makes sense. My mom passed away last year whenever I feel like somebody is really hard, it’s like, well I would much rather take that rejection of this hard here in the summer then that again. You know what I mean? So it’s like rejection, hot heat, um, whatever’s the deafness of hard on me. I feel like the last couple years has been just, it’s my silly for what is hard is just growing a ton. So when I come out here and knock on doors all day long, getting rejected all day long, going for five straight months and I’m missing a single day, it hasn’t been hard really at all because of those experiences, you know? So I feel like, um, when you go through hard times, and I want to pause real quick anyways and say those things I’ve gone through, I mean some people have gone through way harder times than that and to be honest, I don’t envy that trial they’ve gone through, but I envy how to tell if that person is because those how people would typically accomplish a lot when they’ve gone through a lot.

Speaker 2: (18:15)
And I think it goes, I think challenges and hardships in our lives can be used as such great opportunity. Like what you’ve found, you’re leveraging the challenge and the hardship and the difficulties that you’ve lived through to say what I’m doing in the moment. Isn’t I way rather do this now? You can go through that again. Where I think the opposite effect that challenges have sometimes is it devastates people. I think some people don’t know how to deal with the hard and it shuts him down. They get depressed, they get anxiety, they get, you know, they get like they just give up on life. It’s almost like they threw in the towel and they’re like, I’ll never be anything. I’ll never make it because x happened and then they start playing this victim because I’m assuming you have reps in your office, company, whatever, that you’ve watched kind of take the other route where they, they, they play victim. I don’t know. I mean, have you seen that guys take the heart and I mean even maybe NFL players that get cut and then they’re just like, they turn into a video gamers or something. Do you see that okay,

Speaker 3: (19:15)
for sure. I mean, yeah, you see it all, you know, I think, um, it’s just, it’s all mindset. I mean, trials, hard times, difficult times. Rejection is going to come into your life and if it does it don’t ever be anybody. So be glad that the hard times come. So they’re going to come to every single person. It’s just how you react to it. You know what I miss? I know friends that have had family members pass away and they just go into a hole, you know, but maybe honor their name instead and become somebody to make them proud even in the not here. That makes sense. If you got cut from four different areas, NFL teams, well maybe I have so much success and the next thing you do, will you buy that team from that owner who caught you? I mean, maybe that’s your mindset.

Speaker 3: (19:54)
Whatever it is, you know, maybe maybe have that crazy mindset where you’re like, you know what? This guy didn’t want me for this, but guess what? I’m going to go ahead and come full circle and may have so much success. Then I’m all on that same team. He owns whatever it is. I mean, that’s just an example, but um, that’s, that’s just, it’s just all mindset trials. Hard times are going to come. If I don’t, you won’t have success. So a lot of them to come and they’re going to come no matter what name you, some successful people that haven’t had big trout, right? Yeah. And I just think it just all mindset, they’re going to have them. If you don’t have many of our success, they’re going to come. So just react to them the right way and the next thing you do, it’ll be a Tonnies. You’d have so much more success the next thing you do in life because of what you’ve gone through with that good attitude. That makes sense. It does that positive, um, flip to it. So I’ve just, I’ve taken the opposite way in a, in a, in a whole from him, which off camera we were talking about just this competitiveness of you

Speaker 2: (20:48)
to, to kind of almost prove to the GM that cut you, you know what I mean? And I think that’s a cool, it’s a good motivator.

Speaker 3: (20:56)
And I mean it might be a little almost like second twisted. I don’t know what it is, but as long as one does have a chip on your shoulder or not, I feel like I’ve been an underdog my whole life. I was always in the know my brother’s shadow in high school and this guy shot over here and this guy shout out here. It’s, it’s, it’s one of the ones where I’m glad I’ve had that and not have everything handed to me because now I feel like my worth work ethic, excuse me for the rest of my life will be a certain level because of my experiences in the past.

Speaker 2: (21:20)
Yeah, I love that. So let’s talk, let’s talk pest control for a second. Um, because I think a lot of people, you know, go well, can you really do a thousand accounts one in the first place? There’s people watching this that like that’s not even like a thing, right? I mean like to them it’s like no, that’s impossible, right? I’m sure they say that. So are we just going to talk volume of sales? What do you do? A lot of people are going to be like, what do you do on a daily? You, what’s going through your head? What’s your routine? What’s your, how do you sell 80 in a week? Like that? I mean, to a lot of people that’s just mind boggling. And that’s how many days, that’s like 12 a day service. 12.2 43 yeah. So, I mean, at the end of the day, like how do you, how do you go and say, I’m going to do 12 every day? Whereas some people don’t and told a month like, uh,

Speaker 3: (22:14)
I just, man, I said, I just, there is no stop. There is no, I’m not kidding this right now, one o’clock. It’s, it’s, there’s a one right now, one o’clock right now. This would be the latest that I’m going to get on the doors today. This whole entire summer there, which is okay, which is great, but it’s, this is so it’s almost giving me like, like this anxiety, like I need to go. But even if I have a day where I’ve my worst day, uh, this whole, um, summer, was it w it was for, um, my best was a I 17 same days and one day I’m, I had 20 something, 24, 25 service that day with the ones from before, but 17 same days. But like, it, it doesn’t matter. I, I worked, I worked just as hard and both, it was no different. Like the success was different and it always will be.

Speaker 3: (23:00)
You don’t always have the same success, but from a 20 something day or a 17 same days and one day to a four there was no difference in the work ethic. Just the amount of success, which means I’m going to have both, but it’s high erect those trials. I think the day after I had four, I had 10 cause I was, I had to just take me off so bad that I just maybe maybe the way I was pitching, which is to have maybe a tad bit hard. I don’t know what it was, but you have those times but you just keep rolling. Just keep going. So I mean I have a routine. I come, we have core every day and we work. But I tried to be the first one on the door first when the sale of the day, I try to beat that beat hours of the day.

Speaker 3: (23:35)
So when I have two sales for two and three or four, three and four before four. So if I’m not, if I don’t have that, if it’s four o’clock and I have three sales that day, I freaked me out. I start a little bit of anxiety. I started walking like maybe a Tabitha, I don’t know what it is. My mind set that says you’re behind, you’re behind, you’re behind you behind. So if it’s six o’clock and I don’t have six, I am behind someone in a day. If it’s nine o’clock and prime time it gets a little better. You know, maybe a sale once every 45 minutes, then it’s like nine or 10 and I’m going to have that pretty much every day. So my average for the whole summer is exactly 8.5 servings a day. And I’m glad we, I apologize, but one thing I do is every single night I track my day, I check my week, I try my month.

Speaker 3: (24:14)
Cause if I have a bad week, then I can’t have a great month. And if I don’t have a great month and I can’t have a great summer, so I just every single day because you’re like shoot, now I’m four behind. Where exactly and how do I make that up? So I would say for me to just track the numbers every single day, have a goal. Make it religious almost and then check the numbers. If you have a bad day, it’s probably going affect your week, so you to step up the next couple days so it doesn’t affect your month, extending the, your month, your summers off. Yeah, I love that. And that’s how I lived. I mean that was, it’s be the exact advice I would give. Yeah, that’s cool. I mean there’s his touch commonalities between top performers where I’m like, yeah, that’s, that’s it. That’s the secret guys. The secret.

Speaker 3: (24:56)
Okay. So talk to me a little bit about maybe your morning routine. You know, w like when do you wake up? Like obviously you’re into sports and stuff, you put, you know, do you work out or is it kind of like, I just done pass. I work out every day. Every no honest, no, I’m joking. I don’t, um, yeah, this is probably the one I’m looking at myself sometimes the mirror, I’m just like, who are you? What have you become? Like the digression. But uh, you know, honestly I said to myself, I said, I don’t need to have to in the NFL it. Yeah. You’ve got to be your absolute peak performance here. I don’t need to necessarily be run the same 40 yard dash. Right? I don’t know. I don’t necessarily need a jump just as high. Now do I want to get back to kind of where it was of course.

Speaker 3: (25:36)
But I decided that breaking records, doing this for anthem, doing this for our guys, being the best leader I could possibly possibly be, it was more important than any vertical jump. And he bicep with whatever you say, weight or body composition. And I said being the best leader, being the best salesman, being the best owner of a company, having the best company was more important to me and they during these five months than anything. So why would I worry about all that working on stuff? I’ll walk seven miles a day, six miles a day. That’s a good enough workout to make sure I’m still healthy. Right? Cause it’s very important to be healthy. But um, in these five months or so, that trumps all of that. Right now I’ll get back on the train of where I was. I promise you I will. I know I will, but the work, I’m still exercising, still healthy, all that stuff. But I said right now it’s way more important for me to do all those things. Leader, break those records, be the best I can possibly be right now because that’ll set a trajectory to the future. Then just five months of working out, we’ll be in getting on the doors to our later and can, I mean I need to work out a little bit. So since this a, this is tall, I sat a couple of roofers hop on here. So this is to my people. Solar people. Root for people. Yeah,

Speaker 2: (26:45)
because I think they have s I’m going to say it cause I was one at very piss, poor knocking ethic. What I mean by that is tell us your average day. When do you have correlation? Nine. When are you on the doors by? It

Speaker 3: (26:59)
depends on the distance. Unless say 11 1115 when do you stop? Nine 20 and for how long? Five months straight. It’s been four months in two weeks now I’ll be done in six days

Speaker 2: (27:17)
and you’re not dead. I get you’re still honored all man at all. He didn’t like it. Didn’t rain ever poured. Got that. I got, I got two other brothers were in Atlanta.

Speaker 3: (27:28)
There’s some downpours. Did you still dog? Yeah, nine 20 wait, it gets dark at like nine. Yes, it’d be call backs and I tried to always knock my last door a depends on obviously when it gets darker, but right now it’s about eight 40. I could probably still knock, we’re going to be really apologetic, but how late I am there, Bob’s maximize every second I, I take my lunch when I’m driving to a new neighborhood, I don’t stop and take a lunch. I just eat it and punch them real quick and go now, I mean some guys can’t take loans. That’s cool if it’s best for you. But what was best for me was I know I could last for five months knocking doors for four and a half. I, I knew I could last for four and half months knocking doors by just eating some jerky if some Gatorade.

Speaker 3: (28:04)
I knew that was good enough for me. Um, so that full energy for the whole day. So I didn’t need to take two hour lunches. They need to do it. Some people do it. That’s great. I don’t need my business partner Jake. He has to work out hard every single day. That’s what works for him. I need him. I’m on the guy that needs so much sleep. I don’t know what it is. I’m like a bear. I just need so much sleep. So I sleep during that time, um, where he’s out there just, you know, work on it. But that makes him maximize his time for me. I don’t need a two hour lunch. I just pounded some foods so that then Max is my, maximizes his mind. So I just cater whatever I need to be at peak performance every day. And that’s when my schedule has been every single day.

Speaker 2: (28:38)
So I mean, I ask this question because I literally was consulting a roofing company last few days in Dallas, different companies and to them it was like, I can’t even get my guys to knock an hour. I’m not even kidding. I’m not even kidding. I ain’t going to blow your mind, but, and, and they don’t even think like that. They think, wow, I can’t, cause that’s the thing is it’s like you go from literally 11 till nine 30 every day. Like you’re itching, it’s one o’clock. And I think people are always wondering like, Oh man, I’m not making the money I need to be making. I’m not, you know, oh, well how’s that guy killing it? Like how does he sell so many? And I think literally the, and then they’re like, well, I go, well, how often do you knocked? They’re like, well, we not from like seven to nine or six to eight most days. And I’m like, yeah, like you’re never going to make it. Like, I hate to break it to you. Like it’s just, I think people know, don’t understand the hours and the grind and the amount of time that goes in because at the end of the day, you’re your coach as the clock,

Speaker 3: (29:42)
right? Yeah, for sure. Like you were saying,

Speaker 2: (29:44)
you’re like, it’s seven o’clock. You’re like, I should have an x amount and it’s eight o’clock. I should have x amount and it’s not, you know, every hour is your,

Speaker 3: (29:50)
is that trainer and it’s like design more down, down. You know what I mean? Right. Isn’t that kind of how you treat it? It is something I would say like we talked about before when I’m out there and I ever think, oh, it’s too hot. I’m just thinking of the training camp down in Miami that was so hot. You know what I mean? So I’m like, what? I can’t make that excuse. Okay, so what wasn’t actually she’s going to make, well this is just so hard one. Like when I think about my mom, I think about that and it’s like, well this really isn’t that hard. So I just keep going and I think about, um, getting rejected over and over and over for like two hours, three hours straight. I’m like, this is absurd. What is going on? Okay. So another question. Pest,

Speaker 2: (30:27)
you’re your best advice for anybody getting into pest control or selling it right now. You know, you being a golden door winter,

Speaker 3: (30:36)
like what advice would you give them and cater to then? Like do you don’t have this, all this stuff we’ve talked about has been pretty general, but I’m, I’m curious to the guys that are like sweating out there and you know, figuring out if they want to do it. Like what one of the people in the doors right now, listen, you think like on the doors, 20 something people on this right now. Sweet. I mean I would say before you come out, train your butt off. Don’t come out here and experience the first month and be bad. It’d be average or next month and be good your last month because that has bad and good. Makes average. If you’re average in the middle of month two, I have an average summer and then we wonder why you did have an eye or summer, you know, so good. Average or something bad.

Speaker 3: (31:16)
Average than good month. That is the equation for an average summer. So trainer but off before the summer. I mean certainly turn your phone off. Treat this like it’s life or death. I’m trying to treat it like it’s real. It’s real like same approach. Just like an NFL. You have your preseason, you have your workouts, your off season, you do work so much harder than here. If I see it almost, I mean you were doing your work, your butt off, do that and they probably doors right now. I mean just get accurate. I mean smile just that this is much bigger. I mean ask one more question below it and more important your ceiling as those who build a poor people in the ceilings, cylinders so much higher than those who just go out and just give us written pitch. Do you want to sell a ton. Dot. About a ton of report. It’s impossible to have a high, the higher the highest ceiling if you’re not building a and to the people

Speaker 2: (31:57)
it’s a possible two things that kinda like when you said train your butt off. I think a lot of people don’t know where to train and that’s one of the things. You guys are a customer identity university. We’re building that and that’s why we’re out here. Um, and that’s probably one of the things why you invested in that. Cause you know that obviously training and studying and you know, watching videos and watching and studying and practicing your pitch and roll plays, right? I mean that pays off, right? Yeah. And I think that’s what a lot of people fail to do is give their people the resources they don’t, you know, they were like, hey training. And it’s like, well, how do I drag it? Right? So I think a lot of people don’t teach their people how to train. And then the second thing that you said, it’s like, I think, man, I just had a brain fart, but you were saying, what did say I had a thought

Speaker 3: (32:40)
and then we did this thing in Polish thing. Um, second piece of guys. No, I would say right now, I mean those, I, I truly believe if those were the really high ceilings and sales are people that build rapport and connect and support. Because I mean, the way I look at it as, oh, I can go out and get it. My question was what is your, what’s your initial like you’re icebreakers that you like that was my question. Does a Roth the door, cause you talked about building a report, so you’re like, you gotta be able to build that rapport. But I think a lot of people are naturally good at it and some people were like, that’s just not me. I’m not very natural. I come up. So if you could have just a couple lines that you give people that you’re like, hey, try this one, try this one.

Speaker 3: (33:18)
This is a fun icebreaker or a question or something. What? Give us a few of those. Proprietary. Honestly, I liked the handshake, the simple handshake. Cause if they don’t shake my hand, they’re not probably not going to be a buyer. Such as a good cue for me right away. Having a couple of times a day. It’s kind of embarrassing and it’s like, I guess, Oh wait, oh, you know, but um, and then just a massive smile and just my, my thing is I try to get the person, every single person, whether they’re super stern or super sleepy, little bit, whatever it is, try to get them to laugh. You will get 30 more seconds if you can make someone laugh. If you can get a giggle, you will get them to laugh. Watch when they giggle, they’ll typically open the door, let the farther, when they, when they laugh just a little bit, they’ll probably come out and talk to you.

Speaker 3: (33:59)
They’ll shake your hand. They’ll, they’ll ask what’s up though. Their guard comes down. If you can get someone to laugh 30 seconds. You got it. Do you have any like go to line? You know, honestly I go to those on the spot kind of stuff. Like, yeah. Well, I mean, um, well I mean if it’s pouring rain right or if it’s super hot outside, if it’s really late at night, I’ll look down at my watch and say, obviously it’d be out here at 9:05 PM newly married. I must be the most passionate bug I even ran your entire life. And I always laugh at other thing like you know, and then it just sets the stage for the rest of my page, which is like, you know what, this guy is freaking, he is working his tail off and it’s not like a charity case. It’s guy.

Speaker 3: (34:33)
He was working his tail off. He must love what he does. If he’s out here this late, newly married killing bugs, it’s late. He must love what he does. So I’ll give him some time. I’ll see what’s up. Why would you like it as much? Let me give you that 30 seconds. Cool, good. Cool. Okay, so I always finish the night dude. Mitch, this is fun. Then I’m, I’m actually going to go knock with you today. Like I’m, I’m excited to be that trainee. Normally I’m the one getting tray and doing the training. So this’ll be awesome. I’m really excited for that. Uh, but I always finish up and this has been really a pleasure, just even getting to know you on this on a deeper level, so I appreciate that. Absolutely man. But one piece of advice I always ask, this is the last question I always ask people, what would be the one piece of advice that you would give the door to door industry?

Speaker 3: (35:19)
Well, actually I’m going to focus more directed to a rookie, like um, just brand new rookie that’s at this point in the summer. They just finished their first year, meaning they’re going to the off season of their first year. Does that make sense? What advice would you give him? First? Depends on what their goals are to recruit a B team. Just make some money for college, whatever it is. But let’s pretend that they’re coming back next year and they want to just build on this thing is all you’re asking. Yeah, I dunno. Yeah, I would say if there are planning on going in the off season, I feel like I’m, and those are normally I’m competitive to a 100% thought it is a fall. My competitive nature, so even we’re going on to to celebrate the end of our summer in Dawson this weekend and I’ve already been reminded about we’re golfing this weekend, make sure that we got to keep it in the cool. We’ve got to community

Speaker 2: (36:07)
golf can competition. No, that wasn’t the owl. No, that was reminded. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that was reminded to me. Yeah, we’ll be, we’ll be paired up and get competitive together. Allies that I’m already thinking about it. I’d be fun. So I just think it’s okay.

Speaker 3: (36:19)
Look to your left and look to your right and say, okay doc, I had this many services this year, this guy, this much. He trained this much, this person during this much. Just gather all the Intel you need and then just go do more than them in every aspect. If you know he’s training three or four times a day, I will try. I guess you can’t miss any day that week down. I guess your training six days a week cause if you want to be him then you just have to do more than he does it. To me it’s just so simple. The formula, it’s this guy was working on it this many times a day with this much weight on the bar, what to be better than him and that. Then I just, I just dealing with more so I just, I would just say, I would just say it’s okay to look to your left and your right in some circumstances it’s not keeping up with the Jones’ is no, this is, this is sports, this is competition, this is business, this is what you do, right.

Speaker 3: (37:02)
You look left and right now it’s not all you do, right. You have your goals and you look in the head, but glance just to see, at least in this industry he glanced what they did and how would it made them successful and then just take it in the best ideas from them. Well that’s got to train this many days. Well, I’m going to take that and also do with this guy hub ha six SAS, and then I’m just going to go for it. I’m gonna go all in. So numbering lukewarming today is just go on into one. I love that. Yeah.

Speaker 2: (37:24)
Can you heard it best from Mitch Matthews, former dolphins, NFL, all star, you know. Well, get to that level, dude. Like that’s impressive. Like, no. So many people from a little age wanting to get there and you got there like that’s huge. And then owns his own company now. First year selling a thousand fricking accounts like that, that like, this is cool. You’re just an impressive human being. I appreciate that, man. And I’ll get you in golf this weekend. So yeah, Ryan, man, share this. If you liked it and got something out of it and, uh, appreciate it. Let’s get it.

Speaker 4: (38:07)

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