Dan Henry – Selling Deals For Better Margins

22 Min Read

Last Updated: July 19, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:39
This Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast, and I’m here with Dan Henry. He is the author of Digital Millionaire secrets. He is the founder of Getclients.com. He’s had multiple, like millions of dollars in sales over the years selling on high ticket closing and how to build a brick building brand on selling online courses and something you know your coaching programs and whatnot. He’s helped digital marketing companies he’s done all sorts of different things to build, you know, an eight figure business and how are you 3333 at a very young age. He spoke at funnel hackers live he’s, you know, close, you know, it’s crazy. So we’re in a speaking event together on just helping ourselves master speaking and selling high ticket things. And anyway, so he closed nine weird, weird speaking event. The first time we came to this event, what was September, October? Yeah, it was a while ago. So September, October, we both came to the same event, first time. And we both were like Mind blown right away and walked out of there kind of like, oh, shoot, we’re doing everything wrong. And since then, him and I have gone to close a lot of deals on the stage. But he had a day the other day, we’re on a zoom. He goes $900,000 in a day. Yeah. So pretty dang cool. Not many people can say they made $900,000 in one day. So anyway, so from a selling standpoint, a guru from digital marketing standpoint to get that many people in a room on an on a zoom and to craft this. So today, we’re going to dive into a couple different topics, we’re going to dive into one, how to build digital media marketing for recruiting, and two, we’re going to dive into some selling techniques that you feel like might be relevant to our space, you know, just different ways to create urgency, different ways to sell more people at the same time, maybe leveraging some marketing for leads, things like that. So we’re gonna dive into that. Cool. Good. So first question, um, what made like, when did you get your start in the marketing side of things? Like when did you kind of get that edge to say, I’m gonna go online and start playing around with funnels and stuff like that?

Dan Henry 02:46
As probably 2009. But I didn’t make any actual money at it until maybe four or five, five years ago?

Sam Taggart 02:56
And what kind of clicked when did it when it was like, Oh, I was doing it wrong. That’s what you should do?

Dan Henry 03:00
Well, I had a very similar journey to many people. It’s just that many people don’t have the realization, but all roads lead to the same realization. And it’s how long does it take you to lead to that realization. And some people never lead to the realization. And the thing is, is that you will have you will have people these, this is actual real people I’m talking about this is not a fantasy story. This is not a made up thing. This is real, then you have people who expect to build a million dollar business by watching free youtube videos. And, or by buying $47 courses. And they rationalize this by saying, well, well, if I buy the cheap thing, I’ll make a little bit of money, and then I’ll buy a better thing. They’ll make a little buddy. And you know, that is the perfect mindset to have, if you want to work at McDonald’s. I think it’s a great opportunity to be a shift manager. You know, everybody really loves McDonald’s, I think I don’t eat it because I don’t put that type of stuff in my body. But if you want to stay poor and broke, or if you have a business, and you just don’t want to ascend to the next level, then do that. Okay. But because that’s what I did, and I was broke, and I was poor. And, you know, that’s the thing. And when I finally realized, you know, Tony Robbins said, if you want to be successful, find somebody that is successful at what you want to do. Model them and you’ll be successful do well then Henry says, If you really want to be successful, fast, find somebody who’s doing what you want to do. Pay them what ever they want to teach you how to do it, and more importantly, how to get good at it. And that’s the thing is you cannot buy happiness, but you can buy success. And so when I realized that and I just said, Well, I have this problem. I’m going to find the person that’s best at this. I’m going to pay whatever they want to solve this problem. Just like that problems, like for instance I was already a decent speaker. I’m close to money from stage stage most I ever close from stage was 100 grand ever in my life. And that was really dumb because I had 380 people in the room, and I sold something for $2,000. And it was just, it was it was terrible, right. Looking back, I go to my earnings mastermind, I hone my skills more on speaking and selling from stage pay a ton of money for this. This wasn’t cheap. Some people pay for a house. Yes, but but on Friday from my dining room with one camera, on a zoom call, I have only 160 people on your zoom call now. 30 260 and I made $900,000

Sam Taggart 05:43
Was that 37,000 that we pay to come to this worth it now?

Dan Henry 05:47
Yes. But that’s the thing people will go. There’s two types of people in this world, let people take thing you paid $30,000 to go to a two day event to learn how to speak. That’s crazy. And then there are the people that say, Dan, you turn $30,000 in a 900,000. And the first person again is the person that is going to make a great shift manager at McDonald’s. The second person has a chance at being successful. It’s all about the mindset, right? And that’s the thing is, you want to do something, just pay just pay. I mean, I if I sat down with dinner at Marvel is now ahead as I sit down to dinner with my room one day, and I said, you know Russell asked me to speak at fhl, it’s like all congratulations. So let me I saw you got that speaker thing, right. So 30 grand, it’s like, yeah, I’m like, if I took that if I bought that, would that helped me get a little bit better? present a little bit better, but at the stage presentation at fhl is absolutely sort of a here’s a check. Done. When I went to fhl, and I presented, I did not pitch well, and I got off stage before I could take a piss to people immediately ran up to my people, and asked for wire instructions to wire money in my mastermind, made 60 grand before I could even finish going back. And then from that we made at least a couple million dollars over the next couple months, from people seeing my speech. That’s still I kind of the 900 grand in one day. And so that’s the thing is people that have a scarcity mindset, who believe that you should get information for free or paid cheap. Are the people who will always you always get that same level, right? If you expect information for free or for cheap, then people who want to buy solutions from you will be cheap,

Sam Taggart 07:40
isn’t it? Isn’t it interesting that we live in the information age, you teach people how to sell information? yet? So many people that are like if I need to know something, I can just YouTube it. And they feel like all the relevant value of information should just be accessible. Right?

Dan Henry 07:59
How many of those people are millionaires? If I mean millionaires as I wouldn’t be on YouTube, and for for your free.

Sam Taggart 08:08
Isn’t that mind boggling? So it’s almost like society’s trip tricked us. And I’ve never looked at it this way. It’s like because of the digital media phase and age where everything’s online. And you’ve got a lot just watch a bunch of Gary Vee and Tony Robbins, you know, all these videos online. I think the differences being like, intimate and in proximity with the people in one commitment of your own cash, puts a fire under your ass saying, I got to go get a result. Like I looked at that first event when we came here and I dropped literally it was Friday, I found out about this event, Saturday wired the money. And Monday was in Tampa, like it was winter next event

Dan Henry 08:49
Monday, like Well, that’s what I did. Or like two days before the event, I just changed the whole schedule. And I had is I didn’t even just get the training, I went, I got the

Sam Taggart 08:57
master doing the whole thing my wife was due in two weeks, I was like, Honey, I’m gonna run the risk. Please do not have this baby while I’m out there. And, you know, I think that there’s an interesting mindset. And some of us are listening are probably like, well, that’s crazy. But I go there’s a similarity amongst two successful people sitting here teaching you saying, Hey, we both said move the schedule. See what we need, pay the money you get it. And both of us have had you know millions of dollars in results over the last six months.

Dan Henry 09:33
Don’t tell them the secret is to actually have that mindset because then there’ll be too many of us out here making millions of dollars. Like they want to think they can get it for free on YouTube. Hey, go do it. We don’t need any extra competition. Have fun again, but then somebody asked me was one person that can’t they were guests. They got a ticket from one of the other people that attended. They asked me on the zoom call. They said Dan What is the cheapest thing? You have something I can get started and get my feet wet? And I said, Well, unfortunately, I don’t have anything cheap. Because I don’t have anything sucks. And everybody went nuts and everybody was like, but here’s the thing, who would you rather learn from? Would you ever learn from the guy or girl that is good at selling you something cheap? they’ll they’ll say something cheap? Or would you rather learn from the person that sells something for a premium price? You want to sell something for premium price, you want to make money? Why would you learn from the guy who doesn’t charge a lot of money? Makes no sense? Well, I want to learn how to make money. So let me go find the guy that sells cheese and learn from him. He always know how to know not to make money, because if he did, he would not ever charge something like 300 bucks, or 1000, or even two that he would charge way more. So right there, if you want to know if somebody knows how to make money, looking at what they charge, if you think if somebody tells you buy this $300 course, I’m gonna teach you make million dollars you’ve ever run the other way, except first, it’s

Sam Taggart 10:58
completely full of crap. I love this. And so a lot of people are listening their sales reps right now, or their business owners, and they may be selling pest control, and they have competitors in their market. And a lot of times like, man, I don’t know. So like, dude, like last week came by selling it for way less, or, you know, I’m not the cheapest out there and they struggle closing. And it’s the same philosophy. Like if you can’t sell your service or product, you’re not the cheapest, like you should celebrate, you should be like, customer Are you trying to go and be like, if you are the cheapest, I’ll give you four or five phone numbers of companies that are way cheaper than us. And I’ll I’ll tell him, I’ll pass you referrals. And people that I know are pretty good. But they’re just cheap. And they’re going to give it to you super cheap. And that’s the result you’re going to get. Yep. And I think that it’s the same philosophy and selling, it’s how to build urgency how to create value, and you do not want to be the cheapest, and I think a lot of people out selling right now think they should be the cheapest. And that’s how they’re going to get more sales, or they think they have to discount their price down to like sacrificing their commission.

Dan Henry 12:01
Imagine all the money you’ve lost discounting your price, that you could have imagined that net net loss revenue that you could have take, you can just charge the right price and paid somebody to teach you how to sell. And now you made a lot more money in the long run.

Sam Taggart 12:16
So I went to the company, the very, very first consulting client I had, you know, they paid me quite a bit of money. Not in comparison, even close what people pay me now. But to me, it was the first time like I was like, Oh, I got hired to consult like, oh, cool, right? I was like, What are you charging? I was like, Oh, no. And she’s like, Are you kidding me? So I like double whatever I thought I was gonna charge initially. And they’re still pretty cheap. But they were offering me percentage. They’re like, how about we give you a percentage increase? And I was like, Oh, no, I’m ready for that. I’ve never really consulted, I’m new. So the first thing I do is when I get there, they’re charging and solar. I mean, you know if this makes sense to you, but let’s just say, you know, $3, it was like $3.20 a watt, I increase their price by 30 30%. I raised them before I learned a lot. The thing that makes sense to you, but let’s say it’s 320 up to $4. That’s how much but solar that’s 20,000 to 25 30,000.

Dan Henry 13:08
And they’re like we can’t sell it at them like what? What do you mean? Like, I will go sell it right now. And then you know why you can’t sell it that? Did you just told you you just sell it? No, you won’t be able to sell it.

Sam Taggart 13:19
So So granted, and to me coming in from a third party. I was like, What do you mean, you’re the only dog in town? You’re the largest in the state. You have no competitors. You’re in a market there in Virginia and no other solar companies are really in Virginia. I was like I don’t know soul selling in Virginia. Who are you competing with? Like what do you mean you can’t sell it at that? And our well you know, it’s just this is what the market goes for. Oh, yeah. And I was like wait, what are you talking about? You’re and

Dan Henry 13:41
this person is an expert. These are the Army Research in in law he’s an expert. Here’s a you own a solid company. Guess what? You’re an expert in Seoul. stay in your lane. Go learn from somebody who knows how to sell you are you know about solar? That’s what you know about right? You do your own taxes or do you hire a CPA, right? You hire a CPA cuz CPA knows how to do your taxes because and the CPA to honor yourself, you don’t know how to do taxes. CPA does tax usually you want to learn how to sell you find something that teaches you how to sell. You don’t want to learn how to market you find somebody teaches you how to market All right, you don’t pretend you stay in your lane, and you get you get help with things that you don’t know you get that that very statement. Well, that’s what the market really according to you.

Sam Taggart 14:28
That’s what I said I’m like, are you a marketing analyst? Are you a professional marketer? Do you own a solar company and then they’re like to other people, so did that I go for

Dan Henry 14:37
Okay, and they are not marketing. blind leading the blind eye and I was

Sam Taggart 14:43
like, okay, and this is a quote today from Myron I really liked He’s like, if you’re following your followers and trying to lead your leaders, you’re never going to be successful, right? If you’re, if you’re leading your followers and following your leaders, you’re going to be successful and I think a lot of people look for bad advice. They look for advice from their cousins. customer and their customers giving them a feedback of, well, it should be this price. So then all of a sudden you start following your customers. And you start saying, Well, okay, maybe you’re right, maybe we are a little expensive, you start to believe this right? To say, we’re gonna charge it to this. And they’re like, I don’t believe we could sell that. And then you can tell they’re starting to distrust me. And I was like, Okay, if you don’t believe me, and you don’t think you could sell this thing door to door because I’ve never really done door to door, they hired me. I was like, did you you pay me money like you, they’re gonna believe me or not believe you either way I’m making my feet. And I said, to prove it to you. Let’s go knock. And I take 20 of them under one door. The first door knock, I sell it, close it same day, which they’ve never seen a deal close in a week on under like, usually takes a week to sell a solar deal for them, for them. And they’re like, you can’t close. And I was like, Oh, we got to do here. What do you mean, I’m going to close the first door closed $4 and something to walk. But next door is closed? four doors is open. I was like, how many of these? Do you need me to see two for two? For you to believe

Dan Henry 15:57
they can’t close first? Not is because they think they can’t? Because they think like, Okay, that’s it? Right? Dad, you can’t you can’t make a million dollars in a day from your dining room whenever you can.

Sam Taggart 16:11
Because you believe that I

Dan Henry 16:12
can? Because I believe I can. And I just did. Okay, that’s the thing is, is belief is the number one thing that will stop you in business, weight loss, marriage, whatever, the belief that you cannot do something now that’s okay. That’s within reason, right? Well, I can’t. For instance, at some point, and not even that, there really isn’t within reason, because everything, either time becomes reasonable thing, but I think you go back 100 years. One day, my grandchild will live will be able to see us land on that, that moon up there, or go into space, people will call you crazy. You will really considered that the town fool. Because all of them simply did not believe that we could do it you’ve asked for in 100 years. And we’re on Mars. We’re not just on the moon. We’re not just in space, we have two rovers on Mars transmitting video or transmitting pictures back to us on earth. And we can see all this stuff. We’re drilling in the Martian soil and analyzing samples. Now, every single person in the scientific community in 100 years ago, continuously say we’ll never do that. Guess we’re reviewing right now. We’d be on earth. And that’s it. We have nothing out in space. We have nothing on Mars. Okay, so as ridiculous as amazed how ridiculous is it? Too late to go outside of the earth and land on another planet? How ridiculous is it to close a 900 grand? We actually closed over a million I’m just only accepting 100. But to do that from your dining room one day. How ridiculous is that? It sounds ridiculous. But if you tell yourself that’s ridiculous. If you tell yourself, it can’t be done, it will never be done. Every time something we make some breakthrough, right? You know, Elan Musk is developing a chip that goes in your brain. They can if they drill a hole in your brain, they put the chip in the brain and they put the cap back on it. And if you have all kinds of ailments, like let’s say you were bought, it’ll like that your brain and you can see it. They’re working on it right now. Because they might have told you that 10 years ago, no, no, maybe like your mouse was on Joe Rogan talking about it. You tell yourself you can’t do it, no matter how he goes, whoa, No, that’s too ridiculous. That happened. That’s really good. Because you just said you can’t do the day it becomes a real thing as the day you say, you know, I can do it. I don’t know how to do it yet. I’m gonna figure it out.

Sam Taggart 18:45
But I know I can do it. It’s buckwild. So three weeks ago, we had a guy he’s in my mastermind group is getting Parker and he texted me He’s like, Hey, dude, I’m going to go do 150 pest controls in a week. And I was like, what, like a normal week and pest controls, maybe 34 year whatever, like a good week. And he’s like, I’m gonna go do 150 like I’m gonna do like ridiculous numbers never been even close to me done. And he doesn’t hit it’s 130 or whatever, in a week. And, you know, everybody’s like no, and starts discrediting and you can’t ever do that and blah blah and, and he sounds like a lot these sounds like a lot of cashiers. I think now Yeah. cashiers are all gonna turn. Well, guess what? this other guy Cody. So this is like historical monumental in the space there have been done. Well kept a dude named Cody the following week, goes and shatters his record. He’s like, wait a minute demo company. And he’s like, this guy did want it. Oh, okay. Yeah, boom. goes and breaks. It sounds like well, Parker, your record less lasted one week. They did like $75,000 in revenue in one week. And pest control which is crazy. And it goes to show like so many people out there that They want to be the McDonald’s guys, they just really go, I can’t do that I can’t do that I can’t do that were Cody’s mindset was like, well we can do I can do it like what free like, let me go try. And more and more people are now paying for crazy ridiculous numbers just because somebody is like, well, if I’m gonna go

Dan Henry 20:16
do this well, I’ll give you an example. So the $900,000 day that was to a group of entrepreneurs that are trying to sell their high ticket services, info products, mastermind events, coaching programs. Okay. All right. Now, what if we were saying I said, Okay, I want to I want to do a $10 million day. Now, a lot of people would say, Well, that sounds ridiculous. Well, not really. Because if you think about it, 100 people do what? Alright, imagine if you mentioned if I wrote a book, or I created some sort of training on how to grow your business from seven to eight figures from somebody who’s done. And we got 100 CEOs in the room, right 100 CEOs that have million dollar companies that need to scale or whatever, and I do a presentation. And I said, I’m only taking 10, here’s what it is. It’s a million dollars for the year. And we’re going to get on one zoom, call them on whatever the offer is, right? And every month, I’m going to review what you’re doing or whatever the offer would be right? It’s $1,000,000.10 out of one are people 10? Buy? That’s a $10 million day. There you go. Now, would I over the next how many of them are not seeing the news, but if I set my mind to it, right, I can figure out how to get 100. You know, and you just got to bring it out, right? I’ll figure out how to get 107 figure plus CEOs, or business owners, inner craft a great presentation, make a great offer software, $1 million to 10 people. That’s 10%. Right? That is now the set becomes how do I execute that? How do I figure out how to do that? How to figure out how to make that work? See now we went from this, it’s not possible to have a $10 million dollar day two, the mechanics of it. And now that we have the mechanics of it, how do we start theorizing? How do we work on each component? How do they cover and eventually, you know, what happened a $10 million day.

Sam Taggart 22:18
So so let me put that in door to doors terms. And I try to explain that, but you just hit it on the head. Somebody could go, I want to sell 10 in a day. And I’m like, Well, if you can do one in a day, how long does it take you to do one? And then I got 2030 minutes, like so how many hours during the day? So how many people would you need to talk to right? And how many 20 minute conversations? Could you have to sell 10? So would you do for the other hours of the day I walked around? I was like how many people you know for now, what is your closing percentage to be? How do you get better with that? Like you can reverse engineer 10 in a day when you’re adding just wanted it? Very simple. And I think so many people overcomplicate it because they’re so accustomed to the nose. They’re like, well, I need to get this many nose. I’m like, well, that’s just you, assuming you shouldn’t get that many nose. I know people go out there and they get one for one or two, one out of one. I mean, there’s been times I wasn’t 100%. I didn’t have any notes that day. Point. One, two. Got two. And that’s all I had time to

Dan Henry 23:11
No. You know, I used to do door to door a million years ago for DirecTV.

Sam Taggart 23:17
Yeah, he’s

Dan Henry 23:20
I have no idea if you think is a good idea or not, but it’s worked for me. Okay. So what I did was I went door to door. And again, this is my mindset, right? I went door to door, I was terrible at it. And the main reason I was terrible at it, I couldn’t get the conversation going, I couldn’t get people to either invite me in their home or even stand at the door and talk to me for 10 minutes. So I thought about it and I thought about what my commission would be and I thought about what I would make. And so what I did was I went to dunkin donuts. And I wouldn’t stop I went and I got one of those big like portable, cooler things. You know, like they have the keep seeing more and more cold. And I bought I don’t know, it was like I should I should have rooted at home. But I think it is I went bought a bunch of those boxes and coffee now like we had today. Put them all in there to keep it hot. I bought a crap ton of doughnuts. And I put it all in this little cart, the wheels. And I will go door to door and I’d say first thing I said was, Hey, my name is Dan. I’m with direct tv. And I know most people knock on your door and want to talk to you and they don’t they just come in want to talk to you what I’d like to give you a doughnut and a cup of coffee for just five minutes of your time. If everybody said sure. And then they didn’t even ask to be invited in. They invited me into the house. We sat down we had a donut coffee, and I sold the crap out. Because I didn’t I just did something. I said what’s the first step? The first step is to get them to talk to me. Oh my gosh. So I said Who doesn’t like a coffee. And

Sam Taggart 24:45
so what makes something different about Dan and I it’s so funny because you did that. I use a scooter. And my whole thing was I just want to make a joke and start talking about my razor scooters that we wrote on your doorstep and you’re just Want to talk about some random old dude walking around on a scooter? You know what I mean? Like, whatever it is, like, it’s so funny. Like, you look at the guys that are doing well like yourself, and you say what he thought in a different way. He said, I’m going to talk

Dan Henry 25:14
about door to door sales. I just knew that the biggest problem was I could not get an actual conversation. Like I remember one time. So this was until I had this was until I had, like, this is so so soggy. So I’d go door to door, right. And the problem was, I could never get to the part where I knew if I was good at sales pitch or not, because I could never get them to talk to me. And so I thought about when I read, I would have Jehovah’s Witnesses knock on my door at 7am. Now let me say something. I don’t care if Jesus Christ himself came down from heaven. If anyone knocks on my doors, seven hours Sunday, you’re gonna get an earful from me, because I should not be awake at 7am on a Sunday. And to me, it’s incredibly rude to knock on somebody’s door at 7am on Sunday, I don’t care what your pedal. I don’t care if you’re peddling. Eternal Life is literally the best possible offer you could have. And I’m sorry, but a comment in comment. Okay. Hold on a second. Let me get this. Yeah, so so one time this Jehovah’s Witness, people come, and they come over and over and over again, I didn’t I didn’t realize that. At the time. I could put it no solicitation sign up. And they must have come three times. And every time I basically slammed the door in their face. And I remember one time I said, I said, you know what guys said you know what would actually really be helpful to you? And it was a joke. I said, Why don’t you just bring like a cup of coffee. Like if you brought me a cup of coffee, I see the cup of coffee, I’d smell the cup of coffee. I want coffee. You know what I take the coffee and I talk to you about your whatever book and eternal life you’re peddling, whatever, for at least five minutes, okay. And they kind of laughed, and they never brought me any coffee. Right? They just went on their way. And eventually I put a no solicitation sign up I slept in on Sundays. I was very happy. And it all worked out. But when I started working for DirecTV, I thought back to that, I was like, well wonder if I should like, take my own advice. Yeah. And so I did it anyway. And I don’t even know if I was good at sales at the time. I just know, I could get people to sit down and talk to me for 30 minutes. And I sold a ton of drinking.

Sam Taggart 27:30
That is so cool. I love stories like that. And now, you know, so so. So let’s let’s I we got to kind of wrap up because we got to dinner to go to But the last thing and if you’re listening to this, guys, it’s crazy. You watch, there’s traits that are common amongst the successful people. And he was innovative, he took his own advice, he was willing to get different. He was willing to put himself out there and you look where he’s at now. And you’re like, oh, there’s probably a common thread there. Number two, you do this digital marketing, you sell these coaching programs, things like that. You teach these business owners how to go duplicate that, when our space, the biggest thing on social when it comes to social media is recruiting. So do you have any tips and advice when using digital marketing to help if I were to be wanting to recruit a bunch of sales guys, and I want to attract like, you know, hey, come change your life with us. Hey, quit your dead end job at McDonald’s come do what we’re doing making killer money. Like how would you? What advice would you give that guy trying to use online to

Dan Henry 28:28
Other the same way I sell courses? There’s no difference, right? So we put out a core piece of content, like a webinar or a book, like my book is digital millionaire secrets. Okay, you go to digital millionaire secrets, like I’m gonna get the book free read the book. And then as you read the book, there’s an opportunity to book a call, you book a call, and we sell you our program. But thing is when people get on that call, they they almost always buy it just read my book front to back. Or if somebody watches a webinar, when they watched the webinar, the whole webinar, and then they go both call high chance that why not just because I made logical sense, but because I built the belief in them that, that they could achieve something. And so not only did they become buyers, but they became true believers, they became fans. And so when you recruit, and this is how I recruit for my company, I don’t try to find employees, I tried to create fans, and then simply ask them to work for me. So I would have some sort of presentation or core piece of content that takes somebody from, Oh, what’s this opportunity about to truly believing that they could get changed their life by working for this company? And then they fill out an application now when you get the application or you’re just looking at, Oh, is this going to potential good employee because every bad employee can be a good employee. Okay, if somebody comes in and they’re just there for a paycheck, they’re probably not going to be the greatest employee. But if somebody comes in and they are a fan, they are a true believer. They are they have have become easy part of your tribe. And now not only do they want to work for you, but they want to support what you stand for your your movement, because you don’t just want employees to do their job. You want employees that love being a part of successful team being part of a culture. And they don’t just, they’re not just there to pay their bills, they’re there because they want to be there. And that’s not only how you would recruit, but how you recruit the best possible people.

Sam Taggart 30:29
Yeah. And sometimes people want to work for the movement and are willing to be paid less then just going chasing after the iceberg. So like, Yeah, but see, that’s

Dan Henry 30:39
The thing. If you get an employee that is a true lever, you can pay them more because they will put out four times the output of a normal way. Yeah, I pay my people good because they do a good job. If I have to pay somebody cheap. I don’t I don’t hire No. Right. Like if I if I have an employee that I think I should pay less because of whatever reason, then I shouldn’t have them as an employee if I don’t have an employee that I can pay good that that’s that person should not be my

Sam Taggart 31:10
employee in the first place. Whoa, whoa. Okay, so I know we’re a little more in time while you guys hopefully this has some good value, but if people want to kind of find more your stuff get to know you what, how would they find you

Dan Henry 31:24
just go to digital millionaire secrets.com and grab a free copy of my book, just pay shipping or you can go to get clients.com I got all kinds of cool stuff there. It’s totally content stuff.

Sam Taggart 31:35
So cool. Well, you guys heard it firsthand in January coming at you from Tampa, Florida. And yeah, we’ll see you guys on the next episode. Hope you guys got a got some good nuggets out of this. I sure did. And I appreciate you. Go ahead. Thank you.

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