Mastering Recruiting & Culture in Door-to-Door Sales with Fredy Catota

35 Min Read

Last Updated: August 3, 2018

Speaker 1: (00:02)

Bill, Can I help you?

Speaker2: Hey listen up, I’m bringing you the best content to ever exist in the door to door industry from sales leadership, recruiting, impersonal development.

Speaker 1:

Why would I need that?

Speaker 2:

Because never before have we been able to collaborate with the top experts in their industries, sharing their secrets and techniques and what makes them the best.

Speaker 1: Wait, who? Who are you?

Speaker 2:
I’m your host. Sam Taggart, creator of the D2D experts in D2Dcon. Is there a place we can sit down?

Speaker 1:
We’ll come on him.

Speaker 3: Register today for D2DCon, learn from over 40 amazing speakers including the real wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort. Come as a team. Learn as a team. Leave as a tribe.

Speaker 2: (00:48)

Hey Everybody. This is Sam Taggart, your host with the D2D podcast. And I have an amazing guest. Fredy Catota and we’re actually sitting in a hotel room in San Angelo, Texas, the most beautiful part of Texas, West Texas, where the wind is just so abundant and the dust and the cow manure smells are of rich and happiness. Yes. Something like, Oh man, so much to do. We went jet skiing and the dirt infested waters of Lake something yesterday. It what’s called Nazareth or something like that. Wow. And uh, yeah, so super excited. Uh, these guys actually hired me to come and do some consulting for them and help build their instance of, you know, they’re one of the largest clients of door to door university so far. So super excited to kind of help support them in their journey to only better their uh, training and onboarding process.

Speaker 1: (01:47)
And there, you know, we got some good stuff, fires the fire real lot. We’ve spent the last three, four days on camera. Literally Freddy’s in the car, Camera Mans in the car behind like hidden camera, zooming in. Like I’m all miked up like secret camera behind. You’re doing full real cells to put in the university. So that’ll be super cool as good. And so it’s been a kind of a double whammy. They get a ton of good stuff, some good training and university gets good stuff. They’re already part of the university, so it benefits anything. I think, you know, when you’re the door door industry, you want to align yourself with people who are doing well. I mean, you guys are doing great things at d two D so why instead of, you know, hey, no, we don’t want to help. I mean, you know, when you’re in a position of power, the last thing you want to do is act like you’re, you know, it all.

Speaker 1: (02:35)
No. And, and, and we’ll touch on that. That’s something that we’ll talk on to today. So today, oh, can I get Freddy as little warm welcome. But like, seriously that, that’s one thing that I admire about these guys over at skyline is the investment into their people. They have Cardone you, they’re building their own it to you. I mean, you know, you’re paying for consulting, you’re paying for coaches, you’re you, you paid for your guys to go to Ddd con you paid for you guys going to 10 X. Dot. I mean, it’s like, like you’re willing to go and invest in your people. And I see that’s paying back dividends. When I watched some of these guys throwing in today, it was like, it’s pretty cool

Speaker 3: (03:09)
today. I mean, Jay Kelly, he’s running the rise office out here, did a great job. And a lot of the guys that we recruited, you know, we gave basically gave it to him, you know, but they came through those courses, the Ddu Cardone use skyline knew, you know, they went to those courses and you know, one of the best recruits that we have so far, you know, did seven his first week, you know, he’s straight out of high school. Right. And so if it doesn’t, one in Philly out with Pat Mendez and same tip type scenario with Nico. So you know, these types of recruits come through courses that we create. You create, you know, that help them be more successful from the beginning.

Speaker 1: (03:42)
Yeah. But a lot of people, I mean, it’s probably a dumb investment to train your people. I think it’s, I think it’s dumb. I don’t know why I do that. But anyway, you guys, you guys are a little slow, so I’m just kidding. Uh, no. So basically Freddy, he manages over, you know, bending the industry 12 years, managed over 300 sales reps. They’re the largest brinks dealer. You know, he, you’ve been featured on the Cardone podcast. If a ED Molet my la it. Yeah. So, and, and a lot of these other big influencers and it’s cool to see you guys taking names and kicking butt. And you know what I think is crazy is just how I’ve seen you guys and followed this journey over the last three years. You know, I’m obviously been in the alarm industry and it’s like five years ago I would’ve been like, who’s skyline?

Speaker 1: (04:30)

Actually five years ago skyline was in west Texas and my term as chair, we almost got in a fight with, so I definitely know who they were, but in a negative connotation because it was like a, a battle battle. But, so today we’re going to focus mainly on recruiting. So if you’re listening today, we’re going to kind of go through a Freddy’s journey and kind of what you’ve done over the years, but then tie that into like how you’ve been able to sustain the storm and how to really hit this. Like I don’t know the belts, like what’s that like where the momentum finally kicks in and it’s like boom, exponential growth. We’re starting to peak right now, starting to see the compounding interest take place. So like, you know, a big piece if you’re listening, this is mainly for guys that want to lead, guys that want to grow, guys that want to like be able to be longtime lifers, guys that want to find like the millions of dollars in this industry and like mine it for what it’s worth, this is the podcast for you. So I’m like super excited to have you on the show. So welcome. Welcome out.

Speaker 3: (05:31)
What are you spending a few days ago? It has been fun. I know. Making me exciting. So I’m very thrilled to be here.

Speaker 1: (05:36)
Yeah, so, so tell us, I guess, who recruited you? I want to know who the, who’s the guy who’s the guy that can say, yeah, I recruited him. He’s that even in the business, I figured give him a shout

Speaker 3: (05:47)
is a, so I’m LDS. So we were always at church and the guy just, hey man, you want to come out and make $50,000 in the summer. Like I’m in, like I was easy, easiest recruit, you know, I are meeting the manager and just going to Super Saturday or for a company called first line out of business down. But thanks to you and point out in Utah. And I remember going there and just like being like, oh my first line people, there’s like a, but I remember being there in that stadium and I’m just saying, oh my gosh, I’m not the only one and look at all these people that are doing this. And I was just kinda like an awe. Like wow, this is, this could be big, you know. So I was just captivated. I was kind of in the moment and I was like, man, it’s going to be awesome.

Speaker 3: (06:23)
This is going to be awesome experience. And I, and I realize that, you know, for me at least, I was like, I was living in La, you know, and, you know, and I was living in a situation where I was like, man, I want to do better. I was dating a girl that was Morris County, you know, and, and I knew that I was going to have to make some money to, you know, to marry her at one day, you know, so I knew how to get in a better situation and my job at the time was not going to afford that. And so I was like, all right, well this guy, he hit me up, let’s do this, you know, and my wife girlfriend at the time, she encouraged me, she say, yeah, I think you’d do good this, you know, she had, she had a friends before that had done it before and they did really well, and she’s like, I think you do.

Speaker 3: (06:59)
Well, he also, that’s all I needed, you know, just a little bit of encouragement, uh, from a loved one. And then I was like, aw man, you know, so I went out there and San Diego of all places again, first office. Yeah. Wow. Under a tough market. It was tough market. I became one of the top reps and that off his rookie 22 years old. I was just hungry, you know. But it’s funny because the guy who recruited me, he, Marco, he recruited me, he went into sales, couldn’t cut the sales, went into a technician role and then ended up getting fired as a technician. So, uh, that was, he was out like in two month two I think. Yeah.

Speaker 1: (07:30)
We’re going to come back like remind me, we’re circling back on that topic because I think that’s something important. That’s a nugget that we can extract because it has to do with recruiting. Oh Man. And what we’re going to dive into recruiting, I don’t to interrupt your story, but yeah, make sure I touch on that. Yeah. Well the cool thing about it was that, and I always, I always love this experience of mine the first year cause I always cherish it.

Speaker 3: (07:51)
You know, cause my first year we would get paid a hundred bucks up front, you know, that was it. And that’s all I saw. And so my goal was to hit $1,000 a week. So my goal was to make 10 sales a week, you know, so I can make that thousand bucks. But I love it because you know, with what people get paid today, it’s almost like 1000 bucks. You can make it in a day, you know? So for me it taught me discipline and hard work because I was like, well, I’m only getting paid a hundred so my second year and I became a manager out in Jersey and New York, you know, I was getting paid 500 bucks a sale. So I was like five times more than what I was already making. So I’m like, dude, I was making this like your $100 so now I have opportunity to make $500 so I just used it to make, you know, I ended up making six figures that year, a hundred thousand bucks. And so I was like, man, just that what taught would it taught me, you know, cause some people you get paid so much and you’re just like, okay cool, I’ll still sell one. Yeah. And that’s it, you know? But that second year really elevated my, you know, my ambition because I was getting paid more and so why not work more? Exactly. That’s some people kind of do the reverse, right. Where they get paid more, they work, you know, like wait, it would have been what happened. They’re like,

Speaker 1: (08:57)
it’s literally, they just maintain their income. Exactly. You’re a manager. It doesn’t matter. You’re a Rep. Does it matter? Yeah. You get paid twice a month. Doesn’t matter. I’m still gonna make six weeks. Yeah. It’s, it’s funny because everyone always talks about this. He always says yes,

Speaker 3: (09:09)
always going to have, you’re always going to work to pay your bills. Yup. That’s it. I mean, so if your bills are thousand bucks a month, you work for 1000 bucks a month, you know, so just enough to pay all your bills. You feel satisfied. Yup. That’s almost complacent. So, I mean obviously in the commission world, you know it’s different because we have a potential to make more, but it’s almost the psychology of, you know, even though we can potentially make more, it’ll be almost still have that minimum wage or that wage type mentality where, Oh, I’m just going to stay here because this is what I know when you, you know, are in a Ferrari but you don’t get out of first gear. Well first you’re actually pretty close pretty fast, but still, you know, that concept of, you know, being in the vehicle that can really take you to the next level, but not using it to its full potential. 100% yeah.

Speaker 1: (09:52)
So fast forward, you talk rep, you managed, you went to some other company, they went out of business and then let’s, let’s start off there. So this was what, 2000 2009 nine you’re like, I’m going to start my own thing. Yeah. So tell us a little bit about that kind of

Speaker 3: (10:08)
all the cool thing was still the owner of that company that there was going to go out of business. He, he approached me and the other top Rep, uh, Leo, the Osage man,

Speaker 1: (10:16)
big shout out, shout out to the, I know him like this and Sharon tagging bills agent.

Speaker 3: (10:21)
Um, and he, you know, me and him, you know, we got along really well. We formed a company called shield protection and we went into business like we, we had no idea, no clue what to do. We were sales guys like we weren’t, you know, business guys and the whole different beast. Being a businessman and being a salesperson is two different worlds. And so, cause all of a sudden now we had hire a customer service agents. We had to train them, we had to hire technicians, we had someone to train them. You had to buy your own equipment, you had to get an office, you have to get a insurance, you know, the list goes on and on. And all of these unexpected costs, shirts, hats, materials,

Speaker 1: (10:56)
marketing signs, you know, it’s like, wait a minute, I thought software software and tell me, I’m like, they’re all to payroll tax liabilities. Wait, what happened? contract. Yeah. I thought we were going to be

Speaker 3: (11:10)
buddy, you know, and they’re being and making less. And so I went and we did business for a couple of years and then he moved on to a different state. And so we kind of just, you know, consolidate and said, are you do? Yeah, I’ll do me. And so that’s how we kind of figured that out. And so when I, you know, had my own on my own operation, I was kind of like, all right, well, um, I still had that ambition where I, I’m going to be the best, I’m going to go forward and make it make a huge. Um, but you know, that it came with its own problems, you know? And, uh, I realized, man, I really just liked the whole sales part of the job. Like the rallying people, recruiting the Sally. Like, that’s really what I really liked to do. I didn’t really get in this industry to become an administrator.

Speaker 3: (11:48)
Like, that wasn’t my goal. You know, now I’m administrating people and teaching people how to a customer rent. That wasn’t necessarily my goal. But you have to become that when you’re a small company, right? Yeah. You have to wear a lot hats. And so because of we’re in a lot of hats, I was like, all right, well, I’m doing all this and that, you know, you realize like, well, it’s just really what I want to do. You know, you ask him, I asked myself that question. I’m like, man, and so, you know, I said, all right, well I’m gonna take more of the administrative and I hired a recruiter to recruit for me. And then so he said he had this game plan. I really liked it. Our first year we were doing, you know, 8,100 accounts a month, year round, you know, so we ended about 1200 accounts that first year.

Speaker 3: (12:24)
It’s all like, man, this is awesome. You know, and unfortunately, you know, the guy wanted more money, you know, and, and that whole thing unraveled and ended up doing a, you know, uh, in the middle of the night kind of deal and just left and took half my team, you know, and uh, you know, everything kind of shut down real fast and we’ll talk on that for a minute. Cause that, I mean that part of recruiting and that out of team building, I mean that’s part of what happens and they’ll, and that’s the thing I didn’t understand at the time. I was like, well, you know, he took half the team and so naturally, you know, what I went into, which now I realize I shouldn’t have done is I went into like, just try to keep and maintain rather than, okay, well they left. I should just keep growing, keep going, you know.

Speaker 3: (13:05)
And I realized, I was like, well that was my mistake. My mistake was just maintain what I got because I lost that. I just got to maintain this and that was the wrong mentality. I should have said, well keep this, but let me add another 10, 15 guys. Cause what’s the consequences of just being like, let me hold onto my few little chicks. I got under the exact, exactly what are the consequences that come from managers that do that? I mean, y’all, you’re living in that minus scarcity, right? Where there will be more guys leaving, but you’ll get more guys coming in and so the, you know, in the door door, in the streets of revolving door, right? Not everyone’s going to stay. Some people will, some people won’t. It’s not for everyone. And so the consequences for that was, oh man, all of a sudden, you know, production goes down, right, expenses maintain.

Speaker 3: (13:51)
And then all of a sudden, you know, being a dealer, chargebacks started going up. So I’m like, Oh man, this is, you know, almost, uh, you know, it’s not going the right direction. Production down. Um, admin up charge backs up. It’s the wrong equation you want to be in. And so it really like forced my hand and make some decisions. Um, but it’s, it’s very, you know, interesting story because that same person that had, you know, given me or done some recruiting for me also was the one who actually helped me because before he did that, he introduced me to Edwin from skyline. And, uh, we meet then when kicked it off really, really fast. And, uh, you know, when that whole situation happened, I just reached out to him and say, Hey, you know, is there a way we can work together and in a really build this up?

Speaker 3: (14:32)
And at the time I’m sure he was like, yeah, you know, share it. Let’s, you know, let’s figure it out, you know? But I remember telling him, I was like, do I want to be here? I had met, that was my goal. Like I was like, oh, how do I get there? You know? He’s like, oh, well you gotta be the top guy here. You know? And then I was like, all right, well check. Right? All right. Now I don’t think I know my target, you know? So once he gave me my target, all right, cool. Um, you know, first year I did, you know, we did find her 50 accounts a second you duty 1100. By the third year I became, you know, uh, the top region. Then we did 4,000 accounts. And so, you know, that happened pretty fast, you know, and so that’s why it became more in the VP role and, and we really just thought about, okay, well how can we do this on a, on a big, big level rather than just on a region.

Speaker 3: (15:13)
How can we really do this? And that’s when we got into the more influential or influencer space. And yeah, that’s really where our bread and butter is now. You know, we’re, we’re getting a lot of people who have that state of mind of, you know, whatever it takes tanks, some Talenti, you know, Max out, you know, that’s, that’s our audience now. I mean, recruiting has changed, you know, um, if you’re not in Utah, it’s a whole different beast. Like Utah obviously you already kind of has that mentality of like, you know, they just, they to expectation, right? I’m going to go out and summer and I’ll make, I’ll make a hundred now. Like it’s an expectation right outside of Utah, like in California or other states, you know, it’s like first you have to convince him like, hey man, this is a real job, right? It’s door to door.

Speaker 3: (15:51)
I know. Don’t get scared. Right? And it’s in its commission, right? You’re, you’re already kind of setting them up. They’re like, oh, well, you know, I was scared. I ain’t do we have success and you have to kind of show him, you know, a paycheck or an award or something so they can understand that this is real. And then they’re like, okay, well maybe I’ll do it. Maybe I will. And then, you know, they’re not mentally ready for it and so they end up failing. Um, and so that’s really what we’ve seen the change in recruiting, um, is fighting the individuals who already have that. Like, I’ve already had the mindset of those market places and then just go after that market, right. Rather than convincing somebody, educating them on that, because that time will come for that person. But they’re probably just not ready for at that time. Yeah. It will come at some time. Just maybe not now. And you know, whenever that time comes we’ll be ready for that. I love that. Yeah.

Speaker 1: (16:38)
So it’s more, and this is like one of the main principles that I wanted to talk on was it’s this principle of attraction and making sure that people are aware, hey, we’re hiring. Yeah. Because you know, you’ve almost branded your entire social media platform, joined skyline. Like that’s your insta handle. So it’s like, I wonder what that means. Well, it’s pretty obvious, but it’s funny, like in somebody, like somebody tagged me in a post yesterday and you know, they have like, oh, I was all here, resume dagger and you know, we were working at the handle join skyline and you know what I’m eating. And I’m like, oh, that’s I guess, how else would you not like you’re, you’re recruiting but you’re not like you have to, like, it’s almost forced because your whole brand is our brand. Your brand is that. And it’s like, and it’s funny, I did another podcast with the seam and he, one of the things that you said on recruiting was like, you need to let the world, now you’re hiring. Exactly. It’s like if the world knows I’m hiring done great. At least they know I’m hiring. Right. If they’re down in the dumps or they’re dead end job or they’re not happy with their other company or they’re pissed off at their boss. So true. What do they go dark? Oh I know they’re hiring. Exactly. That’s pretty obvious. Right?

Speaker 3: (17:50)
And whoever has allowed his drum will get hurt. Right, exactly. I mean if you are not saying their face, but if you’re promoting what’s really happening, then you’ll get the right people, you’ll attract the right people that are ready for that. And so I think a lot of people, and it’s funny, we talked about this yesterday on our group coaching call is it was how,

Speaker 1: (18:11)
you know you’re not, we talked and you were like, I’m not really that social media guy. And you know, it’s funny cause I, I made a post about this the other day. I was like, guys realize I wasn’t wanting to be, I made fun of the people. I’m like, do we really need to know what you’re eating? Right? Doing really need to, now you’re taking a dump. Like seriously, put that on Instagram. Like you want the world to know you’re about to go take a dump. Like cool, good job. Like not the best. You know what I mean? Like and then make fun of that. And now it’s like, shoot, I, I’m

Speaker 3: (18:38)
that guy now. Darn it. But I think it’s different though because the content that you come out with, right? Because who wants to put out that post, right? I mean you kind of see that type of person. You’re like, yeah, I don’t want to be associated that person. But if you’re putting out positive content, you know, that should be allowed drum. I mean there’s enough negativity already in the world. Why not be the company that person to put out something positive? You know, because I think in, in Instagram or whatever social media use, there’s a lot of negative, a lot of like, you know, things going on in the world. And you know, it’d be good to see a post. And that’s why I, I follow, you know, companies are people that are positive, right? Because that’s what I like to see. That’s why I like to be about, and so if I’ve seen that, if we’re promoting that, then we’re going to attract the same people.

Speaker 3: (19:21)
Exactly. And so that’s how I, that’s how I see we align ourselves with people who think outside the box who are positive but also, you know, have a lot of goals, you know, and, and those goals need to be accomplished. And you know, our company, you know, we provide that. And what are, what are some of the things that you’ve done to kind of network with a few of the influencers that have helped put you into these markets that are ambitious? People that are, you know, almost like little, little communities, you know, just like what I’ve created with DDD tribe. It’s, it’s, it’s not easy, it’s an audience, but it’s just, it’s like even this podcast, it’s like now you’re getting in front of this audience, right? You’ve gotten in front of other audiences and other audiences, like what are some of the ways that you’ve networked to kind of get in front of those audiences?

Speaker 3: (20:01)
Well, it’s interesting because how you really have to do is just send a DM. Like it literally is that simple. Like, Hey, like let’s, let’s collaborate, let’s do something. And if you’re a impressive enough to the person, they’ll be like, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Obviously if they look at your Instagram account or your, your website, they’re like, yeah, it’s not something we’d want to be an associate associated with. They won’t do that. But it happens a lot actually. I get hit up all the time. Facebook stock them or I insist. Exactly. And I’m like not exactly right. So that’s, I mean that’s what you do though, right? You get to d and You’re like, oh well let me check his profile or her profile. You’re like, oh no, that’s not, that’s not the direction we want to go. Right. So, so that’s why you have to have good content, clean, professional. It’s,

Speaker 1: (20:47)
and cause that’s essentially, it’s a resume. Exactly. Because exactly what it is. When you’re recruiting, it’s like you’re, you’re playing a dance, you’re playing a date. Yeah. I’m going to date you. You’re going to date me. Exactly. I’m going to Facebook stock you before I send the DM. Yup. And I’m mostly, you’re probably going to Facebook stalk me, read back and just exactly how it works. And I think a lot of people aren’t aware of, okay, what pictures, what? Like what’s the, what’s the level of quality and I’m promoting or do I not even have anything. It’s like you have a hundred friends, this guy must be really cool. You know what I mean? Like that. I mean it’s, it’s just fact. It is when we pay attention to that. Yeah.

Speaker 3: (21:25)
And there’s a lot of things, you know, and there’s a lot of fake accounts too. I mean, you gotta be careful too, right? Because you got some of that has a million and I’ll maybe not million, but maybe 50,000 accounts or followers and then you look into and they get two lights. You know, that’s not probably somebody that actually has an audience. Yeah. They’re just sake. Say, say we have an audience but not really necessarily has an audience. And so you gotta be careful, you get to your homework, right? And so for us, I mean we’ve, we’ve just tried to put out content that is positive. Um, we obviously make sure we recognize our, our company and things we’re doing. I mean, we were just talking about doing jet skis and we got some video that are uninspired. I mean, I was things like that, you know, of not only that though the positive, but you know, the hustle of what we do not, uh, not an easy job to do. Right. Because a lot of people don’t know about that,

Speaker 1: (22:10)
this vehicle. And that’s like a big thing that I’m advocating with DVD. It’s like everyone’s like, oh, northern war people still do that. Yeah. You know what I mean? And I’m sure you still get done. And it’s like you’re tapping into these new markets. Like it’s so funny, like real estate and, and insurance people and you know, car people like Mario, this stud do you just hired? He’s like, comes in car sales dude. And he’s like, oh my gosh, that guy, I’m so grateful. I talked to them for like an hour last night and he almost cried because he’s like, I never imagined myself doing such an amazing thing and making so much money so fast. And uh, but the problem is is if we’re not all advocating because saw opportunity in a positive way, we’re not representing ourselves. Right. It’s not like nobody knows about this. Right. And I I think as a conglomerate, as I go as a group or a tribe, yeah. The more we do that, the more everybody recruits.

Speaker 3: (23:02)
Yeah. I think, you know, in the beginning of when you came out with the Udu I was, I mean you’re DTD I was kind of like what is, what is this? You know, cause he’s just like, you know, cause obviously I looked you up and I in, you know, face stock. Do you okay,

Speaker 4: (23:11)
how long hair, it’s this guy you still had like VP of assaults. He has it. I like, hold on, this is what is, this really is the trick is it’s a true to myself, like brilliant, amazing. But then obviously when the, and

Speaker 3: (23:26)
when he got to know you and see your content and see that you, and especially when you have the conference, I mean you’re like, dude, this is neutral. I remember seeing people there at the conference and they had like their, their company’s shirt and then like an hour later they had a regular or DTD or oh, we make them take it off. How’s that? What happens is, Oh hey, they made it sound like, Dang. Okay. It was like official, right? Yeah. And so obviously you police had to the extent that you can, but I mean that’s when I realized, okay, he is neutral. They didn’t necessarily want to promote more of the D Two d rather than a company or rather than just, you know, specific people. Right. And that’s what I saw. I mean that’s what, how the article I can I get jumped on board with this just because of that, you know, because you’re like, okay, the community, how can we help each other?

Speaker 3: (24:07)
Because I firmly believe, you know, the amount of abundance where there’s enough for everyone. Like, I mean, only for us in the space, it’s only like 24%. I mean, I think we’re okay with sharing, you know, the other percentage with the rest of the, of the other companies. Right. And for us, I mean, you know, we’ll do our thing. Those other companies do their thing. I mean, we’re not in necessarily the time that we’ll try to recruit somebody and try to pull them like that, you know, if they come to us, great. If not, I mean we’ll find people.

Speaker 1: (24:32)
And so, and, and speaking of that, because one of the points I wanted to make was how do you play the long game and recruiting and it ties with this abundant mindset. There’s so much to go around, but also being in this, I’m not like one like Bert, her Cindy install Cindy, same day recruiting different. Yeah. Um, but how have you played this long game, abundant mindset, and how has it paid off for you,

Speaker 3: (24:55)
you, over the years? I mean, that’s, you know, one of the, you know, one, one of my biggest for Truett’s with somebody I recruit for three years, you know, and consistently following up and, you know, create a little relationship with that person and, uh, you know, it, it took the third year to finally recruit that person. So if I wasn’t persistent enough, if I wasn’t thinking of big goal, if I wasn’t thinking of a long time strategy, that would have never happened. Right. If I was like, okay, well, he said, no, forget him. I didn’t need him anyway. I mean, that’s not, I mean, is that, is that, that’s not me number one. It is that you, I mean, if that’s you, then you’re really just looking for the dollar, right? You’re not really trying to help somebody, you’re just trying to get paid, you know?

Speaker 3: (25:33)
And, and it’s industry, like I said, you know, we, we make enough that, you know, many people can be successful. I mean, there’s a lot of companies that are promoting that and that’s great. I mean, I, I applaud, you know, like some of the cultures of different companies that they’re doing. Like I, I encourage that. That’s something great that’s, you know, and, and for us it’s, we want to do the same thing, but we’re doing a little differently, you know? And that’s okay. I mean, like I said, there’s enough for everyone, you know, and uh, as long as you keep that vision of long term, those people will eventually have a bad experience with that company, eventually get burned out of that industry or whatever and then be like, hey, I keep seeing is joint skyline everywhere and man, we’ve got to root cause like, damn man, I just keep seeing you guys everywhere. I just,

Speaker 1: (26:12)
why don’t you check you guys out? What’s this all about?

Speaker 3: (26:16)
You know, that’s why, you know, the, the, uh, social media platform is important to the recruiting today too.

Speaker 1: (26:22)
So kind of going back to this other abundance and you know, I said I wanted to touch on this, who recruited you aspect, because I found a lot of people, what stops them from recruiting is this fear of what will, if I recruited them and he sucks. Well the guy that recruited you sucked. Yeah. He’s at when tech and then sucked at that. Yeah. I think got fired and then he got fired. But what came of that? Because the guy that recruited him had he not recruited him, would it never had a Freddy? Right. And I think this is where people they slow down is they say, why recruited 10 guys last year and the eight of them quit? And I’m like, so you’re going to just like quit now? Like might as well just go home. Right. Be Done. Right. But it’s like we don’t think longterm.

Speaker 1: (27:05)
Like yeah, some people it’s just they need the experience, they need to learn that they fail at a lot of things and they need to learn that. When are they going to wake up and say, I dictate my success in life in general. I just door to door. Maybe this maybe it was just a good learning experience. I don’t make any money but it’s like it’s not your job to say I’m going to deprive them of that opportunity in the learning experience that maybe it wasn’t for the money but it was mainly to learn and then help them recruit and help them that right. And then I, my friend, that guy and then my friend, the guy, that guy, that guy, that guy for two levels deep and that was my guy that’s now the VP of a multimillion dollar company. You know what I mean? And it’s like some people think like Ah, if I recruit my buddies and then they get mad at me cause they quit then like you know what I mean? Then it stops them. They stopped themselves. Right. And I think that’s another like principal of recruiting that’s almost even more not talked about then probably should be. I completely agree.

Speaker 2: (28:05)
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Speaker 1: (28:28)
On that note, the other thing that I want to jam on was how do you deal with some of those moments where you lose your guys cause have you lost friends?

Speaker 4: (28:37)
Oh my gosh. I mean it happens like it happens, right? I mean my first year of managing, which was my segway into business, all those guys are not with me today. Yeah. Did that stopped me from doing what I’m doing today? No. I mean to your point it’s not for everyone. You know and and maybe and where I still have good relations with them and my third year of those people with me, I have some of those still with me, but not everyone. Right. Fourth year, same thing you started collecting of you guys and it starts compounding, but just because you lose all your guys, I mean, I lost half of my guys know 2012 I mean that could have been at all Matt is that it’s over. Yeah, like I only have half. I mean, I don’t think I could do it anymore, you know?

Speaker 4: (29:16)
But I compounded that really fast and because the reason why is because that’s the mentality of abundance where, okay, well hey, great job. I could leave people leave right to go other industries or other companies all, hey, good luck. I hope everything works out right. Not this mentality of like, no, we’re not friends anymore. Don’t request me anything. Oh man, that just boggles my mind. I was like, wait, you are my friend when I was working for you and now I don’t work for you. And all of a sudden we’re enemies. Like how did that happen? He’s like, well, so we were never friends then. You know, are we just though it? Was I just a paycheck to you? You know? So that’s, that was for me was because it happened to me my first year really, my, my regional is like, you know, my friend and everything.

Speaker 4: (29:59)
Like I’ll help you help you. And then when they were going under and I was like, Hey, I’m going to, I’m not going to stay here. I’m out. You know, they’re like, all of a sudden, you know, he was like, you know, I was fired. I was fired from the company I left from leaving or they even got up, I got fired when I left his neck quitting. And I’m like I use that. I guess they want to beat it. Beat me to it. I got it. But you think about it, right? Like you were, we were just friends like five minutes ago and now all of a sudden we’re enemies. Like why, you know, and that mentality is a short minded metallic. Yeah. Like that’s not like some of these, hey, sorry, I didn’t do a good enough job. Yup. I obviously didn’t make a relationship with you. I mean, if you think if they’re over there, then good luck to you because I know that I did everything in my power to make sure it was, it was the way it was supposed to. And sometimes we fail. I mean it’s just, you know, I’ve messed up before, but because I’m playing the long run, it’s more than likely that person will end up coming back

Speaker 1: (30:54)
100% because it’s the second somebody had senses a sense of short term. They want to play in a game with a leader that senses longterm. Exactly. It’s people want to play with the guy that they’re like, can I count on this guy being there for me in two years, not just for me for four months or you know what I mean? And I think, uh, playing that game of like, look, I am so abundant I can play, you know, wait three years to get that one guy cause I’m going to play the relationship card. I can play the game of, yeah, I’ll spend money into social media and time and energy where maybe for six months I don’t get ever it DM effort. But then it’s that one guy in the world and you’re just like, oh, that’s six months paid off. You know what I mean? It’s playing the game of like, I’m here to show consistency because I think another piece that people don’t play part of is it’s I’m being consistent enough where I’m at versus oh I’m hopped it, I’m at seven different companies over the last seven years that it’s like, really, you’re going to recruit me because then I’m going to have to end up wearing different hats over a year. Like I don’t want to play that. Right.

Speaker 4: (31:59)
I mean that, that shows the resume, it shows a resume and it was seven coming seven years. I mean,

Speaker 1: (32:04)
and I think, I think what happens is those things like the consistency, the long haul, the, the, I lost guys and it’s like, yeah, that’s part of it.

Speaker 4: (32:13)
Brooding and got 100% retain title works. I know. And people are like, man,

Speaker 1: (32:19)
if I would recruit more, if they actually sold, it’s like, well, you know, and then the last principle that I want to, I want to touch on is, have you ever dealt with the issue? And this is a mindset thing with recruiting, man, I could be selling twice as many. Oh God, if I didn’t have to spend so much time with these things. Yeah. And if you’re the dinks that your managers spending time with realized that goes through his head. Yeah. He sometimes wants to be like, F y’all, I’m going to go sell you guys figure it out on your own. Right. And that’s a real thing. It is a real thing

Speaker 4: (32:54)
we encounter that, you know, you’re with sometimes with our managers and other companies, I’ve heard about it. It’s not, it’s not a kept secret.

Speaker 1: (33:01)
Right? Yeah. Something happens and I just want her to ask the board, put it out there. But I mean,

Speaker 4: (33:06)
in realistic terms, you know, I, my first year of managing, I mean, you know, I sold 180 counts and those four months and my team did maybe 400 accounts. So they didn’t do well, but that didn’t prevent me from stop what I had needed to do. But it also, I tried to help him as much as I can, but you can only help as much as they possibly can or want, want it for themselves. Right. You can’t, you can’t be the only one wanting it for them. Right. And so you kind of have to find those people. And my second year of managing the same thing, and you’re finding out who’s really in, who’s out, and some people are okay with doing, you know, 60, 70 accounts. They’re like, all right, cool. Like it was successful for me. I made a couple thousand bucks or whatever it is, and I’m happy with that. I’m like, okay, well, I mean, that’s your comfort zone. Yeah. That’s, that’s, that’s you. And I love you. That’s fine. Yeah. That’s great. You know, and so, but that’s, that’s the mentality of you can’t just recruit five guys and be like these are the five guys that are going to take me to the top and that’s what I know. These are the five guys are going to take you to that next step. And exactly

Speaker 1: (34:04)
10 of them are going to quit 10 guys cause

Speaker 4: (34:07)
five we’re going to equate it and just got it. It’s just an you got to keep recruiting. I think one of the biggest mistakes that I made when I was, when I had my own company was I stopped recruiting. Like, because we got so full when it all work well I have five teams going out every day. You know, we were one of the top modern dealers and I was just like oh the top 25 and so we were, we were grinding, you know, we had, I have five cars going out every day, you know, year round. And I was like, yeah, this is awesome. All right. Ah, you know what, let’s let’s pause on this recruiting thing cause I think we’re all right. You know, big mistake, you know, cause then what happens? There’s a revolving door, right? Be We’ll end up quitting and all of a sudden they’re like, oh wait, now we’ve got to go back to recruiting, but now this team is suffering.

Speaker 4: (34:45)
Oh wait, I have to help that team now wait, we’ve got to recruit though. And then all of a sudden everything gets jammed up. Where if we would’ve kept recruiting, you’re going to create a problem where you have too many root cause, which is a good problem. The other one’s better than the other one, right? The other one was, oh man, we don’t have any more recruits. Now we have to recruit. So I guess that kind of segways me into like why play the recruiting game when you’re already making so much money just as a rep because that’s how you build a future. You know, if, if you’re in this longterm, right, you want to build a team, you want to build, um, more use, you want to duplicate yourself more because that’s what really puts you at a next level, right? I mean, there’s two ways to make revenue.

Speaker 4: (35:28)
I think in the sales game, number one is personal production and number two is a recruiting and having overrides, you know, say there’s two sets of income coming, you know, and so you know, that’s you as a manager. I mean that’s your bread and butter. I mean you’re managing a team, making great money doing that. And then you’re also personally producing, so you’re making great money at that. So you are getting the best of both worlds, you know? So why not keep doing that rather than just, oh well I’m just going to, I mean there are some people that just like to sell them. That’s okay. I mean that’s fine. Like I said, that’s on them. That’s what they want to do and that’s, they like that flexibility of time, that accident. They like to do what they want to do, fine. If that’s what they see this as the vehicle for then so be it, make it happen. Yeah. I mean that’s for me, I really see that as the opportunity where if you’re a first year rep and you want to recruit, I mean not only do you have to sell on the dream, but you also have to show him a little bit of what you’re doing, right? All of this is we’re doing great and you haven’t sold any yet. You know, it’s like, wait, how many have you sold? Right? And let’s, let’s see you. And the easier way to recruit is by having personal success

Speaker 1: (36:29)
hundred percent and so those are kind of, I mean those are really the main principles that I wanted to kind of ask. Like, you know, and these are like guys, this, I asked these questions, if you’re listening to this, it’s simply because I’ve been there, I’m do it, I watch you do it. I consult companies that asked me, I coach what 10 CEOs and they always ask like the number one question is I want to find that guy, we got to find them. Then I want to know, hey, can you just help me find that one VP? They can just then recruit, not just like, you know, hang back. And I’m like, um, yeah, you want to just, you know, probably get a different job. Just like, so you’re proud never going to succeed, right? If you’re just counting on, oh, find that one. Recruit the dental gurus or recruits me and entire team, that one recruit is going to take your job.

Speaker 1: (37:20)
Exactly. Come to the company. They become the company that’s the person that holds the cards. Right? And it’s the person that can always be bringing in talent that’s performing valleys is the person that creates value therefore per person with power, person of influence. And I promise like it’s, I’ve seen it over and over and over again. And that’s why obviously you’ve have so much influence, you have so much clout is because you have been able to attract, bring in, I mean, I like hate Jake because I literally watch him and it’s like, oh yeah, I should get that guy. I’m like, you shouldn’t get a soul. Like that guy was handed to you. You didn’t do a thing for that guy. You know what I mean? And I’m like, Gosh, like I never got guys just like, here you go hide you here. Here’s 30 guys like your 10 guy.

Speaker 1: (38:00)
Well that’s, I make that freezing. That’s what I said the biggest difference of us. Right. And that will give you guys, here’s some guys like just cause we need, because you need people to lead up. But then that goes to show, it’s like well then there’s a deficit of good leaders. Exactly. Cause what if you had more guys that you felt confident to say here’s some people coming to us and you could say well who do we send them? Cause we’ve got like 30 amazing leaders and I’m really confident and my biggest problem when I was repeat it was like I was nervous sending guys to people cause I’m like I don’t know if I’d trust your leadership to be honest. That’s true. I don’t know if I trust like you’re going to take care of them and the most powerful and

Speaker 4: (38:36)
you know and that’s a scary feeling that you’ve probably been in. It’s like if you knew without a doubt you could trust like 10 of your leaders. It would be like easy done. Oh, I will open the floodgates. Well that’s the thing I think you know, you, cause you talked to these reps, right? And talk to them and we recruit them. You sell them on the dream of what could happen. The last thing you want to do is say like, Oh man, I hope, I hope that guy doesn’t mess up. Like, Oh yeah I shouldn’t send to that guy. You know, because that guy is probably gonna mess up his experience. Right? You don’t want be the, you don’t want to be the guy. Oh yeah, Freddie guy. He told me I wasn’t make a lot of money that’ll be able to fill my dreams and my hopes.

Speaker 4: (39:10)
But then I got with this manager and I was just like, what is he talking about? Like it was fair to even telling the truth, you know, like, Oh man, that, that weighs on me. So, so I want to make sure that that is a good situation for that person. Huge Superbowl important principles. So let’s make sure you have the leadership to sustain the recruiting. If you don’t have the leadership, be the fricking leader it takes to make sure you sustain that recruiting. So dude, I honestly appreciate anything before it. I always ask one last question then in my podcast, but dude, I didn’t, anything else that you want to jam on before my last question? Yeah, no, I, what I think is, you know, in a door door industry, you know, I was in the beginning I was kind of ashamed of it. You know, and, and I think anyone is listening to this who’s thinking about doing door to door.

Speaker 4: (39:53)
I mean, what’s the worst thing that can happen? Think about it. What’s the reason to have you get no’s? You get rejected, but then you really learn about yourself, and we’re talking about this earlier where the person really opening that door is you because you’re giving yourself that opportunity. You’re learning about yourself, where your vulnerabilities, your weaknesses, your strengths, you know, you’re learning about who you really are and who can you can really become. And a lot of times I think, you know, the Dodo or she gets a lot bad rap because it’s hard to, hard to apply it. Simple. Yeah, it’s a hard job. Yeah, it is a hard job. But it’s been the most rewarding for me. It’s, it’s what’s brought my family. Um, you know, that piece of mind of, you know, financial success and stability and you know, who would have known, I mean that would have never thought it would be in this this long, you know, I’ve had plenty opportunities along the way, but I was like, hey, this is just something I really enjoy doing and I really feel like this is something that can do long term. And even though I’ve done it for 12 years, I mean I don’t see me not doing it for another 12 years. It gets, this is it, this is my longterm goal. So you, you feel like it’s a real job,

Speaker 1: (40:55)
a real job, a real job. is a real job. Like you can validate that it’s a validation door to door as a real job. No, but okay. So last

Speaker 4: (41:10)
question. If you had to give a rookie, let’s say brand new first year rep, it’s what? June, end of June. So I’m going to, I’m going to speak to by the time this post is probably August, mid, mid July, last couple of months of the summer. What did, what advice would you give that first year guy? So my advice is end with a bang. You know, you gotta you got a month and a half, maybe two months left. Why not end on a good note like and in a positive, like the first month and a half, two months, you’re learning still, right? There’s a lot of things that you haven’t learned before that you’re learning today and now you know, you should be a little bit more of a veteran as far as a mindset that you know, you can do your job right? The skills are there, it should be there by this time. And now it’s just a mindset game.

Speaker 4: (41:55)
Can you play Fourth Queen? You play fourth quarter. Like you got the skills now you can’t really, oh I dunno, I pitch. You should know your pitch by now. You should know about your, about your transitions, your closes, soft closes, you should know all that by now. And now it’s really just about testing your mind. Like how far can you really take this? And for me it was, you know, like my last, my last fourth quarter was, you know, it was really good because I was like, man, I just want to finish strong. I had a goal I wanted to hit, which is one 25 I hit one 26 and I was like, God, you know, I’ve got it. I was, it was cleared, you know, and I was happy about that. And so you want to end on a bank that you don’t regret the four months total.

Speaker 1: (42:31)
Yeah, no and that’s huge. I think one piece on that is you remember the last month, you don’t remember the three months. So if you’re, if you’re last month was super solid, your retention, your, you know, thoughts going into the next year, your rent, your, what you remember of the experience is much more satisfying. Or if you end with the decline and you end just kinda like, Nah, I’m just kind of like just coasted out. The chances of you having a good next year are much lower.

Speaker 4: (43:01)
Oh yeah. My opinion, you gotta end with the momentum, right? And with a bang, make it memorable. Why not? You already there? Yeah. It’s like me, you ain’t going nowhere. You haven’t quit yet. So it’s like, what is burnout? It’s just all in your head. It’s like, what do you mean burn out? Like we’re not really a vehicle is there’s no gasoline in us, right? It’s like you’re still eating living, aren’t you? Right. That a lot of times the, now he’s just that if you want to talk about a car, right? If you do want to burn out, right, that means you’re not putting any fuel in. So you feel is what your mindset, your mind. So your purpose, your goal, what are you doing? Like what is this for? If you’re not feeding that, then of course you’re going to burn out. You know?

Speaker 4: (43:39)
So why not just keep going, keep going. Focus on your goal. You probably haven’t hit it yet. If you’re a rookie, if you have, great, but why not do another goal right now? Like, you know, I hit a hundred accounts. Okay, we’ll do one 50 or one 50 to 200 whatever it is, but set a new goal and just go after it. You know, and, and maybe, you know, don’t ever move the goal that your original goal, just move your, the action behind it, right? So if you’re, if you’re at 30 accounts right now, your goal is one 25 I mean, double down, double down. This is the time. Like, let’s go double down. It’s Co. Love that. Okay, so you’ve heard of

Speaker 1: (44:13)
firsthand this Fred Catona. I’m saying Tagore and dude, I just want to thank you for being on the show. Thanks for having me You guys are awesome. Much love. Share this like this. Give it a heart or something and having a redditor review. Tough. Ready? He’s given looking, review something. I don’t know. Love you guys.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Abr: always be recruiting - the proactive motto for relentless talent acquisition.

Always Be Recruiting

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A stylized icon of a house with a line through it, set against a dark red background, with the words "sales planner" written above. it appears to be a graphic related to planning or management in the context of real estate or housing sales.

Download Your D2D Sales Planner Today!

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

Get A Spot

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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