Comedian Who’s Knocking Doors – Kenny Brooks Danny Pessy

42 Min Read

Last Updated: February 25, 2020

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Sam Taggart 00:21
Welcome to this episode of D2D podcast. We went a little different today. So I basically have Danny Pessy and Kenny Brooks, who have both, you know, been awesome people in the comical standpoint, and door to door and me and Danny have done some videos together. And, you know, definitely a first year laughs We go way back to Platinum days, where we sold now 2008, no 2011 in the same company, and Kenny Brooks, he is kind of probably the most famous door to door person in the world. You know, everybody knows him from that window cleaner video, you know, where he literally is like a comedian trying to, you know, make his way in the comedy world. And he’s knocking doors and the lady captures him on on a video and puts him on YouTube. And so he kind of goes into that story and, and how that all happened. And, you know, kind of what’s happened since and where he’s planning on going with things. And, you know, it’s really, it was really interesting to kind of interview him, he came out to D2DCon and we’re able to do like a little skit on the mainstage. And, you know, we’ve known each other for a while now just because I’ve reached out since you know, this mission is I feel like, you know that video online really gives this industry a positive outlook. So anyway, so this, this was kind of an ad lib, it was a Sunday night, I randomly get invited to do this podcast, middle of the podcast. And I figured I’d share it on here because I thought there were some really good value and some good nuggets. And so yeah, check this out. And sorry, if the audio and the craziness of the video is, is different, because literally we’re on a zoom or Facebook Live, but also a zoom call. We’re trying to merge everything together. Now spread the whim. So, you know, check it out. hopefully bring some value to you this week. And super excited to start working with Kenny a little bit more. And he’s you know, he’s definitely been somebody that I’ve built a relationship with over the last few years. And we’ll probably have to do another episode. This one got me, you know, got me hot and bothered. I was like, man, there’s more here that he didn’t even go into the story where you got kidnapped by the Native Americans. So anyway, hope you enjoy it. Share the podcast, we love your reviews too, by the way, like, you know if you could drop a review and alike on the podcast, it means the world to us. We love our listeners and we love you guys messaging us and we love when you guys you know really kind of share what you’re learning and, and share the wins for how it affected you. So keep on sharing. Love you guys and enjoy this episode.

Danny Pessy 02:59
So guys, here we are Facebook Live. What’s up, man, we got Kenny Brooks, we got big Taggart. We got the white Mamba big pass. And we’re gonna come here we’re all coming around our favorite member of the community he just joined recently, he’s going to tell us a little bit about his history, we’re so glad to have them. If you guys don’t know who this guy is. He was a door to door salesman that had his sales pitch go viral to over 300 million views. And if you guys didn’t see it, it was on TV shows all over the place all over the country put in good light for door to door salesman all around the world. So he’s here tonight to share a little bit of his story. The reason why you’re seeing me and him on my iPad is because Facebook eliminated the joint viewing feature. And now we’re stuck doing this good shit with the with the Zirin call on the Facebook Live. So they might be able to stop us but like Sam used to say, you can’t knock us so why don’t you go ahead get started wanting to introduce yourself a little bit Kenny, tell us what tell us a little bit about yourself and a little bit about your story and make sure you guys can hear that if you can all right.

Kenny Brooks 04:16
Kenny Brooks. I’m from Detroit Michigan. I started doing sales like when I was 12 years old I like I had a paper out basically like the I started doing sales basically on an accident like I didn’t even know that I was gonna be a salesperson until like I developed like this niche like as a people person that they just well but it was basically because like I needed money to buy like basketball shoes. That’s the reason why I went like door to door. Okay, do you know that ball? We need to we need to cut out a DD basketball tournament. That’s what we need. I think we do. Oh yeah, yeah, man. Logan was saying that too. That’s crazy because of me and Logan. Like that’s how I met when I wanted to do What a dork Kyle, it was crazy. Because like, I ran into a lot of people that like remember me, but I didn’t remember them and so they start telling me stories but that’s how I met Logan to want to want to be selling as soon as I met him he was playing basketball in his backyard. And we started like we’ve been friends ever since. But we still open like to this day. But yeah, that’d be that’d be crazy. We do something like that, like, door to door. Oh, yeah. That’s like that’s like, that’s like, besides sales. I love basketball them to things. They go together like, yeah, that’s ketchup and mustard for me. But yeah. But anyway, to make a long story short, yeah, I was like 12 years old, I had like, five, six inches and stuff. So I got into like basketball serious. And I remember I went to practice and my friends was like talking about me because I was sliding across the gym like church shoes on any kind of basketball shoes. So like, before I forfeit the opportunity. I was like, I went to my mom, like, I need some basketball shoes, so I can play. That’s why she was like I couldn’t like she couldn’t afford it. So I took this door to door. Like, I was able to paper out I was basically delivering like newspaper, like on a weekend to like afford to shoes. And like not done this. Well, I didn’t even knock on the door. I threw the paper to do my room trip. And like, why you’re still sending me these subscriptions. I’ve been canceled. Again. I just turned it to a salesman. I really turned it off just like was like, Can I ask you a question to to your kids was playing one book, they will ask you and go spank both fine, right? He was like, No, I was like, we don’t spank me, I can just call the company and we could just find out what’s the problem. And you know, and he just looked at me like, this little kid is like intelligent and smart. And like, I just it was like an eye opener for him. So I know, like, he just felt like kind of bad. And I was thinking the back of my mind. Like, I remember they told me if we look for sympathy, this is an idictionary. Right? Next. I want to look for sympathy. Let them know, I know, like, I’m here for a reason at the season. So he ended up keeping this subscription. And he and like my team ended up telling the manager so they like made me a salesperson, right. And in our I went from like the paper boys to a salesman. So I did that for like, from age 12 to 14 do when I graduated from high school around like 19 to 20. Like, I got back into sales. This was like traveling sales. But I did that in Detroit, I was doing that like, basically in a cold and everything. So when I got out, like when I got turned 20 I moved out of town like we was traveling state to state and that’s when I was selling the cleaning product. But what’s crazy is that like when I first started doing sales, it just brought back memories. When I was like 12 or 14 years old, I start remembering you know, I started like having these flashbacks. Like I remember I was selling a lot of people basically off my personality at 12 years old. They had me like they had me read just like paragraphs all we work towards a college education. It’s at the age of 12. And I was like, I just don’t fit me. I’m 12 years old. And I believe so I just start being myself start cracking jokes and everything. And I noticed it’s like it feels when I started beating myself, I was getting more sales than the total these people does lie. Like, if you bought a subscription, we weren’t earning credit points. So we get so after that, I noticed that won’t work. And so when I got into, like when I was 20 I started like, they tried to give me the same scripts and I’m thinking like, no, let me just be myself. All I need to learn is product knowledge. And the rest is history. So after that, I just, I just had different icebreakers. And I just used to write a lot of notes and like read a lot of books and then I just developed this like talent basically I felt like it was a talent because like they say stuff the point made they born but I feel like I was born to like showcase like this. Because I was always a people person on how to read a customer I was selling people Lamborghini with just sub for like a doozy as a jokes. And then sometimes I don’t even know what they were spying. There just seems like close them out day and you know how much the price was none. And then after that, I like because I have never had a notebook I had like 10 notebooks one. For joke. Evernote was for one liners and other notebooks for human interest story another notebook for clothes and another notebook for like social proof. It was like different things. I was closing people off for some people by just my personality and other person to buy for product and I was another person to buy just because I didn’t give up because endorsement races. I learned all of these things just by going door to door and just having fun. And just it was crazy. So he didn’t write out for that like four years into door to door sales. That’s when the video went viral. But people don’t know behind that video. It came like is basically like a story. It was like I’m too much the story that you say today a little because the simple fact is that I got kidnapped by some Indians. And when I was a kid, I quit my job. And then I flew and they sent me that’s all I’m saying. I just did a whole podcast talking about it and it’s like in my course that I’m watching and everything is crazy but it made me who I am today because tough times don’t last tough people do and he will suffer remember but I know before I gave up there was a reason why that lady family and like Like most I found out she found me because she was racist she thought I was on breaking her house but it was like the Lord made her film me so the world can see that this person like really like he went through a lot and he became this person who he is today because he didn’t give up you know I’m saying so I just hang in there like shield and drywall and knock on the right lady door at Jamie Foxx. And it was crazy not like data people to see me all ridiculousness Tosh point O America’s Funniest Home Videos I’ve been getting brand deals on top of crazy stuff speaking gigs just something I’ve given up in the startup just by going door to door so it was a blessing. So I feel like it was a gift and a curse because it was a gift because the simple fact that like I started out going door to door and it’s changed my life but it’s also was a curse because of the simple fact that like I don’t know it’s like it’s so many like, this is I rather I rather be like rich and famous like a lot of people seem a regular audience is like so many things that are indeed like but one thing I love this like just giving back like especially for like door to door because I’ll be letting people know that like I said in DC it’s just like other people when I was training when they come in as new I just tell them you got to stay new do the three L’s look listen and learn you know I used to tell people that when I train I’d be like look about half of a customer you have fallen off I laugh You laugh at the customer you slap me because I impose the hapuku I let them know that like everything happened for a reason at the season but at the same time like I was new to but the only thing that separated me from like other people are like door to door like am I like selling the cleaner field because like I guess they didn’t want what I wanted I just wanted to be like the best salesperson ever. And like I knocked on like before I even before the video went viral. I knew it was like different steps to set me up to where I was gonna go because like I wrote the company record like the company record with like 60 it was like 59 sales on one day and I ended up writing like 112 sales and I’m not gonna like the door so I so I was closing like 112 customers and like just knocking like all day like I didn’t got a sale at 130 in the morning just I’ve given up we’ve been caught a flat tire goes to our house. I saw somebody at the gas station like 130 in the morning so like it don’t matter what the time like it’s it’s a blessing I love door to door it was just this is special to me like and a lot of people don’t know like full of ice all the way from read Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends of fools people that’s why I used to tell people if you mean negative It’s a wrap you can’t go out there with stinking thinking because he said if you want to gather the honey don’t think I wouldn’t be here but some people do I want to write my quota but like soon as like the UK like ruffled a customer feathers you like you got to always think like Jesus didn’t sell everybody so you ain’t got to sell everybody you know Henry Ford themselves everybody. They still sell a Chevrolet they sell a Pontiac that’s how our ignore like, everybody, but I know they’re like is this a numbers game? So I’m but if soon as you like me and you listen to me, it’s a wrap. So Kenny,

Danny Pessy 13:04
so Kenny, why don’t for all the listeners out here. Paint us a picture of that story. How did it go viral? What was the situation, the day that it happened? And then the events that happened afterwards? Because a lot of guys, they don’t realize that after that video went viral, there was some controversy behind it. And you know, the there was rumors about you being killed. And so that was a big thing on so why don’t you first paint us a picture on how that happened. And tell us a little bit about the story and kind of go from there. Basically, this is my this is my so two so 2010 this video happened okay.

Kenny Brooks 13:44
Yeah, I was like the top salesperson in a company for like four years straight. And then this one particular date is do have beaten me shout out to Chris too because he didn’t want like the video happened because it’s simple. Like, if I want to never work this Indian Reservation didn’t I don’t think I would have had a viral video but anyway, he had worked in India he had like 34 sales this day. I had like 28 and like I guess salespeople they get cocky I’ll be humble like when I write sales yo no fuck out one or 101 because I keep the same attitude I’m still humble I wanted to talk to you like I just killers moving silence So I was like a shark like you’re like I’m gonna just gonna eat you when you when you go No, I came upon you. I was like one of those and you got some people that’s like free willing and then you got some fish just like tuna. But anyway, to make a long story short, he started talking like that the beat you know, like, took like my project. He was like 34 silver like when you worked at like I worked Indian Reservation. So anyway, I was like, I’m gonna go work that same Indian Reservation number who still you can bet 100 hours. So I went to my manager drop me off in the st. Indian Reservation that he had worked. It wasn’t to make a change. I remember just like yesterday, anyway, so I’m not going to first door. The dude out Washington is like I even not gonna start I went through this gate, he was on the side washing his car, and he just pulled a gun out on me was like, you know, he’s like get off my property got five seconds away, I’m gonna blow your head off. I was like alright, God bless you and I just walked off. Like I was so positive and only a matter of like Jesus came down like I’m still about to get some sales that’s how like you don’t even matter how much is in this bubble like this positive because I had so many books under my belt that like just made me like invisible I ain’t nothing that like it ain’t nothing that like it was crazy like I was stronger than the Holy Ghost. So anyway, he pulled out a gun that I want trip and I said God bless you ever go on to the next one. Bye JC so I leave the door I leave his gate and I’m going to the next door he come out following me with like, if you don’t leave my property I’m gonna blow your head off so this time I just stopped and jumped on the phone call Amanda like you got to come pick me up this guy following me with a gun they laughs or no my face like you didn’t know what sales for she just called us to have dropped me off in this neighborhood. So I’m like, Oh, really? All right. I was like, Look, all you got to do is just keep walking. If you keep following it just call the police this broad daylight and then you from Detroit. You used to this used to be pulling out does whatever we said. Anyway, I get off the phone. I kept walking. It was a school across the street. So I’m walking towards the school. He turned around when he turned around. Like I see this door like they had they door was open and the gate was open. So I went through the gate and then I walked up on a porch. And I’m not. I’m not going to do it. The lady came out. She just had a stick in her hand. I didn’t know she was blind. I was like no shoot just to talk to a kid going door to door. And then she was like is you have vanilla chocolate or you dark chocolate. I was like I’m dark chocolate. And then she just started laughing. She was like, she was like, come on here. She was like you’re in the wrong neighborhood. She was like, that’s what she’s explained to me. Like she’s like, Oh, she’s like, I hope my nephew’s don’t see because they father just got murdered by African American, African American and if they see you They probably tried to hurt you. And I’m thinking about camera. I’ll probably read this one was probably like 20 minutes ago. He was she was like, so what are you doing? I was like I’m either someone who was charming personality but this cleaning provides some of the cake. I started stalking pitch mo like trying to sell it. Anyway. Long story short, she was like how many bottles you got in the back? I was like, I got four. She was like he promised me one thing. She was like, he promised me a lot by all those bottles in your bag. Can you leave my neighborhood because I don’t want that to happen. I was like Sure. So she bought the full bottle. As soon as I left her doorstep. They like around me they waited as soon as I left her portion and that’s when like they circled they circled and like four wheelers and light trucks and everything and it was like it was like the dude drove back home and affordable he blocked me off and he was like, oh you you oh you already you want to leave my neighborhood he’s like my brother got to pull up in his bra. Don’t get in I’m gonna blow your head off. So like I can do because like surround them with like 10 guys I’m like in a huddle and everything so anyway, the truck had pulled up and I was about to get in the truck and then this unmarked police car happened to like come out of nowhere like rescue me. So when he wrote drove up on me they just started scattering different ways like like they just tried to get up out of there so he called back up and everything so they had helicopters like five or six police cars like just looking for him and like there was like police chase and everything and then they got me in the car and they had they was trying to actually happen but I was like in tears like devastated so I just like did like a police report again. They had me go to the station do like the center line. And it was like fast this guy’s Long He pointed up to do Sony remember that God put a gun. I don’t mean I remember the guy that was in a truck to pull it up and was like hitting. But right when I was about to get in and that’s when the police came so I don’t remember them two guys out in the fire guys. So anyway, that took like five, six hours to do the investigation. We do the starting lineup appointment and everything. So they ended up letting me go. My manager from the door to door cleaning company came and picked me up. I’m shipping I’m like, I’m like in tears like devastated. I’m like, Look, I quit I never saw another bottle cleaner. Y’all have me stay here for like five, six hours, I could have got kidnapped and killed and then I was like I just want to go home. I just want to take it back to Detroit. So anyway, they ended up fly me back home to Detroit then like two weeks later. They sent me a subpoena in the mail I had to fly back to California and testify against them. I was like kind of nervous if I want to go for my mom and dad talk to me and and going like Yeah, you got to go because it’s mandatory. You can get in trouble with the police and everything fell anyway, I flew back to California they put me in a hotel like I was isolated from like two police officers that was watching me and everything. So anyway, when it was time to go to court, they picked me up from the hotel like at 7am morning because court was like at eight so I had to we had like breakfast so I was like to go and then I never forget like soon as I’m on my way to court. Soon as I go upstairs to go to court. I had to use the restroom. And then right when I walked into the restaurant, I see this big Indian dude, he was like, Hey, you and then he went like this like, like slit his neck like right in front of me. And I just took off running like and I read fast like the two guards I was watching me on everything. I was like y’all like see this guy? This guy just let me just slit his throat. He was gonna cut my throat I was like what? So they start running towards him. I just ran down the stairs and then out When ran out the court ran out the court building and it was like the 711 like store across the street and I ran up in here like scared just call my mom cry like, man just do just threaten me I gotta get up out of here I gotta get back home now but to testify against them set up and everything I was just tripping because I never witnessed none of this this like it just reminded me like what happened in the first place I did. Still I just called a company and see if they can get you back home because they know I can do it. And I wasn’t about to call them because they probably I don’t know what they would do it I just felt like it was all set up. So anyway, I called the company they end up coming to pick me up. When they came to pick me up I thought there was gonna pay for me to go back home. But I guess when they looked up a ticket, it was like for us to fly you back from California to Detroit. It’s like $500 plane ticket. I’ll tell you we can do if you just go to work today we use your commission off your sales and get you back to Detroit. So that was my whole thing was to go to work that day to make a commission and go back home. So anyway, they dropped me off at Tarzana, California, the first door knocked down. He was like the doctors. He was like the Laker for the doctors like the old Laker doctor for like change where they met Johnson back then when they had their team like in the 1980s. I ended up pitching him he bought he bought a bottle real fast. I haven’t cracked it up like just from the introduction. That’s how I know like it was crazy because like he had never noted I even got kidnapped by any incidents date because I’ve never been told him I just still have personality because my whole goal was to go ahead and like fake it till I make it. But the stress I’m like just learn and have fun for these couple of hours make it a mission to get back to Detroit. So I just went out there personality. I sold him and then at the end of the sale he was like he was like you ever thought about doing comedy you pretty funny. I was like I am a doctor. I was like I’m a comedian. It’s just a stepping stone. It’s just driving me to my success and he was like, you know Jamie Foxx there across the street. Right? And I was like what? And he was like yeah, and I’m thinking like this is crazy. I went from quitting my sales job to like going back to work and now I’m about to run into Jamie Foxx that’s how I was thinking so anyway I leave his house I’m going to Jamie Foxx but I realized he got a gate and I see it was like no way I can get in so I’m going to the next house the next house is with a lady filming anyone fire anyway, so I’m on my way go into her house not because I knew I couldn’t get into Jamie Foxx house so happened is made back pull in a group again. And I’m like oh shoot. So when I went to the main back it was like the Mercedes made back kirlian I ran back over there so as I’m running towards his house, the gates start closing so I got like, close up into the gate like, I guess my body like like like this. This is why the gate was closed on my body wants to hit it and start opening back up. I’m like, Oh, she’s about to sell Jamie flat. So anyway, like right when I walked in the gate, he started talking on the intercom like he already like was pulling in the garage, but I guess he seen me on his camera and whatnot. And he was like, how can I help you? No Trespassing I was like cod he was like alright, one second so he pull in and then he come back out on the golf cart. And I’m like oh yeah, this dude is a duck he got a he blackened got a golf cart. He think he Tiger Woods some something in the back of my mind. Like he already claimed on a golf cart everything. So as he drove in a PC me he was like, I guess he’s seen my bag in a spray bottle and everything. He’s like, the way he’s selling so no trespass. Not that you see a seal deals like Yeah, come on down. And then he start busting out laughing He was like, oh, not only she’s funny, funny looking. So we just started talking about each other. He was talking about my teeth, my gap, and now start talking about his ears. So we like the whole, like, they said, you never get a second chance to make a first impression because I felt like if it was anybody else, they wouldn’t even they wouldn’t even they wouldn’t even uh, got his attention. How did because like he didn’t even really, I looked like a salesperson, but the way it made him conversate it was like we was friends this whole time. So he was like, You know what, I’d like to come out. So he had me get on this golf cart. And he just told me like his whole life story for like, 10 minutes. Like, he was like, come on again. And he’s like, I’m gonna introduce you to my beat right now. You remind me to you. He was like, You remind me of myself. When I was younger. I just had ambitions and everything. But you know, I did sales too. And he was just telling me how you got to adopt these from this small town in Texas. Like Tyler, Texas said he used to be a shoe salesmen. They need so door to door cyclopedia and then he was like, you know what’s crazy? And now I was like, when he told me this. That’s why I say someone else trashes someone I was charging because he just told me how like, how he did knock on somebody’s door in California. And he said the guy didn’t even buys encyclopedias, but he gave him an audition the next day for the show and live in color. And that’s how he made his big break. He was like so you never know what God had in store for me. Like, just don’t give up. That was his last words. And he said a couple of days. I was like, you know what’s crazy? I was like, I wasn’t even supposed to meet you today. I was like, just two weeks ago I got kidnapped by some Indians and like I quit my door to door job again only reason why I’m at your door right now because this was my way of getting home I had to bargain and make a commission just to pay my way home because I was scared and everything. And then he was like, man, just like just don’t give up. He was like if you’re gonna quitting, they just was giving me advice and everything from like how he started and I was looking at it like these shoes right here because I used to watch your show and everything. So shout out to Jamie Foxx anyway, and make a long story short, he bought two bottles. This is the time he was filming. Like he was shooting the tango. So he’s rushing he was like I got to get ready to go on finish. Gotta go back on set and you vitals nice me everything. I hope to see you in a bit on the big screen one day like could you pretty funny just keep it up. Anyway I left I go to the next door so I’m not gonna do it a lady come with the camcorder family boom boom something about my market seems to be that I’m like I just saw Jamie Foxx. He just told me that he made his big break by not going to somebody’s door. He was funny. They like this personality and they like end up doing auditions and this lady come to door with a camcorder. I’m like, dang this dude, Jamie Foxx just had his neighbor family. I’m thinking all of this and play like why I’m like pitching it. That’s why the video was just so flamboyant. Because everybody thought it was like a setup. No, that was a one take take by the door. I didn’t say Oh, we got to make a viral video. We don’t do six takes until it’s perfect. Nope. So obviously not socially open the door, which is perfect. Like, that’s why I’m saying like, like the video was just amazing that that was just God works anyway. So like, three, four months later go back because that happened. Like in the end of 2018 it was November probably 2011 like February that’s when it went viral. It was like last time it was still knocking on doors people coming out taking pictures of me giving me $100 to take pictures with their kids and everything like oh my god, you the viral sensation video. Like it’s just crazy. I’m getting emails from Elon. I didn’t even know that this was going on until like the lady like I reached back out cuz I’m telling my manager I’m like this crazy like this. Everybody said they see me on YouTube and they just saw me touchpoint Oh, it’s just all crazy. So anyway, like I I was still going door to door but I didn’t like I didn’t think another butter viral video because I have to Facebook I only think Instagram none of this was popular at the time. So I’m just a regular kid just still going door to door knocking on I got a viral video. So anyway, it started dying down a little bit. And then like a couple years later, ridiculousness reached out to me, they sent me an email. This they basically was like they wanted me to sign a consent to go on a show to showcase my video. And then I was like, I was like how you’re gonna touch me. And then I was like, well, the lady that filmed you. We sent her email first that we paid her like $20,000 just to play the video and I’m like what I like she would contact me and then there was like, well, we needed both parties just to play the video because we want to GM deal like any civil suits or anything. So I was like, wait, so y’all pay her to use my image to make money he was so anyway, I got in contact with her. Then that’s what I found out that she didn’t need to film me because of Jamie Foxx. What was crazy is that like I moved to Hollywood. And then I started doing skits and everything. And then I ended up meeting Jamie Foxx left. And then he ended up with Jamie Foxx because he was telling him basically the story that I tell him He’s like, but anyway, he started FaceTime. And he facetimed me I was like, I don’t know phone with him. I was like, man, I just want to thank you for calling your name.

Danny Pessy 27:57
Can you hold on Kenny Kenny Kenny? Hold on? There’s somebody that can you guys mute your phone. We’re getting a little static. Somebody’s singing in the background. If y’all can mute that real quick. And if you’re wondering why he’s on my iPad, Facebook took away the usage of CO Facebook Live. So I apologize for that. But if you guys could just mute your mute your phones real quick. Kenny’s in the middle of some. Thanks, guys. So who’s that? Let’s see who’s making that noise. Come on, man. All right. I think we’re good now. Thanks, guys. Where were you Kenny?

Kenny Brooks 28:30
Oh, yeah, so anyway, he ended up facetiming Jamie Foxx I get on the phone. Thank you, Jamie. I’m like, man, I appreciate you. Call your neighbor. Good news. No, I’m making me with a viral video because at the time it’s like 2016 and like the video like 300 million views like Facebook, from Facebook to YouTube. Like when she took she took the video down but before she took the video down I’m thinking Jamie and everything. And then he was like really tell you how racist my neighbor’s. He’s like I never caught this lady to fill me in the first place. He was like, in my neighborhood. He was like what any neighbor you go to your notice to go door to door but they got neighborhood watch every neighborhood he got to he was like we got a neighborhood watch. And I guess the lady saw a black guy walk through the neighborhood. She ended up calling me like Jamie I just want to give you a heads up because this black guy he was suspicious he was just peeking through your gate. Looks like he wanted to break in your house. I was just calling he was like no he not he’s like this man Kenny aspiring comedian. He pretty funny. I just bought two bottles as cleaners. Like you should open up the door. Maybe you’ll buy some from two because you went for a treat us like that same lady only recorded because she thought she was gonna break in her house. He’s like, that’s the same way to call him. So anyway, I’m like, What? This is crazy. So anyway, the lady never recorded me because she knew I was funny and talented. Like, you know, like she just thought I was gonna break in the house anyway. So anyway, I ended up like in the entertainment lawyer I was trying to sue her because at the time she made like all this money she number one she thought I was criminal, paid and number two when she found out the video was go she copyrighted it and made all this money off for the video. And then when I finally got an entertainment lawyer, we took her to court she ended up getting mad and say, You know what, how about I’ll just take the video now because she said she wanted to split none of the profit that she made off my video. She said, You know what, I’m not splitting anything I just take the video down she you know, taking the video now. So that’s what happened with that. So anyway, after that go by, I ended up monetizing my own channel, starting my own YouTube and doing my own continent. So

Danny Pessy 30:30
So Kenny, she ever gives you any paper give you any money for any of that? No. Damn, man. That sucks. Sam, you got any questions for Kenny?

Yeah, what’s next? I’m curious. Like, what’s the vision look like? What are you doing now? Tell us about like where you’re trying to go things and

Kenny Brooks 30:55
right well basically I’ve been doing a lot of speaking and Dave and I got one coming up. I got actually two coming up. I got one coming up this month like at the end in Atlanta and then I got Tony I supposed to be going to the on stage with Tony Robbins at his unlimited power event in San Jose for three days. They just they fly me out him and his son Jared they just reached out to me I just ran into Grant Cardone I’ve been doing a lot of speaking engagements because like, there was just a video blew up. A lot of people were reaching out to me I turned all the way from real estate agents to like car dealerships. That’s how I did the Bradley a podcast. I’m supposed to be doing the Jordan Belfort podcast I’m doing a lot of podcasts a lot of like speaking engagements because people want to hear my story but not only that, like a lot of people didn’t learn so much from the video whether it was in real estate car dealerships every place I go to they’d be like man your video we use your videos correlation me we use video for this we your video not to give up so there’s just so many things that like the video didn’t train people on whether this is door to doors. Like I mean it’s crazy so i but i just did a docu series about to get picked up on Netflix is called the life of Kenny Brooks basically like Bobby Womack son he just like directed and and everything worked for Netflix so I just did that in November we just do getting the paperwork and everything and getting it edited and everything so I just did a docu series so and then I just been working on my brand basically my brand is door to door comedian so really I’m I am a comedian but like I’ll get door to door for so long that like I just know the ins and outs so when I met the Tell me about door to door that I haven’t been to I I’ve wrote a 13 episode TV show that’s my goal. I want to get that out there because I know I got so many stories I got a story cost suicide that I share with Brad Leah It was like heartfelt because I say the lady like just my personality. I went she went from killing herself because her son died in a car accident and she was like, that’s my that’s my heart. Well my personality won her over and she knocked on the door she had a 38 specialist sitting on the counter and she cussed me out and everything and then I wonder what my personality because you got to have taken diplomacy and I know they’re like people that are like just like me uninvited guests. I popped on this like a premature baby so they want to cuss me out. They got the right destination property, you know, but I still was positive right after that. She went from she was only negative or she really her disposition was like that towards me because I was uninvited guests but I didn’t know what the lady went through and I was just stay positive. And I just said God bless you and then I walked off and then she came out in tears. That was like coming in she’s like I’m sorry for being rude. The only reason why I was really rude to you because I’m having a bad day I just lost my son in a car accident. I didn’t want to deal with no salesperson but to so positive is raining and you just got this positive energy and she was like let me show you something. She had a gun on her counter. She was like, I was just about to blow my brains I’ll be knocking on my door. See? And that’s the episode I got another episode called diggin where we’re like, I worked racism I totally went the corridor lanes. I don’t know. y’all get the door to door security. Doing the door. I’ve been to all the states I went to I went to every state every state I go to I kill him. I make a killer out of machines. Just every state, Utah. I love Utah Utah. Like I wrote some of my biggest days because a lot of Mormons they respect whatever they got there they go door to door I tell my whole intro was like just the best thing since Gladys Knight because she went from a pill to a Mormon so I already know that like they like they go door to door they go on missions and everything they try I got so many like this is crazy. California kill them out there because they like personality and that’s that’s how you will make and so you got to just put on a show they go and buy like hotcakes every state I went to I kill them because of the simple fact I just like when you’re wrong was wrong. Anyway, to make a long story short, we want to cordyline Idaho they got kkk compounds like what they do have rallies they don’t like black people. They just was tripping even when I went out there. Like they already told us before we get there like you sure you want to go there because what happened was that we went to like Napa boys they could say a lot of Mormons out there. We was going to temples and everything I was getting book of Mormons, they was trying to convert me telling me to read Lehigh need to buy freight and all type of stuff. They was telling me about every like president Hinckley just not know about the whole like, culture is it’s amazing. So anyway, to make a long story short do we want to pause Don’t want to like all of these city sounds like this, we didn’t bury me, let me just go to quarter wines. So that when we made a wrong turn of Albuquerque as soon as we went to city hall to get licensed, the chief for the police had to sign our license and he was like the Grand Wizard of the KKK. So anyway, he’s like, I’m not standing there. Like he just looked at us on these black kids evil I’m not saying nothing. I was like, we don’t shoot we to kkk to the cool color kid. So I just started making them laugh and I want them over my personality they end up giving us license. So the first door I’m not going to do was like get off my porch. And I said, when they gave me five hours, he started laughing. I sold him to shake my hand and he would just buy your liquor juice. He just really booked by just he just booked sales. Episode. I’m just on set. I got all these episodes, and I’m still like, like, watch. That’s my goal. You’re gonna see what Mark my words in a couple years. It’s gonna come out probably tomorrow and oh my god. Like, I’ll tell you everything happened for a reason. But I got this episode. I got so many, like, stories that I went through. And I started to go and it became brilliant and like, like fascinated and funny, and I really liked it. Like this is my experience like like that. I’ve been through Indian kidnapping on here. I’ve met Logan when like it’s like so many episodes is crazy. So yeah, that’s my goal like is to like bring like that into play. So that’s what I’ve been working on. A

lot of this This is fun. A lot of this It makes me think of you know, like the door or Association and kind of looking for and you know, seeing trigger Warner’s, you saw the commercial DVD. That was brilliant. I love it. And that’s crazy. Because man trade.

I think that there’s some cool collaboration. I’m actually filming a documentary this summer. Not so much comical, but more so dislike, informational and inspiring for our industry. You know, the DVD Association, I guess, seeing seeing kind of the association form and some of the positive press that we’re going to push down to create, you know, door to door that positive name. How does that make you feel? Like what are your thoughts behind that and seeing the event? and

Kenny Brooks 37:12
beautiful I’m Thomas and I wish we could have had this when I was going door to door it’s like it’s crazy, like specially like everything that you were saying. It’s like it all makes sense. Because like, like, I’ll be telling people like it’s like a thin line between salesperson and con artists and then you got the good but you got like, like, when you got so much negativity in a door to door world it makes the people that’s doing everything right. It just put a bad taste in a customer’s mouth. You know what I mean? Like, for like, far as like when you were saying like, like, everything you were saying it was funny and I agree 1,000% because I went through I remember going to jail having a license I remember like getting cheated out my money I remember like everything like you said like and that’s just brilliant, like amazing because like it’s like bringing awareness to door to door but at the same time to carry the team. I feel like a lot of companies don’t have the tender love and care once you like your association is bigger than a brand then that’s when you go out of winners because like it’s all about the company you feel me like it’s all about high like Association bringing on a simulation that a lot of people judge the company off of the peers instead of the owners you know what I’m saying? So I feel like if you got like somebody that really care about like, you know, because this is the price you pay for the life you chose but you got to guard your hustle protect what really like made you successful and dance some people like some people just do it. Like I used to tell people like in my industry some people used to do it for shorty 40 and a blunt so I feel like they’re like when they came in industry they just did it for negativity when I came in she I did it because I want to go somewhere because I remember reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, they said an eight to four of you was born poor, but if you over the age of 18 you die poor you got something to do with that. So I feel like that I’m gonna put everything that I got into this because I know that it’s lonely at the top and at the same time. Like I’m not about to leave the way I came but I’m not about to come here broke and I know that like besides actors and entertainers the highest paid people in the world is sales people because it ain’t no silver no real income you can go to sleep broke and wake up to a million dollars like if you go from welfare to Rockefeller but it’s all in your mind because it’s 90% mental 10% physical so when you got the door to door Association how you bring it man you are a genius like everything that you think I’m winning like everything you will see because I had coming into the game you like really changed the game with that because like once you have that you will have like a lot of more positive with door to door that’s why sounds like we should have like TV shows you got like that’s why I said like I was having a meeting with like different TV shows. I’m like we’d have a door to door TV show. I remembered some movie like on Netflix that I see but it’s still like it’s a negative image like the magazine and everything yeah, like like that’s my goal because I feel like that once they see like what we go through and like really Get a bite. I mean, it’s bad. It is bad. Some bad companies out there, it’s door to door. But you know, you can’t judge everybody cuz you got good people out there. You got people to say why and save money, like all type of things that’s going on and like, look like I started, I just happen to be one of those, you know. So I feel like it’s like it’s a blessing, man. It’s amazing, like what you’re doing. So I appreciate that. Because like I said, I didn’t have that when I came. If I feel like we would have had that door to door industry would be a lot better. You know, I’m saying we’d be working over all types of sales people when they just had a negative look like we did the damage before he said, I’m saying, and I remember I used to preach that I say, look, if you enter this neighborhood, and this neighborhood was already positive, it was clean and everything. If you enter usually the neighborhood of that neighborhood damage, he should have never entered that neighborhood in the first place. That’s why we like like when we first went to Colorado like I remember like 2002 like TNT any level it was beautiful. We go back like seven years later is terrible. It is so many no soliciting signs. Like I was like, I never seen this in my life. When I first went to Colorado, like I tell my all over Colorado like all over like Denver, Aurora lovely, Pablo. Like it was no no solicitors as I go. They’re not. It’s crazy, though. So listen to silence. And it’s all because like, they damaged goods, you know, I’m saying. And if we’re not doing anything to clean that up, it’s gonna get worse. Because that, so I feel like that’s amazing. Yes. No,

I appreciate honestly, like, for me, it’s a collective thing. I mean, that’s why I love you know, Danny jumping on these and, you know, saying hey, like, he’s been a big advocate since the get go. And a lot of a lot of people are just getting behind it. I mean, it’s not just me. Lot of people that have supported and helped and we’re going to be all hope we get through kind of shift the image and in the stigma that’s kind of associated. And that’s, that’s honestly why I was like, man, I hope man was just because I was like, dude, I mean, you have one of the most positive videos out there ever around door to door. You know, people open the door to you down and go man, like you’re the funny guy like, Oh, I’m excited. Like, I had one of your trainees knock my door one time about five years ago,

Kenny Brooks 42:24
saying that, Harry soon as he called me and told me he says, Man, I just read. I said, That’s crazy.

Dude, expert. Yeah, hit me up the other day. And he’s just like, man, like, how you been? It’s been too long. And I was like, Man, you

know, I just for me, it’s like more of that going around is obviously kind of shift the stigma and hopefully you can clean up some of the stupid reps that are that are just going around to make money.

Danny Pessy 43:02
Yeah, in the chip and dude, like the big thing is, is like, see how we can all three get in here. This is a this is a four way we got, we got dark chocolate, we got white chocolate, and we got the big tagger, baby. So like to try to chip in on this too, man. It’s just like, you guys see me posting a lot like this is this is some like, this is a career for a lot of us. We’ve been doing this for 10 years is how we make our money. And the reason why we want to get involved and like introduce everybody and talk to everyone is just because at the end of the day, like this is how we make our living. And this is how we make our future. And if we if more people understand that the people will start selling more ethically. And then the the door to door will then go from being a bad thing to a good thing. And you know, all of us have, like had our lives changed because of it. And if you’re watching this right now, like understand that, like even though there’s some figures that you’ll see more predominantly in our industry, it’s up to all of us to kind of like put our best foot forward and bring honor and integrity to what we do. Because this is how we all make our living. And, you know, we’re like the most badass mother jumpers in the world if we’re going door to door like damn, man. So, so Kenny, I know you wanted to mention something else too, because you wanted to give back to the community and I know you’ve you’ve done a few things to help educate the community and, and help people out too as well. So why don’t you talk about what what you were mentioning to me about the program that you got going on and ways that you can get some of your techniques out to the people

Kenny Brooks 44:28
right? Yeah, well basically I’ve got like a whole marketing team basically and I just launched my course is called the importance of salesmanship. And basically it’s, it’s just it’s like 25 videos, it’s like all the way from like to it just is this key like I’m saying if you want to if you want to learn how to like say like Hi I am like or just just be better or like confidence, whatever. I tell my all the way through different steps I got like the approach because like the sales especially Door to Door you got four steps you got to approach which is important. Jeffrey get more into sales Bobby said people don’t like the body like to be so so if you got like an icebreaker where you can get them to listen to buy time, then you can introduce yourself. That’s the skill you got for stuff you got to approach introduction, demonstration and close. So if like the approach is just like that’s, that’s, that’s the first thing because like in my course, it’s just a glimpse to like, like different videos that I give you in this like we start off with the approach that we got, when everything else fails is doozy as themselves of course doing that social proof and that’s basically like cuz I sell basically references and I used to tell people that when I used to train other salespeople, I say you got to have social proof, you got to use a reference because the customer bought because the customer bought because of the trust issues, buy drinks. And to be honest with you, I go catch, no burglar in the neighborhood using references. You ain’t going everywhere like oh, you know, you know, Dr. Rogers stole his TV. You know, Sam, when he went home, I took his VCR You know, I’m saying so you’re gonna go catch like no burglar using references to the neighborhood, you know, I’m saying, but if you’ve got that social proof, then a blind day How do we know my neighbor? You know, I’m saying so that’s like, that’s one of them that we talk about also, like, micro commitment, you know, I’m saying how you commit the customer. And I feel like that’s like super important because like, when you can micro commit someone and I always do it when I haven’t I’ll be like, you know, oh, this or this hot comes like in the Bible that I tell my boss. Now Mike, I’m coming to you without even telling you said I’m saying because like, it’s like assuming the sale you know, and like so that’s important. And readers are leaders like I like different books that I’ve read to me me like I remember like just reading these books. I just surpassed their I start tripling like, first I started doubling salespeople. And I start tripling salespeople because I separated myself. I just like I remember my first check going door to door. It was like two $300 like in one week. And I invested in myself I spent like two to $300 at Barnes and Nobles on books. My first book was breaking thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I just like invested in myself. So out of that $300 I made like man How did I was it just triple because it was a good investment. I started reading this fundamental that’s like one of my poses. Like I started reading like then I started like, I just felt a little more read so like readers are leaders then we got self motivated because like you can catch my some new people that come into business and like they might be new to the business but they not. And then like misery love company, they can hang around the wrong crowd. You can they can get fluids the wrong way. And then they become like thinking like the people that are around have stinking thinking talking bad about the company anything, but they got to be self motivated. So I feel like there is so much like things on social media that can motivate you rather than listening to like air miles. Or all these public speakers. You know, Eric Thomas, Zig Zig Taggart, exactly. Sam You know, I’m saying is that so? That’s another one like self motivated game we got like a builder report like how you build a report with your customers you don’t. And that’s, I feel like that’s super important because a lot of people ask you like, what if I’m not funny like you? Like I’m gonna be honest with you like you just gotta have personality. They say people by personality before they buy merchandise you ain’t got to be funny it’s just like I said I just got to give like like way worse and I just like I just like that’s what I did. I studied and like I just kept practicing in the mirror I was practicing my sales pitch in the mirror like sales talk just like looking at the wrinkles of my folio looking at my body language my facial expressions, like I tagged that in and then that’s why I was great at building the report and then we got like the upsell we talked about like when you already got the sale now you can upsell someone and then like last but not least is like closing secrets but I got many more of them but that’s just a couple of things that I just talked about in my home sales training course that I just launched again like I said like for the people that like like sign up like because the prices is going is going up most definitely I guarantee like in a couple of weeks they don’t they don’t testimonies like so many people in already bought and I like get a free lunch and you know they already been Santa Eva double and triple and sales just offer the sales course but right now it’s only 297 within the next 24 hours it’s gonna go up to 597 I also got like a 30 minute call that we got we just like the upsell where you can get on a phone call with me for 30 minutes pick my brain we can take each other brain like soak up knowledge like cuz you got to be a sponge and this is you know, I’m saying you got to stay new or you know, you just got it like just keep on like seeking like because that’s how I do it. I just like you got to stick to the post so you won’t get caught but at the end of the day, like that’s how I became like a great salesperson and like Also, if you sign up today I got a bonus while I’m giving out like 100 of my best Favorite one liners, they’re like, it’s crazy because like, there’s so many people that I run into I even at the door kind of like I’ve been using, I use. I’ve been on a roll like toilet paper, I use green coffee and it’s just different things, but like, I got so many because that’s what I did. I had like a notebook like, had over like 500 to 1001 liners like and I just like if it was working. I just kept using if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. So we got like bonus material I give out like 100 of my favorite one liners. that’s legit. Yes, crazy. This crazy and I got one like way more than that. And like you know like what like I got I got a one liner right here. Give it to what’s the biggest nation in the world? The Rock nation. No procrastination. Oh, man. To tell your customers that Yeah. You’ve taken all data by you know, look, what’s the biggest world what’s the biggest nation in the world young fellow that can be at a you can tell a column young fella to you sipping a young Jewish on fella wall and looks with a crayon you’ll be blue. But here, you know, what’s the biggest nation in the world? procrastination? Why make a permanent decision over temporary problems? See, you know, so it’s just it’s like the fundamentals of the game, you know, I’m saying and then also I like I’m gonna be given out like the people that sign up, you could just DM me on my i G. And I’ll be giving them a shout out to on my Instagram by just purchasing the course tonight. Because also like, like, within the next 24 hours I’m gonna be with like three influencers because we I’ve been doing like skits and like different blogs and everything. And I can’t tell you that and I have to just stay tuned, like the Looney Tunes, you will see. But I’m giving I’m giving out shout outs and these three guys they got over 20 million followers on our G so like we working on some right now is the secret light Victoria So, but I will be given out the ones that go in to sign up and just DM me with the you know, and they know I can I can you know, give them a shout out. Yeah, we kind of know 2020 but to be crazy. It’s got to be bigger than Oprah used to be. So it’s going down now Oprah

Danny Pessy 52:12
man, that’s exciting, man. I mean, just all of us coming together and sharing knowledge with all these kids. Like, you know, door to door has been very good to me and obviously very good to you and to Sam, for all of us to come here and share knowledge with each other. And that’s the cool part. Like I subscribe to grant cardones his Cardone university I said, I just bought your course, subscribe to Sam’s course. Like there’s no limited amount of information. There’s only a limited amount of time that you have in a day and the more educated you get, the more money you can make. And the more money you make the more courses you can by. So excited, man, dude, we’re freaking pumped for you. And yeah, man, we got it. We got we got to do some funny commercial. So Sam and I were getting together. We’re gonna shoot some videos for the next door to door con.

We’re gonna make some sweet stuff for 2021 CVD car. Yeah, you should play with us. Yeah. Just let me know. I’ll be there. Yeah, we’ll put some stuff together this year.

Danny Pessy 53:14
Yeah, we got some we got some funny skits. I got a feeling you’d be a good combination for that. Kenny? Oh, yeah. I think we should probably shoot in maybe like an Indian reservation and chango you down for that?

Kenny Brooks 53:32
Like, you’re like the fourth, the fifth person that just brought that up and heard the story like man you should do to Indian Reservation.

Danny Pessy 53:41
Man. Well, guys, thanks again, everybody for tuning in. Put the comments in the post here. You know, go out support your other fellow door salesman. You know, we love doing this. I have exciting news too. I hope you guys all tune in I found a door to door sales rep from Europe. And he wants to jump on another interview like this and the next coming week. So I’d love to see if we could try to figure a way to get Europe involved because he was telling us that they don’t have anything like this. And they’ve heard of Kenny Brooks over there and they’re afraid to bring them over to Europe because you know why women love dark man. So it’s just they’re worried about getting gray jokes. We’ve actually sold a few people in nurten Europe or university in Asia. Australia. It’s pretty crazy. I think Georgia is internationally Asia. You sold an Asian I oh my god give him a bonus. I still have yet to ever know who’s there? You’re You’re up Who? Here? Man Man Kenny Kenny school. This mother jump on top. That’s for sure that’s where you definitely got to

get them on. Let’s get some international people. I do not volunteer. I’m calling at 530 in the morning, guys. My beauty sleep.

Danny Pessy 55:16
Well you get it guys. Thanks for everybody tuning in. Thanks big Sam. Big Kenny, thanks for being such a good role model to the community for showing up. Did you record this? I did. It’s on Facebook Live so I got a recording of it. I think I think we need to do it and then when we all get together again, we got to rip up professional ones. For the podcast, yeah, what the heck? Why not? I apologize again, guys for the video quality Facebook kicked off the joint video feed so we got to make it do but I guess I had my hand I gave you a hand job the whole time. Kenny so you’re looking good. My wrist is so sore as hell Kenny. Should I you guys much love go kick some butt man. Looking forward to talking with all you guys again. Much love guys night.

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Free Solar Appointment Request

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

Free Pest Appointment Request

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

Free Roofing Appointment Request

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

Free Recruiting Appointment Request

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FreeSales Training

FreeSales Training

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Sales playbook logo with a stylized, abstract representation of an upward trend and a playbook strategy symbol integrated into the text.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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Business playbook logo depicting a stylized playbook with a red checkmark, representing strategies for successful business practices.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

Free D2DU Access

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

Free Business and Leadership Appointment Request

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Silhouette of a person with a stylized design, set against a red and blue background, accompanied by the initials "nkcl.

Learn More About Our National Knocking League

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Silhouette of a person with a stylized design, set against a red and blue background, accompanied by the initials "nkcl.

Learn More About Our National Knocking League

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A logo featuring the words "closer school" in capital letters with a sniper scope graphic centered above the 'o' and a red stamp overlay on the right side indicating a "live event.

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D2du logo with a stylized red house roof accentuating the letter 'u'.

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Logo of the d2d sales training summit with stylized letters and numbers in a monochrome palette.

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Ad2con6: the emblem for the sixth edition of an advanced design and development conference, featuring a sleek, modern logo in purple and magenta hues.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

Ultimate Business Experience and Training

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Abr: always be recruiting - the proactive motto for relentless talent acquisition.

Always Be Recruiting

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A stylized icon of a house with a line through it, set against a dark red background, with the words "sales planner" written above. it appears to be a graphic related to planning or management in the context of real estate or housing sales.

Download Your D2D Sales Planner Today!

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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