Solar Success Secrets: Insights from Carlos Villanueva & Roberto Castaneda

27 Min Read

Last Updated: September 27, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:47

We are live here in Santa Maria, California. And then and this is awesome so we’re like kind of co-sharing a freaking podcast right now. It’s gonna be dope. And we got all kind of go around the room introducing our buddies we got Carlos Villanueva got Carlos and you got Roberto Castaneda.
And he got some well if you were to sit in a Spanish accent do not I mean

Sam Taggart 01:34

we’re here and we’ll call this whatever podcast we got sales talk with solar pros here from Australia. They literally flew in just for this podcast. This is a big deal. Big deal like Australia. And then we got Roberto who is the owner of planet Earth. And these guys were running what six, eight months now and six, eight months. Yeah. Killarney already has a Rolls Royce. I mean, that’s like kind of the the staple. If you’re selling solar, and you don’t have a Rolls Royce, something’s wrong with you. We’ve got problems. We’re gonna be we’re gonna be jamming on this podcast just about solar just about life about business, kind of the ups and downs. And I’ll just kind of I’ll just post questions, and we’ll jam on it. Yeah, we didn’t, we didn’t have much like topic on this. So if you’re watching this on Facebook Live, first off, you better be in the DD tribe. And you better be in and you’re selling solar be in the sales talk with the solar pros, because there’s a lot of good stuff, 10,000 13,000 members, I mean, that’s 23,000 people that are just antsy to share and to ask questions and to, you know, give feedback and things like that. So I’m excited to kind of pick everybody’s brain and just just jam. So yeah,

and we’re excited as well. We’re excited to be here.

And it’s super exciting, man. Because where, I mean, the US is only at like one or 1.5% Solar penetration. And we’re just getting started with only 23,000 combined. I reckon within the next six months, we can hit easily 50,000 It’s gonna be crazy. Yeah, help as many people as possible.

Sam Taggart 03:01
Wait, so let me like what’s back? Because Australia is like, well, there’s like a country, a continent and the city all in the same thing, right? Like like nobody in like 95% of it. So just kidding. But it’s true. Funny enough, got some crocodiles in some kangaroos, right? No, I just love Crocodile Dundee. That’s all I’m saying. So

what was the word you said before Cry, cry?

Sam Taggart 03:31
Cry, you know, so. So let me ask you this. What is solar? Like in Australia? Like why?

Yeah, man, it’s super interesting question. Because, you know, we feel like we’re traveling from the future, you know, and I’ll paint a picture of what Australia is like at the moment. So in 10 years time from today, if we were to sit down and say, hey, you know, there are 6.6 kilowatt systems out there being sold for 500 to $1,000. What would you say?

What would you say? That’s very interesting. Yeah, no, that’s

Australian. So solar has been around for so long, there was so much competition, you know, it, our ability to bring products that are from China is, you know, it’s so easy as well. So it’s just really pushed down the price. Price per watt is, you know, super low. So for homeowners, it’s, it’s good, because, you know, they can access all the quite cheap. But it also has a dark side as well, you know, because, you know, the one who suffers is the customer, because there’s no customer service, people are just being squeezed down to the last dollar.

Sam Taggart 04:31
So we’ll see that in 10 years here, but like, just as, you know, as everybody’s like, well, I don’t need to make $5,000 I’ll make $4,000 I’ll make 3000 Okay, I’ll make I’ll do it for 500 bucks. Here. Give me that shirt and the extra dog food you got over there and I’ll take

more competition starts to come in as more players that’s coming to the market, it’s going to start driving the price down. So as you were saying earlier, you know, this is an industry were really good. Get in and take advantage of the industry now. Before it begins to start to, you know, consolidate itself. So we’re super lucky to be.

Sam Taggart 05:07
So how long have you how long guys have been in it? Like, when did you guys get started?

I got started maybe about three years ago now. Yeah. So I lost the industry a lot longer. I was actually in a different industry and international education living in Colombia, when I posted in sales talk with sales pros. And that’s when it got calluses attention as well. But we actually knew each other from the international education industry as well. So, you know, I mean, he’s always been hardcore in sales. I’ve always been hardcore in sales. So, you know, we’re always posting commenting on one another’s posts as well. And I guess you know, when that post was up, it’s like, okay, cool. Let’s pounce. This is a great opportunity, a hot lead to do something together.

Yeah. So we flew all the way from Colombia to Australia. Second day, actually, first day you came in, we were already selling like, yeah, yeah. Live in Colombia.

You got like a whole world, right? I am Australian. But yeah,

Australia. Were you selling drugs?

No, no. How’d you get into it? How long you been in it?

I’ve been in it for two years. Okay, that’s it. I used to knock doors working for Spectrum spectrum. Yeah. And I did fairly well there really well, but then, you know, I kind of like stepped away and said, I want to run my own business. And I purchased a Liberty Tax franchise and went into taxes. did really well, though, to actually it was a number one franchisee in the whole area. And then after that, I realized that I didn’t want to be in an office. And I was just stuck. I was only working for about a month and a half, and generating about $213,000 in four months. And then taking home like 100. And then after that, I just met a guy that sold me gave me the opportunity. We went in and as partners, we built something great, massive about 100 reps. And then just it was on a handshake. And I just decided to go off and do my own thing. And a lot of my guys followed me just because I’ve had like a really good relationship with them. Transparent, paid really well. Right? And you know, I just said hey, follow me if you want if you want to stay stay. And then here we are right now driving a Rolls Royce.

Sam Taggart 07:23
That’s awesome. So, guys, what like it sounds like you everybody’s had their own like ups and downs and entrepreneurial world. And, you know, even with like, COVID with you guys locked you guys out. Basically, it’s like, hey, we can’t even like go door to door. We can’t even go into homes and sell them. You’ve had business partnerships that have gone south where it’s like handshake. Oh, crap. Dang it. And I’m sure that wasn’t a pretty like, yay. Like, we love each other. You know what I mean? Like, it’s hard, like, and I guess when I asked you like, what are some advice you’d give kind of that young new entrepreneur? Going through their ups and downs? Like what what are some of the struggles that you’ve gone through? And how have you kind of overcame those?

So a lot of the board game has to do a lot with your mental state, right? He said, he might say a lot of your mental state. So and I speak from experience, right? One of the biggest things is just, you know, for me, personally, is getting out of the home, right. And when I started realizing and being self aware that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do on a day to day basis, it completely changed everything that I’m talking about. Even when I started my team, right, I had the lead from the forefront and I had to go out there and let the guys know that the opportunity was real, that the money was real tangible. You can touch it, you can smell it. Right, you can ride in it right. And once I realized that, that was possible, then I started, you know, basically integrating and remaining and I remained the student for this whole time that I’ve been in the industry. So I reached out to you. I reached out to Albert, I paid five Grand Albert I paid 15 grand a year had to come over years, teachers but dude I’ve already gotten Morrow is probably gonna be in about 20 days. And that’s 100% Right. And I think that’s what makes me a little bit different though. Like, even though I’m not as fluid as everybody even though I’m not as great ideas. Dude, I’m fucking I’m gonna make it no matter what. Nobody’s gonna stop me. So regardless of what’s happening, it’s not that you’re not going to make it you just probably need the right resources. And that’s what I would tell somebody. If you’re, you know, especially in the door to door game. Don’t give up. Right? Go super hard and then start getting mentorship like with guys like, Sam, these guys are, you know, when I talked to them, I was like, holy shit. I don’t really have to say anything to these guys, right? Because they’re where they need to be. But if you’re not making it, it’s just you’re not getting the right information from the right people. And I would recommend you start looking for mentors that help you get there faster because I have a model that says you can either get there in six months, you can either get there in a year and a half get there in six months, and you can even get there in a month if you really wanted to. So, you know that that’s my biggest thing. My biggest My biggest advice to everybody is just stay coachable. remain a student, and then pass on the information that everybody else. So that’s what I would say to everybody, especially guys that are struggling right now. That’s powerful.

Sam Taggart 10:20
Yeah. What about What about you, Carlos, like, as you’ve kind of gone through an entrepreneur journey, you’ve seen a lot of businesses, you’ve watched a lot of people in your group, what advice would you give kind of that young entrepreneur that just started on their own? They’re going through the struggle?

Yeah, man, get it get around the right people. So oh, you know, um, you know, the success that we’ve, you know, built up up until today has been because we’ve, we’re out around the right people, right. So for example, me and Chad are always together with everything that we do. As soon as we’re coming here to the US, I started reaching out, but you know, I watched very carefully on the response times, watch very carefully on, you know, how friendly people were and how much love there was for the relationship. That’s why I came to, you know, work with Roberto, because I felt that you know, that connection. And it’s all it’s all about getting around the right people, you know, as a brand new rep, if you’re planning to get into solar, or you know, any other business look for the ones who are crushing it, but the ones who also are willing to give out information to are willing to coach you who are willing to train you take you under their wing, but then you’ve got to put in the work as well. So that’s, that’s what I would say, man, just get around the right people. And this room right now is like getting around the right people. This doesn’t happen by accident. But

I wish I was. Just in addition to being around the right people, I just want to add to that as well. I mean, go out and seek the people who are doing or who are in the position that you want to be in and follow in their footsteps as well. So I mean, we’re in door to door. But you know, we’re sitting here right now with you, we’re going through the door to door playbook, you’ve got you know, the world class practices, you don’t have to spend time figuring it out. Someone else has already, you know, done exactly what you want to be doing. And they can break it down. You need that proximity, you know, do whatever it takes to actually gain that proximity, and then just basically replicate for yourself.

Sam Taggart 12:22
Yeah, it was it was so crazy. Like, yesterday, coming down here we were, we were at the airport, and we park our car in the economy lot. We get on the bus to get to the airport, and Mia, Mia sits back and she’s like crap, I forgot my phone. And we’re like, 30 minutes till takeoff. And we’re just like, Ah, crap. So we get off the economy la bus, and we’re like, oh, it’s like a half mile hike back to the thing. We’re like, well, we could wait for a bus for like 30 minutes. We’re like looking at the clock. Like, there’s no way we make this. Like, it’s like boarding in 10 minutes. And we’re still the economy law. And so we’re sitting there head down, and I text my buddy, because we’re all coming to California. And he’s like, I was like, hey, it’s like, I call him up. I was like, Hey, dude, are you are you flying down to Cali? Like, yeah, we live in an hour. Can you get to the Provo airport? And I was like the private Yes. Talking about like, be around proximity, like, I don’t have no private jet. But like, I called my buddy. I was like, Hey, dude, I can’t be there. And and I was like, Yeah, we got to get to the car. Let’s go. So we fly down to a different airport. And we’re there and just even the conversation sitting in a private jet. Hang on somebody that has hundreds of millions of dollars. And you’re just like, holy crap, we’re in a different league here. And if we walk out of the gym, we’re like, we could do this. And I asked him, I was like, what’s it take to get a jet? He’s like, okay, it’s 100% Depreciation tax write off year one, you breaks it down all the costs. And I was like, that’s not that much farther than we think it would be like in my head. I’m like, private jet status. And I was like, Wait a minute. That’s like, next like step like that’s not that far. Like, just seeing in the simple steps. I talked about a commercial deal I’m working on and he had built a commercial facilities similar to the one that I have. And I go, so what did it take, I could use the designers like, here’s the contractor, here’s the thing, you just get a lot of land. And it’s like, just like building a house. And I was like, success leaves clues. It has footprints, you go hang out with the people that are doing stuff that’s cooler than you and bigger and badder asking you. And you’re like, Damn, it’s not that hard. Like, life doesn’t need to be that hard. And when you get in proximity like that, yeah, you’re just like, Oh, I could do that. Yeah, I’m like that. Yeah. So huge, huge point

of that. And that that’s not an accident, you getting on to that, you know, private jet, that’s a combination of that decision that you first made of, you know, I’m going to start building this podcast, and start building relationships that is like, you know, an outcome of, you know, the last five years of building those particular roles

Sam Taggart 14:37
in the respect where he’s not just like, Who’s this cat to be like, you know, I’m gonna let this like, we did have some relationship equity there, you know, and it was funny. So here, here’s the tip, though, and this is coming from him. So we get off the plane at millionaire over in Burbank, and we’re in the bathroom and I look at him as like, Hey, can I chip in for gas or something? You know, this isn’t like your typical like, can I chip in for gas? Like for jet fuel. I was like, at least canceled myself was flight there was 250 bucks like that could help a little bit. And nobody says, You know what he says, he goes, I don’t need your frickin 250 bucks. Dude. He’s like, what I want is when I call in a favor that I know that I got you. And you’ve got my back when I need a favor. He’s like that favor that I call in. And that’s

a sense of like, straight out of Godfather as well. Yeah, no, it is. I just want to be able to call on you for a favor someday.

Sam Taggart 15:28
Literally just said that. And I go to Shea you know, I got your back when you need it. Like I’m here. Like, what he

will definitely be there. And I love Yeah. And just to make it relatable for the like, you know, for any team member out there because there are guys you know, who are in fear of knocking on their very first door. When you’ve got that proximity. It elevates you to a point where you are inspired to take action as well because some people ask us like how do we how did we actually even make the move to Australia? What did you actually do? Yeah. Oh, sorry. To us. Yeah, I’m forgetting where I am now.

California, it’s its own country cannot even in the US yet. We’re gonna cross over the border and have that.

Yeah, when you paid it, like, you know, pay for the access or, you know, be around the people who have achieved what you want to achieve as well. You will get over that fear factor. You know, because you will be inspired to take action. Okay,

Sam Taggart 16:22
so let me let me as a core if I switch gears on Yeah, let’s do it. So door knocking. Obviously, you’ve seen in sales talk to solar pros, you’ve got not just door knockers, but marketers you’ve got you know, phone call center and zoom closing and things like that you guys pivoted to, you know, Zoom closing a lot of that, I guess what’s your two cents on the differences of effectiveness between, you know, cold calling zoom conferencing in home selling door knocking? You’ve kind of played around in all those relevant areas. Where have you seen goods and Bad’s and uglies pros cons talk to us

look, I mean, they all have their pros. Yeah, all have their pros, but I would say it’s like a brand new rep. If you’re watching now, choose one and just go all in on it. Like don’t try to spread yourself too thin. Don’t be like Oh, today I’m going to cold call tomorrow I’m gonna go door knock. And then next I’m going to you know, open up the phonebook, just choose one, choose one and just go all in and then you know, look for all the resources to try and you know, become the best at that. Like, you know, we started off in home presentations. Then we made the switch to virtual, virtual you know, it was just straight phone. Yes, no zoom, straight phone. So we had appointment setters, calling, setting up appointments, doing a lot, transfer to a close up close, and then just shut it down. Take it all the way.

Sam Taggart 17:38
Sign loan docs here, you take your email. Yeah, it’s coming through. Now, as you can see in your email, you’ve got

panels here, but those those actions were born as a result. You know, we were forced into that position. They’re all suddenly changed in Australia. So we’re like, okay, we need to make these sales. So let’s take it all the way. That’s shit. Yeah,

talk about savage. Anyone who doubts I promise 30 grand put it down. I love it. Why don’t you

just stick to one I’ve, I’ve always just stuck to door to door just because it’s faster, dude. You can literally get out of your car and go sell that neighbor will sell whoever whoever is the homeowner. It’s just to me, it’s easy, right? You concentrate on building. It’s like, dude, like when you said I knock on seven doors, and I booked six do that to me. Like literally, it takes me about 10 doors to get three or four. And then okay, it’s game. Right? And it took me a long time. Because before I went door to door and actually changed my life door to door and I jumped into door to door on accident. Right? I don’t know. You said you dropped out of college. Right? I graduated from San Jose State and I thought it was a shit. I got it. I was like, dude, but nobody wants to hire me. I have no experience. And then, so I had no experience. So then what happened was I kind of like fell into I needed to pay my student loan and I went into it. But before that, dude, I literally blacked out in my communication course, blacked out, I don’t remember. And I just went and sat down. It was the most embarrassing thing as I always tell people that I didn’t fail that class. But I didn’t pass it, I dropped it. Right. So I jumped into the door to door and I just, you know, for me, it was more fear. Like I was I was fearful of being fired, because I needed to pay my student loan. So what happened was that my manager, you know, wanted to go out there and, you know, Shadow me and you know, just kind of guided me through it. And I didn’t need it. I didn’t need it because I didn’t want him to see how bad I was. So that I just started doing that at 11am before it’s 2pm. So before 2pm already has three deals. So he was like, Well, I don’t really have to do anything. I’ll see you tomorrow. So then just like that and you know what the funny thing for the whole month for a whole month. I didn’t know what my Commission’s was. I thought I made three grand. I made 10 grand. So so so yeah. I didn’t know he was like, you stupid. And I was like, This is what got cable.

Sam Taggart 20:03
This is important. And I’m gonna this is my next question. So let’s take this principle because it’s even worse than solar. You tell somebody what they make and solar, they stop working, like flat out. Yeah. So it’s almost like we would be doing our people a better service if we just simply said, Oh, congratulate 500 bucks. So go get another one. Yeah. And they sold 10 in a week. And they’d be like, Yeah, you made like, a couple grand Good job, like, and then then you’re like, once a year, like surprised? Yeah, wait, I’ve been holding on. I’ve invested it actually, I made you 10% on it, or something? Like there’s a way to do that. How do you avoid complacency? Because that’s been the biggest problem I’ve noticed in this industry is guys get paid too much. And, and you go and guys, like, Oh, I got one sale this month, and I can live for the next 30 days, and then they’re broke. And then they get another sale, because they need it to pay off their debt or pay their rent or whatever that looks like. And that is the normal solar agent. How do you combat that? What are some things you’ve seen to help like, in your own lives and your own selling, or others?

I would say goal setting some goal setting like, and I can talk, you know, I can talk about my guys, I got some killers on my team. But, you know, they go through two months of like, 10 1215, and then 60 100. And then I’m like, Hey, bro, are you? I’m living my life. Right? So then what I try to get them to do is just cool said, hey, you know, what do you what are you trying to attain? But even not in this industry? It’s crazy hard to do that. It’s crazy hard. And and, you know, that’s, you know, that’s a reason why I brought you in, because I’m like, Dude, I need an we’re about to do we were about to drop some fire. Intermission. So So that’s, that’s, you know, that’s what I would say about that. But I think also, I think a lot of people lack goal setting, because for me, even buying I live in Pismo Beach, and that’s a million dollar home. And then, you know, I also like, I bought the Rolls Royce. And it was just, it was, like you said, you break down the numbers of how attainable something is. And dude, that’s what drives you. like, Damn, dude, really good. I can make a million dollars in this business. I’m gonna have to close about 12 deals a month. That’s insane. I’ve been nobody really breaks down the numbers to the ridiculous right? Like, Hey, I got a knock X amount of doors to get X amount of presentations to get X amount of sit downs to get X amount of poses. And nobody does that. Right. And it’s, you know, a lot of the guys don’t do that. Because they really don’t. I feel like they don’t have something to strive for. They’re really their cap. They’re complacent, right? I think my my father in law said, he’s like we like as Mexican, I’m Mexican. So he said as, as a as a whole, the Mexican community is complacent. If they see that they’re that the kids are making more money than their parents, then they’re okay with that they’re making 10k Go home. Right? They don’t. And that’s yet

to elaborate on that. I mean, this complacency in many different nationalities. I mean, I was in South America as well, and Columbia, and it could have been said there. But you know, living in Australia as well, it’s it’s said that. And so just to elaborate on that, I mean, something that I’ve, like, you know, we’ve implemented in our company, as well as, you know, just breaking people down into four categories. Because there are people who only want to remain in the role. But they do want to be able to set goals for themselves as well. And more often than not, it’s you know, what money is one aspect, it could be, like, you know, spirituality relationships that they have with family, friends, that community as well. And so being able to put things in place to achieve those goals, you know, so, you know, providing them with experiences that they wouldn’t have otherwise experienced on their own. But then just above that, I mean, some people also strive to be leaders, I look for signs, you know, when people ask questions like, Hey, can I get a raise? It’s like, of course, you can I know that that’s a sign of like, you know, I want more responsibilities. So that’s when you know, that goal setting conversation is had with those people, they need to, you know, reach up and take on your responsibilities above. Team Leader for us. It’s, you know, a strategist. So that’s when, like, you know, it could be the head of a department. And, you know, so it’s probably managing multiple sales managers as well. And then, above that, for us, I mean, like, you know, we haven’t reached that level yet with someone else. But you know, someone will say, I want to be able to run my own business. Great. Like, this is an opportunity right now, for you to build relationship with us build a track record, we’ll understand how you work, you’ll understand how we work. And if we’re building a great platform, let’s invest. Yeah, let’s do something together.

Sam Taggart 24:34
I love that. Yeah. And I think that too often sometimes, sometimes we get threatened I watch the leader get threatened when other leaders are trying to come up along the ranks and it’s almost like no, but like crap, I’m now insecure because now what if he’s just as good as me or better and, and a lot of times, we actually start pushing people suppressing the growth and when we’re asking for growth, I want to scale and grow but I don’t want any of my people to grow it. It’s like we’re now in this like, stupid conundrum. And there’s a term in Australia they use it’s called the poppy syndrome. Yeah. syndrome. Yeah. So in America, none of us know what the frick poppy syndrome is. So help shine some light on the poppy syndrome is,

look, I’ll give you a classic example. I mean, you’ve got characters like Floyd Mayweather here, you know who, you know, talk a big game. And I mean, of course, he’s still got some haters here. Okay, but he’s also got some massive fans as well, which is why he’s doing incredibly well. I mean, in Australia, we’ve got you know, I mean, he’s a sports star Anthony mundane. He tried to like, you know, climb the ranks in boxing as well obviously didn’t get to the same level as Floyd Mayweather. But every time he was saying something equivalent to what Floyd Mayweather would say, Oh, get shut down by the media,

rather than other people. So

the media would be like, you would be a

combination of media of family, friends, it could be everyone.

They’re like, why are you trying to be so great? Like, why? Like, why do you got to go above and beyond? Like, why do you got to do that’s the poppy syndrome. There’s

this culture, you know, to build people up when they’re the underdog, right? So there’s, you know, if you’re, if you’re the underdog, let’s build them up. And then when they get to a certain position, where they’re starting to rise above the rest, it’s like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you know, you’re just going too fast. You’re moving too hard. So keep going. Yeah, we sorted the gym. So we’re at the gym the other day, and we’re looking around, it was, you know, guys popping in lock in, you know, that sort of stuff.

I love that, you know, us people express themselves, like

a gas station this morning. And then like the 10, it was like, wow, kill it.

See, that happened, man, like, Jim, everyone’s you know, just listening to the music in their own space, you know, they’re looking at each other, like, who’s gonna do this? Who’s gonna do that? Who’s got the big muscles, whatever. But here in America, you can just express yourself, man, like everyone, you know, it’s just, it’s just a free place to do

it. Yeah. Another example is that, like, you know, we’ve got the Australian Financial Review, which is, you know, probably the equivalent to Forbes. And it was talking about how a particular business person was making so much money. And then you look at the comments, the reactions, again, there’s so much hate, right? Why is this person, you know, making that amount of money? Right. Whereas, you know, I feel in United States, I mean, of course, you’re still going to have some haters, but you’ve got more people who are, you know, putting that person on a pedestal, you know, basically say, hey, like, you know, pushing them higher as well. I keep going. Yeah, you know,

Sam Taggart 27:26
here’s it, here’s a question. So when you buy your Rolls Royce, like, I honestly feel guilty if I bought a Rolls Royce, like, I’m like, oh, man, like people now know how much money I make. And I like, I honestly, like, that would be my biggest thing. could I afford a Rolls Royce right now? I guess I could. But I, there’s an element of me and an insecurity that I have that I would be afraid to do just from the simple principle of like, what is everybody can say about me now driving Rolls Royce, did you get that feeling? Or did you have people throw me

100%? Dude, no, I’m sure I did. And it’s tough to see it. You know, I hope none of the you know, my guys that work with me. Because I poured my heart, my heart and soul onto them. Like Look, dude, like, sometimes I close our deals. I don’t ask anything for it. I’m just like, No, it’s all you bro. You know, just, you know, stay consistent. Do me a favor and be out there at this time to this time. So, you know, even though I bought the rolls, I did. I did that did go through my mind. Right? And it’s like, show I show people sure are not. But you know, we’re in America, bro. Like, if I have a real choice, you can get it. You can get it. Like she can get it, she can get it. There’s no reason why I should feel like that. Right? Like, there’s no way and so like, that’s one of those, like marketing, you know, Albert talks about this. He’s like fucking excuses. Because it’s like, Fuck everybody, dude. It’s like, do what you do what makes you happy? Do what drives you to be more, right? And he said, Dude, I faked it until I mean, it. Is it literally what he told me, I faked it until I made I bought a Ferrari, I probably had like 50 grand in my bank account. And I just said, I’m fucking King Kong, I’m here. Right? And then you started attracting all these people. When all the people came, and I started investing back into them to systems, you know, trainings, how to make it better, right, structuring businesses within his business. So, you know, I took the same concept that he has, I’m like, dude, like, why should I feel that way? If I earned it, you know, all my guys know, and it 90 90% of my guys know that every day I was out there, I drove all of fucking California to make about 140 grand like in a week, right? And I drove for hours as the fucking leader and owner of the company to show the guys and drive momentum because we were at a point where we left the company that we created great culture great systems. But you know, we weren’t getting what we needed to grow and be better and and you could you know, I had to take all my guys from there and bring them to another company and then just create culture will be here, right and then then start recruiting and all those things so dude, like I I get what you’re feeling and I don’t feel guilty at all dude, because I feel like everybody can can create Throw Destiny here, man. It’s fucking America. I sold fucking cable and I made like 150 grand a year. What? You know what I mean? Now go to Liberty Tax branches. I didn’t know shit five stars. Five stars Am I fucking didn’t know shit about taxes but everybody wanted to do their taxes with me. You know what I mean?

I love this and I need I needed this like it Can I get an amen?

That’s what I mean by proximity as well. I mean, you know, in Australia, we mentioned I mean, who would get the rolls, right? It’s the gray haired guy, right? Yeah. It’s like, Hey, he’s old. You know, Beto is like, oh, let’s roll.

Sam Taggart 30:44
No, but it’s, it’s interesting. I needed to hear that. Like, I’ll just be, I’ll be Oh, go ahead. Well, I was just gonna say I’ll be real. Like, I think I was raised in a, in a well, in almost like, its own little bubble of like, there’s fear around this, if you’re flashy for this, like, I was the number one rep at Vivint. And I drove a Kia Optima. And I like, was like, You guys drive your cool beamers and your big lifted trucks. And I’m like, I know, I make way more new and I was like, I kind of I was like, the anti Flash guy. And I think I still have a little bit of that. Like, I literally posted on Instagram two days ago, like I bought, I bought a house, but five years ago, nobody knew. And nobody knows. Like, I never like sit there and I’m like, like, why would I show people I have like apartment complexes and houseboats and like cool shit. Like, and I never talked about that. Because I’m always like, why don’t want people to be like, Oh, look at him, look at him. And I’m like, Shit, I think I’ve been doing this wrong. Like, I think I had been disempowering people. And like, that was like the whole, thank you. That’s all I’m saying. Like, thank you. And I think a new Samsung not to burn. I’m not gonna go. I’m not gonna go, Hey, Paul. But I really do appreciate how you’re perceptive to that is, because I’ve had the I’ve had a different perception. And it’s probably limited me quite a bit. So I appreciate that foster growth, too.

Amen. And I’ll say, like, this is one of those times in history where it’s, it’s like, it’s a gold rush, you have to take advantage of it, there’s a deadline, this is not going to be around forever. Right? The solar industry is not going to be as good in the next, you know, five or 10 years here in America. So I think it can be shorter than that. It could be man. Yeah, it could be the next three years. So you know, we’ve got people coming from all over the world, you know, people here in America right now, where, you know, if you get into an industry like solar, without knowing sales, without knowing all the technical stuff, you can create like this gigantic shift in your you know, your what do you call it like your your family tree, you know, prosperity, which is crazy. And that’s what you know, drives the decision, you know, to come here to the US to make bold moves, hook up with guys like a man he Roberta, you know, yeah,

love the people that are already taking bold moves like psyching himself as well, it’s great.

Sam Taggart 32:50
So here’s the last question, cuz I know we gotta get on like, mid podcast. So if you’ve been listening to this, hopefully you’ve gotten some value so far, please share this, join the groups tag a friend who’s like, Hey, I’m struggling dealing with like, I’m trying to get to the next level. And this would be a great podcast for that individual. So give us some love on the podcast. But last question, we’ll go rapid fire and just kind of wrap up, starting over your chat. If you give like one piece of advice to, let’s say, a whole solar industry, whether that’s a rep, a leader, an owner, what what would be that one piece of advice, and then you guys be thinking of that as we go in a circle.

Look, I’m gonna say integrity. I mean, I was moved by the your mission as well. And, you know, bringing integrity into the industry. And, you know, Australia fast forward, you know, 10 years, that’s what Australia, like, that’s what you will experience in United States, right? And it can be riddled with, you know, so many crooks, whether it’s install teams, salespeople, who are using bad practices to get people over the line, but then at the same time, you know, like, customers just feeling screwed. Everyone’s just losing altogether, right? Which is really, really bad. And so, you know, my advice would be, you know, make sure you maintain integrity at all times be around those people who, you know, who do practice that at all times, as well. So, you know, play the long game. And your reputation is incredibly important. Got it with your life and, you know, be in the right environment that enables that as much as possible. Because if you are playing the long game, you won’t lose, you’ll always be working on your work. And inevitably, you’ll just become successful. Love that. Boom.

So what I would say is the word I was looking at before was generational wealth, right? Um, don’t do this just to knock on a door like don’t do this just to get out of your car, knock you first or make, you know, a couple of $1,000 and get out of the industry. Do it because you know, there’s just so much crap happening. In the world right now, do it to show like you know, positivity do it to help your customers do it for integrity, because, you know, you sell a customer today, build a relationship build, you know, become family with that customer because they’re going to help you achieve those bigger goals that you have in life. And then by you achieving that stuff, you’re just gonna help the people around you as well. They’re gonna see wow, this guy’s got a you know, this guy or girls got a track to success. And it just becomes possible for others to achieve as well.

So I would say guys, I, I’ve seen I know that I’m kind of new to the solar industry two years, but go fast. Super fast. Stop knocking four hours a day. Just do it. Do 810 12 hours a day build like generational wealth. Dude, Sam Taggart has fucking built these we don’t even know about basketball fucking core that we don’t even know. This dude’s been knocking doors all his fucking life dude. Bro. I drove a Rolls Royce. I live in a million dollar home. And it took me six months to get shit. Did you know Did I fight with my wife a little bit because I showed up late Yeah, I fucking did. But does she love living a million dollar home? Yeah, she does driving, driving her escalate. Yeah, she does. Do stop going the speed you’re going don’t take it for granted. Go zero to 100 zero to 1000 real fucking quick because this is going to pass you by. And you’re going to you’re going to be the guy that says, Yeah, I remember that month that I did. 50 grand. And then everybody else around is gonna say oh, yeah, dude, I still got like 50 properties. Yeah, I’m still making the same amount of money. I don’t have to go door to door anymore. Yeah, it’s cold.

Sam Taggart 36:37
So I love the I love that. No. And I and I would give like, Guys, when I first got in this industry, like this is what’s buckwild is it’s in my opinion, easier today than it was back in 2015. And I was making you know, maybe 1000 bucks a deal back then. And the Commission’s have just doubled, tripled, you know, I mean, like more than that, like, and I look back and I’m like damn, like, I wish I was doing the same hours and putting in the same hours. So in the same amount of deals it was back then today making five times three times more and being able to chalk that money away in smart places and build this generational wealth like and I think that there isn’t the urgency so I love that you’re like hey there’s put some urgency some deadlines and saying like it is today I need to be doing this instead of procrastinating the success and that would be my like to just add to that so I appreciate you guys listening and you guys been on this show of us all being on this thanks for collective show. Call it and if you guys got some value, like I said share this, give it some love. And we’ll see you guys on the next episode. Whatever that episode is. I love things coming. Big things coming. Yeah, we got some good stuff in the colabs like I was like wait, this is God said it cuz I was gonna reach out anyway. So we’re gonna make something. We’re gonna make some cool stuff happen. So stay tuned, stay tuned. See you guys

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