Britney Cook – Money mindset for boss babes in door-to-door sales

32 Min Read

Last Updated: June 8, 2021

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Hey guys, how’s it going? Welcome back to The Dourdan or podcast. I’m Mia O’Neill. And this is my beautiful guest Brittany cook. Yes. So today we are diving into both our probably favorite topic, which is mindset, and manifestation. mindset is so important in every single area of life, especially applicable when it comes to sales. So I know that both of us have used mindset and manifestation mastery to see really epic results on the doors, and most importantly, just in life. And I think something that ties us all together in the sales world is that we’re all so hungry, to personal develop, and just to really grow as humans and surround ourselves with really epic people who make a ton of money and are super successful and super happy. And just build our health or wealth and our network and network is your network. So today we’re going to be diving in deep because I know that Britney has a lot of epic value to share. And she has been working in door to door for years and still does a lot of different things in the door to door space. So it’s gonna be good. And also women women in door to door and something that is not as common as it should be, and will be. So I’m proud to be a representation for women in the space. And I know that Britney is an epic representation as well. So welcome to the door to door experts, we are going to dive in deep and below some mindset. Alright, so let’s start with just a little bit of background like how did you get into door to door.

So back in 2018, I had one of my mentors in another business. So you got involved in solar and then I’d be really good at it. I push it to the side, push it to the side and like that is not for me. I’m not knocking doors like because at the time I was living my dream. I was I was a hairstylist, I did la fashion week I was doing events and hair for weddings and big shows and I was doing what I love but I also was nannying for two families. I was also a business developer for new startup gym, putting 30 hours a week into that. And so I was my hands were full when I lived in California. And I went to an event a business event out in Florida and met up with him again and he’s like, hey, Brittany, you should check this out. Like No, I know someone that that might be interested. And it was something that I was interested. So I’m like, Hmm, maybe if I add value to someone that I was interested, maybe that would bring him closer. You had a crush on him? No, not on my mentor. No, just someone I knew that I was talking. I’ll talk I love and so he’s like, Do you know anyone that be interested in doing solar or any?

Yeah, this guy. He’s really cute. He’s Yeah, social. He’s so friendly. He’d be great on the door.

Yeah, so I connected them, they actually saw that we did a three way they taught Oh, and.

And then. And yeah, he wanted to finish college. And he had one semester left. And so in my mind, I’m like, dang, like, if he’s not gonna do it, I’m just gonna just say eff it, I’m gonna, I’m gonna go out there and do it. But I was sitting on it on the opportunity for a minute for a couple of weeks. And then I just in September in in 2018, I just flown back from Maui for an for a different even in retreat just on relationships. And as soon as I got back, I ended up departing from my four year relationship. Was he in Maui with you know, wow, that would interest you. I’ve never shared this before. But he was on the phone with me while I was out there. And he wanted to learn what I was learning. But I

was also you went out there to learn about relationships.

Yeah, just because I wanted to know what direction because I was in this relationship for four years. I want to know what direction are we getting married, like what’s going on? Like, so out of curiosity, like I had the money he, the boyfriend at the time didn’t. And so I’m like, I’m going out there and curious about what they’re talking about. Because there’s a lot of taboo topics that people don’t talk about that I was interested in. So I went out there To learn more, and I just affirmation for affirmation just, it just felt like it was right to just let go of that four year relationship and move on. And during that weekend, he was on the phone with me. And so it felt not good. But it also felt really good. And so my love Oh, God. So that Monday, he picked me up. And then we ended things. It was the most graceful. He was on the same page as well. He’s like, Yeah, I agree with you. And it was just a graceful departing that night, when he picked me up from the airport dropped me off at my place. I was like, Hey, I think we’re dying here. And so that was Monday, Tuesday, my mom calls me. And I told my mom like, Mom, me, insulins aren’t together anymore. And so we ended up my mom’s like, Well, why are you still in California? I’m like, Well, I’m working on a bunch of projects. She’s like, well, I don’t know, maybe you should move to Arizona. And I’m like, Sharon, so no idea. Oh, Arizona was just random was so random. It was so random. And you were already a faithful person at this point. Yeah. Right. Because I mean, you had enough faith to make the leap to go to Maui. And to learn about these relationships. You had enough faith to end a four year relationship like that. Yeah, just because you felt it. So as we know, as you’re clearly very aligned with yourself and your intuition. Yeah. And so it’s, you know, when you’re asking, like, what should I do, like, everything’s made clear when you just let go and trust. Some true that, like, you should go to Arizona, but you know, like, you don’t have to do it. But maybe taxes are cheaper. They’re like, that was a reason I don’t even know she it was all a money thing to my mom. She’s like, California is so expensive. And in my mind, I’m like, oh, that that mindset drives me insane. I know. We’re sorry, mom. But that mindset drives me insane. Anytime people are like, California is so expensive, but it is Hawaii. But it’s it’s a mindset. Yeah, if you

like true. And so just you have the universe’s will on your side, like, Oh, my gosh, every single door will open to you. And you’re so supportive when you’re aligned with yourself. Yeah. And with what the universe has in store for you.

Yeah. And there’s a little do people talk about, like, there’s so much wealth in California as well. Yeah, it’s so true. Yeah, just flip it. But it was really awesome. So that was Tuesday, Wednesday, I get a call from my mentor, hey, this person on our team just made this amount of money. And I’m like, no way. If he did that, I am going to destroy this opportunity. And he’s like, well, what are you waiting for? Literally in like, 20 seconds, I made the decision. I’m calling the investor that I’m working with for a new startup gym right now. So it’s like, 11pm, I text them hey, like, tomorrow’s my last day at the gym. I’m going to go to Arizona, I’m going to take advantage of this. And he he was fully supportive said alright, I’ll give it a whirl. I believe in you go for it. And I’m like, Oh, so that was really a compliment to get that blessing. Yeah. And because I was working close with with growing the gym and whatnot. It’s so

beautiful that you have this faith because so many people I could just imagine it now, like, you’re in this position where you’ve been working at this gym for how long? I was about a year and a half, and it’s a startup and you’re invested with the people and there’s so many things and you’re helping and like in your mind or even with your boyfriend all of the things you’re like, in your mind you probably think like, most people think like oh, I don’t break up with them. I don’t want to hurt him like, Oh, I don’t leave my mom, right? Like I don’t want to turtley she’ll be disappointed like, I don’t believe this opportunity. Like oh my job needs me and like you build these stories.

But But I feel like I loved every moment that I did what I did, the relationship I was in I loved it. It was amazing. I grew so much I learned so much. Also the opportunities that were presented to me I made the most of them I was feeling so grateful and just lifted up to the max and there came a point of just desiring more I felt like I was I was hitting a glass ceiling and I’m like there’s so much more I see it How does that happen? I don’t know at the time and but I was just believing just for more and then it just easily manifested one thing and another

leg yourself you’re like you followed your heart and honored your truth and the entire universe around you reflected so yeah, like your boss is like yes, I give you my will your mom’s like go to Arizona your boyfriend’s like I’ve actually been feeling the same way. Like Could it be more easy to just like perfectly align. And it’s because you’re in like living in your truth. And like your divine inspiration powerful. It’s so powerful. It’s like a river of love. Just jump in.

Yeah, so that was Wednesday night. Thursday I told my landlord Hey, I’m moving out tomorrow and and I got their blessing too so that wow. And then Friday packed my car with what could fit and I left everything for you know the the landlord Hey, you can take the rest of my my furniture like for like just take it I can’t fit in

this couch has got to go sorry I got the TV I got the goldfish but the couch stays

got the aquarium.

Actually, there was a fake aquarium on my room. Oh my God, this was a really Ori and MIMO unit. But it was like a nightlight. I know it was so funny. It was just really random. I Loki love nightlight, frankly. Yeah. Everybody said to the landlord, it’s very generous. Probably.

So that was Friday pack that car. And then prior to all these decision making within the past, that plus week, Monday to Friday, a couple weeks prior, one of a good friend asked me to go to an event up in LA. And I was kind of iffy on going because I was committed to like working on my jobs. And I was booked for event I was just I had a busy schedule is iffy a little life. But I’m like, No, I’m gonna go like, it’s one day. And so that was actually that Saturday. And so literally my life’s in the car, I drove up to LA on a whim, not knowing what’s going on what my next step what tomorrow is gonna look like no frickin clue and got a $5,000 ticket to this event and was just super inspired. It was like prep my mind to dive in to exactly what it was. It was everything lined up. So that was Saturday. And then Sunday drove to Arizona, I literally had $20 cash. And then my bank account was like, flipped upside down. And I’m like, Oh my gosh, because at the time I might I just live paycheck to paycheck, I didn’t really know how to master my mind with money. I just know I wanted more. But I just, you know, I just lived in the moment and was grateful for what I had. But I’ve also believed for more, I didn’t know that we had a lot of power around our belief system, holy cow. And so I was just on a whim and then Monday got trained, and with a certain company that I worked with, their belief was, hey, you were your appointment setter. And you work two to three hours at night. That’s so weird. And so it drove me insane. Because I’m like, I just want to work over when you’re hungry. So I had all this energy built up. So when those two to three hours came,

just blasted and just took off. And that imagine how well he could have done if you would have been empowered to work like 568 hours. Maybe? Yeah, I think it has to do with beliefs. Yeah. I don’t know. I mean, Sam talks about that all the time is like, when he first got into it. It’s like, Oh, you go out at night and you come home at midnight. That’s how it is. And that’s just how it was. So then other people like he’s gone. Other teams. It’s like, wait, what is this? Like, why are you guys sitting on the couch? Like, oh my gosh, we have to be out there. You know, it’s all just belief. Exactly. Like you’re saying, Yeah, like the norm. Yeah.

So I had to adjust because I was putting so much work back in California working so many jobs that I had this mindset of work, work, work, work, you got to work hard, and then all of a sudden it’s like skirt. Okay, what is this? Okay, so I adjusted to the culture. And I’ve never been on straight commission before district commission. I’ve always had hourly plus other businesses. Other things I was involved in a jump at the beginning. It’s a huge jump. Just go for it. You trust the people you’re

supposed to be I just made $15,000 and it gets installed in two months. Cool. Awesome. Love it. But the compound was pretty good.

Oh, that’s good. So I’m very grateful for the compliment. Oh, nice. Yeah, yeah. A lot of people have like a good beginner system, which is awesome.

Yeah. So that so it was cool. Because as soon as I got there, like, we have everything provided for you. You got a place to stay. We will. We will go grocery shopping for you. Just you don’t just go work. Okay, cool. So So I learned in that time to like more focused on my fitness and I had more time to focus on myself, and then blast off those that work time. So it was it was good. It’s very empowering for me. That is a power. Yeah. And

and then I know how frustrating that can be though, when you’re like really hungry to just work. And they’re like, almost it’s almost like when someone wants to fight. They’re like, No, I want to know you’re like no, like, call me back. Call me back. You know, you’re like calling back really got

those Hot Wheels? Like you have to bring it back. Yeah, it has so much power in it. And then you just let go and goes, Wow, it’s so true. So you share the lesson that you needed. Obviously. This is the last month you got Yeah, for sure. So it was it was funny I I broke records for the most lead said, when some girl power trips to the Bahamas to Mexico and just thing after thing and I’m like, Wow, this is awesome. And, but I was just so focused. And I needed I literally during that month, I had bill collectors calling me every day. I like we I’m like, it’s okay, like everything get taken care of making money. It’s gonna happen because of that. So I just had this huge belief. So I have all this breathing down my neck to perform. So it was it was on staff. And so all of a sudden, I get all these paychecks. And someone said, Hey, like, you’ve never been in sales before just on straight commission. It’s a roller coaster. I think you mentioned it’s a solar coast. Yeah, I was told the solar coaster. Yeah. And so that was a belief that was instilled in me and then beginning of my career, and that’s exactly what I experienced. Because I’ve never been in it. I don’t know what to believe about it. I don’t know anything. And so that’s what I was told. That’s what I believed in. That’s what were my results. So I experienced a super high. And then oh, because I did not manage a bunch of money like that before. So I’m like, Oh, I’m gonna get things that I’ve always wanted this. And also, finally, my goal is money or Christmas time, I was like, Oh, my God, I need to get paid. Like what’s going on? Yeah. And so living this survival mind and this roller coaster, because that’s what I was taught. And it was like that. And not until just recently, did I invest in a coach, and just from my mindset around money, and it’s so powerful, it has unpacks, so many levels of glory. Just a couple of weeks ago, I had this aha moment of my mindset around money. And I realized, because I’m experiencing this solar coaster, I’m experiencing, you know, inconsistent money flow. And my money coach had mentioned that, that people’s beliefs are like, at this level, but like, Hey, you can actually believe that money comes consistently. So you address your limiting belief. Like, why aren’t you receiving all this money on a consistent basis? You know, Oh, where did that belief come from? Oh, when I first got in the industry, someone told me that’s how it’s how it is. So I experienced that. And I realized it doesn’t have to be that way. Like, you heal, it doesn’t have to be that way. It doesn’t have to be a solar coaster. You can have a consistent code like a consistent just linear. Yeah. Exponential growth. Exactly. And so, you know, what I like to do is journal like, what am I afraid of? Like, why aren’t I receiving what I believe I can receive? Like, what are what are my beliefs around money and like, it goes back because you’ve been taught and programmed to think a certain way. And when you realize you have power, over your mind, power over manifesting and beliefs that you can change, whatever you’re experiencing out here, when you change what’s going on in here. It’s so true. One of

my favorite, like quotes, just like things that I always think of is just your external world is a reflection of your internal thoughts. And it’s true, and the more you practice it, and believe it and just treat it as law, it’s the law of attraction. And it is like it’s thinking Grow Rich, it’s all of the books that are around like as good as given your wishes, your command, it’s all talking about the exact same thing. And it all says like, what you focus on becomes you can be do or have anything you want, if you believe in it just long enough with them, like enough intensity, and like faith. And it’s so beautiful. Like I know, your entire life is a reflection of that. And so is mine. So when we first met We met at a boot camp a couple months ago. Yeah, one of the DDD expert boot camps. And we just started talking and we were just like blown away by how much we had in common on mindset. Yeah. And then since then, I’ve been we’ve been just following each other and like, a few weeks ago, you posted a picture of what you used to look like, oh, God is totally different. It was like it blew my mind. I like had to like stare It’s even recognize that

you a lot of people, like that’s not you like that’s a different person. It wasn’t different person.

Yeah. And it was Yeah, it’s so true. Like, I look back at myself, even high school or even beginning of college and I’m a totally different person. Like I’ve gone through so many transformations, that I’m I really don’t even feel like that same human. I’m almost like, not the old Mia at all. And yet I’m like the truest Mia ever. It’s so interesting.

Yeah, it’s just, life keeps getting better and better. Yeah. And that’s a mindset in itself. Yes, it is. Like, I’m

like, yeah, you contain the Stoke Israel. But it’s so true. Like, I freak out about it, because like, I’ve been manifesting that for years to like, that whole exponential growth idea. Yeah, I’m so committed to that. Yeah. Because I know that like that’s I just knowing I’m always saying like the best is yet to come. This is just the beginning.

And and not just that, like a lot of a lot of information. So I like to speak our I’m so happy and grateful. Now that money in money ease, or how does it go? I’m so happy and grateful. Now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continual basis. And love money is consistent in my life. Yeah. Money flows to me like I love money. Money loves me money is my friend like all these money affirmations? Like, yeah, go Google it and start transforming your mind and your beliefs around money. And you’re going to experience something different. Like I always want your life transformed. Yeah. So if you don’t like the results, you’re getting change how you’re thinking.

And people I think we’re a big disconnect is, is I was just listening to a book it was asking is given by Jerry and Esther Hicks Yeah. So yeah, it’s so good. And there was talking about and I’ve experienced this a lot, where it’s like, oh, well, I’m making millions of dollars, I make millions dollars. And then I’m like, Okay, well, I’ve been manifesting this, and I still didn’t have like, I don’t have millions of dollars. So like, clearly, like, it doesn’t work or something’s wrong, or I have a limit or like, there’s like some kind of barrier this abundance, like, literally by thinking like, Oh, I have thought this and it didn’t work is the limiting belief. It’s like that is me affirming my limiting belief. I’m like, Oh, I’m million dollars. But last time, I didn’t get it. Oh, last time, I didn’t get it. So all I’m actually believing and focusing on is I didn’t get it. And I don’t have it. And I didn’t get it. And I don’t have it not. I have millions of dollars. I have millions of dollars. And so that’s been a big lesson for me lately, because now it’s actually quite funny. But so many things are popping up in my life that I’m like, I manifested this a few years ago. And I’m like, interesting. I manifested this to the tee a few years ago. And I’m like, okay, things take time, patience. So like I am so dialed in now to what I want. Because I’m like, why I have to just get so clear. So that a year, years from now, three years from now, I’m experiencing what I’m manifesting. Now, it might take time, it might happen immediately. But

yeah, you have to be clear on what you want. That’s the biggest thing. My mom’s but everyone, what do you want? What do you want? Yeah, and so I got really real with myself on my 30th birthday. Back in February, and I just literally took the time just had your Saturn return. So they changed. Yeah, just wave after wave. Things just keep getting better. And it’s crazy when you get clear on what you want. Like your inner being knows how to get you there. Yeah, yeah,

it’s like the entire universe is transforming or like everything you want. The entire universe is conspiring to help you achieve it. The world conspires to your desires. I love that the world conspires to your desires. So good. So good. It’s so true. And like, that’s, there’s so many little one liners like I’m writing a book right now. And it’s called Medifast, which is my own term that I coined, but it’s to meditate and manifest. And I have all these little one liners in there, but just so many different ones like like those like the entire universe, like the universe say that the world conspires fire to your desires. I love that. There’s so many. That’s beautiful. And it’s so cool to Yeah, just like witness you glow up in such a beautiful way because so when we were talking a few months ago, she was showing me her vision board and all these little things about her and I was like, Oh my gosh, like to see where you were and who you are. Now. I like see your vision work in you. Whoa, I do. Yeah, I really do. I’m like, I live up like random, I was just like, Why are your skin so pretty? And like your hair so long? And she’s like, yeah, it used to not be. But I’ve just been focusing on that mindset. And it’s just like, people like you are such a positive affirmation and confirmation for because like, I do believe in the law of attraction, and I do know it. But then I still like how these limiting beliefs where I’m like, Oh, well, like, and also society is hard to because it’s like, oh, well, you have to get these lip fillers. And you have to do this and change that. And all these little things, so that you can get beautiful and you can be this and like, you get to tweak yourself, and you almost get to fix yourself, instead of just like focusing on what it is that you want to see. And then it just happens. It’s the key, it just happens

that the secret is a feeling. It is you like you can visualize all you want, but actually feeling as if it’s already yours. You have this new confidence as posture that it doesn’t matter what is going on out here. Like, you’re just confident knowing like, it’s already yours. It’s so

hard to manifest. Well, that’s what’s so beautiful about door to door. Because most people especially if you’re in this area, you have huge dreams, and you want to do this and do that and be this and have this influence and all these things. But it’s like, what what kind of vehicles like we have the vehicle we have the Lambo, like we have the coaster to take us there. And like what a blessing because for my for myself, like I’ve just been so anchored in like, I’m so excited. I have such Stoke for life, because I have gotten so clear on what that is that I want. And because of that, I just know that it’s coming. Like I know what I want. And I know that it’s coming, because it’s the law of attraction. So I sit and I focus on it, and I meditate. And I’m clear on that. And so I’ve like relentless excitement for life where I just scream at you where you can’t even hear because I know that it’s coming. Because I know what’s ahead of me is so epic. And I know that it’s going to be 10 times better than I can even imagine. Because it’s God’s work right, tenfold. It’s so beautiful. So I want to go back to what you’re saying about clarity, because that’s huge. And for me, that’s been like the key. Absolutely. It’s like, it doesn’t it hasn’t worked as well like manifesting for me just to be like, oh, like, I want to like get a ton of sales or I want to make a ton of money. And it’s like when I’m so specific and it’s aligned. I can’t just be like, Oh, I want this or that. It’s like no, like what I really want what’s really lined with me. Yeah, so that process was hardest for sure. No, it was really funny. My boyfriend now so. Yes, I recruited him to Salt Lake. It was funny, because why isn’t he? He’s your boyfriend. I was the same when you originally tried to recruit.

Yeah. Oh my god. Oh, yeah. That’s amazing. Exclusive, like eight months ago or something? Yeah, but I love that like full circle.

We’re like,

a while back, we’re like, Alright, this week before we go to Miami. We’re gonna make 10 grand each. Alright, let’s do it. And then literally that week, we did 10 grand each. We flew in Miami. And so it was it was cool, because we put our intention out there. Like, hey, we’re gonna do this very psycho. And then we did it and manifested it with ease, like, things just people just said yes.

Yeah, it’s so easy. It’s so funny. And like, I was talking to Sam about this the other day, he was saying, we’re talking about the Iron Man. So we just completed the Iron Man. It was awesome. So this is actually just along the lines with all of this. Yeah. It was on my birthday, which is may 12. And I just decided I was like, I my lesson this year was mindset. And I just like decided I was like, Okay, I was like kind of being a bummer about I was like a slog. Like, I just can’t wait to get this over with like, I’m so overtraining. I’m just done, like, Oh, I’m just excited for it to be done. And I’m so excited for it to just be like, Thursday, so we just be finished with it all. And then I was like, Okay, you know what, like, the only way I’m gonna get through this is with mindset. And so I just decided I was like, I’m gonna do it. It’s gonna be fun. It’s gonna be easy, and I’m not going to be sore. Come on, like, I did have swim half bike and a full marathon. So in total, I ended up doing 1.2 mile swim 56 mile bike, and I ended up running like 30 miles. Yeah, because I was running everyone else and, and I was beyond stoked all day. It was legitimately easy, and I’m not sore. And then everyone else is like, literally, like, in so much pain all day and like trying to get across the finish line isn’t like holy crap. It’s literally mindset. I am sure as heck not stronger than these big strong men. It’s just the mindset. It’s just the mindset. It’s all in your mind. And Sam was saying he was like, Oh my gosh, she was so worried and this and I’m like, read this part of the Bible and I just prayed. I was like God, please like Godspeed, please make these last 12 miles easy. And then I swear, like all of a sudden the road got super smooth. It was a slight downhill there was a tailwind for the first time. And it was just like easy breezy The last time I was like Piece of cake. And I was just like, now take that and apply that to life. apply that to the doors. It doesn’t have to be hard. You are in control of your life, you’re in control of your experience. Like it really is so powerful, like the best people in the industry expect? Yes. Like they know when they go to that door and they talk to these people, they’re going to say yes, they know they’re going to help them and they also have positive beliefs about what they’re selling. So it’s so beautiful to be here with these big beautiful visions and to trust that they’re coming in and have a vehicle to get to them.

Yeah, potent is that that’s really good. Can I share like your when I was sharing with you when we met up at the expert? The boot camp the boot camp? Yeah. So Dr. Joe dispenza I love I love him so much. He he did this chart where below are like survival emotions. And up here are creative emotions, okay? And you you vibrate if survival emotions, anger, fear, worry, doubt, depression, anger, all this survival emotions, right? stress. That is a very low frequency. And when you’re vibrating at a low frequency, there’s dis ease. That’s where all of a sudden all this stuff starts happening in your body and disease starts having just crazy stuff happens. And because your your emotion, your vibe around low frequency and so shifting that gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership. Okay? That’s a creative emotion, creative emotion, joy, love, peace, empowerment, trust. Presence. That’s a creative emotion. And that is a very high frequency. So what’s the opposite of dis ease? Is ease I love. And so that’s so good transitioning your mind into this place of ease? Like it doesn’t have to be hard. Yeah, it really can be it’s so easy. And so easy. So whenever you find yourself, you’re what you’re feeling this this anger, the stress is doubt this worry, whatever you’re going through these emotions, you’re in control of that. Yeah. And so in order to shift vibration, start with gratitude.

Attitude of Gratitude. Like, yes. Being grateful for where you actually have, Oh, my gosh,

gratitude, like its own thing. We could do an entire podcast on that. And so that’s fact we’re live. That’s the easiest way to shift reasoning. Yeah, like what a gift to live in this world. Whether it’s painful and scary, and dark and traumatic, are epic and glorious and fun and heartbreak and love and everything in between, like what a gift to be alive and to be human and to experience like how lucky are we that we are alive at this time in life, to experience all the blessings and just the human experience? Like no matter whether it’s good or bad, good or bad, whether it’s painful, or whether it’s full of growth, or full pleasure.

And so your relationship with money, it doesn’t have to be a struggle or hard work, or Yeah, whatever your relationship with money can be ease and flow and joy. Oh my god. And so transitioning our relationship with money. Like, it’s, it’s a game changer.

It is such a game changer. And I love that I’m so glad that you went there with that. Because it’s so true. Like my own experience has been such and sometimes I feel bad being like, my life is so easy. It’s full of blessings, all the stuff and like, I feel like guilty almost. But the truth is, I learned this from books. I learned this from audio tapes like self help books and positive people in my life and just a commitment and relentless commitment to manifesting my own version of heaven on earth. Yeah, and we are having I am heaven on earth. I want to help everyone else fulfill that and get there too. Because not exclusive. It’s not because I’m me and I have this secret gift. It’s like no, I cracked the code. Here it is like everyone’s included everyone can come it’s literally a choice. And so back with what you’re saying with like the frequency so I want to say something I think is really really really important. So that is two things. One is momentum. And the other is your vibe attracts your tribe. Come on. When you’re like at this low vibrating place like you have a life and like all these actions and your your vibe is attracting your tribe in people but also an experience yeah So it’s like you’re, you are like vibrating certain frequencies. And so you’re attracting mirroring frequencies because that is the law of the universe. That’s the law of attraction. What you put out a truck. Yeah. And so then you have momentum building and it’s bad thing and bouncing. And it’s hard to get out of that sometimes. So it’s does take patience, but you have to just start focusing on positive, positive and just slowly dig yourself out of that hole. And slowly build and slowly elevate, you elevate and then you acclimate, you elevate and then you acclimate, you elevate, and I think of it like checkmarks. Because if you think of a game, like, for me, it’s Crash Bandicoot cuz I played the longest. But like, you think of your like running through your little little hedgehog, and then also you reach a checkpoint, in any video game, and then you die. You come back to the checkpoint, because like you, your mind has expanded so far, at a certain point where it’s like an epiphany, and you have to wake up, and then your mind cannot go back from there. So you might struggle on this map, but you’re always like, it’s your new baseline. And once you’ve experienced that kind of blessing, and like that kind of undeniable glory, or just blessing, you just know, you’re like, Okay, like, I know this, and then it’s your new checkpoint. So you just elevate and you start to build momentum. And then those vibes attract a new tribe, right? new people, new experiences, and you just keep climbing that spiritual free, like frequency ladder. Yeah. And then one point it’s just taps into, and don’t be afraid

to let go, it’s okay to let go. To feel guilty to like, go because the best is yet to come you know that those garbage emotions, or, or people or whatever it is just Yeah.

It’s okay to let go. It’s a split or split ends for growth. You know, it’s like, yeah, you think of like climbing, like, you have to let go of the prom, the room, whatever it’s called the bladder, the bar of a ladder, to climb to the next one, to let go, like go to reach to receive. Yeah, it’s like gonna receive. So everything we’ve been talking about is super applicable to every single area of your life. It’s applicable to relationships, to the way you feel, and money to your job. Fitness. Yeah, the way you look like the weight, like literally ever, ever anything in your life, you can apply that yes. And so just to wrap things up, I kind of want to just get a little bit of your experience for what it’s been like to be a girl and the door to door industry, just because I know this is total left field, but it’s rare. It really is not as common to have girls in door to door. And I think that a lot of them just don’t have as much of a voice because it’s it is mostly male dominated. And so yeah, just kind of want to hear about like, what your experience has been to be a part of this industry.

Yeah, no, it’s, it’s been interesting, because I’ve been the only girl in the companies I’ve been in. Same. Yeah. It’s very interesting. Yeah. But yeah, it might be, I don’t know, it might be me in my beliefs. And I haven’t really like unpack unpack that. And so actually, I kind of have, and I’m just, I mean, I need to do a little more work around that mindset. Maybe. But anyways, yeah, I’ve been surrounded by men and you know, it’s fun. It’s it’s encouraging and whatnot, but it’s it’s always nice to have more females involved. Yeah. And like iron sharpens iron. Like Yes, it’s, it’s good to have that feminine side in the company.

I’ve always felt like from my experience to being on teams with guys. I just feel like the team mom, like t mom are like, one team I felt like almost like the queen bee like the Mama Bee were all her little bees are just like taking care of her and I just felt so loved and so prioritized It was so beautiful just like it was such a beautiful reflect reflection to me of how powerful feminine energy was. And it’s not just me it was just like the Divine Feminine in me showing up for the Divine Masculine in them. And it just like allowed them to like really honor their just their like their true king. And to like really honor like the true Queen and me and it was so beautiful to watch them just like serve and like really step up and just become even better versions of themselves. Just with feminine femininity present. Yeah. And it’s just really cool. I always felt like I could take a backseat and just watch it.

Yeah, it was like, wow, I took a lot of joy and just speaking life. Like even within the culture and the team like being able to speak truth to them. And just seeing the best in them brought the best. Like yeah is the best show. It’s true. Yeah. And so it was, yeah. Really, it was really fun to speak into their lives because not a lot of men get that type of empowerment. Yeah, with women, because a lot of women maybe, I don’t know what percentage maybe 80% I like to believe there’s more people like us out.

There are fine. I mean, Brittany cook, right? Yes. So hit us up. If you’re like, I want some more friends. We’re building a girl getting always Yeah,

so. But some, just kind of where I come from, and what I’ve seen is men or women will will tear down their men or like, make them feel bad or, or just just de emasculate their men and because of their own insecurities, and so

it’s both ways. I mean, men with women. Well, that’s the scent. Yeah, girl, especially with women, men, with managers, humans with humans. Yeah, it’s like your insecurity. Like, it’s common with fear based to want to tear other people down to where you’re at. Because you feel so low. Yeah.

And so that, that you need to first check with that, obviously, you get in relationship with your yourself, your inner being God in you. And from that focus, everything just, it’s magic. When you focus on yourself, you start to love yourself and accept yourself and just, just self love. Yeah, there’s a word for that. And I don’t know. So far, if I was powerful, yeah. And then from that security, and this feeling presence within you and around you, it like all of a sudden, your world starts changing out here. It’s and all of a sudden, what you were designed to see, you’re now seeing because you’re focused on, you know, yourself, and then naturally things just occurred.

And it sounded like from what we were saying earlier. Solar brought a lot of blessings into your life. Yes, door to door for me, like why I went into it in the beginning, was really because I wanted to embrace the suck, which is like an army. That’s a different like, I really wanted to like learn how to be relentless, like to get door slammed in my face day after day, and learn how to really harness my energy, and just show up for each person on the other side of that door as this bright loving light that is there to bless their lives. And whatever I am, whatever it is that I’m selling, and so just learn how to work hard and work ethic. Like I feel like so many girls in specific are like really just like never would ever consider door to door and I never would have before. I was like, oh door to door like Yeah, right. Never would I ever not for me, like No way. And same with the military. And then all of a sudden, I found myself like wanting to join the military, which is really interesting. Most people don’t know this. But it’s a couple months ago, I wanted to like sharpen my tool. And like who I was like, just sharpen me, I was like, I felt like I was dull and underutilized. And just not using my potential. I was so frustrated with during quarantine, I was just like, I just know, I have so much potential and I just graduated college. And I just felt like I was like this, like, lol in my life. And I just wanted to be like, utilized. So I wanted to join the military. And then as I was looking into it, I started talking to some friends who were in door to door. And I was like, Oh, wait, this seems like a kind of similar thing where it’s like you’ve learned the work ethic. And you learn how to really harness like your vibration and your presence and to read people and to sell anything like the ability to sell is so powerful. And then we have the upper hand because we’re females, we’re like, just like naturally more welcoming, like if you open the door to cute, young, beautiful girl. It’s so much easier just like oh, hey, what do you need, and like, you’re less likely to get the door slammed on you. You’re more it’s easier honestly, for you to like kind of persuade people and finesse them into different things. It’s not like and it’s not bad. Either. You’re helping these people, you just have to help them get out of their own way. And it’s a lot easier for a lot of girls. So like after seeing all of that I was like, Oh my gosh, this is my path and I became obsessed with it. And now I’m in now I’m in it. I’m deep and deep and deep in it and loving it. And I’m surrounded by incredible people and I just want to like scream from the rooftop to all the girls out there like it’s a door to door. This is like the place it’s such an amazing vehicle. It’s so amazing. So yeah, I want you to dive in a little bit more just about like how this vehicle has been for you. And like, Yeah, what you think about like other women joining the space?

Yeah, no, I think everyone should do it. Everyone should do it. Everyone should get the experience. Seriously, at least six months. And really, you I I really believe like you find Do yourself. Yeah, you find yourself I found myself more and more and more, what I’m actually capable of. And it is, is provided more security and freedom and belief in myself to do the things that I love to do.

So I love that. Yeah. And I actually agree with her. I do think everyone should do it. And that so fun fact, that was the tipping point of why I was I was like, literally, like, flip the switch in my mind from no way to like, I was hiring this guy who’s in door to door and he’s, like, sells tons of pest counts and slice it. And he was like, you should get to Georgia. You do really want to like, y’all, right? And then I think he said that. I think it was Grant Cardone, he said, some big influencer with tons of money and tons of success was like, if I could change one thing, I would have done door to door sooner. Like if I could go back. Yeah, like the only thing I would change, like, I would get into door to door as soon as I was out of the high school. And I was like, what he was like that experience to go and get that and like to, like, everything I just talked about, like that is such a potent experience for the rest of your life, you can apply to everything. And like, it’s such a confidence. And like, you guys all know, door knockers, you guys, probably already are door knockers. But if you’re just seeing this for the first time, like you guys know those guys, the sales Bros. And they’re confident, they’re strong, and like I for one have seen a lot of guys before and after. And my cell phone like, it’s like these normal dudes, that also known as clean cut. They’re like, better healthy, they’re stronger. They’re, like, just have bigger dreams, bigger goals, like and they just have this deep confidence about like, I know, no matter what, anytime, anyplace, I can go out and I can make tons of money, right? Like what a beautiful sense of security in yourself like self security. Yeah. And I really, really, really want to empower more women to see that and feel that and experience that as well. Because it’s so powerful it is. And like, I just have visions of like a big girl game like rolling up to date in Econ, like in these cute little seeds like yours. And just like all standing up on that stage, winning golden golden doors like all together, because I know, like if we just like, kind of normalize women in the industry. So many women will be blessed for the rest of their lives with this empowerment that is on the other side of the door, Sam and say you just have to go knock it just to it. Do you want to go do it not go knock. I mean, I’ll help you out. It applies to every area of life. And so sure, we have so many teams, there’s like so excited to involve girls. So I’m really grateful that you were willing to talk to me today to dive into this. It’s I think, I hope that you guys have found a lot of value. In Brittany’s life, it’s just incredible. She’s just such a radiating walking version of everything that she preaches. Like you really walk the walk. And it shows like from everything from like your appearance, and just like the beauty that you radiate from the inside out. And the reflection of like all the money moves that you’re making and your experience in your relationships like just thriving now and I’m so grateful to have such a beautiful mirror here Yeah, like wow any fears that I’ve ever had like not real all of the belief in my own mindset is fact like yes just like more anchoring and like securing those beliefs to just really manifest life of our dreams. Yeah,

well me I’m so grateful for you and it was divine we ran into each other last night literally

ran into each other while I was like, pretty I’m like, Is this real? Like you didn’t live here? And I don’t I live in California. Have you ever been to a police ever? No, no, I haven’t been there years. Yeah, it was so random is just purely divine. Yes for this.

But I just want to say thank you so much. Like I really am grateful to add value to you and the team and and everyone who’s watching and just from the experience that I’ve had and mindset shifts, and now we’re gonna do big things and even bigger things in life keeps getting better. And you are a beacon a beacon of like, I wouldn’t even just say like I would say like the sun. The sun lights up the whole earth. And that’s what I feel like you are like it’s you’re not just a beacon of light like oh, it’s dark. Let’s turn on the light. Oh, it lights up the room. No, like you are the frickin sun. Like, when it’s your time when you like at dawn all of a sudden ot Muse come in holy smokes. You light up the whole freakin planet like every day. And so I just want to leave you with that.

I love you so much. Yeah, I love you. So this is so funny that she says because my prayer is I am a beacon of bright white light that is so wide. Its rainbow. Rainbow glory. That was so good. You were so especial I love you so much. Thank you so much for being here. And guys, please hit her up on Instagram as our Britney cook

ohaus del Mar one. Oh, JOS de el mar number one, number one. Number one love it.

But just for like more inspiration and just to keep up with your journey. It’s so fun to watch. Yeah, you were so amazing. So, hope you guys have fun today. Hopefully we’ll see you on tour we leave tomorrow, which is crazy. So tomorrow we’ll be packing the Unity truck and driving straight to California for the first day the first event. And then we have tournaments in 10 states over the next month. So if you haven’t gotten your tickets yet, get them now. They’re selling out really fast. And it’s going to be so fun guys, it’s we have been prepping for it and I’ll be DJing every event. So we’re bringing a full setup. I got my DJ board, we got lights, cameras, action, it’s gonna be so fun. So, at the door, we’re gonna be talking more about mindset and mindset hacks along the lines of this. So it’s gonna be super powerful, really potent and there’s different events all over the place. So yeah, hit us up on YouTube. Make sure you guys subscribe. Follow Sam follow Britney. My my own is Mia Phoenix if you guys want to find me. And yeah, we’re super grateful you guys are here and I hope to see you guys soon in person and across the nation. So thanks so much again, everyone. Have a good day. That’s a wrap now

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