With what’s going on in today’s world, you can’t meet up as a sales group and do the “rah rahs” like you used to. Or maybe you’re stuck in your home office, or whatever that looks like. We need to adapt and learn how to actually train and still keep the fire under our sales teams. So, in this video, I’m going to go over how to actually do that successfully. I am going to give you some good tips on motivating the sales team, getting them fired up, and getting our business moving so that we don’t just lose all this influence over our salespeople. What kept your sales culture yesterday, may not be the same method you can use today. For more videos and content, subscribe to our YouTube channel, we have tons of free videos and access to help train you guys. But let’s dive into the video.
The first thing is reporting. Now that you’re on virtual you’re on your computer, more you’re on Zoom or whatever platform you’re using. Reporting is a lot easier. We have the time and energy. We can spend getting the proper numbers. If, in our industry, it is doors knocked, contacts made closed deals, collected revenue, built jobs, whatever that is. It doesn’t have to be every single day. It doesn’t take long to say, Hey, we have a 15-minute morning call and we have a 15-minute evening call after work. All you need to know is what they are going to do today, and what their plan is, in the morning call. Then all you need to know is what they did that day in the evening call.
And with all of this reporting, I have accountability for the exact numbers. So number two is accountability. If I can keep my people more accountable because I’m doing everything virtual. It’s not that hard. When everything is in person, I’m with this guy, then I’m with that guy, then I’m with those guys, and then we’re on a team. A lot of times we get so busy in the chaos of the day-to-day that we can’t keep our people accountable the way we should be. Now that I’m sitting at my desk a lot more, I’m home and I’m in an office and I’m behind a computer. What an opportunity to say, I’m going to look at every single one of these numbers every single morning and every single night. We are going to report this and keep accountability to our sales team.
Coaching Method
The third one is it’s really simple. You’ve got a coaching method. Now, I’ve seen a lot of sales leaders be managers, but not so much mentors or coaches to their people. They just happen to be a good sales performer. They have got to put work into management, but they never actually took the time to develop their coaching ability. Their ability to pull the greatness, the pre-drive, pull the best out of an individual. Zoom is an amazing virtual training resource. It is an amazing platform to coach the individual. It’s an opportunity to spend some -one-on-one time, some intimate training, and no distraction time to say, what are your goals? What are your outcomes? What are your obstacles? What are we really achieving? And why are we going after that? Just really play that mentoring coach and support system for your people, because you now can spend some one-on-one time and do some actual time coaching your people. It’s a great opportunity.
Digital Platforms
The last one is digital platforms. So, online virtual training, like Door to Door University, D2DU Pest, D2DU Solar, D2DU Alarms, and like all the content that we provide, or other people provide, but having some kind of training system that people can access on their phone, or access at any time, because they might be bored scrolling through social media as a leader. As an owner, as a trainer. One thing that you need to be doing is helping drive their attention to your digital assets instead of getting sucked into the vortex of, Hmm, funny cat video. Oh, another coronavirus video, like all this stuff in the noise that social media and the news is providing. We want to get away from that.
Have A Meeting Agenda
We want to go into things giving you relevant, productive content to be watching consistently in tracking and reporting that. These are just some basic tips to virtually train. My 2 cents would be to know your meeting time and your meeting. Alright, one more last thing. This is a bonus tip I want to add to this. If I’m running a sales meeting in person, I have a workflow, I have a meeting agenda. I know I’m going to get numbers. I have music. I have a DJ. I have, you know, my certain schedule to that meeting. If I’m going to do it virtually, I’m not going to lower my standard. I’m not going to lower the schedule. I’m going to say, we’re going to stick to the same schedule. I have roles and responsibilities. I still have it outlined. I still follow a flow. I don’t let it go on for three hours. I have a standard time limit. I’m walking through this as if I was in person and keeping the standard of excellence and not letting it get loosey-goosey. If a dude shows up late, I have a responsibility to say, why were you late to the meeting? I call him out. If a guy’s not there, I’m not like, oh, well, Tommy’s not on this call. Like, make sure that you hold them accountable and you take them serious so that your people keep them serious. If you’re loosey-goosey with your virtual training, your people will then be loosey-goosey with the result. As I said, we have tons of free videos and free access, subscribe to the channel today. We’re here to help you out in your sales and leadership performance and yeah. See you in the next video.