Hey, Sam Taggart here with Door to Door Con and The Door to Door Experts. Today, we are going to talk about how to manage your time in door to door sales. Because, oftentimes, we think we get paid by the commission. When in reality, they’re tricking you and you get paid by the hour. You’re like, wait, what Sam? How am I getting paid by the hour? I get like a hundred bucks a deal, or 500 bucks a dealer, or whatever it is, the reality is is you get paid to work the hours you’re supposed to work, which is the consistency you just happen to get triggered that pay by the commission. Some of you guys are going to fight me on this. Some of you are going to be like, that’s not true. No, the reality is that if you start to think “I get paid, oh, I went out for an hour and got one done.” And you’re like, “I just made a thousand bucks, done.” You’re going to start to just consistently, go home, cut out short, start early, start late. And think you’re gonna trick your brain to where I only need to work an hour. And I’ll make a thousand bucks. I make a thousand bucks in an hour. That’s not true. The amount of time you spend training the amount of time for the nos and the people that don’t say yes, and the amount of time you spend in the meetings and all the other things is time. And you get paid for that. It’s just triggered by the commissioner, the sale.
Be More Efficient With Your Time
Now, let’s talk about three different things that actually are, are important when it comes to being more efficient with that time that you’re paid for. And the first one is you’re paid basically to talk to somebody, not to walk, meaning so often in the neighborhood, you’re out there walking, you’re out there driving to deals. You don’t make money driving to a deal. You make money when you transact, right? So, oftentimes, we waste a lot of time on the, in between prospects and the more we can shorten and condense that time in between doors, in between deals, in between appointments, and things like that, the higher likelihood we are going to have a sell. It’s just a numbers game. So, Darren Hardy talks about this in a book in the entrepreneurial roller coaster. He set a timer. He said he was going to track how much time he actually worked today. He said he was going to start the timer when he sat down with a prospect and he was going to end the time when he finished with that prospect. He wanted to see how many hours he really worked. He worked all day, but in reality, it’s like, how much time did he actually present in front of a prospect? I think it was like 38 minutes that day. It’s like, oh dang. I only worked 38 minutes today. So, what we need to look at is like, okay, how do we make that to an hour and a half, four hours, six hours. That was his goal was to say, how do I take it to where I’m six hours presenting and talking in front of a prospect. So, that’s number one. I got a scooter to drive door to door, or you know, cruise around door to door. A lot of people use segues, simple principle. It’s like, I get to the next door quicker.
Plan Out Your Day
Number two is plan out your day. Oftentimes we don’t plan. Therefore, we just coast. I even find it myself coasting. I own six different businesses and there’s just a lot of different things. If I’m not effectively planning, I am all over the place. Like today, I have got to call this guy. I have got to follow up with this email. I need to send this proposal. I have a whole list of things to do. If I’m not effectively mapping out what are the most important things to do and really having a process for what needs to be done, then things are going to get forgotten. That’s why I actually I found that a planner is so important. I wrote the door to door planner because, I found that there wasn’t that many good planners that were more specific to, you know, direct sales in home sales. So, I map out my day with my planner. I say, what are my three battles? What are the things that I have to get done today? Then I see what I need to schedule in that will balance my life. Things like physical, you know, do I work out? Did I meditate? Pray? Did I study, you know, watch the door to our university or did I, you know, read a book, or whatever. But, am I mapping out the things that are most important and putting those at the top? Because, what we end up doing is we get caught in the world, one to the vortex and we just start scrolling through Instagram. We start scrolling through Facebook and that just catches us. Or we’re kind of busying ourselves like, oh, better. Just check the emails when in reality it’s like, no, I need to work on this project and move the needle. So, that’s number two.
Say No
Number three is you gotta make sure that you can say no, oftentimes we are “yes men”. If we can say no to people, meaning, Hey, can you come bowling tonight? It’s like, no, I have work. I know how to be a steward over my time because that’s, what’s on my schedule. So, my schedule makes me violent and I’m not saying, oh yeah, I might as well do that one thing and then go out. That’s a terrible habit to get into. So, the power of saying no to things and the power to saying I can’t do that. telling someone that you actually have something more important to get done is a real strong skill set when it comes to time management and getting more done in this job.
Those are the simple three things, you know, obviously know that you get paid by the hour, not by the commission, even though on paper, it says commission. You don’t get paid to walk. You get paid to talk. Number two is plan out your day and they’ll, and then the last one is just don’t be afraid to say no. Don’t be afraid to be like, nope, I can’t do that. I promise you, if you kind of start being a better steward over your time, you get more deals and we’d love to help you out more. Obviously watch some more of our videos, check out the podcast, check out Door to Door Con you know, we’re here to help and support you. And that’s where we get our most fulfillment is seeing you guys win. Share your stories with us. We’d love to hear from you.