Sam Taggart – The “Is” Line

15 Min Read

Last Updated: November 3, 2020

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And today we’re going to be talking about the is line. And so if you’re on here, pay attention to what that even means. So the is line. Before I dive into that, I’m working on a book called the achievement framework. And it’s been something that’s been in the works for about a year and a half now. And it put a lot more time and energy into this one than maybe previous books. But if you haven’t got ABC closing, it’s a great book. This one’s gonna be a lot more on sales and business just as a generality but a couple updates before I dive into the podcast. One door to door cons coming up. So we’ve got about maybe 20 vendor spots left so if anybody knows that we good booth or is interested in booth hit me up. We’ve got 350 tickets left. David Goggins john Maxwell, how Elrod Bradley Tim story, phenomenal lineup, he also the 18, other business workshops, we have the guy that I did pro capillary on podcasts on john Rohn. He’s been on my podcast, a lot of really, really good workshops as well, and elevate the level speaker this year. And really being particular on who’s there, why they’re there. And just getting the right people in the room is gonna be really exciting. So before I dive into this, make sure to comment, share, love, you guys just want to know, sometimes I’m out. And about, you know, I was in Atlanta this week, this last week, Denver for 500 companies I consulted. And I just I just still get so passionate about stories. I mean, one of the companies in Atlanta the next day had their biggest day in history. And it’s just like, That, to me is like the biggest gift you can give me I get DMS all the time, where people are like, Hey, man, I love your book, or listen to podcasts, I changed my career and hit me up when you guys have stories like that, like that gets me so excited. So please share those stories. And tag us. We love seeing where our ripple effect has made a difference amongst companies, individuals. And you know, that’s why we do it. So thank you guys so much for the feedback. So let’s dive into this. I actually have a lot of notes. So if I’m looking over here, it’s because I have notes. So the Islam, what is it? It’s simply put, it’s the here and now, right? It’s what is and it’s eliminating your own boxes. Because what happens is we have like these boxes based on our situation or on evaluation or motion, where we end up like super imposing our reality on the is line. And sometimes when we’re in the thick of things, it’s hard to realize how bad we smell when we’ve smelled ourselves for so long. How it’s been the easiest way to look at it. It’s like I don’t smell it’s like somebody else comes in the room. They’re like no, what is his you smell you just don’t see it. So, really, it’s, um, you know, the example that I like to use in the workplace is, you know, you might have you might be loving your job, you might have a bunch of guys under you that love the job. But the reality is one reality for one person might not be the same reality of you. So you’re like what do you mean? How do you not love it here? How do you not like get motivated every day to make a million dollars like why are you not so excited to go knock doors? Why not so excited to do this? We have such a good culture and incentives and prizes in this and I’ll send this rep is, is looking at you just like what are you talking about? My is is I never wanted to be a door to door guy. I’ve never wanted this like I hate these guys. They I don’t jive with it, like completely different his lines. And we want to superimpose our, you know, elements onto theirs. So you got to look at people from there his line as well. And that’s what a good leader does good leaders know how to empathize and say let’s switch places for a second. Let me understand where you’re coming from what is your line and go from there. So cool quote by Jon Kabat Zinn, he’s the founder of mindfulness, like foundation or something. He said quite simply, the future is not here. The past is already over. We have to deal with things as they are in the moment. healing and transformation are possible. The moment we accept the actuality of things as they are, then more than anything else

is about reality. Aiming and expanding the present moment that tries to have you understand without arguing the point, there’s no purpose in getting anywhere. If when you get there, all you do is think about getting to some other future moment, life exists in some in the present and nowhere at all. And you cannot grasp that you’re simply living in fantasy. So anyway, so mostly focusing on the here and now. And I’m going to talk about the three false realities that inhibit achievement, the past the future, and confirmation bias and contextual bias. So I put those as number three. And what happens is, often people and there’s, I think there’s like two divides one, one type of person that is stuck in the past, and I want to as you listen to this, or or watch this, focus on those people that you know, always are living the past like the uncle Rico’s of the world. And they’re like, Yeah, when I was back in the day, I could throw a cheap skim over those mountains. And you know, that or maybe they got like in a car accident, maybe have PTSD, after military, maybe they had family members die, maybe they had, all this stuff happened to him, maybe they’ve been abused. All of this past they have the past is the past, it is real, it happened to us, it maybe is our reality. Maybe we’ve started to, like skew that reality. But we have trauma that is all inside of us. And we build contextual walls around experiences due to the past. So let me give you a simple example. Let’s say that I’m let’s let’s apply this the door to ourselves, because it’s the podcast. So I’m knocking a neighborhood. And it’s a rich neighborhood, the first time really, really ever not to rich neighborhood. Well, I got my face kicked in that whole day, maybe the whole week, and I never sold. So therefore the next time the manager puts me in a rich neighborhood, my traumas gonna be like, I can’t sell here. You’ve just put context to all named all rich neighborhoods due to my frame, due to my experience means I can’t sell well, no, the reality is you haven’t even knocked the door yet. The reality is, these are brand new people, the reality is, maybe you’ve gotten better. The reality is, you’re putting your own limitation to this like this, that is not a reality, you just have to have a bad experience at one time, maybe a year ago. So there’s good and bad in the past, right? So we obviously have to process the past, we have to understand, like, that’s part of us. But how do we decentralize ourselves out of the context and the boxes in which we limit ourselves. And what ends up happening to is a principle called self deception. Self deception is when we also live in this false sense reality. So, you know, you know those people. So I have a buddy that is a public speaker. And, you know, he tells the best stories, sports speaking is all about storytelling. And it’s funny, my father in law knew this guy. And he, you know, the speaker talks about football. And he talks about how he was almost in the pros, and it was one of the best and he tells all these crazy stories and highlight reels. My father in law played football with the guys like, he was not even good. Like it even like oh, like, you know, he just went on about all this stuff. And I was like, interesting. And this is a point that I want to make. He over the years of speaking has created his own stories over the last 30 years to make the stories land better for the people he speaks to. But those weren’t reality for him, if you have to actually say, let me put a GoPro to 2030 years ago and your prime was that reality. So we’ve created this self deception the past, we also have created self deception in a native way. Sometimes Sometimes we do it for positive, and maybe that serves us. But sometimes you do it in a very destructive way. We also do that for our futures. So let’s just say in the future, we have, oh, before I’m in the future, there’s another point I want to put. So when you when you have a relationship, so this is an important part of the past. relationships, actually hold on to the past versions of ourselves, and often don’t allow us to transform me personally, I’ve gone through something like this, where the 22 year old version of me when I got married, isn’t the same version of the 30 year old version of me today, and some of you guys might relate to this. And you may have done something wrong in a relationship you may have had a bad business move or a bad business partner, Ben spouse, Abed said something might have done something wrong. But if

if somebody holds you to that version of you is 23 or 24. And they don’t allow you to move into the new today version of you because every time they look at you, they see you from a lens of the 24 year old version, not the 30 year old version, and they hold on to that and hold on to that and hold on to that. It actually will suck you back into that 24 year old version, whether you like it or not, or it’s going to literally be like, like rains holding you from allowing us to transformation. So you’re very tight network families a big one. It’s like, Hey, Mom, Dad, I’m not the 14 year old boy that you still think I am. This is a common problem. Hey, maybe there’s bots like, Hey, dude, I’m, I’m three years into this, I’m not the brand new rep that you brought me into B. Or maybe it’s you know, so you’ve got to look at it and allow those that are around, you allow them to move into like thinking on like a caterpillar going to new butterfly or like metamorphosis, like they’re evolving like a snake shedding skins. And it’s like, the snake is a lot bigger than it was when it was a little baby. And it had to shed many layers to get there. And you had to allow it to because if you stuck it in, it’s one layer, and it was trying to grow and grow to actually die. And many people end up dying, because they don’t allow the shed the skin to shed. So anyway, I needed to put that in there before move on. So the future, I had a rep stammers Evan, and I hope to not like screw up the story. But he was just one of those guys, I think a lot of people could relate to it. That was one of those guys that read all the books was on all the calls, set front row, had a journal out notes out, spoke it, read it, listen to podcasts, rah rah dude, and great guy on the team. And it was really frustrating. Oftentimes, when I would see all of his results suck. And he was all about 10x. And I’m going to get the Lamborghini and I’m gonna take the Instagram photos. And he talked about his million dollar mansion, he talked about this and that he talked about all the things he was gonna buy. When it came push to shove, you were to fact check him on the actions he was taking when it came to actual work. And his work ethic wasn’t there. He was a lot of talk, and a little bit of walk. And over time, it really is taxing on people because they’re like, man, I like this guy. He can quote every book in the planet. But he’s still broke as a joke. I was asking for an advance. And I was like, What is the problem here? And it was he was so attached to the future version of himself, that he could never look in the mirror and ask him like, Where am I at today? What am I doing today? And it’s a bad trap that I think we get in where we love the recognition of when we talk about cool things in the future. Because there’s an immediate dopamine hit whenever is like Yeah, that would be awesome. That would be Oh, when you accomplish that Congrats, like, and it feels like, we got that like love and praise right then in there, and we actually misinterpret it. And we ride on those coattails, when in reality, there’s that isn’t what is that is in the future. So what it is, is you need to do the actions today. And so there’s this weird balance between manifestation, goal setting, you know, future ambition, and just looking at the frickin four inches in front of us and being like, what do I need to do right now right now right now right now, and stop looking in the clouds. Because there’s, you know, if I get stuck in the clouds, no traction, if I’m just on the ground, there’s no vision. So you got to find this middle ground between going back and forth between traction and vision. So again, self deception shows up, because we talk about all the developing talents that we want to give sort of looking at like, Am I good at sales? Have I actually put in the work today to learn how to be better at sales or business or entrepreneurship or do I know XYZ, what I’m trying to accomplish. And then the third one is, basically it’s called confirmation bias or contextual bias. And confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out interpret judge and remember information so that it supports our own pre existing views and ideas. And it has a lot to this whole past element. But it’s basically the identity in which we’ve developed into is going to put a bias ism on our own realities. For example, it’s take religion, we have you know, I grew up in the church of Latter Day Saints. And so I look at all Christian religions. And one way I look at scripture in my own way, how I was taught ever since I was a kid, and you know, the other day I like decided to kind of detach and I said, What if I just looked at all Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, ex white church, nondenominational. I said, What if I looked at things all contextually, as they are, and their beliefs and God and the universe and scripture, Christ everything, and I laid everything in front of me. And it was very interesting because it took away for the first time in my life, the confirmation bias, in which I supported every idea and frame in which I saw the world or religion or spirituality in and of itself. And it was quite freeing actually to look at, you know, look at things that way. Look at them from a holistic universal lens.

Almost as if God would would look at them that way. Instead of the puppy dog version of beating up the You know, countless you. And contextual bias is on which we put frames in the context in which we’re looking at it. So take drugs, for example, you know, I don’t do drugs. It’s not been like, in my religious background. But if you look at like, take,

I don’t know, let’s take

acid, for example. So what is it? It’s a fungus or pod, let’s use pod. So pod, the Indians did it for a long time. And it was a it was like a social traditional hallucinogen that helped them have these visions or whatever, right? And tell us we’re like, we look at that drone. We’re like, Dude, it’s drug, but to an Indian in context, wouldn’t how and when they used it, it was various spiritual religious practice that they would do. So us, we’re like, Man, you guys are just getting Hahn’s parody. And they’re like, no, this is like, the most connected and spiritual element of we’ve ever been with our, you know, the universe, or God, or however, they looked at it in their practice. And so it’s all in context. If I was born into a family, which, you know, did XYZ or a religion or a business situation. You know, I look at like, business culture. There’s a company, I used to work for big alarm company. And, you know, the way that they saw the door to door industry was we’re the only ones out here, we’re the best. There’s, there’s only one way to do this, or our training is the best. And I’m like, dude, I have debunked that 50 times over. There’s a lot of great companies, there’s a lot of people that do it the right way. There’s a lot of awesome training. There’s a lot of good leaders out there. And but yet the context in which they were saying that it’s like, yeah, if you’re in there, maybe that’s how you have to see things. And so, the problem is, is we’ve been able to accomplish more, if we were able to break past our own limiting lens, and see things from, like, just neutral, what is like, if I could look at things as the is, instead of takeaway, instead of having contextual limitations, or confirmation biases them, I would actually be able to Super seed, my own belief system. And a lot of the limitation actually comes from the ego. And, you know, there’s a quote by Ryan Holiday that I liked, it says the ego, we see most commonly goes by a more casual definition and unhealthy belief in our own importance, arrogance, self centeredness, ambition, from the book he goes in. And, you know, it’s interesting. To put things into kind of context. There’s a, Paul Jenkins gave a talk at door to door con, a couple years ago, and I did some counseling with him great dude. Yes, a, basically this pathological happiness book, that’s really good. And he has this formula, and he talks about, everything could always be worse, and everything could always be better. So where are we going to sit when we evaluate and when we create the future? And when we evaluate the is ask yourself, could it could it be worse? And so you know, there’s a time when I was driving up into the mountains to go camping, and I was trying to get a bunch of business calls done. And I remember I was talking to a team lead, and I was like, Hey, man, like, how are things going? He’s like, hey, the entire team just picked up and left. And then the phone cuts out. And I’m sitting there like,

oh, man,

no service couple days. You know, I know, Steven said multiple moments when we dropped them off in the jungle in the in the same thing team is leaving. He’s like, I don’t have service. He’s over. You’re laughing.

Anyway, so

I’ve had this situation before where I’m like, Oh, crap. So I now have a choice to say, all the worst case scenarios, they took all the team, I don’t have a cell phone, they’re gonna call all my other teams, they’re gonna start poaching them, then I’m gonna come home, there’s gonna be no reps left on that start over. And I know how hard it was, blah, blah, blah, blah. What does that do? It creates what we call anxiety. So the anticipation of the unknown in the future, and the ultimate worst case scenario is going to be anxiety. And many of us suffer from anxiety before we got into the field of sales, sales calls, you know, what if they all yell at me, and we create the worst case scenario, this neighborhood is going to beat me up, I’m going to be cops calling me blah, blah, blah, well, no, what is you’re still getting sitting in your car, and you’re still driving out the area. Now you’re just creating worst case scenario. So how you evaluate things is it always could be worse, is how you need to evaluate it, meaning, well, at least not all of the team picked up and died, just left. Or it could be worse, the guy calling me could have left with them. Or, you know, it could be worse. We could have got a flat tire on the way to area never even got to area and then you and then you create a better situation. So the best case scenario is they just left to go to Applebee’s and then they were going to be back on the line or they went on a preseason trip and then they’re coming back Then everyone wants to accompany. And, you know, so it’s this. You, you get to dictate whether you want to evaluate the past as bad and that’s what creates this depression or see the gift in the past and say, Oh, we live through that those are experiences that make me who I am and evaluate that and then I don’t have this depression, I don’t have this stuck in the past, it could be worse is going to help me see things from positive ones, and then it’s going to be better in the future is going to help keep me in a positive lens. If I flip flop those two, I’m going to end up always in the negative always in the pessimism, and a lot of people in business and sales. We get stuck in that that rut. And, you know, I think there’s an interesting excerpt from the book and I’m going to read this it says how do we feel when people around us habitually react to challenges with negative negativity? conversely, how do we feel when the reaction of the difficult situations is instinctly? Positive, difficult challenges, even painful disasters are viewed as opportunities for invention, creation, innovation and positive change. Energy replaces apathy, focus replaces fear, determination replaces doubt, truth replaces tradition, productivity, and that truth replaces tradition. That’s where the context that’s where the confirmation bias, productivity replaces lithology. We’re all often are, we’re all after one thing, the feeling the feeling that life is good, the feeling that life is great, the life is perfect. Life is this is our quest, all theories, philosophies, policies, practices, and tools are roads which are intended to lead us to the realm to feel good, better, great. Success is accomplished through an accurate understanding and application of what brings us the feeling. Failure is accomplished through an error, erroneous understanding, and application of what brings us the feeling our objective in life is to achieve or acquire the feeling pathological positivity is the process of acquiring the feeling. It always works. Meaning it always works is seeing things as they are. And it’s the is in saying this is exactly what needs to be happening right now in the moment. And I’m not going to get worked up about what’s going to be happening in the future, I could lose my job and my avva might have to sell my house and I have to, you know all the things that could happen. That’s not gonna make me happy. It’s exactly working out how it’s supposed to work out and I’m doing everything I can to make it work out how it’s supposed to whatever happened to the past is the past. Whatever is gonna happen in the future is the future. This

is the Islam

so I hope that you guys can maintain yourselves and your emotions and your thoughts and your logic to live on that Islam. And that you can practice presence, because this is what makes somebody masterful at achievement. And as you look at trying to accomplish a lot in life, you can’t get anywhere until you are where you are still on them. Anyway, much love show this if you got some love out of this. Look forward to the book. It’s going to my goal is by the end of the year haven’t written and then a pride take some editing and revisions and all the illustrations and all that kind of stuff. So you guys are awesome. Peace out much love. See ya.

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