The participants at D2DCon 2019 learned the art of the straight-line selling system from Jordan Belfort, the real wolf of Wall Street, in a lineup that featured 40 other amazing speakers.
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From his early days in the stock market to becoming the inspiration behind the blockbuster movie, the celebrated financial wizard has seen all the highs and lows of the sales world.
Jordan Belfort’s fame has turned him into some of the biggest names in sales globally. He is a consultant for over 50 public companies and Fortune 500 brands, including Toyota, IBM, P&G, Ford, and Sony. This has helped him develop and promote a unique approach known as the “Straight Line Sales System.”
Here’s the thing: Not all sales techniques are created equal. Some are archaic, while others, like Jordan Belfort Straight Line System, are groundbreaking and can help you take your sales game to unprecedented heights.
So, what is this Straight Line System that’s all the rage in the sales world?
Sam Taggart – USA’s leading sales expert and the founder and CEO of the D2D Experts, took the chance to draw from Jordan’s vast Wall Street sales experience and introduce the audience to some of his epic sales strategies, including the straight line sales system.
Here’s What You’ll Learn:
- The Straight Line Sales System: Jordan’s signature approach to sales that has transformed many careers.
- Mastering the Art of Persuasion: How to effectively influence decisions and close deals.
- Understanding Human Psychology: Delving deep into what makes a buyer tick.
- The Power of Tonality: Why the way you say things matters as much as what you say.
- Building Rapport: How to connect with your prospects and build trust.
- The Importance of Body Language: Non-verbal cues that can make or break a sale.
- Overcoming Objections: Tactics to handle resistance and turn it into agreement.
- The Role of Ethics in Sales: Why integrity and honesty are paramount.
- Continuous Learning: The value of staying updated and always improving your sales skills.
- The Future of Sales: A look into the evolving landscape of sales and what’s on the horizon.
The D2D Sales Bootcamp is your key to learning advanced sales training concepts like the Straight Line Sales System.
Enjoyed the podcast? Well, there’s more where that came from. D2D content is here to help you take your sales game to new heights.
Continue to Read, Watch & Learn
Jordan Peterson’s pearls of wisdom at the D2DCon
3 Essential Tips to Cultivate a Winning Sales Mindset
Jeremy Miner: How to make a fortune solving your customer’s problems
Whether you’re a newbie in sales or a seasoned professional, the insights we share in the D2D podcasts can potentially transform your sales game.
A digital marketing professional specializing in content-based functional areas - Ahsan Zafeer is driven by a never-ending passion for developing, nurturing, and strategizing key content aspects. He writes extensively on tech, digital marketing, SEO, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies. He is also a digital marketing strategist and freelance consultant for globally oriented organizations.