Rounding Up 6 of the Most Influential D2D Sales Leaders in the US Speaking at the Sales Success Summit 2024!

By Chad Thompson

8 Min Read

Last Updated: March 14, 2024
Meet the 6 top-tier door-to-door sales leaders featured at the Sales Success Summit.

91% of sales teams failed to hit their targets in 2023!

Source: Quotapath 

In a profession where your earnings are directly tied to your performance, being the best is not just beneficial—it’s essential.

But here’s the kicker— You need the right strategy!

I’m Sam Taggart, and I’m here to talk about something super cool happening in Phoenix, Arizona, from March 21st to 23rd: the Sales Success Summit

Picture this: Learning from a dream team of speakers who have walked the walk, from turning the lights on in thousands of homes with solar panels to sealing deals that seemed impossible, talking about turning “Nah, I’m good” into “Where do I sign?”. 

Stick around as we introduce you to these legends; trust me, you won’t want to miss out on what they have to share.

1- Sam Taggart

I have been exactly where you are right now.

I’ve felt the sting of sales inconsistency and frustration when your efforts don’t produce results. 

From my early days selling door-to-door as a kid to scaling the heights of the sales industry, leading teams, and founding The D2D Association and D2DCon, the journey has been about overcoming challenges. With over 400 personal alarm accounts sold, finishing as the #1 Salesman of the Year at Vivint, and building a seven-figure consulting business, I’ve faced the ups and downs of sales head-on.

But let’s shift gears from my journey and talk about that all-too-familiar rollercoaster of sales performance. You know, the one — where you’re on fire one month, hitting every target in sight, and then suddenly, it’s like you can’t even remember how to make a sale. It’s frustrating.

Here’s the deal: Consistency in sales isn’t about luck.

It’s about having a solid foundation, a repeatable process, and cultivating the right mindset. I’ve mastered that over the years and am excited to share it at the Sales Summit. We’ll cover everything from creating compelling pitches that resonate with your customers to mastering the art of follow-up and building a personal brand that opens doors and closes deals.

But it’s not just about the tactics but the transformation. How do you go from being just another sales rep to a sales leader in your field? How do you ensure that your performance isn’t just a series of peaks and valleys but a consistent climb to the top?

I’ll explore all this and more, drawing on my experiences and lessons learned from consulting with over 150 businesses nationwide

So, if you’re ready to eliminate inconsistency and raise your sales game, I can’t wait to meet you at the Sales Summit.  

2- Unlock $12M+ Watts of Solar Sales Success with Michael O’Donnell

As we journey through the speaker lineup for the 2024 Sales Training Conference, let’s focus on Michael O’Donnell. 

Who is Michael O’Donnell?

Michael, known in the circles as the Godfather of Solar Sales, brings a wealth of experience and a track record that’s hard to match. A blend of innovative strategies and a deep understanding of customer needs has helped him sell over 12 million watts of solar since 2015.

Michael’s contribution to solar sales goes beyond numbers. As the vice president of sales and a partner at SunSolar Solutions, he has been instrumental in shaping the company into a top-rated solar contractor in the US. His strategies and insights have tripled closing percentages for sales teams, fundamentally changing how solar products are sold.

Through his MOD Sales Academy and best-selling book, “No Matter Watt,” he has equipped countless sales professionals with the tools they need to succeed.

Solving Sales Puzzles with Michael

Michael’s contributions to the conference are laser-focused on addressing the specific challenges sales reps face in the solar industry:

  • Sealing the Deal: Learn the intricacies of closing a solar sale, turning skepticism into enthusiasm and curiosity into commitment.


  • Handling Objections: Michael demystifies the most common objections in solar sales, providing responses and reassurances that can flip a hesitant no into a confident yes.


  • Sustainable Relationships: Discover how to close a sale and open a relationship, ensuring customers feel valued and remain advocates for solar energy long after the installation.

Michael’s session at the conference promises to arm you with:

  • Advanced Closing Techniques: Develop strategies to enhance your closing rate and ensure each customer feels they’ve made the right choice.


  • Objection Mastery: Use Michael’s field-tested responses to turn every objection into a stepping stone toward closing the sale.


  • Long-term Client Connection: Take your client interactions from transactional to transformational, fostering a sense of community and ongoing support.

3- What brings $18.3M in roofing sales? Dan’s Secrets Revealed

Next in our lineup for the 2024 Sales Training Conference is Dan Walrack, a name synonymous with success in the roofing industry. 

Who is Dan Walrack?

Dan’s story isn’t just about the numbers, although his $18.3 million in roofing sales is beyond impressive. 

Overcoming Sales Challenges with Dan

Dan’s sessions at the conference are tailored to address routine challenges. 

  • Pitching with Purpose: Dan knows the importance of a pitch that resonates. He’ll show you how to craft messages that speak to your selling quality and connect personally with clients.


  • Closing Confidently: The final moments of a sale can be the most nerve-wracking. Dan shares his strategies for navigating these crucial conversations, ensuring you often walk away with a deal sealed.


  • Building Relationships: Dan stresses building lasting connections with clients, transforming a single sale into a lifelong partnership instead of just making a sale. 

Why Dan’s Insight Matters

Dan’s methodologies offer hope in a sales landscape with more nos than yeses. Dan’s insights provide the tools needed to:

  • Transform Your Approach: Elevate your sales pitch beyond features and benefits, making every interaction a meaningful conversation.


  • Handle Hesitations: Learn to anticipate and address client concerns in real-time, turning doubts into opportunities for reassurance and reinforcement.


  • Forge Lasting Connections: Move beyond the transactional mindset to build relationships that foster trust, repeat business, and referrals.

4- JP Arlie’s Journey to 300,000+ Transactions!

Who is JP Arlie?

JP Arlie stands out for his vast experience spanning over three decades in direct sales, where he has led organizations through more than 300,000 sales transactions and recruited over 40,000 representatives. But JP’s influence doesn’t stop there; he’s successfully navigated the complexities of sales leadership, transforming how teams operate and thrive.

Addressing Sales Leadership Challenges with JP

At the conference, JP will cover crucial areas that directly impact sales reps and leaders alike:

  • Building High-Performing Teams: JP shares his blueprint for assembling and nurturing teams that meet and exceed their sales targets through cohesion, motivation, and skill.


  • Navigating Transitions: In the ever-evolving sales landscape, JP offers strategies for guiding teams through changes, ensuring adaptability and continued success.


  • Organizational Change: Discover JP’s approach to implementing organizational changes that foster growth, innovation, and a positive sales culture.

5- Luke explains what it takes to sign 350 accounts in just one year

Who is Luke Ward?

Luke Ward’s story is one of determination and triumph. Luke has consistently shattered expectations, rising from challenging beginnings to become a leading figure in solar sales. His achievements include funding over 1,500 accounts and being among the top dealers for Brinks for five consecutive years. But his astounding record of signing over 350 accounts in a single year sets him apart as a solar sales phenomenon.

Empowering Sales Reps with Luke’s Insights

Luke’s contribution to the conference is aimed directly at overcoming the hurdles faced by sales reps in the solar industry:

  • Exceptional Sales Techniques: Luke will share the innovative strategies that propelled him to the top, offering sales reps insights into making impactful connections and closing deals effectively.


  • Team Accountability: Learn how Luke inspires and maintains high performance within his teams, ensuring everyone is aligned and committed to achieving their goals.


  • Navigating the Solar Sales Landscape: With Luke’s guidance, delve into the nuances of solar sales, from understanding customer needs to navigating the complexities of the market.

Why Luke’s Session is a Must-Attend

Luke Ward’s expertise in solar sales is not just about achieving high numbers; it’s about understanding the essence of sales as a service. His session at the conference promises to equip you with the following:

  • Innovative Closing Strategies: Adapt Luke’s groundbreaking techniques to your sales approach, enhancing your ability to close deals confidently.


  • Inspiring Leadership: Gain insights into fostering a culture of accountability and excellence within your team, driving collective success.


  • Deep Market Understanding: Enhance your solar industry knowledge, allowing you to anticipate trends and meet your client’s needs more effectively.

6- Michael Bernoff – The Sales Communicator Extraordinaire

Hang onto your seats because we’re about to dive into the world of Michael Bernoff, a maestro in the symphony of sales communication.

Who is Michael Bernoff?

Michael is not just another speaker—he’s the guy who turns monologues into dialogues and dialogues into deals. His hypnotic communication techniques have overtaken the sales world, one breakthrough conversation at a time.

Conquering Communication in Sales with Michael

Ready for the inside scoop on what Michael will unpack at the summit?

  • The Power of Persuasion: Tap into the art of persuasion that Michael has refined over the years, transforming sales calls into signed contracts.
  • Communication Mastery: Prepare to be enthralled by his methods, skyrocketing your communication skills from lackluster to blockbuster.
  • Engaging Interactions: Michael will share his treasure trove of tactics for engaging even the toughest customers, making every interaction an opportunity for success.

Why Michael’s Insights Can’t Be Missed

Michael’s got that golden touch for transforming hesitant handshakes into ink-drying signatures. Attendees at his session will leave with a toolkit that’s brimming with:

  • Strategic Persuasion Skills: Harness Michael’s persuasive power to elevate your negotiations and seal those elusive deals.
  • Advanced Communication Strategies: Say goodbye to awkward pauses and unconvincing pitches. With Michael’s guidance, you’ll steer conversations to victory.
  • Long-lasting Customer Engagement: Learn the secret sauce for keeping customers hooked from the first word to the final handshake.

Michael Bernoff – Bringing ‘Aha!’ Moments to Life

With Michael at the Sales Summit, you’re not just getting a lecture; you’re getting a live wire of aha! moments that will charge up your sales approach. His unique blend of communication psychology and sales strategy creates an electrifying experience that will resonate long after the conference.

Sales Summit 2024 – Where Transformative Tales Unfold

The stage is set for stories of transformation, strategy, and success. Sales Summit 2024 is your ticket to the inner circle of sales legends. Michael Bernoff and our stellar lineup are ready to turn your sales game from monochrome to kaleidoscopic success.

Sales Summit 2024 isn’t just an event; it’s a career-defining journey

From door-to-door sales novices to seasoned veterans, the Sales Summit caters to all, providing a rare opportunity to learn from and interact with the legends of the sales world. With a lineup of speakers who’ve collectively revolutionized various sectors of direct sales,  Each session is meticulously designed to tackle the real-world challenges sales reps face daily, ensuring that you walk away with practical skills and strategies that can be immediately applied to your sales processes.

Their insights are grounded in real successes (and failures), offering a relatable and actionable blueprint for sales excellence.


Chad Thompson

Chad Thompson possesses a wealth of experience acquired over two decades of dynamic career paths including door-to-door sales and the construction industry.

Chad has cultivated a comprehensive expertise that spans every facet of the roofing business. From spearheading top-line growth strategies to orchestrating seamless back-end operations, his journey has taken his company to an eight-figure revenue within a mere four years. This ultimately led to a successful exit.

This trajectory ignited Chad’s passion for mentoring and advising aspiring entrepreneurs on the art of business. Chad’s diverse background and extensive range of experiences have endowed him with a unique ability to guide CEOs in seamlessly integrating and maximizing their enterprises.

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