Let’s talk about some powerful presentation techniques when it comes to presenting whatever it is that you are selling. Use these skills to level up your presentation game and allow your leads to understand what you want them to know about what you are selling them and what you need them to remember. These tactics will help you present your sales in a professional manner and help your client understand what makes your product so special and why they need this product.
Side By Side Comparison
Use a side-by-side comparison. For example, with solar, write down what they are paying for their current bill and what solar would cost them. Show them the side-by-side difference. That visual really helps people see why they should invest and why it is the smarter choice. Then, you are going to actually leave that piece of paper with them like a souvenir. This will allow your client to look back and remember why they bought solar or what the benefit is to making this purchase. Getting them to see that they aren’t buying anything new will also help your retention rates. They have the capability to see firsthand why they made the choice to go solar and invest in ownership of their power instead of renting. Everyone wants to see this comparison. This also helps them make the decision and own their choice to go solar and own their power instead of renting.ย
Confidence Is Key
You need to have confidence at the doors and show you know what you are talking about when it comes to your product. If you are not confident, they are not going to buy from you. You will look like you don’t believe in your product, like you don’t know much, or like you don’t care. You need to present your product with confidence and have the ability to talk firmly about what you are selling and create a confidence in the product for the consumer. You do not want them to question whether or not you believe and trust in your product and whether or not they should believe and trust in you. Carry your confidence with you where ever you go, but especially while presenting the product you are selling.ย
Keep Moving
Ok, this one is going to change the way you see your day. If they are not going to buy, do not get hung up on that sale. Don’t waste your whole day at that one door and then give up. You need to understand that not everyone is going to tell you yes, and that is ok. Move on to the next door and don’t stop until it is dark. If your 7 pm appointment cancels on you, keep knocking on doors until you fill that time and also fill your next time slot. Don’t slow down because you have one appointment booked or you are thinking you hit your goal for the day. Don’t assume the sale and even if they sign on, why not have 3,4, or even 5 contracts in a day? You keep going and keep trucking along. When you get a sale, don’t stop, keep moving. Are they giving you excuse after excuse? Keep moving until you find someone who wants to buy your product. When someone tells you no, it has nothing to do with you. Don’t let it impact your whole day, keep moving.
Be Coachable
Finally, do not fall into the trap that you know everything. Let your leaders coach you and show you presentation skills they have learned and what they know. Don’t be a know it all and think you are better than everyone else. You can always learn something from someone. The arrogance and the lack of growth will hold you back more than anything. Confidence is key, but arrogance is the lock on the door. People don’t trust you when you are arrogant, you won’t learn valuable skills, and you are not able to progress in areas that would change who you are and what kind of sales you are able to produce. Being coachable is probably the top skill to have in order to become profitable.ย
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