Doug Cartwright – Holy Shit Were Alive


25 Min Read

Last Updated: August 9, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:21
Hi, this is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast and I am here with the one and only Doug Cartwright. He and I have been rivals now partners now. Friends, I mean, it’s been travel buddies. So buddy, yeah, long time. So anyway, this podcast can be fired. And Doug has been on his own journey. If you’ve listened to his podcast, we did what a year, two years ago?

Dough Cartwright 00:45
Maybe three? It’s been three years. Wow.

Sam Taggart 00:47
Because we were in our basement. Three years. So a journey even since then. Yeah. So we’re doing a second podcast on the show. And guys, so let me tell you a little bit about Doug, then we’re gonna dive into the content. So he doesn’t need to get the whole story anymore. Because you can go listen to his other one and probably get that. So Doug is one of the coolest dudes in the planet. He got into door to door sales. Back in 2011. This year, yeah. And I came to live in 2012. So his first full year was 2012 2012 was my first full year. Yeah, and me and Doug were just back and forth. Like he was one of the top reps I was want to talk about. He was the top rep for a long time. 2014. And then I passed them up at the end, he was supposed to beat me. So we have the beef there. So it’s fun, and still haven’t gotten over that. Ego. Anyway, so long story short, he left the door in our industry, but didn’t like Leave, leave it still pretty involved in different companies and whatnot, but like, and started to really on our spiritual journey to find fulfillment, right? And he’ll kind of tell it better than I will. So I’m just gonna give him the show. But my two cents are he’s writing a book. And he wrote the book. And then now he’s publishing the book. So it’s called Holy shit, we’re alive. And if you’re listening to this, you can find it on Amazon. And go check it out. So Holy shit, we’re alive. August 10. It dropped. And we are definitely here to support him. So share the link, get the book 12 books for your whole team. And let’s go support dog when we’re on door to door guys wanting his own book. That’s a big deal. So I thought, Yeah, well, that’s exciting. Okay, so now he’s he’s an elite coach. So when we say partners, we have a mastermind group for sales reps, managers, small business owners that we help. The leadership development, we do call experiences, one on one coaching, things like that. So he does that, too. So that’s why when we say we work together, we have 25 or so people in this little mastermind. And Doug has been phenomenal life changing. And we’ll talk a little bit about that. So welcome to the show. Thank you The long Yeah, the long winded version, long winded bearers, and we got it out. And I was getting the fire. So Sam, you’re in my book. I read your book. You’re in my book. Your name is in my book. So therefore I’m famous. Yeah, yes. Yeah. What? Uh, yeah. So tell me about that. Yeah. Let’s talk about the book. Yeah, so inspired it.

Dough Cartwright 03:03
So the book kind of came out just from my personal journey. And, you know, if you open up the inside flap, right of the book, and it talks about what the books about, I wanted to create something that like, was really catchy, and have people like perk up. And so I made it as like, intense as I could. And if you read it, it says, you know, holy shit, we’re alive. The psychedelic sparked spiritual journey of an ex Mormon millionaire. And people are like, Well, it seems a lot of baggage a lot to unpack there. But it kind of goes through my journey of my life of growing up. And in Utah, and whatnot, in dealing with religion, shame, or whatnot, and then transitioning. Now a big part of the book is my door to door career, because that’s a really important part of my life. And I think the piece that will resonate the most with a lot of listeners, because I’ve done you know, I’ve spoken door to door con, I’ve done your podcast before, I’m very much involved in the industry. And I get a lot of DMS, from people who are searching for that fulfillment or searching to fill that void and the term have coined it as is the success void. Right? And I didn’t realize I was in the success void until I was actually in it in it, you know, but the successful to me is when on paper, your life looks successful. Right? And for me, that was 2014 2015. Top rep at Vivint. Right? I had the $100,000 Mercedes, I was traveling, going to every major sporting event, I was at the super bowl with Kevin Durant and Dan Snyder sweet. I was traveling to the All Star games and Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic and across the world. They’re flying first class that I was going on dates with, you know, the runner up to Miss USA and like, I was making lots of money and everything looked successful, but I had like that deep void. And I think anyone who goes works in the door to door industry enough at one point because the job is so difficult. You will question your existence as a human being. Right. How many times you’ve been out on the doors in the middle of summer In a small town, Texas and you’re like what am I doing? Right? Literally door to door like what is going on? And so that’s what I call is a success because your life might look successful right but there’s still that deep void and so I took like a two year sabbatical of my life I took like a little mini retirement 2017 to 2019 where I was just went and explored other realms of the world and not just in like a psychedelic space but and for anyone who’s not familiar with psychedelic it’s it’s it’s not the route or doing drugs it’s it’s very it’s I would do these ceremonies, very ceremonial, working with shamans and facilitators and medicine men and people like when ancient and ancient tribes and their heritage in controlled settings to do and the intention of the work was to heal. Right. So it wasn’t like, oh, let’s go try this and go out to a party. It was like I’m working with shamans from the jungle giving me administering, you know, this, these teas, these sacred teas and you take this tea, and it’s like, it goes into your subconscious and you heal your trauma, you heal your subconscious, you heal the parts of your own, that you feel like are unworthy of love. And along with that, I also try to turn out other things. So yoga, meditation, therapy, EMDR cryo therapy, biohacking flow tanks, flow camp, like crystals, astrology. And so I just went on like this crazy journey and worked with like the monks and whatnot, and kind of created my own new healing techniques. And I share a lot of those in the book. But really, what I was really was trying to solve was this void that I gained in the dollar space of like the success void.

Sam Taggart 06:39
So it’s the same thing if you’re listening, it’s like, I remember getting off the stage getting the trophy top rep that didn’t. Yeah. And I was like, Yeah, I was like, Oh, heavens didn’t just open Yeah. You know, I thought like, I’d made it, you know, and now like, realize you’re like, now I’m sitting here, starting a new year, realizing that my whole identity was built around being top rep being the best, like, making all this money. And you’re like, oh,

Dough Cartwright 07:06
and while you’re like, was the subtitle of my book, which is now What now? What? Yeah, exactly. Well, sure. We’re alive like now. Right?

Sam Taggart 07:15
So if you’re in the books like this first get Doug’s book, but I’ve read four really good ones recently, awareness, force versus power. outwitting the devil, I’m reading way a superior man, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, we’re all built around this kind of element of like, What Is that real?

waking up? Yeah.

Sam Taggart 07:38
Are we asleep? Are we in the drift? Are we just caught in like societies? This is what you need to believe and live and feel to be happy because of all the social media in the, you know, so so. So having get what are some of the hacks like you’re out in Northern Ireland, you’re out listening, you’re running a business, whatever it is, and you’re not happy? What is the How do I become happy? So

Dough Cartwright 08:01
I think the first is reframing your mindset that a person place or thing won’t make you happy, because the way 99% of people live their life is I have a version of how I think the world should be. And so I’m going to go out into the marketplace of the world and manipulate and try and convince things to be the way I think they’re supposed to be. But the way you believe the world should be is very different than the way I think so and the different than every single person listening is different than every perspective on planet Earth. So what’s really going on is around like this arena called Earth, and there are 7.7 billion people who all think the world should be a specific way. And so they go out and try and force their beliefs on to other enforcer pages and try and manipulate and force their way so that if everything can line up perfectly, then I can be okay. Right? And so often than not, we’re trying to solve this problem, right? So especially, I love working in the door to door space because it’s a lot of self motivated people self starters, who are motivated, who are hungry who want to make a change in their life. Right? But the biggest missing piece is they think they’re trying to solve this problem and it gets really really exhausting. And you get exhausted like, if only I can be the top rep If only I can get my business bigger if only then things will be okay. Right then then it’s your almost like working to a completion but completion never comes I call this happy when syndrome most people live in happy when syndrome, right? Just I’m so close so soon as soon as I get a better body that I can get a girlfriend or as soon as I make a little bit morning get out of debt and the top rap then things will be happy. But really, there’s that your ship never comes in. That never happens right

Sam Taggart 09:43
and awareness it talks about the happiness is already in you. But it’s blocked. Its blocked. It’s like nobody can. Yeah, like you said no person, place or thing. Yeah, make you happy. It’s just the happiness is in you. Yeah, it’s just a matter of are you are you accessing it? Are you Or is it covered up by all of the judgment? Like your perception or your way of this is how it needs to look. And I don’t look that way. Therefore, I’m not enough writer for I’m not, like you said when I have Yeah. And, you know, it’s so funny people are like, if I just had a million dollars, if I just had $100,000, no dead, like, Oh, it’s like, you’ll get a million dollars. Or like, Guys, I am the perfect example like to open up like, I had the Labradoodle, the dream home, the wife, the three kids, the, you know, the wife had a boutique to the, my, my whole on paper, everyday millionaires drove the car while I travel the world, I have a very similar sort of dog. And that’s why we’re so Tony’s is I, I had the balls to be like, I’m not happy. And I chased the wrong thing. And over the last year, I’ve gone through similar journey, like dog and it’s like, oh, I just need to find happiness in median and stop chasing things.

Dough Cartwright 10:58
Yeah. And I think our natural state, as humans on this earth, is our natural state is love and happiness. But they’re blocked, right? You know, we have traumatic experiences when we were kid, or, really, the reason you’re unhappy is because life isn’t unfolding the way you think it was supposed to. Bottom line, right? But life is under no obligation to be any way at all. You’re an experiencer of life. And so when you attach to an idea that life needs to look like this, or when you resist something, you don’t want to have happen, right? You are allowing those unfolding events to shape your personal happiness. Right. And so the key here and all this, the really deep rooted truth is surrender. Right? Letting life happen, right, allowing life to unfold the way it is, without being attached to a specific way, right? That doesn’t mean surrender doesn’t mean quit your job and move to a cave. Right? It means showing up as your very best self, right? And integrity with who you are as a human putting out your best effort. But allowing the life to go a different way and allowing things to change. Because think about where you are right now. in your life with your business, and your personal life with your relationships. If I were to sit down, and we were like, Alright, Sam, three years ago, today, let’s plan out the next three years of your life. Definitely. Not being married anymore. Having a podcast with me having this conversation wouldn’t be on the list. I don’t care how much time we spend together.

Sam Taggart 12:25
Yeah. Last night. Yeah. My house. Yeah, I don’t have that house. Yeah.

Dough Cartwright 12:28
Right. It’s like, so life is going to unfold. Right? And you have no control over it. Right? You can’t you don’t have control over people, places or things. The only thing you have control over is your personal effort. And your personal internal state.

Sam Taggart 12:42
No, it’s like your response

Dough Cartwright 12:44
to those rights and your response to those 100%. Right. And so how do we get an alignment? Really, because then the first thing to answer your question going backwards is, is understanding, especially in our industry, that material items won’t make you happy. And I know that’s very cliche. But what I mean by that is you’re not seeking money. You don’t want money, you want the experience you think money will bring. Right? You think it’ll make you feel excited and enthusiastic and motivated, and full of joy and full of love. That’s what we’re all seeking. If you think of anything you want in your life, what you’re really seeking is the emotion tied behind. Right? If I said, All right, Sam, I’ll give you a check for $1 billion cash right now. Yours, but you’re going to feel extreme, overwhelming anxiety and depression all the time. Yeah, I wouldn’t take you don’t want it. Right. You want the mental state? Do you think these things will bring you want to feel calm, you want to feel confident, you want to feel feel motivated, you want to feel loved? You want to feel enthusiasm? So we’re we’re very emotional beings. Right? And so once you understand that, then you can actually start hacking your life in different ways, realizing, you know, actually don’t want the Ferrari. What I want is, I want the feeling of feeling like I’m respected. Right, and that I’m loved and that I’m valued in the world. And you can get that without the Ferrari.

Sam Taggart 14:05
Yeah. And so, you know, when, when you obviously coaching in the elite, you’ve been able to spend a lot of one on one time with these, these reps. And yeah,

Dough Cartwright 14:15
so let’s explain what the elite is.

Sam Taggart 14:17
Yeah. So the elite, we, I had to had this mastermind that I had other coaches doing. And I finally come to Doug, and it was like a perfect alignment. I was like,

Dough Cartwright 14:26
I want to share that. So here, this is what happened. Yeah. So this is why Sam’s in my book, right? So I’ve developed this program called shift my life, right. And this is my online Platinum platform. My company is called the daily shifts. And it’s based it’s a personal development platform based in mindfulness. And it’s a lot of the stuff we’re talking about. And I work with another media company that was helping me build my brand and my website and we were doing like this webinar funnel. And for whatever reason, I’m like, I don’t feel like I’m a webinar guy. Like it’s just not my thing. And so my me my team was pushed me life was pushing me this direction. And I surrendered to life and I’m like, okay, we’ll see what’s down this, but it doesn’t quite feel authentic, but I’m gonna go with the flow. So eventually I hired this woman named Dorothy, who I met at an event in Los Angeles, to help me with my webinar. And so she interviewed me for a couple hours. And she’s like, Hey, I think I this is what what would be your webinar, what your webinar would be about is the success void, right. And so I hadn’t really coined that term at have really built anything up. So together, we built this PowerPoint presentation on the success, void, you know, tools and techniques, and then I was gonna pitch it as a webinar. So I have this PowerPoint done. And I practice this webinar over and over and over and over again, to have it dialed down, right. It’s like I have it like the back of my head. And so we started throwing advertising money at this webinar. And it does, okay, but we’re not positive, we’re not making money on it. And it’s like costing, like $8,000 and ads, and we’re getting like, $7,000 back. And it’s kind of like it’s a lot of work for no profit. So I kind of just felt uneasy about so I kind of shut it off. And I’ll never forget this day, I was actually this was in December, of just last year 2019 2020 2020. And I was sitting, I have an inspiration chair. And I recommend anyone if you don’t have an inspiration, or having a spreadsheet, it’s where I go. And I sit in silence every morning for at least 30 minutes. And I just allow my mind to it’s kind of like a waking meditation. And I kept getting this thought and we hadn’t talked in a while. It’s been a couple months, and I kind of like a senior on social media. But I get like this bullet thought in my head. It’s like you need to call Sam Taggart. So I’m like, okay, so I follow my intuition I call Sam, Hey, what’s going on? yada, yada? Not much. Like, what are you doing? Today? I’m going to yoga, you want to come to yoga? And you’re like, yeah, I’m in. So we go to yoga is for some people he caught up afterwards, we’re at dinner, we go to dinner, we catch up, and you’re like, hey, I need a coach. And I’m like, do you have any idea what I do? And you’re like, no. And so I show him my whole platform, I show him my workbook, I show him my content? Like this is exactly what I do. He’s like, Can you speak a door to door con, do you have a, you have a talk prepared. And I’m like, actually, I’ve been practicing one the last three months. And I already have all the slides. And it’s ready today. And then two weeks later, I’m

Sam Taggart 17:08
speaking at door to door con, it was the most divide. Well, this makes total sense. Because I you know, I don’t have the time right now, or bandwidth to go take these one on one clients. And, and I love the program. I’m a huge believer in like this, get the rep, like get that ambitious dude that wants to go from 100 cells to 400, or that guy that’s like, I want to make instead of 50 grand, I want to make 300 grand. It’s very doable. And I think everybody in life needs a coach, I believe that there’s so much power and having a third party, you know, kind of giving you feedback. I’ve had a counselor, a coach for the last 10 years. different ones, I’ve paid a lot of money and help. And that’s a huge advocate of like, what’s got me to where I’m at. And I was like, not only do I trust you, Doug, not only do I align with your message, I felt like the universe just made this happen. And I was like beautiful. Yeah. And what’s cool is now we’ve got I mean, what’s been the success of the group? I mean, we’ve done at Sundance, we’re doing other events this fall, we’ve come to other things. And you’ve done one on one group calls it a group call yesterday, yeah, who’s engaged on Yeah, it

Dough Cartwright 18:09
was amazing. I had a call literally two hours ago. And you know, with one of our one of the people in the elite program, and it really touched me because at the end, he was like, Doug, like, I don’t think you realize the impact you’re having on this group. Like you’re changing our lives. And I just want to express my deepest gratitude for you. And that, and it really hits home because I don’t, I mean, I do feel like it’s me. But I also feel like I’m just helping people find themselves that already in there. And because I went through a similar journey, and I had to go, I didn’t need to find myself because I was always there, I just had to remove the blockages, I had to remove the stuff that was stopping me from expressing the truest authentic version of myself. And so this elite group has been really, really powerful for me in that sense. And the thing that’s so unique about the elite group is I can talk door to door with them too. Yeah, I get door to door

Sam Taggart 18:57
that sounds like you’re perfect. You’re like,

Dough Cartwright 19:00
door to door and I get the door to door. And so this, this group we’ve created, it’s been really, really special. And we have that summit. In February up in Sundance, it was so powerful, and life changing for so many people. And it’s just crazy how to go back to tie into our part of our original conversation. It’s like when you surrender, right? This is what surrender means. It’s like giving up its meaning getting out of your way of how you think it should be, and allowing the universe or God or whatever you believe in to guide you to a path bigger and grander than you can imagine on yourself. So this example of what we just shared is a prime example astronomy didn’t mean I stopped working, right? It meant I worked harder, but allowed the connections to happen allowed people to come into my life to help me uncover something that I couldn’t see myself.

Sam Taggart 19:45
Huge. And I had an ego You know, there’s like, oh, but maybe he’s gonna take or what he’s got this own brand and this and that. I’m like, dude, he’s gonna do a better job than I am right now. And he aligns He’s like, it was just so easy like and A lot of times in relationships like, and this is me going through my divorce, for example, it was just like, I had to be like, you know, I have to surrender and God’s told me to do this and get divorced, then I’m gonna get divorced. And I just was like, that wasn’t how I had it mapped out. That’s not what life’s supposed to be, like, I had in my head, like, you get married, you have kids, you grow old, you get a family. And it was just like, Alright, I surrender. That’s what you want me to do. That’s what you want me to do. And I had to make some tough calls. It’s like in business, I’ve had to fire I’ve had to hire, I’ve had to make changes in door to door. Like, there’s elements of the part that I and you probably noticed this is you have a manager and door to door that’s very different than a coach. everybody’s like, well, I got a good manager, I’m like, well, are they in your corner as a human being or they’re in your corner? As a I make money on you, I’m your enemy. And the second I stopped making money, and I’m not your homie. I don’t care about you as a human being. Where I think it’s like when you invest in you pay for a coach, and it’s out of your pocket. It’s kind of like Doug, he’s done a very good job. And he’s helped people switch industries. He’s helped people, you know, go through relationship, things he’s helped people do, you know, from addiction, we had guys addicted to caffeine or drugs. And we’ve had people in the elite group that are even starting recovery groups, we’ve had people that had, you know, self insecurity problems to Mother Father problems, too. You know what I mean? Like, it’s not about Oh, how do you? What’s the one liner that you’re going to say when you have a

Dough Cartwright 21:28
customer say this? And so it’s interesting, because at the beginning of the grip, like the first month of calls, I would say, a good percentage of the conversation was in regards to sales and techniques and recruiting. And I’m, I can do that right? And it was great. Now seven months in, right, I would say 95 98% of the conversation has nothing to do a sales in recruiting. It’s like, wow, how do I become the best version of myself? How do I get rid of this chunk? How do I get rid of this anxiety and overwhelm? So I can show up as the best sales rep as the best leader,

Sam Taggart 21:58
right, as the best recruiter? Because that that’s when people are asking the wrong questions. In my opinion, they’re, they’re saying, How do I, what do I say, instead of how do I need to be? And it’s like, how am I showing up? And I tell us, a lot of people like especially because we got the recruiting summit coming up. And we train a lot on recruiting. I’m training these guys right now. And recruiting someone September 23, through the 26th. So if you’re listening to this, let’s take us off fast. It’s in Austin, which is a great place to hop for me. Yeah, Doug loves Austin. He’s like, Oh, dude, in Austin, sweet. But long story short, it’s like, we, we find that so many people want to be great recruiters. And I’m like, recruiting actually is more of a attraction element than it is a let me go convincing, convincing. Yeah, so it’s like a more of enrolling or, or, or basically saying, Hey, I’m going to, I’m going to influence you because of my status and my energy. And you’re going to be influenced by that energy of how I show up to want to be in my opportunity, my team, whatever. And I think that’s where Doug’s made so much impact is just helping them find more the success, fill that success, void, realize that they have enough, they are enough, and they can be great. And whatever great looks like, it looks like that

Dough Cartwright 23:17
and you have permission to enjoy your life right now. Like, I know one recurring reoccurring theme that comes up in our calls recently is there is no finish line. Right? You’re never going to make it and like you can be a badass sales rep and a badass recruiter, and you can totally enjoy your life and take a two hour lunch break if you’re not on the doors, right? Or not being irresponsible and like have lunch with a friend and go for a walk in the park. And it’s you don’t need to feel guilty for that. Right. And I think just the overall satisfaction of life, from the guys in the elite has gone up significantly, which then produces more producers better on the doors because they’re at

Sam Taggart 23:57
ease. Yeah. And I also think that they all see each other the masterminding. Yeah, we all see each other winning when they see each other giving themselves passion. It’s kind of like, oh, okay, you didn’t have to. So Doug gave me permission. For example. We’re literally sitting there. And he calls me on a Tuesday and he’s like, Hey, man, checking in, how’s it go? Hey, what are you up to this week? He’s like, I’m going to do by tomorrow, I’m going to do by tomorrow. When did you decide this is like yesterday, like, yesterday, you decided and tomorrow you’re just going to do by what are you doing? Are you going with myself? You’re going by yourself? What are you going for? I don’t know. Because I want to, I was like, Oh, hold on. Let me meditate for five minutes. I call him back five minutes later, like, if God told me to go to Dubai tomorrow to like, yeah, and one that that simple story. And I will always remember this is because I had been so uptight. I’d been traveling with work so much at a 30 day tour. I had event after event versus on site after on site and I was like, What am I What am I doing on this? I’m stacking up money and I’m working my ass off but like Why? I’m like, I always wanted to go to Dubai. But if I’m this busy all the time, and never just say I’m the one that I’m the master my fate, I’m the one that gets decide I go to Dubai and not gonna like wait for dogs of the world to call me to make me go to Dubai, like nobody’s paying for my trip to Dubai, it’s on my mom, it’s not my company, like, I choose to go to Dubai when I go to Dubai. And, you know, the day or two later, I was on a flight to Dubai. And, you know, we had an amazing time on my favorite ever been on

Dough Cartwright 25:25
this amazing, amazing trip. I think by the end of the trip, we were personally invited to someone’s dinner party in their apartment meeting like these French entrepreneurs that barely spoken. This speculation were just there at like they’re in their apartment as friends. Who’s the best? Who’s amazing. Yeah.

Sam Taggart 25:41
And they’re like, big high level French students. Yeah, this is what I mean boating with the dude at golfing? Yeah. So like I was living? Yeah. And, you know, it’s so funny. We get so obsessed with the number we get so obsessed with, we have to do this. And if we don’t, and I’ve lived my whole life, and I’m just being real, like, I lived my whole life. With this, I’m not good enough chip on my shoulder. And, you know, the fear of, you know, failure, the fear, you know, it’s like failure to who, you know, the biggest failure is when you fail yourself, is when you when you fail to be your authentic self, in my opinion, is a much bigger failure than trying to put on a fake self. To show off to the outside world. Yeah. Like, that’s what I failed at. And I’m like, wow, I totally was backwards. I was just trying to put on a face like you said, Go to the parties have the hottest girl have the car cool. Like, you know, the I play the game. And I’m just like, it’s so funny. I’m living in an apartment right now. And we were chatting about that. I was like, man, I actually like this apartment. Like, I love apartment life. Like, I don’t have anything that was like, I don’t really have anything either. You can’t text me. She goes, she attacks me today. She’s like, hey, you’re gonna come get all your stuff. I was like, yeah. It’s just stuff. Yeah, like, literally, it’s just stuff. And I’m like, I’ve lived great. And I’ve been just happy with that. I don’t even know what this stuff is what other stuff? And I was like, Oh my gosh,

Dough Cartwright 27:08
I’m so glad you brought that up. Because really like, the true intention of the book is to help inspire people to go on a self love journey. Like learn to love yourself. Chapter Seven of my book is called self love as a superpower. Right? Because when you truly, truly love yourself, like truly love yourself, you no longer need external validation. external validation will always feel good. It always feels good to get complimented, right. But if you need external validation, you’re putting people places and things in charge of your happiness. You’re clinging, yeah. But you learn to love yourself, right? truly love yourself, you no longer need that. And it gives you permission to be the truest, most authentic version of yourself and the confidence to start a new business to go to Dubai to do what you want to because you don’t care what anyone else thinks you’re doing it for yourself. And that allows you and gives you the permission to express your truest version of yourself in the world. So a really does as corny as it sounds. It does start with self love.

Sam Taggart 28:05
It’s true, authentic, unconditional self love. I love myself as long as I’m fit. I love myself as long as I have money. I love myself as long as that’s all conditional. So true self love has no condition it is I love myself as long as I’m in this relationship. And if I were to get broken up to her dump, I then would lose my worth. And that’s where we get backwards in my opinion. Yeah, it’s this. I have worth as long as I love myself as long as I look this way and you’ll see people with body dysmorphia, you’ll see people that go through a lot of addiction stuff through you know, trauma in their life that they then forget how to love themselves. And they have this learned helplessness and it’s hard for them to get it back. They get it back. And then it’s this pendulum of always kind of like I love myself, I don’t want to myself, it’s kind of that true unconditional, like, I am a child of God. I know my purpose. I know my what I am, I know that I am worthy of love, and I can love fully.

Dough Cartwright 29:07
Yeah, and it’s not like there’s no checklist for you to be worthy of the love like sound like okay, have you done this? Okay, now you get love. It’s like an unconditional no matter where you are in your life. You You deserve unconditional overwhelming love. Right? And if you can get to that point, and it’s I mean, this is no that’s not easy work. Like it’s not it’s not something that happens overnight. You know, it’s not a weekend retreat. You know, it’s, it’s something you have to stay consistent with and work on on a daily basis.

Sam Taggart 29:34
One of the one of the things I’ve noticed and you maybe validate this or have a different experience I’ve noticed recently that’s helped me a ton as I’m cutting out relationships and cutting out things that I perceived that I would gain love and recognition and finding more happiness and just there’s a very few people in my life that really understand my mission and know me Yeah, but I like real Be open and surround myself with. And then there’s a lot of other people out there. And I’m like, you get me, you see me, you see me, but you don’t see me. You know, like, and so I just have been way more protective. And I’m all about giving all the love. I’m all about sharing all the love. But it’s like, I’ve not I’ve struggled and maybe this is a problem. That’s why I’m asking is I’ve struggled that like really opening up as much. Because I’m like, you just don’t see what I’m on the mission. I’m on the vision I have the internal like, agenda I have that is pure. Are you twisting it in so many ways? I don’t think it’s something it’s not like.

Dough Cartwright 30:45
I think there’s just there’s a scare when you go through, you know, changes so many changes like yourself, and that I’ve gone through, you know, the people you used to hang out with this, you just don’t resonate with them any more. And that’s not that that’s a bad thing. It’s just a different thing. And everyone’s on their own journey at their own time. But there is a scary moment, I remember going through in my life where I was kind of changing layers, people in my life I no longer wanted to associate with and I was cutting them out. And then I kind of felt alone. And I’m like, Oh my gosh, what have I done? I’ve kicked these people out. And I feel lonely. But I had to continue to trust that new people would come into my life, right? And I’m I know that that happens in my my life happened, right? Where I was kind of like there was a couple of months. I’m like, oh, man, like, I don’t have that many friends. And then little by little by participating in life by showing up to the events I wanted to go to be and in high energy people, high energy areas where people are doing having this conversations, I wish to be a part of it or doing the cool events and showing up there I met new tribe. And so it’s really just goes back to a matter of trust. Right? Do I trust you know, the universe when what you call God I call The Universe? Or do you trust the universe, right? To put people in places in my path that will help me evolve and become the best version of myself. But that middle ground? It’s scary. The messy middle scares? There’s a cocoon. Yeah, yeah, it’s crazy.

Sam Taggart 32:04
And I’ve just disrupted my own business. Like, I’m, like, firing this guy fire on this. I’m just like, Man, I’m trusting God is and it’s all been like, very divinely directed. I’m like, I’m cutting out a lot of this. And that’s what I’ve noticed, like, I sold a lot of stuff, I’ve just stopped accumulating stuff, even food, like my relationship to food has changed. I’m like, I don’t trust some of the food I put on my patio. That doesn’t really serve me and I i’ve like noticed, just things that I’m letting. Letting tack me or, or attach on to me. I’m like, way more like, Whoa, yeah, hold on. The energy here is not where I want it to be. And I’ve been very sensitive reasonably to my own hat. Like, what does what really makes me happy? I want that, or do I not want that? Or am I doing that just to please them? Yeah. So anyway, we got to kind of wrap up like, What? You know it guys, if you’re interested in this book, again, I’m gonna I’m gonna throw this out there. go look up. Holy shit, we’re alive. Doug Cartwright, go follow him on Instagram, give him some love and support and go leave a review. Because that’s going to help obviously boost these algorithms, we want to help them out as much as we can follow door knocker. And if you’re interested in the elite, go to our website that Ed experts com look up the elite. And we have I think four or five spots. I don’t know why the time we like launch this thing. You can only coach so many people. So it’s kind of a tight knit group of high level people. It’s not for the rookie rep, the first year guy not making any money. It’s for that guy that’s like, I’m committed to this and want to go, you know, it’s a high level mastermind group that,

Dough Cartwright 33:39
you know, I think the best way to describe it, it’s for someone who is like I’m wanting to level up, but I don’t know how

Sam Taggart 33:45
Yeah, it’s like, I’m stuck. Like,

Dough Cartwright 33:46
I’m stuck. You’re feeling stuck. And you want to take this job to the next level. And you’re not quite sure. And you’re like grinding, grinding, grinding and not seeing results. This is for you.

Sam Taggart 33:56
Yeah. If that’s you, and it’s calling you then hit me up, and I’ll talk to you how to get through that. Anyway, so any last piece of advice? I mean, you’re obviously get the whole show. Like any advice for the for the door or tribe. Yeah, I

Dough Cartwright 34:10
think just you know, the my overall message as a whole is like, we have this short period of time between our birth and our death, we’re all gonna die, I’m gonna die, you’re gonna die. everyone listening is going to die. And I would hope and inspire in this book to give you the confidence to start living life for you, not the life you thought you were supposed to live. Right? And so if any of what we’ve said has resonated with you in any way, like please check out the book and more importantly, you can even DM me on Instagram at Doug underscore Cory and I usually answer almost every single dm and I would love to open up this conversation because I saw the changes in my life and now I’m filled with joy and enthusiasm. My life is just so much deeper and richness in the experience. And I hope to share that with everyone listening. Wow. That

Sam Taggart 34:57
stop living your life for After death and start living your life before death, I love it. Love that. Okay, you’ve heard it. Love you Peace out. Share this like this comment shirt, do your thing.

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