Tony Banta – Leading By Systems

22 Min Read

Last Updated: May 5, 2020

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Ad: What’s up everybody? Hey, this is Sean Bingham with Adventure Hunt. I am happy to be on the podcast. Sam had me on once before we do the really fun team building events and corporate retreats. So when you’re doing like your sales incentive trips for you guys, we do an absolutely epic trip to Panama, Bocas Del Toro it’s on the Caribbean side of scuba diving zip lining, five-star luxury resort. It’s absolutely incredible. We were on Shark Tank. We’d love to have you guys check us out at You can also email me

Sam Taggart 00:37
Alright, everybody, this is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast. And I’m here with Tony Banta, who is was a systems engineer by trade then went into the consulting and that coaching and that, you know, strategy and innovation world and, and now is the host of the client whisperer show and runs a business helping businesses, leaders basically manage clients and manage the system workflows and slps to actually have a really successful program, leadership, etc. So I’m coming out of Pennsylvania. We’re here live today. It’s gonna be it’s gonna be a good show. So appreciate you being on the show, Tony. But before I dive into that, I’m just gonna say a few things. Okay, so sorry, I just ran a mile. And I wanted to shoot myself. You know, Tony, like, are you a runner? Have you ever ran?

Tony Banta 01:34
I do I do run occasionally. I’ve been biking a bit lately, but I used to jog almost daily.

Sam Taggart 01:41
Nice. I, I ran a marathon, like two weeks ago. And now I’m going for speed. So I just ran landmass this mile I’ve ever read in my life. Just like 30 minutes ago, I did a 547. And I’m like huffing, like I’m still wheezing. And it was like, more than 30 minutes ago. Like I’m just like, I can’t breathe. Anyway. So if I ever cough, it’s because I’m literally like, I don’t have Corona. I’m not saying like, I just couldn’t like still Wheezy like it my lungs hurt. Anyway, so but but what one thing I want to kind of say to everybody in the door to door world is with this time, you know, Corona has been kind of throwing us off our rocker, right? Like a lot of people are kind of sitting here going, man, I spent all those last three months on marketing now. Should I go back and knock? Or should I dive deeper on this? Or should I go? You know, like, we’ve got this whole virtual selling thing that’s all working, you know? Should we keep doing this? And how much longer Should we do this? Or should go back to our roots, you know what I mean? Like, our roots are we go freakin pound the pavement, we go know how to hustle. We get in front of customers, we close deals. And you know, I think a lot of people get kind of deviated and almost like, they go through like I call it like an identity crisis. Like, okay, what am I you know, like, our tribe is it’s this pride of saying, I knock doors, right? And you pound your chest. You’re like, dude, I’m not afraid to tell it to the world. I’m not afraid to go to my high school reunion and be like, what’s up? Yeah, I’m a door knocker and I’m making you know, multiple six figures so screw you like you know, I mean like, I think that there’s a tribe and a passion and you know, even though it’s a hard job but there comes great reward for those that master this skill. So it’s interesting Tony, I’m curious if you ever knock doors like you’re you? Have you ever liked you know, as a kid, or you know, like I I know that’s not like what you’re coming on for but I’m curious. Have you ever had that your muscle?

Tony Banta 03:45
It’s a great it’s a great question. Um, I so I started my first business when I was when I was seven making greeting cards. My family had a family business, they had a light manufacturing company and I would make greeting cards I would you know, hand make them and sell them to the people who you know, work there. You know, I didn’t get paid a whole lot, you know, from that, but I was able to, you know, I was able to get a couple candy bars, you know, here and there. Which at seven was you know, more than enough but funny I actually come from in my family both my mother and my father were and I forgot to say this to you before the show started Sam but both my both of my parents were door to door salespeople. In the case of my dad, before he moved on to phone sales, he sold ads in in the Yellow Pages. And so you know, knocked on you know, business doors. My mom got through college and then law school by selling cookware and so She would go to you know, sell, you know, to sell young women, you know, cookware for their, you know, hope chest back then was the way that she describes it. And so it is a family. You know the the that love of sales is in the family DNA.

Sam Taggart 05:18
I love it. Yeah. I always think No, my dad knock doors that’s like we’re probably I get it is it’s in my DNA. He was Kirby. He did vacuums through color. Yeah. And, you know, it’s interesting, because I guess the question is, here’s an interesting question. I’ve never asked anybody, do you think sales is almost a genetics thing? Like it is a passed on trait? You know, like, when I first met you, it was like, I’m a systems engineer. I’m like, Oh, cool. If you want to, like, put your hat on forward, because you’re wearing a backwards hat dude, like re engineer, but you know, I mean, I was like, Oh, you must live in San Francisco. And, you know, in my head, I’m like, like, Why is this here? Like, I’m from Pennsylvania, got your hoodie on, you have backward and then you’re like, I coach sales, and I coach companies and blah, blah. And I was like, Okay, I’m like doing this all wrong. I’m talking sister, I’m a systems damn engineer. That’s what I do. I was like, oh, like, I get it. Like, I’m like, Oh, I never looked at it this way. But I guess is the sales, you know, Adam, or whatever? Is that particle in your DNA? Like, do you feel like, yeah, go to work with salespeople all over the country? What? How would you answer that? Like, is it genetic? Is it a family trait?

Tony Banta 06:34
You know, I’m always careful when we talk about genetics in that, that, you know, I never want to tell someone that they can’t and you know, people say this a lot about leadership too, right? That like our leaders born or are they made, and I’m always super careful that I don’t want to insinuate that someone has to be born into something to be good at it. I will say this, though, I don’t think you can be a high performer without being willing to and have developed the skill of being good at sales. And the reason why I say that is because and and you know, I don’t the sales is not a big daily sales in the traditional way that we think about it, right? is not a daily part of my work right now. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t sell every single day, every single time I’m on the phone with a client, I’m selling them on a vision of how their future can be better than, you know, when I’m on this podcast interview, that, you know, I’m selling the I’m selling you and I’m selling the audience on the ideas that I have, that I know can make a difference in their, you know, in their life and in their business. So I think that it is a skill that you know, if you’re not good at it, that you know, it’s always a good time to get good at being willing to sell.

Sam Taggart 07:53
Yeah, no, I, and that’s where everybody listening to this is probably like, you know, cheering right now being like, yeah, like, that’s what I, you know, I mean, right. I think, you know, I think there’s a lot of people that maybe kind of rule themselves out, oh, I’m just not a salesman, oh, I’m just not a leader. Like, what do ya like, guy? And I’m sure you’ve managed people like that, like, Oh, I just am not this natural leader, like you are attorney or, you know, what I mean? Like, Hey, can you help that guy?

Tony Banta 08:23
I think it is, you know, there’s the, there’s the funny response, which is, you know, like, okay, like, like, go back to your mediocre life, like spine, the, which I would rarely say to someone, you know, that glibly, but but I think that there’s a part of it, that is, you can only, you can only help someone achieve something that they already want. And, and this is true with sales, too, right? Like, you can’t talk someone into buying something that they don’t want, that you can help someone understand how something’s going to help solve a need that they have, or you can help them realize that you know, what you have, is actually going to solve their problems, and they never made that connection. And if you weren’t there in person with them, if that, you know, actually interrupting the pattern of their day, they would have never realized it, they would have never realized that, you know, what you have can actually help them. But you can’t sell someone you can never sell someone something that they don’t want. And you can never lead someone to something that they don’t want. You know, even if we look at the most extreme examples, right, but some of the, you know, the darkest leaders that we know, right, you know, like everybody loves to, you know, especially the, in the political climate that we’re in, everyone loves to use examples of the Nazis, right? Well, they, you know, they lead people, you know, they convinced people that these terrible acts would actually give them more safety and security. They wanted the safety and security now, I don’t think that everyone in you know, Germany who allowed for that, that, you know, necessarily condoned the worst of those acts. But at some level, they believed that, you know, extreme things were necessary for their safety. It’s one of the things that I am that, you know, has my antenna up right now as we have and and, you know, I won’t get political I won’t do that to you, Sam, the on your, you know, on your podcast I won’t, you know, not in the polarized state that we’re in. But the you know, my the I’m hearing people justify in states that that you know only have 50 active, you know Coronavirus cases, like in the case of you know, Maine, and I’m hearing the governor, you know, like advocate that, you know, we’re not out of the woods yet. And we need to lock everything down. And no, you can’t No, no, you can’t reopen businesses. And no, you can’t do door to door sales. And you know, these things when they’re only 55 cases. And there is a part of me that says we’re being sold to bring it back to the sales topic. We’re being sold. We need to do these things out of safety and security. And that shows you don’t need to stay

Sam Taggart 10:57
Dude, you’re singing my song, so am I, I can sing whatever political song I’ve been singing so good. I said that. It’s funny. I had so many haters. So I have a Facebook group called the DDD tribe. And, I mean, I get shot because I am pretty like, right wing or whatever want to call this, but I’m just like, dude, from day one, when they did this whole lockdown. I’m like, Yes, everyone’s home going off. And I was like, You’re a murderer. I was like, a murderer. Like, yeah, like, I got like, hate mail. Dude, I had people like, send me like anthrax. Sure. I was like, geez, like, because I’m telling you to, like, keep your doors open and stay a flow and like, socially, be responsible knocking Don’t be as like, let me make out with you want like, touch all your kids, like stay six feet away, which

Tony Banta 11:51
probably is not a good sales tactic Anyway, you know? I’m not sure if people yeah, just you might be considering doing that. But you know, don’t even if everyone’s healthy. Because

Sam Taggart 12:00
they were like, that was the old approach. Maybe we need to have another podcast on like, better sales techniques. No, but no, but I love that I preach preach, I am on your, your you’re on my same political side of this. And I’ve been that same way. From day one. I think more people are coming around and being like, Oh, I shouldn’t listen to Sam like a month ago, you know?

Tony Banta 12:25
Well, and, and but the same thing that, you know, can be so frustrating that with our world, the you know, with our world now, I think if you are in sales, there’s a powerful takeaway that you have right now, which is this is the power of sales, people are being sold something that in many cases makes no sense. In some cases it does. And, you know, that’s the you know, that’s the hedging the you know, hedging my bets that I’ll make around the, you know, the political conversation I could see in New York City, that you know, how more stricter how more stricter measures that, you know, may make sense so that we’re not overwhelming the system, but in the, you know, rural Nebraska, that, you know, where the, like every house is the, you know, like, it’s like hundreds of feet away from the next one. The just is not the same thing as the, you know, as a situation where everyone’s living on top of each other. So, but it does show how much people are willing to be sold. When you look at the polls. The majority of Americans still believe that, you know, lockdowns are necessary to keep them safe. And this is the power of sales, that if you have something that’s really going to help someone just connected with the needs that they have internally, and you’re done, you’re you know, it’s a sale, it’s assault.

Sam Taggart 13:39
I love this. I literally had a guy today, he’s like, Hey, I’m coming to your I was I bought your training seminar. So I’m launching, I’m hosting a summit with like, 100 and some people come into me. And so it’s an Airbnb. I’m like, you know what? I’m not going. I’m effing throwing the thing. We’re doing this. It was supposed to be March that when I was being like, okay, let’s like push it back. But I’m like, we’re coming out of this, like, come to summit. And anyway, he hits me up. He’s like, man, like, I just haven’t been outside. I just get really nervous. I’m like, What? Like, I’m like, dude. He’s like, he’s like, Nah, man. I don’t think I should go like end of may do like, at the end of the day, people are gonna get sick, like you. You have asthma. You might get this. Like, I was talking to a guy yesterday, and he has a sick, bad cough. And he’s like, dang, I tested negative. I don’t have Corona. And I was like, I know that sucks. I wish I wish you would have it. You know, I’m like, I want to kind of get it right. I’m like, now I’ve got it. Like, I’m immune. Get it over with Yeah. I’m like, you know,

Tony Banta 14:46
getting the chickenpox as a kid. Like, like, better fit, like better do it when you’re young so that you get it over with.

Sam Taggart 14:53
I don’t want to have it when I’m like 25 you know? Yeah, it’s so anyway, we can I don’t want to make the super Corona II, but I do kind of want to transition this same topic, as we all have belief systems, like we got sold on. So like, follow me for a second see if you follow Yeah, we got sold on the idea that with these 50 cases in Maine, we should be on lockdown and and we’ve all been subject to convinced that this is like good for us, right? So how is a sales individual? How is a sales individual oftentimes get sold on the concept of them maybe sucking or them not having the results they want? Or maybe them like justifying the results they want? Like, how is that like a common thing where we we end up selling ourselves based on? You know, outsiders like political or environment? Yeah, years or whatever that looks like? Where do you see that showing up? Well, it’s

Tony Banta 15:57
so you’re touching on something that is, is central to a lot of the work that we do. And, and, and and here’s the the, you know, someone that’s good at sales? If you know, how often do you hear the phrase that you know, you can can sell ice to an Eskimo, the someone that’s good at the you know, at the art of sales can choose to use that for good or for good or for bad, right? They can use that to, to, you know, sell things that are truly going to help people or they can use that to sell things that are to sell things to install beliefs in someone that’s not going to lead to a mutually valuable that, you know, situation. Yeah. I think that, you know, for just about all of us, we’ve all been sold things in the past. And and you know, most of the time it does you and I can talk about this more that you know, because I can tell that that, you know, we are going to be friends on some of these topics. But you know, most of us have been sold lies from our schools, from our politicians, you know, from our, you know, how many people will just go back to something you said earlier, how many people believe that that sales is slimy, that it’s bad to sell someone, and they have a viscerally negative reaction that you know, the used car salesman that you know, vibe, right? Well, you know, how many people would be in, in terrible positions, if there were no use car salesmen in the United States that like how many families like wouldn’t be able to, you know, get to where they need to go if there weren’t, but there’s a line there, right, there’s a line where you can, you know, I remember the, the I remember when I was a kid that the, the movie Matilda where her you know, where her father was this slimy used car salesman, and he would roll the odometer back in the cars to try and, you know, pass them off, right. And so that’s the image that we have, that’s, of course, completely lacking integrity, you know, that is, your, that is a terrible way to sell. And if you’re going to sell that way, and and, and, and, you know, this is essential to so much of the work that we do, if you’re going to sell that way, the the risk that you have is you’re going to get refunds, you’re going to get people who never buy from you, again, you’re going to get bad reviews online, you’re going to get that you’re going to get all of these factors that are going to make it harder for you to do your job. And if you have the opposite approach, if you genuinely seek and you are genuinely questioning so that you’re not just convincing yourself or so that you’re drinking your own Kool Aid, so to speak, if you’re genuinely focused on integrity, and on having that, you know, finding the right fit, helping people that you know, making sure that you have the right product for the right you know, for the right customer. The the when you do that you have people who love you, you have people who say thank you, who leave you great reviews, who can’t wait to buy from you again, for you know, how many door to door that, you know, steak or you know, frozen seafood or you know, people like that vendors are there, you know, when you have a quality product, and that, you know, you’re able to you know, help someone and you truly care about them. And the result more than you care about the immediate sale, that you know, you have people who are bummed when they realize that they weren’t home when you came by the last time, right. And like they’re calling you up and saying how can I get more of this, you know, like, please let me know when you’re going to be in my neighborhood next. That’s retention. That’s the you know, that comes from leadership it comes from people can feel when you have that, you know, deep caring, and you know, it’s not something that you can fake,

Sam Taggart 19:29
ya know, and I think sometimes, here’s here’s a, here’s an interesting curveball to this. So I’m customer, I go to you, you’re selling me let’s use meat and seafood and stuff like that. That’s good. So I tell you, oh, you’re just overpriced, crappy. You know, why wouldn’t I just get that at Costco, blah, blah, blah, right? You could now get sold on this concept of, you know, just like Corona get sold everybody on lockdown sold you on you should believe one thing. Right, I as a customer can now you know, let’s say I haven’t served four times in a row, all sudden, a sales rep is like you, you might start to believe that you might start to be like, maybe you’re right customer, maybe you could just go to Costco and I am overpriced than I am. You know what I mean? Like, and this is where it’s like, no, my seafood and meats are amazing. And it is price, right? And I’m delivering it to your effin door fresh, like, you know, I mean, it’s like, and I’m, I’m here pedaling like, I should get paid to do what I do. And I’m, you know what I mean? I think that, the more that we don’t let the customers sell us out of, yes, belief system, because I think it’s easy for us to change in waiver, like when I sign up to go sell meat, and seafood, like I’m a brand new sales guy, I tend to have this excitement, this energy, like, dude, I’m so stoked, I’m going to make good money, I’m going to help people, I’m going to deliver an awesome food and product. But then all of a sudden, three weeks, in two weeks in, you’ve had this repetitive like, you know, we’ll call it like the boxing ring has just gotten you tired. And you start to be like, maybe boxing is not for me. Yeah. And I, I just I think that that’s a very common cycle in our industry that I don’t think needs to happen. Totally matches it needs, like, you know what I mean? So like, I guess speak to that, like, What’s going through your head? Yeah. 100%.

Tony Banta 21:29
And, and you by the way, the same thing happens with the same pattern. And and, you know, this is something as a systems engineer, I’m always looking at patterns. And I’m always looking at patterns. Because when we get stuck in a specific, in one specific instance, if we haven’t seen that, you know, someone do that better than we are in that one specific case, it’s very hard for us to get out of that, you know, break out of that, to be willing to try something new. But when we look at the pattern, and we look for other places where that’s that, you know, where that pattern is true, we get to learn from those examples. So I’m always on the lookout for, you know, patterns. And the same thing that you described happens with sales managers and sales reps, right? The classic trope of the leads are weak, that, you know, I could go right into the, you know, Glengarry Glen Ross monologue, you know, if you, you know, if you let me and if we put an explicit tag on the episode, only about three get, we get so easy 30 Now, that’s exactly right. So, the, the, you know, the leads are weak, right, you know, how many sales managers have heard that phrase from someone, or that, you know, there are just no good, there are just no good buyers that, you know, in that, that, you know, like in that neighborhood, or, you know, whatever, that, you know, whatever the disempowering belief there is? And, and, you know, the reality is that, when you have a situation, everybody that, you know, when you have a sales situation, the or a leadership situation, or a consulting situation, there’s always someone selling and someone being sold. And so you need to decide, are you going to be the bigger leader than the person whose door you’re knocking on? Or are you going to let them lead you out of your career? The Are you going to be the bigger leader, you know, as the sales manager? Are you going to be the bigger leader than the sales rep? Or are you going to let them you know, talk you out of giving them the coaching and the help and the tough love that they need, so that they can be successful in this. And, and what we call what we coach our clients on is what we call the stance of strength, and the stance of strength. If you picture this, if you picture the, you know, like if you picture a sumo wrestler, right, that you know, like grounded, like knees bent, and the there is a firm foundation under them. That is your belief system. And the only way you can get that you can’t get that by you know, reading a Tony Robbins book, I’m sorry, you can’t that like you can’t get that by the you know, doing breathing exercises in the morning and, you know, puffing up your chest, the only way that you that’s not to say by the way that you know, it’s not worth it to read Tony Robbins or to do to do some mindset exercises in the morning. That’s not what I mean. But But you know, those aren’t complete to solve that problem. The thing that you need to do to solve that problem is you need to systematically and consistently be re invigorating your belief in your product of what you’re doing. You need to be on the lookout for the success stories of where that’s where you need to have those ready, you need to be on the lookout for comparison for comparison shopping, and the to be genuinely ready to be wrong about what you’ve seen before. And when you’re ready to do all those things and you have those stories and you know your niche of the unit where the competitive the you know, where you have the competitive advantage and you are clear on that and you don’t and you don’t feel the need to sell everybody because it’s not the right thing for everybody. You know, they You don’t have to count everybody’s opinion, as something that’s worth listening to, that, you know, you don’t have to worry about those things, the one technique that you can do is, you know, just follow up with the follow up with customers, you know, like customers that you sold, and that, you know, look for the, you know, look for the missing piece, we do this a lot of the time with, you know, traditional product, kind of, you know, kind of businesses that, you know, apply a layer of leadership consulting on top of that, you know, if they’re not achieving success with the product, find out why, if they are achieving success, you have a success story that you get to use, you know, if they are achieving success, you get to ask them to, you know, leave that review, to, you know, today, you know, the next time you’re in that the next time you’re in that neighborhood, you know, what, like, without your phone, and like, throw it on the, you know, selfie video mode, and like, take a video with the person, you ask them first if that’s okay. But you know, like, take a video, and, you know, say I would really love for you to, you know, share this story with people. And then you get to put that on your you know, website, you get to put that on, you get to begin to use a hybrid of, you know, door to door sales And marketing, and that you begin to share that story. But at the very least, the you know, you could even share that video with people when you’re there in front of them and say that, you know, like Mary, that, you know, in, you know, this neighborhood, she had the same concern that you do, and this is what she said a month after the show, she bought our vacuum, or, you know, she bought our you know, she bought our that, you know, whatever that you know, she bought her son are, you know, LSAT prep course, yeah. You know, whatever it is, right? I’m going through my Rolodex of the, you know, the kind of integrate products for door to door sales. But, you know, those are some great techniques where you can re instill that belief, which gives you the stance of strength.

Sam Taggart 26:47
Love it. No. You just like, caught my wheels turning on that training. I’m like, Am I developed? And I’m like, Yes, you just put a bow on it. Dude, you like, that’s what I was missing. I like to help. When you hear this dope book come out, and it’s all of a sudden, like, got the sumo wrestler, and then you’re gonna be like, Oh, I thought, uh, anyway. Okay, so check this out. So, one thing I had an this last question, because we’re getting into wrap up. So being a systems engineer, what advice would you give to the business owner? That, you know, they’re running maybe 10? To 20? Man, company view? 30. Man company? Um, yeah, what advice would you give them an incentive systems like, talk? Talk to me real quick, um, you know, systems in a nutshell, the importance of systems. Yeah, the quick version of like, here’s the best systems, you know, and like, talk to me about what you would you know, high level, tell somebody like in that situation

Tony Banta 27:51
100%. So, if at a core level, the thing you need to know about systems is systems are everywhere. And you don’t have to realize it’s a system to know that it’s a system that, you know, I don’t know about you, Sam, but I’m guessing this is true for you, and all of your listeners, that that sometime within the last couple of days, you went to the bathroom, and that’s a system, you take away fiber, that’s going to happen less often, you add more fiber, I love this example. Because it is literally something that we all do, right, you add more fiber. So here you have, in a nutshell, a system, something that very few people think about, but it is something that affects us all all of the time. And, and it’s the same thing within our within our businesses, you know, these systems exists everywhere, you don’t have to have a formalized sales script or sales training system, although you probably should, if you listen to, you know, Sam. But you don’t have to have a formal system, for it to be a system, that when you look at your most successful sales reps, and your least successful sales reps, you will see patterns. And those patterns will inform the parts of the system that work and the parts of the system that don’t. The one other thing that’s that’s really important to know is that, that, because these systems exist in your business, whether you know, they’re there or not, if you want to get better results, the most effective way is always going to be to go back to the system to you know, go back to and, you know, we use data to inform systems that we can’t always see, right, if we had a machine, then we could literally see every gear inside of the machine, right? Like we could, like take off the side of the, you know, of the, you know, of the press, if it like or the thing, whatever it is, and we could look at all of the pieces inside. But we can’t always do that with human systems, right? We can, if we, you know, it’s discouraged to, you know, slice off the side of someone’s head and you know, look and see how their brain is, you know, processing things, you wouldn’t be able to tell what it’s doing, even if you could see it, so that we use data to inform what that is. So the more that you can track the data that gives you that gives you insight into the hidden systems that are happening. But it’s at its root, the, you know, at the Foundation, the success of our business is a result of how many systems we install. And that, you know, when we look at the, you know, when we look at, you know, business valuations of, you know, being sold, or the, you know, the, or being able to sell stock, or, you know, raise money, and scale to be, you know, scaled to be bigger. One of my, my consulting clients, actually, in his previous career was part of was part of an 800 person door to door sales company. And so, you know, they were huge they did, you know, they did well into the, into the eight, into the high eight figures, you know, built on the two door to door sales, and then follow up sales. So if you want that kind of scale, if you want to be able to do that, then you need systems, and that, you know, you need to layer those things in, because there’s no way that you can talk to 800 people in a week. No, there’s no way that you can talk to that, you know, all of those to find that out manually, you really can’t even talk to 50 in a week, and still have it be impactful. So the system lets you manage it that without all of that one on one connectivity.

Sam Taggart 31:16
I love it preach. I mean, this is all we teach, DDD experts is like, hey, like we have an eight week deep dive consulting program, where we basically go through we call the eight and eight, eight systems in eight weeks. Yeah. You know, for us, it’s just we watched so many businesses, like I love, I wrote this down and said, You don’t have to realize a system for there to be a system. And I’m like, you go to every company that have systems that have habits and patterns that have right things they do. It’s just Are you intentional? Have you thought through about the system? You know what I mean? Like, you have a plan? Is it? Is it consistent? Is it? Is it predictable as it control? And is it you know, organized? And so you know, you make

Tony Banta 32:01
it better? And can you do you have the tools to make it better over time? Or is it just the way it is? Or is it just the way that it’s always been?

Yeah. And I think that, you know, just bringing light to that. And I think having mentors and coaches and consultants isn’t a bad thing. I mean, that’s like, why we exist and we help so many companies is it’s just, sometimes you have to have a third eye because you’re so stuck in the weeds, that you don’t know how to pop your head out and be like, Oh, yeah, I didn’t even see that my system is erode. Like, it just sucks. It’s, uh, you know, I mean, so I love like, oh, man, you could I could jam on this all day. But that just means we’ll have to do something next time. We need to do another version to this. I was like, This is opening up a can of worms and ask the question, but I’m glad I did. I wrote down like, the success of our business is measured on the success of our systems. And I love that so I you know, I mean, I’m like, literally like taking notes, by the way. But your listeners are as well. Yeah, no, I hope you got it guys. I hope you guys got something out of this. I obviously did. Tony. I appreciate I appreciate you getting on the show and you know, dropping some fire and you know if anybody you know is interested in following go to the client, whisper on Instagram. Client whispered her show. Is that your website? That’s right. Yep. Client whisperer dot show. And yeah, so Tony Banta? Guys. You heard it firsthand right here. If you got some value. You know, comment, share this, like this tag, Tony. And yeah, appreciate you hopping on my man.

Absolutely, Sam. It’s an honor. I love I genuinely love sales. So we could talk about this all day long. It’s been great. Ken. Thanks, brother. We’ll talk we’ll talk soon.

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