Jake Coleman – How To Make Money And What To Do With It

17 Min Read

Last Updated: June 22, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:48
Hi everybody, this is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast. And I have a special guest who flew in all the way from Hawaii just be on the show. Right? That’s the only reason you’re here for right. That’s it. That’s it. We got Jake Coleman in the house. And before I dive dive into this guys, a couple cool things coming up. We got the recruiting summit here in September 23 through the 26th. So check that out. If you’re looking to uplevel recruiting in the fall, and say how do I go get 10,50, 100 guys or whatever. Last recruiting summit, we had a company, big shout out to Nine-fold and Zach and those guys, they’ve literally after the recruiting summit brought over 100 guys on a month later, which is awesome. They took the stuff to heart, they said, hey, let’s go and they’re having one of their best summers ever. And it’s been fun to really see stories like that. So if you’re interested, go to the website, check out the recruiting summit. But we’re gonna dive in about money today. So we’ve got a day trader expert trading millions of dollars every day. And a lot of people are like, why would I bring a day trader on the end of the day, like one of these focuses is how do we make money? But then it’s like, what do we do with that money? So super excited, Jake, where he resonates with he actually did pest control for six years. So he started in this business, he was a business owner in the pest control space and was starting to make so much money and day trading said, Well, I can sit at my desk and make money and why not? Why not do that instead of not, you know? So to kind of tell us that story, I guess, how did you get into day trading? How’d you get into pest control in the start? Like were you like college kid recruited? Or like, how’d you? Yeah, tell us kind of that story?

Jake Coleman 02:15
Well, you know, I was college kid and and just heard about the money that people were making. So just want to be part of it. So that’s what I did. Basically went into pest control. And, you know, I was good at it. And while I was doing pest control, I was developing algorithms for trading the stock market. And now I have a company that coaches people on trading. So but the start was really the financial start was door to door.

Sam Taggart 02:44
That’s cool. So what are the things that you felt like you learned in door to door that translated well into trading.

Jake Coleman 02:52
I think for me, I always had a really high work ethic, but also to is is kind of going outside the box. I was one of those individuals, you know, it was a long time ago and I was doing door to door sales. But I mean, I at the time, people were going from like one o’clock till till dark. where, you know, I started selling at eight o’clock in the morning, and went up 10 o’clock at night pretty much every day doing the door to door stuff. But it did teach persistence. You know, it’s it’s painful sometimes being out there, you know, with the heat. And, you know, getting rejected and stuff like that. But after a while it’s never doesn’t bother you anymore. You just you just know you have you got a certain time limit to get what you want, and make money that you want and, and you just push that time limit and do whatever it takes, is it just I think it bled into everything made everything a little bit easier. Because you know, door to door can be it’s so rewarding. But it’s also you know, it’s it’s tough, especially in the hotter areas like I was in Texas during the summer for several summers. So it was it was it was hot. Yeah. But it was worth it

Sam Taggart 04:08
for sure. Stay hydrated out there guys. We know it’s hot right now. I just got an Arizona knocking in Atlanta and Orlando. I went on this tour and I was like man, I’m in early summer. I was like welcome August come You know what I mean? When it starts getting hot, like this week, 113 degrees down south, and it’s like, Alright, guys, get some water, wet your hats and let’s go. Yeah, no kidding. So then, so you started developing formulas, what does that mean? For those that like don’t get that.

Jake Coleman 04:39
So what I did was is I dissected every, you know, everything that existed. So every, you know, algorithm that I had come across, or any kind of what they call indicators that kind of show you you know, different things. So I dissected those and then I found kind of holes in it. So I realized there was things missing. And I kind of dreamed up my own my own way of doing things. So I, I created algorithms that show you where tops and bottoms are individual stocks. So it shows you where buy and sell points are. So there’s no it takes the guesswork out. You know where those those tops are. And that was one thing I was searching for I was really good. You know, while I was in the beginning buying stocks, but I couldn’t figure out when to get out where those top four. And that’s what this algorithm does, it shows you where those tops are. And then I was able to actually inverse the algorithm, which showed me where the bottom four interesting. So it’s, yeah, it’s a whole series of seven algorithms that show you where where your buy and sell points are.

Sam Taggart 05:51
So individual stocks. So when you’re day trading very different than like putting your money into Tesla or Facebook, and just saying, I hope this rides and goes up as they get bigger. So like, what kind of companies are you looking at? Are you doing the big like, you know, Netflix? And Facebook’s? Are you doing more like these companies we’ve never even heard of?

Jake Coleman 06:15
Well, there’s, there’s a lot of companies never heard of that I’m doing I have stock feeds that show you basically, I haven’t dialed in to where you plug in those stocks into the algorithm. And they’re, they’re certain ones that I coach people on. And we don’t know what they those are, you know, we have an idea sometimes going into the day, but a lot of times, we don’t know, until the day starts, you know, what we’re going to be trading that day. Now we do have swing traders on my system works for swing trading, it also works for for buy and hold positions. So I have people that work, you know full time, and then they’ll that like the bottom of Tesla. So last year, Tesla bottomed out with the COVID my system, you know, now the bottom, on that particular thing. So you could have, you could have, you know, bought in at the bottom of Tesla, and kind of wrote it up through that splits and everything like that. Yeah. So it will show you the longer term bottoms and also show you the longer term tops like the the Dow Jones Industrial Average, it shows you where to get in where to get out, but it also shows you you know, it shows you buy and sell points, and then it shows you exit when when the market is actually taught. So like 2007 2008 it showed where those those exit points where it’s like, Hey, this is it’s about ready to drop. And then we were able to I was able to start accumulating at the bottom.

Sam Taggart 07:47
That’s awesome, too dropped off. So So what’s the discipline? Because I think this is where, like you said it that the algorithm takes the emotion out of this. And it’s funny that it should, right. So you’re like, BOD still gonna go up and you’re like, notice it like so?

Jake Coleman 08:05
Well, it’s crazy, because that’s the outlier. That’s this, the, you know, we had, I had a couple that have been trading with me for a while they got into a stock. And recently, you know, they’re several $100,000 in a couple of weeks. But they, the the sell signals came in from algorithms I exited, you know, call them up on the phone, hey, you know, awesome, you guys did well on this trade. And they’re like, well, we’re still in sight, because we believe in the company. And it’s like, well, you’re trading outside the system now. You know, systems to get out. It did drop substantially. It’s kind of hovering. But that was kind of the it was kind of interesting. But people’s emotions play a big role in it. That’s one part of the coaching. Just like with door to door sells it’s like it there’s one thing I learned with door to door is that there was a threshold. Like if I believed I was going to get three sales I get three sales, I believed I was going to get 10 there I went several years in pest control where I never went under 10 a day. And it was because of my belief system. Same thing with trading trading same thing if you’re if you follow the system, and just keep going and believe you know, it just works out but it psychology is a big issue with traders. They have the system they know when to get out but do they exit every time? No,

Sam Taggart 09:35
geez, wait, hold on, said that Zack, same line with door to door guys. They have the system. They know when to exit the door to go onto the streets. But do they leave out in the neighborhoods when they should know they come home early when they shouldn’t? Yeah, it’s like, here is the hours. Here’s the system, take the psychology out of it. And I promise you’ll get more like You believe and you say, hey, instead of sabotaging back odds tanking, oh, I’m never gonna sell today. And then you’re right, you’re gonna lose it all. You’re gonna have a crappy day where you don’t sell any. There’s so that is such a direct correlation. Isn’t that crazy?

Jake Coleman 10:15
Oh, absolutely, yes. And it’s it’s funny because I mean, if you have you have traders that believe and and salesmen, they believe all you know, I can’t they go out on the doors and they’re getting doors slammed in their face. They’re like, hey, it the world’s against me. Yeah, and tradings the same way. It’s like, you get, they lose a few trades, and they don’t follow the system, right? And then they’re just like, well, the world’s against me.

Sam Taggart 10:39
Oh, yeah. Is the system’s wrong, your algorithms are wrong. You’re a scam. You’re like, well, I’m sitting here rich and doing this, right. You can play that card. But the system it’s, yeah, I literally just had a couple of, there’s been a couple instances recently where I’ve had clients call me and they’re like, dude, I need a refund, or I need to, it’s like, it’s not working. I’m like, Well, how are you doing this stuff you’re supposed to be doing? Well, now I’m like, okay, so that doesn’t matter to refund just means you didn’t follow the system. If you did the system. And you did what we told you to do consistently. It works. Like it’s a simple formula. And you know, in a sales script, same thing, did you follow a script, or you’re just trying to make up your own thing that you think, you know, like, you’re outside the system now? Right? I can’t help you if you want to do your thing. But I’ve proven to do this script and this pitch in many different markets and many different ways. And it seems to work fine. Right?

Jake Coleman 11:42
No, that’s exactly the same thing. It’s like, you get the exact same thing. And it’s just the psychology, right? Or the people they’re stubborn. They don’t want to they don’t want to follow it. But it’s right there. So it’s, it’s it’s very simple. Your system is probably very simple to follow, as is mine. But the question is, is is the person are they following it? Big, big. It’s, it’s a big difference between the ones that do and ones that don’t. But some people they find it very difficult to follow something.

Sam Taggart 12:13
Yeah. And I think it’s just trust and ego. If you think about it, like, you know, where, where does ego come into play? and greed? greed is it

Jake Coleman 12:23
I think, is the number one thing, greed is greed kills, everything kills, patience, kills the ability to, to, to really push your, your, your ability to grow? I think I always I always think if I see if I meet somebody that steeped in greed, very hard

Sam Taggart 12:44
to carry you to help them. How do I help you it’s like, when all the things are just driving more and more never enough. It’s gonna, it’s gonna go to the movement.

Jake Coleman 12:53
Right. And that’s a problem. So even though the system says to get out, they believe in their mind, and they’re greedy enough to be like, no, I, I’m gonna just will this thing out.

Sam Taggart 13:03
Yeah. Yeah. For me, well, let’s so you, obviously. So if anybody’s interested in coaching with a day trading machine, you know, I think of it. It’s like, there’s a great book called principles by Ray Dalio. Have you read that big finance guy. But it’s just like, he calls it the meadow Cod. I don’t know what you just says, Hey, let the computers if you can get computers to do more of the decision making for you. And the algorithms to do the decision making for you. It takes the human element out, it usually beats the human element. And he’s like, it was so interesting in the book, he’s just like, Look, like, try to come up with systems that literally don’t break because people will break and greed and ego and distrust and, you know, manipulation and it’s like, well, the computer’s not doing that to you right now. You know what I mean? And I it’s an interesting book, it’s fat, so I but I definitely recommend it. So let’s talk about well, I’ve got $100,000 chillin, and you know, you hear about real estate, you hear about 401, K’s and mutual funds. How do you start in day trading? Like that’s like a far fetched world for me I’m like, by not sending a computer I don’t know how to day trade, it’d be fun to play the market a little bit and use my cash and like Dude, I took this 10 grand or 15 grand extra that I could play with. And I turn that into 100 grand this year, this month, like whatever that is for them. Like how do you how do you start?

Jake Coleman 14:35
So with my stuff is is I have a whole training program, just like you do that basically teaches people from the ground up so whether they’ve traded before or not, doesn’t matter. If you have traded before great, use these gonna enhance your trading in a big way. Just because you know, a lot of people right out of the gate start making money, especially guys that have traded before, as long as they don’t Hold on to their past issues. That’s one thing. That’s one thing too is like you talked about Ray Dalio and Ray Dalio great quote that I always in my head, and I tell my traders too, is that you need to be open to everything and attached to nothing. And that’s what trading, if you’re attached to individual stocks, or air stuff in general, it makes you inefficient. So it with with my trading system, we go through a crash course of how to trade my algorithms. And then I also have a zoom, that I have, I have a trainer that does two weeks with you get you up to speed shows you the setups, because really what it is, is is is showing you the setups of how the algorithms work. And when you we see, see those buy points and then the sell points. And then just it’s just repeat, repeat, repeat. It’s kind of like selling pest control. Yeah, or door to door. It’s like once you get the rhythm down, it’s kind of you’re just saying the same thing over and over again and reacting to their, their, you know, responses or questions. And then it’s the same thing with, with trading here, you got the system it works. And then you’re reacting to what the market gives you.

Sam Taggart 16:19
Interesting, how much time does it do you sit there? Like, is it something you have to be there all day? Or is it something you do for an hour a day,

Jake Coleman 16:29
I do it all day. Now, there are traders that do it for a couple hours a day, they can a lot of times lately and it it, it changes all the time. So you’re gonna have some days where you’ll have, you know, a lot of a week sometimes where you have most of the movement in the trading day, for day trading. Like I said, we do swing trading, and we can do long term trading. So you don’t have to be there every single day. But we’ve been getting a lot of the trading, like the bigger runs are happening in the first two hours of the day. So we’re able to capitalize on those and then you can continue to trade through the day or I have some traders that go to work. So they go to work. That was the great part about door to door for me is I was I mainly did summer sales. So I I’d be basically three and a half, four months, and then I’d be trading the rest of the year. Yeah. So that was that was great for me.

Sam Taggart 17:23
Well, that said that, that that’s I’m saying like some people are like, what do I do from September through May? Or April? You know, I mean, they’re like, I don’t go to college, or I’m done with school. I only work for months. Right? Like, which is great. Find something to do you know,

Jake Coleman 17:40
while trading is definitely you know, that it’s my passion. I love to do it. But also to is Yeah, this this could this is a life changer for a lot of people. If you go to my website, you know, J Coleman trading, you’ll see it, it changed. It’s changed a lot of people’s lives. And, you know, it just enhanced that if you got a lot of money sitting around, you know, from from doing door to door. Yeah, this is a way to make that money work for you.

Sam Taggart 18:09
That’s cool. So So another thing, I’m assuming you diversify a little bit like obviously, crypto is hot right now, like, do people have the same algorithms? Or is it very volatile based on media? And it’s hard to like, calculate the same way or what’s your two cents on analyzing the crypto market?

Jake Coleman 18:26
So for me, my system will be should be doing the crypto market within about six months. Okay, cool. So that won’t be able to capitalize on the volatility, because that’s one thing my system shines like when when COVID happened last year, and the markets tanked. That was when it was like it was kind of your your I’m still winning. But this is where you just kind of it’s more like you got a snow shovel instead of a little shovel. Yeah, you know, you’re you’re able to just rake it in because it shows you where those bottoms are and you’re buying everything at a discount. And you had huge volatility. Like we had stocks ever run from like $2 to $51 in a day. It was nuts. Yeah. As far as the volatility, so volatility is usually good. As far as crypto goes, right now I’m just kind of using it as a hedge against the dollar. So I’m just buying it up more for long term stuff. Just in case, you know, the dollar decides to to go the way that British Pound did back in the day.

Sam Taggart 19:28
Yeah. So smart. And that’s kind of how I feel about it. It’s like this could be the new currency like I want so.

Jake Coleman 19:36
We just got ahead. Yeah, it’s like it’s a hedge to make sure that hey, you know, if everything collapses or something there

Sam Taggart 19:43
Yeah. So then, yeah, cuz they printed literally a third of total US currency in the last year. Like they’re just a lot of people don’t realize that like, you know, we literally keep all of money that’s circulating. We just did. We increased it by 33%. Like just printed more, that’s like that’s a lot like, oh, god here just made more paper. Yes raw? Yeah, there’s no gold behind it just let’s just make more paper. It’s like that’s gonna pay us like that’s gonna catch up at some point. Well, one thing

that’s good is that, you know, the stock market. It’s always kept up with inflation. And we know, you know, we could hit a hyperinflationary or anything like that, but usually the stock market will keep up with it. Which is good.

Sam Taggart 20:28
Yeah. So that I mean, that that is in our favor.

Jake Coleman 20:32
I think it’s the only thing that that I think it’s the only thing that keeps up with inflation. I’m krypto. My, you know, with historischen hyperinflation, people moved to crypto like crazy.

Sam Taggart 20:42
I’m curious to see where this goes. Okay, so net laska. Like other diversification, I’m assuming you have some real estate or do other things are you just kind of like, Hey, I’m so good at this, why not? Why learn all sorts of other stuff?

Jake Coleman 20:56
Well, I, I, I’m starting to buy up some property, but it’s mainly for like, like, I’m looking for mineral rights. Okay, stuff like that. But mainly, I live a very simple life. If you saw my lifestyle, you’d be like, I live in Hawaii. You know, I walked to where my favorite surf spots are. You know, everything is just I try to keep a very, very simple life mainly because I’m, I’m very, I’m moved to Hawaii to some pretty high strung individual, just by nature.

Sam Taggart 21:32
A lot of us don’t or guys are.

Jake Coleman 21:34
So I Hawaii calms me down. It slows me down just keeps me in a kind of a good state. So I try to keep my life as simple as possible. As far as that goes,

Sam Taggart 21:46
I love it. I’m kind of in a mode like that right now. I’m like, I’m just going to simplify. I’m like, meaning everything slowing down. I quit on a like a long hike yesterday just to get outside the world. I’m like, I just need to move into a bungalow, low, low liabilities, low maintenance, low maintenance, right? That’s where I’m at. Right? Yeah, I might be out there with you in Spence, my brother, like how I know Jake is for my brother and he moved out to Hawaii and he wears flip flops and doesn’t have any agenda. No timelines. Oh, I’ll be there in an hour. Well, I’ll make it three. Okay, dude, you’re supposed to be an hour. Yeah, that’s, that’s why we show up when we show up. Like, so funny. Anyway, so any other like value add or advice you’d give as far as like, working with doing stuff for their money? The guys that make good money and how that can tee them up for life? Like you know, it’s like I think door door is life changing. But then it’s like, what’s really life changing is being smart with your money that you make from door to door so that you’re not a broke athlete six years after they graduate from the NBA and they’re like, now what do I do? You know? Like for me, I’m like, you make such good money now. Do something with it.

Jake Coleman 22:53
I think the biggest thing is you’re right and I think with door to door A lot of times people get complacent and lazy I’ve seen it a lot with the good salesman they’re just kind of like well I’m gonna just kick it or you know we I traveled a lot but yes this is a the the trading is a piece that can change everything you know, it basically will move you to the next level

Sam Taggart 23:19
does guys well you guys heard it firsthand. I mean if they wanted to get in touch with you and interested in your training system or how that works like how do they reach out or you can just go to Jay Coleman trading comm Drake j Coleman trading calm

Jake Coleman 23:33
and just take a look and then you can also join my facebook group but yeah, you can you can get all that information on website

Sam Taggart 23:44
any other like podcast books that you’d recommend that’s just out there on it on day trading or stocks like favorite person that you listen to or podcast Your life is free it’s out there

I’m more listen to people like like hear the reading the Ray Dalio is just different things on production. But for me, it was kind of this is kind of my music is trading and I created my own stuff. So it made you Yeah, it’s there. My algorithms don’t find him anywhere else.

Sam Taggart 24:18
What what’s like the the wolf in sheep’s clothing, kind of stuff out there to watch out for because I feel like everybody in their dog can say I’m a guru and I’ll help you. Right. Is there any, like stay away from all this?

Jake Coleman 24:32
I think the thing is, is a lot of times, you know, you get there are good day traders out there, but it doesn’t translate to them. Yeah. Because they really don’t have a system they’re using. They’re using stuff that already exists. that’s out there. You know, I want to name any names but but there’s there’s several out there and if you got into their their programs and stuff there it’s they’re teaching you stuff that already exists and ag out rhythms are not even algorithms like Fibonacci retracement if you know what that is and Elliott Wave they teach you these different things that work sometimes. But not most of the time, right? Where my system you know, there’s like i said i’ve dissected all that the mathematics behind most of these products that people are using and you know I created my own so it’s it’s, it’s way different. There’s a lot of stuff out there I will say. But even then, it’s like the psychology it’s training yourself. I think a lot of people don’t realize how much psychology goes into trade trading even with a great system.

Sam Taggart 25:44
Yeah, I love that. Well, thanks so much for being on the show. Jake. This is this is awesome guys. Like I said, I’m trying to bring in different angles. Obviously each podcast is a different episode. So we appreciate when you guys share, subscribe, and comment. Let us like leave us a review. What what are you guys looking for more of? What are you guys dealing with out there in the streets? And how do we get bring you guys the best content out there and door to door. So thank you guys so much for listening. Thanks so much for being on the show. Jake. This was This is awesome. See you guys.

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Ad2con6: the emblem for the sixth edition of an advanced design and development conference, featuring a sleek, modern logo in purple and magenta hues.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

Ultimate Business Experience and Training

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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D2experts: your trusted resource for precision guidance and expert advice.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Abr: always be recruiting - the proactive motto for relentless talent acquisition.

Always Be Recruiting

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A stylized icon of a house with a line through it, set against a dark red background, with the words "sales planner" written above. it appears to be a graphic related to planning or management in the context of real estate or housing sales.

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Logo of d2d bootcamp featuring bold, uppercase letters with a military-inspired design, symbolizing a training program aimed at discipline and skill development.

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Colorful logo of "analytics fit" featuring a stylized chart design with a pink peak, orange ascending line, and purple descending arrow, indicating data analysis or business performance metrics, with the word "fit" in bold, dark lettering.

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