Connor Free – How to Overcome a Slump

24 Min Read

Last Updated: March 23, 2021

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Sam Taggart 00:20
Hi everybody. This is Sam Taggart with the D2D podcast and we’re here with Connor Free. I mean, are you not even wearing the Nike freeze? That’s it. So if you’re listening to this before, before we dive into the podcast, I’m gonna put a little shameless plug here. One, we got the D2D Tour coming up. So if you I’m here in Orlando, and this is one of the stops. So he actually runs out of Orlando. So he’s coming and a lot of other cool people, how many people you guys are gonna bring, like 4050 people at least it’s like, we have a good showing here in Orlando. And we fly out to Dallas tonight. I know we got a lot of people in Dallas. But we’re going to 10 locations from May to June. Go to DDD. to go check that out. But today we’re here interviewing Connor freeze. So he is literally one of the solar underdog legends that I just come across. I’m out here consulting in Florida to Atlanta key energy. And you know, it was amazing. It was fun. We had a good day. It was it was awesome. So I’m out here and it’s like, we’re talking about golden doors. I was like you do 100 accounts, you do a golden door this year, it’s actually going up to 130 we’re making it harder. But this guy would have earned a triple golden door last year over 300 sales which is which is unbelievable. So that I mean 300 alarms would be tough, let alone 300 solar deals. Yeah, I didn’t even I didn’t even know not plugged in on that side. So that’s, you know, congrats. Congrats. That’s like a big deal. So let’s kind of talk about your background. I graduated started in Georgia, you’re not like the typical Utah little kid. Like, you know, you’re Louisiana. Yeah. How’d you how’d you get into this? Man,

Connor Free 02:01
Uh, you know, some, one of my guys I went to school with, worked at Vivint for a while, you know, he was connected with Judd and a couple different people that you’re, you know, you’re familiar with. And he was like, Man, you got to come try this. I was in sales before, just not in the door to door industry. And I came, I saw that, you know, it’s really whatever I make it. And it’s however hard I work. And I love competing. So I love going against anyone, you know, for anything. And so pretty much I went kind of got my face kicked in for a little bit, you know, like had to, you know, have that learning curve. And once I kind of started getting it, you know, I just, I was like I couldn’t I couldn’t stop. You know, it was kind of addicting. It is addictive is literally a sales crack. Yeah. And you know, I was knocking doors. I mean, it’s so funny. Like, you know, you have that story. I wasn’t literally full time. But there was occasions where I’d go out and I’m knocking when I’m like seven years old, I Hey, can I wash your car? You know, and then 19 years old, I started a grass cutting company. If I had no jobs that day, I was like, Alright, we’re gonna go out, we’re gonna find some yards to cut like, Hey, can I see you you know your lawns pretty, pretty high. Would you mind if I cut it for you? And once they once I learned that every no was just one person closer to my Yes, then that was it, you know? And so I’ve been I’ve been going ham ever since.

Sam Taggart 03:22
So where does that come from? You know, obviously, you’ve trained and manage, you know, you’re in management now. And where does the whole young hustler? Is that like something people are born with? Is that something your dad inspired? Is that something your friends we’re all doing are like, where does that I you know, because I obviously can relate? So like, right? I want to know, you know, is it salespeople? Are they born? Are they created? Are they formed through environment? What’s your opinion?

Connor Free 03:48
I think it’s a mixture of both man, you know, I really do. I think it’s a mixture of both. You got to be born with some talent. But there’s also a lot of talent that can be created through learning through, you know, being coachable. Seeing people that you look up to and like really just getting their advice on things they’ve already you know, you know, trials and tribulations they’ve already went through and overcame, and then just not making those same mistakes. Because, man, I’ve made several mistakes, you know, my life. And, you know, with this is something that you can control. It’s like almost controlling the uncontrollable because like, I like that. I mean, you can’t you can’t, you know, you’re never gonna get every Yes, right. But I’m just trying to get those maybes and make them Yes, because really no is not a no forever. A No, it’s just a no for right now. Because you haven’t provided enough value to make them say yes. Yeah, I mean, so the, and really, you know, once I kind of broke it down, my dad actually used to be in sales. And he was he was pretty, he was talking about the nation. So there was an inspiration of assuming from family. We all compensate. It’s like, it wasn’t door to door, but it was car sales in the early 2000s. Which was really good at the time. And yeah, he was like top five in the nation. For For him, he has a twin brother. And they both were like just really, really, you know, killer instincts.

Sam Taggart 05:05
So So when he heard you going into door to door sales, what was his response? Was He’s like, Oh, that’s beneath the car sales? Or is that like, do they do that? Or like, why are you doing cars? Man, that’s where the money’s at, like, like, what was his response when you got to know, you know, cool thing is like,

Connor Free 05:19
he’s actually super supportive. He knows how the car game has kind of shifted a little bit, you know, less profit margins and less. You know, he knew there was more upside in door to door. So he was actually fully supportive. He was like, you know, whenever you go out, he was kind of like, really teaching me just to make sure that I kept a consistent mindset, you know, not getting too low, not getting too high. Just take every day, you know, make each door win because Funny thing is, he used to run classes, because they used to do cold calls. Yeah, indoor, which is similar to you know, door knocking your, your cold knocking. And he said that I can break it down to tell you how many cents per number that you press on the phone, how much you make, right? And so once I kind of had that mindset of like, Okay, well, let me break this down into doors. That’s really what I teach my God. It’s like, if I told you there was $16 on every door, how many doors would you put your knuckles on? Yeah, all day long. They’re gonna go, you know, so it’s not a time thing. You know, it’s funny, you said the other day in the, in the leadership training, you were talking about, you know, break it down to what you’re worth an hour, a minute. And so, it’s very similar to that. I just converted that into doors. And so have you kind of figured that out now. Like, you know, uh, you know, if you mind sharing, I don’t know, it’s, you know, it just, yeah, it varies off. So I looked at it, there’s times, I mean, so if I’m self ginning, you know, I’m making around 350 an hour, which is like, you know, pretty good. And that’s for 24 hour, like time periods now. So meaning, like, even when I’m sleeping, I’m getting paid. Here’s Great. So what about, like, a workday, like eight hours, like, you know, I gotta, I gotta dig more into that, because I always try to teach, like I said, always trying to, like, teach the guys not to really look at the time. It’s like, just hit your goals. Yeah. So if you set you know, if you’re gonna do 80, I don’t care if you do 80, you know? And you’re done by six, right? It’s like, Okay, well, now it’s up to you Do you want to keep going, but at least you’ve done what you said, you’re going to do, you know, push yourself a little further. But at the same time, if you’re just kind of going around pretty slow, and not, you know, you don’t have intent to actually turn those doors into appointments, then you had you need to go till eight or nine, you know, doesn’t matter. So let’s start. What is your typical schedule look like? Is it is it pretty the same all the time? Or is it like, well, it fluctuates. So and now I’m actually gonna be doing those Sprint’s that you talked about, just to kind of let people you know, remind them what’s going on. Like in your prime, like, when you’re just yeah, so I wake up, I wake up at 630 I always kind of pray and meditate for a few minutes in the morning, really just kind of get my you know, honestly, I thank God for where I’m at. And for things that’s happened in my life, and really just for the position that I’m in, right, because I never want to get up, I don’t ever want to be above that, right, I want to be always reminded of where I come from, and stuff like that, to kind of just get my mind focused, you know, obviously, I shower and, and I get dressed and stuff. And so by 730 I usually I’ll have a book that I read and so it’s like different ones at different times. At that time, I start looking to see which appointments I have to confirm, obviously, I start confirming them, I see because that’s, that’s the variable, right? Because like, I never know if I have five appointments that day, or if it’s just one. So I’ll kind of give you both. Obviously, if it is five, then it’s two hour blocks. So I’m given two hour blocks, give myself time to travel to the next appointment. You know, I usually try to always get Doc’s done, go to the next one. And, you know, at the end of night, I’ll actually get with my guys we’ll either do like a team dinner, you know, we’ll hang out I’m always support, you know, supporting them we have a group text so every time I close a deal, it’s you know, boom. Good job, you know, got this one for you all about you. Right? It’s like literally man, great lead like you did that like you know, I mean, you probably could have closed it you know, a couple more you know, a couple more months you’ll be right there. really taken it away like from me, you know, I mean, there’s something huge to be

Sam Taggart 09:21
said with that. So like if you’re listening check this out. I never sold for me, I sold for my technician I sold for my senator. Yeah, because if you if you take the glory of like, Hey, I’m making so much money on this versus like, this kid needs it like Yeah, he’s over you’re scraping by he’s trying to you know, trying to pay rent and if I don’t close this, like he’s not gonna paycheck like his whole dependency is on me going out and closing his said, and I just remember those feelings of like, it’s not about me selling this for my commission. It’s for his commission. It’s really not. And I found like, so many people say start with why Talk about your why your what whatever. Yeah, but I’m always like, what if you said start with who? like who is this deal for? Right? Like, who am I motivated for? Is it for my wife? Is it for my kid? Is it for my mom? Like, here’s one like, I’m approved to my dad? Like, did you ever have that where you’re like, huh? Like absolutely my who was my dad to say I am worthy of your respect? Like I will sell like did that ever come up? Because on top top dude in Florida, I’m sure there’s

Connor Free 10:29
an element of like, Oh, yeah, he’s still think, you know, he actually was like talking about what and he’s like, I’ll come over there and competition, you know, says is a friendly competition. But you know, talking about how he would come over here and you could do just as many you know, and maybe so I actually, you know, I believe that he could probably this

Sam Taggart 10:45
is a call out to Connors dad, if you’re watching the same very temporary call out. This is throwdown coming at you April 2021. A call out I’d love to a he already knows. You Thomas passed. I still love Yeah, you were as been sorry, Tim. I don’t I don’t think he’s still got it. But like, but for like, when you started getting in sales? Was he an element of I need to like be good, because I’m like, good, son.

Connor Free 11:19
Yeah, I think it was, honestly, it was a lot, you know, because he’s had some ups and downs as well in life, no sales always, like, you know, it actually brings a lot of trials like that come just along with it from doing, you know, sales, I think in life in good and bad and, and it’s all about how you handle him. And so he just handled a lot of things really well. And that being said, when I got into it, yeah, it was definitely a level of you know, it was there, you know, like, okay, I want to I want to be just as good as he was literally when I say the man, you know, he was he was doing pretty good. You know, you know, we have like sweet tickets for like, the NFL saints, you know, so like, we’d be in the sweet like, year tickets. Almost like with you, yes, we had stuff like that, like that for you know, would give him because he represented like Louisiana and stuff. And, and, you know, it’s actually funny, because so my mom and dad, you know, they were divorced when I was a young age. And so I actually live in New Orleans. And he lived about three hours north and Alexandria. And that, you know, so like, Here I am just with my mom, not the most not doing the greatest as far as money wise. And we’re getting sweet tickets to, you know, Thanksgiving. So it was pretty cool as always seeing him like have different things. And, you know, it was like, Okay, I’m gonna go out and get the same thing. You know, I mean, and to be able to help other people, so the who was more, so it’s like, for my grandmother for my dad. So several people, you know, it wasn’t just one, it was like, I’m going to be able to literally make their life more comfortable. I love that. I mean, so and I think once it was like that, and once I saw it as possible. Once I started getting some, I started actually seeing it, you know, I knew what was available and what was there? But once I tasted it, that was it, you know? Yeah.

Sam Taggart 13:04
So let’s walk through that. Because let’s say I’m an aspiring Connor, I’m aspiring to do 300? Or what are some of the best trainings, you’ve kind of seen help you books, you know, maybe things that helped you click like, what what, you know, obviously didn’t start out great. So there’s a lot of people that are in that still that mode, they’re three months in, and they’re just like, this sucks.

Connor Free 13:28
I would have to say, you know, it’s, it’s, you have to take time, outside of work. Like truly, after the doors. After you got your face kicked in, you have to make sure that you literally go, I would go and I would just write, you know, any notes that I had from that, that meeting the day before, from that day, up to the time I wasn’t running meetings or anything like that I was a part of it attending, you know, watching it, and I would just get one on ones. And instead of me having to always go for one on ones. I just did it one time. And I’d write everything down. And then it would be on my it’d be on me to be like, Okay, how do I make this happen? For me, you know, how do I make this click the absolute most, and that was just a lot of leadership books. You know, the dichotomy of leadership is pretty good. 13 rings, you know, Phil Jackson, I read that one. Yeah, that’s pretty good. And so, really good. And just, honestly, just staying humble. Like, even when I did, I’d walk into the meeting and I did 14 right and a week 16 I’d never sat in the front, I would still be a part of the group. So I never got a like I said above, you know, where I was that or anyone else. And really just always like, trying to serve and like, I’m going to be the winning horse. For you know, for you guys like with you guys. I’ll represent y’all like we’re gonna make our office the best. You know, I mean, that wasn’t one of the office. Yeah, no horizon. My dad yet. And so that was really my mindset. And that’s what got me into a position. I think I was one of the first people that actually acquired like, an entire team. I mean, didn’t recruit anyone, but just really cared about him a lot. It’s really just about caring and serving others. If you put other people first, there’s no way you fail. But I will say in the first three months, don’t give up. Do not give up.

Sam Taggart 15:28
Yeah, cuz it’s hard because paychecks are sparse. You know, there’s an element of like discouragement, because you’re still trying to figure it out. And I think, like you said, is putting times off the doors. I

Connor Free 15:38
think a lot of people don’t realize the amount of hours that these top performers put into the reading and the study in my head DTD University. I’m not kidding, if you are not watching that you are doing yourself a disservice. Like I’m, I’m dead serious, because I had nothing like that. Yeah, I didn’t have anything like that, you know, and, but I also will say this, you know, as, as many, you know, so, for 19 straight months, I never did not receive a paycheck. I mean, even if it was like 200 bucks, even if it was small, but I’ll say the first six months, I was still living paycheck to paycheck. Like, it wasn’t. It wasn’t anything, you know, huge, you know, I mean, it was like, okay, because it was set or pay, you know, and so, meaning if it took me six months, and I seen what I’ve, you know, capable of this was a few years ago. It’s like, dude, just keep going. Because it’s coming. I mean, I mean, yeah,

Sam Taggart 16:28
cuz it gets it’s hard. I watch it with some, especially like the door, guys, it takes a little bit more time to pick up like, I’ve seen guys go three months with no paychecks. And then they’re like, but I’m still gonna figure this out. And half of you is like, maybe you should get something else. And then the other half he was like, come on, man. Figure it out. Like you got this.

Connor Free 16:48
And you don’t want to you don’t want to be the one. Yeah, I get they’re still showing up. It’s like there’s something there that can…

Sam Taggart 16:53
there’s a reason you’re still there. Like, and and…

Connor Free 16:56
It is usually the culture and the guys and people.

Sam Taggart 16:58
But that’s what carries people on like the family, the culture, the element of like, the people there should motivate you the who. But hopefully, that carries you past the hump. And just saying, hey, you’ll it’ll click like, and if you’re listening to this, like, it might take you six months, three months, eight months for it to finally be like, Oh my gosh, and there was a story. I don’t know if it was just or somebody was like telling me literally, like, two days ago, and they were like this rep we were trying to get to quit like we were literally like, Oh, I know what it was. There’s a pest control guy. And this Pest Control guy did like 20 accounts in a summer. I mean, Pest Control accounts is no good is like 200 300 great is 1000 heated 20 anyway, so yeah, he was literally like, I don’t know if this guy like he made negative money in the summer he lost money cost me money costs gas and time. Yeah. So he’s like, hey, I want to come back. And the manager was like you what you want to come back. So he sent him on a preseason trip to sell garbage actually an offseason of garbage garbage services. And literally, the the garbage sale is like super easy. Like I’m talking like, it’s 50 bucks or 20 bucks. And I’m like, that’s just quick. You’re selling 15 a day. And I guess it something clicked when he got the confidence when you’re selling such a quick easy sale. And I think maybe you got that selling lawns or selling whatever I should true. But like, I was like, Oh my gosh, like like when he said this to me like being able to go paint curbs. So this is what I’d recommend. And this is like a new aha moment flow here. I had this like three days ago, it was by him being able to go to the trash to see the quick yeses. Like he’s like, Oh my gosh, that everybody’s a dick. Not everybody saying no, it’s like, well, yeah, when you’re trying to sell a much higher ticket or you’re you know, you’re you’re selling something that’s maybe a little more saturated. So I I would he goes on does this it’s like or it goes go pin addresses on the curbs or go sell lawn services on a Saturday, right? And just see yourself get like some wins. Yeah, he came back the next year and did like 180 accounts. And I was like, Oh my gosh, like this kid that they were like, yeah, it wasn’t all there. It’s like, we all were like yeah, there’s no way I don’t even know why it’s coming out in the summer. And does 180 show you makes like 30 grand and the next summer and it was like oh, okay, okay, click in it took like something that for it to click and I think that if you’re if you’re watching or listening to this, like hopefully, you can do it seeing you can do it like go sell freakin candy bars, or like, I don’t know, just get some wins under your belt. You know,

Connor Free 19:32
It’s funny because it all ties in, you know, I don’t know, we used to when I was really young. We these have sheets for Christ. Like where you get the pennies on? Have you ever heard of that guy? And so it’s like, in cuz you said candy bars kinda reminded me like, or the candy bars or having to get you know, just anything. You know what I mean? Yeah. I think it’s just about putting into a prize. You have to decide and just really being like, Okay, I’m gonna go, you know, put myself out there to this person. And once you see that, it’s not That bad at whatever it is, like you said he was getting these yeses, you know, people were telling him Yes. It like something clicked. I can totally see how that happened. Because Yeah, you know, I mean it’s like that’s really all it takes you’re doing the same exact thing. Don’t overcomplicate things, I think that’s a really good, you know, whenever you’re on the doors and stuff don’t make it seem like it’s $50,000. Yeah, or it’s x amount of money. You know, it’s just $15 trash service.

Sam Taggart 20:22
Yep. We’ll get it. Yeah. And if you look at solar to be the same thing is that, like, we’re, I mean, we because it is you’re knocking doors to save 10 bucks a month less. And where some people look at solar cells, as I’m knocking doors to sell 50,000 our product? I’m like, No, no, no, you’re literally knocking doors to get negative money like, Hey, can I give you $10 every month like this should not be a complicated thing. And so many people overcomplicate it, it’s like wait loans, and this and tax credits and my food. Let’s say you walked around, and you’re like, Here’s $10, every month, it’s a subscription. Do you want to get it? Oh, wait, it’s a subscription that I sign up for to give you money. And like, if you if you look at it as like, coupon books, it’s like, here, I’m giving the coupon books of energy. It’s literally

Connor Free 21:06
That easy. I tell my God, it’s like you are not selling solar, you’re literally selling you better off. Yeah, that’s really all you’re doing. It’s like, because whether they’re good or not, they’re gonna keep paying. Yeah. Why? Why in the world would someone continue to give their money to the power company every month for the rest of their life, when they can use the same exact money, keep some of their pocket and put the rest towards their panels. Love that. And then that’s it, you know?

Sam Taggart 21:27
Alright, so now what happens when you’ve dealt with like a slump? Like if you ever had weeks, where you’re just like, Oh, my gosh, I want to kill myself. This is not a happy moment.

Connor Free 21:36
Oh, yeah. I mean, you know, everyone has those moments. And those times, Reno really is like, so one thing that I really do is I write down so like, some of my really good days, like, I’ve done five in a day, you know, four separate times. So on those days, I’ll write down Okay, exactly what I did, exactly how it made me feel. You know, what was I trying to, you know, chase after, after I’ve done that, like, what, what am I feeling now, because Didn’t you feel like you can take on the world. So you write that down, and anchor in that emotion and story. Absolutely. And then so whenever it’s like, you go through that slump, you just pull it out, and you’re like, this is what I’ve done. And this is what I was chasing, and I’m in the slump chasing, let me just get one or something like that. It’s like, I just wrote right here that I’m chasing seven in a day, you know, whenever that was, you know, and here you are, like, whatever slump you’re in, it’s like, Okay, well, you can do it, right, you just got to, you’ve got to change. Like, we just got to get that that same exact mentality back, because it could be family problems. It can be financial, or it could be any, any type of problems that you have, whatsoever, you know, friends, now, you could be feeling alone, because sometimes, you know, in the sales world, sometimes you shouldn’t, because you should have a really good culture being surrounded by people, but even then, sometimes you still can feel, you know, like, Man, I’m out there, doing this by myself every day. And that’s like, lonely.

Sam Taggart 22:57
Yes. It’s like a little teeny company when it was like three reps. And it’s like, Alright, Tom and john are also in slumps. Let’s all swim together. Yeah. Yeah. That’s so true. You know, so so. So this is, this is interesting. I liked what you said, where you’re like, anchor in, because I believe, whether people write it down, document it or not, I think people actually incur in more the slump more often than they even consciously recognize as socialists. So think about like, the story people tell themselves and say, I’m writing this new story of I suck. Which is so bad, because it’s programming your neural pathways in your head of like, Hey, I’m always going to be this versus like, No, no, this was a bad couple days. Remember me over here, right? And like, conscious, bring awareness to the consciousness of like, I am a great person, etc. And I love how you’re like, it’s a visual memory. It’s a visualization of like, this was me. Yeah. And say that identity I cemented and I choose not to let this new identity serve me, which is the slump. So true. I love that though. That’s

Connor Free 24:06
Really good. Because that’s exactly what you have to do. You have to hold on to those good things. And like you said, you know, and anchor it inside of you and really relive that, you know, what I mean, and make it happen again, you know, I mean, that’s, that’s what it is, you know, I always tell I tell my guys sometimes, like, you know, if you’re going to get into a rut, you know, let’s just be more aware, like you said, of seeing when it’s coming, right. Let’s say it’s one day, it follows into two days. Now, three days, like, okay, okay, I see it, I see this, this rut coming. Yeah, let’s make adjustments right, then. You know what I mean? Let’s make it a pothole rather than a rut. You know, just a little bump in the road. That’s all it is, you know, and let’s just literally or swerve away from it. If we’re aware of how we live and aware of like, patterns that we have had before. You know what I mean, as far as how we live, then you can you can literally change that you can alter that course. I mean, that’s so good. Yeah. That’s so good. You really can’t. And I, I try to tell my guys that all the time because it’s always it’s, it’s usually someone with the most potential that gets in ruts a lot. But you know, because because like, how do you get in a rut, you have to be, you know, you have to have high points to be able to get into that rut. And so it’s usually people with so much potential. And if they would just realize that I can live at this, you know, potential right here, rather than letting myself go down there, because it’s something you allow yourself to do. Yeah. And you can train on how not to do that. 100%. Yeah. So that’s kind of like, that’s my take on that. You

Sam Taggart 25:34
know what I mean? So let’s, let’s kind of shift gears into closing. Yeah, so we’re obviously going to be filming a course on closing and deja vu, which is kind of cool that you’re like, we have data to use a company now. And I’m going to be in that. So then all your guys are gonna be like, wait, that’s cool. But, um, what I was gonna say was tips on closing. So like, you know, before we get into the nuts and bolts later on, I’m just curious, like, do you have any just, you know, obviously, you’ve closed a lot of deals, like teeing it up the right way. And he just taps

Connor Free 26:08
Oh, I mean, honestly, no, don’t make the situation bigger than what it is, you know what I mean? Because you’re literally there to help them. And so one of my main focuses, whenever I’m in the deal, is like, okay, I want to make sure that I have every single question answered that you can possibly think of before it even comes up. And there’s not one question that you can think of. So my mindset, if you have one question at the end, that I didn’t cover that I didn’t go over. I know what if I did not sign that deal? Because if you can think of one question that customers thinking, What am I not thinking about right now? I need 24 hours? Give me 24 to 48 hours to wait, come back tomorrow? Come back in two days. Yeah. And that is, you know, never happened. That’s 5%, you know, close ratio at that time. So it’s like, if I can get they have no questions, or anything. Okay. If I can’t even think of a single question. There’s no, you know, I have no reason not to do this. You know what I mean? That’s like, that’s truly kind of how I approach my closes. So you make sure each questions being answered through your presentation before ever does. It ever comes up? Yep. And then how do you check that? Like, is there a checkpoint where you’re like, it’s, it’s almost like, ingrained? It’s, I know, it’s, it’s every question that you can think of? And I bet they would have thought, what if I move? Yep. What if? The move? Yes, home insurance? Is anything every single question. I mean, everyone’s

Sam Taggart 27:35
Probably gonna think like, what if I move? And the beauty is this is, and then they’re just like, you’re thinking this. So I love that, Okay, any other like, pro tip that you’re just like, hey, to be the best closer, you got to have this mindset, or you got to approach it like this? And then we’ll get into the closing in this. But I’m just curious. I mean, you have to honestly, think that there’s no one that you cannot close. You know, I mean, there’s not a single person in this world that if you sat down in front of you cannot get them to sign docs today.

Connor Free 27:35
You know what I mean? If you have that mindset, man, so tell you that one time that one, so this guy walked in the house. Man, he was nice guy before he ever even said hello. Didn’t say hello. And first words were to me, man, you can leave a bag of money on this table. I’m signing nothing today. And I was like, okay, hey, absolutely, man. Let me just show you what I got. Right? We’ll just go from there. And you know, of course, sign docs, panels on the roof today. You know, I mean, which is awesome feeling having someone be like, Hey, we do not make decisions the same day. So that’s what you’re thinking you can leave now. Because a lot of closers, or a lot of sales reps would just be like, Oh, man, like, well, I guess I’ll just kind of give you the folder and say good luck. And I’ll come back and hopefully close you one day. Yep, do every single deal. I don’t care if they’ve sat down with someone before, because that someone may not have been anything close to you on the way they present things. You still go through every motion, like you would want to lay down, right, you know, saying I do the same clothes, I don’t care if it’s a one legger obviously, you know, you’ll have some variables in there and stuff like that. But it doesn’t matter to me, because I’m fighting for someone else’s money. Right, etc. And so I’m going to do every single one when they sat down with three companies before, and there’s ways you can do it to let this person know like, hey, just so that we’re on the same page. I’m sure you already know everything I’m about to tell you. You know, just in case there’s any don’t

Sam Taggart 29:34
assume and don’t skip steps. Yes. That is the biggest killers. Don’t assume and don’t skip step that

Connor Free 29:39
is very, very true. Like you summarize that part of it. Because that’s so many people do that. They’ll think, Okay, this person is a lay down and they skip a step or two, or like midway through the presentation. They’re like, man, I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t do this. Still finish it. Yeah, I mean, like, you’re still going for the kill, but you want to make sure that because that’s how you save from cancels Right. Exactly.

Sam Taggart 29:59
Yeah. Because we’re Like, I already know, I want solar, just show me the numbers. You’re just like, Oh, okay. I want to think about it. You’re like, wait, you just talked about Oh, now you’re back? No,

Connor Free 30:08
yeah. You have to, you have to always provide that value to them and show them why it’s beneficial for them to get it. It’s really empathy, over sympathy, you know, and that’s the biggest thing that I always try to approach to. It’s like, if I were selling to my grandmother, how would I talk to you right now? Yeah. And that’s how I talk to every customer. Right? You know what I mean? Like, with that mindset, I’m like, this is literally helping. Cool, why would you? You know, that’s, I’m excited to dive into the details here. I’ll say this. I honestly think and this is it, you know? Well, I would, I would, you know, I think I think this close, anyone can do it. It is so simplified. And I’ve actually helped a lot of my people, you know, with a gay, you know, even with nothing in return, like, hey, I want to make sure like, dude, try this out. there’s anything you can take away from it.

Sam Taggart 30:54
What’s cool is it’s helping out by sharing all this. It’s just helping more people go solar, which is really the mission is to say, why don’t we push the needle on renewable energy? Yep. Why don’t we say, hey, if we have a bunch of crappy sales reps out there, the problem is, is people that should be going solar aren’t going solar, because you left it up? Like

Connor Free 31:11
I literally tell I say, the only enemy of soldiers, the people who don’t do it the right way. Yeah. You know, people who don’t care about the customers are like that. That’s the only people because then that you get horror stories out there. You get, you know, every single thing that you can think of, yeah, negatively. Okay,

Sam Taggart 31:27
well, I’m excited. This has been good. I’m excited to dive in. So if you’re listening to this, and you got some value, my invitation would be follow Connor free. Go check him out. And also guys share this more people need to be better at this job. We know that door door is not easy. Oh, we know that. You know, there’s days where you’re driving out to area and you’ve got anxiety. We know there’s days where you’re in slumps. And then there’s days where you’re zone five in a day, and you’re making hella money, like, the goal of this podcast is to help impact 1000s if not millions of people. Thank you so much for being on the show, man, this, this has been amazing and super excited to continue.

Connor Free 32:06
And so by the way, if we’re if we’re saying that man look, so if you’re a company out there listening, and this was not told for me to say anything like that, man, I just went through this leadership, this training, you know, that he brought to our company. And man, I can only say it is so beneficial. And it’s only been two days. So I can only imagine, you know what’s going to follow 678 months from now using the things that we learn things that you’ve already put in systems put in place, you know exactly how to get the message out the right way. This way you can eggs you know, break it down, you can see what you’re missing. And if there’s something that you don’t think is you know, for you don’t use it, but I guarantee you there’s several things in the overall message that you will absolutely love. Gotta check them out. Thanks, Connor. You make me blush. Alright, it’s true though. We’ll see you guys keep it up.

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