Success Hacks To Be Really Good

7 Min Read

Last Updated: June 5, 2022

Be A Man Of Your Word

So, the success hacks to being really good. The number one is, if you had practice at 8:00, what time did you show up? 7:30, 7:37, 7:50, early, right? You’re not going to be like, oh, it’s 8:00, let’s leave the house. How many of you guys were on time to this meeting today? Raise your hand. I was early. You were early. You were early. Raise your hand. If you were late, raise your hand. Hi. Own it. You were late. Nobody else was late. You were late, own it. What’s your name? It is Andrew. Andrew. Cool. I’m not even going to ask why you were late. Your tire was flat and you had homework and your dog was out. No excuses, just say you were late. Cool. I’m trying not to be late again. The fact that you raised your hand and said you were late, that’s great. The first one is be a man in your word, through your schedule.

Master Your Training Schedule

There are three things when it comes to schedule, okay. The first one is your training schedule. As simple as this is, you can’t rely solely on these sales meetings to become great. Notice how you did 10 hours of additional self practice that were outside of team practice? That is because you want to be great. So, there’s in-person training, which is your meetings. Be impeccable with your meetings, never miss a meeting. Can we all commit? That is, these meetings are like, if you don’t show up to practice, then you don’t play. It’s almost like this is where you guys become a team camaraderie. You create competitiveness within each other. You become great with meetings.

Then you have your in person or your self training. Okay? Everybody should have access to the door to door website, the D2D website and the training videos. Have you guys gotten logins to that? Raise your hand. If you do not. Because, by the end of the day, we will make sure that you do. We need your login. Have spent time and energy watching this? You get paid to be good at this job. All the answers are in the plays. All the plays are right there in the videos yet we don’t even spend time watching it. We’re just thinking through osmosis, by being here, we’re going to be great.

Train On Your Own

Does that make sense? I have a podcast, where I have over 220 episodes. I haven’t missed a week in over four years. And guess what? I’ve found the common trait amongst the best door-to-door people in the world is they spent time off the door studying on their own. I’ve given you the library. I’ve literally given you the keys to the castle. I film the best people and get them in there and say here are their plays. Go watch them. So, the problem is every time I ask that question, people are like, well, you know, I really should spend more time in there. And I’m like, you get paid to do this job. This is sport. You can be an amateur. You can be a pro for the pros. Guess what they’re doing? These things they’re IPEC with their meetings. They spend a minimum of 20 minutes a day. So, your homework is 20 minutes a day. And there’s a tracker in the university that Russ is gonna get a report every single week. It is going to say, who spent 20 minutes a day in this. He’s your coach. That’s your training platform say, did we, or did we not do it? How many hours of video are on the green roofing? I’m talking like a thousand.

Repetition In Your Training

I tried to watch all the videos before you guys. It would just keep getting more too. I just filmed two new roofing courses, literally this weekend in Orlando. They’ll get edited and added another week. You know what I mean? It’s just always getting more videos. It’s something that takes repetition. Repetition is one of the keys to successful training pose man deals. So not just, not just like, Hey, I watched those videos once I should now know everything in the thousand, like it’s great. I watched it. I looked at his tone. I rewatched it. I wrote it down. I practiced it. I rewatched it again. Then I got with homeboy and I was like, did I do it right?

So, I just did a podcast with the one of the top door knockers in the country, in Orlando, on Saturday. So, Saturday morning with this guy, he’s one of the best. And he is like 50 years old. He was in corporate sales. When he showed up to interview, he shows up to this team. He’s like, he’s a little young appointments. They’re going to suck, gets face kicked in for a week. He finally was like, maybe I should watch the videos. He starts watching the videos. It starts memorizing him. His pitch gets with his wife. He’s like, honey, make sure I do it exactly word for word. Make sure this is exactly what they do, because it’s money.  Copy and paste these videos. This worked for them. It’ll work for you if they could do it. He got his face kicked in for like a week. Then he was like, this is not fun. He watched the videos, memorized them. Then he goes and does it and boom, all of a sudden starts to see a cell boom. All of a sudden he sees another step. He’s like, I think I figured it out. Say and do and be just like the best guys. And I could be the best guy, right? This isn’t like a new recipe guys. You open up a recipe book. I wanna cook like a great person. Put the ingredients in just like how they did put it in the, just like how they did. And I’m a good cook, right? Yeah. It’s like, well, if we never read the recipe book, then we suck at cooking. I’m not good. You know what I mean?

Take Your Training Serious

And then the third one. So you got training, meeting self development and then in the field. So when, if Sean is gonna take you in the field to train with you, you better treat that time like gold. If you’re not there, notes, papers, cameras, whatever you need, you better be taking that time up for what it’s worth. I guarantee you, Sean’s not going to sit there and babysit you all day every day. He’s going to go put in his own deals. You’re going to be on your own at sometimes. Make sure to treat that time like gold. So, schedule is training with the meeting itself and then here’s the second one is the doors. You make sure that you are impeccable with your time on the doors. It is so easy because everybody thinks that they’re 10 99. They can work when they want. This isn’t Mary Kay guys, this isn’t a job you you do whenever, or on the side. You want to take this serious. This is a job. If you showed up to a job whenever you wanted, didn’t work an eight hour shift, like other Americans, what happens to your pay? You don’t get paid. You get fired. You have to treat this like your shift starts at nine and you get off work at six. Those are the hours when you work. Take this serious. But, guess what happens in door to door? You tell yourself, I don’t feel like going out today. Then you don’t go out. Ot you already got one sale today, so you stop. Or you tell yourself something like, I got a couple today, it’s five o’clock, let’s just call it today. I made enough money today. G what? We’re not babysitters. We’re not gonna sit here and be like, wait why did you dip out a couple hours early. Guess who that’s hurting? Is it hurting anybody else? Yourself? Nothing but yourself.  Guess what else? You  will start to become habitual at this. It becomes five everyday. Then four thirty, then four, then three. Then you start whittling down the time on the doors and I guarantee you, that’s the biggest killer to success,

Give Yourself Enough Time On The Doors

When you don’t spend enough time to give yourself momentum to give yourself enough looks. You won’t sell. That is a fact. You think going out an hour a day is going to be professional? No. It isn’t. Guess what the good guys do? Like, a nine to nine. The ballers, they’re going out for 12 hours, 10 hours on the doors. And they’re going hard. They’re hard on their horse. A hundred and fifty two hundred, three hundred doors a day. Some people are like, I’m at seven, good job. I go out and knock. I’m good. I go knock seven doors. Guess what’s going to happen to me? Seven doors say no. I know it’s a numbers game. I’m not like, where’s the magic turf. God help me out. Where are the homes that need it? Like, no, I didn’t get my face kicked in seven times. And then I was like, wow, I was expecting Sandy to say yes. You have to knock enough doors to be really good. It’s like, well you only gave me seven shots. Does that make sense? If Michael Jordan missed more than made? You know what I mean? If I don’t take enough shots, I’m not gonna score that much.

Get Organized In Your Training

So, it’s like, you have to be putting in the time, yourself, off the doors to be successful on the doors, which we talked about being about 20 minutes a day, showing up to meetings. Now, actually become a student. Have notes. My recommendation is not used in the back of a random piece of paper. Get yourself something like that. You’re like, Nope. For now that works. Right. Bring something that you can bring all the time to the meetings. Anytime there’s a training, you’re watching the videos. You’re like, this is my sales Bible. That’s my journal. Whether that’s physical, digital, whatever that looks like for you. That it’s always the same because like what most people end up doing is taking notes on that piece of paper. And then you’re like, where’s that big brand in your, okay, good. Like I, you know what I mean? Like for me, I’m like, I don’t want notes scattered all over the place. Just get organized with your training so that you can reference back and it becomes like your playbooks. Okay.

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